author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:13:17 +0200
changeset 59861 65ec9f679c3f
parent 59854 c20d08e01ad2
child 59868 d77aa0992e0f
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struct. UnparseC, shift code to ThmC
     1 (* Title: the calctree, which holds a calculation
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1999
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 signature BASIC_CALC_TREE =
     7 sig
     8 (** definitions required for datatype ctree, renamed later appropriately **)
    10 (** the basic datatype **)
    11   type state
    12   val e_state: state
    14   type con
    15   eqtype cellID
    17   datatype branch  = AndB | CollectB | IntersectB | MapB | NoBranch | OrB | SequenceB | TransitiveB
    18   datatype ostate = Complete | Incomplete | Inconsistent
    19   datatype ppobj =
    20     PblObj of
    21      {branch: branch,
    22       loc: (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option * (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option,
    23       ostate: ostate,
    24       result: Selem.result,
    26       fmz: Selem.fmz,
    27       origin: Model.ori list * Celem.spec * term,
    28       probl: Model.itm list,
    29       meth: Model.itm list,
    30       spec: Celem.spec,
    31       ctxt: Proof.context}
    32   | PrfObj of
    33      {branch: branch,
    34       loc: (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option * (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option,
    35       ostate: ostate,
    36       result: Selem.result,
    38       form: term,
    39       tac: Tactic.input}
    40   datatype ctree = EmptyPtree | Nd of ppobj * ctree list
    42 (** basic functions **)
    43   val e_ctree : ctree (* TODO: replace by EmptyPtree*)
    44   val existpt' : Pos.pos' -> ctree -> bool                                     (* for interface.sml *)
    45   val is_interpos : Pos.pos' -> bool                                           (* for interface.sml *)
    46   val lev_pred' : ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Pos.pos'                                    (* for interface.sml *)
    47   val ins_chn : ctree list -> ctree -> Pos.pos -> ctree                       (* for solve.sml *)
    48   val children : ctree -> ctree list                                           (* for solve.sml *)
    49   val get_nd : ctree -> Pos.pos -> ctree                                           (* for solve.sml *)
    50   val just_created_ : ppobj -> bool                                       (* for mathengine.sml *)
    51   val just_created : state -> bool                                        (* for mathengine.sml *)
    52   val e_origin : Model.ori list * Celem.spec * term                       (* for mathengine.sml *)
    54   val is_pblobj : ppobj -> bool
    55   val is_pblobj' : ctree -> Pos.pos -> bool
    56   val is_pblnd : ctree -> bool
    58   val g_spec : ppobj -> Celem.spec
    59   val g_loc : ppobj -> (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option * (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option
    60   val g_form : ppobj -> term
    61   val g_pbl : ppobj -> Model.itm list
    62   val g_met : ppobj -> Model.itm list
    63   val g_metID : ppobj -> Celem.metID
    64   val g_result : ppobj -> Selem.result
    65   val g_tac : ppobj -> Tactic.input
    66   val g_domID : ppobj -> ThyC.domID                     (* for appl.sml TODO: replace by thyID *)
    68   val g_origin : ppobj -> Model.ori list * Celem.spec * term                  (* for script.sml *)
    69   val get_loc : ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Istate_Def.T * Proof.context                 (* for script.sml *)
    70   val get_istate_LI : ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Istate_Def.T                              (* for script.sml *)
    71   val get_ctxt_LI: ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Proof.context
    72   val get_ctxt : ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Proof.context (*DEPRECATED*)
    73   val get_obj : (ppobj -> 'a) -> ctree -> Pos.pos -> 'a
    74   val get_curr_formula : state -> term
    75   val get_assumptions : ctree -> Pos.pos' -> term list                             (* for appl.sml *)
    77   val new_val : term -> Istate_Def.T -> Istate_Def.T
    78   (* for calchead.sml *)
    79   type cid = cellID list
    80   type ocalhd = bool * Pos.pos_ * term * Model.itm list * (bool * term) list * Celem.spec
    81   datatype ptform = Form of term | ModSpec of ocalhd
    82   val get_somespec' : Celem.spec -> Celem.spec -> Celem.spec
    83   exception PTREE of string;
    85   val parent_node : ctree -> Pos.pos -> bool * Pos.pos * Rule_Set.T                      (* for appl.sml *)
    86   val rootthy : ctree -> theory                                               (* for script.sml *)
    87 (* ---- made visible ONLY for structure CTaccess : CALC_TREE_ACCESS --------------------------- *)
    88   val appl_obj : (ppobj -> ppobj) -> ctree -> Pos.pos -> ctree
    89   val existpt : Pos.pos -> ctree -> bool                                          (* also for tests *)
    90   val cut_tree : ctree -> Pos.pos * 'a -> ctree * Pos.pos' list                       (* also for tests *)
    91   val insert_pt : ppobj -> ctree -> int list -> ctree
    92 (* ---- made visible ONLY for structure CTnavi : CALC_TREE_NAVIGATION ------------------------- *)
    93   val g_branch : ppobj -> branch
    94   val g_form' : ctree -> term
    95   val g_ostate : ppobj -> ostate
    96   val g_ostate' : ctree -> ostate
    97   val g_res : ppobj -> term
    98   val g_res' : ctree -> term 
    99 (*/---- duplicates in CTnavi, reconsider structs -----------------------------------------------
   100   val lev_dn : CTbasic.Pos.pos -> Pos.pos                        (* duplicate in ctree-navi.sml *)
   101   val par_pblobj : CTbasic.ctree -> Pos.pos -> Pos.pos   (* duplicate in ctree-navi.sml *)
   102    ---- duplicates in CTnavi, reconsider structs ----------------------------------------------/*)
   104 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
   105   val pr_ctree : (Pos.pos -> ppobj -> string) -> ctree -> string
   106   val pr_short : Pos.pos -> ppobj -> string
   107   val g_ctxt : ppobj -> Proof.context
   108   val g_fmz : ppobj -> Selem.fmz
   109   val get_allp : Pos.pos' list -> Pos.pos * (int list * Pos.pos_) -> ctree -> Pos.pos' list
   110   val get_allps : (Pos.pos * Pos.pos_) list -> Pos.posel list -> ctree list -> Pos.pos' list
   111   val get_allpos' : Pos.pos * Pos.posel -> ctree -> Pos.pos' list
   112   val get_allpos's : Pos.pos * Pos.posel -> ctree list -> (Pos.pos * Pos.pos_) list
   113   val cut_bottom : Pos.pos * Pos.posel -> ctree -> (ctree * Pos.pos' list) * bool
