author blanchet
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 14:51:52 +0200
changeset 50293 718e4ad1517e
parent 50292 aee77001243f
child 50295 52413dc96326
permissions -rw-r--r--
added no_dests option
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Codatatype/Tools/bnf_fp_sugar.ML
     2     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     3     Copyright   2012
     5 Sugar for constructing LFPs and GFPs.
     6 *)
     8 signature BNF_FP_SUGAR =
     9 sig
    10   (* TODO: programmatic interface *)
    11 end;
    13 structure BNF_FP_Sugar : BNF_FP_SUGAR =
    14 struct
    16 open BNF_Util
    17 open BNF_Wrap
    18 open BNF_Def
    19 open BNF_FP_Util
    20 open BNF_LFP
    21 open BNF_GFP
    22 open BNF_FP_Sugar_Tactics
    24 val caseN = "case";
    25 val coitersN = "coiters";
    26 val corecsN = "corecs";
    27 val disc_coitersN = "disc_coiters";
    28 val disc_corecsN = "disc_corecs";
    29 val itersN = "iters";
    30 val recsN = "recs";
    31 val sel_coitersN = "sel_coiters";
    32 val sel_corecsN = "sel_corecs";
    34 fun split_list11 xs =
    35   (map #1 xs, map #2 xs, map #3 xs, map #4 xs, map #5 xs, map #6 xs, map #7 xs, map #8 xs,
    36    map #9 xs, map #10 xs, map #11 xs);
    38 fun strip_map_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T as Type _, T'])) = strip_map_type T' |>> cons T
    39   | strip_map_type T = ([], T);
    41 fun typ_subst inst (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
    42     (case AList.lookup (op =) inst T of
    43       NONE => Type (s, map (typ_subst inst) Ts)
    44     | SOME T' => T')
    45   | typ_subst inst T = the_default T (AList.lookup (op =) inst T);
    47 fun retype_free (Free (s, _)) T = Free (s, T);
    49 val lists_bmoc = fold (fn xs => fn t => Term.list_comb (t, xs))
    51 fun mk_predT T = T --> HOLogic.boolT;
    53 fun mk_id T = Const (@{const_name id}, T --> T);
    55 fun mk_tupled_fun x f xs = HOLogic.tupled_lambda x (Term.list_comb (f, xs));
    56 fun mk_uncurried_fun f xs = mk_tupled_fun (HOLogic.mk_tuple xs) f xs;
    57 fun mk_uncurried2_fun f xss =
    58   mk_tupled_fun (HOLogic.mk_tuple (map HOLogic.mk_tuple xss)) f (flat xss);
    60 fun tick v f = Term.lambda v (HOLogic.mk_prod (v, f $ v));
    62 fun tack z_name (c, v) f =
    63   let val z = Free (z_name, mk_sumT (fastype_of v, fastype_of c)) in
    64     Term.lambda z (mk_sum_case (Term.lambda v v, Term.lambda c (f $ c)) $ z)
    65   end;
    67 fun cannot_merge_types () = error "Mutually recursive types must have the same type parameters";
    69 fun merge_type_arg_constrained ctxt (T, c) (T', c') =
    70   if T = T' then
    71     (case (c, c') of
    72       (_, NONE) => (T, c)
    73     | (NONE, _) => (T, c')
    74     | _ =>
    75       if c = c' then
    76         (T, c)
    77       else
    78         error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for type variable " ^
    79           quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T)))
    80   else
    81     cannot_merge_types ();
    83 fun merge_type_args_constrained ctxt (cAs, cAs') =
    84   if length cAs = length cAs' then map2 (merge_type_arg_constrained ctxt) cAs cAs'
    85   else cannot_merge_types ();
    87 fun type_args_constrained_of (((cAs, _), _), _) = cAs;
    88 val type_args_of = map fst o type_args_constrained_of;
    89 fun type_binder_of (((_, b), _), _) = b;
    90 fun mixfix_of ((_, mx), _) = mx;
    91 fun ctr_specs_of (_, ctr_specs) = ctr_specs;
    93 fun disc_of (((disc, _), _), _) = disc;
    94 fun ctr_of (((_, ctr), _), _) = ctr;
    95 fun args_of ((_, args), _) = args;
    96 fun ctr_mixfix_of (_, mx) = mx;
    98 fun prepare_datatype prepare_typ lfp (no_dests, specs) fake_lthy no_defs_lthy =
    99   let
   100     val _ = if not lfp andalso no_dests then error "Cannot use \"no_dests\" option for codatatypes"
   101       else ();
   103     val constrained_As =
   104       map (map (apfst (prepare_typ fake_lthy)) o type_args_constrained_of) specs
   105       |> Library.foldr1 (merge_type_args_constrained no_defs_lthy);
   106     val As = map fst constrained_As;
