author wenzelm
Wed, 06 Aug 2008 00:12:31 +0200
changeset 27757 650af1991b8b
parent 27710 29702aa892a5
child 27809 a1e409db516b
permissions -rw-r--r--
fall back on P.term_group, to avoid problems with inner_syntax markup (due to CodeName.read_const_exprs);
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/code/code_target.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     5 Serializer from intermediate language ("Thin-gol")
     6 to target languages (like SML or Haskell).
     7 *)
     9 signature CODE_TARGET =
    10 sig
    11   include BASIC_CODE_THINGOL;
    13   val add_syntax_class: string -> class
    14     -> (string * (string * string) list) option -> theory -> theory;
    15   val add_syntax_inst: string -> string * class -> bool -> theory -> theory;
    16   val add_syntax_tycoP: string -> string -> OuterParse.token list
    17     -> (theory -> theory) * OuterParse.token list;
    18   val add_syntax_constP: string -> string -> OuterParse.token list
    19     -> (theory -> theory) * OuterParse.token list;
    21   val add_undefined: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
    22   val add_pretty_list: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
    23   val add_pretty_list_string: string -> string -> string
    24     -> string -> string list -> theory -> theory;
    25   val add_pretty_char: string -> string -> string list -> theory -> theory
    26   val add_pretty_numeral: string -> bool -> bool -> string -> string -> string
    27     -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
    28   val add_pretty_message: string -> string -> string list -> string
    29     -> string -> string -> theory -> theory;
    31   val allow_abort: string -> theory -> theory;
    33   type serialization;
    34   type serializer;
    35   val add_target: string * serializer -> theory -> theory;
    36   val extend_target: string * (string * (CodeThingol.program -> CodeThingol.program))
    37     -> theory -> theory;
    38   val assert_target: theory -> string -> string;
    39   val serialize: theory -> string -> string option -> Args.T list
    40     -> CodeThingol.program -> string list -> serialization;
    41   val compile: serialization -> unit;
    42   val export: serialization -> unit;
    43   val file: Path.T -> serialization -> unit;
    44   val string: string list -> serialization -> string;
    46   val code_of: theory -> string -> string -> string list -> string list -> string;
    47   val eval_conv: string * (unit -> thm) option ref
    48     -> theory -> cterm -> string list -> thm;
    49   val eval_term: string * (unit -> 'a) option ref
    50     -> theory -> term -> string list -> 'a;
    51   val shell_command: string (*theory name*) -> string (*cg expr*) -> unit;
    53   val setup: theory -> theory;
    54   val code_width: int ref;
    56   val ml_code_of: theory -> CodeThingol.program -> string list -> string * string list;
    57 end;
    59 structure CodeTarget : CODE_TARGET =
    60 struct
    62 open BasicCodeThingol;
    64 (** basics **)
    66 infixr 5 @@;
    67 infixr 5 @|;
    68 fun x @@ y = [x, y];
    69 fun xs @| y = xs @ [y];
    70 val str = PrintMode.setmp [] Pretty.str;
    71 val concat = Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks;
    72 val brackets = Pretty.enclose "(" ")" o Pretty.breaks;
    73 fun semicolon ps = Pretty.block [concat ps, str ";"];
    74 fun enum_default default sep opn cls [] = str default
    75   | enum_default default sep opn cls xs = Pretty.enum sep opn cls xs;
    77 datatype destination = Compile | Export | File of Path.T | String of string list;
    78 type serialization = destination -> (string * string list) option;
    80 val code_width = ref 80; (*FIXME after Pretty module no longer depends on print mode*)
    81 fun code_setmp f = PrintMode.setmp [] (Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) f);
    82 fun code_of_pretty p = code_setmp Pretty.string_of p ^ "\n";
    83 fun code_writeln p = Pretty.setmp_margin (!code_width) Pretty.writeln p;
    85 (*FIXME why another code_setmp?*)
    86 fun compile f = (code_setmp f Compile; ());
    87 fun export f = (code_setmp f Export; ());
    88 fun file p f = (code_setmp f (File p); ());
    89 fun string cs f = fst (the (code_setmp f (String cs)));
    91 fun stmt_names_of_destination (String stmts) = stmts
    92   | stmt_names_of_destination _ = [];
    95 (** generic syntax **)
    97 datatype lrx = L | R | X;
    99 datatype fixity =
   100     BR
   101   | NOBR
   102   | INFX of (int * lrx);
   104 val APP = INFX (~1, L);
   106 fun fixity_lrx L L = false
   107   | fixity_lrx R R = false
   108   | fixity_lrx _ _ = true;
   110 fun fixity NOBR _ = false
   111   | fixity _ NOBR = false
   112   | fixity (INFX (pr, lr)) (INFX (pr_ctxt, lr_ctxt)) =
   113       pr < pr_ctxt
   114       orelse pr = pr_ctxt
   115         andalso fixity_lrx lr lr_ctxt
   116       orelse pr_ctxt = ~1
   117   | fixity BR (INFX _) = false
   118   | fixity _ _ = true;
   120 fun gen_brackify _ [p] = p
   121   | gen_brackify true (ps as _::_) = Pretty.enclose "(" ")" ps
   122   | gen_brackify false (ps as _::_) = Pretty.block ps;
   124 fun brackify fxy_ctxt =
   125   gen_brackify (fixity BR fxy_ctxt) o Pretty.breaks;
   127 fun brackify_infix infx fxy_ctxt =
   128   gen_brackify (fixity (INFX infx) fxy_ctxt) o Pretty.breaks;
   130 type class_syntax = string * (string -> string option);
   131 type typ_syntax = int * ((fixity -> itype -> Pretty.T)
   132   -> fixity -> itype list -> Pretty.T);
   133 type term_syntax = int * ((CodeName.var_ctxt -> fixity -> iterm -> Pretty.T)
   134   -> thm -> bool -> CodeName.var_ctxt -> fixity -> (iterm * itype) list -> Pretty.T);
   136 datatype name_syntax_table = NameSyntaxTable of {
   137   class: class_syntax Symtab.table,
   138   inst: unit Symtab.table,
   139   tyco: typ_syntax Symtab.table,
   140   const: term_syntax Symtab.table
   141 };
   144 (** theory data **)
   146 val target_SML = "SML";
   147 val target_OCaml = "OCaml";
   148 val target_Haskell = "Haskell";
   150 fun mk_name_syntax_table ((class, inst), (tyco, const)) =
   151   NameSyntaxTable { class = class, inst = inst, tyco = tyco, const = const };
   152 fun map_name_syntax_table f (NameSyntaxTable { class, inst, tyco, const }) =
   153   mk_name_syntax_table (f ((class, inst), (tyco, const)));
   154 fun merge_name_syntax_table (NameSyntaxTable { class = class1, inst = inst1, tyco = tyco1, const = const1 },
   155     NameSyntaxTable { class = class2, inst = inst2, tyco = tyco2, const = const2 }) =
   156   mk_name_syntax_table (
   157     (Symtab.join (K snd) (class1, class2),
   158        Symtab.join (K snd) (inst1, inst2)),
   159     (Symtab.join (K snd) (tyco1, tyco2),
   160        Symtab.join (K snd) (const1, const2))
   161   );
   163 type serializer =
   164   string option                         (*module name*)
   165   -> Args.T list                        (*arguments*)
   166   -> (string -> string)                 (*labelled_name*)
   167   -> string list                        (*reserved symbols*)
   168   -> (string * Pretty.T) list           (*includes*)
   169   -> (string -> string option)          (*module aliasses*)
   170   -> (string -> class_syntax option)
   171   -> (string -> typ_syntax option)
   172   -> (string -> term_syntax option)
   173   -> CodeThingol.program
   174   -> string list                        (*selected statements*)
   175   -> serialization;
   177 datatype serializer_entry = Serializer of serializer
   178   | Extends of string * (CodeThingol.program -> CodeThingol.program);
   180 datatype target = Target of {
   181   serial: serial,
   182   serializer: serializer_entry,
   183   reserved: string list,
   184   includes: Pretty.T Symtab.table,
   185   name_syntax_table: name_syntax_table,
   186   module_alias: string Symtab.table
   187 };
   189 fun mk_target ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (name_syntax_table, module_alias))) =
   190   Target { serial = serial, serializer = serializer, reserved = reserved, 
   191     includes = includes, name_syntax_table = name_syntax_table, module_alias = module_alias };
   192 fun map_target f ( Target { serial, serializer, reserved, includes, name_syntax_table, module_alias } ) =
   193   mk_target (f ((serial, serializer), ((reserved, includes), (name_syntax_table, module_alias))));
   194 fun merge_target strict target (Target { serial = serial1, serializer = serializer,
   195   reserved = reserved1, includes = includes1,
   196   name_syntax_table = name_syntax_table1, module_alias = module_alias1 },
   197     Target { serial = serial2, serializer = _,
   198       reserved = reserved2, includes = includes2,
   199       name_syntax_table = name_syntax_table2, module_alias = module_alias2 }) =
   200   if serial1 = serial2 orelse not strict then
   201     mk_target ((serial1, serializer),
   202       ((merge (op =) (reserved1, reserved2), Symtab.merge (op =) (includes1, includes2)),
   203         (merge_name_syntax_table (name_syntax_table1, name_syntax_table2),
   204           Symtab.join (K snd) (module_alias1, module_alias2))
   205     ))
   206   else
   207     error ("Incompatible serializers: " ^ quote target);
   209 structure CodeTargetData = TheoryDataFun
   210 (
   211   type T = target Symtab.table * string list;
   212   val empty = (Symtab.empty, []);
   213   val copy = I;
   214   val extend = I;
   215   fun merge _ ((target1, exc1) : T, (target2, exc2)) =
   216     (Symtab.join (merge_target true) (target1, target2), Library.merge (op =) (exc1, exc2));
   217 );
   219 fun the_serializer (Target { serializer, ... }) = serializer;
   220 fun the_reserved (Target { reserved, ... }) = reserved;
   221 fun the_includes (Target { includes, ... }) = includes;
   222 fun the_name_syntax (Target { name_syntax_table = NameSyntaxTable x, ... }) = x;
   223 fun the_module_alias (Target { module_alias , ... }) = module_alias;
   225 val abort_allowed = snd o CodeTargetData.get;
   227 fun assert_target thy target =
   228   case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy)) target
   229    of SOME data => target
   230     | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
   232 fun put_target (target, seri) thy =
   233   let
   234     val defined_target = is_some o Symtab.lookup (fst (CodeTargetData.get thy));
   235     val _ = case seri
   236      of Extends (super, _) => if defined_target super then ()
   237           else error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote super)
   238       | _ => ();
   239     val _ = if defined_target target
   240       then warning ("Overwriting existing target " ^ quote target)
   241       else ();
   242   in
   243     thy
   244     |> ( o apfst oo Symtab.map_default)
   245           (target, mk_target ((serial (), seri), (([], Symtab.empty),
   246             (mk_name_syntax_table ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty), (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)),
   247               Symtab.empty))))
   248           ((map_target o apfst o apsnd o K) seri)
   249   end;
   251 fun add_target (target, seri) = put_target (target, Serializer seri);
   252 fun extend_target (target, (super, modify)) =
   253   put_target (target, Extends (super, modify));
   255 fun map_target_data target f thy =
   256   let
   257     val _ = assert_target thy target;
   258   in
   259     thy
   260     |> ( o apfst o Symtab.map_entry target o map_target) f
   261   end;
   263 fun map_reserved target =
   264   map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apfst;
   265 fun map_includes target =
   266   map_target_data target o apsnd o apfst o apsnd;
   267 fun map_name_syntax target =
   268   map_target_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apfst o map_name_syntax_table;
   269 fun map_module_alias target =
   270   map_target_data target o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd;
   272 fun invoke_serializer thy modify abortable serializer reserved includes 
   273     module_alias class inst tyco const module args program1 cs1 =
   274   let
   275     val program2 = modify program1;
   276     val hidden = Symtab.keys class @ Symtab.keys inst @ Symtab.keys tyco @ Symtab.keys const;
   277     val cs2 = subtract (op =) hidden cs1;
   278     val program3 = Graph.subgraph (not o member (op =) hidden) program2;
   279     val all_cs = Graph.all_succs program2 cs2;
   280     val program4 = Graph.subgraph (member (op =) all_cs) program3;
   281     val empty_funs = filter_out (member (op =) abortable)
   282       (CodeThingol.empty_funs program3);
   283     val _ = if null empty_funs then () else error ("No defining equations for "
   284       ^ commas (map (CodeName.labelled_name thy) empty_funs));
   285   in
   286     serializer module args (CodeName.labelled_name thy) reserved includes
   287       (Symtab.lookup module_alias) (Symtab.lookup class)
   288       (Symtab.lookup tyco) (Symtab.lookup const)
   289       program4 cs2
   290   end;
   292 fun mount_serializer thy alt_serializer target =
   293   let
   294     val (targets, abortable) = CodeTargetData.get thy;
   295     fun collapse_hierarchy target =
   296       let
   297         val data = case Symtab.lookup targets target
   298          of SOME data => data
   299           | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
   300       in case the_serializer data
   301        of Serializer _ => (I, data)
   302         | Extends (super, modify) => let
   303             val (modify', data') = collapse_hierarchy super
   304           in (modify' #> modify, merge_target false target (data', data)) end
   305       end;
   306     val (modify, data) = collapse_hierarchy target;
   307     val serializer = the_default (case the_serializer data
   308      of Serializer seri => seri) alt_serializer;
   309     val reserved = the_reserved data;
   310     val includes = Symtab.dest (the_includes data);
   311     val module_alias = the_module_alias data;
   312     val { class, inst, tyco, const } = the_name_syntax data;
   313   in
   314     invoke_serializer thy modify abortable serializer reserved
   315       includes module_alias class inst tyco const
   316   end;
   318 fun serialize thy = mount_serializer thy NONE;
   320 fun parse_args f args =
   321   case Args.stopper f args
   322    of SOME x => x
   323     | NONE => error "Bad serializer arguments";
   326 (** generic code combinators **)
   328 (* list, char, string, numeral and monad abstract syntax transformations *)
   330 fun nerror thm s = error (s ^ ",\nin equation " ^ Display.string_of_thm thm);
   332 fun implode_list c_nil c_cons t =
   333   let