   114   val cut_level : Pos.pos' list -> Pos.pos -> ctree -> int list * Pos.pos_ -> ctree * Pos.pos' list
   115   val cut_level_'_ : Pos.pos' list -> Pos.pos -> ctree -> int list * Pos.pos_ -> ctree * Pos.pos' list
   116   val get_trace : ctree -> int list -> int list -> int list list
   117   val branch2str : branch -> string
   118 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
   120 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
   121   (* NONE *)
   122 end
   124 (**)
   125 structure CTbasic(**): BASIC_CALC_TREE(**) =
   126 struct
   127 (**)
   128 open Pos
   130 datatype branch = 
   131 	NoBranch | AndB | OrB 
   132 | TransitiveB  (* FIXXXME.0308: set branch from met in Apply_Method
   133                   FIXXXME.0402: -"- in Begin_Trans'*)
   134 | SequenceB | IntersectB | CollectB | MapB;
   136 fun branch2str NoBranch = "NoBranch" (* for tests only *)
   137   | branch2str AndB = "AndB"
   138   | branch2str OrB = "OrB"
   139   | branch2str TransitiveB = "TransitiveB" 
   140   | branch2str SequenceB = "SequenceB"
   141   | branch2str IntersectB = "IntersectB"
   142   | branch2str CollectB = "CollectB"
   143   | branch2str MapB = "MapB";
   145 datatype ostate = 
   146     Incomplete | Complete | Inconsistent (* WN041020 latter still unused *);
   147 fun ostate2str Incomplete = "Incomplete" (* for tests only *)
   148   | ostate2str Complete = "Complete"
   149   | ostate2str Inconsistent = "Inconsistent";
   151 type cellID = int;     
   152 type cid = cellID list;
   155 type iist = Istate_Def.T option * Istate_Def.T option;
   156 (*val e_iist = (empty, empty); --- sinnlos f"ur NICHT-equality-type*) 
   159 fun new_val v (Istate_Def.Pstate pst) =
   160     (Istate_Def.Pstate (Istate_Def.set_act v pst))
   161   | new_val _ _ = error "new_val: only for Pstate";
   163 datatype con = land | lor;
   165 (* executed tactics (tac_s) with local environment etc.;
   166   used for continuing eval script + for generate *)
   167 type ets =
   168   (TermC.path *(* of tactic in scr, tactic (weakly) associated with tac_                   *)
   169    (Tactic.T * (* (for generate)                                                           *)
   170     Env.T *      (* with 'tactic=result' as  rule, tactic ev. _not_ ready for 'parallel let' *)
   171     Env.T *      (* with results of (ready) tacs                                             *)
   172     term *     (* itr_arg of tactic, for upd. env at Repeat, Try                           *)
   173     term *     (* result value of the tac                                                  *)
   175   list;
   177 fun ets2s (l,(m,eno,env,iar,res,s)) = 
   178   "\n(" ^ TermC.string_of_path l ^ ",(" ^ Tactic.string_of m ^
   179   ",\n  ens= " ^ Env.subst2str eno ^
   180   ",\n  env= " ^ Env.subst2str env ^
   181   ",\n  iar= " ^ UnparseC.term2str iar ^
   182   ",\n  res= " ^ UnparseC.term2str res ^
   183   ",\n  " ^ Telem.safe2str s ^ "))";
   184 fun ets2str (ets: ets) = (strs2str o (map ets2s)) ets; (* for tests only *)
   186 type envp =(*9.5.03: unused, delete with field in ctree.PblObj FIXXXME*)
   187   (int * term list) list * (* assoc-list: args of met*)
   188   (int * Rule_Set.T) list * (* assoc-list: tacs already done ///15.9.00*)
   189   (int * ets) list *       (* assoc-list: tacs etc. already done*)
   190   (string * pos) list;     (* asms * from where*)
   192 datatype ppobj = (* TODO: arrange according to signature *)
   193   PrfObj of                   (* a proof step triggered by a tactic                            *)
   194    {form  : term,             (* where tactic is applied to                                    *)
   195 	  tac   : Tactic.input,     (* tactic as presented to users                                  *)
   196 	  loc   : (Istate_Def.T *   (* program interpreter state                                     *)
   197 	           Proof.context)   (* context for provers, type inference                           *)
   198             option *          (* both for interpreter location on Frm, Pbl, Met                *)
   199             (Istate_Def.T *   (* script interpreter state                                      *)
   200              Proof.context)   (* context for provers, type inference                           *)
   201             option,           (* both for interpreter location on Res                          *)
   202                               (*(NONE,NONE) <==> empty ! see update_loc, get_loc            *)
   203 	  branch: branch,           (* only rudimentary                                              *)
   204 	  result: Selem.result,     (* result and assumptions                                        *)
   205 	  ostate: ostate}           (* Complete <=> result is OK                                     *)
   206 | PblObj of                   (* a step serving a whole specification-phase                    *)
   207    {fmz   : Selem.fmz,        (* from init:FIXME never use this spec;-drop                     *)
   208     origin: (Model.ori list) *(* from fmz+pbt+met for efficiently adding items to probl, meth  *)
   209 	           Celem.spec *     (* updated by Refine_Tacitly                                     *)
   210 	           term,            (* headline of calc-head, as calculated initially(!)             *)
   211     spec  : Celem.spec,       (* explicitly input                                              *)
   212     probl : Model.itm list,   (* itms explicitly input                                         *)
   213     meth  : Model.itm list,   (* itms automatically added to copy of probl                     *)
   214     ctxt  : Proof.context,    (* used while specifying this SubProblem                         *)
   215     loc   : (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option  (* like in PrfObj, calling this SubProblem  *)
   216           * (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context) option, (* like in PrfObj, finishing the SubProblem *)
   217     branch: branch,           (* like PrfObj                                                   *)
   218     result: Selem.result,     (* like PrfObj                                                   *)
   219     ostate: ostate};          (* like PrfObj                                                   *)
   221 (* this tree contains isac's calculations;
   222    the tree's structure has been copied from an early version of Theorema(c);
   223    it has the disadvantage, that there is no space 
   224    for the first tactic in a script generating the first formula at (p,Frm);
   225    this trouble has been covered by 'implicit_take' and 'Take' so far,
   226    but it is crucial if the first tactic in a script is eg. 'Subproblem';
   227    see 'type tac', Apply_Method.