   107     val As' = map dest_TFree As;
   109     val _ = (case duplicates (op =) As of [] => ()
   110       | A :: _ => error ("Duplicate type parameter " ^
   111           quote (Syntax.string_of_typ no_defs_lthy A)));
   113     (* TODO: use sort constraints on type args *)
   115     val N = length specs;
   117     fun mk_fake_T b =
   118       Type (fst (Term.dest_Type (Proof_Context.read_type_name fake_lthy true (Binding.name_of b))),
   119         As);
   121     val bs = map type_binder_of specs;
   122     val fakeTs = map mk_fake_T bs;
   124     val mixfixes = map mixfix_of specs;
   126     val _ = (case duplicates Binding.eq_name bs of [] => ()
   127       | b :: _ => error ("Duplicate type name declaration " ^ quote (Binding.name_of b)));
   129     val ctr_specss = map ctr_specs_of specs;
   131     val disc_binderss = map (map disc_of) ctr_specss;
   132     val ctr_binderss = map (map ctr_of) ctr_specss;
   133     val ctr_argsss = map (map args_of) ctr_specss;
   134     val ctr_mixfixess = map (map ctr_mixfix_of) ctr_specss;
   136     val sel_bindersss = map (map (map fst)) ctr_argsss;
   137     val fake_ctr_Tsss = map (map (map (prepare_typ fake_lthy o snd))) ctr_argsss;
   139     val rhs_As' = fold (fold (fold Term.add_tfreesT)) fake_ctr_Tsss [];
   140     val _ = (case subtract (op =) As' rhs_As' of
   141         [] => ()
   142       | A' :: _ => error ("Extra type variables on rhs: " ^
   143           quote (Syntax.string_of_typ no_defs_lthy (TFree A'))));
   145     val ((Cs, Xs), _) =
   146       no_defs_lthy
   147       |> fold (fold (fn s => Variable.declare_typ (TFree (s, dummyS))) o type_args_of) specs
   148       |> mk_TFrees N
   149       ||>> mk_TFrees N;
   151     fun eq_fpT (T as Type (s, Us)) (Type (s', Us')) =
   152         s = s' andalso (Us = Us' orelse error ("Illegal occurrence of recursive type " ^
   153           quote (Syntax.string_of_typ fake_lthy T)))
   154       | eq_fpT _ _ = false;
   156     fun freeze_fp (T as Type (s, Us)) =
   157         (case find_index (eq_fpT T) fakeTs of ~1 => Type (s, map freeze_fp Us) | j => nth Xs j)
   158       | freeze_fp T = T;
   160     val ctr_TsssXs = map (map (map freeze_fp)) fake_ctr_Tsss;
   161     val ctr_sum_prod_TsXs = map (mk_sumTN_balanced o map HOLogic.mk_tupleT) ctr_TsssXs;
   163     val eqs = map dest_TFree Xs ~~ ctr_sum_prod_TsXs;
   165     val (pre_bnfs, ((unfs0, flds0, fp_iters0, fp_recs0, unf_flds, fld_unfs, fld_injects,
   166         fp_iter_thms, fp_rec_thms), lthy)) =
   167       fp_bnf (if lfp then bnf_lfp else bnf_gfp) bs mixfixes As' eqs no_defs_lthy;
   169     val add_nested_bnf_names =
   170       let
   171         fun add (Type (s, Ts)) ss =
   172             let val (needs, ss') = fold_map add Ts ss in
   173               if exists I needs then (true, insert (op =) s ss') else (false, ss')
   174             end
   175           | add T ss = (member (op =) As T, ss);
   176       in snd oo add end;
   178     val nested_bnfs =
   179       map_filter (bnf_of lthy) (fold (fold (fold add_nested_bnf_names)) ctr_TsssXs []);
   181     val timer = time (Timer.startRealTimer ());
   183     fun mk_unf_or_fld get_T Ts t =
   184       let val Type (_, Ts0) = get_T (fastype_of t) in
   185         Term.subst_atomic_types (Ts0 ~~ Ts) t
   186       end;
   188     val mk_unf = mk_unf_or_fld domain_type;
   189     val mk_fld = mk_unf_or_fld range_type;
   191     val unfs = map (mk_unf As) unfs0;
   192     val flds = map (mk_fld As) flds0;
   194     val fpTs = map (domain_type o fastype_of) unfs;
   196     val ctr_Tsss = map (map (map (Term.typ_subst_atomic (Xs ~~ fpTs)))) ctr_TsssXs;
   197     val ns = map length ctr_Tsss;
   198     val kss = map (fn n => 1 upto n) ns;
   199     val mss = map (map length) ctr_Tsss;
   200     val Css = map2 replicate ns Cs;
   202     fun mk_iter_like Ts Us t =
   203       let
   204         val (binders, body) = strip_type (fastype_of t);
   205         val (f_Us, prebody) = split_last binders;
   206         val Type (_, Ts0) = if lfp then prebody else body;
