author Mathias Lehnfeld <>
Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:19:30 +0200
changeset 55466 55c2d2ee3f92
parent 55404 ab97437e021a
child 55476 8e3f73e1e3a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
mlehnfeld thesis updated to final version
     2 @article{moore1965cramming,
     3   title={{Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits}},
     4   author={Moore, Gordon E},
     5   year={1965},
     6   journal={Electronics},
     7   pages = {114--117},
     8   month = {apr},
     9   day = {19},
    10   number={8},
    11   volume={38}
    12 }
    14 @article{sutter2005free,
    15   title={The free lunch is over: A fundamental turn toward concurrency in software},
    16   author={Sutter, Herb},
    17   journal={Dr. Dobb’s Journal},
    18   volume={30},
    19   number={3},
    20   pages={202--210},
    21   year={2005},
    22   url = {}
    23 }
    25 @article{sutter2005software,
    26   author    = {Herb Sutter and
    27                James R. Larus},
    28   title     = {Software and the concurrency revolution},
    29   journal   = {ACM Queue},
    30   volume    = {3},
    31   number    = {7},
    32   year      = {2005},
    33   pages     = {54-62},
    34   ee        = {},
    35   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    36 }
    38 @inproceedings{luebke2006gpgpu,
    39  author = {Luebke, David and Harris, Mark and Kr\"{u}ger, Jens and Purcell, Tim and Govindaraju, Naga and Buck, Ian and Woolley, Cliff and Lefohn, Aaron},
    40  title = {GPGPU: General Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware},
    41  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Course Notes},
    42  series = {SIGGRAPH '04},
    43  year = {2004},
    44  venue = {Los Angeles, CA},
    45  articleno = {33},
    46  url = {},
    47  doi = {10.1145/1103900.1103933},
    48  acmid = {1103933},
    49  publisher = {ACM},
    50  address = {New York, NY, USA},
    51 } 
    53 @book{burge1975recursive,
    54   title={Recursive programming techniques},
    55   author={Burge, William H},
    56   year={1975},
    57   publisher={Addison-Wesley Reading}
    58 }
    60 @book{paulson1994isabelle,
    61   author    = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
    62   title     = {Isabelle - A Generic Theorem Prover},
    63   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    64   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    65   volume    = {828},
    66   year      = {1994},
    67   isbn      = {3-540-58244-4},
    68   ee        = {},
    69   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    70 }
    72 @phdthesis{neuper2001reactive,
    73   title={Reactive User-Guidance by an Autonomous Engine Doing High-School Math},
    74   author={Neuper, Walther},
    75   year={2001},
    76   school={Graz University of Technology}
    77 }
    79 @book{hammond2000research,
    80  editor = {Hammond, Kevin and Michelson, Greg},
    81  title = {Research Directions in Parallel Functional Programming},
    82  year = {2000},
    83  isbn = {1852330929},
    84  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    85  address = {London, UK, UK},
    86 }
    88 @article{hudak1989conception,
    89  author = {Hudak, Paul},
    90  title = {Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages},
    91  journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.},
    92  issue_date = {Sep. 1989},
    93  volume = {21},
    94  number = {3},
    95  month = sep,
    96  year = {1989},
    97  issn = {0360-0300},
    98  pages = {359--411},
    99  numpages = {53},
   100  url = {},
   101  doi = {10.1145/72551.72554},
   102  acmid = {72554},
   103  publisher = {ACM},
   104  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   105 }
   107 @article{church1932set,
   108   title={A set of postulates for the foundation of logic},
   109   author={Church, Alonzo},
   110   journal={Annals of mathematics},
   111   volume={33},
   112   number={2},
   113   pages={346--366},
   114   year={1932}
   115 }
   117 @article{church1940formulation,
   118   author    = {Alonzo Church},
   119   title     = {A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types},
   120   journal   = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   121   volume    = {5},
   122   number    = {2},
   123   year      = {1940},
   124   pages     = {56-68},
   125   ee        = {},
   126   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   127 }
   129 @article{mccarthy1978history,
   130  author = {McCarthy, John},
   131  title = {History of LISP},
   132  journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
   133  issue_date = {August 1978},
   134  volume = {13},
   135  number = {8},
   136  month = aug,
   137  year = {1978},
   138  issn = {0362-1340},
   139  pages = {217--223},
   140  numpages = {7},
   141  url = {},
   142  doi = {10.1145/960118.808387},
   143  acmid = {808387},
   144  publisher = {ACM},
   145  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   146 } 
   148 @article{backus1978can,
   149   author    = {John W. Backus},
   150   title     = {Can Programming Be Liberated From the von Neumann Style?
   151                A Functional Style and its Algebra of Programs},
   152   journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
   153   volume    = {21},
   154   number    = {8},
   155   year      = {1978},
   156   pages     = {613-641},
   157   ee        = {},
   158   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   159 }
   161 @article{milner1978theory,
   162   author    = {Robin Milner},
   163   title     = {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming},
   164   journal   = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
   165   volume    = {17},
   166   number    = {3},
   167   year      = {1978},
   168   pages     = {348-375},
   169   ee        = {},
   170   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   171 }
   173 @book{milner1997definition,
   174  author = {Milner, Robin and Tofte, Mads and Macqueen, David},
   175  title = {The  Definition of Standard ML},
   176  year = {1997},
   177  isbn = {0262631814},
   178  publisher = {MIT Press},
   179  address = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
   180 } 
   182 @article{jones2003haskell,
   183   author = {Simon {Peyton Jones} and others},
   184   title = {The {Haskell} 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report},
   185   journal = {Journal of Functional Programming},
   186   volume = 13,
   187   number = 1,
   188   pages = {0--255},
   189   month = {Jan},
   190   year = 2003,
   191   url = {},
   192 }
   194 @online{haskell2013functional,
   195   title={Functional programming - HaskellWiki},
   196   url={},
   197   year={2013}
   198 }
   200 @inproceedings{peyton1993imperative,
   201   author    = {Simon L. Peyton Jones and
   202                Philip Wadler},
   203   title     = {Imperative Functional Programming},
   204   booktitle = {POPL},
   205   year      = {1993},
   206   pages     = {71-84},
   207   ee        = {},
   208   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/popl/1993},
   209   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   210 }
   212 @article{achten1995ins,
   213   author    = {Peter Achten and
   214                Marinus J. Plasmeijer},
