author Mathias Lehnfeld <s1210629013@students.fh-hagenberg.at>
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 21:49:27 +0100
changeset 55359 73dc85c025ab
parent 52156 aa0884017d48
child 55397 71f7fd375e7d
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup, naming: 'KEStore_Elems' in Tests now 'Test_KEStore_Elems', 'store_pbts' now 'add_pbts'
     1 (* Title: tests for sml/xmlsrc/thy-hierarchy.sml
     2    Authors: Walther Neuper 060113
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 CAUTION with testing *2file functions -- they are actually writing to ~/tmp
     6 *)
     8 val thy = @{theory "Isac"};
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "----------- assoc_rls -------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- thm_hier --------------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun thydata2xml -------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- write xml to tmp ------------------------------------";
    17 "----------- the_hier [] (collect_thyda.. NOT overwriting store_ -";
    18 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
    19 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
    20 "----------- fun store_thm ---------------------------------------";
    21 "----------- fun insert_fillpats ---------------------------------";
    22 "----------- fun insert_errpatIDs --------------------------------";
    23 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    24 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    25 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    28 "----------- assoc_rls -------------------------------------------";
    29 "----------- assoc_rls -------------------------------------------";
    30 "----------- assoc_rls -------------------------------------------";
    31 val al = [(1,11),(2,22),(3,33)];
    32 overwrite (al, (2,2222));
    33 (*val it = [(1, 11), (2, 2222), (3, 33)] : (int * int) list*)
    35 val al = [("e_rls",("Atools",e_rls)),("e_rrls",("Atools",e_rrls))];
    36 val bl = [("e_rls",e_rls),("e_rrls",e_rrls)];
    37 val b = ("e_rls",("Atools",e_rrls));
    38 overwrite (al, b);
    39 overwritelthy thy (al, bl);
    41 case assoc' ((Test_KEStore_Elems.get_rlss (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac")),"e_rls") of
    42   SOME ("Tools", Rls _) => ()
    43 | _ => error "e_rls not in Theory_Data" 
    45 assoc_rls "e_rls";
    48 "----------- thm_hier --------------------------------------------";
    49 "----------- thm_hier --------------------------------------------";
    50 "----------- thm_hier --------------------------------------------";
    51 (curry op:: "xxx") ["yyy","yyy","yyy"];
    52 map (curry op:: "xxx") [["yyy1"],["yyy2"],["yyy3"]];
    54 val thy' = "Integrate";
    55 val thy = assoc_thy (thyID2theory' thy');
    57 "WN120406.GOON --- restarted with 'isolate response' below, because it was very slow ?!?" ^
    58 "slow probably only because of print_depth 999 and large output";
    60 val thm = prop_of @{thm integral_var};
    62 (*-.-.-.-.-.-WN120406 isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
    64 "collect_thms thy'------------------------------------------------";
    65 (apfst single) ("Integrate.integral_var", thm);
    66 (strip_thy o #1) ("Integrate.integral_var", thm);
    68 (*cannot get this as arg from arg        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*)
    69     ("Integrate.integral_var", @{thm integral_var});
    70 (*thus new fun....*)