   228 *)
   229 datatype ctree = 
   230   EmptyPtree
   231 | Nd of ppobj * (ctree list);
   232 val e_ctree = EmptyPtree;
   233 type state = ctree * pos'
   234 val e_state = (EmptyPtree , e_pos')
   236 fun is_pblobj (PblObj _) = true
   237   | is_pblobj _ = false;
   239 exception PTREE of string;
   240 fun nth _ [] = raise PTREE "nth _ []"
   241   | nth 1 (x :: _) = x
   242   | nth n (_ :: xs) = nth (n - 1) xs;
   243 (*> nth 2 [11,22,33]; -->> val it = 22 : int*)
   246 (** convert ctree to a string **)
   248 (* convert a pos from list to string *)
   249 fun pr_pos ps = (space_implode "." (map string_of_int ps))^".   ";
   250 (* show hd origin or form only *)
   251 fun pr_short p (PblObj _) =  pr_pos p  ^ " ----- pblobj -----\n"               (* for tests only *)
   252   | pr_short p (PrfObj {form = form, ...}) = pr_pos p ^ UnparseC.term2str form ^ "\n";
   253 fun pr_ctree f pt =                                                            (* for tests only *)
   254   let
   255     fun pr_pt _ _  EmptyPtree = ""
   256       | pr_pt pfn ps (Nd (b, [])) = pfn ps b
   257       | pr_pt pfn ps (Nd (b, ts)) = pfn ps b ^ prts pfn ps 1 ts
   258     and prts _ _ _ [] = ""
   259       | prts pfn ps p (t :: ts) = (pr_pt pfn (ps @ [p]) t)^
   260       (prts pfn ps (p + 1) ts)
   261   in pr_pt f [] pt end;
   263 (** access the branches of ctree **)
   265 fun repl [] _ _ = raise PTREE "repl [] _ _"
   266   | repl (_ :: ls) 1 e = e :: ls
   267   | repl (l :: ls) n e = l :: (repl ls (n-1) e);
   268 fun repl_app ls n e = 
   269   let
   270     val lim = 1 + length ls
   271   in
   272     if n > lim
   273     then raise PTREE "repl_app: n > lim"
   274     else if n = lim
   275       then ls @ [e]
   276       else repl ls n e end;
   278 (* get from obj at pos by f : ppobj -> 'a *)
   279 fun get_obj _ EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "get_obj f EmptyPtree"
   280   | get_obj f (Nd (b, _)) [] = f b
   281   | get_obj f (Nd (_, bs)) (p :: ps) =
   282     let
   283       val _ = (nth p bs)
   284       handle _ => raise PTREE ("get_obj: pos = " ^ ints2str' (p::ps) ^ " does not exist");
   285     in
   286       (get_obj f (nth p bs) ps) 
   287       handle _ => raise PTREE ("get_obj: pos = " ^ ints2str' (p::ps) ^ " does not exist")
   288     end;
   289 fun get_nd EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "get_nd EmptyPtree"
   290   | get_nd n [] = n
   291   | get_nd (Nd (_, nds)) (pos as p :: ps) = (get_nd (nth p nds) ps)
   292     handle _ => raise PTREE ("get_nd: not existent pos = " ^ ints2str' pos);
   294 (* for use by get_obj *)
   295 fun g_form   (PrfObj {form = f,...}) = f
   296   | g_form   (PblObj {origin= (_,_,f),...}) = f;
   297 fun g_form' (Nd (PrfObj {form = f, ...}, _)) = f
   298   | g_form' (Nd (PblObj {origin= (_, _, f),...}, _)) = f
   299   | g_form' _ = error "g_form': uncovered fun def.";
   300 (*  | g_form   _ = raise PTREE "g_form not for PblObj";*)
   301 fun g_origin (PblObj {origin = ori, ...}) = ori
   302   | g_origin _ = raise PTREE "g_origin not for PrfObj";
   303 fun g_fmz (PblObj {fmz = f, ...}) = f                                        (* for tests only *)
   304   | g_fmz _ = raise PTREE "g_fmz not for PrfObj";
   305 fun g_spec   (PblObj {spec = s, ...}) = s
   306   | g_spec _   = raise PTREE "g_spec not for PrfObj";
   307 fun g_pbl    (PblObj {probl = p, ...}) = p
   308   | g_pbl  _   = raise PTREE "g_pbl not for PrfObj";
   309 fun g_met    (PblObj {meth = p, ...}) = p
   310   | g_met  _   = raise PTREE "g_met not for PrfObj";
   311 fun g_domID  (PblObj {spec = (d, _, _), ...}) = d
   312   | g_domID  _ = raise PTREE "g_metID not for PrfObj";
   313 fun g_metID  (PblObj {spec = (_, _, m), ...}) = m
   314   | g_metID  _ = raise PTREE "g_metID not for PrfObj";
   315 fun g_ctxt    (PblObj {ctxt, ...}) = ctxt
   316   | g_ctxt    _ = raise PTREE "g_ctxt not for PrfObj"; 
   317 fun g_loc    (PblObj {loc = l, ...}) = l
   318   | g_loc    (PrfObj {loc = l, ...}) = l;
   319 fun g_branch (PblObj {branch = b, ...}) = b
   320   | g_branch (PrfObj {branch = b, ...}) = b;
   321 fun g_tac  (PblObj {spec = (_, _, m),...}) = Tactic.Apply_Method m
   322   | g_tac  (PrfObj {tac = m, ...}) = m;
   323 fun g_result (PblObj {result = r, ...}) = r
   324   | g_result (PrfObj {result = r, ...}) = r;
   325 fun g_res (PblObj {result = (r, _) ,...}) = r
   326   | g_res (PrfObj {result = (r, _),...}) = r;
   327 fun g_res' (Nd (PblObj {result = (r, _), ...}, _)) = r
   328   | g_res' (Nd (PrfObj {result = (r, _),...}, _)) = r
   329   | g_res' _ = raise PTREE "g_res': uncovered fun def.";
