author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:52:18 +0200
changeset 52070 77138c64f4f6
parent 48761 4162c4f6f897
child 52125 6f1d3415dc68
permissions -rw-r--r--
--- Test_Isac.thy runs all tests

(1) inserted many "trace_rewrite := false" ...
(2) ...nevertheless needs manual interaction at "Tracing paused. Stop, or continue with next 100, 1000, 10000 messages?"
(3) state of tests see respective section in Test_Isac.thy
     1 (* auxiliary functions used in scripts
     2    author: Walther Neuper 000301
     3    WN0509 shift into Atools ?!? (because used also in where of models !)
     5    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     6 *)
     8 theory Tools imports ListC begin
    10 (*belongs to theory ListC*)
    11 ML {*
    12 val first_isac_thy = @{theory ListC}
    13 *}
    15 (*for Descript.thy*)
    17   (***********************************************************************)
    18   (* 'fun is_dsc' in ProgLang/scrtools.smlMUST contain ALL these types !!*)
    19   (***********************************************************************)
    20 typedecl nam     (* named variables                                             *)
    21 typedecl  una     (* unnamed variables                                           *)
    22 typedecl  unl     (* unnamed variables of type list, elementwise input prohibited*)
    23 typedecl  str     (* structured variables                                        *)
    24 typedecl  toreal  (* var with undef real value: forces typing                    *)
    25 typedecl  toreall (* var with undef real list value: forces typing               *)
    26 typedecl  tobooll (* var with undef bool list value: forces typing               *)
    27 typedecl  unknow  (* input without dsc in fmz=[]                                 *)
    28 typedecl  cpy     (* UNUSED: copy-named variables
    29              identified by .._0, .._i .._' in pbt                        *)
    30   (***********************************************************************)
    31   (* 'fun is_dsc' in ProgLang/scrtools.smlMUST contain ALL these types !!*)
    32   (***********************************************************************)
    34 consts
    36   UniversalList   :: "bool list"
    38   lhs             :: "bool => real"           (*of an equality*)
    39   rhs             :: "bool => real"           (*of an equality*)
    40   Vars            :: "'a => real list"        (*get the variables of a term *)
    41   matches         :: "['a, 'a] => bool"
    42   matchsub        :: "['a, 'a] => bool"
    44 (*
    45 constdefs
    47   Testvar   :: "[real, 'a] => bool"  (*is a variable in a term: unused 6.5.03*)
    48  "Testvar v t == v mem (Vars t)"     (*by rewriting only,no Calcunused 6.5.03*)
    49 *)
    51 ML {* (*the former Tools.ML*)
    52 (* auxiliary functions for scripts  WN.9.00*)
    53 (*11.02: for equation solving only*)
    54 val UniversalList = (term_of o the o (parse @{theory})) "UniversalList";
    55 val EmptyList = (term_of o the o (parse @{theory}))  "[]::bool list";     
    57 (*+ for Or_to_List +*)
    58 fun or2list (Const ("HOL.True",_)) = (tracing"### or2list True";UniversalList)
    59   | or2list (Const ("HOL.False",_)) = (tracing"### or2list False";EmptyList)
    60   | or2list (t as Const ("HOL.eq",_) $ _ $ _) = 
    61     (tracing"### or2list _ = _";list2isalist bool [t])
    62   | or2list ors =
    63     (tracing"### or2list _ | _";
    64     let fun get ls (Const ("HOL.disj",_) $ o1 $ o2) =
    65 	    case o2 of
    66 		Const ("HOL.disj",_) $ _ $ _ => get (ls @ [o1]) o2
    67 	      | _ => ls @ [o1, o2] 
    68     in (((list2isalist bool) o (get [])) ors)
    69        handle _ => error ("or2list: no ORs= "^(term2str ors)) end
    70 	);
    71 (*>val t = @{term True};
    72 > val t' = or2list t;
    73 > term2str t';
    74 "Atools.UniversalList"
    75 > val t = @{term False};
    76 > val t' = or2list t;
    77 > term2str t';
    78 "[]"
    79 > val t=(term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x=3";
    80 > val t' = or2list t;
    81 > term2str t';
    82 "[x = 3]"
    83 > val t=(term_of o the o (parse thy))"(x=3) | (x=-3) | (x=0)";
    84 > val t' = or2list t;
    85 > term2str t';
    86 "[x = #3, x = #-3, x = #0]" : string *)
    89 (** evaluation on the meta-level **)
    91 (*. evaluate the predicate matches (match on whole term only) .*)
    92 (*("matches",("Tools.matches",eval_matches "#matches_")):calc*)
    93 fun eval_matches (thmid:string) "Tools.matches"
    94 		  (t as Const ("Tools.matches",_) $ pat $ tst) thy = 
    95     if matches thy tst pat
    96     then 
    97       let
    98         val prop = Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, @{term True}))
    99 	    in SOME (term_to_string''' thy prop, prop) end
   100     else 
   101       let 
   102         val prop = Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, @{term False}))
   103 	    in SOME (term_to_string''' thy prop, prop) end
   104   | eval_matches _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   105 (*
   106 > val t  = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   107 	      "matches (?x = 0) (1 * x ^^^ 2 = 0)";
   108 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   109 val it =
   110   SOME
   111     ("matches (x = 0) (1 * x ^^^ 2 = 0) = False",
   112      Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ Const #)) : (string * term) option
   114 > val t  = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   115 	      "matches (?a = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0)";
   116 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   117 val it =
   118   SOME
