author Walther Neuper <>
Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:41:11 +0100
changeset 59753 7ad0b6cfd408
parent 59752 8fb8286a9c66
child 59754 468633978eb9
permissions -rw-r--r--
remove unused fun mk_tac'_, get_form
     1 (* Title:  solve an example by interpreting a method's script
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1999
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     4 *)
     6 signature SOLVE_PHASE =
     7 sig
     8   datatype auto = CompleteCalc | CompleteCalcHead | CompleteModel | CompleteSubpbl 
     9   | CompleteToSubpbl | Steps of int
    10   val autoord : auto -> int
    11   val specsteps : string list
    13   val all_solve : auto -> Ctree.pos' list -> Ctree.state ->
    14     string * Ctree.pos' list * (Ctree.ctree * (int list * Ctree.pos_))
    15   val complete_solve :
    16      auto -> Ctree.pos' list -> Ctree.state -> string * Ctree.pos' list * Ctree.state
    17   val inform : Chead.calcstate' -> string -> string * Chead.calcstate'
    19   val detailrls : Ctree.ctree -> Ctree.pos' -> string * Ctree.ctree * Ctree.pos'
    20 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    21   (*NONE*)
    22 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    23   (*NONE*)
    24 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    26 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    27   (* NONE *)
    28 end
    30 (**)
    31 structure Solve(**): SOLVE_PHASE(**) =
    32 struct
    33 (**)
    34 open Ctree;
    35 open Pos
    37 type squ = ctree; (* TODO: safe etc. *)
    39 val specsteps = ["Init_Proof", "Refine_Tacitly", "Refine_Problem", "Model_Problem",
    40   "Add_Given", "Del_Given", "Add_Find", "Del_Find", "Add_Relation", "Del_Relation",
    41   "Specify_Theory", "Specify_Problem", "Specify_Method"];
    43 (* tell how may steps of a calculation should be done by "fun autocalc"
    44    FIXXXME040624: does NOT match interfaces/
    45    TODO.WN0512 redesign togehter with autocalc ?                     *)
    46 datatype auto = 
    47   Steps of int      (*1 do #int steps (may stop in model/specify)
    48                        IS VERY INEFFICIENT IN MODEL/SPECIY                    *)
    49 | CompleteModel    (*2 complete modeling
    50                        if model complete, finish specifying                   *)
    51 | CompleteCalcHead (*3 complete model/specify in one go                       *)
    52 | CompleteToSubpbl (*4 stop at the next begin of a subproblem,
    53                        if none, complete the actual (sub)problem              *)
    54 | CompleteSubpbl   (*5 complete the actual (sub)problem (incl.ev.subproblems) *)
    55 | CompleteCalc;    (*6 complete the calculation as a whole                    *)
    57 fun autoord (Steps _ ) = 1
    58   | autoord CompleteModel = 2
    59   | autoord CompleteCalcHead = 3
    60   | autoord CompleteToSubpbl = 4
    61   | autoord CompleteSubpbl = 5
    62   | autoord CompleteCalc = 6;
    64 fun complete_solve auto c (ptp as (_, p as (_, p_))) =
    65     if p = ([], Res)
    66     then ("end-of-calculation", [], ptp)
    67     else
    68       if member op = [Pbl,Met] p_
    69       then
    70         let
    71           val ptp = Chead.all_modspec ptp
    72 	        val (_, c', ptp) = all_solve auto c ptp
    73 	      in complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp end
    74       else
    75         case LucinNEW.do_solve_step ptp of
    76 	        ((Tactic.Subproblem _, _, _) :: _, c', ptp') =>
    77 	          if autoord auto < 5
    78             then ("ok", c @ c', ptp)
    79 	          else
    80               let
    81                 val ptp = Chead.all_modspec ptp'
    82 	              val (_, c'', ptp) = all_solve auto (c @ c') ptp
    83 	            in complete_solve auto (c @ c'@ c'') ptp end
    84 	      | ((Tactic.Check_Postcond _, _, _) :: _, c', ptp' as (_, p')) =>
    85 	        if autoord auto < 6 orelse p' = ([], Res)
    86           then ("ok", c @ c', ptp')
    87 	        else complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'
    88 	      | ((Tactic.End_Detail, _, _) :: _, c', ptp') => 
    89 	        if autoord auto < 6
    90           then ("ok", c @ c', ptp')
    91 	        else complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'
    92 	      | (_, c', ptp') => complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'
    93 and all_solve auto c (ptp as (pt, pos as (p,_)): ctree * pos') = 
    94     let
    95       val (_, _, mI) = get_obj g_spec pt p
