author wenzelm
Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:49:52 +0200
changeset 43308 7691cc61720a
parent 43232 23f352990944
child 43309 cf963c834435
permissions -rw-r--r--
standardized some ML aliases;
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Mutabelle/mutabelle_extra.ML
     2     Author:     Stefan Berghofer, Jasmin Blanchette, Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
     4 Invokation of Counterexample generators.
     5 *)
     7 signature MUTABELLE_EXTRA =
     8 sig
    10 val take_random : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
    12 datatype outcome = GenuineCex | PotentialCex | NoCex | Donno | Timeout | Error | Solved | Unsolved
    13 type timings = (string * int) list
    15 type mtd = string * (theory -> term -> outcome * timings)
    17 type mutant_subentry = term * (string * (outcome * timings)) list
    18 type detailed_entry = string * bool * term * mutant_subentry list
    20 type subentry = string * int * int * int * int * int * int
    21 type entry = string * bool * subentry list
    22 type report = entry list
    24 val quickcheck_mtd : (Proof.context -> Proof.context) -> string -> mtd
    26 val solve_direct_mtd : mtd
    27 val try_mtd : mtd
    28 (*
    29 val sledgehammer_mtd : mtd
    30 *)
    31 val nitpick_mtd : mtd
    33 (*
    34 val refute_mtd : mtd
    35 *)
    37 val freezeT : term -> term
    38 val thms_of : bool -> theory -> thm list
    40 val string_for_report : report -> string
    41 val write_report : string -> report -> unit
    42 val mutate_theorems_and_write_report :
    43   theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> string -> unit
    45 val random_seed : real Unsynchronized.ref
    46 end;
    48 structure MutabelleExtra : MUTABELLE_EXTRA =
    49 struct
    51 (* Own seed; can't rely on the Isabelle one to stay the same *)
    52 val random_seed = Unsynchronized.ref 1.0;
    55 (* mutation options *)
    56 (*val max_mutants = 4
    57 val num_mutations = 1*)
    58 (* soundness check: *)
    59 val max_mutants =  10
    60 val num_mutations = 1
    62 (* quickcheck options *)
    63 (*val quickcheck_generator = "SML"*)
    65 (* Another Random engine *)
    67 exception RANDOM;
    69 fun rmod x y = x - y * Real.realFloor (x / y);
    71 local
    72   val a = 16807.0;
    73   val m = 2147483647.0;
    74 in
    76 fun random () = CRITICAL (fn () =>
    77   let val r = rmod (a * ! random_seed) m
    78   in (random_seed := r; r) end);
    80 end;
    82 fun random_range l h =
    83   if h < l orelse l < 0 then raise RANDOM
    84   else l + Real.floor (rmod (random ()) (real (h - l + 1)));
    86 fun take_random 0 _ = []
    87   | take_random _ [] = []
    88   | take_random n xs =
    89     let val j = random_range 0 (length xs - 1) in
    90       Library.nth xs j :: take_random (n - 1) (nth_drop j xs)
    91     end
    93 (* possible outcomes *)
    95 datatype outcome = GenuineCex | PotentialCex | NoCex | Donno | Timeout | Error | Solved | Unsolved
    97 fun string_of_outcome GenuineCex = "GenuineCex"
    98   | string_of_outcome PotentialCex = "PotentialCex"
    99   | string_of_outcome NoCex = "NoCex"
   100   | string_of_outcome Donno = "Donno"
   101   | string_of_outcome Timeout = "Timeout"
   102   | string_of_outcome Error = "Error"
   103   | string_of_outcome Solved = "Solved"
   104   | string_of_outcome Unsolved = "Unsolved"
   106 type timings = (string * int) list
   108 type mtd = string * (theory -> term -> outcome * timings)
   110 type mutant_subentry = term * (string * (outcome * timings)) list
   111 type detailed_entry = string * bool * term * mutant_subentry list
   113 type subentry = string * int * int * int * int * int * int
   114 type entry = string * bool * subentry list
   115 type report = entry list
   117 (* possible invocations *)
   119 (** quickcheck **)
   121 fun invoke_quickcheck change_options quickcheck_generator thy t =
   122   TimeLimit.timeLimit (seconds (!Auto_Tools.time_limit))
   123       (fn _ =>
   124           let
   125             val [result] = Quickcheck.test_goal_terms (change_options (Proof_Context.init_global thy))
   126               (false, false) [] [(t, [])]
   127           in
   128             case Quickcheck.counterexample_of result of 
   129               NONE => (NoCex, Quickcheck.timings_of result)
   130             | SOME _ => (GenuineCex, Quickcheck.timings_of result)