   215   title     = {The Ins and Outs of Clean I/O},
   216   journal   = {Journal of Functional Programming},
   217   volume    = {5},
   218   number    = {1},
   219   year      = {1995},
   220   pages     = {81-110},
   221   ee        = {},
   222   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   223 }
   225 @inproceedings{wadler1990linear,
   226   AUTHOR = {P. Wadler},
   227   TITLE = {Linear types can change the world!},
   228   BOOKTITLE = {{IFIP {TC} 2} Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods},
   229   WHERE = {{Sea of Galilee, Israel}},
   230   PUBLISHER = {North Holland},
   231   EDITOR = {M. Broy and C. Jones},
   232   PAGES = {347--359},
   233   YEAR = {1990}
   234 }
   236 @inproceedings{launchbury1993natural,
   237  author = {Launchbury, John},
   238  title = {A Natural Semantics for Lazy Evaluation},
   239  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
   240  series = {POPL '93},
   241  year = {1993},
   242  isbn = {0-89791-560-7},
   243  venue = {Charleston, South Carolina, USA},
   244  pages = {144--154},
   245  numpages = {11},
   246  url = {},
   247  doi = {10.1145/158511.158618},
   248  acmid = {158618},
   249  publisher = {ACM},
   250  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   251 }
   253 @phdthesis{lippmeier2009type,
   254   title={Type Inference and Optimisation for an Impure World},
   255   author={Lippmeier, Ben},
   256   year={2009},
   257   school={Australian National University}
   258 }
   260 @inproceedings{amdahl1967validity,
   261  author = {Amdahl, Gene M.},
   262  title = {Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities},
   263  booktitle = {Proceedings of the April 18-20, 1967, Spring Joint Computer Conference},
   264  series = {AFIPS '67 (Spring)},
   265  year = {1967},
   266  venue = {Atlantic City, New Jersey},
   267  pages = {483--485},
   268  numpages = {3},
   269  url = {},
   270  doi = {10.1145/1465482.1465560},
   271  acmid = {1465560},
   272  publisher = {ACM},
   273  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   274 }
   276 @article{gustafson1988reevaluating,
   277   author    = {John L. Gustafson},
   278   title     = {Reevaluating Amdahl's Law},
   279   journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
   280   volume    = {31},
   281   number    = {5},
   282   year      = {1988},
   283   pages     = {532-533},
   284   ee        = {},
   285   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   286 }
   288 @article{moler1986matrix,
   289   title={Matrix computation on distributed memory multiprocessors},
   290   author={Moler, Cleve},
   291   journal={Hypercube Multiprocessors},
   292   volume={86},
   293   pages={181--195},
   294   year={1986}
   295 }
   297 @article{geer2005chip,
   298   author    = {David Geer},
   299   title     = {Industry Trends: Chip Makers Turn to Multicore Processors},
   300   journal   = {IEEE Computer},
   301   volume    = {38},
   302   number    = {5},
   303   year      = {2005},
   304   pages     = {11-13},
   305   ee        = {},
   306   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   307 }
   309 @book{culler1999parallel,
   310   author    = {David E. Culler and
   311                Jaswinder Pal Singh and
   312                Anoop Gupta},
   313   title     = {Parallel computer architecture - a hardware / software approach},
   314   publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
   315   year      = {1999},
   316   isbn      = {978-1-55860-343-1},
   317   pages     = {I-XXIX, 1-1024},
   318   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   319 }
   321 @book{hennessy2012computer,
   322   author    = {John L. Hennessy and
   323                David A. Patterson},
   324   title     = {Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach (5. ed.)},
   325   publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
   326   year      = {2012},
   327   isbn      = {978-0-12-383872-8},
   328   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   329 }
   331 @inproceedings{tullsen1995simultaneous,
   332  author = {Tullsen, Dean M. and Eggers, Susan J. and Levy, Henry M.},
   333  title = {Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-chip Parallelism},
   334  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture},
   335  series = {ISCA '95},
   336  year = {1995},
   337  isbn = {0-89791-698-0},
   338  venue = {S. Margherita Ligure, Italy},
   339  pages = {392--403},
   340  numpages = {12},
   341  url = {},
   342  doi = {10.1145/223982.224449},
   343  acmid = {224449},
   344  publisher = {ACM},
   345  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   346 }
   348 @article{moore2008multicore,
   349   title={Multicore is bad news for supercomputers},
   350   author={Moore, Samuel K},
   351   journal={Spectrum, IEEE},
   352   volume={45},
   353   number={11},
   354   pages={15},
   355   year={2008},
   356   publisher={IEEE},
   357   month={nov}
   358 }
   360 @inproceedings{li2007efficient,
   361  author = {Li, Tong and Baumberger, Dan and Koufaty, David A. and Hahn, Scott},
   362  title = {Efficient Operating System Scheduling for Performance-Asymmetric Multi-Core Architectures},
   363  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing},
   364  series = {SC '07},
   365  year = {2007},
   366  isbn = {978-1-59593-764-3},
   367  venue = {Reno, Nevada},
   368  pages = {53:1--53:11},
   369  articleno = {53},
   370  numpages = {11},
   371  url = {},
   372  doi = {10.1145/1362622.1362694},
   373  acmid = {1362694},
   374  publisher = {ACM},
   375  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   376 }
   378 @article{henderson1986functional,
   379   author    = {Peter B. Henderson},
   380   title     = {Functional Programming, Formal Specification, and Rapid
   381                Prototyping},
   382   journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
   383   volume    = {12},
   384   number    = {2},
   385   year      = {1986},
   386   pages     = {241-250},
   387   ee        = {},
   388   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   389 }
   391 @inproceedings{harris2007feedback,
   392  author = {Harris, Tim and Singh, Satnam},
   393  title = {Feedback Directed Implicit Parallelism},
   394  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming},
   395  series = {ICFP '07},
   396  year = {2007},
   397  isbn = {978-1-59593-815-2},
   398  venue = {Freiburg, Germany},
   399  pages = {251--264},
   400  numpages = {14},
   401  url = {},
   402  doi = {10.1145/1291151.1291192},
   403  acmid = {1291192},
   404  publisher = {ACM},
   405  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   406  keywords = {functional programming, haskell, implicit parallelism},
   407 }
   409 @article{cantrill2008real,
   410   author    = {Bryan Cantrill and
   411                Jeff Bonwick},
   412   title     = {Real-World Concurrency},
   413   journal   = {ACM Queue},
   414   volume    = {6},
   415   number    = {5},
   416   year      = {2008},
   417   pages     = {16-25},
   418   ee        = {},
   419   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   420 }
   422 @inproceedings{thompson2005refactoring,
   423  author = {Thompson, Simon},
   424  title = {Refactoring Functional Programs},
   425  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Functional Programming},