    96       val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos
    97       val (_, c', ptp) = LucinNEW.by_tactic (Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, Istate.e_istate, ctxt)) (Istate.e_istate, ctxt) ptp
    98     in
    99       complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp
   100     end;
   102 (* for detailrls with Rrls, reverse rewriting *)
   103 fun rul_terms_2nds _ nds _ [] = nds
   104   | rul_terms_2nds thy nds t ((rule, res as (t', _)) :: rts) =
   105     (append_atomic [] (Istate.e_istate, ContextC.e_ctxt) t (Tactic.rule2tac thy [] rule) res Complete EmptyPtree) ::
   106       (rul_terms_2nds thy nds t' rts);
   108 (* detail steps done internally by Rewrite_Set* into ctree by use of a script *)
   109 fun detailrls pt (pos as (p, _)) = 
   110   let
   111     val t = get_obj g_form pt p
   112 	  val tac = get_obj g_tac pt p
   113 	  val rls = (assoc_rls o Tactic.rls_of) tac
   114     val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos
   115   in
   116     case rls of
   117 	    Rule.Rrls {scr = Rule.Rfuns {init_state, ...}, ...} => 
   118 	    let
   119         val (_, _, _, rul_terms) = init_state t
   120 	      val newnds = rul_terms_2nds (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) [] t rul_terms
   121 	      val pt''' = ins_chn newnds pt p 
   122 	    in ("detailrls", pt''', (p @ [length newnds], Res)) end
   123 	  | _ =>
   124 	    let
   125         val is = Generate.init_istate tac t
   126 	      (*TODO.WN060602 Pstate (["(t_, Problem (Isac,[equation,univar]))"]
   127 			    is wrong for simpl, but working ?!? *)
   128 	      val tac_ = Tactic.Apply_Method' (Celem.e_metID(*WN0402: see generate1 !?!*), SOME t, is, ctxt)
   129 	      val pos' = ((lev_on o lev_dn) p, Frm)
   130 	      val thy = Celem.assoc_thy "Isac_Knowledge"
   131 	      val (_, _, _, pt') = Generate.generate1 thy tac_ (is, ctxt) pos' pt (* implicit Take *)
   132 	      val (_,_, (pt'', _)) = complete_solve CompleteSubpbl [] (pt', pos')
   133 	      val newnds = children (get_nd pt'' p)
   134 	      val pt''' = ins_chn newnds pt p (*complete_solve cuts branches after*)
   135 	    in ("detailrls", pt''', (p @ [length newnds], Res)) end
   136   end;
   138 fun inform (next_cs as (_, _, (pt, pos as (p, _))): Chead.calcstate') istr =
   139   case TermC.parse (Celem.assoc_thy "Isac_Knowledge") istr of
   140     NONE => ("syntax error in '" ^ istr ^ "'", Chead.e_calcstate' (*TODO: previous cs'*))
   141   | SOME f_in =>
   142     let
   143   	  val f_in = Thm.term_of f_in
   144       val pos_pred = lev_back(*'*) pos
   145   	  val f_pred = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos_pred);
   146   	  val f_succ = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos);
   147     in
   148       if f_succ = f_in
   149       then ("same-formula", next_cs) (* ctree not cut with replaceFormula *)
   150       else
   151         case Inform.cas_input f_in of
   152           SOME (pt, _) => ("ok",([], [], (pt, (p, Pos.Met))))
   153 		    | NONE => (*/-------------------------------------- NEW fun locate_input_formula------*)
   154           let
   155             val (_, _, metID) = get_obj g_spec pt (par_pblobj pt p)
   156             val {scr = prog, ...} = Specify.get_met metID
   157             val istate = get_istate pt pos
   158             val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos
   159           in
   160             case LucinNEW.locate_input_formula prog (pt, pos) istate ctxt f_in of
   161               LucinNEW.Found_Step (cstate, _(*istate*), _(*ctxt*)) =>
   162               ("ok" , ([], [], cstate (* already contains istate, ctxt *)))
   163             | LucinNEW.Not_Derivable calcstate' =>
   164               let
   165           		  val pp = Ctree.par_pblobj pt p
   166           		  val (errpats, nrls, prog) = case Specify.get_met (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt pp) of
   167             		    {errpats, nrls, scr = Rule.Prog prog, ...} => (errpats, nrls, prog)
   168             		  | _ => error "inform: uncovered case of get_met"
   169           		  val {env, ...} = Ctree.get_istate pt pos |> Istate.the_pstate
   170           		in
   171           		  case Inform.check_error_patterns (f_pred, f_in) (prog, env) (errpats, nrls) of
   172           		    SOME errpatID => ("error pattern #" ^ errpatID ^ "#", calcstate')
   173           		  | NONE => ("no derivation found", calcstate')
   174               end
   175           end
   176     end
   178 end