author haftmann
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 16:36:57 +0100
changeset 18702 7dc7dcd63224
parent 18517 788fa99aba33
child 18704 2c86ced392a8
permissions -rw-r--r--
substantial improvements in code generator
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     5 Serializer from intermediate language ("Thin-gol") to
     6 target languages (like ML or Haskell).
     7 *)
     9 signature CODEGEN_SERIALIZER =
    10 sig
    11   type 'a pretty_syntax;
    12   type serializer = 
    13       string list list
    14       -> (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
    15         * (string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax option)
    16       -> string
    17       -> string list option
    18       -> CodegenThingol.module
    19       -> unit -> Pretty.T * unit;
    20   val parse_syntax: (string -> 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> OuterParse.token list ->
    21     ('b -> 'a pretty_syntax * 'b) * OuterParse.token list;
    22   val parse_targetdef: (string -> string) -> string -> string;
    23   val serializers: {
    24     ml: string * (string * string * string -> serializer),
    25     haskell: string * (string -> serializer)
    26   }
    27 end;
    29 structure CodegenSerializer: CODEGEN_SERIALIZER =
    30 struct
    32 open CodegenThingolOp;
    33 infix 8 `%%;
    34 infixr 6 `->;
    35 infixr 6 `-->;
    36 infix 4 `$;
    37 infix 4 `$$;
    38 infixr 5 `|->;
    39 infixr 5 `|-->;
    41 (** generic serialization **)
    43 (* precedences *)
    45 datatype lrx = L | R | X;
    47 datatype fixity =
    48     BR
    49   | NOBR
    50   | INFX of (int * lrx);
    52 datatype 'a mixfix =
    53     Arg of fixity
    54   | Ignore
    55   | Pretty of Pretty.T
    56   | Quote of 'a;
    58 type 'a pretty_syntax = (int * int) * (fixity -> (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> 'a list -> Pretty.T);
    60 fun eval_lrx L L = false
    61   | eval_lrx R R = false
    62   | eval_lrx _ _ = true;
    64 fun eval_fxy BR _ = true
    65   | eval_fxy NOBR _ = false
    66   | eval_fxy (INFX (pr1, lr1)) (INFX (pr2, lr2)) =
    67       pr1 > pr2
    68       orelse pr1 = pr2
    69         andalso eval_lrx lr1 lr2
    70   | eval_fxy (INFX _) _ = false;
    72 val str = setmp print_mode [] Pretty.str;
    74 fun brackify _ [p] = p
    75   | brackify true (ps as _::_) = Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks ps)
    76   | brackify false (ps as _::_) = Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks ps);
    78 fun from_app mk_app from_expr const_syntax fxy (f, es) =
    79   let
    80     fun mk NONE es =
    81           brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) (mk_app f es)
    82       | mk (SOME ((i, k), pr)) es =
    83           let
    84             val (es1, es2) = splitAt (i, es);
    85           in
    86             brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) (pr fxy from_expr es1 :: map (from_expr BR) es2)
    87           end;
    88   in mk (const_syntax f) es end;
    90 fun fillin_mixfix fxy_this ms fxy pr args =
    91   let
    92     fun brackify true = Pretty.enclose "(" ")"
    93       | brackify false = Pretty.block;
    94     fun fillin [] [] =
    95          []
    96       | fillin (Arg fxy :: ms) (a :: args) =
    97           pr fxy a :: fillin ms args
    98       | fillin (Ignore :: ms) args =
    99           fillin ms args
   100       | fillin (Pretty p :: ms) args =
   101           p :: fillin ms args
   102       | fillin (Quote q :: ms) args =
   103           pr BR q :: fillin ms args;
   104   in brackify true (fillin ms args) (* (eval_fxy fxy_this fxy) *) end;
   107 (* user-defined syntax *)
   109 val (atomK, infixK, infixlK, infixrK) =
   110   ("atom", "infix", "infixl", "infixr");
   111 val _ = OuterSyntax.add_keywords ["atom", "infix", "infixl", "infixr"];
   113 fun parse_infix (fixity as INFX (i, x)) s =
   114   let
   115     val l = case x of L => fixity
   116                     | _ => INFX (i, X);
   117     val r = case x of R => fixity
   118                     | _ => INFX (i, X);
   119   in
