author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Wed, 01 Apr 2020 12:42:39 +0200
changeset 59846 7184a26ac7d5
parent 59831 edf1643edde5
child 59881 bdced24f62bf
permissions -rw-r--r--
renaming, cleanup
     1 (*//------------------ begin step into ------------------------------------------------------\\*)
     2 (*\\------------------ end step into --------------------------------------------------------//*)
     3 (* Title:  "Minisubpbl/300-init-subpbl.sml"
     4    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     5    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     6 *)
     8 "----------- Minisubpbl/300-init-subpbl.sml ----------------------";
     9 "----------- Minisubpbl/300-init-subpbl.sml ----------------------";
    10 "----------- Minisubpbl/300-init-subpbl.sml ----------------------";
    11 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    12 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    13   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    14    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    15 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    16 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    17 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    18 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    19 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    20 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    21 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    22 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]*)
    23 (*[1], Frm*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt =  Rewrite_Set "norm_equation"*)
    24 (*[1], Res*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt =  Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" *)
    25 (*[2], Res*)val (p''',_,f,nxt''',_,pt''') = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = ("Subproblem"*)
    26 (*//--1 begin step into relevant call -----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----\\
    27       1 relevant for updating ctxt                                                              *)
    28 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt''', p''', [], pt''');
    30     val ("ok", (_, _, (pt'''', p''''))) = (*case*)
    31       Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
    32                           get_ctxt pt'''' p'''' |> ContextC.is_empty; (*should NOT be true after this step*)
    33 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, ptp as (pt, p)) = (tac, (pt''',p'''));
    34   val Appl m = applicable_in p pt tac;
    35   (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' m; (*false*)
    37 (*val (msg, cs') =*)
    38 Step_Solve.by_tactic m (pt, p);
    39 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (m, (pt, po as (p,p_))) = (m, (pt, p));
    40   (*if*) e_metID = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (*false*);
    41 	      val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
    42 	      val (is, sc) = resume_prog thy' (p,p_) pt;
    44 val Safe_Step (Pstate ist''''', ctxt''''', tac'_''''') =
    45            locate_input_tactic sc (pt, po) (fst is) (snd is) m;
    46 "~~~~~ fun locate_input_tactic , args:"; val (Rule.Prog prog, cstate, istate, ctxt, tac)
    47      = (sc, (pt, po), (fst is), (snd is), m);
    49   val Accept_Tac1 (_, _, Subproblem' (_, _, _, _, _, _)) = (*case*)
    50            scan_to_tactic1 (prog, (cstate, ctxt, tac)) istate (*of*);
    51 "~~~~~ fun scan_to_tactic1 , args:"; val ((prog, (cctt as ((_, p), _, _))), (Pstate (ist as {path, ...})))
    52   = ((prog, (cstate, ctxt, tac)), istate);
    53    (*if*) path = [] orelse ((last_elem o fst) p = 0 andalso snd p = Res) (*else*);
    55            go_scan_up1 (prog, cctt) ist;
    56 "~~~~~ fun go_scan_up1 , args:"; val ((pcct as (prog, _)), (ist as {path, act_arg, ...}))
    57   = ((prog, cctt), ist);
    58    (*if*) 1 < length path (*true*);
    60            scan_up1 pcct (ist |> path_up) (at_location (path_up' path) prog);
    61 "~~~~~ and scan_up1 , args:"; val (pcct, ist, (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*2*), _) $ _))
    62   = (pcct, (ist |> path_up), (at_location (path_up' path) prog));
    64            go_scan_up1 pcct ist;
    65 "~~~~~ fun go_scan_up1 , args:"; val ((pcct as (prog, _)), (ist as {path, ...}))
    66   = (pcct, ist);
    67    (*if*) 1 < length path (*true*);
    69            scan_up1 pcct (ist |> path_up) (at_location (path_up' path) prog);
    70 "~~~~~ and scan_up1 , args:"; val (pcct, ist, (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*2*), _) $ _ $ _))
    71   = (pcct, (ist |> path_up), (at_location (path_up' path) prog));
    73            go_scan_up1 pcct ist (*2*: comes from e2*);
    74 "~~~~~ fun go_scan_up1, args:"; val ((pcct as (prog, _)), (ist as {path, ...}))