   334     fun dest_cons (IConst (c, _) `$ t1 `$ t2) =
   335           if c = c_cons
   336           then SOME (t1, t2)
   337           else NONE
   338       | dest_cons _ = NONE;
   339     val (ts, t') = CodeThingol.unfoldr dest_cons t;
   340   in case t'
   341    of IConst (c, _) => if c = c_nil then SOME ts else NONE
   342     | _ => NONE
   343   end;
   345 fun decode_char c_nibbles (IConst (c1, _), IConst (c2, _)) =
   346       let
   347         fun idx c = find_index (curry (op =) c) c_nibbles;
   348         fun decode ~1 _ = NONE
   349           | decode _ ~1 = NONE
   350           | decode n m = SOME (chr (n * 16 + m));
   351       in decode (idx c1) (idx c2) end
   352   | decode_char _ _ = NONE;
   354 fun implode_string c_char c_nibbles mk_char mk_string ts =
   355   let
   356     fun implode_char (IConst (c, _) `$ t1 `$ t2) =
   357           if c = c_char then decode_char c_nibbles (t1, t2) else NONE
   358       | implode_char _ = NONE;
   359     val ts' = map implode_char ts;
   360   in if forall is_some ts'
   361     then (SOME o str o mk_string o implode o map_filter I) ts'
   362     else NONE
   363   end;
   365 fun implode_numeral thm negative c_pls c_min c_bit0 c_bit1 =
   366   let
   367     fun dest_bit (IConst (c, _)) = if c = c_bit0 then 0
   368           else if c = c_bit1 then 1
   369           else nerror thm "Illegal numeral expression: illegal bit"
   370       | dest_bit _ = nerror thm "Illegal numeral expression: illegal bit";
   371     fun dest_numeral (IConst (c, _)) = if c = c_pls then SOME 0
   372           else if c = c_min then
   373             if negative then SOME ~1 else NONE
   374           else nerror thm "Illegal numeral expression: illegal leading digit"
   375       | dest_numeral (t1 `$ t2) =
   376           let val (n, b) = (dest_numeral t2, dest_bit t1)
   377           in case n of SOME n => SOME (2 * n + b) | NONE => NONE end
   378       | dest_numeral _ = nerror thm "Illegal numeral expression: illegal term";
   379   in dest_numeral #> the_default 0 end;
   381 fun implode_monad c_bind t =
   382   let
   383     fun dest_monad (IConst (c, _) `$ t1 `$ t2) =
   384           if c = c_bind
   385             then case CodeThingol.split_abs t2
   386              of SOME (((v, pat), ty), t') =>
   387                   SOME ((SOME (((SOME v, pat), ty), true), t1), t')
   388               | NONE => NONE
   389             else NONE
   390       | dest_monad t = case CodeThingol.split_let t
   391            of SOME (((pat, ty), tbind), t') =>
   392                 SOME ((SOME (((NONE, SOME pat), ty), false), tbind), t')
   393             | NONE => NONE;
   394   in CodeThingol.unfoldr dest_monad t end;
   397 (* applications and bindings *)
   399 fun gen_pr_app pr_app pr_term syntax_const is_cons thm pat
   400     vars fxy (app as ((c, (_, tys)), ts)) =
   401   case syntax_const c
   402    of NONE => if pat andalso not (is_cons c) then
   403         nerror thm "Non-constructor in pattern"
   404         else brackify fxy (pr_app thm pat vars app)
   405     | SOME (i, pr) =>
   406         let
   407           val k = if i < 0 then length tys else i;
   408           fun pr' fxy ts = pr (pr_term thm pat) thm pat vars fxy (ts ~~ curry Library.take k tys);
   409         in if k = length ts
   410           then pr' fxy ts
   411         else if k < length ts
   412           then case chop k ts of (ts1, ts2) =>
   413             brackify fxy (pr' APP ts1 :: map (pr_term thm pat vars BR) ts2)
   414           else pr_term thm pat vars fxy (CodeThingol.eta_expand k app)
   415         end;
   417 fun gen_pr_bind pr_bind pr_term thm (fxy : fixity) ((v, pat), ty : itype) vars =
   418   let
   419     val vs = case pat
   420      of SOME pat => CodeThingol.fold_varnames (insert (op =)) pat []
   421       | NONE => [];
   422     val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars (the_list v) vars;
   423     val vars'' = CodeName.intro_vars vs vars';
   424     val v' = (CodeName.lookup_var vars') v;
   425     val pat' = (pr_term thm true vars'' fxy) pat;
   426   in (pr_bind ((v', pat'), ty), vars'') end;
   429 (* name auxiliary *)
   431 val first_upper = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper o explode;
   432 val first_lower = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_lower o explode;
   434 val dest_name =
   435   apfst NameSpace.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o NameSpace.explode;
   437 fun mk_name_module reserved_names module_prefix module_alias program =
   438   let
   439     fun mk_alias name = case module_alias name
   440      of SOME name' => name'
   441       | NONE => name
   442           |> NameSpace.explode
   443           |> map (fn name => (the_single o fst) (Name.variants [name] reserved_names))
   444           |> NameSpace.implode;
   445     fun mk_prefix name = case module_prefix
   446      of SOME module_prefix => NameSpace.append module_prefix name
   447       | NONE => name;
   448     val tab =
   449       Symtab.empty
   450       |> Graph.fold ((fn name => Symtab.default (name, (mk_alias #> mk_prefix) name))
   451            o fst o dest_name o fst)
   452              program
   453   in the o Symtab.lookup tab end;
   457 (** SML/OCaml serializer **)
   459 datatype ml_stmt =
   460     MLFuns of (string * (typscheme * ((iterm list * iterm) * thm) list)) list
   461   | MLDatas of (string * ((vname * sort) list * (string * itype list) list)) list
   462   | MLClass of string * (vname * ((class * string) list * (string * itype) list))
   463   | MLClassinst of string * ((class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
   464         * ((class * (string * (string * dict list list))) list
   465       * ((string * const) * thm) list));
   467 fun stmt_names_of (MLFuns fs) = map fst fs
   468   | stmt_names_of (MLDatas ds) = map fst ds
   469   | stmt_names_of (MLClass (c, _)) = [c]
   470   | stmt_names_of (MLClassinst (i, _)) = [i];
   472 fun pr_sml_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names deresolve is_cons =
   473   let
   474     val pr_label_classrel = translate_string (fn "." => "__" | c => c)
   475       o NameSpace.qualifier;
   476     val pr_label_classparam = NameSpace.base o NameSpace.qualifier;
   477     fun pr_dicts fxy ds =
   478       let
   479         fun pr_dictvar (v, (_, 1)) = first_upper v ^ "_"
   480           | pr_dictvar (v, (i, _)) = first_upper v ^ string_of_int (i+1) ^ "_";
   481         fun pr_proj [] p =
   482               p
   483           | pr_proj [p'] p =
   484               brackets [p', p]
   485           | pr_proj (ps as _ :: _) p =
   486               brackets [Pretty.enum " o" "(" ")" ps, p];
   487         fun pr_dict fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
   488               brackify fxy ((str o deresolve) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
   489           | pr_dict fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
   490               pr_proj (map (str o deresolve) classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
   491       in case ds
   492        of [] => str "()"
   493         | [d] => pr_dict fxy d
   494         | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dict NOBR)) ds
   495       end;
   496     fun pr_tyvar_dicts vs =
   497       vs
   498       |> map (fn (v, sort) => map_index (fn (i, _) =>
   499            DictVar ([], (v, (i, length sort)))) sort)
   500       |> map (pr_dicts BR);
   501     fun pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys) =
   502       let
   503         val tyco' = (str o deresolve) tyco
   504       in case map (pr_typ BR) tys
   505        of [] => tyco'
   506         | [p] => Pretty.block [p, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
   507         | (ps as _::_) => Pretty.block [Pretty.list "(" ")" ps, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
   508       end
   509     and pr_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) = (case syntax_tyco tyco
   510          of NONE => pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys)
   511           | SOME (i, pr) => pr pr_typ fxy tys)
   512       | pr_typ fxy (ITyVar v) = str ("'" ^ v);
   513     fun pr_term thm pat vars fxy (IConst c) =
   514           pr_app thm pat vars fxy (c, [])
   515       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (IVar v) =
   516           str (CodeName.lookup_var vars v)
   517       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (t as t1 `$ t2) =
   518           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t
   519            of SOME c_ts => pr_app thm pat vars fxy c_ts
   520             | NONE =>
   521                 brackify fxy [pr_term thm pat vars NOBR t1, pr_term thm pat vars BR t2])
   522       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (t as _ `|-> _) =
   523           let
   524             val (binds, t') = CodeThingol.unfold_abs t;
   525             fun pr ((v, pat), ty) =
   526               pr_bind thm NOBR ((SOME v, pat), ty)
   527               #>> (fn p => concat [str "fn", p, str "=>"]);
   528             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
   529           in brackets (ps @ [pr_term thm pat vars' NOBR t']) end
   530       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) =
   531           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
   532            of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
   533                 then pr_case thm vars fxy cases
   534                 else pr_app thm pat vars fxy c_ts
   535             | NONE => pr_case thm vars fxy cases)
   536     and pr_app' thm pat vars (app as ((c, (iss, tys)), ts)) =
   537       if is_cons c then let
   538         val k = length tys
   539       in if k < 2 then 
   540         (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term thm pat vars BR) ts
   541       else if k = length ts then
   542         [(str o deresolve) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (map (pr_term thm pat vars NOBR) ts)]
   543       else [pr_term thm pat vars BR (CodeThingol.eta_expand k app)] end else
   544         (str o deresolve) c
   545           :: (map (pr_dicts BR) o filter_out null) iss @ map (pr_term thm pat vars BR) ts
   546     and pr_app thm pat vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term syntax_const is_cons thm pat vars
   547     and pr_bind' ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
   548       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
   549       | pr_bind' ((NONE, SOME p), _) = p
   550       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, SOME p), _) = concat [str v, str "as", p]
   551     and pr_bind thm = gen_pr_bind pr_bind' pr_term thm
   552     and pr_case thm vars fxy (cases as ((_, [_]), _)) =
   553           let
   554             val (binds, t') = CodeThingol.unfold_let (ICase cases);
   555             fun pr ((pat, ty), t) vars =
   556               vars
   557               |> pr_bind thm NOBR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty)
   558               |>> (fn p => semicolon [str "val", p, str "=", pr_term thm false vars NOBR t])
   559             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
   560           in
   561             Pretty.chunks [
   562               [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, Pretty.chunks ps] |> Pretty.block,
   563               [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, pr_term thm false vars' NOBR t'] |> Pretty.block,
   564               str ("end")
   565             ]
   566           end
   567       | pr_case thm vars fxy (((td, ty), b::bs), _) =
   568           let
   569             fun pr delim (pat, t) =
   570               let
   571                 val (p, vars') = pr_bind thm NOBR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty) vars;
   572               in
   573                 concat [str delim, p, str "=>", pr_term thm false vars' NOBR t]
   574               end;
   575           in
   576             (Pretty.enclose "(" ")" o single o brackify fxy) (
   577               str "case"
   578               :: pr_term thm false vars NOBR td
   579               :: pr "of" b
   580               :: map (pr "|") bs
   581             )
   582           end
   583       | pr_case thm vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "raise Fail \"empty case\"";
   584     fun pr_stmt (MLFuns (funns as (funn :: funns'))) =
   585           let
   586             val definer =
   587               let
   588                 fun no_args _ (((ts, _), _) :: _) = length ts
   589                   | no_args ty [] = (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
   590                 fun mk 0 [] = "val"
   591                   | mk 0 vs = if (null o filter_out (null o snd)) vs
   592                       then "val" else "fun"
   593                   | mk k _ = "fun";
   594                 fun chk (_, ((vs, ty), eqs)) NONE = SOME (mk (no_args ty eqs) vs)
   595                   | chk (_, ((vs, ty), eqs)) (SOME defi) =
   596                       if defi = mk (no_args ty eqs) vs then SOME defi
   597                       else error ("Mixing simultaneous vals and funs not implemented: "
   598                         ^ commas (map (labelled_name o fst) funns));
   599               in the (fold chk funns NONE) end;
   600             fun pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), [])) =
   601                   let
   602                     val vs_dict = filter_out (null o snd) vs;
   603                     val n = length vs_dict + (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
   604                     val exc_str =
   605                       (ML_Syntax.print_string o NameSpace.base o NameSpace.qualifier) name;
   606                   in
   607                     concat (
   608                       str definer
   609                       :: (str o deresolve) name
   610                       :: map str (replicate n "_")
   611                       @ str "="
   612                       :: str "raise"
   613                       :: str "(Fail"
   614                       @@ str (exc_str ^ ")")
   615                     )
   616                   end
   617               | pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), eqs as eq :: eqs')) =
   618                   let
   619                     val vs_dict = filter_out (null o snd) vs;
   620                     val shift = if null eqs' then I else
   621                       map (Pretty.block o single o Pretty.block o single);
   622                     fun pr_eq definer ((ts, t), thm) =
   623                       let