   207         val Us0 = distinct (op =) (map (if lfp then body_type else domain_type) f_Us);
   208       in
   209         Term.subst_atomic_types (Ts0 @ Us0 ~~ Ts @ Us) t
   210       end;
   212     val fp_iters as fp_iter1 :: _ = map (mk_iter_like As Cs) fp_iters0;
   213     val fp_recs as fp_rec1 :: _ = map (mk_iter_like As Cs) fp_recs0;
   215     val fp_iter_fun_Ts = fst (split_last (binder_types (fastype_of fp_iter1)));
   216     val fp_rec_fun_Ts = fst (split_last (binder_types (fastype_of fp_rec1)));
   218     val ((iter_only as (gss, _, _), rec_only as (hss, _, _)),
   219          (zs, cs, cpss, coiter_only as ((pgss, crgsss), _), corec_only as ((phss, cshsss), _))) =
   220       if lfp then
   221         let
   222           val y_Tsss =
   223             map3 (fn n => fn ms => map2 dest_tupleT ms o dest_sumTN_balanced n o domain_type)
   224               ns mss fp_iter_fun_Ts;
   225           val g_Tss = map2 (map2 (curry (op --->))) y_Tsss Css;
   227           val ((gss, ysss), _) =
   228             lthy
   229             |> mk_Freess "f" g_Tss
   230             ||>> mk_Freesss "x" y_Tsss;
   231           val yssss = map (map (map single)) ysss;
   233           fun dest_rec_prodT (T as Type (@{type_name prod}, Us as [_, U])) =
   234               if member (op =) Cs U then Us else [T]
   235             | dest_rec_prodT T = [T];
   237           val z_Tssss =
   238             map3 (fn n => fn ms => map2 (map dest_rec_prodT oo dest_tupleT) ms o
   239               dest_sumTN_balanced n o domain_type) ns mss fp_rec_fun_Ts;
   240           val h_Tss = map2 (map2 (fold_rev (curry (op --->)))) z_Tssss Css;
   242           val hss = map2 (map2 retype_free) gss h_Tss;
   243           val zssss_hd = map2 (map2 (map2 (fn y => fn T :: _ => retype_free y T))) ysss z_Tssss;
   244           val (zssss_tl, _) =
   245             lthy
   246             |> mk_Freessss "y" (map (map (map tl)) z_Tssss);
   247           val zssss = map2 (map2 (map2 cons)) zssss_hd zssss_tl;
   248         in
   249           (((gss, g_Tss, yssss), (hss, h_Tss, zssss)),
   250            ([], [], [], (([], []), ([], [])), (([], []), ([], []))))
   251         end
   252       else
   253         let
   254           (*avoid "'a itself" arguments in coiterators and corecursors*)
   255           val mss' =  map (fn [0] => [1] | ms => ms) mss;
   257           val p_Tss = map2 (fn n => replicate (Int.max (0, n - 1)) o mk_predT) ns Cs;
   259           fun zip_predss_getterss qss fss = maps (op @) (qss ~~ fss);
   261           fun zip_preds_predsss_gettersss [] [qss] [fss] = zip_predss_getterss qss fss
   262             | zip_preds_predsss_gettersss (p :: ps) (qss :: qsss) (fss :: fsss) =
   263               p :: zip_predss_getterss qss fss @ zip_preds_predsss_gettersss ps qsss fsss;
   265           fun mk_types maybe_dest_sumT fun_Ts =
   266             let
   267               val f_sum_prod_Ts = map range_type fun_Ts;
   268               val f_prod_Tss = map2 dest_sumTN_balanced ns f_sum_prod_Ts;
   269               val f_Tssss =
   270                 map3 (fn C => map2 (map (map (curry (op -->) C) o maybe_dest_sumT) oo dest_tupleT))
   271                   Cs mss' f_prod_Tss;
   272               val q_Tssss =
   273                 map (map (map (fn [_] => [] | [_, C] => [mk_predT (domain_type C)]))) f_Tssss;
   274               val pf_Tss = map3 zip_preds_predsss_gettersss p_Tss q_Tssss f_Tssss;
   275             in (q_Tssss, f_sum_prod_Ts, f_Tssss, pf_Tss) end;
   277           val (r_Tssss, g_sum_prod_Ts, g_Tssss, pg_Tss) = mk_types single fp_iter_fun_Ts;
   279           val ((((Free (z, _), cs), pss), gssss), _) =
   280             lthy
   281             |> yield_singleton (mk_Frees "z") dummyT
   282             ||>> mk_Frees "a" Cs
   283             ||>> mk_Freess "p" p_Tss
   284             ||>> mk_Freessss "g" g_Tssss;
   285           val rssss = map (map (map (fn [] => []))) r_Tssss;
   287           fun dest_corec_sumT (T as Type (@{type_name sum}, Us as [_, U])) =
   288               if member (op =) Cs U then Us else [T]
   289             | dest_corec_sumT T = [T];