   120     pair [Arg l, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, (Pretty o str) s, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, Arg r]
   121   end;
   123 fun parse_mixfix reader s ctxt =
   124   let
   125     fun sym s = Scan.lift ($$ s);
   126     fun lift_reader ctxt s =
   127       ctxt
   128       |> reader s
   129       |-> (fn x => pair (Quote x));
   130     val sym_any = Scan.lift ( Symbol.not_eof);
   131     val parse = Scan.repeat (
   132          (sym "_" -- sym "_" >> K (Arg NOBR))
   133       || (sym "_" >> K (Arg BR))
   134       || (sym "?" >> K Ignore)
   135       || (sym "/" |-- Scan.repeat (sym " ") >> (Pretty o Pretty.brk o length))
   136       || Scan.depend (fn ctxt => $$ "{" |-- $$ "*" |-- Scan.repeat1
   137            (   $$ "'" |-- Symbol.not_eof
   138             || Scan.unless ($$ "*" -- $$ "}") ( Symbol.not_eof)) --|
   139          $$ "*" --| $$ "}" >> (implode #> lift_reader ctxt #> swap))
   140       || (Scan.repeat1
   141            (   sym "'" |-- sym_any
   142             || Scan.unless (sym "_" || sym "?" || sym "/" || sym "{" |-- sym "*")
   143                  sym_any) >> (Pretty o str o implode)));
   144   in case Scan.finite' Symbol.stopper parse (ctxt, Symbol.explode s)
   145    of (p, (ctxt, [])) => (p, ctxt)
   146     | _ => error ("Malformed mixfix annotation: " ^ quote s)
   147   end;
   149 fun parse_syntax_proto reader = OuterParse.$$$ "(" |-- (
   150        OuterParse.$$$ infixK  |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, X)), INFX (i, X)))
   151     || OuterParse.$$$ infixlK |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, L)), INFX (i, L)))
   152     || OuterParse.$$$ infixrK |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, R)), INFX (i, R)))
   153     || OuterParse.$$$ atomK |-- pair (parse_mixfix reader, NOBR)
   154     || pair (parse_mixfix reader, BR)
   155   ) -- OuterParse.string --| OuterParse.$$$ ")" >> (fn ((p, fxy), s) => (p s, fxy));
   157 fun parse_syntax reader =
   158   let
   159     fun is_arg (Arg _) = true
   160       | is_arg Ignore = true
   161       | is_arg _ = false;
   162     fun mk fixity mfx =
   163       let
   164         val i = length (List.filter is_arg mfx)
   165       in ((i, i), fillin_mixfix fixity mfx) end;
   166   in
   167     parse_syntax_proto reader
   168     #-> (fn (mfx_reader, fixity) : ('Z -> 'Y mixfix list * 'Z) * fixity =>
   169       pair (mfx_reader #-> (fn mfx => pair (mk fixity mfx)))
   170     )
   171   end;
   173 fun newline_correct s =
   174   s
   175   |> Symbol.strip_blanks
   176   |> space_explode "\n"
   177   |> map (implode o (fn [] => []
   178                       | (" "::xs) => xs
   179                       | xs => xs) o explode)
   180   |> space_implode "\n";
   182 fun parse_named_quote resolv s =
   183   case Scan.finite Symbol.stopper (Scan.repeat (
   184          ($$ "`" |-- $$ "`")
   185       || ($$ "`" |-- Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless ($$ "`") ( Symbol.not_eof))
   186             --| $$ "`" >> (resolv o implode))
   187       || Scan.repeat1
   188            (Scan.unless ($$ "`") ( Symbol.not_eof)) >> implode
   189     ) >> implode) (Symbol.explode s)
   190    of (p, []) => p
   191     | (p, ss) => error ("Malformed definition: " ^ quote p ^ " - " ^ commas ss);
   193 fun parse_targetdef resolv = parse_named_quote resolv o newline_correct;
   196 (* abstract serializer *)
   198 type serializer = 
   199     string list list
   200     -> (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
   201       * (string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax option)
   202     -> string
   203     -> string list option
   204     -> CodegenThingol.module
   205     -> unit -> Pretty.T * unit;
   207 fun abstract_serializer preprocess (from_defs, from_module, validator)
   208   (target, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) (name_root, nspgrp) postprocess select module =
   209   let
   210     fun from_prim (name, prim) =
   211       case AList.lookup (op =) prim target
   212        of NONE => error ("no primitive definition for " ^ quote name)
   213         | SOME p => p;
   214   in
   215     module
   216     |> debug 3 (fn _ => "selecting submodule...")
