author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 01 Apr 2020 12:42:39 +0200
changeset 59846 7184a26ac7d5
parent 59821 09ba73ae512d
child 59854 c20d08e01ad2
permissions -rw-r--r--
renaming, cleanup
     1 signature SPECIFY_NEW =
     2 sig
     3   val find_next_step: Calc.T -> string * (Pos.pos_ * Tactic.input)
     4   val nxt_specify_init_calc : Selem.fmz -> Chead.calcstate
     5 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
     6   (*NONE*)
     7 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
     8   (*NONE*)
     9 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    10 end
    12 (**)
    13 structure SpecifyNEW(**): SPECIFY_NEW(**) =
    14 struct
    15 (**)
    16 open Pos
    17 open Ctree
    18 open Chead
    20 (* was Chead.nxt_spec *)
    21 fun find_next_step (pt, (p, p_)) =
    22   let
    23     val (pblobj, met, origin, oris, dI', pI', mI', pbl, dI, pI, mI) = 
    24   	  case Ctree.get_obj I pt p of
    25   	    pblobj as (Ctree.PblObj {meth, origin = origin as (oris, (dI', pI', mI'), _),
    26   		  probl, spec = (dI, pI, mI), ...}) => (pblobj, meth, origin, oris, dI', pI', mI', probl, dI, pI, mI)
    27       | Ctree.PrfObj _ => error "nxt_specify_: not on PrfObj"
    28   in
    29     if Ctree.just_created_ pblobj (*by Subproblem*) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin
    30     then 
    31       case mI' of
    32         ["no_met"] => ("ok", (Pbl, Tactic.Refine_Tacitly pI'))
    33       | _ => ("ok", (Pbl, Tactic.Model_Problem))
    34     else
    35       let 
    36         val cpI = if pI = Celem.e_pblID then pI' else pI;
    37   	    val cmI = if mI = Celem.e_metID then mI' else mI;
    38   	    val {ppc = pbt, prls, where_, ...} = Specify.get_pbt cpI;
    39   	    val pre = Stool.check_preconds "thy 100820" prls where_ pbl;
    40   	    val preok = foldl and_ (true, map fst pre);
    41   	    (*FIXME.WN0308:    ~~~~~: just check true in itms of pbl/met?*)
    42         val mpc = (#ppc o Specify.get_met) cmI
    43       in
    44         case p_ of
    45           Pbl =>
    46           (if dI' = Rule.e_domID andalso dI = Rule.e_domID then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
    47            else if pI' = Celem.e_pblID andalso pI = Celem.e_pblID then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
    48            else
    49              case find_first (is_error o #5) pbl of
    50       	       SOME (_, _, _, fd, itm_) =>
    51       	         ("dummy", (Pbl, mk_delete (Celem.assoc_thy (if dI = Rule.e_domID then dI' else dI)) fd itm_))
    52       	     | NONE => 
    53       	       (case nxt_add (Celem.assoc_thy (if dI = Rule.e_domID then dI' else dI)) oris pbt pbl of
    54       	          SOME (fd, ct') => ("dummy", (Pbl, mk_additem fd ct'))
    55       	        | NONE => (*pbl-items complete*)
    56       	          if not preok then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Refine_Problem pI'))
    57       	          else if dI = Rule.e_domID then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
    58       		        else if pI = Celem.e_pblID then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
    59       		        else if mI = Celem.e_metID then ("dummy", (Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Method mI'))
    60       		        else
    61       			        case find_first (is_error o #5) met of
    62       			          SOME (_, _, _, fd, itm_) => ("dummy", (Met, mk_delete (Celem.assoc_thy dI) fd itm_))
    63       			        | NONE => 
    64       			          (case nxt_add (Celem.assoc_thy dI) oris mpc met of
    65       				          SOME (fd, ct') => ("dummy", (Met, mk_additem fd ct')) (*30.8.01: pre?!?*)
    66       				        | NONE => ("dummy", (Met, Tactic.Apply_Method mI)))))
    67         | Met =>
    68           (case find_first (is_error o #5) met of