   119     ("matches (?a = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0) = True",
   120      Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ Const #)) : (string * term) option
   122 > val t  = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   123 	      "matches (?a * x = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0)";
   124 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   125 val it =
   126   SOME
   127     ("matches (?a * x = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0) = False",
   128      Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ Const #)) : (string * term) option
   130 > val t  = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   131 	      "matches (?a * x ^^^ #2 = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0)";
   132 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   133 val it =
   134   SOME
   135     ("matches (?a * x ^^^ #2 = #0) (#1 * x ^^^ #2 = #0) = True",
   136      Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ Const #)) : (string * term) option                  
   137 ----- before ?patterns ---:
   138 > val t  = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   139 	      "matches (a * b^^^#2 = c) (#3 * x^^^#2 = #1)";
   140 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   141 SOME
   142     ("matches (a * b ^^^ #2 = c) (#3 * x ^^^ #2 = #1) = True",
   143      Const ("HOL.Trueprop","bool => prop") $ (Const # $ (# $ #) $ Const (#,#)))
   144   : (string * term) option 
   146 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   147 	      "matches (a * b^^^#2 = c) (#3 * x^^^#2222 = #1)";
   148 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   149 SOME ("matches (a * b ^^^ #2 = c) (#3 * x ^^^ #2222 = #1) = False",
   150      Const ("HOL.Trueprop","bool => prop") $ (Const # $ (# $ #) $ Const (#,#)))
   152 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   153                "matches (a = b) (x + #1 + #-1 * #2 = #0)";
   154 > eval_matches "/thmid/" "/op_/" t thy;
   155 SOME ("matches (a = b) (x + #1 + #-1 * #2 = #0) = True",Const # $ (# $ #))
   156 *)
   158 (*.does a pattern match some subterm ?.*)
   159 fun matchsub thy t pat =  
   160   let
   161     fun matchs (t as Const _) = matches thy t pat
   162 	      | matchs (t as Free _) = matches thy t pat
   163 	      | matchs (t as Var _) = matches thy t pat
   164 	      | matchs (Bound _) = false
   165 	      | matchs (t as Abs (_, _, body)) = 
   166 	          if matches thy t pat then true else matches thy body pat
   167 	      | matchs (t as f1 $ f2) =
   168 	          if matches thy t pat then true 
   169 	            else if matchs f1 then true else matchs f2
   170   in matchs t end;
   172 (*("matchsub",("Tools.matchsub",eval_matchsub "#matchsub_")):calc*)
   173 fun eval_matchsub (thmid:string) "Tools.matchsub"
   174 		  (t as Const ("Tools.matchsub",_) $ pat $ tst) thy = 
   175     if matchsub thy tst pat
   176     then 
   177       let val prop = Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, @{term True}))
   178       in SOME (term_to_string''' thy prop, prop) end
   179     else 
   180       let val prop = Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, @{term False}))
   181       in SOME (term_to_string''' thy prop, prop) end
   182   | eval_matchsub _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   184 (*get the variables in an isabelle-term*)
   185 (*("Vars"    ,("Tools.Vars"    ,eval_var "#Vars_")):calc*)
   186 fun eval_var (thmid:string) "Tools.Vars" (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) thy = 
   187     let 
   188       val t' = ((list2isalist HOLogic.realT) o vars) t;
   189       val thmId = thmid ^ term_to_string''' thy arg;
   190     in SOME (thmId, Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, t'))) end
   191   | eval_var _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   193 fun lhs (Const ("HOL.eq",_) $ l $ _) = l
   194   | lhs t = error("lhs called with (" ^ term2str t ^ ")");
   195 (*("lhs"    ,("Tools.lhs"    ,eval_lhs "")):calc*)
   196 fun eval_lhs _ "Tools.lhs"
   197 	     (t as (Const ("Tools.lhs",_) $ (Const ("HOL.eq",_) $ l $ _))) _ = 
   198     SOME ((term2str t) ^ " = " ^ (term2str l),
   199 	  Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, l)))
   200   | eval_lhs _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   201 (*
   202 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "lhs (1 * x ^^^ 2 = 0)";
   203 > val SOME (id,t') = eval_lhs 0 0 t 0;
   204 val id = "Tools.lhs (1 * x ^^^ 2 = 0) = 1 * x ^^^ 2" : string
   205 > term2str t';
   206 val it = "Tools.lhs (1 * x ^^^ 2 = 0) = 1 * x ^^^ 2" : string
   207 *)
   209 fun rhs (Const ("HOL.eq",_) $ _ $ r) = r
   210   | rhs t = error("rhs called with (" ^ term2str t ^ ")");
   211 (*("rhs"    ,("Tools.rhs"    ,eval_rhs "")):calc*)
   212 fun eval_rhs _ "Tools.rhs"
   213 	     (t as (Const ("Tools.rhs",_) $ (Const ("HOL.eq",_) $ _ $ r))) _ = 
   214     SOME ((term2str t) ^ " = " ^ (term2str r),
   215 	  Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, r)))
   216   | eval_rhs _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   219 (*for evaluating scripts*) 
   221 val list_rls = append_rls "list_rls" list_rls
   222 			  [Calc ("Tools.rhs",eval_rhs "")];
   223 ruleset' := overwritelthy @{theory} (!ruleset',
   224   [("list_rls",list_rls)
   225    ]);
   226 calclist':= overwritel (!calclist', 
   227    [("matches",("Tools.matches",eval_matches "#matches_")),
   228     ("matchsub",("Tools.matchsub",eval_matchsub "#matchsub_")),
   229     ("Vars"    ,("Tools.Vars"    ,eval_var "#Vars_")),
   230     ("lhs"    ,("Tools.lhs"    ,eval_lhs "")),
   231     ("rhs"    ,("Tools.rhs"    ,eval_rhs ""))
   232     ]);
   234 *}
   235 end