   330 fun g_ostate (PblObj {ostate = r, ...}) = r
   331   | g_ostate (PrfObj {ostate = r, ...}) = r;
   332 fun g_ostate' (Nd (PblObj {ostate = r, ...}, _)) = r
   333   | g_ostate' (Nd (PrfObj {ostate = r, ...}, _)) = r
   334   | g_ostate' _ = raise PTREE "g_ostate': uncovered fun def.";
   336 (* get the formula preceeding the current position in a calculation *)
   337 fun get_curr_formula (pt, (p, p_)) = 
   338 	case p_ of
   339 	  Frm => get_obj g_form pt p
   340 	| Res => (fst o (get_obj g_result pt)) p
   341 	| _ => #3 (get_obj g_origin pt p);
   343 (* in CalcTree/Subproblem an 'just_created_' model is created;
   344    this is filled to 'untouched' by Model/Refine_Problem   *)
   345 fun just_created_ (PblObj {meth, probl, spec, ...}) =
   346     null meth andalso null probl andalso spec = Celem.e_spec
   347   | just_created_ _ = raise PTREE "g_ostate': uncovered fun def.";
   348 val e_origin = ([], Celem.e_spec, TermC.empty);
   350 fun just_created (pt, (p, _)) =
   351     let val ppobj = get_obj I pt p
   352     in is_pblobj ppobj andalso just_created_ ppobj end;
   354 (* does the pos in the ctree exist ? *)
   355 fun existpt pos pt = can (get_obj I pt) pos;
   356 (* does the pos' in the ctree exist, ie. extra check for result in the node *)
   357 fun existpt' (p, p_) pt = 
   358   if can (get_obj I pt) p 
   359   then case p_ of 
   360 	  Res => get_obj g_ostate pt p = Complete
   361 	| _ => true
   362   else false;
   364 (* is this position appropriate for calculating intermediate steps? *)
   365 fun is_interpos (_, Res) = true
   366   | is_interpos _ = false;
   368 (* get the children of a node in ctree *)
   369 fun children (Nd (PblObj _, cn)) = cn
   370   | children (Nd (PrfObj _, cn)) = cn
   371   | children _ = error "children: uncovered fun def.";
   373 (*/--------------- duplicates in ctree-navi.sml: required also here below ---------------\*)
   374 fun lev_up [] = raise PTREE "lev_up []"
   375   | lev_up p = (drop_last p):pos;
   376 (* find the position of the next parent which is a PblObj in ctree *)
   377 fun par_pblobj _ [] = []
   378   | par_pblobj pt p =
   379     let
   380       fun par _ [] = []
   381         | par pt p =
   382           if is_pblobj (get_obj I pt p) 
   383           then p
   384           else par pt (lev_up p)
   385     in par pt (lev_up p) end; 
   386 (*\--------------- duplicates in ctree-navi.sml: required also here below ---------------/*)
   388 (* find the next parent, which is either a PblObj or a PrfObj *)
   389 fun parent_node _ [] = (true, [], Rule_Set.Empty)
   390   | parent_node pt p =
   391     let
   392       fun par _ [] = (true, [], Rule_Set.Empty)
   393         | par pt p =
   394           if is_pblobj (get_obj I pt p)
   395           then (true, p, Rule_Set.Empty)
   396 		      else case get_obj g_tac pt p of
   397 				    Tactic.Rewrite_Set rls' => (false, p, assoc_rls rls')
   398 			    | Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst (_, rls') => (false, p, assoc_rls rls')
   399 			    | _ => par pt (lev_up p)
   400     in par pt (lev_up p) end; 
   402 (* insert obj b into ctree at pos, ev.overwriting this pos *)
   403 fun insert_pt b EmptyPtree [] = Nd (b, [])
   404   | insert_pt _ EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "insert_pt b Empty _"
   405   | insert_pt b _ [] = Nd (b, [])
   406   | insert_pt b (Nd (b', bs)) (p :: []) = Nd (b', repl_app bs p (Nd (b, []))) 
   407   | insert_pt b (Nd (b', bs)) (p :: ps) = Nd (b', repl_app bs p (insert_pt b (nth p bs) ps));
   409 (* insert children to a node without children. compare: fun insert_pt *)
   410 fun ins_chn _  EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "ins_chn: EmptyPtree"
   411   | ins_chn _ (Nd _) [] = raise PTREE "ins_chn: pos = []"
   412   | ins_chn ns (Nd (b, bs)) (p :: []) =
   413     if p > length bs
   414     then raise PTREE "ins_chn: pos not existent"
   415     else
   416       let
   417         val (b', bs') = case nth p bs of
   418           Nd (b', bs') => (b', bs')
   419         | _ => error "ins_chn: uncovered case nth"
   420       in
   421         if null bs'
   422         then Nd (b, repl_app bs p (Nd (b', ns)))
   423         else raise PTREE "ins_chn: pos mustNOT be overwritten"
   424       end
   425   | ins_chn ns (Nd (b, bs)) (p::ps) = Nd (b, repl_app bs p (ins_chn ns (nth p bs) ps));
   427 (* apply f to obj at pos, f: ppobj -> ppobj *)
   428 fun appl_to_node f (Nd (b, bs)) = Nd (f b, bs)
   429   | appl_to_node _ _ = error "appl_to_node: uncovered fun def.";
   430 fun appl_obj _ EmptyPtree [] = EmptyPtree
