author Mathias Lehnfeld <>
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 21:49:27 +0100
changeset 55359 73dc85c025ab
parent 55339 cccd24e959ba
child 55363 d78bc1342183
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup, naming: 'KEStore_Elems' in Tests now 'Test_KEStore_Elems', 'store_pbts' now 'add_pbts'
     1 (* application of differential calculus
     2    Walther Neuper 2002
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 theory DiffApp imports Diff begin
     8 consts
    10   Maximum'_value
    11              :: "[bool list,real,bool list,real,real set,bool, 
    12 		    bool list] => bool list"
    13                ("((Script Maximum'_value (_ _ _ _ _ _ =))// (_))" 9)
    15   Make'_fun'_by'_new'_variable
    16              :: "[real,real,bool list,  
    17 		    bool] => bool"
    18                ("((Script Make'_fun'_by'_new'_variable (_ _ _ =))//  
    19 		   (_))" 9)
    20   Make'_fun'_by'_explicit
    21              :: "[real,real,bool list,  
    22 		    bool] => bool"
    23                ("((Script Make'_fun'_by'_explicit (_ _ _ =))//  
    24 		   (_))" 9)
    26   dummy :: real
    28 (*for script Maximum_value*)
    29   filterVar :: "[real, 'a list] => 'a list"
    31 axiomatization where
    32   filterVar_Nil:		"filterVar v []     = []" and
    33   filterVar_Const:	"filterVar v (x#xs) =                       
    34 			 (if (v : set (Vars x)) then x#(filterVar v xs)  
    35 			                    else filterVar v xs)   "
    36 text {*WN.6.5.03: old decisions in this file partially are being changed
    37   in a quick-and-dirty way to make scripts run: Maximum_value,
    38   Make_fun_by_new_variable, Make_fun_by_explicit.
    39 found to be reconsidered:
    40 - descriptions (Descript.thy)
    41 - penv: really need term list; or just rerun the whole example with num/var
    42 - mk_arg, itms2args ... env in script different from penv ?
    43 - L = SubProblem eq ... show some vars on the worksheet ? (other means for
    44   referencing are labels (no on worksheet))
    46 WN.6.5.03 quick-and-dirty: mk_arg, itms2args just make most convenient env
    47   from penv as is.    
    48 *}
    50 ML {*
    51 val thy = @{theory};
    53 val eval_rls = prep_rls (
    54   Rls {id = "eval_rls", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("termlessI", termlessI), 
    55     erls = e_rls, srls = Erls, calc = [], errpatts = [],
    56     rules = [Thm ("refl", num_str @{thm refl}),
    57       Thm ("order_refl", num_str @{thm order_refl}),
    58       Thm ("radd_left_cancel_le", num_str @{thm radd_left_cancel_le}),
    59       Thm ("not_true", num_str @{thm not_true}),
    60       Thm ("not_false", num_str @{thm not_false}),
    61       Thm ("and_true", num_str @{thm and_true}),
    62       Thm ("and_false", num_str @{thm and_false}),
    63       Thm ("or_true", num_str @{thm or_true}),
    64       Thm ("or_false", num_str @{thm or_false}),
    65       Thm ("and_commute", num_str @{thm and_commute}),
    66       Thm ("or_commute", num_str @{thm or_commute}),
    68       Calc ("Orderings.ord_class.less", eval_equ "#less_"),
    69       Calc ("Orderings.ord_class.less_eq", eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
    71       Calc ("Atools.ident", eval_ident "#ident_"),    
    72       Calc ("'_const", eval_const "#is_const_"),
    73       Calc ("Atools.occurs'_in", eval_occurs_in ""),    
    74       Calc ("Tools.matches", eval_matches "")],
    75     scr = Prog ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) "empty_script")
    76     }:rls);
    77 *}
    78 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_rlss [("eval_rls", (Context.theory_name @{theory}, eval_rls))] *}
    79 ML{*
    81 (** problem types **)
    83 store_pbt
    84  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max" [] e_pblID
    85  (["maximum_of","function"],
    86   [("#Given" ,["fixedValues f_ix"]),
    87    ("#Find"  ,["maximum m_m","valuesFor v_s"]),
    88    ("#Relate",["relations r_s"])
    89   ],
    90   e_rls, NONE, []));
    92 store_pbt
    93  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_make" [] e_pblID
    94  (["make","function"]:pblID,
    95   [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
    96    ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])
    97   ],
    98   e_rls, NONE, []));
    99 store_pbt
   100  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_expl" [] e_pblID
   101  (["by_explicit","make","function"]:pblID,
   102   [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   103    ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])
   104   ],
   105   e_rls, NONE, [["DiffApp","make_fun_by_explicit"]]));
   106 store_pbt
   107  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_newvar" [] e_pblID
   108  (["by_new_variable","make","function"]:pblID,
   109   [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   110    (*WN.12.5.03: precond for distinction still missing*)
   111    ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])
   112   ],
