author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 13:40:09 +0200
changeset 37924 6c53fe2519e5
parent 37906 e2b23ba9df13
permissions -rw-r--r--
established thy-ctxt strategy (1..2) for ME/mstools.sml

strategy in 2 steps:
(1) update isac to Isabelle2009-2 with minimal changes
(a) 'parse thy' left as is
'str2t' --> 'str2term_' according to (b)
'comp_dts thy' left as is, but returns term NOT cterm
(b) pretty printing '*2str' always without thy | ctxt
pretty printing '*2str_' always with ctxt
(2) make parsing dependent on context of calculation
(a) 'parse thy' --> 'parse ctxt' simplified by searchin 'thy'
(b) nothin to do
     1 (* tests on calchead.sml
     2    author: Walther Neuper
     3    051013,
     4    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 use"../smltest/ME/calchead.sml";
     7 use"calchead.sml";
     8 *)
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    14 "--------- maximum example with 'specify' ------------------------";
    15 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz <> [] -------------";
    16 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz = [] --------------";
    17 "--------- match_ags, is_cp, cpy_nam +with EqSystem (!)-----------";
    18 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    19 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    23 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    24 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    25 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    26  states:=[];
    27  CalcTree
    28  [(["equality (x+1=2)", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
    29    ("Test.thy", 
    30     ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    31     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
    32  Iterator 1;
    33  moveActiveRoot 1;
    34  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    35  moveActiveFormula 1 ([2],Res); (*there is "-1 + x = 0"*)
    36  replaceFormula 1 "x = 1"; 
    37  (*... returns calcChangedEvent with ...*)
    38  val (unc, del, gen) = (([1],Res), ([4],Res), ([3,2],Res));
    39  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
    41 print_depth 99;map fst (get_interval ([],Pbl) ([],Res) 9999 pt);print_depth 3;
    42 if map fst (get_interval ([],Pbl) ([],Res) 9999 pt) = 
    43     [([], Pbl), ([1], Frm),([1], Res), ([2], Res), ([3], Pbl), ([3, 1], Frm), 
    44      ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res),
    45       ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    46 raise error "calchead.sml: diff.behav. get_interval after replace} other 2 a";
    48 print_depth 99;map fst (get_interval ([3, 2, 1], Res) ([],Res) 9999 pt);
    49 print_depth 3;
    50 if map fst (get_interval ([3, 2, 1], Res) ([],Res) 9999 pt) = 
    51     [([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    52 raise error "modspec.sml: diff.behav. get_interval after replace} other 2 b";
    57 "--------- maximum example with 'specify' ------------------------";
    58 "--------- maximum example with 'specify' ------------------------";
    59 "--------- maximum example with 'specify' ------------------------";
    60 (*"              Specify_Problem (match_itms_oris)       ";*)
    61 val fmz =
    62     ["fixedValues [r=Arbfix]","maximum A",
    63      "valuesFor [a,b]",
    64      "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    65      "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    66      "relations [A=a*b, a/2=r*sin alpha, b/2=r*cos alpha]",
    68      "boundVariable a","boundVariable b","boundVariable alpha",
    69      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    70      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    71      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= pi}",
    72      "errorBound (eps=(0::real))"];
    73 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    74   ("DiffApp.thy",["maximum_of","function"],
    75    ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"]);
    76 val c = []:cid;
    78 (*val nxt = Init_Proof' (fmz,(dI',pI',mI'));
    79 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt e_pos' [] EmptyPtree;
    80 *)
    81 val (p,_,f,(_,nxt),_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    82 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
    83 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
    84 (*val nxt = Add_Given "fixedValues [(r::real) = Arbfix]" : tac*)
    86 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
    87 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
    88 (**)
    90 (*---6.5.03
    91 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p (Add_Find "valuesFor [(a::real)]"); 
    92 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
    93 (*uncaught exception TYPE 6.5.03*)
    95 if ppc<>(Problem [],  
    96          {Find=[Incompl "maximum",Incompl "valuesFor [a]"],
    97 	  Given=[Correct "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]"],
    98 	  Relate=[Incompl "relations []"], Where=[],With=[]})
    99 then raise error "test-maximum.sml: model stepwise - different behaviour" 