    69             SOME (_,_,_,fd,itm_) => ("dummy", (Met, mk_delete (Celem.assoc_thy (if dI = Rule.e_domID then dI' else dI)) fd itm_))
    70           | NONE => 
    71             case nxt_add (Celem.assoc_thy (if dI = Rule.e_domID then dI' else dI)) oris mpc met of
    72       	      SOME (fd,ct') => ("dummy", (Met, mk_additem fd ct'))
    73             | NONE => 
    74       	      (if dI = Rule.e_domID then ("dummy", (Met, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
    75       	       else if pI = Celem.e_pblID then ("dummy", (Met, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
    76       		     else if not preok then ("dummy", (Met, Tactic.Specify_Method mI))
    77       		     else ("dummy", (Met, Tactic.Apply_Method mI))))
    78         | p_ => raise ERROR ("Specify.find_next_step called with " ^ Pos.pos_2str p_)
    79       end
    80   end
    82 (* create a calc-tree with oris via an cas.refined pbl *)
    83 fun nxt_specify_init_calc ([], (dI, pI, mI)) =
    84     if pI <> [] 
    85     then (* from pbl-browser or from CAS cmd with pI=[e_pblID] *)
    86 	    let 
    87         val {cas, met, ppc, thy, ...} = Specify.get_pbt pI
    88 	      val dI = if dI = "" then Rule.theory2theory' thy else dI
    89 	      val mI = if mI = [] then hd met else mI
    90 	      val hdl = case cas of NONE => Auto_Prog.pblterm dI pI | SOME t => t
    91 	      val (pt, _) = cappend_problem e_ctree [] (Istate_Def.Uistate, ContextC.empty) ([], (dI, pI, mI))
    92 				  ([], (dI,pI,mI), hdl, ContextC.empty)
    93 	      val pt = update_spec pt [] (dI, pI, mI)
    94 	      val pits = Generate.init_pbl' ppc
    95 	      val pt = update_pbl pt [] pits
    96 	    in ((pt, ([] , Pbl)), []) end
    97     else 
    98       if mI <> [] 
    99       then (* from met-browser *)
   100 	      let 
   101           val {ppc, ...} = Specify.get_met mI
   102 	        val dI = if dI = "" then "Isac_Knowledge" else dI
   103 	        val (pt, _) = cappend_problem e_ctree [] (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty) ([], (dI, pI, mI))
   104 	          ([], (dI, pI, mI), Rule.e_term, ContextC.empty)
   105 	        val pt = update_spec pt [] (dI, pI, mI)
   106 	        val mits = Generate.init_pbl' ppc
   107 	        val pt = update_met pt [] mits
   108 	      in ((pt, ([], Met)), []) end
   109       else (* new example, pepare for interactive modeling *)
   110 	      let
   111 	        val (pt, _) = cappend_problem e_ctree [] (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty)
   112 	          ([], Celem.e_spec) ([], Celem.e_spec, Rule.e_term, ContextC.empty)
   113 	      in ((pt, ([], Pbl)), []) end
   114   | nxt_specify_init_calc (fmz, (dI, pI, mI)) = 
   115     let           (* both """"""""""""""""""""""""" either empty or complete *)
   116 	    val thy = Celem.assoc_thy dI
   117 	    val (pI, (pors, pctxt), mI) = 
   118 	      if mI = ["no_met"] 
   119 	      then 
   120           let 
   121             val (pors, pctxt) = Specify.get_pbt pI |> #ppc |> Specify.prep_ori fmz thy;
   122 		        val pI' = Specify.refine_ori' pors pI;
   123 		      in (pI', (pors(*refinement over models with diff.precond only*), pctxt),
   124 		        (hd o #met o Specify.get_pbt) pI')
   125 		      end
   126 	      else (pI, Specify.get_pbt pI |> #ppc |> Specify.prep_ori fmz thy, mI)
   127 	    val {cas, ppc, thy = thy', ...} = Specify.get_pbt pI (*take dI from _refined_ pbl*)
   128 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' (Stool.common_subthy (thy, thy'))
   129 	    val hdl = case cas of
   130 		    NONE => Auto_Prog.pblterm dI pI
   131 		  | SOME t => subst_atomic ((vars_of_pbl_' ppc) ~~~ vals_of_oris pors) t
   132       val (pt, _) = cappend_problem e_ctree [] (Istate_Def.empty, pctxt) (fmz, (dI, pI, mI))
   133         (pors, (dI, pI, mI), hdl, pctxt)
   134     in
   135       ((pt, ([], Pbl)), fst3 (Step_Specify.by_tactic_input Tactic.Model_Problem (pt, ([], Pbl))))
   136     end
   138 end