author wneuper <>
Tue, 24 May 2022 16:47:31 +0200
changeset 60422 6a5f3a2e6d3a
parent 60417 00ba9518dc35
child 60504 8cc1415b3530
permissions -rw-r--r--
unify parse 5': improved get_ctxt for appendFormula and CAS-cmd
     1 (* title:  ProgLang/Prog_Expr.thy
     2            functions for expressions (which do NOT contain Prog_Tac and Tactical, by definition))
     3    author: Walther Neuper, Aug.2019
     4    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     5 *)
     7 theory Prog_Expr
     8   imports Calculate ListC Program
     9 begin
    11 text \<open>Abstract:
    12   Specific constants are defined for pre-conditions of programs and for program-expressions.
    13   The constants are connected with ML functions for evaluation of respective expressions
    14   (all named eval_*), such that Isac's rewrite engine can handle it.
    15 \<close>
    17 subsection \<open>consts of functions in pre-conditions and program-expressions\<close>
    18 consts
    19   lhs             :: "bool => real"           (*of an equality*)
    20   rhs             :: "bool => real"           (*of an equality*)
    21   Vars            :: "'a => real list"        (*get the variables of a term *)
    22   matches         :: "['a, 'a] => bool"
    23   matchsub        :: "['a, 'a] => bool"
    24   some_occur_in  :: "[real list, 'a] => bool" ("some'_of _ occur'_in _")
    25   occurs_in       :: "[real     , 'a] => bool" ("_ occurs'_in _")
    27   abs              :: "real => real"            ("(|| _ ||)")
    28   (* ~~~ FIXXXME Isabelle2002 has abs already !!!*)
    29   absset           :: "real set => real"        ("(||| _ |||)")
    30   is_atom         :: "real => bool"            ("_ is'_atom" 10)
    31   is_num         :: "real => bool"             ("_ is'_num" 10)
    32   is_even         :: "real => bool"            ("_ is'_even" 10)
    34   (* identity on term level*)
    35   ident            :: "['a, 'a] => bool"        ("(_ =!=/ _)" [51, 51] 50)
    36   argument_in     :: "real => real"            ("argument'_in _" 10)
    37   sameFunId        :: "[real, bool] => bool"    (* "same_funid _ _" 10
    38 	                    WN0609 changed the id, because ".. _ _" inhibits currying *)
    39   filter_sameFunId:: "[real, bool list] => bool list" ("filter'_sameFunId _ _" 10)
    40   boollist2sum     :: "bool list => real"
    41   lastI            :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a"
    43 subsection \<open>ML code for functions in pre-conditions and program-expressions\<close>
    44 ML \<open>
    45 signature PROG_EXPR =
    46   sig
    47     val eval_lhs: 'a -> string -> term -> 'b -> (string * term) option
    48     val eval_matches: string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    49     val matchsub: theory -> term -> term -> bool
    50     val eval_matchsub: string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    51     val eval_rhs: 'a -> string -> term -> 'b -> (string * term) option
    52     val eval_var: string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    54     val or2list: term -> term
    56     val occurs_in: term -> term -> bool
    57     val eval_occurs_in: 'a -> string -> term -> 'b -> (string * term) option
    58     val some_occur_in: term list -> term -> bool
    59     val eval_some_occur_in: 'a -> string -> term -> 'b -> (string * term) option
    60     val eval_is_atom: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    61     val eval_is_num: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    62     val even: int -> bool
    63     val eval_is_even: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    64     val eval_equ: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    65     val eval_ident: string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    66     val eval_equal: string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    67     val eval_cancel: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    68     val eval_argument_in: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    69     val same_funid: term -> term -> bool
    70     val eval_sameFunId: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    71     val eval_filter_sameFunId: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    72     val list2sum: term list -> term
    73     val eval_boollist2sum: string -> string -> term -> 'a -> (string * term) option