   431   | appl_obj _ EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "appl_obj f Empty _"
   432   | appl_obj f (Nd (b, bs)) [] = Nd (f b, bs)
   433   | appl_obj f (Nd (b, bs)) (p :: []) = Nd (b, repl_app bs p (((appl_to_node f) o (nth p)) bs))
   434   | appl_obj f (Nd (b, bs)) (p :: ps) = Nd (b, repl_app bs p (appl_obj f (nth p bs) (ps:pos)));
   437 type ocalhd =
   438   bool *                (* ALL itms+preconds true                                              *)
   439   pos_ *                (* model belongs to Problem | Method                                   *)
   440   term *                (* header: Problem... or Cas FIXME.0312: item for marking syntaxerrors *)
   441   Model.itm list *      (* model: given, find, relate                                          *)
   442   ((bool * term) list) *(* model: preconds                                                     *)
   443   Celem.spec;           (* specification                                                       *)
   444 val e_ocalhd = (false, Und, TermC.empty, [Model.e_itm], [(false, TermC.empty)], Celem.e_spec);
   446 datatype ptform = Form of term | ModSpec of ocalhd;
   448 (* for cut_level;   (deprecated) *)
   449 fun test_trans (PrfObj {branch, ...}) = true andalso branch = TransitiveB
   450   | test_trans (PblObj {branch, ...}) = true andalso branch = TransitiveB;
   452 fun is_pblobj' pt p =
   453     let val ppobj = get_obj I pt p
   454     in is_pblobj ppobj end;
   456 fun del_res (PblObj {fmz, origin, spec, probl, meth, ctxt, loc = (l1, _), branch, ...}) =
   457     PblObj {fmz = fmz, origin = origin, spec = spec, probl = probl, meth = meth,
   458 	    ctxt = ctxt, loc= (l1, NONE), branch = branch,
   459 	    result = (TermC.empty, []), ostate = Incomplete}
   460   | del_res (PrfObj {form, tac, loc= (l1, _), branch, ...}) =
   461     PrfObj {form = form, tac = tac, loc = (l1, NONE), branch = branch, 
   462 	    result = (TermC.empty, []), ostate = Incomplete};
   465 fun get_loc EmptyPtree _ = (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty)
   466   | get_loc pt (p, Res) =
   467     (case get_obj g_loc pt p of
   468       (SOME i, NONE) => i
   469     | (NONE  , NONE) => (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty)
   470     | (_     , SOME i) => i)
   471   | get_loc pt (p, _) =
   472     (case get_obj g_loc pt p of
   473       (NONE  , SOME i) => i (*13.8.02 just copied from ^^^: too liberal ?*)
   474     | (NONE  , NONE) => (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty)
   475     | (SOME i, _) => i);
   476 fun get_istate_LI pt p = get_loc pt p |> #1;
   477 fun get_ctxt_LI pt p = get_loc pt p |> #2;
   478 fun get_ctxt pt (pos as (p, p_)) =
   479   if member op = [Frm, Res] p_
   480   then get_loc pt pos |> #2 (*for script interpretation rely on fun get_loc*)
   481   else get_obj g_ctxt pt p (*for specify phase take ctx from PblObj*)
   483 fun get_assumptions pt p = get_ctxt pt p |> ContextC.get_assumptions;
   485 fun get_somespec' (dI, pI, mI) (dI', pI', mI') =
   486   let
   487     val domID = if dI = ThyC.e_domID then dI' else dI
   488   	val pblID = if pI = Celem.e_pblID then pI' else pI
   489   	val metID = if mI = Celem.e_metID then mI' else mI
   490   in (domID, pblID, metID) end;
   492 (**.development for extracting an 'interval' from ptree.**)
   494 (*WN0510 version stopped in favour of get_interval with !!!move_dn, getFormulaeFromTo
   495   actually used (inefficient) version with move_dn: see modspec.sml*)
   496 local
   498 fun hdp [] = 1     | hdp [0] = 1     | hdp x = hd x;(*start with first*)
   499 fun hdq	[] = 99999 | hdq [0] = 99999 | hdq x = hd x;(*take until last*)
   500 fun tlp [] = [0]     | tlp [_] = [0]     | tlp x = tl x;
   501 fun tlq [] = [99999] | tlq [_] = [99999] | tlq x = tl x;
   503 fun getnd i (b,p) q (Nd (po, nds)) =
   504     (if  i <= 0 then [[b]] else []) @
   505     (getnds (i-1) true (b@[hdp p], tlp p) (tlq q)
   506 	   (take_fromto (hdp p) (hdq q) nds))
   508 and getnds _ _ _ _ [] = []                         (*no children*)
   509   | getnds i _ (b,p) q [nd] = (getnd i (b,p) q nd) (*l+r-margin*)
   511   | getnds i true (b,p) q [n1, n2] =               (*l-margin,  r-margin*)
   512     (getnd i      (       b, p ) [99999] n1) @
   513     (getnd ~99999 (lev_on b,[0]) q       n2)
   515   | getnds i _    (b,p) q [n1, n2] =               (*intern,  r-margin*)
   516     (getnd i      (       b,[0]) [99999] n1) @
   517     (getnd ~99999 (lev_on b,[0]) q       n2)
   519   | getnds i true (b,p) q (nd::(nds as _::_)) =    (*l-margin, intern*)