   624                         val consts = map_filter
   625                           (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
   626                             then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
   627                             ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
   628                         val vars = reserved_names
   629                           |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
   630                           |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
   631                                (insert (op =)) ts []);
   632                       in
   633                         concat (
   634                           [str definer, (str o deresolve) name]
   635                           @ (if null ts andalso null vs_dict
   636                              then [str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty]
   637                              else
   638                                pr_tyvar_dicts vs_dict
   639                                @ map (pr_term thm true vars BR) ts)
   640                        @ [str "=", pr_term thm false vars NOBR t]
   641                         )
   642                       end
   643                   in
   644                     (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o shift) (
   645                       pr_eq definer eq
   646                       :: map (pr_eq "|") eqs'
   647                     )
   648                   end;
   649             val (ps, p) = split_last (pr_funn definer funn :: map (pr_funn "and") funns');
   650           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";"])]) end
   651      | pr_stmt (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
   652           let
   653             fun pr_co (co, []) =
   654                   str (deresolve co)
   655               | pr_co (co, tys) =
   656                   concat [
   657                     str (deresolve co),
   658                     str "of",
   659                     Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map (pr_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)
   660                   ];
   661             fun pr_data definer (tyco, (vs, [])) =
   662                   concat (
   663                     str definer
   664                     :: pr_tycoexpr NOBR (tyco, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
   665                     :: str "="
   666                     @@ str "EMPTY__" 
   667                   )
   668               | pr_data definer (tyco, (vs, cos)) =
   669                   concat (
   670                     str definer
   671                     :: pr_tycoexpr NOBR (tyco, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
   672                     :: str "="
   673                     :: separate (str "|") (map pr_co cos)
   674                   );
   675             val (ps, p) = split_last
   676               (pr_data "datatype" data :: map (pr_data "and") datas');
   677           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";"])]) end
   678      | pr_stmt (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
   679           let
   680             val w = first_upper v ^ "_";
   681             fun pr_superclass_field (class, classrel) =
   682               (concat o map str) [
   683                 pr_label_classrel classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolve class
   684               ];
   685             fun pr_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
   686               concat [
   687                 (str o pr_label_classparam) classparam, str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty
   688               ];
   689             fun pr_classparam_proj (classparam, _) =
   690               semicolon [
   691                 str "fun",
   692                 (str o deresolve) classparam,
   693                 Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolve class)],
   694                 str "=",
   695                 str ("#" ^ pr_label_classparam classparam),
   696                 str w
   697               ];
   698             fun pr_superclass_proj (_, classrel) =
   699               semicolon [
   700                 str "fun",
   701                 (str o deresolve) classrel,
   702                 Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ deresolve class)],
   703                 str "=",
   704                 str ("#" ^ pr_label_classrel classrel),
   705                 str w
   706               ];
   707           in
   708             Pretty.chunks (
   709               concat [
   710                 str ("type '" ^ v),
   711                 (str o deresolve) class,
   712                 str "=",
   713                 Pretty.enum "," "{" "};" (
   714                   map pr_superclass_field superclasses @ map pr_classparam_field classparams
   715                 )
   716               ]
   717               :: map pr_superclass_proj superclasses
   718               @ map pr_classparam_proj classparams
   719             )
   720           end
   721      | pr_stmt (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
   722           let
   723             fun pr_superclass (_, (classrel, dss)) =
   724               concat [
   725                 (str o pr_label_classrel) classrel,
   726                 str "=",
   727                 pr_dicts NOBR [DictConst dss]
   728               ];
   729             fun pr_classparam ((classparam, c_inst), thm) =
   730               concat [
   731                 (str o pr_label_classparam) classparam,
   732                 str "=",
   733                 pr_app thm false reserved_names NOBR (c_inst, [])
   734               ];
   735           in
   736             semicolon ([
   737               str (if null arity then "val" else "fun"),
   738               (str o deresolve) inst ] @
   739               pr_tyvar_dicts arity @ [
   740               str "=",
   741               Pretty.enum "," "{" "}"
   742                 (map pr_superclass superarities @ map pr_classparam classparam_insts),
   743               str ":",
   744               pr_tycoexpr NOBR (class, [tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) arity])
   745             ])
   746           end;
   747   in pr_stmt end;
   749 fun pr_sml_module name content =
   750   Pretty.chunks (
   751     str ("structure " ^ name ^ " = ")
   752     :: str "struct"
   753     :: str ""
   754     :: content
   755     @ str ""
   756     @@ str ("end; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
   757   );
   759 fun pr_ocaml_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names deresolve is_cons =
   760   let
   761     fun pr_dicts fxy ds =
   762       let
   763         fun pr_dictvar (v, (_, 1)) = "_" ^ first_upper v
   764           | pr_dictvar (v, (i, _)) = "_" ^ first_upper v ^ string_of_int (i+1);
   765         fun pr_proj ps p =
   766           fold_rev (fn p2 => fn p1 => Pretty.block [p1, str ".", str p2]) ps p
   767         fun pr_dict fxy (DictConst (inst, dss)) =
   768               brackify fxy ((str o deresolve) inst :: map (pr_dicts BR) dss)
   769           | pr_dict fxy (DictVar (classrels, v)) =
   770               pr_proj (map deresolve classrels) ((str o pr_dictvar) v)
   771       in case ds
   772        of [] => str "()"
   773         | [d] => pr_dict fxy d
   774         | _ :: _ => (Pretty.list "(" ")" o map (pr_dict NOBR)) ds
   775       end;
   776     fun pr_tyvar_dicts vs =
   777       vs
   778       |> map (fn (v, sort) => map_index (fn (i, _) =>
   779            DictVar ([], (v, (i, length sort)))) sort)
   780       |> map (pr_dicts BR);
   781     fun pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys) =
   782       let
   783         val tyco' = (str o deresolve) tyco
   784       in case map (pr_typ BR) tys
   785        of [] => tyco'
   786         | [p] => Pretty.block [p, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
   787         | (ps as _::_) => Pretty.block [Pretty.list "(" ")" ps, Pretty.brk 1, tyco']
   788       end
   789     and pr_typ fxy (tyco `%% tys) = (case syntax_tyco tyco
   790          of NONE => pr_tycoexpr fxy (tyco, tys)
   791           | SOME (i, pr) => pr pr_typ fxy tys)
   792       | pr_typ fxy (ITyVar v) = str ("'" ^ v);
   793     fun pr_term thm pat vars fxy (IConst c) =
   794           pr_app thm pat vars fxy (c, [])
   795       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (IVar v) =
   796           str (CodeName.lookup_var vars v)
   797       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (t as t1 `$ t2) =
   798           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t
   799            of SOME c_ts => pr_app thm pat vars fxy c_ts
   800             | NONE =>
   801                 brackify fxy [pr_term thm pat vars NOBR t1, pr_term thm pat vars BR t2])
   802       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (t as _ `|-> _) =
   803           let
   804             val (binds, t') = CodeThingol.unfold_abs t;
   805             fun pr ((v, pat), ty) = pr_bind thm BR ((SOME v, pat), ty);
   806             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
   807           in brackets (str "fun" :: ps @ str "->" @@ pr_term thm pat vars' NOBR t') end
   808       | pr_term thm pat vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) = (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
   809            of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
   810                 then pr_case thm vars fxy cases
   811                 else pr_app thm pat vars fxy c_ts
   812             | NONE => pr_case thm vars fxy cases)
   813     and pr_app' thm pat vars (app as ((c, (iss, tys)), ts)) =
   814       if is_cons c then
   815         if length tys = length ts
   816         then case ts
   817          of [] => [(str o deresolve) c]
   818           | [t] => [(str o deresolve) c, pr_term thm pat vars BR t]
   819           | _ => [(str o deresolve) c, Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
   820                     (map (pr_term thm pat vars NOBR) ts)]
   821         else [pr_term thm pat vars BR (CodeThingol.eta_expand (length tys) app)]
   822       else (str o deresolve) c
   823         :: ((map (pr_dicts BR) o filter_out null) iss @ map (pr_term thm pat vars BR) ts)
   824     and pr_app thm pat vars = gen_pr_app pr_app' pr_term syntax_const is_cons thm pat vars
   825     and pr_bind' ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
   826       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
   827       | pr_bind' ((NONE, SOME p), _) = p
   828       | pr_bind' ((SOME v, SOME p), _) = brackets [p, str "as", str v]
   829     and pr_bind thm = gen_pr_bind pr_bind' pr_term thm
   830     and pr_case thm vars fxy (cases as ((_, [_]), _)) =
   831           let
   832             val (binds, t') = CodeThingol.unfold_let (ICase cases);
   833             fun pr ((pat, ty), t) vars =
   834               vars
   835               |> pr_bind thm NOBR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty)
   836               |>> (fn p => concat
   837                   [str "let", p, str "=", pr_term thm false vars NOBR t, str "in"])
   838             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
   839           in Pretty.chunks (ps @| pr_term thm false vars' NOBR t') end
   840       | pr_case thm vars fxy (((td, ty), b::bs), _) =
   841           let
   842             fun pr delim (pat, t) =
   843               let
   844                 val (p, vars') = pr_bind thm NOBR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty) vars;
   845               in concat [str delim, p, str "->", pr_term thm false vars' NOBR t] end;
   846           in
   847             (Pretty.enclose "(" ")" o single o brackify fxy) (
   848               str "match"
   849               :: pr_term thm false vars NOBR td
   850               :: pr "with" b
   851               :: map (pr "|") bs
   852             )
   853           end
   854       | pr_case thm vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "failwith \"empty case\"";
   855     fun fish_params vars eqs =
   856       let
   857         fun fish_param _ (w as SOME _) = w
   858           | fish_param (IVar v) NONE = SOME v
   859           | fish_param _ NONE = NONE;
   860         fun fillup_param _ (_, SOME v) = v
   861           | fillup_param x (i, NONE) = x ^ string_of_int i;
   862         val fished1 = fold (map2 fish_param) eqs (replicate (length (hd eqs)) NONE);
   863         val x = Name.variant (map_filter I fished1) "x";
   864         val fished2 = map_index (fillup_param x) fished1;
   865         val (fished3, _) = Name.variants fished2 Name.context;
   866         val vars' = CodeName.intro_vars fished3 vars;
   867       in map (CodeName.lookup_var vars') fished3 end;
   868     fun pr_stmt (MLFuns (funns as funn :: funns')) =
   869           let
   870             fun pr_eq ((ts, t), thm) =
   871               let
   872                 val consts = map_filter
   873                   (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
   874                     then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
   875                     ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
   876                 val vars = reserved_names
   877                   |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
   878                   |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
   879                       (insert (op =)) ts []);
   880               in concat [
   881                 (Pretty.block o Pretty.commas) (map (pr_term thm true vars NOBR) ts),
   882                 str "->",
   883                 pr_term thm false vars NOBR t
   884               ] end;
   885             fun pr_eqs name ty [] =
   886                   let
   887                     val n = (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
   888                     val exc_str =
   889                       (ML_Syntax.print_string o NameSpace.base o NameSpace.qualifier) name;
   890                   in
   891                     concat (
   892                       map str (replicate n "_")
   893                       @ str "="
   894                       :: str "failwith"
   895                       @@ str exc_str
   896                     )
   897                   end
   898               | pr_eqs _ _ [((ts, t), thm)] =
   899                   let
   900                     val consts = map_filter
   901                       (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