    72 makeHthm ("IsacKnowledge", thy') ("Integrate.integral_var", thm);
    73 (makeHthm ("IsacKnowledge", thy')) ("Integrate.integral_var", thm);
    74 map (makeHthm ("IsacKnowledge", thy')) (Theory.axioms_of thy);
    75 collect_thms' ("IsacKnowledge", thy');
    77 "collect_rlss thy'------------------------------------------------";
    78 makeHrls "IsacKnowledge" ("integration_rules", (thy', integration_rules));
    80 val thy' = "Test";
    81 val rlss = filter ((curry op= thy') o 
    82 			   ((#1 o #2):(rls' * (theory' * rls)) -> theory')) 
    83 			  (Test_KEStore_Elems.get_rlss (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac"));
    84 collect_rlss ("IsacKnowledge",thy');
    86 "collect_thy thy-------------------------------------------------";
    87 val thy' = "ListC";
    88 val thy = assoc_thy (thyID2theory' thy');
    89 ((collect_thms' ("IsacKnowledge",thy')) @ 
    90  (collect_rlss ("IsacKnowledge",thy')) @ 
    91  (collect_cals ("IsacKnowledge",thy')) @ 
    92  (collect_ords ("IsacKnowledge",thy')));
    93 collect_thy "IsacKnowledge" thy';
    95 "collect_thydata -------------------------------------------------";
    96 (*map rearrange_inv (! isab_thm_thy); dropped WN120321*)
    97 val xxx = hd (! isab_thm_thy);
    98 (single) xxx;
    99 (apfst ((curry op:: "Isabelle") o single)) xxx;
   101 map (apfst ( (curry op:: "Isabelle") o single) );
   102 map (apfst ((curry op:: "Isabelle") o single)) (! isab_thm_thy);
   104 "thy_hierarchy ---------------------------------------------------";
   105 val theID = ["IsacScripts", "ListC", "Theorems", "append_Cons"]:theID;
   106 val thydat as (theID, thydata) = 
   107     (theID, Hthm {guh = theID2guh theID, mathauthors = [],
   108      coursedesign = [], thm = prop_of @{thm append_Cons}});
   110 val th = [] : thehier;
   111 val theID' = cut_theID th theID;
   112 val th = fill_parents th theID' theID;
   113 (* val th =
   114    [Ptyp ("IsacScripts",
   115             [Html {guh = "thy_ListG-thm-append_Cons", html = "", ...}],
   116             [Ptyp ("ListG", ...)])] : thehier *)
   117 (*show_thes*)(writeln o format_pblIDl o (scan [])) th;
   118 writeln (hierarchy_guh th);
   120 "~~~~~ fun collect_thydata, args:"; val () = ();
   121     val isab_thms = (! isab_thm_thy):  (thmDeriv * term) list
   122 val xxx = hd (! isab_thm_thy);
   123 (collect_isab "Isabelle") xxx;
   124 (map (collect_isab "Isabelle") (! isab_thm_thy));
   125 (* = [(["Isabelle", "HOL", "Theorems", "refl"],
   126            Hthm {guh = "thy_isab_HOL-thm-refl", thm = Const ("HOL.Trueprop...", ..., 
   127              mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], coursedesign = []}),
   128           (["Isabelle", "Fun", "Theorems", ...],
   129            Hthm {guh = "thy_isab_Fun-thm-o_apply", thm = Const (......, 
   130              mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], coursedesign = []}),
   131           (["Isabelle", "ListC", ...], ...), (["Isabelle", ...], ...), ([...], ...), ...]:
   132    (theID * thydata) list*)
   134 (! progthys);
   135 val xxx = hd (map Context.theory_name (! progthys)): theory';
   136 (collect_thy "IsacScripts") xxx;
   137 ((flat o (map (collect_thy "IsacScripts"))) (map Context.theory_name (! progthys)));
   138 (* = [(["IsacScripts", "Script", "Theorems", "arity_type_ID"],
   139            Hthm {guh = "thy_scri_Script-thm-arity_type_ID", thm = Const ("HOL.type_class..., 