    75   = (pcct, ist);
    76    (*if*) 1 < length path (*true*);
    78            scan_up1 pcct (ist |> path_up) (at_location (path_up' path) prog);
    79 "~~~~~ and scan_up1 , args:"; val (pcct, ist, (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*1*), _) $ _ $ _ $ _))
    80   = (pcct, (ist |> path_up), (at_location (path_up' path) prog));
    82        go_scan_up1 pcct ist (*all has been done in (*2*) below*);
    83 "~~~~~ fun go_scan_up1, args:"; val ((pcct as (prog, _)), (ist as {path, ...}))
    84   = (pcct, ist);
    85    (*if*) 1 < length path (*true*);
    87            scan_up1 pcct (ist |> path_up) (at_location (path_up' path) prog);
    88 "~~~~~ and scan_up1 , args:"; val ((pcct as (prog, cct as (cstate, _, _))), ist, (Const ("HOL.Let"(*1*), _) $ _))
    89   = (pcct, (ist |> path_up), (at_location (path_up' path) prog));
    90       val (i, body) = check_Let_up ist prog;
    92   (*case*) scan_dn1 cct (ist |> path_up_down [R, D] |> upd_env i |> set_or ORundef) body (*of*);
    93 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn1 , args:"; val (cct, ist, (Const ("HOL.Let", _) $ e $ (Abs (id, T, b))))
    94   = (cct, (ist |> path_up_down [R, D] |> upd_env i |> set_or ORundef), body);
    96   (*case*) scan_dn1 cct (ist |> path_down [L, R]) e (*of*);
    97     (*======= end of scanning tacticals, a leaf =======*)
    98 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn1 , args:"; val (((pt, p), ctxt, tac), (ist as {eval, or, ...}), t)
    99   = (cct, (ist |> path_down [L, R]), e);
   101 val (Program.Tac _, NONE) = (*case*)
   102            check_leaf "locate" ctxt eval (get_subst ist) t (*of*);
   103 "~~~~~ fun check_leaf , args:"; val (call, thy, srls, (E, (a, v)), t)
   104   = ("locate", ctxt, eval, (get_subst ist), t);
   106     val (Program.Tac stac, a) = (*case*) Prog_Tac.eval_leaf E a v t (*of*);
   107 "~~~~~ fun eval_leaf , args:"; val (E, _, _, (t as (Const ("Prog_Tac.SubProblem", _) $ _ $ _)))
   108   = (E, a, v, t);
   110      (Program.Tac (subst_atomic E t), NONE); (*return value*)
   111 "~~~~~ from fun eval_leaf \<longrightarrow> fun check_leaf return val:"; val ((Program.Tac stac, a'))
   112   = ((Program.Tac (subst_atomic E t), NONE : term option));
   113         val stac' =
   114             Rewrite.eval_prog_expr (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) srls 
   115               (subst_atomic (Env.update_opt E (a,v)) stac);
   117     (Program.Tac stac', a'); (*return from check_leaf*) 
   118 "~~~~~ from fun check_leaf \<longrightarrow> fun scan_dn1 return val:"; val  (Program.Tac prog_tac, form_arg)
   119   = (Program.Tac stac', a' : term option);
   121         (Program.Tac prog_tac, form_arg)  (*return from check_leaf*);
   123      check_tac1 cct ist (prog_tac, form_arg)  (*return from scan_dn1*);
   124 "~~~~~ from fun scan_dn1\<longrightarrow>fun scan_up1 HOL.Let(*1*), return:"; val (Accept_Tac1 iss)
   125   = (check_tac1 cct ist (prog_tac, form_arg));
   127 (*+*)val (pstate, ctxt, tac) = iss;
   128 (*+*)if ContextC.is_empty ctxt then error "ERROR: scan_dn1 should NOT return ContextC.empty" else ();
   129 "~~~~~ from fun scan_up1 HOL.Let(*1*), --------------------------------- NO return:"; val () = ();
   131 (*+*)if ContextC.is_empty ctxt''''' then error "locate_input_tactic should NOT return ContextC.empty" else ();
   133 "~~~~~ from fun locate_input_tactic \<longrightarrow>Step_Solve.by_tactic , return:"; val (LI.Safe_Step (istate, ctxt, tac))
   134   = (Safe_Step (Pstate ist''''', ctxt''''', tac'_'''''));
   135                val p' = next_in_prog po
   136                val (p'', _, _,pt') =
   138   Generate.generate1 tac (istate, ctxt) (pt, (p', p_));
   139 "~~~~~ fun generate1 , args:"; val (thy, (Tactic.Subproblem' ((domID, pblID, metID), oris, hdl, fmz_, ctxt_specify, f)),
   140       (l as (_, ctxt)), (pos as (p, p_)), pt)
   141   = ((Celem.assoc_thy "Isac_Knowledge"), tac, (istate, ctxt), (p', p_), pt);
   142 	    val (pt, c) = cappend_problem pt p l (fmz_, (domID, pblID, metID))
   143 	      (oris, (domID, pblID, metID), hdl, ctxt_specify);
   145 (*+*)if ContextC.is_empty ctxt_specify then error "ERROR: generate1 should NOT get input ContextC.empty" else ();
   146 (*+*)if (get_ctxt pt pos |> ContextC.is_empty) then error "generate1 MUST store ctxt"
   147 (*+*)else ();
   148 (*\\--1 end step into relevant call ----------------------------------------------------------//*)
   150 (*[3], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt''' p''' [1] pt''';(*nxt = Model_Problem*)
   152 if p = ([3], Pbl) andalso not (get_ctxt pt p |> ContextC.is_empty)
   153 then
   154   case nxt of (Model_Problem) => ()
   155   | _ => error "minisubpbl: CalcTreeTEST has no nxt = Model_Problem"
   156 else error "Minisubpbl/300-init-subpbl.sml changed";