author nipkow
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:59:41 +0100
changeset 10363 6e8002c1790e
parent 10242 028f54cd2cc9
child 10524 270b285d48ee
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***
     1 (*<*)theory PDL = Base:(*>*)
     3 subsection{*Propositional dynamic logic---PDL*}
     5 text{*\index{PDL|(}
     6 The formulae of PDL are built up from atomic propositions via the customary
     7 propositional connectives of negation and conjunction and the two temporal
     8 connectives @{text AX} and @{text EF}. Since formulae are essentially
     9 (syntax) trees, they are naturally modelled as a datatype:
    10 *}
    12 datatype formula = Atom atom
    13                   | Neg formula
    14                   | And formula formula
    15                   | AX formula
    16                   | EF formula
    18 text{*\noindent
    19 This is almost the same as in the boolean expression case study in
    20 \S\ref{sec:boolex}, except that what used to be called @{text Var} is now
    21 called @{term Atom}.
    23 The meaning of these formulae is given by saying which formula is true in
    24 which state:
    25 *}
    27 consts valid :: "state \<Rightarrow> formula \<Rightarrow> bool"   ("(_ \<Turnstile> _)" [80,80] 80)
    29 text{*\noindent
    30 The concrete syntax annotation allows us to write @{term"s \<Turnstile> f"} instead of
    31 @{text"valid s f"}.
    33 The definition of @{text"\<Turnstile>"} is by recursion over the syntax:
    34 *}
    36 primrec
    37 "s \<Turnstile> Atom a  = (a \<in> L s)"
    38 "s \<Turnstile> Neg f   = (\<not>(s \<Turnstile> f))"
    39 "s \<Turnstile> And f g = (s \<Turnstile> f \<and> s \<Turnstile> g)"
    40 "s \<Turnstile> AX f    = (\<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M \<longrightarrow> t \<Turnstile> f)"
    41 "s \<Turnstile> EF f    = (\<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M^* \<and> t \<Turnstile> f)";
    43 text{*\noindent
    44 The first three equations should be self-explanatory. The temporal formula
    45 @{term"AX f"} means that @{term f} is true in all next states whereas
    46 @{term"EF f"} means that there exists some future state in which @{term f} is
    47 true. The future is expressed via @{text"^*"}, the transitive reflexive
    48 closure. Because of reflexivity, the future includes the present.
    50 Now we come to the model checker itself. It maps a formula into the set of
    51 states where the formula is true and is defined by recursion over the syntax,
    52 too:
    53 *}
    55 consts mc :: "formula \<Rightarrow> state set";
    56 primrec
    57 "mc(Atom a)  = {s. a \<in> L s}"
    58 "mc(Neg f)   = -mc f"
    59 "mc(And f g) = mc f \<inter> mc g"
    60 "mc(AX f)    = {s. \<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> M  \<longrightarrow> t \<in> mc f}"
    61 "mc(EF f)    = lfp(\<lambda>T. mc f \<union> M^-1 ^^ T)"
    63 text{*\noindent
    64 Only the equation for @{term EF} deserves some comments. Remember that the
    65 postfix @{text"^-1"} and the infix @{text"^^"} are predefined and denote the
    66 converse of a relation and the application of a relation to a set. Thus
    67 @{term "M^-1 ^^ T"} is the set of all predecessors of @{term T} and the least
    68 fixed point (@{term lfp}) of @{term"\<lambda>T. mc f \<union> M^-1 ^^ T"} is the least set
    69 @{term T} containing @{term"mc f"} and all predecessors of @{term T}. If you
    70 find it hard to see that @{term"mc(EF f)"} contains exactly those states from
    71 which there is a path to a state where @{term f} is true, do not worry---that
    72 will be proved in a moment.
    74 First we prove monotonicity of the function inside @{term lfp}
    75 *}
    77 lemma mono_ef: "mono(\<lambda>T. A \<union> M^-1 ^^ T)"
    78 apply(rule monoI)
    79 apply blast
    80 done
    82 text{*\noindent
    83 in order to make sure it really has a least fixed point.