   140              mathauthors = ["isac-team"], coursedesign = []}),
   141           (["IsacScripts", "Script", "Theorems", ...], 
   142                Hthm {guh = "thy_scri_Script-thm-arity_type_arg", thm = Const (...) $ Const (...), 
   143                  mathauthors = ["isac-team"], coursedesign = []}),
   144           (["IsacScripts", "Tools", ...], ...), (["IsacScripts", ...], ...), ([...], ...), ...]:
   145    (theID * thydata) list*)
   147 print_depth 5;
   148 ((flat o (map (collect_thy "IsacKnowledge"))) (map Context.theory_name (! knowthys)));
   149 (* = [(["IsacKnowledge", "Inverse_Z_Transform", "Theorems", ...],
   150            Hthm {guh = "thy_isac_Inverse_Z_Transform-thm-rule1", thm =
   151                  Const (...) $ (Const (...) $ Const (... $ Bound 0 $ Const (...))))))),
   152                  mathauthors = ["isac-team"], coursedesign = []}),
   153           (["IsacKnowledge", "Inverse_Z_Transform", ...], ...), 
   154           (["IsacKnowledge", ...], ...), ([...], ...), ...]:
   155    (theID * thydata) list*)
   156 "~~~~~ from collect_thydata return val:"; val () = ();
   158 val th = [] : thehier;
   159 val thydats = collect_thydata ();
   160 val th1 = the_hier th thydats (**** insert: not found [".. from fill_parents*);
   161 (*show_thes*)(writeln o format_pblIDl o (scan [])) th1;
   163 writeln (hierarchy_guh th);
   164 (*writeln (hierarchy_guh th);
   165 *)
   166 writeln (hierarchy_guh th1);
   167 (* <NODE>
   168     <ID> Isabelle </ID>
   169     <NO> 1 </NO>
   170     <CONTENTREF> thy_isab_Isabelle-part </CONTENTREF>
   171   </NODE>*)
   173 "thy_hierarchy2file ----------------------------------------------";
   174 show_thes();
   175 (*
   176 val path = "../../tmp/";
   177 thy_hierarchy2file path;
   178 *)
   180 get_the ["IsacKnowledge"];
   181 (*------------------------ WN120320
   182 get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Test"];
   183 get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Test", "Theorems"];
   184 get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Test", "Theorems", "exp_pow"];
   185 get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Test", "Rulesets"];
   186 WN120320 ----------------------- *)
   188 (* FIXXXXXXXXXME.WN060713 guh -- theID
   189 case get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Test", "Rulesets", "Test_simplify"] of
   190     Hrls {guh = "thy_Test-rls-Test_simplify",thy_rls = ("Test", _),
   191           mathauthors = _,coursedesign = _} => ()
   192   | _ => error "thy-hierarchy.sml: [IsacKnowledge,Test,Rulesets]";
   193 *)
   194 -.-.-.-.-.-.-WN120406 isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*)
   197 "----------- fun thydata2xml -------------------------------------";
   198 "----------- fun thydata2xml -------------------------------------";
   199 "----------- fun thydata2xml -------------------------------------";
   200 (*========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================
   201 val theID = ["IsacScripts", "ListG", "Theorems", "append_Cons"];
   202 val thmdata = get_the theID;
   203 writeln(thydata2xml (theID, thmdata));
   205 val theID = ["IsacKnowledge", "Poly", "Rulesets", "norm_Poly"];
   206 val rlsdata = get_the theID;
   207 writeln(thydata2xml (theID, rlsdata));
   208 ========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================*)
   210 (*FIXXXXXXXME.WN060714 in rls make Calc : calc -> rule [add scriptop!]
   211   see sml/../datatypes.sml !
