author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 05 May 2020 09:07:36 +0200
changeset 59941 602bf61dc6df
parent 59937 c3f3123e8fbc
child 59946 c7546066881a
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struc.Formalise
     1 (*  Title:      ~~/test/../Testcode/test-code.sml
     2     Author:     Walther Neuper 200222
     4 Code used ONLY for ~~/test/*
     5 *)
     7 signature TEST_CODE =
     8 sig
     9   type NEW (* TODO: refactor "fun me" with calcstate and remove *)
    10   val f2str : Generate.mout -> TermC.as_string
    11   val TESTg_form : Calc.T -> Generate.mout
    13   val CalcTreeTEST : Formalise.T list -> Pos.pos' * NEW * Generate.mout * Tactic.input * * Ctree.ctree
    14   val me : Tactic.input -> Pos.pos' -> NEW -> Ctree.ctree ->
    15     Pos.pos' * NEW * Generate.mout * Tactic.input * * Ctree.ctree
    17   val trace_ist_ctxt: Calc.T -> Tactic.input -> unit
    18   val me_trace: Calc.T -> Tactic.input -> (Calc.T -> Tactic.input -> unit) ->
    19     Calc.T * Tactic.input * Generate.mout
    21   val tac2tac_ : Ctree.ctree -> Pos.pos' -> Tactic.input -> Tactic.T
    22 end
    24 (**)
    25 structure Test_Code(**): TEST_CODE(**) =
    26 struct
    27 (**)
    28 open Tactic
    29 open Ctree
    31 (** test Step.by_tactic + Step.do_next **)
    33 type NEW = int list; (*TODO remove*)
    35 (* 15.8.03 for me with loc_specify/solve, nxt_specify/solve
    36    delete as soon as TESTg_form -> _mout_ dropped           *)
    37 fun TESTg_form ptp =
    38   let
    39     val (form, _, _) = Chead.pt_extract ptp
    40   in
    41     case form of
    42       Ctree.Form t => Generate.FormKF (UnparseC.term t)
    43     | Ctree.ModSpec (_, p_, _, gfr, pre, _) =>
    44       Generate.PpcKF (
    45         (case p_ of Pos.Pbl => Generate.Problem []
    46           | Pos.Met => Generate.Method []
    47           | _ => error "TESTg_form: uncovered case",
    48  			Specify.itms2itemppc (ThyC.get_theory"Isac_Knowledge") gfr pre))
    49    end
    50 (* for quick test-print-out, until 'type inout' is removed *)
    51 fun f2str (Generate.FormKF cterm') = cterm'
    52   | f2str _ = error "f2str: uncovered case in fun.def.";                           
    54 (* create a calc-tree; for use within sml: thus "^^^" NOT decoded to "^" etc;
    55    compare "fun CalcTree" which DOES decode                        *)
    56 fun CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, sp)] = 
    57   let
    58     val ((pt, p), tacis) = SpecifyNEW.nxt_specify_init_calc (fmz, sp)
    59 	  val tac = case tacis of [] => Tactic.Empty_Tac | _ => (#1 o hd) tacis
    60 	  val f = TESTg_form (pt,p)
    61   in (p, []:NEW, f, tac, Celem.Sundef, pt) end
    62 | CalcTreeTEST _ = error "CalcTreeTEST: uncovered case"
    64 fun me (*(Empty_Tac) p _ _ = raise ERROR ("me:  Empty_Tac at " ^ pos'2str p)
    65   | me*) tac p _(*NEW remove*) pt =
    66     let 
    67       val (pt, p) = 
    68   	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; do_next would suffice in me*)
    69   	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) of
    70   		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    71   	    | ("unsafe-ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    72   	    | ("not-applicable",_) => (pt, p)
    73   	    | ("end-of-calculation", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    74   	    | ("failure", _) => error "sys-error"
    75   	    | _ => error "me: uncovered case Step.by_tactic"
    76   	  val (_, ts) =
    77         (*step's correct ctree is not tested in me, but in autocalc or Step.by_term*)
    78   	    (case Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) of
    79   		    ("ok", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) => ("", ts)
    80   	    | ("helpless", _) => ("helpless: cannot propose tac", [])
    81   	    | ("dummy", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) => ("", ts) (*intermed.from specify*)
    82   	    | ("end-of-calculation", (ts, _, _)) => ("", ts)
    83   	    | _ => error  "me: uncovered case do_next")
    84   	  val tac = 
    85         case ts of 