   217     |> (if is_some select then (partof o the) select else I)
   218     |> tap (Pretty.writeln o pretty_deps)
   219     |> debug 3 (fn _ => "preprocessing...")
   220     |> preprocess
   221     |> debug 3 (fn _ => "serializing...")
   222     |> serialize (from_defs (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)))
   223          from_module validator nspgrp name_root
   224     |> postprocess
   225   end;
   227 fun abstract_validator keywords name =
   228   let
   229     fun replace_invalid c =
   230       if (Char.isAlphaNum o the o Char.fromString) c orelse c = "'"
   231       andalso not (NameSpace.separator = c)
   232       then c
   233       else "_"
   234     fun suffix_it name =
   235       name
   236       |> member (op =) keywords ? suffix "'"
   237       |> (fn name' => if name = name' then name else suffix_it name')
   238   in
   239     name
   240     |> translate_string replace_invalid
   241     |> suffix_it
   242     |> (fn name' => if name = name' then NONE else SOME name')
   243   end;
   245 fun postprocess_single_file path p =
   246   File.write (Path.unpack path) (Pretty.output p ^ "\n");
   248 fun parse_single_file serializer =
   249 >> (fn path => serializer (postprocess_single_file path));
   253 (** ML serializer **)
   255 local
   257 fun ml_from_defs (is_cons, needs_type)
   258   (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) resolv defs =
   259   let
   260     fun chunk_defs ps =
   261       let
   262         val (p_init, p_last) = split_last ps
   263       in
   264         Pretty.chunks (p_init @ [Pretty.block ([p_last, str ";"])])
   265     end;
   266     fun ml_from_label s =
   267       let
   268         val s' = NameSpace.unpack s;
   269       in
   270         NameSpace.pack (Library.drop (length s' - 2, s'))
   271         |> translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
   272       end;
   273     fun postify [] f = f
   274       | postify [p] f = Pretty.block [p, Pretty.brk 1, f]
   275       | postify (ps as _::_) f = Pretty.block [Pretty.list "(" ")" ps, Pretty.brk 1, f];
   276     fun ml_from_type fxy (IType (tyco, tys)) =
   277           (case tyco_syntax tyco
   278            of NONE =>
   279                 postify (map (ml_from_type BR) tys) ((str o resolv) tyco)
   280             | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
   281                 if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
   282                 then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
   283                   ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
   284                   ^ " expected")
   285                 else pr fxy ml_from_type tys)
   286       | ml_from_type fxy (IFun (t1, t2)) =
   287           let
   288             fun eval_fxy_postfix BR _ = false
   289               | eval_fxy_postfix NOBR _ = false
   290               | eval_fxy_postfix (INFX (pr1, lr1)) (INFX (pr2, lr2)) =
   291                   pr1 > pr2
   292                   orelse pr1 = pr2
   293                     andalso eval_lrx lr1 lr2
   294               | eval_fxy_postfix (INFX _) _ = false;
   295           in
   296             brackify (eval_fxy_postfix fxy (INFX (1, R))) [
   297               ml_from_type (INFX (1, X)) t1,
   298               str "->",
   299               ml_from_type (INFX (1, R)) t2
   300             ]
   301           end
   302       | ml_from_type _ (IVarT (v, [])) =
   303           str ("'" ^ v)
   304       | ml_from_type _ (IVarT (_, sort)) =
   305           "cannot serialize sort constrained type variable to ML: " ^ commas sort |> error
   306       | ml_from_type _ (IDictT fs) =
   307           Pretty.gen_list "," "{" "}" (
   308             map (fn (f, ty) =>
   309               Pretty.block [str (ml_from_label f ^ ": "), ml_from_type NOBR ty]) fs
   310           );
   311     fun ml_from_pat fxy (ICons ((f, ps), ty)) =
   312           (case const_syntax f
   313            of NONE => if length ps <= 1
   314                 then
   315                   ps
   316                   |> map (ml_from_pat BR)
   317                   |> cons ((str o resolv) f)
   318                   |> brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR)
   319                 else
   320                   ps
   321                   |> map (ml_from_pat BR)
   322                   |> Pretty.gen_list "," "(" ")"
   323                   |> single
   324                   |> cons ((str o resolv) f)
   325                   |> brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR)
   326             | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
   327                 if not (i <= length ps andalso length ps <= k)
   328                 then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
   329                   ^ (string_of_int o length) ps ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
   330                   ^ " expected")
   331                 else pr fxy ml_from_expr (map iexpr_of_ipat ps))
   332       | ml_from_pat fxy (IVarP (v, ty)) =
   333           if needs_type ty