   113   e_rls, NONE, [["DiffApp","make_fun_by_new_variable"]]));
   115 store_pbt
   116  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_interv" [] e_pblID
   117  (["on_interval","maximum_of","function"]:pblID,
   118   [("#Given" ,["functionEq t_t","boundVariable v_v","interval i_tv"]),
   119    (*WN.12.5.03: precond for distinction still missing*)
   120    ("#Find"  ,["maxArgument v_0"])
   121   ],
   122   e_rls, NONE, []));
   124 store_pbt
   125  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_tool" [] e_pblID
   126  (["tool"]:pblID,
   127   [],
   128   e_rls, NONE, []));
   130 store_pbt
   131  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_tool_findvals" [] e_pblID
   132  (["find_values","tool"]:pblID,
   133   [("#Given" ,["maxArgument m_ax","functionEq f_f","boundVariable v_v"]),
   134    ("#Find"  ,["valuesFor v_ls"]),
   135    ("#Relate",["additionalRels r_s"])
   136   ],
   137   e_rls, NONE, []));
   138 *}
   139 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_pbts
   140   [(prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max" [] e_pblID
   141       (["maximum_of","function"],
   142         [("#Given" ,["fixedValues f_ix"]),
   143           ("#Find"  ,["maximum m_m","valuesFor v_s"]),
   144           ("#Relate",["relations r_s"])],
   145         e_rls, NONE, [])),
   146     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_make" [] e_pblID
   147       (["make","function"]:pblID,
   148         [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   149           ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])],
   150         e_rls, NONE, [])),
   151     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_expl" [] e_pblID
   152       (["by_explicit","make","function"]:pblID,
   153         [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   154           ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])],
   155       e_rls, NONE, [["DiffApp","make_fun_by_explicit"]])),
   156     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_newvar" [] e_pblID
   157       (["by_new_variable","make","function"]:pblID,
   158         [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   159           (*WN.12.5.03: precond for distinction still missing*)
   160           ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])],
   161       e_rls, NONE, [["DiffApp","make_fun_by_new_variable"]])),
   162     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_fun_max_interv" [] e_pblID
   163       (["on_interval","maximum_of","function"]:pblID,
   164         [("#Given" ,["functionEq t_t","boundVariable v_v","interval i_tv"]),
   165           (*WN.12.5.03: precond for distinction still missing*)
   166           ("#Find"  ,["maxArgument v_0"])],
   167       e_rls, NONE, [])),
   168     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_tool" [] e_pblID
   169       (["tool"]:pblID, [], e_rls, NONE, [])),
   170     (prep_pbt thy "pbl_tool_findvals" [] e_pblID
   171       (["find_values","tool"]:pblID,
   172         [("#Given" ,["maxArgument m_ax","functionEq f_f","boundVariable v_v"]),
   173           ("#Find"  ,["valuesFor v_ls"]),
   174           ("#Relate",["additionalRels r_s"])],
   175       e_rls, NONE, []))] *}
   176 ML{*
   178 (** methods, scripts not yet implemented **)
   180 store_met
   181  (prep_met thy "met_diffapp" [] e_metID
   182  (["DiffApp"],
   183    [],
   184    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=Atools_erls,calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls=e_rls,
   185     crls = Atools_erls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational
   186     (*, asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)}, "empty_script"));
   187 *}
   188 ML{*
   189 store_met
   190  (prep_met thy "met_diffapp_max" [] e_metID
   191  (["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"]:metID,
   192   [("#Given" ,["fixedValues f_ix","maximum m_m","relations r_s",
   193 	       "boundVariable v_v","interval i_tv","errorBound e_rr"]),
   194     ("#Find"  ,["valuesFor v_s"]),
   195     ("#Relate",[])
   196     ],
   197   {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=eval_rls,calc=[],srls=list_rls,prls=e_rls,
   198     crls = eval_rls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational
   199    (*,  asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
   200   "Script Maximum_value(f_ix::bool list)(m_m::real) (r_s::bool list)       " ^
   201   "      (v_v::real) (itv_v::real set) (e_rr::bool) =                       " ^ 
   202   " (let e_e = (hd o (filterVar m_m)) r_s;                                  " ^
   203   "      t_t = (if 1 < LENGTH r_s                                         " ^
   204   "           then (SubProblem (DiffApp',[make,function],[no_met])        " ^
   205   "                     [REAL m_m, REAL v_v, BOOL_LIST r_s])             " ^
   206   "           else (hd r_s));                                             " ^
   207   "      (m_x::real) =                                                    " ^ 