   100 else (); (*different with show_types !!!*)
   101 6.5.03---*)
   103 (*-----appl_add should not create Error', but accept as Sup,Syn
   104 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p (Add_Given "boundVariable a"); 
   105 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   106 (**)
   107 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p (Add_Given "boundVariable a+"); 
   108 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   109 (**)---*)
   111 val m = Specify_Problem ["maximum_of","function"];
   112 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p m; 
   113 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   114 (**)
   116 if ppc<>(Problem ["maximum_of","function"],  
   117          {Find=[Incompl "maximum",Incompl "valuesFor"],
   118 	  Given=[Correct "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]"],
   119 	  Relate=[Incompl "relations []"], Where=[],With=[]})
   120 then raise error "diffappl.sml: Specify_Problem different behaviour" 
   121 else ();
   122 (* WN.3.9.03 (#391) Model_Specify did init_pbl newly 
   123 if ppc<>(Problem ["maximum_of","function"],
   124    {Find=[Missing "maximum m_",Missing "valuesFor vs_"],
   125     Given=[Correct "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]"],
   126     Relate=[Missing "relations rs_"],Where=[],With=[]})
   127 then raise error "diffappl.sml: Specify_Problem different behaviour" 
   128 else ();*)
   130 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p(Specify_Method ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"]);
   131 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   132 (**)
   134 if ppc<>(Method ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"],
   135 	 {Find=[Incompl "maximum",Incompl "valuesFor"],
   136 	  Given=[Correct "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]",Missing "boundVariable v_",
   137 		 Missing "interval itv_",Missing "errorBound err_"],
   138 	  Relate=[Incompl "relations []"],Where=[],With=[]})
   139 then raise error "diffappl.sml: Specify_Method different behaviour" 
   140 else ();
   141 (* WN.3.9.03 (#391) Model_Specify did init_pbl newly 
   142 if ppc<>(Method ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"],
   143    {Find=[Missing "maximum m_",Missing "valuesFor vs_"],
   144     Given=[Correct "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]",Missing "boundVariable v_",
   145            Missing "interval itv_",Missing "errorBound err_"],
   146     Relate=[Missing "relations rs_"],Where=[],With=[]})
   147 then raise error "diffappl.sml: Specify_Method different behaviour" 
   148 else ();*)
   152 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz <> [] -------------";
   153 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz <> [] -------------";
   154 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz <> [] -------------";
   155 val fmz =
   156     ["fixedValues [r=Arbfix]","maximum A",
   157      "valuesFor [a,b]",
   158      "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
   159      "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
   160      "relations [A=a*b, a/2=r*sin alpha, b/2=r*cos alpha]",
   162      "boundVariable a","boundVariable b","boundVariable alpha",
   163      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
   164      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
   165      "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= pi}",
   166      "errorBound (eps=(0::real))"];
   167 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   168   ("DiffApp.thy",["maximum_of","function"],
   169    ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"]);
   170 val c = []:cid;
   171 (*val nxt = Init_Proof' (fmz,(dI',pI',mI'));*)
   172 val (p,_,f,(_,nxt),_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   174 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   175 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt e_pos' [] pt;
   176 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   177 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   178 (*val nxt = Add_Given "fixedValues [(r::real) = Arbfix]" : tac*)
   180 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   181 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   182 (*val nxt = Add_Find "maximum (A::bool)" : tac*)
   184 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   185 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   186 (*val nxt = Add_Find "valuesFor [(a::real)]" : tac*)
   188 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   189 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   190 (*val nxt = Add_Find "valuesFor [(b::real)]" : tac*)
   192 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   193 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   194 (*val nxt = Add_Relation "relations [A = a * b]" *)
   196 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   197 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   198 (*Add_Relation "relations\n [((a::real) // (#2::real)) ..."*)
   200 (*---------------------------- FIXXXXME.meNEW !!! partial Add-Relation !!!
   201   nxt_specif <> specify ?!