    86           tacis as (_::_) => let val (tac, _, _) = last_elem tacis in tac end 
    87   		  | _ => if p = ([], Pos.Res) then Tactic.End_Proof' else Tactic.Empty_Tac;
    88     in
    89       (p, [] : NEW, TESTg_form (pt, p) (* form output comes from Step.by_tactic *), 
    90   	    tac, Celem.Sundef, pt)
    91     end
    94 (** traces for me_trace **)
    96 fun (*quiet (Model_Problem) = true
    97   |*) quiet (Add_Given _) = true
    98   | quiet (Add_Find _) = true
    99   | quiet (Add_Relation _) = true
   100   | quiet (Specify_Method _) = true
   101   | quiet (Specify_Problem _) = true
   102   | quiet (Specify_Theory _) = true
   103   | quiet _ = false
   105 fun mk_string (ist, ctxt) =
   106   ("(" ^ Istate.string_of' ist ^ ",\n" 
   107   ^ "... ctxt:    " ^ (ctxt |> ContextC.get_assumptions |> UnparseC.terms) ^ ")")
   109 fun trace_ist_ctxt (EmptyPtree , ([], Pos.Und)) _ = ()
   110   | trace_ist_ctxt (pt, (p, _)) tac =
   111   if quiet tac
   112   then ()
   113   else
   114     case get_obj g_loc pt p of
   115       (NONE, NONE) =>
   116         writeln   "Frm, Res: (NONE, NONE)"
   117     | (SOME ist_ctxt, NONE) =>
   118         (writeln ("Frm ..... (SOME " ^ mk_string ist_ctxt ^ " ,");
   119          writeln ("Res .....  NONE)"))
   120     | (NONE, SOME ist_ctxt) =>
   121         (writeln ("Frm .....  (NONE,");
   122          writeln ("Res .....  SOME " ^ mk_string ist_ctxt ^ " )"))
   123     | (SOME ic_frm, SOME ic_res) =>
   124         (writeln ("Frm ..... (SOME " ^ mk_string ic_frm ^ " ,");
   125          writeln ("Res .....  SOME " ^ mk_string ic_res ^ " )"))
   128 (** test Step.by_tactic + Step.do_next with tracing **)
   130 fun me_trace (*(Empty_Tac) p _ _ = raise ERROR ("me:  Empty_Tac at " ^ pos'2str p)
   131   | me*) (pt, p) tac trace =
   132     let
   133       val _ = if quiet tac then () else
   134         writeln ("========= " ^ Pos.pos'2str p ^ "========= Step.by_tactic: " ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac ^ " ==================================");
   135       val (pt', p') = 
   136   	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; do_next would suffice for doing steps*)
   137   	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) of
   138   		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   139   	    | ("unsafe-ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   140   	    | ("not-applicable",_) => (pt, p)
   141   	    | ("end-of-calculation", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   142   	    | ("failure", _) => error "sys-error"
   143   	    | _ => error "me: uncovered case Step.by_tactic"
   144       val _ = trace (pt', p') tac
   145   	  val (_, ts, (pt'', p'')) =
   146         (*step's correct ctree is not tested in me, but in autocalc or Step.by_term*)
   147   	    (case Step.do_next p' ((pt', Pos.e_pos'), []) of
   148   		    ("ok", (ts as [(_, _, _)(*, _, _, ...*)], _, (pt'', p''))) => ("", ts, (pt'', p''))
   149   	    | ("helpless", _) => ("helpless: cannot propose tac", [], Ctree.e_state)
   150   	    | ("dummy", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) => ("", ts, Ctree.e_state) (*intermed.from specify*)
   151   	    | ("end-of-calculation", (ts, _, _)) => ("", ts, Ctree.e_state)
   152   	    | _ => error  "me: uncovered case do_next")
   153   	  val tac'' = 
   154         case ts of 
   155           tacis as (_::_) => let val (tac, _, _) = last_elem tacis in tac end 
   156   		  | _ => if p' = ([], Pos.Res) then Tactic.End_Proof' else Tactic.Empty_Tac;
   157       val _ = if quiet tac then () else
   158         writeln ("--------- " ^ Pos.pos'2str p' ^ "--------- Step.do_next \<rightarrow> " ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac'' ^ "----------------------------------");
   159       val _ = trace (pt'', p'') tac
   160     in
   161       ((pt', p'), tac'', TESTg_form (pt', p') (* form output comes from Step.by_tactic *))
   162     end
   164 fun tac2tac_ pt p m = 
   165   case Step.check m (pt, p) of
   166 	  Applicable.Yes m' => m' 
   167   | Applicable.No _ => error ("tac2mstp': fails with" ^ Tactic.input_to_string m);
   169 (**)end(**)