   426  series = {AFP'04},
   427  year = {2005},
   428  isbn = {3-540-28540-7, 978-3-540-28540-3},
   429  venue = {Tartu, Estonia},
   430  pages = {331--357},
   431  numpages = {27},
   432  url = {},
   433  doi = {10.1007/11546382_9},
   434  acmid = {2162147},
   435  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   436  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   437 }
   439 @inproceedings{hammer2007proposal,
   440  author = {Hammer, Matthew and Acar, Umut A. and Rajagopalan, Mohan and Ghuloum, Anwar},
   441  title = {A Proposal for Parallel Self-adjusting Computation},
   442  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming},
   443  series = {DAMP '07},
   444  year = {2007},
   445  isbn = {978-1-59593-690-5},
   446  venue = {Nice, France},
   447  pages = {3--9},
   448  numpages = {7},
   449  url = {},
   450  doi = {10.1145/1248648.1248651},
   451  acmid = {1248651},
   452  publisher = {ACM},
   453  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   454  keywords = {change propagation, dynamic dependency graphs, fork-join programs, parallel change propagation, parallelism, self-adjusting computation, series-parallel programs},
   455 }
   457 @inproceedings{nocker1991concurrent,
   458  author = {N\"{o}cker, E. G. J. M. H. and Smesters, J. E. W. and van Eekelen, M. C. J. D. and Plasmeijer, M. J.},
   459  title = {Concurrent Clean},
   460  booktitle = {Proceedings on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: Volume II: Parallel Languages},
   461  series = {PARLE '91},
   462  year = {1991},
   463  isbn = {0-387-54152-7},
   464  venue = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands},
   465  pages = {202--219},
   466  numpages = {18},
   467  url = {},
   468  acmid = {111646},
   469  publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
   470  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   471 }
   473 @inproceedings{marlow2009runtime,
   474  author = {Marlow, Simon and Peyton Jones, Simon and Singh, Satnam},
   475  title = {Runtime Support for Multicore Haskell},
   476  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming},
   477  series = {ICFP '09},
   478  year = {2009},
   479  isbn = {978-1-60558-332-7},
   480  venue = {Edinburgh, Scotland},
   481  pages = {65--78},
   482  numpages = {14},
   483  url = {},
   484  doi = {10.1145/1596550.1596563},
   485  acmid = {1596563},
   486  publisher = {ACM},
   487  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   488  keywords = {Haskell parallel runtime},
   489 }
   491 @article{nickolls2010gpu,
   492   author    = {John Nickolls and
   493                William J. Dally},
   494   title     = {The GPU Computing Era},
   495   journal   = {IEEE Micro},
   496   volume    = {30},
   497   number    = {2},
   498   year      = {2010},
   499   pages     = {56-69},
   500   ee        = {},
   501   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   502 }
   504 @article{tarditi2006accelerator,
   505  author = {Tarditi, David and Puri, Sidd and Oglesby, Jose},
   506  title = {Accelerator: Using Data Parallelism to Program GPUs for General-purpose Uses},
   507  journal = {SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev.},
   508  issue_date = {December 2006},
   509  volume = {40},
   510  number = {5},
   511  month = {oct},
   512  year = {2006},
   513  issn = {0163-5980},
   514  pages = {325--335},
   515  numpages = {11},
   516  doi = {10.1145/1168917.1168898},
   517  publisher = {ACM},
   518 }
   520 @article{blelloch90compiling,
   521   author    = {Guy E. Blelloch and
   522                Gary Sabot},
   523   title     = {Compiling Collection-Oriented Languages onto Massively Parallel
   524                Computers},
   525   journal   = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
   526   volume    = {8},
   527   number    = {2},
   528   year      = {1990},
   529   pages     = {119--134},
   530   ee        = {},
   531   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   532 }
   534 @inproceedings{peytonjones2008harnessing,
   535  author = {Peyton Jones, Simon},
   536  title = {Harnessing the Multicores: Nested Data Parallelism in Haskell},
   537  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems},
   538  series = {APLAS '08},
   539  year = {2008},
   540  isbn = {978-3-540-89329-5},
   541  venue = {Bangalore, India},
   542  pages = {138--138},
   543  numpages = {1},
   544  url = {},
   545  doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-89330-1_10},
   546  acmid = {1485356},
   547  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   548  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   549 }
   551 @inproceedings{baker1977incremental,
   552  author = {Baker,Jr., Henry C. and Hewitt, Carl},
   553  title = {The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes},
   554  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1977 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages},
   555  year = {1977},
   556  pages = {55--59},
   557  numpages = {5},
   558  url = {},
   559  doi = {10.1145/800228.806932},
   560  acmid = {806932},
   561  publisher = {ACM},
   562  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   563  keywords = {Eager evaluation, Garbage collection, Lazy evaluation, Multiprocessing systems, Processor scheduling},
   564 }
   566 @article{halstead1985multilisp,
   567   author    = {Robert H. Halstead Jr.},
   568   title     = {Multilisp: A Language for Concurrent Symbolic Computation},
   569   journal   = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
   570   volume    = {7},
   571   number    = {4},
   572   year      = {1985},
   573   pages     = {501-538},
   574   ee        = {},
   575   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   576 }
   578 @inproceedings{matthews2010efficient,
   579  author = {Matthews, David C.J. and Wenzel, Makarius},
   580  title = {Efficient Parallel Programming in Poly/ML and Isabelle/ML},
   581  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming},
   582  series = {DAMP '10},
   583  year = {2010},
   584  isbn = {978-1-60558-859-9},
   585  venue = {Madrid, Spain},
   586  pages = {53--62},
   587  numpages = {10},
   588  url = {},
   589  doi = {10.1145/1708046.1708058},
   590  acmid = {1708058},
   591  publisher = {ACM},
   592  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   593  keywords = {data parallelism, isabelle, parallel standard ml, poly/ml, theorem proving applications},
   594 }
   596 @article{wegner1990concepts,
   597   author    = {Peter Wegner},
   598   title     = {Concepts and paradigms of object-oriented programming},
   599   journal   = {OOPS Messenger},
   600   volume    = {1},
   601   number    = {1},
   602   year      = {1990},
   603   pages     = {7-87},
   604   ee        = {},
   605   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   606 }
   608 @article{shavit1997software,
   609   title={Software transactional memory},
   610   author={Shavit, Nir and Touitou, Dan},
   611   journal={Distributed Computing},
   612   volume={10},
   613   number={2},
   614   pages={99--116},
   615   year={1997},
   616   publisher={Springer-Verlag}
   617 }
   619 @article{herlihy1990linearizability,
   620  author = {Herlihy, Maurice P. and Wing, Jeannette M.},
