author Walther Neuper <wneuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 13:09:54 +0200
changeset 59248 5eba5e6d5266
parent 59111 c730b643bc0e
child 59348 ddfabb53082c
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleaned tests from autoCalculate' (removed ')

(1) autoCalculate' made Test_Some.thy complicated (had to be redefined)
(2) "fun autoCalculate'" was scattered over several tests -- probably due to (1)
(3) autoCalculate' has been put out of service in 5127be395ea1
(4) M.Lehnfeld finished his work with 8e3f73e1e3a3:
fun autoCalculate (cI:calcID) auto = Future.fork ... in isac/../interface.sml
     1 (* Title: tests on solve.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 060508,
     3    (c) due to copyright terms 
     5 is NOT ONLY dependent on Test, but on other thys:
     6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     7 uses from Rational.ML: Rrls cancel_p, Rrls cancel
     8 which in turn
     9 uses from Poly.ML: Rls make_polynomial, Rls expand_binom 
    10 *)
    12 default_print_depth 5;
    13 trace_rewrite := false;
    14 trace_script := false;
    15 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    16 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    17 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "--------- interSteps on norm_Rational ---------------------------";
    19 (*/------- these test have been deleted, because "detail" is discontinued -------\
    20 "###### val intermediate_ptyps = !ptyps; val intermediate_mets = !mets";
    21 "--------- prepare pbl, met --------------------------------------";
    22 "-------- cancel, without detail ------------------------------";
    23 "-------- cancel, detail rev-rew (cancel) afterwards ----------";
    24 "-------------- cancel_p, without detail ------------------------------";
    25 "-------------- cancel_p, detail rev-rew (cancel) afterwards ----------";
    26 (*---^^^ NOT working*)
    27 "on 'miniscript with mini-subpbl':";
    28 "------ interSteps'donesteps': on 'miniscript with mini-subpbl'---";
    29 "------ interSteps'detailrls' after CompleteCalc -----------------";
    30 "------ interSteps after appendFormula ---------------------------";
    31 (*---vvv not brought to work 0403*)
    32 "------ Detail_Set -----------------------------------------------";
    33 "###### ptyps:= intermediate_ptyps; met:= intermediate_mets;#######";
    34 \------- these test have been deleted, because "detail" is discontinued -------/*)
    35 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    36 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    37 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    39 val thy= @{theory Isac};
    40 "--------- interSteps on norm_Rational ---------------------------";
    41 "--------- interSteps on norm_Rational ---------------------------";
    42 "--------- interSteps on norm_Rational ---------------------------";
    43 reset_states (); (*exp_IsacCore_Simp_Rat_Double_No-7.xml*)
    44 CalcTree [(["Term ((2/(x+3) + 2/(x - 3)) / (8*x/(x^2 - 9)))", "normalform N"],
    45 	("Rational", ["rational","simplification"], ["simplification","of_rationals"]))];
    46 moveActiveRoot 1;
    47 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
    48 val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    49 case pt of Nd (PblObj _, [Nd _, Nd _, Nd _, Nd _, Nd _, Nd _]) => ()
    50 	 | _ => error  "solve.sml: interSteps on norm_Rational 1";
    51 interSteps 1 ([6], Res);
    53 getTactic 1 ([6,1], Frm)  (*here get the tactic, and ...*);
    54 interSteps 1 ([6,1], Res) (*... here get the intermediate steps above*);
    56 getTactic 1 ([6,1,1], Frm); (*WN130909 <ERROR> syserror in getTactic </ERROR>*)
    57 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    58 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([6], Res));
    59 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
    60     ("1 / 2", Check_Postcond ["rational", "simplification"], []) => ()
    61   | _ => error "solve.sml: interSteps on norm_Rational 2";
    62 get_obj g_res pt [];
    63 val (t, asm) = get_obj g_result pt [];
    64 if terms2str asm = "[\"8 * x ~= 0\",\"-9 + x ^^^ 2 ~= 0\"," ^
    65   "\"(2 / (x + 3) + 2 / (x - 3)) / (8 * x / (x ^^^ 2 - 9)) is_ratpolyexp\"]"
    66 then () else error "solve.sml: interSteps on norm_Rational 2, asms";