   334           then
   335             brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   336               str v,
   337               str ":",
   338               ml_from_type NOBR ty
   339             ]
   340           else
   341             str v
   342     and ml_from_expr fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
   343           (case (unfold_app e)
   344            of (e as (IConst (f, _)), es) =>
   345                 ml_from_app fxy (f, es)
   346             | _ =>
   347                 brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   348                   ml_from_expr NOBR e1,
   349                   ml_from_expr BR e2
   350                 ])
   351       | ml_from_expr fxy (e as IConst (f, _)) =
   352           ml_from_app fxy (f, [])
   353       | ml_from_expr fxy (IVarE (v, _)) =
   354           str v
   355       | ml_from_expr fxy (IAbs ((v, _), e)) =
   356           brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   357             str ("fn " ^ v ^ " =>"),
   358             ml_from_expr NOBR e
   359           ]
   360       | ml_from_expr fxy (e as ICase (_, [_])) =
   361           let
   362             val (ps, e) = unfold_let e;
   363             fun mk_val (p, e) = Pretty.block [
   364                 str "val ",
   365                 ml_from_pat fxy p,
   366                 str " =",
   367                 Pretty.brk 1,
   368                 ml_from_expr NOBR e,
   369                 str ";"
   370               ]
   371           in Pretty.chunks [
   372             [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, map mk_val ps |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
   373             [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, ml_from_expr NOBR e] |> Pretty.block,
   374             str ("end")
   375           ] end
   376       | ml_from_expr fxy (ICase (e, c::cs)) =
   377           let
   378             fun mk_clause definer (p, e) =
   379               Pretty.block [
   380                 str definer,
   381                 ml_from_pat NOBR p,
   382                 str " =>",
   383                 Pretty.brk 1,
   384                 ml_from_expr NOBR e
   385               ]
   386           in brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) (
   387             str "case"
   388             :: ml_from_expr NOBR e
   389             :: mk_clause "of " c
   390             :: map (mk_clause "| ") cs
   391           ) end
   392       | ml_from_expr fxy (IInst _) =
   393           error "cannot serialize poly instant to ML"
   394       | ml_from_expr fxy (IDictE fs) =
   395           Pretty.gen_list "," "{" "}" (
   396             map (fn (f, e) =>
   397               Pretty.block [str (ml_from_label f ^ " = "), ml_from_expr NOBR e]) fs
   398           )
   399       | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup ([], v)) =
   400           str v
   401       | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup ([l], v)) =
   402           brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   403             str ("#" ^ (ml_from_label l)),
   404             str v
   405           ]
   406       | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup (ls, v)) =
   407           brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   408             str ("("
   409               ^ (ls |> map ((fn s => "#" ^ s) o ml_from_label) |> foldr1 (fn (l, e) => l ^ " o " ^ e))
   410               ^ ")"),
   411             str v
   412           ]
   413       | ml_from_expr _ e =
   414           error ("dubious expression: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_iexpr) e)
   415     and ml_mk_app f es =
   416       if is_cons f andalso length es > 1
   417       then
   418         [(str o resolv) f, Pretty.gen_list " *" "(" ")" (map (ml_from_expr BR) es)]
   419       else
   420         (str o resolv) f :: map (ml_from_expr BR) es
   421     and ml_from_app fxy =
   422       from_app ml_mk_app ml_from_expr const_syntax fxy;
   423     fun ml_from_funs (ds as d::ds_tl) =
   424       let
   425         fun mk_definer [] = "val"
   426           | mk_definer _ = "fun";
   427         fun check_args (_, Fun ((pats, _)::_, _)) NONE =
   428               SOME (mk_definer pats)
   429           | check_args (_, Fun ((pats, _)::_, _)) (SOME definer) =
   430               if mk_definer pats = definer
   431               then SOME definer
   432               else error ("mixing simultaneous vals and funs not implemented")
   433           | check_args _ _ =
   434               error ("function definition block containing other definitions than functions")
   435         val definer = the (fold check_args ds NONE);
   436         fun mk_eq definer f ty (pats, expr) =
   437           let
   438             val lhs = [str (definer ^ " " ^ f)]
   439                        @ (if null pats
   440                           then [str ":", ml_from_type NOBR ty]
   441                           else map (ml_from_pat BR) pats)
   442             val rhs = [str "=", ml_from_expr NOBR expr]
   443           in