   621  title = {Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects},
   622  journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.},
   623  issue_date = {July 1990},
   624  volume = {12},
   625  number = {3},
   626  month = jul,
   627  year = {1990},
   628  issn = {0164-0925},
   629  pages = {463--492},
   630  numpages = {30},
   631  url = {},
   632  doi = {10.1145/78969.78972},
   633  acmid = {78972},
   634  publisher = {ACM},
   635  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   636 } 
   638 @inproceedings{ramadan2009committing,
   639  author = {Ramadan, Hany E. and Roy, Indrajit and Herlihy, Maurice and Witchel, Emmett},
   640  title = {Committing Conflicting Transactions in an STM},
   641  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
   642  series = {PPoPP '09},
   643  year = {2009},
   644  isbn = {978-1-60558-397-6},
   645  venue = {Raleigh, NC, USA},
   646  pages = {163--172},
   647  numpages = {10},
   648  url = {},
   649  doi = {10.1145/1504176.1504201},
   650  acmid = {1504201},
   651  publisher = {ACM},
   652  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   653  keywords = {concurrency control, dependence-aware, serializability, transactional memory},
   654 }
   656 @inproceedings{herlihy2003software,
   657  author = {Herlihy, Maurice and Luchangco, Victor and Moir, Mark and Scherer,III, William N.},
   658  title = {Software Transactional Memory for Dynamic-sized Data Structures},
   659  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing},
   660  series = {PODC '03},
   661  year = {2003},
   662  isbn = {1-58113-708-7},
   663  venue = {Boston, Massachusetts},
   664  pages = {92--101},
   665  numpages = {10},
   666  url = {},
   667  doi = {10.1145/872035.872048},
   668  acmid = {872048},
   669  publisher = {ACM},
   670  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   671 }
   673 @patent{zhang2010software,
   674   title={Software Transaction Commit Order and Conflict Management},
   675   author={Zhang, L. and Grover, V.K. and Magruder, M.M. and Detlefs, D. and Duffy, J.J. and Graefe, G.},
   676   url={},
   677   year={2010},
   678   month={5},
   679   number={US 7711678}
   680 }
   682 @techreport{ennals2006software,
   683   title={Software transactional memory should not be obstruction-free},
   684   author={Ennals, Robert},
   685   year={2006},
   686   institution={Technical Report IRC-TR-06-052, Intel Research Cambridge Tech Report}
   687 }
   689 @techreport{ennals2005efficient,
   690   author	= {Ennals, Robert},
   691   title		= {Efficient Software Transactional Memory},
   692   institution	= {Intel Research Cambridge Tech Report},
   693   number	= {IRC-TR-05-051},
   694   pdf		= {},
   695   year		= {2005},
   696   month		= {Jan}
   697 }
   699 @inproceedings{saha2006mcrt,
   700  author = {Saha, Bratin and Adl-Tabatabai, Ali-Reza and Hudson, Richard L. and Minh, Chi Cao and Hertzberg, Benjamin},
   701  title = {McRT-STM: A High Performance Software Transactional Memory System for a Multi-Core Runtime},
   702  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
   703  series = {PPoPP '06},
   704  year = {2006},
   705  isbn = {1-59593-189-9},
   706  pages = {187--197},
   707  numpages = {11},
   708  doi = {10.1145/1122971.1123001},
   709  publisher = {ACM}
   710 }
   712 @inproceedings{harris2005composable,
   713  author = {Harris, Tim and Marlow, Simon and Peyton-Jones, Simon and Herlihy, Maurice},
   714  title = {Composable Memory Transactions},
   715  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
   716  series = {PPoPP '05},
   717  year = {2005},
   718  isbn = {1-59593-080-9},
   719  venue = {Chicago, IL, USA},
   720  pages = {48--60},
   721  numpages = {13},
   722  url = {},
   723  doi = {10.1145/1065944.1065952},
   724  acmid = {1065952},
   725  publisher = {ACM},
   726  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   727  keywords = {locks, non-blocking algorithms, transactions},
   728 }
   730 @inproceedings{hewitt1973universal,
   731  author = {Hewitt, Carl and Bishop, Peter and Steiger, Richard},
   732  title = {A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence},
   733  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
   734  series = {IJCAI'73},
   735  year = {1973},
   736  venue = {Stanford, USA},
   737  pages = {235--245},
   738  numpages = {11},
   739  url = {},
   740  acmid = {1624804},
   741  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.},
   742  address = {San Francisco, CA, USA},
   743 }
   745 @article{hewitt1977viewing,
   746   author    = {Carl Hewitt},
   747   title     = {Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages},
   748   journal   = {Artificial Intelligence},
   749   volume    = {8},
   750   number    = {3},
   751   year      = {1977},
   752   pages     = {323--364},
   753   ee        = {},
   754   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   755 }
   757 @article{agha1985actors,
   758   author    = {Gul A. Agha},
   759   title     = {ACTORS - a model of concurrent computation in distributed
   760                systems},
   761   publisher = {MIT Press},
   762   series    = {MIT Press series in artificial intelligence},
   763   year      = {1990},
   764   isbn      = {978-0-262-01092-4},
   765   pages     = {I-IX, 1-144},
   766   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   767 }
   769 @article{agha1997foundation,
   770   author    = {Gul Agha and
   771                Ian A. Mason and
   772                Scott F. Smith and
   773                Carolyn L. Talcott},
   774   title     = {A Foundation for Actor Computation},
   775   journal   = {Journal of Functional Programming},
   776   volume    = {7},
   777   number    = {1},
   778   year      = {1997},
   779   pages     = {1--72},
   780   ee        = {},
   781   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   782 }
   784 @misc{thurauakka,
   785   title={Akka framework},
   786   author={Thurau, Martin},
   787   year={2012},
   788   howpublished={Paper for Seminar Software Systems Engineering, Universität zu Lübeck},
   789   url={}
   790 }
   792 @inproceedings{karmani2009actor,
   793  author = {Karmani, Rajesh K. and Shali, Amin and Agha, Gul},
   794  title = {Actor Frameworks for the JVM Platform: A Comparative Analysis},
   795  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java},
   796  series = {PPPJ '09},
   797  year = {2009},
   798  isbn = {978-1-60558-598-7},
   799  venue = {Calgary, Alberta, Canada},
   800  pages = {11--20},
   801  numpages = {10},
   802  url = {},
   803  doi = {10.1145/1596655.1596658},
   804  acmid = {1596658},
   805  publisher = {ACM},
   806  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   807  keywords = {JVM, Java, abstractions, actors, comparison, frameworks, libraries, performance, semantics},
   808 }
   810 @article{fuggetta1998understanding,
   811   author    = {Alfonso Fuggetta and
   812                Gian Pietro Picco and
   813                Giovanni Vigna},
   814   title     = {Understanding Code Mobility},
   815   journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
   816   volume    = {24},
   817   number    = {5},
   818   year      = {1998},
   819   pages     = {342-361},
   820   ee        = {},
   821   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   822 }