   212 val (thy', rls') = ("DiffApp", "Tools.rhs");
   213 thy_containing_rls thy' rls';
   214 print_depth 99; map #1 startsearch; print_depth 3;
   215 *)
   217 (*
   218 val path = "../../tmp/";
   219 thes2file path;
   220 *)
   222 "----------- write xml to tmp ------------------------------------";
   223 "----------- write xml to tmp ------------------------------------";
   224 "----------- write xml to tmp ------------------------------------";
   225 (*
   226 val path = "../../tmp/"; 
   228 pbl_hierarchy2file (path ^ "pbl/");
   229 pbls2file          (path ^ "pbl/");
   231 met_hierarchy2file (path ^ "met/");
   232 mets2file          (path ^ "met/");
   234 thy_hierarchy2file (path ^ "thy/");
   235 thes2file          (path ^ "thy/");
   236 *)
   239 "----------- the_hier [] (collect_thyda.. NOT overwriting store_ -";
   240 "----------- the_hier [] (collect_thyda.. NOT overwriting store_ -";
   241 "----------- the_hier [] (collect_thyda.. NOT overwriting store_ -";
   242 (*
   243 store_isa ["Isabelle"] ["THIS SHOULD not BE OVERWRITTEN below"];
   244 print_depth 99; get_the ["Isabelle"]; print_depth 3;
   245 print_depth 5; thehier;  print_depth 3;
   247 thehier := the_hier (! thehier) (collect_thydata ());
   248 print_depth 99; get_the ["Isabelle"]; print_depth 3;
   249 print_depth 5; thehier;  print_depth 3;
   250 *)
   252 case get_the ["IsacKnowledge", "Biegelinie", "Theorems"] of
   253    Html {mathauthors =
   254 	 ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"],...}=>()
   255  | _ => error "thy-hierarchy.sml: store_isa overwritten";
   257 case get_the ["IsacKnowledge","Biegelinie","Theorems","Belastung_Querkraft"] of
   258    Hthm {mathauthors =
   259 	 ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"],...}=>()
   260  | _ => error "thy-hierarchy.sml: store_isa overwritten";
   262 (*
   263 print_depth 7; 
   264 get_the ["IsacKnowledge","Biegelinie","Theorems","Belastung_Querkraft"];
   265 print_depth 3;
   266 *)
   268 (*WN060728 strange behaviour:
   269 ### fun the_hier reports these not overwritten ?!?...(stored twice ?!?) ...
   271 val it = () : unit
   272 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","mult_assoc"]
   273 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","add_assoc"]
   274 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealBin","Theorems","real_mult_minus1"]
   275 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealBin","Theorems","real_mult_2"]
   276 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","mult_assoc"]
   277 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","real_mult_minus_eq1"]
   278 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","add_assoc"]
   279 *** insert: preserved ["Isabelle","RealDef","Theorems","real_minus_divide_eq"]
   280 *** insert: preserved ["IsacScripts","ListG","Theorems","induct"]
   281 *** insert: preserved ["IsacScripts","ListG","Theorems","simps_1"]
   282 *** insert: preserved ["IsacScripts","ListG","Theorems","simps_2"]
   283 val it = () : unit
   285 ### but those store_*d in Biegelinie.ML are NOT reported !?!?!?!?!?!?!
   286 ### however, '*** insert: not found' is NOT reported below, too....
   288 ----------------------------------
   289 *** insert: not found ... IS OK :
   290 comes from fill_parents
   291 ----------------------------------
   293 val it = () : unit
   294 *** insert: not found ["Isabelle","NatDef","Theorems","order_refl"]
   295 *** insert: not found ["Isabelle","NatDef","Theorems","order_refl"]*)
   297 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
   298 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
   299 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
   300 writeln "what to do when you get,e.g. \n\
   301 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\"]\n\
   302 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\",\"integration_rules\"]\n\
   303 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\",\"add_new_c\"]\n\
   304 \Exception- Match raised";
   306 val ptyp = hd (! thehier);
   307 val theID = ["IsacKnowledge","Integrate","Rulesets","add_new_c"];
   308 (*========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================
   309 val thydata = get_the theID;
   311 (* creates a file ...
   312 thydata2file "~/tmp/"[] theID thydata (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
   313 *)
   315 thydata2xml (theID, thydata) (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
   317 val (theID:theID, Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls}) = 
   318     (theID, thydata);
   319 rls2xml i thy_rls (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
   320 val (j, (thyID, Seq data)) = (i, thy_rls);
   321 (* evaluate this local fun ...