   902                         then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
   903                         ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
   904                     val vars = reserved_names
   905                       |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
   906                       |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
   907                           (insert (op =)) ts []);
   908                   in
   909                     concat (
   910                       map (pr_term thm true vars BR) ts
   911                       @ str "="
   912                       @@ pr_term thm false vars NOBR t
   913                     )
   914                   end
   915               | pr_eqs _ _ (eqs as (eq as (([_], _), _)) :: eqs') =
   916                   Pretty.block (
   917                     str "="
   918                     :: Pretty.brk 1
   919                     :: str "function"
   920                     :: Pretty.brk 1
   921                     :: pr_eq eq
   922                     :: maps (append [Pretty.fbrk, str "|", Pretty.brk 1]
   923                           o single o pr_eq) eqs'
   924                   )
   925               | pr_eqs _ _ (eqs as eq :: eqs') =
   926                   let
   927                     val consts = map_filter
   928                       (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
   929                         then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
   930                         ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames)
   931                           (insert (op =)) (map (snd o fst) eqs) []);
   932                     val vars = reserved_names
   933                       |> CodeName.intro_vars consts;
   934                     val dummy_parms = (map str o fish_params vars o map (fst o fst)) eqs;
   935                   in
   936                     Pretty.block (
   937                       Pretty.breaks dummy_parms
   938                       @ Pretty.brk 1
   939                       :: str "="
   940                       :: Pretty.brk 1
   941                       :: str "match"
   942                       :: Pretty.brk 1
   943                       :: (Pretty.block o Pretty.commas) dummy_parms
   944                       :: Pretty.brk 1
   945                       :: str "with"
   946                       :: Pretty.brk 1
   947                       :: pr_eq eq
   948                       :: maps (append [Pretty.fbrk, str "|", Pretty.brk 1]
   949                            o single o pr_eq) eqs'
   950                     )
   951                   end;
   952             fun pr_funn definer (name, ((vs, ty), eqs)) =
   953               concat (
   954                 str definer
   955                 :: (str o deresolve) name
   956                 :: pr_tyvar_dicts (filter_out (null o snd) vs)
   957                 @| pr_eqs name ty eqs
   958               );
   959             val (ps, p) = split_last
   960               (pr_funn "let rec" funn :: map (pr_funn "and") funns');
   961           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";;"])]) end
   962      | pr_stmt (MLDatas (datas as (data :: datas'))) =
   963           let
   964             fun pr_co (co, []) =
   965                   str (deresolve co)
   966               | pr_co (co, tys) =
   967                   concat [
   968                     str (deresolve co),
   969                     str "of",
   970                     Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map (pr_typ (INFX (2, X))) tys)
   971                   ];
   972             fun pr_data definer (tyco, (vs, [])) =
   973                   concat (
   974                     str definer
   975                     :: pr_tycoexpr NOBR (tyco, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
   976                     :: str "="
   977                     @@ str "EMPTY_"
   978                   )
   979               | pr_data definer (tyco, (vs, cos)) =
   980                   concat (
   981                     str definer
   982                     :: pr_tycoexpr NOBR (tyco, map (ITyVar o fst) vs)
   983                     :: str "="
   984                     :: separate (str "|") (map pr_co cos)
   985                   );
   986             val (ps, p) = split_last
   987               (pr_data "type" data :: map (pr_data "and") datas');
   988           in Pretty.chunks (ps @ [Pretty.block ([p, str ";;"])]) end
   989      | pr_stmt (MLClass (class, (v, (superclasses, classparams)))) =
   990           let
   991             val w = "_" ^ first_upper v;
   992             fun pr_superclass_field (class, classrel) =
   993               (concat o map str) [
   994                 deresolve classrel, ":", "'" ^ v, deresolve class
   995               ];
   996             fun pr_classparam_field (classparam, ty) =
   997               concat [
   998                 (str o deresolve) classparam, str ":", pr_typ NOBR ty
   999               ];
  1000             fun pr_classparam_proj (classparam, _) =
  1001               concat [
  1002                 str "let",
  1003                 (str o deresolve) classparam,
  1004                 str w,
  1005                 str "=",
  1006                 str (w ^ "." ^ deresolve classparam ^ ";;")
  1007               ];
  1008           in Pretty.chunks (
  1009             concat [
  1010               str ("type '" ^ v),
  1011               (str o deresolve) class,
  1012               str "=",
  1013               enum_default "();;" ";" "{" "};;" (
  1014                 map pr_superclass_field superclasses
  1015                 @ map pr_classparam_field classparams
  1016               )
  1017             ]
  1018             :: map pr_classparam_proj classparams
  1019           ) end
  1020      | pr_stmt (MLClassinst (inst, ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classparam_insts)))) =
  1021           let
  1022             fun pr_superclass (_, (classrel, dss)) =
  1023               concat [
  1024                 (str o deresolve) classrel,
  1025                 str "=",
  1026                 pr_dicts NOBR [DictConst dss]
  1027               ];
  1028             fun pr_classparam_inst ((classparam, c_inst), thm) =
  1029               concat [
  1030                 (str o deresolve) classparam,
  1031                 str "=",
  1032                 pr_app thm false reserved_names NOBR (c_inst, [])
  1033               ];
  1034           in
  1035             concat (
  1036               str "let"
  1037               :: (str o deresolve) inst
  1038               :: pr_tyvar_dicts arity
  1039               @ str "="
  1040               @@ (Pretty.enclose "(" ");;" o Pretty.breaks) [
  1041                 enum_default "()" ";" "{" "}" (map pr_superclass superarities
  1042                   @ map pr_classparam_inst classparam_insts),
  1043                 str ":",
  1044                 pr_tycoexpr NOBR (class, [tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) arity])
  1045               ]
  1046             )
  1047           end;
  1048   in pr_stmt end;
  1050 fun pr_ocaml_module name content =
  1051   Pretty.chunks (
  1052     str ("module " ^ name ^ " = ")
  1053     :: str "struct"
  1054     :: str ""
  1055     :: content
  1056     @ str ""
  1057     @@ str ("end;; (*struct " ^ name ^ "*)")
  1058   );
  1060 local
  1062 datatype ml_node =
  1063     Dummy of string
  1064   | Stmt of string * ml_stmt
  1065   | Module of string * ((Name.context * Name.context) * ml_node Graph.T);
  1067 in
  1069 fun ml_node_of_program labelled_name module_name reserved_names raw_module_alias program =
  1070   let
  1071     val module_alias = if is_some module_name then K module_name else raw_module_alias;
  1072     val reserved_names = Name.make_context reserved_names;
  1073     val empty_module = ((reserved_names, reserved_names), Graph.empty);
  1074     fun map_node [] f = f
  1075       | map_node (m::ms) f =
  1076           Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, empty_module))
  1077           #> Graph.map_node m (fn (Module (module_name, (nsp, nodes))) =>
  1078                Module (module_name, (nsp, map_node ms f nodes)));
  1079     fun map_nsp_yield [] f (nsp, nodes) =
  1080           let
  1081             val (x, nsp') = f nsp
  1082           in (x, (nsp', nodes)) end
  1083       | map_nsp_yield (m::ms) f (nsp, nodes) =
  1084           let
  1085             val (x, nodes') =
  1086               nodes
  1087               |> Graph.default_node (m, Module (m, empty_module))
  1088               |> Graph.map_node_yield m (fn Module (d_module_name, nsp_nodes) => 
  1089                   let
  1090                     val (x, nsp_nodes') = map_nsp_yield ms f nsp_nodes
  1091                   in (x, Module (d_module_name, nsp_nodes')) end)
  1092           in (x, (nsp, nodes')) end;
  1093     fun map_nsp_fun_yield f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
  1094       let
  1095         val (x, nsp_fun') = f nsp_fun
  1096       in (x, (nsp_fun', nsp_typ)) end;
  1097     fun map_nsp_typ_yield f (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
  1098       let
  1099         val (x, nsp_typ') = f nsp_typ
  1100       in (x, (nsp_fun, nsp_typ')) end;
  1101     val mk_name_module = mk_name_module reserved_names NONE module_alias program;
  1102     fun mk_name_stmt upper name nsp =
  1103       let
  1104         val (_, base) = dest_name name;
  1105         val base' = if upper then first_upper base else base;
  1106         val ([base''], nsp') = Name.variants [base'] nsp;
  1107       in (base'', nsp') end;
  1108     fun add_funs stmts =
  1109       fold_map
  1110         (fn (name, CodeThingol.Fun stmt) =>
  1111               map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>>
  1112                 rpair (name, stmt)
  1113           | (name, _) =>
  1114               error ("Function block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
  1115         ) stmts
  1116       #>> (split_list #> apsnd MLFuns);
  1117     fun add_datatypes stmts =
  1118       fold_map
  1119         (fn (name, CodeThingol.Datatype stmt) =>
  1120               map_nsp_typ_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair (SOME (name, stmt))
  1121           | (name, CodeThingol.Datatypecons _) =>
  1122               map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt true name) #>> rpair NONE
  1123           | (name, _) =>
  1124               error ("Datatype block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
  1125         ) stmts
  1126       #>> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
  1127         #> (fn [] => error ("Datatype block without data statement: "
  1128                   ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts)
  1129              | stmts => MLDatas stmts)));
  1130     fun add_class stmts =
  1131       fold_map
  1132         (fn (name, CodeThingol.Class info) =>
  1133               map_nsp_typ_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair (SOME (name, info))
  1134           | (name, CodeThingol.Classrel _) =>
  1135               map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair NONE
  1136           | (name, CodeThingol.Classparam _) =>
  1137               map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name) #>> rpair NONE
  1138           | (name, _) =>
  1139               error ("Class block containing illegal statement: " ^ labelled_name name)
  1140         ) stmts
  1141       #>> (split_list #> apsnd (map_filter I
  1142         #> (fn [] => error ("Class block without class statement: "
  1143                   ^ (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts)
  1144              | [stmt] => MLClass stmt)));
  1145     fun add_inst [(name, CodeThingol.Classinst stmt)] =
  1146       map_nsp_fun_yield (mk_name_stmt false name)
  1147       #>> (fn base => ([base], MLClassinst (name, stmt)));
  1148     fun add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Fun _)::_)) =
  1149           add_funs stmts
  1150       | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Datatypecons _)::_)) =
  1151           add_datatypes stmts
  1152       | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Datatype _)::_)) =
  1153           add_datatypes stmts
  1154       | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Class _)::_)) =
  1155           add_class stmts
  1156       | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Classrel _)::_)) =
  1157           add_class stmts
  1158       | add_stmts ((stmts as (_, CodeThingol.Classparam _)::_)) =
  1159           add_class stmts
  1160       | add_stmts ((stmts as [(_, CodeThingol.Classinst _)])) =
  1161           add_inst stmts
  1162       | add_stmts stmts = error ("Illegal mutual dependencies: " ^
  1163           (commas o map (labelled_name o fst)) stmts);
  1164     fun add_stmts' stmts nsp_nodes =
  1165       let
  1166         val names as (name :: names') = map fst stmts;
  1167         val deps =
  1168           []
  1169           |> fold (fold (insert (op =)) o Graph.imm_succs program) names
  1170           |> subtract (op =) names;
  1171         val (module_names, _) = (split_list o map dest_name) names;
  1172         val module_name = (the_single o distinct (op =) o map mk_name_module) module_names
  1173           handle Empty =>
  1174             error ("Different namespace prefixes for mutual dependencies:\n"
  1175               ^ commas (map labelled_name names)
  1176               ^ "\n"
  1177               ^ commas module_names);
  1178         val module_name_path = NameSpace.explode module_name;
  1179         fun add_dep name name' =
  1180           let
  1181             val module_name' = (mk_name_module o fst o dest_name) name';
  1182           in if module_name = module_name' then
  1183             map_node module_name_path (Graph.add_edge (name, name'))
  1184           else let
  1185             val (common, (diff1::_, diff2::_)) = chop_prefix (op =)
  1186               (module_name_path, NameSpace.explode module_name');
  1187           in
  1188             map_node common
  1189               (fn node => Graph.add_edge_acyclic (diff1, diff2) node
  1190                 handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error ("Dependency "
  1191                   ^ quote name ^ " -> " ^ quote name'
  1192                   ^ " would result in module dependency cycle"))
  1193           end end;
  1194       in
  1195         nsp_nodes
  1196         |> map_nsp_yield module_name_path (add_stmts stmts)
  1197         |-> (fn (base' :: bases', stmt') =>
