author Mathias Lehnfeld <s1210629013@students.fh-hagenberg.at>
Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:09:40 +0100
changeset 55380 7be2ad0e4acb
parent 52105 2786cc9704c8
child 55445 33b0f6db720c
permissions -rw-r--r--
ad 967c8a1eb6b1 (7): remove all code concerned with 'mets = Unsynchronized.ref'
     1 (* Title: tests on tools for scripts
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 060605
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     5 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
     6 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
     7 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
     9 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    10 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Rational -------";
    11 "-------- check auto-gen.script for Rewrite_Set_Inst -------------";
    12 "-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
    13 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    19 "-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    20 "-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    21 val Seq {scr = Prog auto_script,...} = assoc_rls "norm_Poly";
    22 writeln(term2str auto_script);
    23 atomty auto_script;
    25 show_mets();  
    26 val {scr = Prog parsed_script,...} = get_met ["Test","test_interSteps_1"];
    27 writeln(term2str parsed_script);
    28 atomty parsed_script;
    30 (*the structure of the auto-gen. script is interpreted correctly*)
    31 states:=[];
    32 CalcTree
    33 [(["Term (b + a - b)",(*this is Schalk 299b*)
    34 	   "normalform N"], 
    35   ("Poly",["polynomial","simplification"],
    36   ["Test","test_interSteps_1"]))];
    37 Iterator 1;
    38 moveActiveRoot 1;
    39 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    41 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*..Apply_Method*);
    42 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    43 getTactic 1 ([1], Frm)  (*still empty*);
    45 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*discard_minus_*);
    46 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    48 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*order_add_rls_*);
    49 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    51 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*collect_numerals_*);
    52 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    54 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    56 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    57 if existpt' ([1], Frm) pt then ()
    58 else error "scrtools.sml: test-script test_interSteps_1 doesnt work";
    61 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    62 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    63 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    64 val Seq {scr = Prog auto_script,...} = assoc_rls "norm_Poly";
    65 writeln(term2str auto_script);
    66 atomty auto_script;
    68 states:=[];
    69 CalcTree
    70 [(["Term (b + a - b)", "normalform N"], 
    71   ("Poly",["polynomial","simplification"],
    72   ["simplification","for_polynomials"]))];
    73 Iterator 1;
    74 moveActiveRoot 1;
    75 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    77 interSteps 1 ([], Res);
    78 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    80 interSteps 1 ([1], Res);
    81 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    82 if existpt' ([1,4], Res) pt then ()
    83 else error  "scrtools.sml: auto-generated norm_Poly doesnt work";
    87 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Rational -------";
    88 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Rational -------";
    89 "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Rational -------";
    91 val Seq {scr = Prog auto_script,...} = assoc_rls "norm_Rational";
    92 writeln(term2str auto_script);
    93 atomty auto_script;
    94 (*** 
    95 *** Const (Script.Stepwise, 'z => 'z => 'z)
    96 *** . Free (t_t, 'z)
    97 *** . Const (Script.Seq, ('a => 'a) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
    98 *** . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
    99 *** . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   100 *** . . . . Free (discard_minus, ID)
   101 *** . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   102 *** . . Const (Script.Seq, ('a => 'a) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   103 *** . . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   104 *** . . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   105 *** . . . . . Free (rat_mult_poly, ID)
   106 *** . . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   107 *** . . . Const (Script.Seq, ('a => 'a) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   108 *** . . . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   109 *** . . . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   110 *** . . . . . . Free (make_rat_poly_with_parentheses, ID)
   111 *** . . . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   112 *** . . . . Const (Script.Seq, ('a => 'a) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   113 *** . . . . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   114 *** . . . . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   115 *** . . . . . . . Free (cancel_p_rls, ID)
   116 *** . . . . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   117 *** . . . . . Const (Script.Seq, ('a => 'a) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   118 *** . . . . . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   119 *** . . . . . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   120 *** . . . . . . . . Free (norm_Rational_rls, ID)
   121 *** . . . . . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   122 *** . . . . . . Const (Script.Try, ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a)
   123 *** . . . . . . . Const (Script.Rewrite'_Set, ID => bool => 'a => 'a)
   124 *** . . . . . . . . Free (discard_parentheses1, ID)
   125 *** . . . . . . . . Const (HOL.False, bool)
   126 *** . . Const (empty, 'a)
   127 ***)
   128 states:=[];
   129 CalcTree
   130 [(["Term (b + a - b)", "normalform N"], 
   131   ("Poly",["polynomial","simplification"],
   132   ["simplification","of_rationals"]))];
   133 Iterator 1;
   134 moveActiveRoot 1;
   135 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   137 interSteps 1 ([], Res);
   138 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   140 interSteps 1 ([1], Res);
   141 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   143 (*with "Script SimplifyScript (t_::real) =                \
   144        \  ((Rewrite_Set norm_Rational False) t_)"
   145 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([1], Res));
   146 *)
   147 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([2], Res));
   148 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   149     ("a", Check_Postcond ["polynomial", "simplification"], []) => ()
   150   | _ => error "scrtools.sml: auto-generated norm_Rational doesnt work";
   152 "-------- check auto-gen.script for Rewrite_Set_Inst -------------";
   153 "-------- check auto-gen.script for Rewrite_Set_Inst -------------";
   154 "-------- check auto-gen.script for Rewrite_Set_Inst -------------";
   155 val rls = assoc_rls "integration";
   156 val Seq {scr = Prog auto_script,...} = rls;
   157 writeln(term2str auto_script);
   159 if contain_bdv (get_rules rls) then ()
   160 else error "scrtools.sml: contain_bdv doesnt work for 'integration'";
   162 two_scr_arg auto_script;
   163 init_istate (Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(bdv, x)"], "integration_rules")) 
   164 			      (str2term "someTermWithBdv");
   166 "-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
   167 "-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
   168 "-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
   169 val thy = @{theory "Rational"};
   170 (*no trailing _*)
   171 val p1 = parse thy (
   172 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   173 "  (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False                   " ^
   174 "   t_t)");
   176 (*required (): (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)*)
   177 val p2 = parse thy (
   178 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   179 "  (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False                   " ^
   180 "   t_t)");
   182 val p3 = parse thy (
   183 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   184 "  ((Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   185 "   t_t)");
   187 val p4 = parse thy (
   188 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   189 "  ((Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   190 "   t_t)");
   192 val p5 = parse thy (
   193 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   194 "  ((Try (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   195 "    Try (Rewrite_Set discard_parentheses False))               " ^
   196 "   t_t)");
   198 val p6 = parse thy (
   199 "Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   200 "  ((Try (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False) @@                   " ^
   201 "    Try (Rewrite_Set rat_mult_poly False) @@                    " ^
   202 "    Try (Rewrite_Set make_rat_poly_with_parentheses False) @@   " ^
   203 "    Try (Rewrite_Set cancel_p_rls False) @@                     " ^
   204 "    (Repeat                                                     " ^
   205 "     ((Try (Rewrite_Set add_fractions_p_rls False) @@        " ^
   206 "       Try (Rewrite_Set rat_mult_div_pow False) @@              " ^
   207 "       Try (Rewrite_Set make_rat_poly_with_parentheses False) @@" ^
   208 "       Try (Rewrite_Set cancel_p_rls False) @@                  " ^
   209 "       Try (Rewrite_Set rat_reduce_1 False)))) @@               " ^
   210 "    Try (Rewrite_Set discard_parentheses False))               " ^
   211 "   t_t)"
   212 );