author Walther Neuper <>
Sat, 20 Jan 2018 15:18:41 +0100
changeset 59334 690f0822e102
parent 59269 1da53d1540fe
child 59343 6097d1cc03fd
permissions -rw-r--r--
------ line breaks within syntax def disallowed
     1 theory InsSort imports "../Interpret/Interpret" Rational(*for norm_Rational?!?*)
     2 begin
     4 subsection {* consts *}
     5 consts
     6   unsorted   :: "int xlist => unl"
     7   sorted     :: "int xlist => unl"
     9   (* CAS-command *)
    10   Sort       :: "int xlist \<Rightarrow> int xlist"
    12   (* subproblem and script-name *)
    13   Ins'_sort  :: "[int xlist,  
    14 		    int xlist] => int xlist"
    15                ("((Script Ins'_sort (_ =))// (_))" 9)
    16   Sortprog   :: "[int xlist,  
    17 		    int xlist] => int xlist"
    18                ("((Script Sortprog (_ =))// (_))" 9)
    20 subsection {* functions *}
    21 primrec ins :: "int \<Rightarrow> int xlist \<Rightarrow> int xlist"
    22 where
    23 ins_Nil:  "ins i {|| ||} = {||i||}" |
    24 ins_Cons: "ins i (x @# xs) = (if i < x then (i @# x @# xs) else x @# (ins i xs))"
    26 fun sort :: "int xlist \<Rightarrow> int xlist"
    27 where
    28 sort_deff: "sort xs = xfoldr ins xs {|| ||}"
    29 print_theorems
    30 thm sort_def  (* InsSort.sort \<equiv> sort_sumC *)
    31 thm sort_deff (* InsSort.sort ?xs = foldr ins ?xs [] *)
    33 (* access to definitions from ML *)
    34 ML {*
    35 @{thm ins.simps(1)};
    36 @{thm ins.simps(2)};
    37 *}
    39 value "sort {||2,3,1||}"
    40 lemma test: "sort {||2,3,1||} = {||1,2,3||}"
    41 by simp
    43 subsection {* eval functions *}
    44 subsection {* rulesets *}
    45 ML {*
    46 val ins_sort = 
    47   Rls {
    48     id = "ins_sort", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("tless_true", tless_true), erls = e_rls,
    49     srls = e_rls, calc = [], rules = [
    50       Thm ("xfoldr_Nil",(*num_str*) @{thm xfoldr_Nil} (* foldr ?f [] = id *)),
    51 	    Thm ("xfoldr_Cons", @{thm xfoldr_Cons} (* foldr ?f (?x # ?xs) = ?f ?x \<circ> foldr ?f ?xs *)),
    53 	    Thm ("ins_Nil", @{thm ins_Nil} (* ins ?i [] = [?i] *)),
    54 	    Thm ("ins_Cons", @{thm ins_Cons} (* ins ?i (?x # ?xs) = (if ?i < ?x then ?i # ?x # ?xs else ?x # ins ?i ?xs) *)),
    55 	    Thm ("sort_deff", @{thm sort_deff} (* InsSort.sort ?xs = foldr ins ?xs [] *)),
    57 	    Thm ("o_id", @{thm o_id} (* ?f \<circ> id = ?f *)),
    58 	    Thm ("o_assoc", @{thm o_assoc} (* ?f \<circ> (?g \<circ> ?h) = ?f \<circ> ?g \<circ> ?h *)),
    59 	    Thm ("o_apply", @{thm o_apply} (* (?f \<circ> ?g) ?x = ?f (?g ?x) *)),
    60 	    Thm ("id_apply", @{thm id_apply} (* id ?x = ?x *)),
    62 	    Calc ("Orderings.ord_class.less", eval_equ "#less_"),
    63 	    Thm ("If_def", @{thm If_def} (* if ?P then ?x else ?y \<equiv> THE z. (?P = True \<longrightarrow> z = ?x) \<and> (?P = False \<longrightarrow> z = ?y) *)),
    64 	    Thm ("if_True", @{thm if_True} (* "(if True then x else y) = x" *)),
    65 	    Thm ("if_False", @{thm if_False} (* "(if False then x else y) = y" *))],
    66 	  errpatts = [], scr = Prog ((Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "empty_script")};      
    67 *}
    68 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_rlss [("ins_sort", (Context.theory_name @{theory}, ins_sort))] *}
    70 subsection {* problems *}
    71 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_pbts
    72   [(Specify.prep_pbt @{theory} "pbl_Programming" [] e_pblID 
    73      (["Programming"], [], e_rls, NONE, [])),
    74    (Specify.prep_pbt @{theory} "pbl_Prog_sort" [] e_pblID 
    75      (["SORT","Programming"], [], e_rls, NONE, [])),
    76    (Specify.prep_pbt @{theory} "pbl_Prog_sort_ins" [] e_pblID
    77      (["insertion","SORT","Programming"], 
    78      [("#Given", ["unsorted u_u"]), ("#Find", ["sorted s_s"])], 
    79      e_rls, 