   824 @article{panwar1994methodology,
   825   author    = {Rajendra Panwar and
   826                Gul Agha},
   827   title     = {A Methodology for Programming Scalable Architectures},
   828   journal   = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
   829   volume    = {22},
   830   number    = {3},
   831   year      = {1994},
   832   pages     = {479-487},
   833   ee        = {},
   834   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   835 }
   837 @techreport{odersky2004overview,
   838   title={An overview of the Scala programming language},
   839   author={Martin Odersky and Vincent Cremet and Iulian Dragos and Gilles Dubochet and Burak Emir and Sean McDirmid and Stéphane Micheloud and Nikolay Mihaylov and Michel Schinz and Erik Stenman and Lex Spoon and Matthias Zenger},
   840   year={2006},
   841   institution={École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne},
   842   address={1015 Lausanne, Switzerland},
   843   number={LAMP-REPORT-2006-001},
   844   note={2nd edition}
   845 }
   847 @incollection{haller2006event,
   848   title={Event-based programming without inversion of control},
   849   author={Haller, Philipp and Odersky, Martin},
   850   booktitle={Modular Programming Languages},
   851   pages={4--22},
   852   year={2006},
   853   publisher={Springer-Verlag}
   854 }
   856 @article{haller2009scala,
   857   title={Scala actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming},
   858   author={Haller, Philipp and Odersky, Martin},
   859   journal={Theoretical Computer Science},
   860   volume={410},
   861   number={2},
   862   pages={202--220},
   863   year={2009},
   864   publisher={Elsevier}
   865 }
   867 @online {akka2014futures,
   868   title={Futures (Scala) -- Akka Documentation},
   869   url={},
   870   urldate={2014-06-05},
   871   year={2014}
   872 }
   874 @online {scala2014migration,
   875   title={The Scala Actors Migration Guide - Scala Documentation},
   876   author={Jovanovic, Vojin and Haller, Philipp},
   877   url={},
   878   year={2014}
   879 }
   881 @inproceedings{tasharofi2013scala,
   882  author = {Tasharofi, Samira and Dinges, Peter and Johnson, Ralph E.},
   883  title = {Why Do Scala Developers Mix the Actor Model with Other Concurrency Models?},
   884  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming},
   885  series = {ECOOP'13},
   886  year = {2013},
   887  isbn = {978-3-642-39037-1},
   888  venue = {Montpellier, France},
   889  pages = {302--326},
   890  numpages = {25},
   891  url = {},
   892  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39038-8_13},
   893  acmid = {2525001},
   894  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   895  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   896 }
   898 @article{hoare1978communicating,
   899   author    = {C. A. R. Hoare},
   900   title     = {Communicating Sequential Processes},
   901   journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
   902   volume    = {21},
   903   number    = {8},
   904   year      = {1978},
   905   pages     = {666-677},
   906   ee        = {},
   907   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   908 }
   910 @book{INMOS84occam,
   911   author = {{INMOS, Ltd.}},
   912   year = {1984},
   913   address = {Englewood Cliffs},
   914   publisher = {Prentice Hall},
   915   title = {The occam programming manual}
   916 }
   918 @inproceedings{dorward1997programming,
   919  author = {Dorward, Sean and Pike, Rob and Winterbottom, Phil},
   920  title = {Programming in Limbo},
   921  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42Nd IEEE International Computer Conference},
   922  series = {COMPCON '97},
   923  year = {1997},
   924  isbn = {0-8186-7804-6},
   925  pages = {245--},
   926  url = {},
   927  acmid = {793719},
   928  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
   929  address = {Washington, DC, USA},
   930  keywords = {programming languages, modules, graphics},
   931 }
   933 @inproceedings{pike2012go,
   934   author    = {Rob Pike},
   935   title     = {Go at Google},
   936   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software
   937                for Humanity},
   938   year      = {2012},
   939   pages     = {5-6},
   940   ee        = {},
   941   bibsource = {DBLP,},
   942   venue     = {Tucson, AZ, USA},
   943   editor    = {Gary T. Leavens}
   944 }
   946 @inproceedings{brown2012paraforming,
   947  author = {Brown, Christopher and Loidl, Hans-Wolfgang and Hammond, Kevin},
   948  title = {ParaForming: Forming Parallel Haskell Programs Using Novel Refactoring Techniques},
   949  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Trends in Functional Programming},
   950  series = {TFP'11},
   951  year = {2012},
   952  isbn = {978-3-642-32036-1},
   953  venue = {Madrid, Spain},
   954  pages = {82--97},
   955  numpages = {16},
   956  url = {},
   957  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-32037-8_6},
   958  acmid = {2362972},
   959  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   960  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   961 }
   963 @article{kennedy1991interactive,
   964   author    = {Ken Kennedy and
   965                Kathryn S. McKinley and
   966                Chau-Wen Tseng},
   967   title     = {Interactive Parallel Programming using the ParaScope Editor},
   968   journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
   969   volume    = {2},
   970   number    = {3},
   971   year      = {1991},
   972   pages     = {329-341},
   973   ee        = {},
   974   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   975 }
   977 @inproceedings{wloka2009refactoring,
   978  author = {Wloka, Jan and Sridharan, Manu and Tip, Frank},
   979  title = {Refactoring for Reentrancy},
   980  booktitle = {Proceedings of the the 7th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on The Foundations of Software Engineering},
   981  series = {ESEC/FSE '09},
   982  year = {2009},
   983  isbn = {978-1-60558-001-2},
   984  venue = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
   985  pages = {173--182},
   986  numpages = {10},
   987  url = {},
   988  doi = {10.1145/1595696.1595723},
   989  acmid = {1595723},
   990  publisher = {ACM},
   991  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   992  keywords = {program transformation, reentrant code, refactoring},
   993 }
   995 @article{dig2011refactoring,
   996   author    = {Danny Dig},
   997   title     = {A Refactoring Approach to Parallelism},
   998   journal   = {IEEE Software},
   999   volume    = {28},
  1000   number    = {1},
  1001   year      = {2011},
  1002   pages     = {17-22},
  1003   ee        = {},
  1004   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1005 }
  1007 @article{brown2013cost,
  1008   author    = {Christopher Brown and
  1009                Marco Danelutto and
  1010                Kevin Hammond and
  1011                Peter Kilpatrick and
  1012                Archibald Elliott},
  1013   title     = {Cost-Directed Refactoring for Parallel Erlang Programs},
  1014   journal   = {International Journal of Parallel Programming},
  1015   volume    = {42},
  1016   number    = {4},
  1017   year      = {2014},
  1018   pages     = {564-582},
  1019   ee        = {},
  1020   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1021 }