   291           val (s_Tssss, h_sum_prod_Ts, h_Tssss, ph_Tss) = mk_types dest_corec_sumT fp_rec_fun_Ts;
   293           val hssss_hd = map2 (map2 (map2 (fn [g] => fn T :: _ => retype_free g T))) gssss h_Tssss;
   294           val ((sssss, hssss_tl), _) =
   295             lthy
   296             |> mk_Freessss "q" s_Tssss
   297             ||>> mk_Freessss "h" (map (map (map tl)) h_Tssss);
   298           val hssss = map2 (map2 (map2 cons)) hssss_hd hssss_tl;
   300           val cpss = map2 (fn c => map (fn p => p $ c)) cs pss;
   302           fun mk_preds_getters_join [] [cf] = cf
   303             | mk_preds_getters_join [cq] [cf, cf'] =
   304               mk_If cq (mk_Inl (fastype_of cf') cf) (mk_Inr (fastype_of cf) cf');
   306           fun mk_terms qssss fssss =
   307             let
   308               val pfss = map3 zip_preds_predsss_gettersss pss qssss fssss;
   309               val cqssss = map2 (fn c => map (map (map (fn f => f $ c)))) cs qssss;
   310               val cfssss = map2 (fn c => map (map (map (fn f => f $ c)))) cs fssss;
   311               val cqfsss = map2 (map2 (map2 mk_preds_getters_join)) cqssss cfssss;
   312             in (pfss, cqfsss) end;
   313         in
   314           ((([], [], []), ([], [], [])),
   315            ([z], cs, cpss, (mk_terms rssss gssss, (g_sum_prod_Ts, pg_Tss)),
   316             (mk_terms sssss hssss, (h_sum_prod_Ts, ph_Tss))))
   317         end;
   319     fun pour_some_sugar_on_type (((((((((((((((((b, fpT), C), fld), unf), fp_iter), fp_rec),
   320           fld_unf), unf_fld), fld_inject), n), ks), ms), ctr_binders), ctr_mixfixes), ctr_Tss),
   321         disc_binders), sel_binderss) no_defs_lthy =
   322       let
   323         val unfT = domain_type (fastype_of fld);
   324         val ctr_prod_Ts = map HOLogic.mk_tupleT ctr_Tss;
   325         val ctr_sum_prod_T = mk_sumTN_balanced ctr_prod_Ts;
   326         val case_Ts = map (fn Ts => Ts ---> C) ctr_Tss;
   328         val ((((u, v), fs), xss), _) =
   329           no_defs_lthy
   330           |> yield_singleton (mk_Frees "u") unfT
   331           ||>> yield_singleton (mk_Frees "v") fpT
   332           ||>> mk_Frees "f" case_Ts
   333           ||>> mk_Freess "x" ctr_Tss;
   335         val ctr_rhss =
   336           map2 (fn k => fn xs => fold_rev Term.lambda xs (fld $
   337             mk_InN_balanced ctr_sum_prod_T n (HOLogic.mk_tuple xs) k)) ks xss;
   339         val case_binder = Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ caseN) b;
   341         val case_rhs =
   342           fold_rev Term.lambda (fs @ [v])
   343             (mk_sum_caseN_balanced (map2 mk_uncurried_fun fs xss) $ (unf $ v));
   345         val ((raw_case :: raw_ctrs, raw_case_def :: raw_ctr_defs), (lthy', lthy)) = no_defs_lthy
   346           |> apfst split_list o fold_map3 (fn b => fn mx => fn rhs =>
   347                Local_Theory.define ((b, mx), ((Thm.def_binding b, []), rhs)) #>> apsnd snd)
   348              (case_binder :: ctr_binders) (NoSyn :: ctr_mixfixes) (case_rhs :: ctr_rhss)
   349           ||> `Local_Theory.restore;
   351         (*transforms defined frees into consts (and more)*)
   352         val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy lthy';
   354         val ctr_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) raw_ctr_defs;
   355         val case_def = Morphism.thm phi raw_case_def;
   357         val ctrs0 = map (Morphism.term phi) raw_ctrs;
   358         val casex0 = Morphism.term phi raw_case;
   360         val ctrs = map (mk_ctr As) ctrs0;
   362         fun exhaust_tac {context = ctxt, ...} =
   363           let
   364             val fld_iff_unf_thm =
   365               let
   366                 val goal =
   367                   fold_rev Logic.all [u, v]
   368                     (mk_Trueprop_eq (HOLogic.mk_eq (v, fld $ u), HOLogic.mk_eq (unf $ v, u)));
   369               in
   370                 Skip_Proof.prove lthy [] [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
   371                   mk_fld_iff_unf_tac ctxt (map (SOME o certifyT lthy) [unfT, fpT])