   322 rls2xm j (thyID, "Seq", data) (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
   323 *)
   324 val (j, (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   325 			 srls, calc, rules, scr})) = 
   326     (j, (thyID, "Seq", data));
   327 rules2xml (j+2*i) thyID rules (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
   328 ============ inhibit exn AK110725 ==============================================*)
   330 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   331 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   332 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   333 val TESTdump = Unsynchronized.ref 
   334   ("path": path, ["ids"]: theID, []: pos, thydata2file, Ptyp ("xxx", [], []): thydata ptyp);
   336 fun TESTthenode (pa:path) ids po wfn (Ptyp (id, [n], ns)) TESTids = 
   337     let val po' = lev_on po
   338     in 
   339       if (ids@[id]) = TESTids
   340       then
   341         (TESTdump := (pa, ids, po', wfn, (Ptyp (id, [n], ns))); 
   342           error "stopped before error, created TESTdump") (* this exn creates right signature*)
   343       else
   344         wfn pa po' (ids @ [id]) n; TESTthenodes pa (ids @ [id]) ((lev_dn po'): pos) wfn ns TESTids
   345     end
   346 and TESTthenodes _ _ _ _ [] _ = ()
   347   | TESTthenodes pa ids po wfn (n::ns) TESTids =
   348       (TESTthenode pa ids po wfn n TESTids; TESTthenodes pa ids (lev_on po) wfn ns TESTids);
   350 (* /--- side effects from previous test files ---\*)
   351     val i = indentation;
   352     val j = indentation;
   353 (* \--- side effects from previous test files ---/*)
   354 "~~~~~ fun thes2file, args:"; val (p : path) = ("../../tmp/");
   355 (* recursively descend into thehier just before the error: *)
   356 (TESTthenodes p [] [0] thydata2file (! thehier)
   357   ["IsacKnowledge","Poly","Rulesets","norm_Poly"] 
   358 handle _(* "stopped before error, created TESTdump" *) => ());
   359 val (pa, ids, po', wfn, (Ptyp (id, [n], ns))) = ! TESTdump;
   361 "~~~~~ fun thydata2file, args:"; val ((xmldata:path), (pos:pos), (theID:theID), thydata) =
   362   (pa, po', (ids@[id]), n);
   363 "~~~~~ fun thydata2xml, args:"; val (theID, Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls}) =
   364   (theID:theID, thydata);
   365 "~~~~~ fun rls2xml, args:"; val (j, (thyID, Seq data)) = (i, thy_rls);
   366 "~~~~~ fun rls2xm, args:"; val (j, (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   367 		      srls, calc, errpatts, rules, scr})) = (j, (thyID, "Seq", data));
   368 "~~~~~ fun rules2xml, args:"; val (j, thyID, (r::rs)) = ((j+2*i), thyID, rules);
   369 "~~~~~ fun rule2xml, args:"; val (j, thyID, (Rls_ rls)) = (j, thyID, r);
   370 val rls' = (#id o rep_rls) rls;
   371 "~~~~~ fun thy_containing_rls, args:"; val (thy', rls') = (thyID, rls');
   372 infix mem; (*from Isabelle2002*)
   373 fun x mem [] = false
   374   | x mem (y :: ys) = x = y orelse x mem ys;
   376     val rls' = strip_thy rls'
   377     val thy' = thyID2theory' thy'
   378     val dropthys =
   379       takewhile [] (not o (curry op= thy') o (#1:theory' * theory -> theory'))
   380         (rev (!theory'));
   382 if map #1 dropthys = ["Isac", "Inverse_Z_Transform", "DiophantEq", "AlgEin", "Biegelinie",
   383   "Vect", "PolyMinus", "Frontend", "Partial_Fractions", "DiffApp", "Test", "EqSystem", "Integrate",
   384   "Diff", "LogExp", "Trig", "Calculus", "PolyEq", "RootRatEq", "RootRat", "RatEq", "RootEq",
   385   "LinEq", "Root", "Equation", "Rational"]
   386 then () else error "thy_containing_rls changed ancestors_rls for (Poly, discard_minus)";
   388     val dropthys' = map (get_thy o (#1 : (theory' * theory) -> theory')) dropthys: string list;
   389 		    val ancestors_rls = 
   390 		      filter_out ((curry ((op mem) o swap) dropthys') o ((#1 o #2): rls'*(theory' * rls)->theory'))
   391 		        (rev (Test_KEStore_Elems.get_rlss (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac")));
   393 case assoc (ancestors_rls, rls') of
   394   SOME ("Poly", Rls {id = "discard_minus", ...}) => ()
   395 | _ => error "thy_containing_rls changed 2";
   397 "----------- fun store_thm ---------------------------------------";