  1023 @inproceedings{brown2012language,
  1024  author = {Brown, Christopher and Hammond, Kevin and Danelutto, Marco and Kilpatrick, Peter},
  1025  title = {A Language-Independent Parallel Refactoring Framework},
  1026  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Refactoring Tools},
  1027  series = {WRT '12},
  1028  year = {2012},
  1029  isbn = {978-1-4503-1500-5},
  1030  venue = {Rapperswil, Switzerland},
  1031  pages = {54--58},
  1032  numpages = {5},
  1033  url = {},
  1034  doi = {10.1145/2328876.2328884},
  1035  acmid = {2328884},
  1036  publisher = {ACM},
  1037  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  1038  keywords = {C/C++, Erlang, ParaPhrase, concurrency, parallelism, patterns, refactoring, skeletons},
  1039 }
  1041 @incollection{hammond2013paraphrase,
  1042 	year={2013},
  1043 	isbn={978-3-642-35886-9},
  1044 	booktitle={Formal Methods for Components and Objects},
  1045 	volume={7542},
  1046 	series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  1047 	editor={Beckert, Bernhard and Damiani, Ferruccio and de Boer, FrankS. and Bonsangue, MarcelloM.},
  1048 	doi={10.1007/978-3-642-35887-6_12},
  1049 	title={The ParaPhrase Project: Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Heterogeneous Multicore Systems},
  1050 	url={},
  1051 	publisher={Springer-Verlag},
  1052 	address={Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1053 	author={Hammond, Kevin and Aldinucci, Marco and Brown, Christopher and Cesarini, Francesco and Danelutto, Marco and González-Vélez, Horacio and Kilpatrick, Peter and Keller, Rainer and Rossbory, Michael and Shainer, Gilad},
  1054 	pages={218-236},
  1055 	language={English}
  1056 }
  1058 @inproceedings{li2006comparative,
  1059  author = {Li, Huiqing and Thompson, Simon},
  1060  title = {Comparative Study of Refactoring Haskell and Erlang Programs},
  1061  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation},
  1062  series = {SCAM '06},
  1063  year = {2006},
  1064  isbn = {0-7695-2353-6},
  1065  pages = {197--206},
  1066  numpages = {10},
  1067  url = {},
  1068  doi = {10.1109/SCAM.2006.8},
  1069  acmid = {1174113},
  1070  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  1071  address = {Washington, DC, USA},
  1072 }
  1074 @article{hindley1969principal,
  1075     author = {Hindley, R.},
  1076     doi = {10.2307/1995158},
  1077     issn = {00029947},
  1078     journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
  1079     pages = {29--60},
  1080     publisher = {American Mathematical Society},
  1081     title = {{The Principal Type-Scheme of an Object in Combinatory Logic}},
  1082     volume = {146},
  1083     year = {1969}
  1084 }
  1086 @inproceedings{milner1975logic,
  1087   title={{A Logic for Computable Functions with Reflexive and Polymorphic Types}},
  1088   author={Milner, Robin and Morris, Lockwood and Newey, Malcolm},
  1089   year={1975},
  1090   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Proving and Improving Programs}
  1091 }
  1093 @phdthesis{damas1984type,
  1094   title={Type assignment in programming languages.},
  1095   author={Damas, Luis Manuel Martins},
  1096   year={1984},
  1097   school={University of Edinburgh}
  1098 }
  1100 @article{paulson1989foundation,
  1101   author    = {Lawrence C. Paulson},
  1102   title     = {The Foundation of a Generic Theorem Prover},
  1103   journal   = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
  1104   volume    = {5},
  1105   number    = {3},
  1106   year      = {1989},
  1107   pages     = {363-397},
  1108   ee        = {},
  1109   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1110 }
  1112 @inproceedings{weeks2006whole,
  1113  author = {Weeks, Stephen},
  1114  title = {Whole-program Compilation in MLton},
  1115  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on ML},
  1116  series = {ML '06},
  1117  year = {2006},
  1118  isbn = {1-59593-483-9},
  1119  venue = {Portland, Oregon, USA},
  1120  pages = {1--1},
  1121  numpages = {1},
  1122  url = {},
  1123  doi = {10.1145/1159876.1159877},
  1124  acmid = {1159877},
  1125  publisher = {ACM},
  1126  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  1127 }
  1129 @online{smlnj2013standard,
  1130   url={},
  1131   title={Standard ML of New Jersey},
  1132   author={SML/NJ Fellowship, The},
  1133   urldate={2014-05-15}
  1134 }
  1136 @online{romanenko2014moscow,
  1137   url={},
  1138   title={Moscow ML},
  1139   year={2014-05-15}
  1140 }
  1142 @online{matthews2014documentation,
  1143   url={},
  1144   title={Documentation},
  1145   author={Matthews, David C.J.},
  1146   year={2014-05-15}
  1147 }
  1149 @techreport{matthews1995papers,
  1150   author =	 {Matthews, David CJ},
  1151   title = 	 {{Papers on Poly/ML}},
  1152   year = 	 {1989},
  1153   month = 	 {feb},
  1154   institution =  {Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge}
  1155 }
  1157 @techreport{matthews1991distributed,
  1158   title={A Distributed Concurrent Implementation of Standard ML},
  1159   author={Matthews, David CJ},
  1160   year={1991},
  1161   institution={LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh}
  1162 }
  1164 @inproceedings{reppy1993concurrent,
  1165  author = {Reppy, John H.},
  1166  title = {Concurrent ML: Design, Application and Semantics},
  1167  booktitle = {Functional Programming, Concurrency, Simulation and Automated Reasoning: International Lecture Series 1991-1992},
  1168  venue={McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
  1169  year = {1993},
  1170  isbn = {3-540-56883-2},
  1171  pages = {165--198},
  1172  numpages = {34},
  1173  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
  1174 }
  1176 @manual{wenzel2013isar,
  1177   title={The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual},
  1178   author={Wenzel, Makarius and others},
  1179   year={2013},
  1180   url={}
  1181 }
  1183 @incollection{wenzel1999isar,
  1184   volume={1690},
  1185   series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  1186   editor={Bertot, Yves and Dowek, Gilles and Théry, Laurent and Hirschowitz, André and Paulin, Christine},
  1187   doi={10.1007/3-540-48256-3_12},
  1188   title={Isar — A Generic Interpretative Approach to Readable Formal Proof Documents},
  1189   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1190   booktitle={Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
  1191   pages={167--183},
  1192   year={1999},
  1193   publisher={Springer-Verlag},
  1194   address={Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1195   isbn={978-3-540-66463-5}
  1196 }
  1198 @inproceedings{wenzel2014uipide,
  1199   title={Asynchronous User Interaction and Tool Integration in Isabelle/PIDE},
  1200   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1201   year={2014},
  1202     month            = {jul},
  1203     booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th Int.\ Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving},
  1204     venue={Vienna, Austria},
  1205     editor           = {Klein, G and Gamboa, R}
  1206 }
  1208 @inproceedings{matichuk2014isabelle,
  1209     author = {Matichuk, Daniel and Wenzel, Makarius and Murray, Toby},
  1210     month            = {jul},
  1211     year             = {2014},
  1212     title            = {An Isabelle Proof Method Language},