    75     val mk_thmid_f: string -> (int * int) * (int * int) -> (int * int) * (int * int) -> string
    76   end
    78 (**)
    79 structure Prog_Expr(**): PROG_EXPR =(**)
    80 struct
    81 (**)
    83 (*+ for Or_to_List +*)
    84 fun or2list (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>True\<close>,_)) = ((*tracing"### or2list True";*) UniversalList)
    85   | or2list (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>False\<close>,_)) = ((*tracing"### or2list False";*) EmptyList)
    86   | or2list (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ _ $ _) = TermC.list2isalist HOLogic.boolT [t]
    87   | or2list ors =
    88     let
    89       fun get ls (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>disj\<close>,_) $ o1 $ o2) =
    90 	        (case o2 of
    91 	         	Const (\<^const_name>\<open>disj\<close>,_) $ _ $ _ => get (ls @ [o1]) o2
    92 	        | _ => ls @ [o1, o2])
    93         | get _ t = raise TERM ("or2list: missing pattern in fun.def", [t])
    94     in (((TermC.list2isalist HOLogic.boolT) o (get [])) ors) end
    97 (** evaluation on the meta-level **)
    99 (*. evaluate the predicate matches (match on whole term only) .*)
   100 (*("matches",("Prog_Expr.matches", eval_matches "#matches_")):calc*)
   101 fun eval_matches (_:string) "Prog_Expr.matches" (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Prog_Expr.matches\<close>, _) $ pat $ tst) thy = 
   102     if TermC.matches thy tst pat
   103     then 
   104       let
   105         val prop = HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True}))
   106 	    in SOME (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy prop, prop) end
   107     else 
   108       let 
   109         val prop = HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False}))
   110 	    in SOME (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy prop, prop) end
   111   | eval_matches _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   113 (*.does a pattern match some subterm ?.*)
   114 fun matchsub thy t pat =  
   115   let
   116     fun matchs (t as Const _) = TermC.matches thy t pat
   117 	      | matchs (t as Free _) = TermC.matches thy t pat
   118 	      | matchs (t as Var _) = TermC.matches thy t pat
   119 	      | matchs (Bound _) = false
   120 	      | matchs (t as Abs (_, _, body)) = 
   121 	          if TermC.matches thy t pat then true else TermC.matches thy body pat
   122 	      | matchs (t as f1 $ f2) =
   123 	          if TermC.matches thy t pat then true 
   124 	            else if matchs f1 then true else matchs f2
   125   in matchs t end;
   127 (*("matchsub",("Prog_Expr.matchsub", eval_matchsub "#matchsub_")):calc*)
   128 fun eval_matchsub (_:string) "Prog_Expr.matchsub"
   129       (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Prog_Expr.matchsub\<close>, _) $ pat $ tst) thy = 
   130     if matchsub thy tst pat
   131     then 
   132       let val prop = HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True}))
   133       in SOME (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy prop, prop) end
   134     else 
   135       let val prop = HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False}))
   136       in SOME (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy prop, prop) end
   137   | eval_matchsub _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   139 (*get the variables in an isabelle-term*)
   140 (*("Vars"    ,("Prog_Expr.Vars"    , eval_var "#Vars_")):calc*)
   141 fun eval_var (thmid:string) "Prog_Expr.Vars" (t as (Const _ $ arg)) thy = 
   142     let 
   143       val t' = ((TermC.list2isalist HOLogic.realT) o TermC.vars) t;
   144       val thmId = thmid ^ UnparseC.term_in_thy thy arg;
   145     in SOME (thmId, HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, t'))) end
   146   | eval_var _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   148 (*("lhs"    ,("Prog_Expr.lhs"    , eval_lhs "")):calc*)
   149 fun eval_lhs _ "Prog_Expr.lhs" (t as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>lhs\<close>,_) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ l $ _))) _ = 
   150     SOME ((UnparseC.term t) ^ " = " ^ (UnparseC.term l),
   151 	  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, l)))