  1198            apsnd (map_node module_name_path (Graph.new_node (name, (Stmt (base', stmt')))
  1199               #> fold2 (fn name' => fn base' =>
  1200                    Graph.new_node (name', (Dummy base'))) names' bases')))
  1201         |> apsnd (fold (fn name => fold (add_dep name) deps) names)
  1202         |> apsnd (fold_product (curry (map_node module_name_path o Graph.add_edge)) names names)
  1203       end;
  1204     val (_, nodes) = empty_module
  1205       |> fold add_stmts' (map (AList.make (Graph.get_node program))
  1206           (rev (Graph.strong_conn program)));
  1207     fun deresolver prefix name = 
  1208       let
  1209         val module_name = (fst o dest_name) name;
  1210         val module_name' = (NameSpace.explode o mk_name_module) module_name;
  1211         val (_, (_, remainder)) = chop_prefix (op =) (prefix, module_name');
  1212         val stmt_name =
  1213           nodes
  1214           |> fold (fn name => fn node => case Graph.get_node node name
  1215               of Module (_, (_, node)) => node) module_name'
  1216           |> (fn node => case Graph.get_node node name of Stmt (stmt_name, _) => stmt_name
  1217                | Dummy stmt_name => stmt_name);
  1218       in
  1219         NameSpace.implode (remainder @ [stmt_name])
  1220       end handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
  1221         error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
  1222   in (deresolver, nodes) end;
  1224 fun serialize_ml compile pr_module pr_stmt raw_module_name labelled_name reserved_names includes raw_module_alias
  1225   _ syntax_tyco syntax_const program cs destination =
  1226   let
  1227     val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons program;
  1228     val stmt_names = stmt_names_of_destination destination;
  1229     val module_name = if null stmt_names then raw_module_name else SOME "Code";
  1230     val (deresolver, nodes) = ml_node_of_program labelled_name module_name
  1231       reserved_names raw_module_alias program;
  1232     val reserved_names = CodeName.make_vars reserved_names;
  1233     fun pr_node prefix (Dummy _) =
  1234           NONE
  1235       | pr_node prefix (Stmt (_, stmt)) = if null stmt_names orelse
  1236           (not o null o filter (member (op =) stmt_names) o stmt_names_of) stmt then SOME
  1237             (pr_stmt syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names
  1238               (deresolver prefix) is_cons stmt)
  1239           else NONE
  1240       | pr_node prefix (Module (module_name, (_, nodes))) =
  1241           let
  1242             val ps = separate (str "")
  1243               ((map_filter (pr_node (prefix @ [module_name]) o Graph.get_node nodes)
  1244                 o rev o flat o Graph.strong_conn) nodes)
  1245           in SOME (case destination of String _ => Pretty.chunks ps
  1246            | _ => pr_module module_name ps)
  1247           end;
  1248     val cs' = map_filter (try (deresolver (if is_some module_name then the_list module_name else [])))
  1249       cs;
  1250     val p = Pretty.chunks (separate (str "") (map snd includes @ (map_filter
  1251       (pr_node [] o Graph.get_node nodes) o rev o flat o Graph.strong_conn) nodes));
  1252     fun output Compile = K NONE o compile o code_of_pretty
  1253       | output Export = K NONE o code_writeln
  1254       | output (File file) = K NONE o File.write file o code_of_pretty
  1255       | output (String _) = SOME o rpair cs' o code_of_pretty;
  1256   in output destination p end;
  1258 end; (*local*)
  1260 (* ML (system language) code for evaluation and instrumentalization *)
  1262 fun ml_code_of thy program cs = mount_serializer thy
  1263   (SOME (fn _ => fn [] => serialize_ml (K ()) (K Pretty.chunks) pr_sml_stmt (SOME "")))
  1264     target_SML NONE [] program cs (String [])
  1265   |> the;
  1267 (* generic entry points for SML/OCaml *)
  1269 fun isar_seri_sml module_name =
  1270   parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
  1271   #> (fn () => serialize_ml (use_text (1, "generated code") Output.ml_output false)
  1272       pr_sml_module pr_sml_stmt module_name);
  1274 fun isar_seri_ocaml module_name =
  1275   parse_args (Scan.succeed ())
  1276   #> (fn () => serialize_ml (fn _ => error "OCaml: no internal compilation")
  1277       pr_ocaml_module pr_ocaml_stmt module_name);
  1280 (** Haskell serializer **)
  1282 fun pr_haskell_bind pr_term =
  1283   let
  1284     fun pr_bind ((NONE, NONE), _) = str "_"
  1285       | pr_bind ((SOME v, NONE), _) = str v
  1286       | pr_bind ((NONE, SOME p), _) = p
  1287       | pr_bind ((SOME v, SOME p), _) = brackets [str v, str "@", p];
  1288   in gen_pr_bind pr_bind pr_term end;
  1290 fun pr_haskell_stmt syntax_class syntax_tyco syntax_const labelled_name
  1291     init_syms deresolve is_cons contr_classparam_typs deriving_show =
  1292   let
  1293     val deresolve_base = NameSpace.base o deresolve;
  1294     fun class_name class = case syntax_class class
  1295      of NONE => deresolve class
  1296       | SOME (class, _) => class;
  1297     fun classparam_name class classparam = case syntax_class class
  1298      of NONE => deresolve_base classparam
  1299       | SOME (_, classparam_syntax) => case classparam_syntax classparam
  1300          of NONE => (snd o dest_name) classparam
  1301           | SOME classparam => classparam;
  1302     fun pr_typcontext tyvars vs = case maps (fn (v, sort) => map (pair v) sort) vs
  1303      of [] => []
  1304       | classbinds => Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" (
  1305           map (fn (v, class) =>
  1306             str (class_name class ^ " " ^ CodeName.lookup_var tyvars v)) classbinds)
  1307           @@ str " => ";
  1308     fun pr_typforall tyvars vs = case map fst vs
  1309      of [] => []
  1310       | vnames => str "forall " :: Pretty.breaks
  1311           (map (str o CodeName.lookup_var tyvars) vnames) @ str "." @@ Pretty.brk 1;
  1312     fun pr_tycoexpr tyvars fxy (tyco, tys) =
  1313       brackify fxy (str tyco :: map (pr_typ tyvars BR) tys)
  1314     and pr_typ tyvars fxy (tycoexpr as tyco `%% tys) = (case syntax_tyco tyco
  1315          of NONE => pr_tycoexpr tyvars fxy (deresolve tyco, tys)
  1316           | SOME (i, pr) => pr (pr_typ tyvars) fxy tys)
  1317       | pr_typ tyvars fxy (ITyVar v) = (str o CodeName.lookup_var tyvars) v;
  1318     fun pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, tycoexpr) =
  1319       Pretty.block (pr_typcontext tyvars vs @| pr_tycoexpr tyvars NOBR tycoexpr);
  1320     fun pr_typscheme tyvars (vs, ty) =
  1321       Pretty.block (pr_typforall tyvars vs @ pr_typcontext tyvars vs @| pr_typ tyvars NOBR ty);
  1322     fun pr_term tyvars thm pat vars fxy (IConst c) =
  1323           pr_app tyvars thm pat vars fxy (c, [])
  1324       | pr_term tyvars thm pat vars fxy (t as (t1 `$ t2)) =
  1325           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t
  1326            of SOME app => pr_app tyvars thm pat vars fxy app
  1327             | _ =>
  1328                 brackify fxy [
  1329                   pr_term tyvars thm pat vars NOBR t1,
  1330                   pr_term tyvars thm pat vars BR t2
  1331                 ])
  1332       | pr_term tyvars thm pat vars fxy (IVar v) =
  1333           (str o CodeName.lookup_var vars) v
  1334       | pr_term tyvars thm pat vars fxy (t as _ `|-> _) =
  1335           let
  1336             val (binds, t') = CodeThingol.unfold_abs t;
  1337             fun pr ((v, pat), ty) = pr_bind tyvars thm BR ((SOME v, pat), ty);
  1338             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
  1339           in brackets (str "\\" :: ps @ str "->" @@ pr_term tyvars thm pat vars' NOBR t') end
  1340       | pr_term tyvars thm pat vars fxy (ICase (cases as (_, t0))) =
  1341           (case CodeThingol.unfold_const_app t0
  1342            of SOME (c_ts as ((c, _), _)) => if is_none (syntax_const c)
  1343                 then pr_case tyvars thm vars fxy cases
  1344                 else pr_app tyvars thm pat vars fxy c_ts
  1345             | NONE => pr_case tyvars thm vars fxy cases)
  1346     and pr_app' tyvars thm pat vars ((c, (_, tys)), ts) = case contr_classparam_typs c
  1347      of [] => (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term tyvars thm pat vars BR) ts
  1348       | fingerprint => let
  1349           val ts_fingerprint = ts ~~ curry Library.take (length ts) fingerprint;
  1350           val needs_annotation = forall (fn (_, NONE) => true | (t, SOME _) =>
  1351             (not o CodeThingol.locally_monomorphic) t) ts_fingerprint;
  1352           fun pr_term_anno (t, NONE) _ = pr_term tyvars thm pat vars BR t
  1353             | pr_term_anno (t, SOME _) ty =
  1354                 brackets [pr_term tyvars thm pat vars NOBR t, str "::", pr_typ tyvars NOBR ty];
  1355         in
  1356           if needs_annotation then
  1357             (str o deresolve) c :: map2 pr_term_anno ts_fingerprint (curry Library.take (length ts) tys)
  1358           else (str o deresolve) c :: map (pr_term tyvars thm pat vars BR) ts
  1359         end
  1360     and pr_app tyvars = gen_pr_app (pr_app' tyvars) (pr_term tyvars) syntax_const is_cons
  1361     and pr_bind tyvars = pr_haskell_bind (pr_term tyvars)
  1362     and pr_case tyvars thm vars fxy (cases as ((_, [_]), _)) =
  1363           let
  1364             val (binds, t) = CodeThingol.unfold_let (ICase cases);
  1365             fun pr ((pat, ty), t) vars =
  1366               vars
  1367               |> pr_bind tyvars thm BR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty)
  1368               |>> (fn p => semicolon [p, str "=", pr_term tyvars thm false vars NOBR t])
  1369             val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr binds vars;
  1370           in
  1371             Pretty.block_enclose (
  1372               str "let {",
  1373               concat [str "}", str "in", pr_term tyvars thm false vars' NOBR t]
  1374             ) ps
  1375           end
  1376       | pr_case tyvars thm vars fxy (((td, ty), bs as _ :: _), _) =
  1377           let
  1378             fun pr (pat, t) =
  1379               let
  1380                 val (p, vars') = pr_bind tyvars thm NOBR ((NONE, SOME pat), ty) vars;
  1381               in semicolon [p, str "->", pr_term tyvars thm false vars' NOBR t] end;
  1382           in
  1383             Pretty.block_enclose (
  1384               concat [str "(case", pr_term tyvars thm false vars NOBR td, str "of", str "{"],
  1385               str "})"
  1386             ) (map pr bs)
  1387           end
  1388       | pr_case tyvars thm vars fxy ((_, []), _) = str "error \"empty case\"";
  1389     fun pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), [])) =
  1390           let
  1391             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1392             val n = (length o fst o CodeThingol.unfold_fun) ty;
  1393           in
  1394             Pretty.chunks [
  1395               Pretty.block [
  1396                 (str o suffix " ::" o deresolve_base) name,
  1397                 Pretty.brk 1,
  1398                 pr_typscheme tyvars (vs, ty),
  1399                 str ";"
  1400               ],
  1401               concat (
  1402                 (str o deresolve_base) name
  1403                 :: map str (replicate n "_")
  1404                 @ str "="
  1405                 :: str "error"
  1406                 @@ (str o (fn s => s ^ ";") o ML_Syntax.print_string
  1407                     o NameSpace.base o NameSpace.qualifier) name
  1408               )
  1409             ]
  1410           end
  1411       | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Fun ((vs, ty), eqs)) =
  1412           let
  1413             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1414             fun pr_eq ((ts, t), thm) =
  1415               let
  1416                 val consts = map_filter
  1417                   (fn c => if (is_some o syntax_const) c
  1418                     then NONE else (SOME o NameSpace.base o deresolve) c)
  1419                     ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_constnames) (insert (op =)) (t :: ts) []);
  1420                 val vars = init_syms
  1421                   |> CodeName.intro_vars consts
  1422                   |> CodeName.intro_vars ((fold o CodeThingol.fold_unbound_varnames)
  1423                        (insert (op =)) ts []);
  1424               in
  1425                 semicolon (
  1426                   (str o deresolve_base) name
  1427                   :: map (pr_term tyvars thm true vars BR) ts
  1428                   @ str "="
  1429                   @@ pr_term tyvars thm false vars NOBR t
  1430                 )
  1431               end;
  1432           in
  1433             Pretty.chunks (
  1434               Pretty.block [
  1435                 (str o suffix " ::" o deresolve_base) name,
  1436                 Pretty.brk 1,
  1437                 pr_typscheme tyvars (vs, ty),
  1438                 str ";"
  1439               ]
  1440               :: map pr_eq eqs
  1441             )
  1442           end
  1443       | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [])) =
  1444           let
  1445             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1446           in
  1447             semicolon [
  1448               str "data",
  1449               pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
  1450             ]
  1451           end
  1452       | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, [(co, [ty])])) =
  1453           let
  1454             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1455           in
  1456             semicolon (
  1457               str "newtype"
  1458               :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
  1459               :: str "="
  1460               :: (str o deresolve_base) co
  1461               :: pr_typ tyvars BR ty
  1462               :: (if deriving_show name then [str "deriving (Read, Show)"] else [])
  1463             )
  1464           end
  1465       | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Datatype (vs, co :: cos)) =
  1466           let
  1467             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1468             fun pr_co (co, tys) =
  1469               concat (
  1470                 (str o deresolve_base) co
  1471                 :: map (pr_typ tyvars BR) tys
  1472               )
  1473           in
  1474             semicolon (
  1475               str "data"
  1476               :: pr_typdecl tyvars (vs, (deresolve_base name, map (ITyVar o fst) vs))