   398 "----------- fun store_thm ---------------------------------------";
   399 "----------- fun store_thm ---------------------------------------";
   400 store_thm @{theory "Biegelinie"} "IsacKnowledge"
   401   ("Belastung_Querkraft", prop_of @{thm Belastung_Querkraft})
   402 	    ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"];
   404 "~~~~~ fun store_thm, args:"; val (thy, part, (thmID : thmID, thm), (mathauthors : authors)) =
   405   (@{theory "Biegelinie"}, "IsacKnowledge",
   406     ("Belastung_Querkraft", prop_of @{thm Belastung_Querkraft}),
   407 	      ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"]);
   408     val guh = thm2guh (part, theory2thyID thy) thmID
   409     val theID = guh2theID guh;
   410 if guh = "thy_isac_Biegelinie-thm-Belastung_Querkraft" andalso
   411   theID = ["IsacKnowledge", "Biegelinie", "Theorems", "Belastung_Querkraft"]
   412 then () else error "store_thm: guh | theID changed";
   414 "----------- fun insert_fillpats ---------------------------------";
   415 "----------- fun insert_fillpats ---------------------------------";
   416 "----------- fun insert_fillpats ---------------------------------";
   417 (* vv--- this intermediate save/restore does not work and affects other tests ---vv
   418          see test/../calcelems.sml --- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ---
   420 val path = ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Theorems", "diff_sin_chain"]: theID;
   422 (*save   *) val Hthm {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thm, fillpats = save_fillpats} = get_the path;
   424 val test_fillpats = [
   425   ("fill-d_d-arg",
   426     parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   427   ("test-fillpatt", e_term, "test-errpat")]: fillpat list;
   429 insert_fillpats path test_fillpats;
   430 val Hthm {fillpats, ...} = get_the path;
   431 case fillpats of
   432   [("fill-d_d-arg", _, "chain-rule-diff-both"), ("test-fillpatt", _, "test-errpat")] => ()
   433 | _ => error "insert_fillpats changed"
   435 (*restore*) insert_fillpats path save_fillpats;
   436 ^^^^^--- this intermediate save/restore does not work and affects other tests ---^^*)
   438 "----------- fun insert_errpatIDs --------------------------------";
   439 "----------- fun insert_errpatIDs --------------------------------";
   440 "----------- fun insert_errpatIDs --------------------------------";
   441 (* vv--- this intermediate save/restore does not work and affects other tests ---vv
   442          see test/../calcelems.sml --- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ---
   444 (* isolate test: 10 secs *) val original = (! thehier);
   446 (* still ununsed; planned for stepToErrorpattern *)
   447 val path = ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Rulesets", "norm_diff"]: theID;
   448 val errpattIDs = ["chain-rule-diff-both", "test-errpatID"];
   450 insert_errpatIDs path errpattIDs;
   452 val Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls = (thyID, rls)} = get_the path
   453 val Rls {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, calc, rules, scr, errpatts} = rls;
   455 if errpattIDs = ["chain-rule-diff-both", "test-errpatID"] then ()
   456 else error "insert_errpatIDs to norm_diff changed";
   458 (* isolate test: 10 secs *) thehier := original;
   459 ^^^^^--- this intermediate save/restore does not work and affects other tests ---^^*)
   461 insert_fillpats ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Theorems", "diff_sin_chain"]
   462  ([("fill-d_d-arg",
   463      parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   464    ("fill-both-args",
   465      parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin _) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   466    ("fill-d_d",
   467      parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _ ?bdv ?u", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   468    ("fill-inner-deriv",
   469      parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   470    ("fill-all",
   471      parse_patt thy "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = _", "chain-rule-diff-both")]: fillpat list);