   444             Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (lhs @ rhs))
   445           end
   446         fun mk_fun definer (f, Fun (eqs as eq::eq_tl, (_, ty))) =
   447           let
   448             val (pats_hd::pats_tl) = (fst o split_list) eqs;
   449             val shift = if null eq_tl then I else map (Pretty.block o single);
   450           in (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o shift) (
   451                mk_eq definer f ty eq
   452                :: map (mk_eq "|" f ty) eq_tl
   453              )
   454           end;
   455       in
   456         chunk_defs (
   457           mk_fun definer d
   458           :: map (mk_fun "and") ds_tl
   459         ) |> SOME
   460       end;
   461     fun ml_from_datatypes defs =
   462       let
   463         val defs' = List.mapPartial
   464           (fn (name, Datatype info) => SOME (name, info)
   465             | (name, Datatypecons _) => NONE
   466             | (name, def) => error ("datatype block containing illegal def: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_def) def)
   467           ) defs
   468         fun mk_cons (co, []) =
   469               str (resolv co)
   470           | mk_cons (co, tys) =
   471               Pretty.block (
   472                 str (resolv co)
   473                 :: str " of"
   474                 :: Pretty.brk 1
   475                 :: separate (Pretty.block [str " *", Pretty.brk 1]) (map (ml_from_type NOBR) tys)
   476               )
   477         fun mk_datatype definer (t, ((vs, cs), _)) =
   478           Pretty.block (
   479             str definer
   480             :: ml_from_type NOBR (t `%% map IVarT vs)
   481             :: str " ="
   482             :: Pretty.brk 1
   483             :: separate (Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, str "| "]) (map mk_cons cs)
   484           )
   485       in
   486         case defs'
   487          of d::ds_tl =>
   488             chunk_defs (
   489               mk_datatype "datatype " d
   490               :: map (mk_datatype "and ") ds_tl
   491             ) |> SOME
   492           | _ => NONE
   493       end
   494     fun ml_from_def (name, Undef) =
   495           error ("empty definition during serialization: " ^ quote name)
   496       | ml_from_def (name, Prim prim) =
   497           from_prim (name, prim)
   498       | ml_from_def (name, Typesyn (vs, ty)) =
   499         (map (fn (vname, []) => () | _ => error "can't serialize sort constrained type declaration to ML") vs;
   500           Pretty.block [
   501             str "type ",
   502             ml_from_type NOBR (name `%% map IVarT vs),
   503             str " =",
   504             Pretty.brk 1,
   505             ml_from_type NOBR ty,
   506             str ";"
   507             ]
   508           ) |> SOME
   509       | ml_from_def (name, Class _) =
   510           error ("can't serialize class declaration " ^ quote name ^ " to ML")
   511       | ml_from_def (_, Classmember _) =
   512           NONE
   513       | ml_from_def (name, Classinst _) =
   514           error ("can't serialize instance declaration " ^ quote name ^ " to ML")
   515   in (writeln ("ML defs " ^ (commas o map fst) defs); case defs
   516    of (_, Fun _)::_ => ml_from_funs defs
   517     | (_, Datatypecons _)::_ => ml_from_datatypes defs
   518     | (_, Datatype _)::_ => ml_from_datatypes defs
   519     | [def] => ml_from_def def)
   520   end;
   522 in
   524 fun ml_from_thingol target (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, int_tyco)
   525   nspgrp (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) name_root select module =
   526   let
   527     val reserved_ml = ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ [
   528       "bool", "int", "list", "true", "false"
   529     ];
   530     fun ml_from_module _ (name, ps) () =
   531       (Pretty.chunks ([
   532         str ("structure " ^ name ^ " = "),
   533         str "struct",
   534         str ""
   535       ] @ separate (str "") ps @ [
   536         str "",
   537         str ("end; (* struct " ^ name ^ " *)")
   538       ]), ());
   539     fun needs_type (IType (tyco, _)) =
   540           has_nsp tyco nsp_class
   541           orelse tyco = int_tyco
   542       | needs_type (IDictT _) =
   543           true
   544       | needs_type _ =
   545           false;
   546     fun is_cons c = has_nsp c nsp_dtcon;
   547     fun eta_expander s =
   548       case const_syntax s
   549        of SOME ((i, _), _) => i
   550         | _ => if has_nsp s nsp_dtcon
   551                then case get_def module s
   552                 of Datatypecons dtname => case get_def module dtname
   553                 of Datatype ((_, cs), _) =>
   554                   let val l = AList.lookup (op =) cs s |> the |> length
   555                   in if l >= 2 then l else 0 end
   556                 else 0;
   557     fun preprocess module =
   558       module
   559       |> tap (Pretty.writeln o pretty_deps)
   560       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eta-expanding...")