   372                     (certify lthy fld) (certify lthy unf) fld_unf unf_fld)
   373                 |> Thm.close_derivation
   374                 |> Morphism.thm phi
   375               end;
   377             val sumEN_thm' =
   378               Local_Defs.unfold lthy @{thms all_unit_eq}
   379                 (Drule.instantiate' (map (SOME o certifyT lthy) ctr_prod_Ts) []
   380                    (mk_sumEN_balanced n))
   381               |> Morphism.thm phi;
   382           in
   383             mk_exhaust_tac ctxt n ctr_defs fld_iff_unf_thm sumEN_thm'
   384           end;
   386         val inject_tacss =
   387           map2 (fn 0 => K [] | _ => fn ctr_def => [fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
   388               mk_inject_tac ctxt ctr_def fld_inject]) ms ctr_defs;
   390         val half_distinct_tacss =
   391           map (map (fn (def, def') => fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
   392             mk_half_distinct_tac ctxt fld_inject [def, def'])) (mk_half_pairss ctr_defs);
   394         val case_tacs =
   395           map3 (fn k => fn m => fn ctr_def => fn {context = ctxt, ...} =>
   396             mk_case_tac ctxt n k m case_def ctr_def unf_fld) ks ms ctr_defs;
   398         val tacss = [exhaust_tac] :: inject_tacss @ half_distinct_tacss @ [case_tacs];
   400         fun some_lfp_sugar ((selss0, discIs, sel_thmss), no_defs_lthy) =
   401           let
   402             val fpT_to_C = fpT --> C;
   404             fun generate_iter_like (suf, fp_iter_like, (fss, f_Tss, xssss)) =
   405               let
   406                 val res_T = fold_rev (curry (op --->)) f_Tss fpT_to_C;
   408                 val binder = Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ suf) b;
   410                 val spec =
   411                   mk_Trueprop_eq (lists_bmoc fss (Free (Binding.name_of binder, res_T)),
   412                     Term.list_comb (fp_iter_like,
   413                       map2 (mk_sum_caseN_balanced oo map2 mk_uncurried2_fun) fss xssss));
   414               in (binder, spec) end;
   416             val iter_like_bundles =
   417               [(iterN, fp_iter, iter_only),
   418                (recN, fp_rec, rec_only)];
   420             val (binders, specs) = map generate_iter_like iter_like_bundles |> split_list;
   422             val ((csts, defs), (lthy', lthy)) = no_defs_lthy
   423               |> apfst split_list o fold_map2 (fn b => fn spec =>
   424                 Specification.definition (SOME (b, NONE, NoSyn), ((Thm.def_binding b, []), spec))
   425                 #>> apsnd snd) binders specs
   426               ||> `Local_Theory.restore;
   428             (*transforms defined frees into consts (and more)*)
   429             val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy lthy';
   431             val [iter_def, rec_def] = map (Morphism.thm phi) defs;
   433             val [iter, recx] = map (mk_iter_like As Cs o Morphism.term phi) csts;
   434           in
   435             ((ctrs, selss0, iter, recx, v, xss, ctr_defs, discIs, sel_thmss, iter_def, rec_def),
   436              lthy)
   437           end;
   439         fun some_gfp_sugar ((selss0, discIs, sel_thmss), no_defs_lthy) =
   440           let
   441             val B_to_fpT = C --> fpT;
   443             fun mk_preds_getterss_join c n cps sum_prod_T cqfss =
   444               Term.lambda c (mk_IfN sum_prod_T cps
   445                 (map2 (mk_InN_balanced sum_prod_T n) (map HOLogic.mk_tuple cqfss) (1 upto n)));
   447             fun generate_coiter_like (suf, fp_iter_like, ((pfss, cqfsss), (f_sum_prod_Ts,
   448                 pf_Tss))) =
   449               let
   450                 val res_T = fold_rev (curry (op --->)) pf_Tss B_to_fpT;
   452                 val binder = Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ suf) b;
   454                 val spec =
   455                   mk_Trueprop_eq (lists_bmoc pfss (Free (Binding.name_of binder, res_T)),
   456                     Term.list_comb (fp_iter_like,
   457                       map5 mk_preds_getterss_join cs ns cpss f_sum_prod_Ts cqfsss));