   152   | eval_lhs _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   154 fun rhs (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ _ $ r) = r
   155   | rhs t = raise ERROR("rhs called with (" ^ UnparseC.term t ^ ")");
   156 (*("rhs"    ,("Prog_Expr.rhs"    , eval_rhs "")):calc*)
   157 fun eval_rhs _ "Prog_Expr.rhs" (t as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>rhs\<close>,_) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ _ $ r))) _ = 
   158     SOME (UnparseC.term t ^ " = " ^ UnparseC.term r,
   159 	  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, r)))
   160   | eval_rhs _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   161 (*\\------------------------- from Prog_Expr.thy-------------------------------------------------//*)
   163 (*//------------------------- from Atools.thy------------------------------------------------\\*)
   164 fun occurs_in v t = member op = (((map strip_thy) o TermC.ids2str) t) (Term.term_name v);
   166 (*("occurs_in", ("Prog_Expr.occurs_in", Prog_Expr.eval_occurs_in ""))*)
   167 fun eval_occurs_in _ "Prog_Expr.occurs_in" (p as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>occurs_in\<close>, _) $ v $ t)) _ =
   168     ((*tracing("#>@ eval_occurs_in: v= "^(UnparseC.term v));
   169      tracing("#>@ eval_occurs_in: t= "^(UnparseC.term t));*)
   170      if occurs_in v t
   171     then SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = True",
   172 	  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term True})))
   173     else SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = False",
   174 	  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term False}))))
   175   | eval_occurs_in _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   177 (*some of the (bound) variables (eg. in an eqsys) "vs" occur in term "t"*)   
   178 fun some_occur_in vs t = 
   179     let fun occurs_in' a b = occurs_in b a
   180     in foldl or_ (false, map (occurs_in' t) vs) end;
   182 (*("some_occur_in", ("Prog_Expr.some_occur_in", 
   183 			eval_some_occur_in "#eval_some_occur_in_"))*)
   184 fun eval_some_occur_in _ "Prog_Expr.some_occur_in"
   185 			  (p as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>some_occur_in\<close>,_) $ vs $ t)) _ =
   186     if some_occur_in (TermC.isalist2list vs) t
   187     then SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = True",
   188 	       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term True})))
   189     else SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = False",
   190 	       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term False})))
   191   | eval_some_occur_in _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   193 (*("is_atom",("Prog_Expr.is_atom", Prog_Expr.eval_is_atom "#is_atom_"))*)
   194 fun eval_is_atom (thmid:string) "Prog_Expr.is_atom" (t as (Const _ $ arg)) _ = 
   195     if TermC.is_atom arg
   196     then SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (TermC.string_of_atom arg) "", 
   197 			HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   198     else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (TermC.string_of_atom arg) "", 
   199 		  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   200   | eval_is_atom _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   202 (*("is_num",("Prog_Expr.is_num", Prog_Expr.eval_is_num "#is_num_"))*)
   203 fun eval_is_num (thmid:string) "Prog_Expr.is_num" (t as (Const _ $ arg)) _ = 
   204     if TermC.is_num arg
   205     then SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (TermC.string_of_atom arg) "", 
   206 			HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   207     else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (TermC.string_of_atom arg) "", 
   208 		  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   209   | eval_is_num _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   211 fun even i = (i div 2) * 2 = i;
   212 (*("is_even",("Prog_Expr.is_even", eval_is_even "#is_even_"))*)
   213 fun eval_is_even (thmid:string) "Prog_Expr.is_even" (t as (Const _ $ arg)) _ = 
   214     if TermC.is_num arg
   215     then
   216       let
   217         val i = arg |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd
   218       in
   219 	      if even i 
   220         then SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (string_of_int i) "", 