  1477               :: str "="
  1478               :: pr_co co
  1479               :: map ((fn p => Pretty.block [str "| ", p]) o pr_co) cos
  1480               @ (if deriving_show name then [str "deriving (Read, Show)"] else [])
  1481             )
  1482           end
  1483       | pr_stmt (name, CodeThingol.Class (v, (superclasses, classparams))) =
  1484           let
  1485             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars [v] init_syms;
  1486             fun pr_classparam (classparam, ty) =
  1487               semicolon [
  1488                 (str o classparam_name name) classparam,
  1489                 str "::",
  1490                 pr_typ tyvars NOBR ty
  1491               ]
  1492           in
  1493             Pretty.block_enclose (
  1494               Pretty.block [
  1495                 str "class ",
  1496                 Pretty.block (pr_typcontext tyvars [(v, map fst superclasses)]),
  1497                 str (deresolve_base name ^ " " ^ CodeName.lookup_var tyvars v),
  1498                 str " where {"
  1499               ],
  1500               str "};"
  1501             ) (map pr_classparam classparams)
  1502           end
  1503       | pr_stmt (_, CodeThingol.Classinst ((class, (tyco, vs)), (_, classparam_insts))) =
  1504           let
  1505             val tyvars = CodeName.intro_vars (map fst vs) init_syms;
  1506             fun pr_instdef ((classparam, c_inst), thm) =
  1507               semicolon [
  1508                 (str o classparam_name class) classparam,
  1509                 str "=",
  1510                 pr_app tyvars thm false init_syms NOBR (c_inst, [])
  1511               ];
  1512           in
  1513             Pretty.block_enclose (
  1514               Pretty.block [
  1515                 str "instance ",
  1516                 Pretty.block (pr_typcontext tyvars vs),
  1517                 str (class_name class ^ " "),
  1518                 pr_typ tyvars BR (tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs),
  1519                 str " where {"
  1520               ],
  1521               str "};"
  1522             ) (map pr_instdef classparam_insts)
  1523           end;
  1524   in pr_stmt end;
  1526 fun pretty_haskell_monad c_bind =
  1527   let
  1528     fun pretty pr thm pat vars fxy [(t, _)] =
  1529       let
  1530         val pr_bind = pr_haskell_bind (K (K pr)) thm;
  1531         fun pr_monad (NONE, t) vars =
  1532               (semicolon [pr vars NOBR t], vars)
  1533           | pr_monad (SOME (bind, true), t) vars = vars
  1534               |> pr_bind NOBR bind
  1535               |>> (fn p => semicolon [p, str "<-", pr vars NOBR t])
  1536           | pr_monad (SOME (bind, false), t) vars = vars
  1537               |> pr_bind NOBR bind
  1538               |>> (fn p => semicolon [str "let", p, str "=", pr vars NOBR t]);
  1539         val (binds, t) = implode_monad c_bind t;
  1540         val (ps, vars') = fold_map pr_monad binds vars;
  1541         fun brack p = if fixity BR fxy then Pretty.block [str "(", p, str ")"] else p;
  1542       in (brack o Pretty.block_enclose (str "do {", str "}")) (ps @| pr vars' NOBR t) end;
  1543   in (1, pretty) end;
  1545 fun haskell_program_of_program labelled_name module_name module_prefix reserved_names raw_module_alias program =
  1546   let
  1547     val module_alias = if is_some module_name then K module_name else raw_module_alias;
  1548     val reserved_names = Name.make_context reserved_names;
  1549     val mk_name_module = mk_name_module reserved_names module_prefix module_alias program;
  1550     fun add_stmt (name, (stmt, deps)) =
  1551       let
  1552         val (module_name, base) = dest_name name;
  1553         val module_name' = mk_name_module module_name;
  1554         val mk_name_stmt = yield_singleton Name.variants;
  1555         fun add_fun upper (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
  1556           let
  1557             val (base', nsp_fun') =
  1558               mk_name_stmt (if upper then first_upper base else base) nsp_fun
  1559           in (base', (nsp_fun', nsp_typ)) end;
  1560         fun add_typ (nsp_fun, nsp_typ) =
  1561           let
  1562             val (base', nsp_typ') = mk_name_stmt (first_upper base) nsp_typ
  1563           in (base', (nsp_fun, nsp_typ')) end;
  1564         val add_name = case stmt
  1565          of CodeThingol.Fun _ => add_fun false
  1566           | CodeThingol.Datatype _ => add_typ
  1567           | CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ => add_fun true
  1568           | CodeThingol.Class _ => add_typ
  1569           | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => pair base
  1570           | CodeThingol.Classparam _ => add_fun false
  1571           | CodeThingol.Classinst _ => pair base;
  1572         fun add_stmt' base' = case stmt
  1573          of CodeThingol.Datatypecons _ =>
  1574               cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', NONE))
  1575           | CodeThingol.Classrel _ => I
  1576           | CodeThingol.Classparam _ =>
  1577               cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', NONE))
  1578           | _ => cons (name, (NameSpace.append module_name' base', SOME stmt));
  1579       in
  1580         Symtab.map_default (module_name', ([], ([], (reserved_names, reserved_names))))
  1581               (apfst (fold (insert (op = : string * string -> bool)) deps))
  1582         #> `(fn program => add_name ((snd o snd o the o Symtab.lookup program) module_name'))
  1583         #-> (fn (base', names) =>
  1584               (Symtab.map_entry module_name' o apsnd) (fn (stmts, _) =>
  1585               (add_stmt' base' stmts, names)))
  1586       end;
  1587     val hs_program = fold add_stmt (AList.make (fn name =>
  1588       (Graph.get_node program name, Graph.imm_succs program name))
  1589       (Graph.strong_conn program |> flat)) Symtab.empty;
  1590     fun deresolver name =
  1591       (fst o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o snd o the
  1592         o Symtab.lookup hs_program) ((mk_name_module o fst o dest_name) name))) name
  1593         handle Option => error ("Unknown statement name: " ^ labelled_name name);
  1594   in (deresolver, hs_program) end;
  1596 fun serialize_haskell module_prefix raw_module_name string_classes labelled_name
  1597     reserved_names includes raw_module_alias
  1598     syntax_class syntax_tyco syntax_const program cs destination =
  1599   let
  1600     val stmt_names = stmt_names_of_destination destination;
  1601     val module_name = if null stmt_names then raw_module_name else SOME "Code";
  1602     val (deresolver, hs_program) = haskell_program_of_program labelled_name
  1603       module_name module_prefix reserved_names raw_module_alias program;
  1604     val is_cons = CodeThingol.is_cons program;
  1605     val contr_classparam_typs = CodeThingol.contr_classparam_typs program;
  1606     fun deriving_show tyco =
  1607       let
  1608         fun deriv _ "fun" = false
  1609           | deriv tycos tyco = member (op =) tycos tyco orelse
  1610               case try (Graph.get_node program) tyco
  1611                 of SOME (CodeThingol.Datatype (_, cs)) => forall (deriv' (tyco :: tycos))
  1612                     (maps snd cs)
  1613                  | NONE => true
  1614         and deriv' tycos (tyco `%% tys) = deriv tycos tyco
  1615               andalso forall (deriv' tycos) tys
  1616           | deriv' _ (ITyVar _) = true
  1617       in deriv [] tyco end;
  1618     val reserved_names = CodeName.make_vars reserved_names;
  1619     fun pr_stmt qualified = pr_haskell_stmt syntax_class syntax_tyco
  1620       syntax_const labelled_name reserved_names
  1621       (if qualified then deresolver else NameSpace.base o deresolver)
  1622       is_cons contr_classparam_typs
  1623       (if string_classes then deriving_show else K false);
  1624     fun pr_module name content =
  1625       (name, Pretty.chunks [
  1626         str ("module " ^ name ^ " where {"),
  1627         str "",
  1628         content,
  1629         str "",
  1630         str "}"
  1631       ]);
  1632     fun serialize_module1 (module_name', (deps, (stmts, _))) =
  1633       let
  1634         val stmt_names = map fst stmts;
  1635         val deps' = subtract (op =) stmt_names deps
  1636           |> distinct (op =)
  1637           |> map_filter (try deresolver);
  1638         val qualified = is_none module_name andalso
  1639           map deresolver stmt_names @ deps'
  1640           |> map NameSpace.base
  1641           |> has_duplicates (op =);
  1642         val imports = deps'
  1643           |> map NameSpace.qualifier
  1644           |> distinct (op =);
  1645         fun pr_import_include (name, _) = str ("import " ^ name ^ ";");
  1646         val pr_import_module = str o (if qualified
  1647           then prefix "import qualified "
  1648           else prefix "import ") o suffix ";";
  1649         val content = Pretty.chunks (
  1650             map pr_import_include includes
  1651             @ map pr_import_module imports
  1652             @ str ""
  1653             :: separate (str "") (map_filter
  1654               (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => SOME (pr_stmt qualified (name, stmt))
  1655                 | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) stmts)
  1656           )
  1657       in pr_module module_name' content end;
  1658     fun serialize_module2 (_, (_, (stmts, _))) = Pretty.chunks (
  1659       separate (str "") (map_filter
  1660         (fn (name, (_, SOME stmt)) => if null stmt_names
  1661               orelse member (op =) stmt_names name
  1662               then SOME (pr_stmt false (name, stmt))
  1663               else NONE
  1664           | (_, (_, NONE)) => NONE) stmts));
  1665     val serialize_module = case destination of String _ => pair "" o serialize_module2
  1666       | _ => serialize_module1;
  1667     fun write_module destination (modlname, content) =
  1668       let
  1669         val filename = case modlname
  1670          of "" => Path.explode "Main.hs"
  1671           | _ => (Path.ext "hs" o Path.explode o implode o separate "/"
  1672                 o NameSpace.explode) modlname;
  1673         val pathname = Path.append destination filename;
  1674         val _ = File.mkdir (Path.dir pathname);
  1675       in File.write pathname (code_of_pretty content) end
  1676     fun output Compile = error ("Haskell: no internal compilation")
  1677       | output Export = K NONE o map (code_writeln o snd)
  1678       | output (File destination) = K NONE o map (write_module destination)
  1679       | output (String _) = SOME o rpair [] o cat_lines o map (code_of_pretty o snd);
  1680   in
  1681     output destination (map (uncurry pr_module) includes
  1682       @ map serialize_module (Symtab.dest hs_program))
  1683   end;
  1685 fun isar_seri_haskell module =
  1686   parse_args (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "root" -- Args.colon |--
  1687     -- Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "string_classes" >> K true) false
  1688     >> (fn (module_prefix, string_classes) =>
  1689       serialize_haskell module_prefix module string_classes));
  1692 (** optional pretty serialization **)
  1694 local
  1696 fun ocaml_char c =
  1697   let
  1698     fun chr i =
  1699       let
  1700         val xs = string_of_int i;
  1701         val ys = replicate_string (3 - length (explode xs)) "0";
  1702       in "\\" ^ ys ^ xs end;
  1703     val i = ord c;
  1704     val s = if i < 32 orelse i = 34 orelse i = 39 orelse i = 92 orelse i > 126
  1705       then chr i else c
  1706   in s end;
  1708 fun haskell_char c =
  1709   let
  1710     val s = ML_Syntax.print_char c;
  1711   in if s = "'" then "\\'" else s end;
  1713 val pretty : (string * {
  1714     pretty_char: string -> string,
  1715     pretty_string: string -> string,
  1716     pretty_numeral: bool -> int -> string,
  1717     pretty_list: Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T,
  1718     infix_cons: int * string
  1719   }) list = [
  1720   ("SML", { pretty_char = prefix "#" o quote o ML_Syntax.print_char,
  1721       pretty_string = quote o translate_string ML_Syntax.print_char,
  1722       pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k =>
  1723         if unbounded then "(" ^ string_of_int k ^ " :"
  1724         else string_of_int k,
  1725       pretty_list = Pretty.enum "," "[" "]",
  1726       infix_cons = (7, "::")}),
  1727   ("OCaml", { pretty_char = enclose "'" "'" o ocaml_char,
  1728       pretty_string = quote o translate_string ocaml_char,
  1729       pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k => if k >= 0 then
  1730             if unbounded then
  1731               "(Big_int.big_int_of_int " ^ string_of_int k ^ ")"
  1732             else string_of_int k
  1733           else
  1734             if unbounded then
  1735               "(Big_int.big_int_of_int " ^ (enclose "(" ")" o prefix "-"
  1736                 o string_of_int o op ~) k ^ ")"
  1737             else (enclose "(" ")" o prefix "-" o string_of_int o op ~) k,
  1738       pretty_list = Pretty.enum ";" "[" "]",
  1739       infix_cons = (6, "::")}),
  1740   ("Haskell", { pretty_char = enclose "'" "'" o haskell_char,
  1741       pretty_string = quote o translate_string haskell_char,
  1742       pretty_numeral = fn unbounded => fn k => if k >= 0 then string_of_int k
  1743           else enclose "(" ")" (signed_string_of_int k),
  1744       pretty_list = Pretty.enum "," "[" "]",
  1745       infix_cons = (5, ":")})
  1746 ];
  1748 in
  1750 fun pr_pretty target = case AList.lookup (op =) pretty target
  1751  of SOME x => x
  1752   | NONE => error ("Unknown code target language: " ^ quote target);
  1754 fun default_list (target_fxy, target_cons) pr fxy t1 t2 =
  1755   brackify_infix (target_fxy, R) fxy [
  1756     pr (INFX (target_fxy, X)) t1,
  1757     str target_cons,
  1758     pr (INFX (target_fxy, R)) t2
  1759   ];
  1761 fun pretty_list c_nil c_cons target =
  1762   let
  1763     val pretty_ops = pr_pretty target;
  1764     val mk_list = #pretty_list pretty_ops;
  1765     fun pretty pr thm pat vars fxy [(t1, _), (t2, _)] =
  1766       case (cons t1) (implode_list c_nil c_cons t2)
  1767        of SOME ts => mk_list (map (pr vars NOBR) ts)
  1768         | NONE => default_list (#infix_cons pretty_ops) (pr vars) fxy t1 t2;
  1769   in (2, pretty) end;
  1771 fun pretty_list_string c_nil c_cons c_char c_nibbles target =
  1772   let
  1773     val pretty_ops = pr_pretty target;
  1774     val mk_list = #pretty_list pretty_ops;