   458               in (binder, spec) end;
   460             val coiter_like_bundles =
   461               [(coiterN, fp_iter, coiter_only),
   462                (corecN, fp_rec, corec_only)];
   464             val (binders, specs) = map generate_coiter_like coiter_like_bundles |> split_list;
   466             val ((csts, defs), (lthy', lthy)) = no_defs_lthy
   467               |> apfst split_list o fold_map2 (fn b => fn spec =>
   468                 Specification.definition (SOME (b, NONE, NoSyn), ((Thm.def_binding b, []), spec))
   469                 #>> apsnd snd) binders specs
   470               ||> `Local_Theory.restore;
   472             (*transforms defined frees into consts (and more)*)
   473             val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy lthy';
   475             val [coiter_def, corec_def] = map (Morphism.thm phi) defs;
   477             val [coiter, corec] = map (mk_iter_like As Cs o Morphism.term phi) csts;
   478           in
   479             ((ctrs, selss0, coiter, corec, v, xss, ctr_defs, discIs, sel_thmss, coiter_def,
   480               corec_def), lthy)
   481           end;
   482       in
   483         wrap_datatype tacss (((no_dests, ctrs0), casex0), (disc_binders, sel_binderss)) lthy'
   484         |> (if lfp then some_lfp_sugar else some_gfp_sugar)
   485       end;
   487     val pre_map_defs = map map_def_of_bnf pre_bnfs;
   488     val map_ids = map map_id_of_bnf nested_bnfs;
   490     fun mk_map Ts Us t =
   491       let val (Type (_, Ts0), Type (_, Us0)) = strip_map_type (fastype_of t) |>> List.last in
   492         Term.subst_atomic_types (Ts0 @ Us0 ~~ Ts @ Us) t
   493       end;
   495     fun build_map build_arg (Type (s, Ts)) (Type (_, Us)) =
   496       let
   497         val map0 = map_of_bnf (the (bnf_of lthy s));
   498         val mapx = mk_map Ts Us map0;
   499         val TUs = map dest_funT (fst (split_last (fst (strip_map_type (fastype_of mapx)))));
   500         val args = map build_arg TUs;
   501       in Term.list_comb (mapx, args) end;
   503     fun pour_more_sugar_on_lfps ((ctrss, _, iters, recs, vs, xsss, ctr_defss, _, _, iter_defs,
   504         rec_defs), lthy) =
   505       let
   506         val xctrss = map2 (map2 (curry Term.list_comb)) ctrss xsss;
   507         val giters = map (lists_bmoc gss) iters;
   508         val hrecs = map (lists_bmoc hss) recs;
   510         val (iter_thmss, rec_thmss) =
   511           let
   512             fun mk_goal_iter_like fss fiter_like xctr f xs fxs =
   513               fold_rev (fold_rev Logic.all) (xs :: fss)
   514                 (mk_Trueprop_eq (fiter_like $ xctr, Term.list_comb (f, fxs)));
   516             fun build_call fiter_likes maybe_tick (T, U) =
   517               if T = U then
   518                 mk_id T
   519               else
   520                 (case find_index (curry (op =) T) fpTs of
   521                   ~1 => build_map (build_call fiter_likes maybe_tick) T U
   522                 | j => maybe_tick (nth vs j) (nth fiter_likes j));
   524             fun mk_U maybe_mk_prodT =
   525               typ_subst (map2 (fn fpT => fn C => (fpT, maybe_mk_prodT fpT C)) fpTs Cs);
   527             fun repair_calls fiter_likes maybe_cons maybe_tick maybe_mk_prodT (x as Free (_, T)) =
   528               if member (op =) fpTs T then
   529                 maybe_cons x [build_call fiter_likes (K I) (T, mk_U (K I) T) $ x]
   530               else if exists_subtype (member (op =) fpTs) T then
   531                 [build_call fiter_likes maybe_tick (T, mk_U maybe_mk_prodT T) $ x]
   532               else
   533                 [x];
   535             val gxsss = map (map (maps (repair_calls giters (K I) (K I) (K I)))) xsss;
   536             val hxsss =
   537               map (map (maps (repair_calls hrecs cons tick (curry HOLogic.mk_prodT)))) xsss;
   539             val goal_iterss = map5 (map4 o mk_goal_iter_like gss) giters xctrss gss xsss gxsss;
   540             val goal_recss = map5 (map4 o mk_goal_iter_like hss) hrecs xctrss hss xsss hxsss;
   542             val iter_tacss =
