author wenzelm
Thu, 26 Jul 2012 17:17:53 +0200
changeset 49535 6d4ea2efa64b
parent 49531 c5d0f19ef7cb
child 49542 4ee8d70cd5a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
more build options;
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/System/build.ML
     2     Author:     Makarius
     4 Build Isabelle sessions.
     5 *)
     7 signature BUILD =
     8 sig
     9   val build: string -> unit
    10 end;
    12 structure Build: BUILD =
    13 struct
    15 local
    17 fun no_document options =
    18   (case Options.string options "document" of "" => true | "false" => true | _ => false) andalso
    19   (Options.string options "document_dump" = "");
    21 fun use_thys options =
    22   Thy_Info.use_thys
    23     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Proofterm.proofs ( options "proofs")
    24     |> Unsynchronized.setmp print_mode
    25         (space_explode "," (Options.string options "print_mode") @ print_mode_value ())
    26     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Goal.parallel_proofs ( options "parallel_proofs")
    27     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Goal.parallel_proofs_threshold
    28         ( options "parallel_proofs_threshold")
    29     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Multithreading.trace ( options "threads_trace")
    30     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Multithreading.max_threads ( options "threads")
    31     |> no_document options ? Present.no_document
    32     |> Unsynchronized.setmp quick_and_dirty (Options.bool options "quick_and_dirty")
    33     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Printer.show_question_marks_default
    34         (Options.bool options "show_question_marks")
    35     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Name_Space.names_long_default (Options.bool options "names_long")
    36     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Name_Space.names_short_default (Options.bool options "names_short")
    37     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Name_Space.names_unique_default (Options.bool options "names_unique")
    38     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Thy_Output.display_default (Options.bool options "thy_output_display")
    39     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Thy_Output.quotes_default (Options.bool options "thy_output_quotes")
    40     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Thy_Output.indent_default ( options "thy_output_indent")
    41     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Thy_Output.source_default (Options.bool options "thy_output_source")
    42     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Thy_Output.break_default (Options.bool options "thy_output_break")
    43     |> Unsynchronized.setmp Toplevel.timing (Options.bool options "timing");
    45 fun use_theories (options, thys) =
    46   let val condition = space_explode "," (Options.string options "condition") in
    47     (case filter_out (can getenv_strict) condition of
    48       [] => use_thys options thys
    49     | conds =>
    50         Output.physical_stderr ("Skipping theories " ^ commas_quote thys ^
    51           " (undefined " ^ commas conds ^ ")\n"))
    52   end;
    54 in
    56 fun build args_file =
    57   let
    58     val (do_output, (options, (timing, (verbose, (browser_info, (parent_base_name,
    59         (name, (base_name, theories)))))))) =
    60 (Path.explode args_file) |> YXML.parse_body |>
    61         let open XML.Decode in
    62           pair bool (pair Options.decode (pair bool (pair bool (pair string (pair string
    63             (pair string (pair string ((list (pair Options.decode (list string)))))))))))
    64         end;
    66     val _ =
    67       Session.init do_output false
    68         (Options.bool options "browser_info") browser_info
    69         (Options.string options "document")
    70         (Options.bool options "document_graph")
    71         (space_explode ":" (Options.string options "document_variants"))
    72         parent_base_name base_name
    73         (Options.string options "document_dump", Options.string options "document_dump_mode")
    74         "" verbose;
    75     val _ = Session.with_timing name timing ( use_theories) theories;
    76     val _ = Session.finish ();
    77     val _ = if do_output then () else quit ();
    78   in () end
    79   handle exn => (Output.error_msg (ML_Compiler.exn_message exn); exit 1);
    81 end;
    83 end;