  1775     val mk_char = #pretty_char pretty_ops;
  1776     val mk_string = #pretty_string pretty_ops;
  1777     fun pretty pr thm pat vars fxy [(t1, _), (t2, _)] =
  1778       case (cons t1) (implode_list c_nil c_cons t2)
  1779        of SOME ts => (case implode_string c_char c_nibbles mk_char mk_string ts
  1780            of SOME p => p
  1781             | NONE => mk_list (map (pr vars NOBR) ts))
  1782         | NONE => default_list (#infix_cons pretty_ops) (pr vars) fxy t1 t2;
  1783   in (2, pretty) end;
  1785 fun pretty_char c_char c_nibbles target =
  1786   let
  1787     val mk_char = #pretty_char (pr_pretty target);
  1788     fun pretty _ thm _ _ _ [(t1, _), (t2, _)] =
  1789       case decode_char c_nibbles (t1, t2)
  1790        of SOME c => (str o mk_char) c
  1791         | NONE => nerror thm "Illegal character expression";
  1792   in (2, pretty) end;
  1794 fun pretty_numeral unbounded negative c_pls c_min c_bit0 c_bit1 target =
  1795   let
  1796     val mk_numeral = #pretty_numeral (pr_pretty target);
  1797     fun pretty _ thm _ _ _ [(t, _)] =
  1798       (str o mk_numeral unbounded o implode_numeral thm negative c_pls c_min c_bit0 c_bit1) t;
  1799   in (1, pretty) end;
  1801 fun pretty_message c_char c_nibbles c_nil c_cons target =
  1802   let
  1803     val pretty_ops = pr_pretty target;
  1804     val mk_char = #pretty_char pretty_ops;
  1805     val mk_string = #pretty_string pretty_ops;
  1806     fun pretty _ thm _ _ _ [(t, _)] =
  1807       case implode_list c_nil c_cons t
  1808        of SOME ts => (case implode_string c_char c_nibbles mk_char mk_string ts
  1809            of SOME p => p
  1810             | NONE => nerror thm "Illegal message expression")
  1811         | NONE => nerror thm "Illegal message expression";
  1812   in (1, pretty) end;
  1814 end; (*local*)
  1817 (** serializer use cases **)
  1819 (* evaluation *)
  1821 fun eval eval'' term_of reff thy ct args =
  1822   let
  1823     val _ = if null (term_frees (term_of ct)) then () else error ("Term "
  1824       ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy (term_of ct))
  1825       ^ " to be evaluated contains free variables");
  1826     fun eval' program ((vs, ty), t) deps =
  1827       let
  1828         val _ = if CodeThingol.contains_dictvar t then
  1829           error "Term to be evaluated constains free dictionaries" else ();
  1830         val program' = program
  1831           |> Graph.new_node (CodeName.value_name, CodeThingol.Fun (([], ty), [(([], t), Drule.dummy_thm)]))
  1832           |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge CodeName.value_name) deps;
  1833         val (value_code, [value_name']) = ml_code_of thy program' [CodeName.value_name];
  1834         val sml_code = "let\n" ^ value_code ^ "\nin " ^ value_name'
  1835           ^ space_implode " " (map (enclose "(" ")") args) ^ " end";
  1836       in ML_Context.evaluate Output.ml_output false reff sml_code end;
  1837   in eval'' thy (fn t => (t, eval')) ct end;
  1839 fun eval_conv reff = eval CodeThingol.eval_conv Thm.term_of reff;
  1840 fun eval_term reff = eval CodeThingol.eval_term I reff;
  1843 (* instrumentalization by antiquotation *)
  1845 local
  1847 structure CodeAntiqData = ProofDataFun
  1848 (
  1849   type T = string list * (bool * (string * (string * (string * string) list) Susp.T));
  1850   fun init _ = ([], (true, ("", Susp.value ("", []))));
  1851 );
  1853 val is_first_occ = fst o snd o CodeAntiqData.get;
  1855 fun delayed_code thy consts () =
  1856   let
  1857     val (consts', program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy consts;
  1858     val (ml_code, consts'') = ml_code_of thy program consts';
  1859     val _ = if length consts <> length consts'' then
  1860       error ("One of the constants " ^ commas (map (quote o CodeUnit.string_of_const thy) consts)
  1861         ^ "\nhas a user-defined serialization") else ();
  1862   in (ml_code, consts ~~ consts'') end;
  1864 fun register_const const ctxt =
  1865   let
  1866     val (consts, (_, (struct_name, _))) = CodeAntiqData.get ctxt;
  1867     val consts' = insert (op =) const consts;
  1868     val (struct_name', ctxt') = if struct_name = ""
  1869       then ML_Antiquote.variant "Code" ctxt
  1870       else (struct_name, ctxt);
  1871     val acc_code = Susp.delay (delayed_code (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) consts');
  1872   in CodeAntiqData.put (consts', (false, (struct_name', acc_code))) ctxt' end;
  1874 fun print_code struct_name is_first const ctxt =
  1875   let
  1876     val (consts, (_, (struct_code_name, acc_code))) = CodeAntiqData.get ctxt;
  1877     val (raw_ml_code, consts_map) = Susp.force acc_code;
  1878     val const'' = NameSpace.append (NameSpace.append struct_name struct_code_name)
  1879       ((the o AList.lookup (op =) consts_map) const);
  1880     val ml_code = if is_first then "\nstructure " ^ struct_code_name
  1881         ^ " =\nstruct\n\n" ^ raw_ml_code ^ "\nend;\n\n"
  1882       else "";
  1883   in (ml_code, const'') end;
  1885 in
  1887 fun ml_code_antiq raw_const {struct_name, background} =
  1888   let
  1889     val const = CodeUnit.check_const (ProofContext.theory_of background) raw_const;
  1890     val is_first = is_first_occ background;
  1891     val background' = register_const const background;
  1892   in (print_code struct_name is_first const, background') end;
  1894 end; (*local*)
  1897 (* code presentation *)
  1899 fun code_of thy target module_name cs stmt_names =
  1900   let
  1901     val (cs', program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs;
  1902   in
  1903     string stmt_names (serialize thy target (SOME module_name) [] program cs')
  1904   end;
  1907 (* code generation *)
  1909 fun read_const_exprs thy cs =
  1910   let
  1911     val (cs1, cs2) = CodeName.read_const_exprs thy cs;
  1912     val (cs3, program) = CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs2;
  1913     val cs4 = CodeThingol.transitivly_non_empty_funs program (abort_allowed thy);
  1914     val cs5 = map_filter
  1915       (fn (c, c') => if member (op =) cs4 c' then SOME c else NONE) (cs2 ~~ cs3);
  1916   in fold (insert (op =)) cs5 cs1 end;
  1918 fun cached_program thy = 
  1919   let
  1920     val program = CodeThingol.cached_program thy;
  1921   in (CodeThingol.transitivly_non_empty_funs program (abort_allowed thy), program) end
  1923 fun export_code thy cs seris =
  1924   let
  1925     val (cs', program) = if null cs then cached_program thy
  1926       else CodeThingol.consts_program thy cs;
  1927     fun mk_seri_dest dest = case dest
  1928      of NONE => compile
  1929       | SOME "-" => export
  1930       | SOME f => file (Path.explode f)
  1931     val _ = map (fn (((target, module), dest), args) =>
  1932       (mk_seri_dest dest (serialize thy target module args program cs'))) seris;
  1933   in () end;
  1935 fun export_code_cmd raw_cs seris thy = export_code thy (read_const_exprs thy raw_cs) seris;
  1938 (** serializer data **)
  1940 (* infix syntax *)
  1942 datatype 'a mixfix =
  1943     Arg of fixity
  1944   | Pretty of Pretty.T;
  1946 fun mk_mixfix prep_arg (fixity_this, mfx) =
  1947   let
  1948     fun is_arg (Arg _) = true
  1949       | is_arg _ = false;
  1950     val i = (length o filter is_arg) mfx;
  1951     fun fillin _ [] [] =
  1952           []
  1953       | fillin pr (Arg fxy :: mfx) (a :: args) =
  1954           (pr fxy o prep_arg) a :: fillin pr mfx args
  1955       | fillin pr (Pretty p :: mfx) args =
  1956           p :: fillin pr mfx args;
  1957   in
  1958     (i, fn pr => fn fixity_ctxt => fn args =>
  1959       gen_brackify (fixity fixity_this fixity_ctxt) (fillin pr mfx args))
  1960   end;
  1962 fun parse_infix prep_arg (x, i) s =
  1963   let
  1964     val l = case x of L => INFX (i, L) | _ => INFX (i, X);
  1965     val r = case x of R => INFX (i, R) | _ => INFX (i, X);
  1966   in
  1967     mk_mixfix prep_arg (INFX (i, x),
  1968       [Arg l, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, (Pretty o str) s, (Pretty o Pretty.brk) 1, Arg r])
  1969   end;
  1972 (* data access *)
  1974 local
  1976 fun cert_class thy class =
  1977   let
  1978     val _ = AxClass.get_info thy class;
  1979   in class end;
  1981 fun read_class thy = cert_class thy o Sign.intern_class thy;
  1983 fun cert_tyco thy tyco =
  1984   let
  1985     val _ = if Sign.declared_tyname thy tyco then ()
  1986       else error ("No such type constructor: " ^ quote tyco);
  1987   in tyco end;
  1989 fun read_tyco thy = cert_tyco thy o Sign.intern_type thy;
  1991 fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class prep_const target raw_class raw_syn thy =
  1992   let
  1993     val class = prep_class thy raw_class;
  1994     val class' = CodeName.class thy class;
  1995     fun mk_classparam c = case AxClass.class_of_param thy c
  1996      of SOME class'' => if class = class'' then CodeName.const thy c
  1997           else error ("Not a class operation for class " ^ quote class ^ ": " ^ quote c)
  1998       | NONE => error ("Not a class operation: " ^ quote c);
  1999     fun mk_syntax_params raw_params = AList.lookup (op =)
  2000       ((map o apfst) (mk_classparam o prep_const thy) raw_params);
  2001   in case raw_syn
  2002    of SOME (syntax, raw_params) =>
  2003       thy
  2004       |> (map_name_syntax target o apfst o apfst)
  2005            (Symtab.update (class', (syntax, mk_syntax_params raw_params)))
  2006     | NONE =>
  2007       thy
  2008       |> (map_name_syntax target o apfst o apfst)
  2009            (Symtab.delete_safe class')
  2010   end;
  2012 fun gen_add_syntax_inst prep_class prep_tyco target (raw_tyco, raw_class) add_del thy =
  2013   let
  2014     val inst = CodeName.instance thy (prep_class thy raw_class, prep_tyco thy raw_tyco);
  2015   in if add_del then
  2016     thy
  2017     |> (map_name_syntax target o apfst o apsnd)
  2018         (Symtab.update (inst, ()))
  2019   else
  2020     thy
  2021     |> (map_name_syntax target o apfst o apsnd)
  2022         (Symtab.delete_safe inst)
  2023   end;
  2025 fun gen_add_syntax_tyco prep_tyco target raw_tyco raw_syn thy =
  2026   let
  2027     val tyco = prep_tyco thy raw_tyco;
  2028     val tyco' = if tyco = "fun" then "fun" else CodeName.tyco thy tyco;
  2029     fun check_args (syntax as (n, _)) = if n <> Sign.arity_number thy tyco
  2030       then error ("Number of arguments mismatch in syntax for type constructor " ^ quote tyco)
  2031       else syntax
  2032   in case raw_syn
  2033    of SOME syntax =>
  2034       thy
  2035       |> (map_name_syntax target o apsnd o apfst)
  2036            (Symtab.update (tyco', check_args syntax))
  2037    | NONE =>
  2038       thy
  2039       |> (map_name_syntax target o apsnd o apfst)
  2040            (Symtab.delete_safe tyco')
  2041   end;
  2043 fun simple_const_syntax x = ( o apsnd)
  2044   (fn pretty => fn pr => fn thm => fn pat => fn vars => pretty (pr vars)) x;
  2046 fun gen_add_syntax_const prep_const target raw_c raw_syn thy =
  2047   let
  2048     val c = prep_const thy raw_c;
  2049     val c' = CodeName.const thy c;
  2050     fun check_args (syntax as (n, _)) = if n > CodeUnit.no_args thy c
  2051       then error ("Too many arguments in syntax for constant " ^ quote c)
  2052       else syntax;
  2053   in case raw_syn
  2054    of SOME syntax =>
  2055       thy
  2056       |> (map_name_syntax target o apsnd o apsnd)
  2057            (Symtab.update (c', check_args syntax))
  2058    | NONE =>
  2059       thy
  2060       |> (map_name_syntax target o apsnd o apsnd)
  2061            (Symtab.delete_safe c')
  2062   end;
  2064 fun add_reserved target =
  2065   let
  2066     fun add sym syms = if member (op =) syms sym
  2067       then error ("Reserved symbol " ^ quote sym ^ " already declared")
  2068       else insert (op =) sym syms
  2069   in map_reserved target o add end;
  2071 fun add_include target =
  2072   let
  2073     fun add (name, SOME content) incls =
  2074           let
  2075             val _ = if Symtab.defined incls name
  2076               then warning ("Overwriting existing include " ^ name)
  2077               else ();
  2078           in Symtab.update (name, str content) incls end
  2079       | add (name, NONE) incls =
  2080           Symtab.delete name incls;
  2081   in map_includes target o add end;
  2083 fun add_module_alias target =
  2084   map_module_alias target o Symtab.update o apsnd CodeName.check_modulename;
  2086 fun add_monad target raw_c_run raw_c_bind thy =
  2087   let
  2088     val c_run = CodeUnit.read_const thy raw_c_run;
  2089     val c_bind = CodeUnit.read_const thy raw_c_bind;
  2090     val c_bind' = CodeName.const thy c_bind;
  2091   in if target = target_Haskell then
  2092     thy
  2093     |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_run
  2094           (SOME (pretty_haskell_monad c_bind'))
  2095     |> gen_add_syntax_const (K I) target_Haskell c_bind
  2096           (simple_const_syntax (SOME (parse_infix fst (L, 1) ">>=")))
  2097   else error "Only Haskell target allows for monad syntax" end;
  2099 fun gen_allow_abort prep_cs raw_c thy =
  2100   let
  2101     val c = prep_cs thy raw_c;
  2102     val c' = CodeName.const thy c;
  2103   in thy |> ( o apsnd) (insert (op =) c') end;
  2105 fun zip_list (x::xs) f g =
  2106   f
  2107   #-> (fn y =>
  2108     fold_map (fn x => g |-- f >> pair x) xs
  2109     #-> (fn xys => pair ((x, y) :: xys)));
  2112 (* concrete syntax *)
  2114 structure P = OuterParse
  2115 and K = OuterKeyword
  2117 fun parse_multi_syntax parse_thing parse_syntax =
  2118   P.and_list1 parse_thing
  2119   #-> (fn things => Scan.repeat1 (P.$$$ "(" |-- --
  2120         (zip_list things parse_syntax (P.$$$ "and")) --| P.$$$ ")"));
  2122 val (infixK, infixlK, infixrK) = ("infix", "infixl", "infixr");
  2124 fun parse_mixfix prep_arg s =
  2125   let
  2126     val sym_any = Symbol.is_regular;
  2127     val parse = Scan.optional ($$ "!" >> K true) false -- Scan.repeat (
  2128          ($$ "(" -- $$ "_" -- $$ ")" >> K (Arg NOBR))
  2129       || ($$ "_" >> K (Arg BR))
  2130       || ($$ "/" |-- Scan.repeat ($$ " ") >> (Pretty o Pretty.brk o length))
  2131       || (Scan.repeat1
  2132            (   $$ "'" |-- sym_any
  2133             || Scan.unless ($$ "_" || $$ "/" || $$ "(" |-- $$ "_" |-- $$ ")")
  2134                  sym_any) >> (Pretty o str o implode)));
  2135   in case Scan.finite Symbol.stopper parse (Symbol.explode s)
  2136    of ((_, p as [_]), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (NOBR, p)
  2137     | ((b, p as _ :: _ :: _), []) => mk_mixfix prep_arg (if b then NOBR else BR, p)
  2138     | _ => Scan.!!