   561       |> eta_expand eta_expander
   562       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eta-expanding polydefs...")
   563       |> eta_expand_poly
   564       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eliminating classes...")
   565       |> eliminate_classes
   566   in
   567     abstract_serializer preprocess (ml_from_defs (is_cons, needs_type), ml_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_ml)
   568       (target, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) (name_root, nspgrp) I select module
   569   end;
   571 end; (* local *)
   573 local
   575 fun haskell_from_defs is_cons (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) resolv defs =
   576   let
   577     fun upper_first s =
   578       let
   579         val (pr, b) = split_last (NameSpace.unpack s);
   580         val (c::cs) = String.explode b;
   581       in NameSpace.pack (pr @ [String.implode (Char.toUpper c :: cs)]) end;
   582     fun lower_first s =
   583       let
   584         val (pr, b) = split_last (NameSpace.unpack s);
   585         val (c::cs) = String.explode b;
   586       in NameSpace.pack (pr @ [String.implode (Char.toLower c :: cs)]) end;
   587     val resolv = fn s =>
   588       let
   589         val (prfix, base) = (split_last o NameSpace.unpack o resolv) s
   590       in
   591         NameSpace.pack (map upper_first prfix @ [base])
   592       end;
   593     fun resolv_const f =
   594       if NameSpace.is_qualified f
   595       then
   596         if is_cons f
   597         then (upper_first o resolv) f
   598         else (lower_first o resolv) f
   599       else
   600         f;
   601     fun haskell_from_sctxt vs =
   602       let
   603         fun from_sctxt [] = str ""
   604           | from_sctxt vs =
   605               vs
   606               |> map (fn (v, cls) => str ((upper_first o resolv) cls ^ " " ^ lower_first v))
   607               |> Pretty.gen_list "," "(" ")"
   608               |> (fn p => Pretty.block [p, str " => "])
   609       in 
   610         vs
   611         |> map (fn (v, sort) => map (pair v) sort)
   612         |> Library.flat
   613         |> from_sctxt
   614       end;
   615     fun haskell_from_type fxy ty =
   616       let
   617         fun from_itype fxy (IType (tyco, tys)) sctxt =
   618               (case tyco_syntax tyco
   619                of NONE =>
   620                     sctxt
   621                     |> fold_map (from_itype BR) tys
   622                     |-> (fn tyargs => pair (brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) ((str o upper_first o resolv) tyco :: tyargs)))
   623                 | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
   624                     if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
   625                     then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
   626                       ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
   627                       ^ " expected")
   628                     else (pr fxy haskell_from_type tys, sctxt))
   629           | from_itype fxy (IFun (t1, t2)) sctxt =
   630               sctxt
   631               |> from_itype (INFX (1, X)) t1
   632               ||>> from_itype (INFX (1, R)) t2
   633               |-> (fn (p1, p2) => pair (
   634                     brackify (eval_fxy fxy (INFX (1, R))) [
   635                       p1,
   636                       str "->",
   637                       p2
   638                     ]
   639                   ))
   640           | from_itype fxy (IVarT (v, [])) sctxt =
   641               sctxt
   642               |> pair ((str o lower_first) v)
   643           | from_itype fxy (IVarT (v, sort)) sctxt =
   644               sctxt
   645               |> AList.default (op =) (v, [])
   646               |> AList.map_entry (op =) v (fold (insert (op =)) sort)
   647               |> pair ((str o lower_first) v)
   648           | from_itype fxy (IDictT _) _ =
   649               error "cannot serialize dictionary type to haskell"
   650       in
   651         []
   652         |> from_itype fxy ty
   653         ||> haskell_from_sctxt
   654         |> (fn (pty, pctxt) => Pretty.block [pctxt, pty])
   655       end;
   656     fun haskell_from_pat fxy (ICons ((f, ps), _)) =
   657           (case const_syntax f
   658            of NONE =>
   659                 ps
   660                 |> map (haskell_from_pat BR)
   661                 |> cons ((str o resolv_const) f)
   662                 |> brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR)
   663             | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
   664                 if not (i <= length ps andalso length ps <= k)