  1213     booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th Int.\ Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving},
  1214     publisher        = {Springer-Verlag},
  1215     venue={Vienna, Austria},
  1216     editor           = {Klein, G and Gamboa, R}
  1217 }
  1219 @article{wenzel2012asynchronous,
  1220   author    = {Makarius Wenzel},
  1221   title     = {Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit},
  1222   journal   = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  1223   volume    = {285},
  1224   year      = {2012},
  1225   pages     = {101--114}
  1226 }
  1228 @manual{wenzel2013isabelle,
  1229   title={The Isabelle System Manual},
  1230   author={Wenzel, Makarius and Berghofer, Stefan},
  1231   year={2013},
  1232   url={}
  1233 }
  1235 @inproceedings{wenzel2011isabelle,
  1236  author = {Wenzel, Makarius},
  1237  title = {Isabelle As Document-Oriented Proof Assistant},
  1238  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Calculemus and 10th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics},
  1239  series = {MKM'11},
  1240  year = {2011},
  1241  isbn = {978-3-642-22672-4},
  1242  venue = {Bertinoro, Italy},
  1243  pages = {244--259},
  1244  numpages = {16},
  1245  url = {},
  1246  acmid = {2032732},
  1247  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1248  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1249 }
  1251 @inproceedings{wenzel2012isabelle,
  1252  author = {Wenzel, Makarius},
  1253  title = {Isabelle/jEdit: A Prover IDE Within the PIDE Framework},
  1254  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics},
  1255  series = {CICM'12},
  1256  year = {2012},
  1257  isbn = {978-3-642-31373-8},
  1258  venue = {Bremen, Germany},
  1259  pages = {468--471},
  1260  numpages = {4},
  1261  url = {},
  1262  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-31374-5_38},
  1263  acmid = {2352851},
  1264  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1265  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1266 }
  1268 @manual{wenzel2013jedit,
  1269   title={Isabelle/jEdit},
  1270   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1271   year={2013},
  1272   url={}
  1273 }
  1275 @book{chlipala2011certified,
  1276  author = {Chlipala, Adam},
  1277  title = {Certified Programming with Dependent Types: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant},
  1278  year = {2013},
  1279  isbn = {0262026651, 9780262026659},
  1280  publisher = {The MIT Press},
  1281 } 
  1283 @book{nipkow2002isabelle,
  1284  author = {Nipkow, Tobias and Wenzel, Makarius and Paulson, Lawrence C.},
  1285  title = {Isabelle/HOL: A Proof Assistant for Higher-order Logic},
  1286  year = {2013},
  1287  month = {12},
  1288  isbn = {3-540-43376-7},
  1289  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
  1290 }
  1292 @manual{wenzel2013impl,
  1293   title={The Isabelle/Isar Implementation},
  1294   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1295   year={2013},
  1296   note={With contributions by Florian Haftmann and Larry Paulson},
  1297   url={}
  1298 }
  1300 @book{van1979checking,
  1301    title = {Checking Landau's ``Grundlagen'' in the Automath system},
  1302    author = {van Benthem Jutting, L. S.},
  1303    publisher = {Mathematisch Centrum},
  1304    address = {Eindhoven},
  1305    year = {1979}
  1306 }
  1308 @article{landin1966next,
  1309   author    = {Peter J. Landin},
  1310   title     = {The next 700 programming languages},
  1311   journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
  1312   volume    = {9},
  1313   number    = {3},
  1314   year      = {1966},
  1315   pages     = {157--166}
  1316 }
  1318 @inproceedings{paulson1988isabelle,
  1319  author = {Paulson, Lawrence C.},
  1320  title = {Isabelle: The Next Seven Hundred Theorem Provers},
  1321  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automated Deduction},
  1322  year = {1988},
  1323  isbn = {3-540-19343-X},
  1324  pages = {772--773},
  1325  numpages = {2},
  1326  url = {},
  1327  acmid = {751990},
  1328  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1329  address = {London, UK, UK},
  1330 }
  1332 @article{gentzen1964investigations,
  1333   title={Investigations into logical deduction},
  1334   author={Gentzen, Gerhard},
  1335   journal={American philosophical quarterly},
  1336   volume={1},
  1337   number={4},
  1338   pages={288--306},
  1339   year={1964},
  1340   publisher={JSTOR}
  1341 }
  1343 @article{coquand1988calculus,
  1344   author    = {Thierry Coquand and
  1345                G{\'e}rard P. Huet},
  1346   title     = {The Calculus of Constructions},
  1347   journal   = {Information and Computation},
  1348   volume    = {76},
  1349   number    = {2/3},
  1350   year      = {1988},
  1351   pages     = {95-120},
  1352   ee        = {},
  1353   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1354 }
  1356 @article{fitzgerald2008vdmtools,
  1357   author    = {John S. Fitzgerald and
  1358                Peter Gorm Larsen and
  1359                Shin Sahara},
  1360   title     = {VDMTools: advances in support for formal modeling in VDM},
  1361   journal   = {SIGPLAN Notices},
  1362   volume    = {43},
  1363   number    = {2},
  1364   year      = {2008},
  1365   pages     = {3-11},
  1366   ee        = {},
  1367   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1368 }
  1370 @incollection{fitzgerald2008vienna,
  1371 	title = {Vienna Development Method},
  1372 	author = {Fitzgerald, John S. and Larsen, Peter Gorm and Verhoef, Marcel},
  1373 	publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.},
  1374 	isbn = {9780470050118},
  1375 	url = {},
  1376 	doi = {10.1002/9780470050118.ecse447},
  1377 	booktitle = {Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering},
  1378 	year = {2007}
  1379 }
  1381 @book{bjorner2006software,
  1382   title={Software Engineering},
  1383   author={Bj{\o}rner, Dines},
  1384   volume={1,2,3},
  1385   year={2006},
  1386   series={Texts in Theoretical Computer Science},
  1387   publisher={Springer-Verlag}
  1388 }
  1390 @article{back2010structured,
  1391   author    = {Ralph-Johan Back},
  1392   title     = {Structured derivations: a unified proof style for teaching mathematics},
  1393   journal   = {Formal Aspects of Computing},
  1394   volume    = {22},
  1395   number    = {5},
  1396   year      = {2010},
  1397   pages     = {629--661}
  1398 }
  1400 @article{wenzel2007generic,
  1401   title={Isabelle/Isar -- a generic framework for human-readable proof documents},
  1402   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1403   journal={From Insight to Proof -- Festschrift in Honour of Andrzej Trybulec},
  1404   volume={10},
  1405   number={23},
  1406   pages={277--298},
  1407   year={2007}
  1408 }
  1410 @inproceedings{neuper2012automated,
  1411   author    = {Walther Neuper},
  1412   title     = {Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation
  1413                and Deduction},
  1414   editor    = {Pedro Quaresma and
  1415                Ralph-Johan Back},
  1416   booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on CTP Components for Educational
  1417                Software (THedu'11)},
  1418   year      = {2011},
  1419   pages     = {82--101},
  1420   series    = {EPTCS},
  1421   volume    = {79},
