author Walther Neuper <>
Sun, 10 May 2020 15:55:30 +0200
changeset 59958 c06b7df89dcd
parent 59956 05e5a8498634
permissions -rw-r--r--
collect code for struct.I_Model
     1 (* Title: Model for (sub-)calculations.
     2           Various representations: item and ppc for frontend, itm_ and itm for internal functions.
     3           The former are related to structure Specify, the latter to structure Chead --
     4           -- apt to re-arrangement of structures
     5    Author: Walther Neuper 170207
     6    (c) due to copyright terms
     7 *)
     9 signature MODEL =
    10 sig
    11   datatype item
    12   = Correct of TermC.as_string | False of TermC.as_string | Incompl of TermC.as_string | Missing of TermC.as_string | Superfl of string
    13      | SyntaxE of string | TypeE of string
    15   type 'a ppc
    16   val empty_ppc : item ppc
    17   val ppc2str : {Find: string list, Given: string list, Relate: string list, Where: string list,
    18     With: string list} -> string
    19   val itemppc2str : item ppc -> string
    21   val mkval' : term list -> term
    23 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    24   (* NONE *)
    25 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    26   (* NONE *)
    27 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    28 end
    30 structure Model(**) : MODEL(**) =
    31 struct
    32 (*==========================================================================
    33 23.3.02 TODO: ideas on redesign of type,type item,type ori,type item ppc
    34 (1) kinds of itms:
    35   (1.1) untouched: for modeling only dsc displayed(impossible after match_itms)
    36         =(presently) Mis (? should be Inc initially, and Mis after match_itms?)
    37   (1.2)  Syn,Typ,Sup: not related to oris
    38     Syn, Typ (presently) should be accepted in I_Model.check_single (instead Error')
    39     Sup      (presently) should be accepted in I_Model.check_single (instead Error')
    40          _could_ be w.r.t current vat (and then _is_ related to vat
    41     Mis should _not_ be  made Inc ((presently, by I_Model.check_single & match_itms)
    42 - dsc in is timeconsuming -- keep id for respective queries ?
    43 - order of items in ppc should be stable w.r.t order of itms
    45 - stepwise input of itms --- match_itms (in one go) ..not coordinated
    46   - unify code
    47   - match_itms / match_itms_oris ..2 versions ?!
    48     (fast, for refine / slow, for modeling)
    50 - clarify: efficiency <--> simplicity !!!
    51   ?: shift dsc -> itm | discard int in ori,itm | take int instead dsc 
    52     | take int for perserving order of item ppc in itms 
    53     | make all(!?) handling of itms stable against reordering(?)
    54     | field in ori ?? (not from fmz!) -- meant for efficiency (not doc!???)
    55       -"- "#undef" ?= not touched ?= (id,..)
    56 -----------------------------------------------------------------
    57 27.3.02:
    58 def: type pbt = (field, (dsc, pid)) *** design considerations ***
    60 (1) fmz + pbt -> oris
    61 (2) input + oris -> itm
    62 (3) match_itms      : schnell(?) f"ur refine
    63     match_itms_oris : r"uckmeldung f"ur item ppc
    65 (1.1) in oris fehlt daher pid: (i,v,f,d,ts,pid)
    66 ---------- ^^^^^ --- dh. pbt meist als argument zu viel !!!
    68 (3.1) abwarten, wie das matchen mehr unterschiedlicher pbt's sich macht;
    69       wenn Problem pbt v"ollig neue, dann w"are eigentlich n"otig ????:
    70       (a) (_,_,d1,ts,_):ori + pbt -> (i,vt,d2,ts,pid)  dh.vt neu  ????
    71       (b) 
    72 ==========================================================================*)
    74 fun mkval _(*dsc*) [] = error "mkval called with []"
    75   | mkval _ [t] = t
    76   | mkval _ ts = TermC.list2isalist ((type_of o hd) ts) ts;
    77 fun mkval' x = mkval TermC.empty x;
    79 (* for _output_ of the items of a Model *)
    80 datatype item = 
    81     Correct of TermC.as_string (* labels a correct formula (type cterm') *)
    82   | SyntaxE of string (**)
    83   | TypeE   of string (**)
    84   | False   of TermC.as_string (* WN050618 notexistent in itm_: only used in Where *)
    85   | Incompl of TermC.as_string (**)
    86   | Superfl of string (**)
    87   | Missing of TermC.as_string;
    88 fun item2str (Correct  s) = "Correct " ^ s
    89   | item2str (SyntaxE  s) = "SyntaxE " ^ s
    90   | item2str (TypeE    s) = "TypeE " ^ s
    91   | item2str (False    s) = "False " ^ s
    92   | item2str (Incompl  s) = "Incompl " ^ s
    93   | item2str (Superfl  s) = "Superfl " ^ s
    94   | item2str (Missing  s) = "Missing " ^ s;
    96 type 'a ppc = 
    97   {Given : 'a list, Where: 'a list, Find  : 'a list, With : 'a list, Relate: 'a list};
    98 fun ppc2str {Given = Given, Where = Where, Find = Find, With = With, Relate = Relate}=
    99   "{Given =" ^ strs2str Given ^ ",Where=" ^ strs2str Where ^ ",Find  =" ^ strs2str Find ^
   100   ",With =" ^ strs2str With ^ ",Relate=" ^ strs2str Relate ^ "}";
   102 fun itemppc2str ({Given=Given,Where=Where,
   103 		 Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}:item ppc)=
   104     ("{Given =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Given ) ^
   105      ",Where=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Where) ^
   106      ",Find  =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Find  ) ^
   107      ",With =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 With ) ^
   108      ",Relate=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Relate) ^ "}");
   110 val empty_ppc = {Given = [], Where= [], Find  = [], With = [], Relate= []};
   112 (**)end(**);