author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Mon, 18 May 2020 14:02:54 +0200
changeset 59992 7431c60c4fcc
parent 59990 ca6f741c0ca3
child 59997 46fe5a8c3911
permissions -rw-r--r--
sprep.cleanup Specification, Specify
     1 (* Title:  "Specify/i-model.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model ---------------------------------------------";
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 open I_Model;
    15 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
    17 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
    18 val f_model = ["Traegerlaenge L","Streckenlast q_0","Biegelinie y",
    19 	"Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]",
    20 	"FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
    21   "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"];
    22 val f_spec = ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"], ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]);
    23 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(f_model, f_spec)]; (*\<rightarrow>Model_Problem*)
    24 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Given "Traegerlaenge L"*)
    25 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0"*)
    26 (*[], Pbl*)val (p''''',_,f,nxt''''',_,pt''''') = me nxt p [] pt; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Find "Biegelinie y"*)
    28 (*/------------------- begin step into -----------------------------------------------------\*)
    29 (*+*)val Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0" = nxt;
    31 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p, [], pt);
    33   val ("ok", ([], [], _)) = (*case*)
    34       Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
    35 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt, p));
    36   val Applicable.Yes tac' = (*case*)
    37       Step.check tac (pt, p) (*of*);
    38 	    (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' tac' (*then*);
    40   val ("ok", ([], [], _)) =
    41 Step_Specify.by_tactic tac' ptp;
    42 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val ((Tactic.Add_Given' (ct, _)), (pt, p)) = (tac', ptp);
    44   val ("ok", ([], [], _)) =
    45      Specify.by_tactic' "#Given" ct (pt, p);
    46 "~~~~~ fun specify_additem , args:"; val (sel, ct, (pt, pos as (p,_(*Frm, Pbl*)))) =
    47   ("#Given", ct, (pt, p));
    48         val (met, oris, (dI', pI', mI'), pbl, (dI, pI, mI), ctxt) = Specification.get_data (pt, pos)
    49         val thy = if dI = ThyC.id_empty then ThyC.get_theory dI' else ThyC.get_theory dI
    50         val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI
    51         val cmI = if mI = Method.id_empty then mI' else mI
    52         val {ppc, where_, prls, ...} = Problem.from_store cpI;
    54 (*+*)if Model_Pattern.to_string ppc = "[\"" ^
    55   "(#Given, (Traegerlaenge, l_l))\",\"" ^
    56   "(#Given, (Streckenlast, q_q))\",\"" ^
    57   "(#Find, (Biegelinie, b_b))\",\"" ^
    58   "(#Relate, (Randbedingungen, r_b))\"]"
    59 (*+*)then () else error "INITIAL Model_Pattern CHANGED";
    60 (*+*)if O_Model.to_string oris = "[\n" ^
    61   "(1, [\"1\"], #Given,Traegerlaenge, [\"L\"]),\n" ^
    62   "(2, [\"1\"], #Given,Streckenlast, [\"q_0\"]),\n" ^
    63   "(3, [\"1\"], #Find,Biegelinie, [\"y\"]),\n" ^
    64   "(4, [\"1\"], #Relate,Randbedingungen, [\"[y 0 = 0]\",\"[y L = 0]\",\"[M_b 0 = 0]\",\"[M_b L = 0]\"]),\n" ^
    65   "(5, [\"1\"], #undef,FunktionsVariable, [\"x\"]),\n" ^
    66   "(6, [\"1\"], #undef,GleichungsVariablen, [\"[c]\",\"[c_2]\",\"[c_3]\",\"[c_4]\"]),\n" ^
    67   "(7, [\"1\"], #undef,AbleitungBiegelinie, [\"dy\"])]"
    68 (*+*)then () else error "INITIAL O_Model CHANGED";
    69 (*+*)if I_Model.to_string ctxt pbl = "[\n" ^
    70   "(0 ,[] ,false ,#Given ,Inc Streckenlast ,(??.empty, [])),\n" ^
    71   "(0 ,[] ,false ,#Find ,Inc Biegelinie ,(??.empty, [])),\n" ^
    72   "(0 ,[] ,false ,#Relate ,Inc Randbedingungen [] ,(??.empty, [])),\n" ^
    73   "(1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Traegerlaenge L ,(l_l, [L]))]"
    74 (*+*)then () else error "INITIAL I_Model CHANGED";
    76 val Add (2, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Streckenlast", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]),
    77       (Free ("q_q", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]))) = (*case*)
    78    I_Model.check_single ctxt sel oris pbl ppc ct (*of*);
    79 "~~~~~ fun add_single , args:"; val (ctxt, m_field, o_model, i_model, m_patt, str) = (ctxt, sel, oris, pbl, ppc, ct);
    80       val SOME t =(*case*) TermC.parseNEW ctxt str (*of*);
    81 (** )val ("", (2, [1], "#Given", Const ("Biegelinie.Streckenlast", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]), [Free ("q_0", _)]) =( **)
    82 (**)val ("", ori', all) =(**)
    83           (*case*) is_known ctxt m_field o_model t (*of*);
    85 (*+*)O_Model.single_to_string ori';
    86 (*+*)val [Free ("q_0", _)] = all;
    88 (** )val ("", (2, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Streckenlast", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]), (Free ("q_q", _), [Free ("q_0", _)])))) =( **)
    89 (**)val ("", itm) =(**)
    90  (*case*) is_notyet_input ctxt i_model all ori' m_patt (*of*);
    92              Add itm  (*return from add_single*);
    93 "~~~~~ from fun add_single \<longrightarrow>fun specify_additem , return:"; val (I_Model.Add itm) = (Add itm);
    94 	            val pbl' = I_Model.add_single thy itm pbl;
    96 (*+*)if I_Model.to_string ctxt pbl' = "[\n" ^
    97   "(0 ,[] ,false ,#Find ,Inc Biegelinie ,(??.empty, [])),\n" ^
    98   "(0 ,[] ,false ,#Relate ,Inc Randbedingungen [] ,(??.empty, [])),\n" ^
    99   "(1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Traegerlaenge L ,(l_l, [L])),\n" ^
   100   "(2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0]))]"
   101 (*+*)then () else error "FINAL I_Model CHANGED";
   103 	            val (p, pt') =
   104 	              case Specify_Step.add (I_Model.get_tac sel (ct, pbl')) (Istate.Uistate, ctxt) (pt, (p, Pos.Pbl)) of
   105   	              ((p, Pbl), _, _, pt') => (p, pt')
   106 	            val pre = Pre_Conds.check' thy prls where_ pbl'
   107 	            val pb = foldl and_ (true, map fst pre)
   108 	            val (p_, _) =
   109 	              Specify.find_next_step' Pos.Pbl pb oris (dI',pI',mI') (pbl',met) (ppc, (#ppc o Method.from_store) cmI) (dI, pI, mI);
   111 (*+*)if pre = [] then () else error "FINAL Pre_Conds.check' CHANGED 1";
   112 (*+*)if pb = true then () else error "FINAL Pre_Conds.check' CHANGED 1";
   113 (*-------------------- stop step into -------------------------------------------------------*)
   114 (*\------------------- end step into -------------------------------------------------------/*)
   116 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt''''' p''''' [] pt'''''; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0]"*)
   118 (* final test ...*)
   119 if p = ([], Pbl) then
   120   case nxt of Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0]" => () | _ => error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 1"
   121 else error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 2"