    80      SOME "Sort u_u", [["Programming","SORT","insertion_steps"]]))] *}
    82 subsection {* methods *}
    83 (* TODO: implementation needs extra object-level lists ?!?*)
    84 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_mets
    85   [ Specify.prep_met @{theory} "met_Programming" [] e_metID
    86       (["Programming"], [],
    87         {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls' = e_rls, calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls = e_rls,
    88           crls = e_rls, errpats = [], nrls = e_rls}, "empty_script"),
    89     Specify.prep_met @{theory} "met_Prog_sort" [] e_metID
    90       (["Programming","SORT"], [],
    91         {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls' = e_rls, calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls = e_rls,
    92           crls = e_rls, errpats = [], nrls = e_rls},
    93         "empty_script"),
    94     Specify.prep_met @{theory} "met_Prog_sort_ins" [] e_metID
    95       (["Programming","SORT","insertion"], 
    96       [("#Given", ["unsorted u_u"]), ("#Find", ["sorted s_s"])],
    97         {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls' = Atools_erls, calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls = e_rls,
    98           crls = Atools_crls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational},
    99         "Script Sortprog (unso :: int xlist) = " ^
   100         "  (let uns = Take (sort unso) " ^
   101         "  in " ^
   102         "    (Rewrite_Set ins_sort False) uns" ^
   103         "  )"),
   104     Specify.prep_met @{theory} "met_Prog_sort_ins_steps" [] e_metID
   105       (["Programming","SORT","insertion_steps"], 
   106       [("#Given", ["unsorted u_u"]), ("#Find", ["sorted s_s"])],
   107         {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls' = Atools_erls, calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls = e_rls,
   108           crls = Atools_crls, errpats = [], nrls = norm_Rational},
   109         "Script Sortprog (unso :: int xlist) =           " ^
   110         "  (let uns = Take (sort unso)                   " ^
   111         "  in                                            " ^
   112           " (Repeat                                      " ^
   113           "   ((Repeat (Rewrite xfoldr_Nil  False)) Or   " ^
   114           "    (Repeat (Rewrite xfoldr_Cons False)) Or   " ^
   115           "    (Repeat (Rewrite ins_Nil     False)) Or   " ^
   116           "    (Repeat (Rewrite ins_Cons    False)) Or   " ^
   117           "    (Repeat (Rewrite sort_deff   False)) Or   " ^
   118           "    (Repeat (Rewrite o_id        False)) Or   " ^
   119           "    (Repeat (Rewrite o_assoc     False)) Or   " ^
   120           "    (Repeat (Rewrite o_apply     False)) Or   " ^
   121           "    (Repeat (Rewrite id_apply    False)) Or   " ^
   122           "    (Repeat (Calculate le             )) Or   " ^
   123           "    (Repeat (Rewrite If_def      False)) Or   " ^
   124           "    (Repeat (Rewrite if_True     False)) Or   " ^
   125           "    (Repeat (Rewrite if_False    False)))) uns" ^
   126         "  )")
   127   ]
   128 *}
   130 subsection {* CAS-commands *}
   131 ML {*
   132 (* for starting a new example, e.g. "Sort {|| 1, 3, 2 ||}" after <NEW> on WorkSheet;
   133    associate above input with dataformat of pbt (without "#Given", etc):
   134 *)
   135 fun argl2dtss [t] =
   136     [(@{term "unsorted"}, [t]),
   137      (@{term "sorted"},   [@{term "DUMMY::int xlist"}])
   138      ]
   139   | argl2dtss _ = error "InsSort.thy: wrong argument for argl2dtss"
   140 *}
   141 (* associate input with other data required for formal specification *)
   142 setup {* KEStore_Elems.add_cas
   143   [ ( @{term "Sort"},  
   144       (("InsSort", ["insertion","SORT","Programming"], ["no_met"]), argl2dtss)
   145     )
   146   ]
   147 *}
   149 end