   520     (getnd i             (       b, p ) [99999] nd) @
   521     (getnds ~99999 false (lev_on b,[0]) q nds)
   523   | getnds i _ (b,p) q (nd::(nds as _::_)) =       (*intern, ...*)
   524     (getnd i             (       b,[0]) [99999] nd) @
   525     (getnds ~99999 false (lev_on b,[0]) q nds); 
   526 in
   527 (*get an 'interval from to' from a ptree as 'intervals f t' of respective nodes
   528   where 'from' are pos, i.e. a key as int list, 'f' an int (to,t analoguous)
   529 (1) the 'f' are given 
   530 (1a) by 'from' if 'f' = the respective element of 'from' (left margin)
   531 (1b) -inifinity, if 'f' > the respective element of 'from' (internal node)
   532 (2) the 't' ar given
   533 (2a) by 'to' if 't' = the respective element of 'to' (right margin)
   534 (2b) inifinity, if 't' < the respective element of 'to (internal node)'
   535 the 'f' and 't' are set by hdp,... *)
   536 fun get_trace pt p q =
   537     (flat o (getnds ((length p) -1) true ([hdp p], tlp p) (tlq q))) 
   538 	(take_fromto (hdp p) (hdq q) (children pt));
   539 end;
   541 (*extract a formula or model from ctree for itms2itemppc or model2xml*)
   542 fun preconds2str bts = 
   543   (strs2str o (map (Celem.linefeed o pair2str o
   544 	  (apsnd UnparseC.term2str) o 
   545 	  (apfst bool2str)))) bts;
   546 fun ocalhd2str (b, p, hdf, itms, prec, spec) =                              (* for tests only *)
   547     "(" ^ bool2str b ^ ", " ^ pos_2str p ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.term2str hdf ^
   548     ", " ^ Model.itms2str_ (ThyC.thy2ctxt' "Isac_Knowledge") itms ^
   549     ", " ^ preconds2str prec ^ ", \n" ^ Celem.spec2str spec ^ " )";
   551 fun is_pblnd (Nd (ppobj, _)) = is_pblobj ppobj
   552   | is_pblnd _ = error "is_pblnd: uncovered fun def.";
   555 (* determine the previous pos' on the same level
   556    WN0502 made for interSteps;  _only_ works for branch TransitiveB WN120517 compare lev_back *)
   557 fun lev_pred' _ ([], Res) = ([], Pbl)
   558   | lev_pred' pt (p, Res) =
   559     let val (p', last) = split_last p
   560     in
   561       if last = 1 
   562       then if (is_pblobj o (get_obj I pt)) p then (p, Pbl) else (p, Frm)
   563       else if get_obj g_res pt (p' @ [last - 1]) = get_obj g_form pt p
   564         then (p' @ [last - 1], Res)                                            (* TransitiveB *)
   565         else if (is_pblobj o (get_obj I pt)) p then (p,Pbl) else (p, Frm)
   566     end
   567   | lev_pred' _ _ = error "";
   570 (**.insert into ctree and cut branches accordingly.**)
   572 (* get all positions of certain intervals on the ctree.
   573    old VERSION without move_dn; kept for occasional redesign
   574    get all pos's to be cut in a ctree
   575    below a pos or from a ctree list after i-th element (NO level_up) *)
   576 fun get_allpos' (_, _) EmptyPtree = []
   577   | get_allpos' (p, 1) (Nd (b, bs)) =                                        (* p is pos of Nd *)
   578     if g_ostate b = Incomplete 
   579     then (p, Frm) :: (get_allpos's (p, 1) bs)
   580     else (p, Frm) :: (get_allpos's (p, 1) bs) @ [(p, Res)]
   581   | get_allpos' (p, i) (Nd (b, bs)) =                                        (* p is pos of Nd *)
   582     if length bs > 0 orelse is_pblobj b
   583     then if g_ostate b = Incomplete 
   584       then [(p,Frm)] @ (get_allpos's (p, 1) bs)
   585       else [(p,Frm)] @ (get_allpos's (p, 1) bs) @ [(p, Res)]
   586     else if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(p, Res)]
   587 and get_allpos's _ [] = []
   588   | get_allpos's (p, i) (pt :: pts) =                                 (* p is pos of parent-Nd *)
   589     (get_allpos' (p @ [i], i) pt) @ (get_allpos's (p, i + 1) pts);
   591 (*WN050106 like cut_level, but deletes exactly 1 node *)
   592 fun cut_level_'_  _ _ EmptyPtree _ =raise PTREE "cut_level_'_ Empty _"       (* for tests ONLY *)
   593   | cut_level_'_  _ _ (Nd ( _, _)) ([], _) = raise PTREE "cut_level_'_ _ []"
   594   | cut_level_'_ cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) (p :: [], p_) = 
   595     if test_trans b 
   596     then
   597       (Nd (b, drop_nth [] (p:Pos.posel, bs)),
   598         cuts @ (if p_ = Frm then [(P @ [p], Res)] else []) @
   599         (get_allpos's (P, p + 1) (drop_nth [] (p, bs))))
   600     else (Nd (b, bs), cuts)
   601   | cut_level_'_ cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) ((p :: ps), p_) =
   602     let
   603       val (bs', cuts') = cut_level_'_ cuts P (nth p bs) (ps, p_)
   604     in (Nd (b, repl_app bs p bs'), cuts @ cuts') end;
   606 fun cut_level _ _ EmptyPtree _ = raise PTREE "cut_level EmptyPtree _"