    85 Now we can relate model checking and semantics. For the @{text EF} case we need
    86 a separate lemma:
    87 *}
    89 lemma EF_lemma:
    90   "lfp(\<lambda>T. A \<union> M^-1 ^^ T) = {s. \<exists>t. (s,t) \<in> M^* \<and> t \<in> A}"
    92 txt{*\noindent
    93 The equality is proved in the canonical fashion by proving that each set
    94 contains the other; the containment is shown pointwise:
    95 *}
    97 apply(rule equalityI);
    98  apply(rule subsetI);
    99  apply(simp)
   101 txt{*\noindent
   102 Simplification leaves us with the following first subgoal
   103 @{subgoals[display,indent=0,goals_limit=1]}
   104 which is proved by @{term lfp}-induction:
   105 *}
   107  apply(erule lfp_induct)
   108   apply(rule mono_ef)
   109  apply(simp)
   110 (*pr(latex xsymbols symbols);*)
   111 txt{*\noindent
   112 Having disposed of the monotonicity subgoal,
   113 simplification leaves us with the following main goal
   114 \begin{isabelle}
   115 \ \isadigit{1}{\isachardot}\ {\isasymAnd}s{\isachardot}\ s\ {\isasymin}\ A\ {\isasymor}\isanewline
   116 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ s\ {\isasymin}\ M{\isacharcircum}{\isacharminus}\isadigit{1}\ {\isacharcircum}{\isacharcircum}\ {\isacharparenleft}lfp\ {\isacharparenleft}{\dots}{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasyminter}\ {\isacharbraceleft}x{\isachardot}\ {\isasymexists}t{\isachardot}\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ t{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymin}\ M{\isacharcircum}{\isacharasterisk}\ {\isasymand}\ t\ {\isasymin}\ A{\isacharbraceright}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   117 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ {\isasymexists}t{\isachardot}\ {\isacharparenleft}s{\isacharcomma}\ t{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymin}\ M{\isacharcircum}{\isacharasterisk}\ {\isasymand}\ t\ {\isasymin}\ A
   118 \end{isabelle}
   119 which is proved by @{text blast} with the help of transitivity of @{text"^*"}:
   120 *}
   122  apply(blast intro: rtrancl_trans);
   124 txt{*
   125 We now return to the second set containment subgoal, which is again proved
   126 pointwise:
   127 *}
   129 apply(rule subsetI)
   130 apply(simp, clarify)
   132 txt{*\noindent
   133 After simplification and clarification we are left with
   134 @{subgoals[display,indent=0,goals_limit=1]}
   135 This goal is proved by induction on @{term"(s,t)\<in>M^*"}. But since the model
   136 checker works backwards (from @{term t} to @{term s}), we cannot use the
   137 induction theorem @{thm[source]rtrancl_induct} because it works in the
   138 forward direction. Fortunately the converse induction theorem
   139 @{thm[source]converse_rtrancl_induct} already exists:
   140 @{thm[display,margin=60]converse_rtrancl_induct[no_vars]}
   141 It says that if @{prop"(a,b):r^*"} and we know @{prop"P b"} then we can infer
   142 @{prop"P a"} provided each step backwards from a predecessor @{term z} of
   143 @{term b} preserves @{term P}.
   144 *}
   146 apply(erule converse_rtrancl_induct)
   148 txt{*\noindent
   149 The base case
   150 @{subgoals[display,indent=0,goals_limit=1]}
   151 is solved by unrolling @{term lfp} once
   152 *}
   154  apply(rule ssubst[OF lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef]])
   156 txt{*
   157 @{subgoals[display,indent=0,goals_limit=1]}
   158 and disposing of the resulting trivial subgoal automatically:
   159 *}
   161  apply(blast)
   163 txt{*\noindent
   164 The proof of the induction step is identical to the one for the base case:
   165 *}
   167 apply(rule ssubst[OF lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef]])
   168 apply(blast)
   169 done
   171 text{*
   172 The main theorem is proved in the familiar manner: induction followed by
   173 @{text auto} augmented with the lemma as a simplification rule.
   174 *}
   176 theorem "mc f = {s. s \<Turnstile> f}";
   177 apply(induct_tac f);
   178 apply(auto simp add:EF_lemma);
   179 done;
   181 text{*
   182 \begin{exercise}
   183 @{term AX} has a dual operator @{term EN}\footnote{We cannot use the customary @{text EX}
   184 as that is the ASCII equivalent of @{text"\<exists>"}}
   185 (``there exists a next state such that'') with the intended semantics
   186 @{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EN f) = (EX t. (s,t) : M & t \<Turnstile> f)"}
   187 Fortunately, @{term"EN f"} can already be expressed as a PDL formula. How?
   189 Show that the semantics for @{term EF} satisfies the following recursion equation:
   190 @{prop[display]"(s \<Turnstile> EF f) = (s \<Turnstile> f | s \<Turnstile> EN(EF f))"}
   191 \end{exercise}
   192 \index{PDL|)}
   193 *}
   194 (*<*)
   195 theorem main: "mc f = {s. s \<Turnstile> f}";
   196 apply(induct_tac f);
   197 apply(auto simp add:EF_lemma);
   198 done;
   200 lemma aux: "s \<Turnstile> f = (s : mc f)";
   201 apply(simp add:main);
   202 done;
   204 lemma "(s \<Turnstile> EF f) = (s \<Turnstile> f | s \<Turnstile> Neg(AX(Neg(EF f))))";
   205 apply(simp only:aux);
   206 apply(simp);
   207 apply(rule ssubst[OF lfp_unfold[OF mono_ef]], fast);
   208 done
   210 end
   211 (*>*)