   543               map2 (map o mk_iter_like_tac pre_map_defs map_ids iter_defs) fp_iter_thms ctr_defss;
   544             val rec_tacss =
   545               map2 (map o mk_iter_like_tac pre_map_defs map_ids rec_defs) fp_rec_thms ctr_defss;
   546           in
   547             (map2 (map2 (fn goal => fn tac => Skip_Proof.prove lthy [] [] goal (tac o #context)))
   548                goal_iterss iter_tacss,
   549              map2 (map2 (fn goal => fn tac => Skip_Proof.prove lthy [] [] goal (tac o #context)))
   550                goal_recss rec_tacss)
   551           end;
   553         val notes =
   554           [(itersN, iter_thmss),
   555            (recsN, rec_thmss)]
   556           |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
   557             map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
   558                 ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []), [(thms, [])]))
   559               bs thmss);
   560       in
   561         lthy |> Local_Theory.notes notes |> snd
   562       end;
   564     fun pour_more_sugar_on_gfps ((ctrss, selsss, coiters, corecs, vs, _, ctr_defss, discIss,
   565         sel_thmsss, coiter_defs, corec_defs), lthy) =
   566       let
   567         val z = the_single zs;
   569         val gcoiters = map (lists_bmoc pgss) coiters;
   570         val hcorecs = map (lists_bmoc phss) corecs;
   572         val (coiter_thmss, corec_thmss) =
   573           let
   574             fun mk_goal_cond pos = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o (not pos ? HOLogic.mk_not);
   576             fun mk_goal_coiter_like pfss c cps fcoiter_like n k ctr m cfs' =
   577               fold_rev (fold_rev Logic.all) ([c] :: pfss)
   578                 (Logic.list_implies (seq_conds mk_goal_cond n k cps,
   579                    mk_Trueprop_eq (fcoiter_like $ c, Term.list_comb (ctr, take m cfs'))));
   581             fun build_call fiter_likes maybe_tack (T, U) =
   582               if T = U then
   583                 mk_id T
   584               else
   585                 (case find_index (curry (op =) U) fpTs of
   586                   ~1 => build_map (build_call fiter_likes maybe_tack) T U
   587                 | j => maybe_tack (nth cs j, nth vs j) (nth fiter_likes j));
   589             fun mk_U maybe_mk_sumT =
   590               typ_subst (map2 (fn C => fn fpT => (maybe_mk_sumT fpT C, fpT)) Cs fpTs);
   592             fun repair_calls fiter_likes maybe_mk_sumT maybe_tack cqf =
   593               let val T = fastype_of cqf in
   594                 if exists_subtype (member (op =) Cs) T then
   595                   build_call fiter_likes maybe_tack (T, mk_U maybe_mk_sumT T) $ cqf
   596                 else
   597                   cqf
   598               end;
   600             val crgsss' = map (map (map (repair_calls gcoiters (K I) (K I)))) crgsss;
   601             val cshsss' = map (map (map (repair_calls hcorecs (curry mk_sumT) (tack z)))) cshsss;
   603             val goal_coiterss =
   604               map8 (map4 oooo mk_goal_coiter_like pgss) cs cpss gcoiters ns kss ctrss mss crgsss';
   605             val goal_corecss =
   606               map8 (map4 oooo mk_goal_coiter_like phss) cs cpss hcorecs ns kss ctrss mss cshsss';
   608             val coiter_tacss =
   609               map3 (map oo mk_coiter_like_tac coiter_defs map_ids) fp_iter_thms pre_map_defs
   610                 ctr_defss;
   611             val corec_tacss =
   612               map3 (map oo mk_coiter_like_tac corec_defs map_ids) fp_rec_thms pre_map_defs
   613                 ctr_defss;
   614           in
   615             (map2 (map2 (fn goal => fn tac =>
   616                  Skip_Proof.prove lthy [] [] goal (tac o #context) |> Thm.close_derivation))
   617                goal_coiterss coiter_tacss,
   618              map2 (map2 (fn goal => fn tac =>
   619                  Skip_Proof.prove lthy [] [] goal (tac o #context)
   620                  |> Local_Defs.unfold lthy @{thms sum_case_if} |> Thm.close_derivation))
   621                goal_corecss corec_tacss)
   622           end;