   131           end) ()
   132   handle TimeLimit.TimeOut =>
   133          (Timeout, [("timelimit", Real.floor (!Auto_Tools.time_limit))])
   135 fun quickcheck_mtd change_options quickcheck_generator =
   136   ("quickcheck_" ^ quickcheck_generator, invoke_quickcheck change_options quickcheck_generator)
   138 (** solve direct **)
   140 fun invoke_solve_direct thy t =
   141   let
   142     val state = Proof.theorem NONE (K I) (map (single o rpair []) [t]) (Proof_Context.init_global thy) 
   143   in
   144     case Solve_Direct.solve_direct false state of
   145       (true, _) => (Solved, [])
   146     | (false, _) => (Unsolved, [])
   147   end
   149 val solve_direct_mtd = ("solve_direct", invoke_solve_direct) 
   151 (** try **)
   153 fun invoke_try thy t =
   154   let
   155     val state = Proof.theorem NONE (K I) (map (single o rpair []) [t]) (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
   156   in
   157     case Try.invoke_try (SOME (seconds 5.0)) ([], [], [], []) state of
   158       true => (Solved, [])
   159     | false => (Unsolved, [])
   160   end
   162 val try_mtd = ("try", invoke_try)
   164 (** sledgehammer **)
   165 (*
   166 fun invoke_sledgehammer thy t =
   167   if can (Goal.prove_global thy (Term.add_free_names t [])  [] t)
   168       (fn {context, ...} => Sledgehammer_Tactics.sledgehammer_with_metis_tac context 1) then
   169     (Solved, ([], NONE))
   170   else
   171     (Unsolved, ([], NONE))
   173 val sledgehammer_mtd = ("sledgehammer", invoke_sledgehammer)
   174 *)
   175 (*
   176 fun invoke_refute thy t =
   177   let
   178     val res = MyRefute.refute_term thy [] t
   179     val _ = Output.urgent_message ("Refute: " ^ res)
   180   in
   181     case res of
   182       "genuine" => GenuineCex
   183     | "likely_genuine" => GenuineCex
   184     | "potential" => PotentialCex
   185     | "none" => NoCex
   186     | "unknown" => Donno
   187     | _ => Error
   188   end
   189   handle MyRefute.REFUTE (loc, details) =>
   190          (error ("Unhandled Refute error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^
   191                    "."))
   192 val refute_mtd = ("refute", invoke_refute)
   193 *)
   195 (** nitpick **)
   197 fun invoke_nitpick thy t =
   198   let
   199     val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
   200     val state = Proof.init ctxt
   201     val (res, _) = Nitpick.pick_nits_in_term state
   202       (Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []) false 1 1 1 [] [] t
   203     val _ = Output.urgent_message ("Nitpick: " ^ res)
   204   in
   205     (rpair []) (case res of
   206       "genuine" => GenuineCex
   207     | "likely_genuine" => GenuineCex
   208     | "potential" => PotentialCex
   209     | "none" => NoCex
   210     | "unknown" => Donno
   211     | _ => Error)
   212   end
   214 val nitpick_mtd = ("nitpick", invoke_nitpick)
   216 (* filtering forbidden theorems and mutants *)
   218 val comms = [@{const_name HOL.eq}, @{const_name HOL.disj}, @{const_name HOL.conj}]
   220 val forbidden =
   221  [(* (@{const_name "power"}, "'a"), *)
   222   (*(@{const_name induct_equal}, "'a"),
   223   (@{const_name induct_implies}, "'a"),
   224   (@{const_name induct_conj}, "'a"),*)
   225   (@{const_name "undefined"}, "'a"),
   226   (@{const_name "default"}, "'a"),
   227   (@{const_name "dummy_pattern"}, "'a::{}"),
   228   (@{const_name "HOL.simp_implies"}, "prop => prop => prop"),
   229   (@{const_name "bot_fun_inst.bot_fun"}, "'a"),
   230   (@{const_name "top_fun_inst.top_fun"}, "'a"),
   231   (@{const_name "Pure.term"}, "'a"),
   232   (@{const_name ""}, "'a"),
   233   (@{const_name "Quotient.Quot_True"}, "'a")(*,
   234   (@{const_name "uminus"}, "'a"),
   235   (@{const_name "Nat.size"}, "'a"),
   236   (@{const_name "Groups.abs"}, "'a") *)]
   238 val forbidden_thms =
   239  ["finite_intvl_succ_class",
   240   "nibble"]
   242 val forbidden_consts =
   243  [@{const_name nibble_pair_of_char}, @{const_name "TYPE"}]
   245 fun is_forbidden_theorem (s, th) =
   246   let val consts = Term.add_const_names (prop_of th) [] in
   247     exists (member (op =) (space_explode "." s)) forbidden_thms orelse
   248     exists (member (op =) forbidden_consts) consts orelse
   249     length (space_explode "." s) <> 2 orelse
   250     String.isPrefix "type_definition" (List.last (space_explode "." s)) orelse
   251     String.isSuffix "_def" s orelse