   665                 then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
   666                   ^ (string_of_int o length) ps ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
   667                   ^ " expected")
   668                 else pr fxy haskell_from_expr (map iexpr_of_ipat ps))
   669       | haskell_from_pat fxy (IVarP (v, _)) =
   670           (str o lower_first) v
   671     and haskell_from_expr fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
   672           (case (unfold_app e)
   673            of (e as (IConst (f, _)), es) =>
   674                 haskell_from_app fxy (f, es)
   675             | _ =>
   676                 brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) [
   677                   haskell_from_expr NOBR e1,
   678                   haskell_from_expr BR e2
   679                 ])
   680       | haskell_from_expr fxy (e as IConst (f, _)) =
   681           haskell_from_app fxy (f, [])
   682       | haskell_from_expr fxy (IVarE (v, _)) =
   683           (str o lower_first) v
   684       | haskell_from_expr fxy (e as IAbs _) =
   685           let
   686             val (vs, body) = unfold_abs e
   687           in
   688             brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) (
   689               str "\\"
   690               :: map (str o lower_first o fst) vs @ [
   691               str "->",
   692               haskell_from_expr NOBR body
   693             ])
   694           end
   695       | haskell_from_expr fxy (e as ICase (_, [_])) =
   696           let
   697             val (ps, body) = unfold_let e;
   698             fun mk_bind (p, e) = Pretty.block [
   699                 haskell_from_pat BR p,
   700                 str " =",
   701                 Pretty.brk 1,
   702                 haskell_from_expr NOBR e
   703               ];
   704           in Pretty.chunks [
   705             [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, map mk_bind ps |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
   706             [str ("in "), haskell_from_expr NOBR body] |> Pretty.block
   707           ] end
   708       | haskell_from_expr fxy (ICase (e, c::cs)) =
   709           let
   710             fun mk_clause definer (p, e) =
   711               Pretty.block [
   712                 str definer,
   713                 haskell_from_pat NOBR p,
   714                 str " ->",
   715                 Pretty.brk 1,
   716                 haskell_from_expr NOBR e
   717               ]
   718           in brackify (eval_fxy fxy BR) (
   719             str "case"
   720             :: haskell_from_expr NOBR e
   721             :: mk_clause "of " c
   722             :: map (mk_clause "| ") cs
   723           ) end
   724       | haskell_from_expr fxy (IInst (e, _)) =
   725           haskell_from_expr fxy e
   726       | haskell_from_expr fxy (IDictE _) =
   727           error "cannot serialize dictionary expression to haskell"
   728       | haskell_from_expr fxy (ILookup _) =
   729           error "cannot serialize lookup expression to haskell"
   730     and haskell_mk_app f es =
   731       (str o resolv_const) f :: map (haskell_from_expr BR) es
   732     and haskell_from_app fxy =
   733       from_app haskell_mk_app haskell_from_expr const_syntax fxy;
   734     fun haskell_from_def (name, Undef) =
   735           error ("empty statement during serialization: " ^ quote name)
   736       | haskell_from_def (name, Prim prim) =
   737           from_prim (name, prim)
   738       | haskell_from_def (name, Fun (eqs, (_, ty))) =
   739           let
   740             fun from_eq name (args, rhs) =
   741               Pretty.block [
   742                 str (lower_first name),
   743                 Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, haskell_from_pat BR p]) args),
   744                 Pretty.brk 1,
   745                 str ("="),
   746                 Pretty.brk 1,
   747                 haskell_from_expr NOBR rhs
   748               ]
   749           in
   750             Pretty.chunks [
   751               Pretty.block [
   752                 str (lower_first name ^ " ::"),
   753                 Pretty.brk 1,
   754                 haskell_from_type NOBR ty
   755               ],
   756               Pretty.chunks (map (from_eq name) eqs)
   757             ] |> SOME
   758           end
   759       | haskell_from_def (name, Typesyn (vs, ty)) =
   760           Pretty.block [
   761             str "type ",
   762             haskell_from_sctxt vs,
   763             str (upper_first name),
   764             Pretty.block (map (fn (v, _) => str (" " ^ (lower_first) v)) vs),
   765             str " =",