   221 				  HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   222 	      else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid "" "", 
   223 			    HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   224       end
   225     else NONE
   226   | eval_is_even _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   228 (*. evaluate binary, associative, commutative operators: *,+,^ .*)
   229 (*("PLUS"    ,(\<^const_name>\<open>plus\<close>        , (**)eval_binop "#add_")),
   230   ("TIMES"   ,(\<^const_name>\<open>times\<close>        , (**)eval_binop "#mult_")),
   231   ("POWER"  ,(\<^const_name>\<open>realpow\<close>  , (**)eval_binop "#power_"))*)
   233 (* val (thmid,op_,t as(Const (op0,t0) $ Free (n1,t1) $ Free(n2,t2)),thy) =
   234        ("xxxxxx",op_,t,thy);
   235    *)
   236 fun mk_thmid_f thmid ((v11, v12), (p11, p12)) ((v21, v22), (p21, p22)) = (* dropped *)
   237   thmid ^ "Float ((" ^ 
   238   (string_of_int v11)^", "^(string_of_int v12)^"), ("^
   239   (string_of_int p11)^", "^(string_of_int p12)^")) __ (("^
   240   (string_of_int v21)^", "^(string_of_int v22)^"), ("^
   241   (string_of_int p21)^", "^(string_of_int p22)^"))";
   243 (*.evaluate < and <= for numerals.*)
   244 (*("le"      ,(\<^const_name>\<open>less\<close>        , Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_")),
   245   ("leq"     ,(\<^const_name>\<open>less_eq\<close>       , Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_equal_"))*)
   247 fun eval_equ (thmid:string) (_(*op_*)) (t as (Const (op0, _)) $ t1 $ t2) _ =
   248     if TermC.is_num t1 andalso TermC.is_num t2 then
   249       let
   250         val n1 = t1 |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd 
   251         val n2 = t2 |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd 
   252       in
   253         if Eval.calc_equ (strip_thy op0) (n1, n2)
   254         then SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (string_of_int n1) (string_of_int n2), 
   255     	    HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   256         else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (string_of_int n1) (string_of_int n2),  
   257     	   HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   258       end
   259     else NONE
   260   | eval_equ _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   263 (*evaluate identity
   264 > reflI;
   265 val it = "(?t = ?t) = True"
   266 > val t = str2term "x = 0";
   267 > val NONE = rewrite_ thy Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord Rule_Set.empty false reflI t;
   269 > val t = str2term "1 = 0";
   270 > val NONE = rewrite_ thy Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord Rule_Set.empty false reflI t;
   271 ----------- thus needs Rule.Eval !
   272 > val t = str2term "0 = 0";
   273 > val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_ thy Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord Rule_Set.empty false reflI t;
   274 > UnparseC.term t';
   275 val it = \<^const_name>\<open>True\<close>
   277 val t = str2term "Not (x = 0)";
   278 atomt t; UnparseC.term t;
   279 *** -------------
   280 *** Const ( Not)
   281 *** . Const ( op =)
   282 *** . . Free ( x, )
   283 *** . . Free ( 0, )
   284 val it = "x ~= 0" : string*)
   286 (*.evaluate identity on the term-level, =!= ,i.e. without evaluation of 
   287   the arguments: thus special handling by 'fun eval_binop'*)
   288 (*("ident"   ,("Prog_Expr.ident", Prog_Expr.eval_ident "#ident_")):calc*)
   289 fun eval_ident (thmid:string) "Prog_Expr.ident" (t as 
   290 	       (Const _(*op0, t0*) $ t1 $ t2 )) thy = 
   291   if t1 = t2
   292   then SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid 
   293 	              ("(" ^ (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t1) ^ ")")
   294 	              ("(" ^ (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t2) ^ ")"), 
   295 	     HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   296   else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid  
   297 	              ("(" ^ (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t1) ^ ")")
   298 	              ("(" ^ (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t2) ^ ")"),  
   299 	     HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   300   | eval_ident _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   301 (* TODO