   252     String.isSuffix "_raw" s orelse
   253     String.isPrefix "term_of" (List.last (space_explode "." s))
   254   end
   256 val forbidden_mutant_constnames =
   257  ["HOL.induct_equal",
   258   "HOL.induct_implies",
   259   "HOL.induct_conj",
   260  @{const_name undefined},
   261  @{const_name default},
   262  @{const_name dummy_pattern},
   263  @{const_name "HOL.simp_implies"},
   264  @{const_name "bot_fun_inst.bot_fun"},
   265  @{const_name "top_fun_inst.top_fun"},
   266  @{const_name "Pure.term"},
   267  @{const_name ""},
   268  (*@{const_name "HOL.equal"},*)
   269  @{const_name "Quotient.Quot_True"},
   270  @{const_name "equal_fun_inst.equal_fun"},
   271  @{const_name "equal_bool_inst.equal_bool"},
   272  @{const_name "ord_fun_inst.less_eq_fun"},
   273  @{const_name "ord_fun_inst.less_fun"},
   274  @{const_name Metis.fequal},
   275  @{const_name Meson.skolem},
   276  @{const_name transfer_morphism}
   277  (*@{const_name "==>"}, @{const_name "=="}*)]
   279 val forbidden_mutant_consts =
   280   [
   281    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   282    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   283    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   284    (@{const_name "Groups.minus_class.minus"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   285    (@{const_name "Groups.times_class.times"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   286    (@{const_name "Rings.inverse_class.divide"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   287    (@{const_name "Lattices.semilattice_inf_class.inf"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   288    (@{const_name "Lattices.semilattice_sup_class.sup"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   289    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   290    (@{const_name "Orderings.ord_class.min"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   291    (@{const_name "Orderings.ord_class.max"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   292    (@{const_name "Divides.div_class.mod"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   293    (@{const_name "Divides.div_class.div"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   294    (@{const_name "GCD.gcd_class.gcd"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   295    (@{const_name "GCD.gcd_class.lcm"}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}),
   296    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "bool => prop"}),
   297    (@{const_name ""}, @{typ "bool => prop"}),
   298    (@{const_name ""},@{typ "bool => prop"})]
   300 fun is_forbidden_mutant t =
   301   let
   302     val const_names = Term.add_const_names t []
   303     val consts = Term.add_consts t []
   304   in
   305     exists (String.isPrefix "Nitpick") const_names orelse
   306     exists (String.isSubstring "_sumC") const_names orelse
   307     exists (member (op =) forbidden_mutant_constnames) const_names orelse
   308     exists (member (op =) forbidden_mutant_consts) consts
   309   end
   311 (* executable via quickcheck *)
   313 fun is_executable_term thy t =
   314   let
   315     val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
   316   in
   317     can (TimeLimit.timeLimit (seconds 2.0)
   318       (Quickcheck.test_goal_terms
   319         ((Config.put Quickcheck.finite_types true #>
   320           Config.put Quickcheck.finite_type_size 1 #>
   321           Config.put Quickcheck.size 1 #> Config.put Quickcheck.iterations 1) ctxt)
   322         (false, false) [])) (map (rpair [] o Object_Logic.atomize_term thy) (fst (Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt)))
   323   end
   325 fun is_executable_thm thy th = is_executable_term thy (prop_of th)
   327 val freezeT =
   328   map_types (map_type_tvar (fn ((a, i), S) =>
   329     TFree (if i = 0 then a else a ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i, S)))
   331 fun thms_of all thy =
   332   filter
   333     (fn th => (all orelse Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th) = Context.theory_name thy)
   334       (* andalso is_executable_thm thy th *))
   335     (map snd (filter_out is_forbidden_theorem (Mutabelle.all_unconcealed_thms_of thy)))
   337 fun count x = (length oo filter o equal) x
   339 fun cpu_time description e =
   340   let val ({cpu, ...}, result) = Timing.timing e ()