   624         fun mk_disc_coiter_like_thms [_] = K []
   625           | mk_disc_coiter_like_thms thms = map2 (curry (op RS)) thms;
   627         val disc_coiter_thmss = map2 mk_disc_coiter_like_thms coiter_thmss discIss;
   628         val disc_corec_thmss = map2 mk_disc_coiter_like_thms corec_thmss discIss;
   630         fun mk_sel_coiter_like_thm coiter_like_thm sel0 sel_thm =
   631           let
   632             val (domT, ranT) = dest_funT (fastype_of sel0);
   633             val arg_cong' =
   634               Drule.instantiate' (map (SOME o certifyT lthy) [domT, ranT])
   635                 [NONE, NONE, SOME (certify lthy sel0)] arg_cong
   636               |> Thm.varifyT_global;
   637             val sel_thm' = sel_thm RSN (2, trans);
   638           in
   639             coiter_like_thm RS arg_cong' RS sel_thm'
   640           end;
   642         val sel_coiter_thmsss =
   643           map3 (map3 (map2 o mk_sel_coiter_like_thm)) coiter_thmss selsss sel_thmsss;
   644         val sel_corec_thmsss =
   645           map3 (map3 (map2 o mk_sel_coiter_like_thm)) corec_thmss selsss sel_thmsss;
   647         val notes =
   648           [(coitersN, coiter_thmss),
   649            (disc_coitersN, disc_coiter_thmss),
   650            (sel_coitersN, map flat sel_coiter_thmsss),
   651            (corecsN, corec_thmss),
   652            (disc_corecsN, disc_corec_thmss),
   653            (sel_corecsN, map flat sel_corec_thmsss)]
   654           |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
   655             map_filter (fn (_, []) => NONE | (b, thms) =>
   656               SOME ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) ( thmN), []),
   657                 [(thms, [])])) (bs ~~ thmss));
   658       in
   659         lthy |> Local_Theory.notes notes |> snd
   660       end;
   662     val lthy' = lthy
   663       |> fold_map pour_some_sugar_on_type (bs ~~ fpTs ~~ Cs ~~ flds ~~ unfs ~~ fp_iters ~~
   664         fp_recs ~~ fld_unfs ~~ unf_flds ~~ fld_injects ~~ ns ~~ kss ~~ mss ~~ ctr_binderss ~~
   665         ctr_mixfixess ~~ ctr_Tsss ~~ disc_binderss ~~ sel_bindersss)
   666       |>> split_list11
   667       |> (if lfp then pour_more_sugar_on_lfps else pour_more_sugar_on_gfps);
   669     val timer = time (timer ("Constructors, discriminators, selectors, etc., for the new " ^
   670       (if lfp then "" else "co") ^ "datatype"));
   671   in
   672     (timer; lthy')
   673   end;
   675 fun datatype_cmd lfp (bundle as (_, specs)) lthy =
   676   let
   677     (* TODO: cleaner handling of fake contexts, without "background_theory" *)
   678     (*the "perhaps o try" below helps gracefully handles the case where the new type is defined in a
   679       locale and shadows an existing global type*)
   680     val fake_thy = Theory.copy
   681       #> fold (fn spec => perhaps (try (Sign.add_type lthy
   682         (type_binder_of spec, length (type_args_constrained_of spec), mixfix_of spec)))) specs;
   683     val fake_lthy = Proof_Context.background_theory fake_thy lthy;
   684   in
   685     prepare_datatype Syntax.read_typ lfp bundle fake_lthy lthy
   686   end;
   688 val parse_opt_binding_colon = Scan.optional (Parse.binding --| @{keyword ":"}) no_binder
   690 val parse_ctr_arg =
   691   @{keyword "("} |-- parse_opt_binding_colon -- Parse.typ --| @{keyword ")"} ||
   692   (Parse.typ >> pair no_binder);
   694 val parse_single_spec =
   695   Parse.type_args_constrained -- Parse.binding -- Parse.opt_mixfix --
   696   (@{keyword "="} |-- Parse.enum1 "|" (parse_opt_binding_colon -- Parse.binding --
   697     Scan.repeat parse_ctr_arg -- Parse.opt_mixfix));
   699 val parse_datatype = parse_wrap_options -- Parse.and_list1 parse_single_spec;
   701 val _ =
   702   Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_spec "data"} "define BNF-based inductive datatypes"
   703     (parse_datatype >> datatype_cmd true);
   705 val _ =
   706   Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_spec "codata"} "define BNF-based coinductive datatypes"
   707     (parse_datatype >> datatype_cmd false);
   709 end;