author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Tue, 22 May 2012 13:40:06 +0200
changeset 42432 7dc25d1526a5
parent 42430 5b629bb1c073
child 42433 ed0ff27b6165
permissions -rw-r--r--
added "fun requestFillformula"

given a fillpatID propose a fillform to the learner on the worksheet;
the "ctree" is extended with fillpat and "ostate Inconsistent", the "istate" is NOT updated;
returns CalcChanged.
arg errpatID: required because there is no dialog-related state in the math-kernel.

ATTENTION: the handling of "Inconsistent" and pos will be tested with "fun inputFillformula".
     2 theory Test_Some imports Isac begin
     4 use"../../../test/Tools/isac/Interpret/inform.sml"
     6 ML {*
     7 val thy = @{theory "Isac"};
     8 val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy;
     9 print_depth 5;
    10 *}
    11 ML {*
    12 *}
    13 ML {* (*================== --> test/../inform.sml*)
    14 "--------- UC errpat, fillpat ---------------------------"; (*--> test/../interface.sml*)
    15 "--------- embed fun get_fillform --------------------------------"; (*--> test/../inform.sml*)
    16 states := [];
    17 CalcTree
    18 [(["functionTerm (x ^ 2 + sin (x ^ 4))", "differentiateFor x", "derivative f_f'"], 
    19   ("Isac", ["derivative_of","function"], ["diff","differentiate_on_R"]))];
    20 Iterator 1;
    21 moveActiveRoot 1;
    22 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    23 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    24 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);(*([1], Res), d_d x (x ^^^ 2) + d_d x (sin (x ^^^ 4))*)
    25 appendFormula 1 "d_d x (x ^ 2) + cos (4 * x ^ 3)";
    26 (* the check for errpat is maximally liberal (whole term modulo "nrls" from "type met"),
    27   would recognize "cos (4 * x ^ (4 - 1)) + 2 * x" as well.
    28   results in <CALCMESSAGE> error pattern #chain-rule-diff-both# </CALCMESSAGE>
    29   instead of <CALCMESSAGE> no derivation found </CALCMESSAGE> *)
    30 FindFillpatterns 1 "chain-rule-diff-both";
    31 (*<CALCMESSAGE> fill patterns #fill-d_d-arg#d_d x (x ^^^ 2) + d_d x (sin (x ^^^ 4)) =
    32   d_d x (x ^^^ 2) + cos (x ^^^ 4) * d_d x ?_dummy_1#fill-both-args#...#...#... *)
    33 *}
    34 ML {*
    35 requestFillformula 1 ("chain-rule-diff-both", "fill-both-args");
    36 *}
    37 ML {*
    38 *}
    39 ML {*
    40 *}
    41 ML {*
    42 *}
    43 ML {* (*==================*)
    44 *}
    45 ML {*
    46 *}
    47 ML {* (*==================*)
    48 "~~~~~ fun , args:"; val () = ();
    49 "~~~~~ to  return val:"; val () = ();
    51 *}
    52 text {**}
    53 ML {*
    55 *}
    56 end
    58 (*============ inhibit exn WN120406 ==============================================
    59 ============ inhibit exn WN120406 ==============================================*)
    61 (*-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
    62 -.-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*)
    64 (*=========================^^^ correct until here ^^^===========================*)