   341   in (result, (description, Time.toMilliseconds cpu)) end
   342 (*
   343 fun unsafe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) t =
   344   let
   345     val _ = Output.urgent_message ("Invoking " ^ mtd_name)
   346     val ((res, (timing, reports)), time) = cpu_time "total time" (fn () => invoke_mtd thy t
   347       handle ERROR s => (tracing s; (Error, ([], NONE))))
   348     val _ = Output.urgent_message (" Done")
   349   in (res, (time :: timing, reports)) end
   350 *)  
   351 fun safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) t =
   352   let
   353     val _ = Output.urgent_message ("Invoking " ^ mtd_name)
   354     val (res, timing) = (*cpu_time "total time"
   355       (fn () => *)case try (invoke_mtd thy) t of
   356           SOME (res, timing) => (res, timing)
   357         | NONE => (Output.urgent_message ("**** PROBLEMS WITH " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t);
   358            (Error, []))
   359     val _ = Output.urgent_message (" Done")
   360   in (res, timing) end
   362 (* theory -> term list -> mtd -> subentry *)
   364 fun test_mutants_using_one_method thy mutants (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) =
   365   let
   366      val res = map (fst o safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd)) mutants
   367   in
   368     (mtd_name, count GenuineCex res, count PotentialCex res, count NoCex res,
   369      count Donno res, count Timeout res, count Error res)
   370   end
   372 (* creating entries *)
   374 fun create_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds =
   375   (Thm.get_name_hint thm, exec, map (test_mutants_using_one_method thy mutants) mtds)
   377 fun create_detailed_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds =
   378   let
   379     fun create_mutant_subentry mutant = (mutant,
   380       map (fn (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) =>
   381         (mtd_name, safe_invoke_mtd thy (mtd_name, invoke_mtd) mutant)) mtds)
   382   in
   383     (Thm.get_name_hint thm, exec, prop_of thm, map create_mutant_subentry mutants)
   384   end
   386 (* (theory -> thm -> bool -> term list -> mtd list -> 'a) -> theory -> mtd list -> thm -> 'a *)
   387 fun mutate_theorem create_entry thy mtds thm =
   388   let
   389     val exec = is_executable_thm thy thm
   390     val _ = Output.tracing (if exec then "EXEC" else "NOEXEC")
   391     val mutants =
   392           (if num_mutations = 0 then
   393              [Thm.prop_of thm]
   394            else
   395              Mutabelle.mutate_mix (Thm.prop_of thm) thy comms forbidden
   396                                   num_mutations)
   397              |> tap (fn muts => tracing ("mutants: " ^ string_of_int (length muts)))
   398              |> filter_out is_forbidden_mutant
   399     val mutants =
   400       if exec then
   401         let
   402           val _ = Output.urgent_message ("BEFORE PARTITION OF " ^
   403                             string_of_int (length mutants) ^ " MUTANTS")
   404           val (execs, noexecs) = List.partition (is_executable_term thy) (take_random (20 * max_mutants) mutants)
   405           val _ = tracing ("AFTER PARTITION (" ^ string_of_int (length execs) ^
   406                            " vs " ^ string_of_int (length noexecs) ^ ")")
   407         in
   408           execs @ take_random (Int.max (0, max_mutants - length execs)) noexecs
   409         end
   410       else
   411         mutants
   412     val mutants = mutants
   413           |> map Mutabelle.freeze |> map freezeT
   414 (*          |> filter (not o is_forbidden_mutant) *)
   415           |> map_filter (try (Sign.cert_term thy))
   416           |> filter (is_some o try (Thm.cterm_of thy))
   417           |> filter (is_some o try (Syntax.check_term (Proof_Context.init_global thy)))
   418           |> take_random max_mutants
   419     val _ = map (fn t => Output.urgent_message ("MUTANT: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t)) mutants
   420   in
   421     create_entry thy thm exec mutants mtds
   422   end
   424 (* theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> report *)
   425 val mutate_theorems = map ooo mutate_theorem
   427 fun string_of_mutant_subentry thy thm_name (t, results) =
   428   "mutant: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^ "\n" ^
   429   space_implode "; "