   766             Pretty.brk 1,
   767             haskell_from_type NOBR ty
   768           ] |> SOME
   769       | haskell_from_def (name, Datatype ((vars, constrs), _)) =
   770           let
   771             fun mk_cons (co, tys) =
   772               (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
   773                 str ((upper_first o resolv) co)
   774                 :: map (haskell_from_type NOBR) tys
   775               )
   776           in
   777             Pretty.block (
   778               str "data "
   779               :: haskell_from_sctxt vars
   780               :: str (upper_first name)
   781               :: Pretty.block (map (fn (v, _) => str (" " ^ (lower_first) v)) vars)
   782               :: str " ="
   783               :: Pretty.brk 1
   784               :: separate (Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, str "| "]) (map mk_cons constrs)
   785             )
   786           end |> SOME
   787       | haskell_from_def (_, Datatypecons _) =
   788           NONE
   789       | haskell_from_def (name, Class ((supclasss, (v, membrs)), _)) =
   790           let
   791             fun mk_member (m, (_, ty)) =
   792               Pretty.block [
   793                 str (resolv m ^ " ::"),
   794                 Pretty.brk 1,
   795                 haskell_from_type NOBR ty
   796               ]
   797           in
   798             Pretty.block [
   799               str "class ",
   800               haskell_from_sctxt (map (fn class => (v, [class])) supclasss),
   801               str ((upper_first name) ^ " " ^ v),
   802               str " where",
   803               Pretty.fbrk,
   804               Pretty.chunks (map mk_member membrs)
   805             ] |> SOME
   806           end
   807       | haskell_from_def (name, Classmember _) =
   808           NONE
   809       | haskell_from_def (_, Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, arity)), memdefs)) = 
   810           Pretty.block [
   811             str "instance ",
   812             haskell_from_sctxt arity,
   813             str ((upper_first o resolv) clsname),
   814             str " ",
   815             haskell_from_type NOBR (IType (tyco, (map (IVarT o rpair [] o fst)) arity)),
   816             str " where",
   817             Pretty.fbrk,
   818             Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, funn) => haskell_from_def (m, Fun funn) |> the) memdefs)
   819           ] |> SOME
   820   in
   821     case List.mapPartial (fn (name, def) => haskell_from_def (name, def)) defs
   822      of [] => NONE
   823       | l => (SOME o Pretty.chunks o separate (str "")) l
   824   end;
   826 in
   828 fun haskell_from_thingol target nsp_dtcon
   829   nspgrp (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) name_root select module =
   830   let
   831     val reserved_haskell = [
   832       "hiding", "deriving", "where", "case", "of", "infix", "infixl", "infixr",
   833       "import", "default", "forall", "let", "in", "class", "qualified", "data",
   834       "newtype", "instance", "if", "then", "else", "type", "as", "do", "module"
   835     ] @ [
   836       "Bool", "fst", "snd", "Integer", "True", "False", "negate"
   837     ];
   838     fun upper_first s =
   839       let
   840         val (pr, b) = split_last (NameSpace.unpack s);
   841         val (c::cs) = String.explode b;
   842       in NameSpace.pack (pr @ [String.implode (Char.toUpper c :: cs)]) end;
   843     fun haskell_from_module _ (name, ps) () =
   844       (Pretty.block [
   845           str ("module " ^ (upper_first name) ^ " where"),
   846           Pretty.fbrk,
   847           Pretty.fbrk,
   848           Pretty.chunks (separate (str "") ps)
   849         ], ());
   850     fun is_cons c = has_nsp c nsp_dtcon;
   851     fun eta_expander c =
   852       const_syntax c
   853       |> (fst o fst)
   854       |> the_default 0;
   855     fun preprocess module =
   856       module
   857       |> tap (Pretty.writeln o pretty_deps)
   858       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eta-expanding...")
   859       |> eta_expand eta_expander
   860   in
   861     abstract_serializer preprocess (haskell_from_defs is_cons, haskell_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_haskell)
   862       (target, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) (name_root, nspgrp) I select module
   863   end;
   865 end; (* local *)
   868 (** lookup record **)
   870 val serializers =
   871   let
   872     fun seri s f = (s, f s);
   873   in {
   874     ml = seri "ml" ml_from_thingol,
   875     haskell = seri "haskell" haskell_from_thingol
   876   } end;
   878 end; (* struct *)