   302 > val t = str2term "x =!= 0";
   303 > val SOME (str, t') = eval_ident "ident_" "b" t thy;
   304 > UnparseC.term t';
   305 val str = "ident_(x)_(0)" : string
   306 val it = "(x =!= 0) = False" : string                                
   307 > val t = str2term "1 =!= 0";
   308 > val SOME (str, t') = eval_ident "ident_" "b" t thy;
   309 > UnparseC.term t';
   310 val str = "ident_(1)_(0)" : string 
   311 val it = "(1 =!= 0) = False" : string                                       
   312 > val t = str2term "0 =!= 0";
   313 > val SOME (str, t') = eval_ident "ident_" "b" t thy;
   314 > UnparseC.term t';
   315 val str = "ident_(0)_(0)" : string
   316 val it = "(0 =!= 0) = True" : string
   317 *)
   320 (* evaluate identity of terms, which stay ready for further evaluation;
   321   thus returns False only for atoms *)
   322 (*("equal"   ,(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, Prog_Expr.eval_equal "#equal_")):calc*)
   323 fun eval_equal (thmid : string) \<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close> (t as (Const _(*op0,t0*) $ t1 $ t2 )) thy = 
   324   if t1 = t2
   325   then
   326     SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid
   327       ("(" ^ UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t1 ^ ")") ("(" ^ UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t2 ^ ")"), 
   328       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term True})))
   329   else
   330     (case (TermC.is_atom t1, TermC.is_atom t2) of
   331       (true, true) =>
   332         if TermC.variable_constant_pair (t1, t2)
   333         then NONE
   334         else SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid
   335           ("(" ^ UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t1 ^ ")") ("(" ^ UnparseC.term_in_thy thy t2 ^ ")"),
   336           HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, @{term False})))
   337     | _ => NONE)                                              (* NOT is_atom t1,t2 --> rew_sub *)
   338   | eval_equal _ _ _ _ = NONE;                                                   (* error-exit *)
   340 (*. evaluate HOL.divide .*)
   341 (*("DIVIDE" ,("Rings.divide_class.divide"  , eval_cancel "#divide_e"))*)
   342 fun eval_cancel thmid "Rings.divide_class.divide" (t as (Const _ $ t1 $ t2)) _ = 
   343     if TermC.is_num t1 andalso TermC.is_num t2 then
   344       let
   345         val (T, _) = HOLogic.dest_number t1;
   346         val (i1, i2) = (Eval.int_of_numeral t1, Eval.int_of_numeral t2);
   347         val res_int as (d, (i1', i2')) = Eval.cancel_int (i1, i2);
   348       in
   349         if abs d = 1 andalso (abs i1, abs i2) = (abs i1', abs i2') then NONE
   350         else
   351           let
   352             val res = TermC.mk_frac T res_int;
   353             val prop = HOLogic.Trueprop $ (HOLogic.mk_eq (t, res));
   354           in SOME (TermC.mk_thmid thmid (string_of_int i1) (string_of_int i2), prop) end
   355       end
   356     else NONE
   357   | eval_cancel _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   359 (* get the argument from a function-definition *)
   360 (*("argument_in" ,("Prog_Expr.argument_in", Prog_Expr.eval_argument_in "Prog_Expr.argument_in"))*)
   361 fun eval_argument_in _ "Prog_Expr.argument_in" 
   362 		 (t as (Const ("Prog_Expr.argument_in", _) $ (_(*f*) $ arg))) _ =
   363     if TermC.is_atom arg (*could be something to be simplified before*)
   364     then
   365       SOME (UnparseC.term t ^ " = " ^ UnparseC.term arg,
   366 	      HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (t, arg)))
   367     else NONE
   368   | eval_argument_in _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   370 (* check if the function-identifier of the first argument matches 
   371    the function-identifier of the lhs of the second argument *)
   372 (*("sameFunId" ,("Prog_Expr.sameFunId", eval_same_funid "Prog_Expr.sameFunId"))*)
   373 fun eval_sameFunId _ "Prog_Expr.sameFunId" 
   374 		     (p as Const ("Prog_Expr.sameFunId",_) $  (f1 $ _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ (f2 $ _) $ _)) _ =
   375     if f1 = f2 
   376     then SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = True",
   377 	       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term True})))
   378     else SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = False",