   607   | cut_level _ _ (Nd ( _, _)) ([],_) = raise PTREE "cut_level _ []"
   608   | cut_level cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) (p :: [], p_) = 
   609     if test_trans b 
   610     then
   611       (Nd (b, take (p:Pos.posel, bs)),
   612         cuts @ 
   613         (if p_ = Frm andalso (*#*) g_ostate b = Complete then [(P@[p],Res)] else ([]:pos' list)) @
   614         (get_allpos's (P, p+1) (takerest (p, bs))))
   615     else (Nd (b, bs), cuts)
   616   | cut_level cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) ((p :: ps), p_) =
   617     let
   618       val (bs', cuts') = cut_level cuts P (nth p bs) (ps, p_)
   619     in (Nd (b, repl_app bs p bs'), cuts @ cuts') end;
   621 (*old version before WN050219, overwritten below*)
   622 fun cut_tree _ ([], _) = raise PTREE "cut_tree _ ([],_)"                      (* for test only *)
   623   | cut_tree pt (pos as ([_], _)) =
   624     let
   625       val (pt', cuts) = cut_level [] [] pt pos
   626     in
   627       (pt', cuts @ (if get_obj g_ostate pt [] = Incomplete  then [] else [([], Res)]))
   628     end
   629   | cut_tree pt (p,p_) =
   630     let	
   631       fun cutfn pt cuts (p, p_) = 
   632 	      let
   633 	        val (pt', cuts') = cut_level [] (lev_up p) pt (p,p_)
   634 	      in
   635 	        if length cuts' > 0 andalso length p > 1
   636 	        then cutfn pt' (cuts @ cuts') (lev_up p, Frm(*-->(p,Res)*))
   637 	        else (pt', cuts @ cuts')
   638 	      end
   639 	    val (pt', cuts) = cutfn pt [] (p, p_)
   640     in
   641       (pt', cuts @ (if get_obj g_ostate pt [] = Incomplete then [] else [([], Res)]))
   642     end;
   644 local
   645 fun move_dn _ (Nd (_, ns)) ([],p_) =                                            (* root problem *)
   646     (case p_ of 
   647 	     Res => raise PTREE "move_dn: end of calculation"
   648 	   | _ =>
   649 	     if null ns                                                     (* go down from Pbl + Met *)
   650 	     then raise PTREE "move_dn: solve problem not started"
   651 	     else ([1], Frm))
   652   | move_dn P  (Nd (_, ns)) (p :: (ps as (_ :: _)), p_) =              (* iterate to end of pos *)
   653     if p > length ns
   654     then raise PTREE "move_dn: pos not existent 2"
   655     else move_dn (P @ [p]) (nth p ns) (ps, p_)
   656   | move_dn P (Nd (c, ns)) ([p], p_) =                            (* act on last element of pos *)
   657     if p > length ns
   658     then raise PTREE "move_dn: pos not existent 3"
   659     else
   660       (case p_ of 
   661 	      Res => 
   662 	      if p = length ns                               (* last Res on this level: go a level up *)
   663 	      then if g_ostate c = Complete
   664 	        then (P, Res)
   665 	        else raise PTREE (ints2str' P ^ " not complete 1")
   666 	     else                        (* go to the next Nd on this level, or down into the next Nd *)
   667 		     if is_pblnd (nth (p + 1) ns) then (P@[p + 1], Pbl)
   668 		     else  if g_res' (nth p ns) = g_form' (nth (p + 1) ns)
   669 		       then if (null o children o (nth (p + 1))) ns
   670 			       then                                                   (* take the Res if Complete *) 
   671 			         if g_ostate' (nth (p + 1) ns) = Complete 
   672 			         then (P@[p + 1], Res)
   673 			         else raise PTREE (ints2str' (P@[p + 1]) ^ " not complete 2")
   674 			       else (P@[p + 1, 1], Frm)                           (* go down into the next PrfObj *)
   675 		       else (P@[p + 1], Frm)                           (* take Frm: exists if the Nd exists *)
   676 	   | Frm => (*go down or to the Res of this Nd*)
   677 	     if (null o children o (nth p)) ns
   678 	     then if g_ostate' (nth p ns) = Complete then (P @ [p], Res)
   679 		     else raise PTREE (ints2str' (P @ [p])^" not complete 3")
   680 	     else (P @ [p, 1], Frm)
   681 	   | _ =>                                                                    (* is Pbl or Met *)
   682 	     if (null o children o (nth p)) ns
   683 	     then raise PTREE "move_dn:solve subproblem not startd"
   684 	     else (P @ [p, 1], 
   685 		   if (is_pblnd o hd o children o (nth p)) ns
   686 		   then Pbl else Frm))
   687   | move_dn _ _ _ = error "";
   688 in
   689 (* get all positions in a ctree until ([],Res) or ostate=Incomplete
   690 val get_allp = fn : 
   691   pos' list -> : accumulated, start with []
   692   pos ->       : the offset for subtrees wrt the root
   693   ctree ->     : (sub)tree
   694   pos'         : initialization (the last pos' before ...)