   203 if nxt<>(Add_Relation 
   204  "relations [(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]")
   205 then raise error "test specify, fmz <> []: nxt <> Add_Relation (a/2)^2.." else (); (*different with show_types !!!*)
   207 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   208 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   209 ------------------------------ FIXXXXME.meNEW !!! ---*)
   211 (*val nxt = Specify_Theory "DiffApp.thy" : tac*)
   213 val itms = get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p);writeln(itms2str_ ctxt itms);
   215 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   216 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   217 (*val nxt = Specify_Problem ["maximum_of","function"]*)
   219 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   220 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   221 (*val nxt = Specify_Method ("DiffApp.thy","max_by_calculus")*)
   223 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   224 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   225 (*val nxt = Add_Given "boundVariable a" : tac*)
   227 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   228 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   229 (*val nxt = Add_Given "interval {x. #0 <= x & x <= #2 * r}" : *)
   231 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   232 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   233 (*val nxt = Add_Given "errorBound (eps = #0)" : tac*)
   235 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   236 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   237 (*val nxt = Apply_Method ("DiffApp.thy","max_by_calculus") *)
   238 if nxt<>(Apply_Method ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"])
   239 then raise error "test specify, fmz <> []: nxt <> Apply_Method max_by_calculus" else ();
   242 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz = [] --------------";
   243 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz = [] --------------";
   244 "--------- maximum example with 'specify', fmz = [] --------------";
   245 val fmz = [];
   246 val (dI',pI',mI') = empty_spec;
   247 val c = []:cid;
   249 val nxt = Init_Proof' (fmz,(dI',pI',mI'));(*!!!!!!!!*)
   250 (*val (p,_,f,(_,nxt),_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))]; !!!*)
   251 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt e_pos' [] 
   252   EmptyPtree;
   253 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   254 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   255 (*val nxt = Specify_Theory "e_domID" : tac*)
   257 val nxt = Specify_Theory "DiffApp.thy";
   258 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   259 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   260 (*val nxt = Specify_Problem ["e_pblID"] : tac*)
   262 val nxt = Specify_Problem ["maximum_of","function"];
   263 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   264 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   265 (*val nxt = Add_Given "fixedValues" : tac*)
   267 val nxt = Add_Given "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   268 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   269 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   270 (*val nxt = Add_Find "maximum" : tac*)
   272 val nxt = Add_Find "maximum A";
   273 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   276 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   277 (*val nxt = Add_Find "valuesFor" : tac*)
   279 val nxt = Add_Find "valuesFor [a]";
   280 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   281 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   282 (*val nxt = Add_Relation "relations" --- 
   283   --- [b=Arbfix] KANN NICHT VERLANGT WERDEN !!!!*)
   285 (*30.8.01 ... funktioniert nicht mehr nach Einfuehrung env ....
   286 if nxt<>(Add_Relation "relations []")
   287 then raise error "test specify, fmz <> []: nxt <> Add_Relation.." 
   288 else (); (*different with show_types !!!*)
   289 *)
   291 val nxt = Add_Relation "relations [(A=a+b)]";
   292 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   293 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   294 (*val nxt = Specify_Method ("e_domID","e_metID") : tac*)
   296 val nxt = Specify_Method ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"];
   297 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   298 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   299 (*val nxt = Add_Given "boundVariable" : tac*)
   301 val nxt = Add_Given "boundVariable alpha";
   302 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   303 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   304 (*val nxt = Add_Given "interval" : tac*)
   306 val nxt = Add_Given "interval {x. 2 <= x & x <= 3}";
   307 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   308 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   309 (*val nxt = Add_Given "errorBound" : tac*)
   311 val nxt = Add_Given "errorBound (eps=999)";
   312 val nxt = tac2tac_ pt p nxt; 
   313 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt;
   314 (*val nxt = Apply_Method ("DiffApp","max_by_calculus") *)
   315 (*30.8.01 ... funktioniert nicht mehr nach Einfuehrung env ....
   316 if nxt<>(Apply_Method ("DiffApp.thy","max_by_calculus"))
   317 then raise error "test specify, fmz <> []: nxt <> Add_Relation.." 