   208   "SubProblem(DiffApp',[on_interval,maximum_of,function],                 " ^
   209   "                                [DiffApp,max_on_interval_by_calculus]) " ^
   210   "                               [BOOL t_t, REAL v_v, REAL_SET i_tv]    " ^
   211   " in ((SubProblem (DiffApp',[find_values,tool],[Isac,find_values])      " ^
   212   "      [REAL m_x, REAL (Rhs t_t), REAL v_v, REAL m_m,                  " ^
   213   "       BOOL_LIST (dropWhile (ident e_e) r_s)])::bool list))            "
   214  ));
   215 *}
   216 ML{*
   217 store_met
   218  (prep_met thy "met_diffapp_funnew" [] e_metID
   219  (["DiffApp","make_fun_by_new_variable"]:metID,
   220    [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   221     ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])
   222     ],
   223    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=eval_rls,srls=list_rls,prls=e_rls,
   224     calc=[], crls = eval_rls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational(*,asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
   225   "Script Make_fun_by_new_variable (f_f::real) (v_v::real)                " ^
   226   "      (eqs::bool list) =                                            " ^
   227   "(let h_h = (hd o (filterVar f_f)) eqs;                                " ^
   228   "     e_s = dropWhile (ident h_h) eqs;                                " ^
   229   "     v_s = dropWhile (ident f_f) (Vars h_h);                           " ^
   230   "     v_1 = NTH 1 v_s;                                               " ^
   231   "     v_2 = NTH 2 v_s;                                               " ^
   232   "     e_1 = (hd o (filterVar v_1)) e_s;                               " ^
   233   "     e_2 = (hd o (filterVar v_2)) e_s;                               " ^
   234   "  (s_1::bool list) =                                                 " ^
   235   "                (SubProblem (DiffApp',[univariate,equation],[no_met])" ^
   236   "                    [BOOL e_1, REAL v_1]);                         " ^
   237   "  (s_2::bool list) =                                                 " ^
   238   "                (SubProblem (DiffApp',[univariate,equation],[no_met])" ^
   239   "                    [BOOL e_2, REAL v_2])" ^
   240   "in Substitute [(v_1 = (rhs o hd) s_1),(v_2 = (rhs o hd) s_2)] h_h)"
   241 ));
   242 *}
   243 ML{*
   244 store_met
   245 (prep_met thy "met_diffapp_funexp" [] e_metID
   246 (["DiffApp","make_fun_by_explicit"]:metID,
   247    [("#Given" ,["functionOf f_f","boundVariable v_v","equalities eqs"]),
   248     ("#Find"  ,["functionEq f_1"])
   249     ],
   250    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=eval_rls,calc=[],srls=list_rls,prls=e_rls,
   251     crls = eval_rls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational
   252     (*, asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
   253    "Script Make_fun_by_explicit (f_f::real) (v_v::real)                 " ^
   254    "      (eqs::bool list) =                                         " ^
   255    " (let h_h = (hd o (filterVar f_f)) eqs;                            " ^
   256    "      e_1 = hd (dropWhile (ident h_h) eqs);                       " ^
   257    "      v_s = dropWhile (ident f_f) (Vars h_h);                       " ^
   258    "      v_1 = hd (dropWhile (ident v_v) v_s);                        " ^
   259    "      (s_1::bool list)=                                           " ^ 
   260    "              (SubProblem(DiffApp',[univariate,equation],[no_met])" ^
   261    "                          [BOOL e_1, REAL v_1])                 " ^
   262    " in Substitute [(v_1 = (rhs o hd) s_1)] h_h)                       "
   263    ));
   264 *}
   265 ML{*
   266 store_met
   267  (prep_met thy "met_diffapp_max_oninterval" [] e_metID
   268  (["DiffApp","max_on_interval_by_calculus"]:metID,
   269    [("#Given" ,["functionEq t_t","boundVariable v_v","interval i_tv"(*,
   270 		"errorBound e_rr"*)]),
   271     ("#Find"  ,["maxArgument v_0"])
   272     ],
   273    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=eval_rls,calc=[],srls = e_rls,prls=e_rls,
   274     crls = eval_rls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational
   275     (*, asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
   276    "empty_script"
   277    ));
   278 *}
   279 ML{*
   280 store_met
   281  (prep_met thy "met_diffapp_findvals" [] e_metID
   282  (["DiffApp","find_values"]:metID,
   283    [],
   284    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=eval_rls,calc=[],srls = e_rls,prls=e_rls,
   285     crls = eval_rls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational(*,
   286     asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
   287    "empty_script"));
   289 val list_rls = append_rls "list_rls" list_rls
   290   [Thm ("filterVar_Const", num_str @{thm filterVar_Const}),
   291    Thm ("filterVar_Nil", num_str @{thm filterVar_Nil})];
   292 *}
   293 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_rlss [("list_rls", (Context.theory_name @{theory}, list_rls))] *}
   295 end