   695   -> pos' list : of positions in this (sub) tree (relative to the root)
   696 *)
   697 fun get_allp cuts (P, pos) pt =
   698   (let
   699     val nxt = move_dn [] pt pos (*exn if Incomplete reached*)
   700   in
   701     if nxt <> ([], Res) 
   702     then get_allp (cuts @ [nxt]) (P, nxt) pt
   703     else map (apfst (curry op @ P)) (cuts @ [nxt])
   704   end)
   705   handle PTREE _ => (map (apfst (curry op@ P)) cuts);
   706 end
   708 (* the pts are assumed to be on the same level *)
   709 fun get_allps cuts _ [] = cuts
   710   | get_allps cuts P (pt :: pts) =
   711     let
   712       val below = get_allp [] (P, ([], Frm)) pt
   713       val levfrm = 
   714 	      if is_pblnd pt 
   715 	      then (P, Pbl) :: below
   716 	      else if last_elem P = 1 
   717 	        then (P, Frm) :: below
   718 	        else (*Trans*) below
   719 	    val levres = levfrm @ (if null below then [(P, Res)] else [])
   720     in
   721       get_allps (cuts @ levres) (lev_on P) pts
   722     end;
   724 (** these 2 funs decide on how far cut_tree goes **)
   725 (* shall the nodes _after_ the pos to be inserted at be deleted?
   726    shall cutting be continued on the higher level(s)? the Nd regarded will NOT be changed *)
   727 fun test_trans (PrfObj {branch, ...}) = (branch = TransitiveB orelse branch = NoBranch)
   728   | test_trans (PblObj {branch, ...}) = (branch = TransitiveB orelse branch = NoBranch);
   730 (* cut_bottom new sml603..608
   731 cut the level at the bottom of the pos (used by cappend_...)
   732 and handle the parent in order to avoid extra case for root
   733 fn: ctree ->         : the _whole_ ctree for cut_levup
   734     pos * Pos.posel ->   : the pos after split_last
   735     ctree ->         : the parent of the Nd to be cut
   736 return
   737     (ctree *         : the updated ctree
   738      pos' list) *    : the pos's cut
   739      bool            : cutting shall be continued on the higher level(s)
   740 *)
   741 fun cut_bottom _ (pt' as Nd (b, [])) = ((pt', []), test_trans b)
   742   | cut_bottom (P, p) (Nd (b, bs)) =
   743     let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
   744     	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   745     	val pt' = case nth p bs of
   746     	  pt' as Nd _ => pt'
   747     	| _ => error "cut_bottom: uncovered case nth p bs"
   748     	(*^^^^^_here_ will be 'insert_pt'ed by 'append_..'*)
   749     	val (tail, _) = (takerest (p, bs), if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
   750     	val (children, cuts) = 
   751     	  if test_trans b
   752     	  then
   753     	   (keep, (if is_pblnd pt' then [(P @ [p], Pbl)] else [])
   754     	     @ (get_allp  [] (P @ [p], (P, Frm)) pt')
   755     	     @ (get_allps [] (P @ [p + 1]) tail))
   756     	  else (keep @ [(*'insert_pt'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
   757     		get_allp  [] (P @ [p], (P, Frm)) pt')
   758     	val (pt'', cuts) = 
   759     	  if test_trans b
   760     	  then (Nd (del_res b, children), cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P, Res)]))
   761     	  else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
   762     in ((pt'', cuts), test_trans b) end
   763   | cut_bottom _ _ = error "cut_bottom: uncovered fun def.";
   766 (* go all levels from the bottom of 'pos' up to the root, 
   767  on each level compose the children of a node and accumulate the cut Nds
   768 args
   769    pos' list ->      : for accumulation
   770    bool -> 	     : cutting shall be continued on the higher level(s)
   771    ctree -> 	     : the whole ctree for 'get_nd pt P' on each level
   772    ctree -> 	     : the Nd from the lower level for insertion at path
   773    pos * Pos.posel ->    : pos=path split for convenience
   774    ctree -> 	     : Nd the children of are under consideration on this call 
   775 returns		     :
   776    ctree * pos' list : the updated parent-Nd and the pos's of the Nds cut
   777 *)
   778 fun cut_levup (cuts:pos' list) clevup pt pt' (P:pos, p:Pos.posel) (Nd (b, bs)) =
   779     let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
   780     	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   781     	(*val pt' comes as argument from below*)
   782     	val (tail, _) =
   783     	 (takerest (p, bs), if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
   784     	val (children, cuts') = 
   785     	  if clevup
   786     	  then (keep @ [pt'], get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail)
   787     	  else (keep @ [pt'] @ tail, [])
   788     	val clevup' = if clevup then test_trans b else false 
   789     	(*the first Nd with false stops cutting on all levels above*)
   790     	val (pt'', cuts') = 
   791     	  if clevup'
   792     	  then (Nd (del_res b, children), cuts' @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P, Res)]))
   793     	  else (Nd (b, children), cuts')
   794     in
   795       if null P
   796       then (pt'', cuts @ cuts')
   797       else
   798         let val (P, p) = split_last P
   799         in cut_levup (cuts @ cuts') clevup' pt pt'' (P, p) (get_nd pt P) end
   800     end
   801   | cut_levup _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "cut_levup: uncovered fun def.";
   803 (* cut nodes after and below an inserted node in the ctree;
   804    the cuts range is limited by the predicate 'fun cutlevup' *)
   805 fun cut_tree pt (pos, _) =
   806   if not (existpt pos pt) 
   807   then (pt,  []) (*appending a formula never cuts anything*)
   808   else
   809     let
   810       val (P, p) = split_last pos
   811       val ((pt', cuts), clevup) = cut_bottom (P, p) (get_nd pt P)
   812          (* pt' is the updated parent of the Nd to cappend_..*)
   813     in
   814       if null P
   815       then (pt', cuts)
   816       else
   817         let val (P, p) = split_last P
   818         in cut_levup cuts clevup pt pt' (P, p) (get_nd pt P) end
   819 	  end;
   821 (* get the theory explicitly specified for the rootpbl;
   822    thus use this function _after_ finishing specification *)
   823 fun rootthy (Nd (PblObj {spec = (thyID, _, _), ...}, _)) = Celem.assoc_thy thyID
   824   | rootthy _ = error "rootthy: uncovered fun def.";
   826 (**)
   827 end;
   828 (**)