   379 	       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, @{term False})))
   380 | eval_sameFunId _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   383 (*.from a list of fun-definitions "f x = ..." as 2nd argument
   384    filter the elements with the same fun-identfier in "f y"
   385    as the fst argument;
   386    this is, because Isabelles filter takes more than 1 sec.*)
   387 fun same_funid f1 (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ (f2 $ _) $ _) = f1 = f2
   388   | same_funid f1 t = raise ERROR ("same_funid called with t = ("
   389 		  ^ UnparseC.term f1 ^ ") (" ^ UnparseC.term t ^ ")");
   390 (*("filter_sameFunId" ,("Prog_Expr.filter_sameFunId",
   391 		   eval_filter_sameFunId "Prog_Expr.filter_sameFunId"))*)
   392 fun eval_filter_sameFunId _ "Prog_Expr.filter_sameFunId" 
   393 		     (p as Const ("Prog_Expr.filter_sameFunId",_) $ 
   394 			(fid $ _) $ fs) _ =
   395     let val fs' = ((TermC.list2isalist HOLogic.boolT) o 
   396 		   (filter (same_funid fid))) (TermC.isalist2list fs)
   397     in SOME (UnparseC.term (TermC.mk_equality (p, fs')),
   398 	       HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, fs'))) end
   399 | eval_filter_sameFunId _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   401 (* make a list of terms to a sum *)
   402 fun list2sum [] = raise ERROR ("list2sum called with []")
   403   | list2sum [s] = s
   404   | list2sum (s::ss) = 
   405     let
   406       fun sum su [s'] = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>plus\<close>,
   407            [HOLogic.realT,HOLogic.realT] ---> HOLogic.realT) $ su $ s'
   408     	  | sum su (s'::ss') = sum (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>plus\<close>,
   409            [HOLogic.realT,HOLogic.realT] ---> HOLogic.realT) $ su $ s') ss'
   410     	  | sum _ _ = raise ERROR "list2sum: pattern in fun.def is missing" 
   411     in sum s ss end;
   413 (* make a list of equalities to the sum of the lhs *)
   414 (*("boollist2sum"    ,("Prog_Expr.boollist2sum"    , eval_boollist2sum "")):calc*)
   415 fun eval_boollist2sum _ "Prog_Expr.boollist2sum" 
   416 		  (p as Const ("Prog_Expr.boollist2sum", _) $ (l as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, _) $ _ $ _)) _ =
   417     let
   418       val isal = TermC.isalist2list l
   419 	    val lhss = map TermC.lhs isal
   420 	    val sum = list2sum lhss
   421     in
   422       SOME ((UnparseC.term p) ^ " = " ^ (UnparseC.term sum),
   423 	      HOLogic.Trueprop $ (TermC.mk_equality (p, sum)))
   424     end
   425   | eval_boollist2sum _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   427 (**) end (*struct*)
   428 \<close> text \<open>
   429 open Prog_Expr
   430 \<close> ML \<open>
   431 \<close> ML \<open>
   432 \<close>
   434 subsection \<open>extend rule-set for evaluating pre-conditions and program-expressions\<close>
   435 ML \<open>
   436 val prog_expr = Rule_Set.append_rules "prog_expr" prog_expr [\<^rule_eval>\<open>Prog_Expr.rhs\<close> (Prog_Expr.eval_rhs "")];
   437 \<close> ML \<open>
   438 \<close> ML \<open>
   439 \<close>
   441 subsection \<open>setup for rule-sets and ML-functions\<close>
   443 rule_set_knowledge prog_expr = prog_expr
   445 calculation lhs = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_lhs ""\<close>
   446 calculation rhs = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_rhs ""\<close>
   447 calculation Vars = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_var "#Vars_"\<close>
   448 calculation matches = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_matches "#matches_"\<close>
   449 calculation matchsub = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_matchsub "#matchsub_"\<close>
   451 calculation some_occur_in = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_some_occur_in "#some_occur_in_"\<close>
   452 calculation occurs_in = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_occurs_in "#occurs_in_"\<close>
   453 calculation is_atom = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_is_atom "#is_atom_"\<close>
   454 calculation is_num = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_is_num "#is_num_"\<close>
   455 calculation is_even = \<open>Prog_Expr.eval_is_even "#is_even_"\<close>
   456 ML \<open>
   457 \<close> ML \<open>
   458 \<close> ML \<open>
   459 \<close>
   461 end