   430     (map (fn (mtd_name, (outcome, timing)) => mtd_name ^ ": " ^ string_of_outcome outcome) results) ^
   431   "\n"
   433 (* string -> string *)
   434 val unyxml = XML.content_of o YXML.parse_body
   436 fun string_of_mutant_subentry' thy thm_name (t, results) =
   437   let
   438    (* fun string_of_report (Quickcheck.Report {iterations = i, raised_match_errors = e,
   439       satisfied_assms = s, positive_concl_tests = p}) =
   440       "errors: " ^ string_of_int e ^ "; conclusion tests: " ^ string_of_int p
   441     fun string_of_reports NONE = ""
   442       | string_of_reports (SOME reports) =
   443         cat_lines (map (fn (size, [report]) =>
   444           "size " ^ string_of_int size ^ ": " ^ string_of_report report) (rev reports))*)
   445     fun string_of_mtd_result (mtd_name, (outcome, timing)) =
   446       mtd_name ^ ": " ^ string_of_outcome outcome
   447       (*" with time " ^ " (" ^ space_implode "; " (map (fn (s, t) => (s ^ ": " ^ string_of_int t)) timing) ^ ")"*)
   448       (*^ "\n" ^ string_of_reports reports*)
   449   in
   450     "mutant of " ^ thm_name ^ ":\n"
   451     ^ unyxml (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t) ^ "\n" ^ space_implode "; " (map string_of_mtd_result results)
   452   end
   454 fun string_of_detailed_entry thy (thm_name, exec, t, mutant_subentries) = 
   455    thm_name ^ " " ^ (if exec then "[exe]" else "[noexe]") ^ ": " ^
   456    Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^ "\n" ^                                    
   457    cat_lines (map (string_of_mutant_subentry' thy thm_name) mutant_subentries) ^ "\n"
   459 fun theoryfile_string_of_mutant_subentry thy thm_name (i, (t, results)) =
   460   "lemma " ^ thm_name ^ "_" ^ string_of_int (i + 1) ^ ":\n" ^
   461   "\"" ^ unyxml (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t) ^
   462   "\" \nquickcheck\noops\n"
   464 fun theoryfile_string_of_detailed_entry thy (thm_name, exec, t, mutant_subentries) =
   465   "subsubsection {* mutants of " ^ thm_name ^ " *}\n\n" ^
   466   cat_lines (map_index
   467     (theoryfile_string_of_mutant_subentry thy thm_name) mutant_subentries) ^ "\n"
   469 (* subentry -> string *)
   470 fun string_for_subentry (mtd_name, genuine_cex, potential_cex, no_cex, donno,
   471                          timeout, error) =
   472   "    " ^ mtd_name ^ ": " ^ string_of_int genuine_cex ^ "+ " ^
   473   string_of_int potential_cex ^ "= " ^ string_of_int no_cex ^ "- " ^
   474   string_of_int donno ^ "? " ^ string_of_int timeout ^ "T " ^
   475   string_of_int error ^ "!"
   477 (* entry -> string *)
   478 fun string_for_entry (thm_name, exec, subentries) =
   479   thm_name ^ " " ^ (if exec then "[exe]" else "[noexe]") ^ ":\n" ^
   480   cat_lines (map string_for_subentry subentries) ^ "\n"
   482 (* report -> string *)
   483 fun string_for_report report = cat_lines (map string_for_entry report)
   485 (* string -> report -> unit *)
   486 fun write_report file_name =
   487   File.write (Path.explode file_name) o string_for_report
   489 (* theory -> mtd list -> thm list -> string -> unit *)
   490 fun mutate_theorems_and_write_report thy mtds thms file_name =
   491   let
   492     val _ = Output.urgent_message "Starting Mutabelle..."
   493     val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
   494     val path = Path.explode file_name
   495     (* for normal report: *)
   496     (*
   497     val (gen_create_entry, gen_string_for_entry) = (create_entry, string_for_entry)
   498     *)
   499     (* for detailled report: *)
   500     val (gen_create_entry, gen_string_for_entry) = (create_detailed_entry, string_of_detailed_entry thy)
   501     (* for theory creation: *)
   502     (*val (gen_create_entry, gen_string_for_entry) = (create_detailed_entry, theoryfile_string_of_detailed_entry thy)*)
   503   in
   504     File.write path (
   505     "Mutation options = "  ^
   506       "max_mutants: " ^ string_of_int max_mutants ^
   507       "; num_mutations: " ^ string_of_int num_mutations ^ "\n" ^
   508     "QC options = " ^
   509       (*"quickcheck_generator: " ^ quickcheck_generator ^ ";*)
   510       "size: " ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.size) ^
   511       "; iterations: " ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.iterations) ^ "\n");
   512     map (File.append path o gen_string_for_entry o mutate_theorem gen_create_entry thy mtds) thms;
   513     ()
   514   end
   516 end;