  2139         (the_default ("malformed mixfix annotation: " ^ quote s) o snd) ()
  2140   end;
  2142 fun parse_syntax prep_arg xs =
  2143   Scan.option ((
  2144       ((P.$$$ infixK  >> K X)
  2145         || (P.$$$ infixlK >> K L)
  2146         || (P.$$$ infixrK >> K R))
  2147         -- P.nat >> parse_infix prep_arg
  2148       || Scan.succeed (parse_mixfix prep_arg))
  2149       -- P.string
  2150       >> (fn (parse, s) => parse s)) xs;
  2152 in
  2154 val parse_syntax = parse_syntax;
  2156 val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class cert_class (K I);
  2157 val add_syntax_inst = gen_add_syntax_inst cert_class cert_tyco;
  2158 val add_syntax_tyco = gen_add_syntax_tyco cert_tyco;
  2159 val add_syntax_const = gen_add_syntax_const (K I);
  2160 val allow_abort = gen_allow_abort (K I);
  2162 val add_syntax_class_cmd = gen_add_syntax_class read_class CodeUnit.read_const;
  2163 val add_syntax_inst_cmd = gen_add_syntax_inst read_class read_tyco;
  2164 val add_syntax_tyco_cmd = gen_add_syntax_tyco read_tyco;
  2165 val add_syntax_const_cmd = gen_add_syntax_const CodeUnit.read_const;
  2166 val allow_abort_cmd = gen_allow_abort CodeUnit.read_const;
  2168 fun add_syntax_tycoP target tyco = parse_syntax I >> add_syntax_tyco_cmd target tyco;
  2169 fun add_syntax_constP target c = parse_syntax fst >> (add_syntax_const_cmd target c o simple_const_syntax);
  2171 fun add_undefined target undef target_undefined thy =
  2172   let
  2173     fun pr _ _ _ _ _ _ = str target_undefined;
  2174   in
  2175     thy
  2176     |> add_syntax_const target undef (SOME (~1, pr))
  2177   end;
  2179 fun add_pretty_list target nill cons thy =
  2180   let
  2181     val nil' = CodeName.const thy nill;
  2182     val cons' = CodeName.const thy cons;
  2183     val pr = pretty_list nil' cons' target;
  2184   in
  2185     thy
  2186     |> add_syntax_const target cons (SOME pr)
  2187   end;
  2189 fun add_pretty_list_string target nill cons charr nibbles thy =
  2190   let
  2191     val nil' = CodeName.const thy nill;
  2192     val cons' = CodeName.const thy cons;
  2193     val charr' = CodeName.const thy charr;
  2194     val nibbles' = map (CodeName.const thy) nibbles;
  2195     val pr = pretty_list_string nil' cons' charr' nibbles' target;
  2196   in
  2197     thy
  2198     |> add_syntax_const target cons (SOME pr)
  2199   end;
  2201 fun add_pretty_char target charr nibbles thy =
  2202   let
  2203     val charr' = CodeName.const thy charr;
  2204     val nibbles' = map (CodeName.const thy) nibbles;
  2205     val pr = pretty_char charr' nibbles' target;
  2206   in
  2207     thy
  2208     |> add_syntax_const target charr (SOME pr)
  2209   end;
  2211 fun add_pretty_numeral target unbounded negative number_of pls min bit0 bit1 thy =
  2212   let
  2213     val pls' = CodeName.const thy pls;
  2214     val min' = CodeName.const thy min;
  2215     val bit0' = CodeName.const thy bit0;
  2216     val bit1' = CodeName.const thy bit1;
  2217     val pr = pretty_numeral unbounded negative pls' min' bit0' bit1' target;
  2218   in
  2219     thy
  2220     |> add_syntax_const target number_of (SOME pr)
  2221   end;
  2223 fun add_pretty_message target charr nibbles nill cons str thy =
  2224   let
  2225     val charr' = CodeName.const thy charr;
  2226     val nibbles' = map (CodeName.const thy) nibbles;
  2227     val nil' = CodeName.const thy nill;
  2228     val cons' = CodeName.const thy cons;
  2229     val pr = pretty_message charr' nibbles' nil' cons' target;
  2230   in
  2231     thy
  2232     |> add_syntax_const target str (SOME pr)
  2233   end;
  2237 (** Isar setup **)
  2239 val (inK, module_nameK, fileK) = ("in", "module_name", "file");
  2241 fun code_exprP cmd =
  2242   (Scan.repeat P.term_group
  2243   -- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ inK |--
  2244      -- Scan.option (P.$$$ module_nameK |--
  2245      -- Scan.option (P.$$$ fileK |--
  2246      -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.arguments --| P.$$$ ")") []
  2247   ) >> (fn (raw_cs, seris) => cmd raw_cs seris));
  2249 val _ = OuterKeyword.keyword [infixK, infixlK, infixrK, inK, module_nameK, fileK];
  2251 val _ =
  2252   OuterSyntax.command "code_class" "define code syntax for class" K.thy_decl (
  2253     parse_multi_syntax P.xname
  2254       (Scan.option (P.string -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "where" |-- Scan.repeat1
  2255         (P.term_group --| (P.$$$ "\<equiv>" || P.$$$ "==") -- P.string)) []))
  2256     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
  2257           fold (fn (raw_class, syn) => add_syntax_class_cmd target raw_class syn) syns)
  2258   );
  2260 val _ =
  2261   OuterSyntax.command "code_instance" "define code syntax for instance" K.thy_decl (
  2262     parse_multi_syntax (P.xname --| P.$$$ "::" -- P.xname)
  2263       ((P.minus >> K true) || Scan.succeed false)
  2264     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
  2265           fold (fn (raw_inst, add_del) => add_syntax_inst_cmd target raw_inst add_del) syns)
  2266   );
  2268 val _ =
  2269   OuterSyntax.command "code_type" "define code syntax for type constructor" K.thy_decl (
  2270     parse_multi_syntax P.xname (parse_syntax I)
  2271     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
  2272           fold (fn (raw_tyco, syn) => add_syntax_tyco_cmd target raw_tyco syn) syns)
  2273   );
  2275 val _ =
  2276   OuterSyntax.command "code_const" "define code syntax for constant" K.thy_decl (
  2277     parse_multi_syntax P.term_group (parse_syntax fst)
  2278     >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (target, syns) =>
  2279           fold (fn (raw_const, syn) => add_syntax_const_cmd target raw_const (simple_const_syntax syn)) syns)
  2280   );
  2282 val _ =
  2283   OuterSyntax.command "code_monad" "define code syntax for monads" K.thy_decl (
  2284     P.term_group -- P.term_group --
  2285     >> (fn ((raw_run, raw_bind), target) => Toplevel.theory 
  2286           (add_monad target raw_run raw_bind))
  2287   );
  2289 val _ =
  2290   OuterSyntax.command "code_reserved" "declare words as reserved for target language" K.thy_decl (
  2291 -- Scan.repeat1
  2292     >> (fn (target, reserveds) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_reserved target)) reserveds)
  2293   );
  2295 val _ =
  2296   OuterSyntax.command "code_include" "declare piece of code to be included in generated code" K.thy_decl (
  2297 -- -- (P.text >> (fn "-" => NONE | s => SOME s))
  2298     >> (fn ((target, name), content) => (Toplevel.theory o add_include target)
  2299       (name, content))
  2300   );
  2302 val _ =
  2303   OuterSyntax.command "code_modulename" "alias module to other name" K.thy_decl (
  2304 -- Scan.repeat1 ( --
  2305     >> (fn (target, modlnames) => (Toplevel.theory o fold (add_module_alias target)) modlnames)
  2306   );
  2308 val _ =
  2309   OuterSyntax.command "code_abort" "permit constant to be implemented as program abort" K.thy_decl (
  2310     Scan.repeat1 P.term_group >> (Toplevel.theory o fold allow_abort_cmd)
  2311   );
  2313 val _ =
  2314   OuterSyntax.command "export_code" "generate executable code for constants"
  2315     K.diag (P.!!! (code_exprP export_code_cmd) >> (fn f => Toplevel.keep (f o Toplevel.theory_of)));
  2317 fun shell_command thyname cmd = Toplevel.program (fn _ =>
  2318   (use_thy thyname; case OuterLex.stopper (P.!!! (code_exprP export_code_cmd)) ((filter OuterLex.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan) cmd)
  2319    of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f (theory thyname))
  2320     | NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd)))
  2321   handle TOPLEVEL_ERROR => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
  2323 val _ = ML_Context.add_antiq "code" (Args.term >> ml_code_antiq);
  2326 (* serializer setup, including serializer defaults *)
  2328 val setup =
  2329   add_target (target_SML, isar_seri_sml)
  2330   #> add_target (target_OCaml, isar_seri_ocaml)
  2331   #> add_target (target_Haskell, isar_seri_haskell)
  2332   #> add_syntax_tyco "SML" "fun" (SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
  2333       brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
  2334         pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
  2335         str "->",
  2336         pr_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
  2337       ]))
  2338   #> add_syntax_tyco "OCaml" "fun" (SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
  2339       brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
  2340         pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
  2341         str "->",
  2342         pr_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
  2343       ]))
  2344   #> add_syntax_tyco "Haskell" "fun" (SOME (2, fn pr_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
  2345       brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
  2346         pr_typ (INFX (1, X)) ty1,
  2347         str "->",
  2348         pr_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
  2349       ]))
  2350   #> fold (add_reserved "SML") ML_Syntax.reserved_names
  2351   #> fold (add_reserved "SML")
  2352       ["o" (*dictionary projections use it already*), "Fail", "div", "mod" (*standard infixes*)]
  2353   #> fold (add_reserved "OCaml") [
  2354       "and", "as", "assert", "begin", "class",
  2355       "constraint", "do", "done", "downto", "else", "end", "exception",
  2356       "external", "false", "for", "fun", "function", "functor", "if",
  2357       "in", "include", "inherit", "initializer", "lazy", "let", "match", "method",
  2358       "module", "mutable", "new", "object", "of", "open", "or", "private", "rec",
  2359       "sig", "struct", "then", "to", "true", "try", "type", "val",
  2360       "virtual", "when", "while", "with"
  2361     ]
  2362   #> fold (add_reserved "OCaml") ["failwith", "mod"]
  2363   #> fold (add_reserved "Haskell") [
  2364       "hiding", "deriving", "where", "case", "of", "infix", "infixl", "infixr",
  2365       "import", "default", "forall", "let", "in", "class", "qualified", "data",
  2366       "newtype", "instance", "if", "then", "else", "type", "as", "do", "module"
  2367     ]
  2368   #> fold (add_reserved "Haskell") [
  2369       "Prelude", "Main", "Bool", "Maybe", "Either", "Ordering", "Char", "String", "Int",
  2370       "Integer", "Float", "Double", "Rational", "IO", "Eq", "Ord", "Enum", "Bounded",
  2371       "Num", "Real", "Integral", "Fractional", "Floating", "RealFloat", "Monad", "Functor",
  2372       "AlreadyExists", "ArithException", "ArrayException", "AssertionFailed", "AsyncException",
  2373       "BlockedOnDeadMVar", "Deadlock", "Denormal", "DivideByZero", "DotNetException", "DynException",
  2374       "Dynamic", "EOF", "EQ", "EmptyRec", "ErrorCall", "ExitException", "ExitFailure",
  2375       "ExitSuccess", "False", "GT", "HeapOverflow",
  2376       "IOError", "IOException", "IllegalOperation",
  2377       "IndexOutOfBounds", "Just", "Key", "LT", "Left", "LossOfPrecision", "NoMethodError",
  2378       "NoSuchThing", "NonTermination", "Nothing", "Obj", "OtherError", "Overflow",
  2379       "PatternMatchFail", "PermissionDenied", "ProtocolError", "RecConError", "RecSelError",
  2380       "RecUpdError", "ResourceBusy", "ResourceExhausted", "Right", "StackOverflow",
  2381       "ThreadKilled", "True", "TyCon", "TypeRep", "UndefinedElement", "Underflow",
  2382       "UnsupportedOperation", "UserError", "abs", "absReal", "acos", "acosh", "all",
  2383       "and", "any", "appendFile", "asTypeOf", "asciiTab", "asin", "asinh", "atan",
  2384       "atan2", "atanh", "basicIORun", "blockIO", "boundedEnumFrom", "boundedEnumFromThen",
  2385       "boundedEnumFromThenTo", "boundedEnumFromTo", "boundedPred", "boundedSucc", "break",
  2386       "catch", "catchException", "ceiling", "compare", "concat", "concatMap", "const",
  2387       "cos", "cosh", "curry", "cycle", "decodeFloat", "denominator", "div", "divMod",
  2388       "doubleToRatio", "doubleToRational", "drop", "dropWhile", "either", "elem",
  2389       "emptyRec", "encodeFloat", "enumFrom", "enumFromThen", "enumFromThenTo",
  2390       "enumFromTo", "error", "even", "exp", "exponent", "fail", "filter", "flip",
  2391       "floatDigits", "floatProperFraction", "floatRadix", "floatRange", "floatToRational",
  2392       "floor", "fmap", "foldl", "foldl'", "foldl1", "foldr", "foldr1", "fromDouble",
  2393       "fromEnum", "fromEnum_0", "fromInt", "fromInteger", "fromIntegral", "fromObj",
  2394       "fromRational", "fst", "gcd", "getChar", "getContents", "getLine", "head",
  2395       "id", "inRange", "index", "init", "intToRatio", "interact", "ioError", "isAlpha",
  2396       "isAlphaNum", "isDenormalized", "isDigit", "isHexDigit", "isIEEE", "isInfinite",
  2397       "isLower", "isNaN", "isNegativeZero", "isOctDigit", "isSpace", "isUpper", "iterate", "iterate'",
  2398       "last", "lcm", "length", "lex", "lexDigits", "lexLitChar", "lexmatch", "lines", "log",
  2399       "logBase", "lookup", "loop", "map", "mapM", "mapM_", "max", "maxBound", "maximum",
  2400       "maybe", "min", "minBound", "minimum", "mod", "negate", "nonnull", "not", "notElem",
  2401       "null", "numerator", "numericEnumFrom", "numericEnumFromThen", "numericEnumFromThenTo",
  2402       "numericEnumFromTo", "odd", "or", "otherwise", "pi", "pred", 
  2403       "print", "product", "properFraction", "protectEsc", "putChar", "putStr", "putStrLn",
  2404       "quot", "quotRem", "range", "rangeSize", "rationalToDouble", "rationalToFloat",
  2405       "rationalToRealFloat", "read", "readDec", "readField", "readFieldName", "readFile",
  2406       "readFloat", "readHex", "readIO", "readInt", "readList", "readLitChar", "readLn",
  2407       "readOct", "readParen", "readSigned", "reads", "readsPrec", "realFloatToRational",
  2408       "realToFrac", "recip", "reduce", "rem", "repeat", "replicate", "return", "reverse",
  2409       "round", "scaleFloat", "scanl", "scanl1", "scanr", "scanr1", "seq", "sequence",
  2410       "sequence_", "show", "showChar", "showException", "showField", "showList",
  2411       "showLitChar", "showParen", "showString", "shows", "showsPrec", "significand",
  2412       "signum", "signumReal", "sin", "sinh", "snd", "span", "splitAt", "sqrt", "subtract",
  2413       "succ", "sum", "tail", "take", "takeWhile", "takeWhile1", "tan", "tanh", "threadToIOResult",
  2414       "throw", "toEnum", "toInt", "toInteger", "toObj", "toRational", "truncate", "uncurry",
  2415       "undefined", "unlines", "unsafeCoerce", "unsafeIndex", "unsafeRangeSize", "until", "unwords",
  2416       "unzip", "unzip3", "userError", "words", "writeFile", "zip", "zip3", "zipWith", "zipWith3"
  2417     ] (*due to weird handling of ':', we can't do anything else than to import *all* prelude symbols*);
  2419 end; (*local*)
  2421 end; (*struct*)