   318 else ();
   319 *)
   321 (* 2.4.00 nach Transfer specify -> hard_gen
   322 val nxt = Apply_Method ("DiffApp.thy","max_by_calculus");
   323 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p [] pt; *)
   324 (*val nxt = Empty_Tac : tac*)
   327 "--------- match_ags, is_cp, cpy_nam +with EqSystem (!)-----------";
   328 "--------- match_ags, is_cp, cpy_nam +with EqSystem (!)-----------";
   329 "--------- match_ags, is_cp, cpy_nam +with EqSystem (!)-----------";
   330 val Const ("Script.SubProblem",_) $
   331 	  (Const ("Pair",_) $
   332 		 Free (dI',_) $ 
   333 		 (Const ("Pair",_) $ pI' $ mI')) $ ags' =
   334     (*...copied from stac2tac_*)
   335     str2term 
   336 	"SubProblem (EqSystem_, [linear, system], [no_met])\
   337  \            [bool_list_ [c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L ^^^ 2 / 2],\
   338  \             real_list_ [c, c_2]]";
   339 val ags = isalist2list ags';
   340 val pI = ["linear","system"];
   341 val pats = (#ppc o get_pbt) pI;
   342 case match_ags Isac.thy pats ags of 
   343     [(1, [1], "#Given", Const ("Descript.equalities", _), _),
   344      (2, [1], "#Given", Const ("EqSystem.solveForVars", _),
   345       [ _ $ Free ("c", _) $ _, _ $ Free ("c_2", _) $ _]),
   346      (3, [1], "#Find", Const ("EqSystem.solution", _), [Free ("ss___", _)])] 
   347     =>()
   348   | _ => raise error "calchead.sml match_ags 2 args OK -----------------";
   351 val Const ("Script.SubProblem",_) $
   352 	  (Const ("Pair",_) $
   353 		 Free (dI',_) $ 
   354 		 (Const ("Pair",_) $ pI' $ mI')) $ ags' =
   355     (*...copied from stac2tac_*)
   356     str2term 
   357 	"SubProblem (EqSystem_, [linear, system], [no_met])\
   358  \            [bool_list_ [c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L ^^^ 2 / 2],\
   359  \             real_list_ [c, c_2], bool_list_ ss___]";
   360 val ags = isalist2list ags';
   361 val pI = ["linear","system"];
   362 val pats = (#ppc o get_pbt) pI;
   363 case match_ags Isac.thy pats ags of 
   364     [(1, [1], "#Given", Const ("Descript.equalities", _), _),
   365      (2, [1], "#Given", Const ("EqSystem.solveForVars", _),
   366          [_ $ Free ("c", _) $ _,
   367           _ $ Free ("c_2", _) $ _]),
   368      (3, [1], "#Find", Const ("EqSystem.solution", _), [Free ("ss___", _)])]
   369     (*         type of Find:            [Free ("ss___", "bool List.list")]*)
   370     =>()
   371   | _ => raise error "calchead.sml match_ags copy-named dropped --------";
   374 val stac as Const ("Script.SubProblem",_) $
   375 	 (Const ("Pair",_) $
   376 		Free (dI',_) $ 
   377 		(Const ("Pair",_) $ pI' $ mI')) $ ags' =
   378     (*...copied from stac2tac_*)
   379     str2term 
   380 	"SubProblem (EqSystem_, [linear, system], [no_met])\
   381  \            [real_list_ [c, c_2]]";
   382 val ags = isalist2list ags';
   383 val pI = ["linear","system"];
   384 val pats = (#ppc o get_pbt) pI;
   385 case ((match_ags Isac.thy pats ags)
   386       handle TYPE _ => []) of 
   387     [] => match_ags_msg pI stac ags
   388   | _ => raise error "calchead.sml match_ags 1st arg missing --------";
   390 (*
   391 use"../smltest/ME/calchead.sml";
   392 *)
   394 val stac as Const ("Script.SubProblem",_) $
   395 	 (Const ("Pair",_) $
   396 		Free (dI',_) $ 
   397 		(Const ("Pair",_) $ pI' $ mI')) $ ags' =
   398     (*...copied from stac2tac_*)
   399     str2term 
   400 	"SubProblem (Test_,[univariate,equation,test],\
   401  \                    [no_met]) [bool_ (x+1=2), real_ x]";
   402 val ags = isalist2list ags';
   403 val pI = ["univariate","equation","test"];
   404 val pats = (#ppc o get_pbt) pI;
   405 case match_ags Isac.thy pats ags of
   406     [(1, [1], "#Given",
   407       Const ("Descript.equality", _),
   408       [Const ("op =", _) $ (Const ("op +", _) $ Free ("x", _) $ _) $ _]),
   409      (2, [1], "#Given", Const ("Descript.solveFor", _), [Free ("x", _)]),
   410      (3, [1], "#Find", Const ("Descript.solutions", _), [Free ("x_i", _)])]
   411     (*         type of Find:             [Free ("x_i", "bool List.list")]*)
   412     => ()
   413   | _ => raise error "calchead.sml match_ags [univariate,equation,test]--";