  1422   venue     = {Wroclaw, Poland},
  1423   month     = {7}
  1424 }
  1426 @article{daroczy2013error,
  1427   title={Error-Patterns within ``Next-Step-Guidance'' in TP-based Educational Systems},
  1428   author={Dar{\'o}czy, Gabriella and Neuper, Walther},
  1429   journal={Electronic Journal of Mathematics \& Technology},
  1430   volume={7},
  1431   number={2},
  1432   year={2013}
  1433 }
  1435 @mastersthesis{kienleitner2012towards,
  1436   title={Towards ``NextStep Userguidance'' in a Mechanized Math Assistant},
  1437   author={Kienleitner, Markus},
  1438   school={Graz University of Technology},
  1439   year={2012},
  1440   type={Bachelor's thesis}
  1441 }
  1443 @inproceedings{wenzel2009parallel,
  1444 	author = {Makarius Wenzel},
  1445 	title = {{Parallel Proof Checking in {Isabelle/Isar}}},
  1446 	booktitle = {ACM SIGSAM Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems (PLMMS 2009)},
  1447 	year = {2009},
  1448 	editor = {Dos Reis, G and L Th\'ery},
  1449 	publisher = {ACM Digital Library}
  1450 }
  1452 @techreport{buchberger1984mathematik,
  1453   author={Buchberger, Bruno},
  1454   title={Mathematik für Informatiker II (Problemlösestrategien und Algorithmentypen)},
  1455   institution={RISC-Linz},
  1456   type={Lecture notes},
  1457   number={CAMP-Publ.-No. 84-4.0},
  1458   year={1984}
  1459 }
  1461 @mastersthesis{lehnfeld2011verbindung,
  1462   title={Verbindung von 'Computation' und 'Deduction' im \isac{}-System},
  1463   author={Lehnfeld, Mathias},
  1464   school={Technische Universität Wien},
  1465   year={2011},
  1466   type={Bachelor's project report}
  1467 }
  1469 @phdthesis{krauss2009automating,
  1470   author    = {Alexander Krauss},
  1471   title     = {Automating recursive definitions and termination proofs
  1472                in higher-order logic},
  1473   year      = {2009},
  1474   pages     = {1-127},
  1475   school    = {Technische Universität München},
  1476   ee        = {},
  1477   bibsource = {DBLP,}
  1478 }
  1480 @mastersthesis{rocnik2012interactive,
  1481   author={Jan Rocnik},
  1482   title={Interactive Course Material for Signal Processing based on Isabelle/\isac{}},
  1483   type={Bachelor's thesis},
  1484   year={2012},
  1485   url={},
  1486   school={Graz University of Technology}
  1487 }
  1489 @inproceedings{haftmann2010code,
  1490  author = {Haftmann, Florian and Nipkow, Tobias},
  1491  title = {Code Generation via Higher-order Rewrite Systems},
  1492  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Functional and Logic Programming},
  1493  series = {FLOPS'10},
  1494  year = {2010},
  1495  isbn = {3-642-12250-7, 978-3-642-12250-7},
  1496  venue = {Sendai, Japan},
  1497  pages = {103--117},
  1498  numpages = {15},
  1499  url = {},
  1500  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-12251-4_9},
  1501  acmid = {2175441},
  1502  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1503  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1504 }
  1506 @book{charniak2014artificial,
  1507   author    = {Charniak, Eugene and Riesbeck, Christopher K. and McDermott, Drew V. and Meehan, James R.},
  1508   title     = {Artificial Intelligence Programming},
  1509   edition   = {2},
  1510   isbn      = {0898596092},
  1511   year      = {1987},
  1512   publisher = {Psychology Press}
  1513 }
  1515 @inproceedings{aspinall2000proof,
  1516  author = {Aspinall, David},
  1517  title = {Proof General: A Generic Tool for Proof Development},
  1518  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems: Held As Part of the European Joint Conferences on the Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000},
  1519  series = {TACAS '00},
  1520  year = {2000},
  1521  isbn = {3-540-67282-6},
  1522  pages = {38--42},
  1523  numpages = {5},
  1524  url = {},
  1525  acmid = {691773},
  1526  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1527  address = {London, UK, UK},
  1528 }
  1530 @book{simon1965shape,
  1531     address = {New York},
  1532     author = {Simon, H. A.},
  1533     publisher = {Harper \& Row},
  1534     title = {{The Shape of Automation for Men and Management}},
  1535     year = {1965}
  1536 }
  1538 @book{gordon1993introduction,
  1539   title={Introduction to HOL: A theorem proving environment for higher-order logic},
  1540   author={Gordon, Michael JC and Melham, Tom F},
  1541   year={1993},
  1542   publisher={Cambridge University Press}
  1543 }
  1545 @online{harrison2014hol,
  1546   author={Harrison, John},
  1547   title={HOL Light},
  1548   urldate={2014-05-26},
  1549   url={}
  1550 }
  1552 @article{appel1977solution,
  1553   title={The solution of the four-color-map problem},
  1554   author={Appel, Kenneth and Haken, Wolfgang},
  1555   journal={Scientific American},
  1556   volume={237},
  1557   pages={108--121},
  1558   year={1977}
  1559 }
  1561 @incollection{hales2011historical,
  1562 	year={2011},
  1563 	isbn={978-1-4614-1128-4},
  1564 	booktitle={The Kepler Conjecture},
  1565 	editor={Lagarias, Jeffrey C.},
  1566 	doi={10.1007/978-1-4614-1129-1_3},
  1567 	title={Historical Overview of the Kepler Conjecture},
  1568 	url={},
  1569 	publisher={Springer New York},
  1570 	author={Hales, ThomasC.},
  1571 	pages={65-82},
  1572 	language={English}
  1573 }
  1575 @techreport{sharangpani1994statistical,
  1576   title={Statistical Analysis of Floating Point Flaw in the Pentium Processor},
  1577   author={Sharangpani, HP and Barton, ML},
  1578   institution={Intel Corporation},
  1579   year={1994}
  1580 }
  1582 @online{intel1997intel,
  1583   year={1997},
  1584   title={Intel® Pentium® Processor - Invalid Instruction Erratum Overview},
  1585   urldate={2014-05-26},
  1586   url={}
  1587 }
  1589 @article{brandt2007theorem,
  1590   title={Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
  1591   author={Brandt, Klaus Schneider Jens},
  1592   year={2007},
  1593   publisher={Springer-Verlag}
  1594 }
  1596 @online{isabelle2013news,
  1597   title={},
  1598   url={},
  1599   urldate={2014-05-27},
  1600   year=2013
  1601 }
  1603 @online{isac2014knowledge,
  1604   title={\_thy.html},
  1605   url={},
  1606   urldate={2014-06-01}
  1607 }
  1609 @online{isac2014pbl,
  1610   title={\_pbl.html},
  1611   url={},
  1612   urldate={2014-06-01}
  1613 }
  1615 @online{isac2014met,
  1616   title={\_met.html},
  1617   url={},
  1618   urldate={2014-06-01}
  1619 }
  1621 @manual{krauss2013defining,
  1622   title={Defining recursive functions in Isabelle/HOL},
  1623   author={Krauss, Alexander},
  1624   year={2013},
  1625   url={}
  1626 }
  1628 @online{google2012flyspeck,
  1629   title={FlyspeckFactSheet},
  1630   url={},
  1631   urldate={2014-06-01},
  1632   year={2012}
  1633 }
  1635 @online{austriaforum2014zemanek,
  1636   title={Zemanek, Heinz | Austria-Forum > Biographien},
  1637   url={,_Heinz},
  1638   urldate={2014-06-02}
  1639 }
  1641 @article{gonthier2008formal,
  1642   title={Formal Proof --- The Four Colour Theorem},
  1643   author={Gonthier, Georges},
  1644   journal={Notices of the AMS},
  1645   volume={55},
  1646   number={11},
  1647   pages={1382--1393},
  1648   year={2008}
  1649 }
  1651 @online{pipermail2014clisa,
  1652   title={The Cl-isabelle-users Archives},
  1653   url={},
  1654   urldate={2014-06-05},
  1655   year={2014}
  1656 }
  1658 @online{tum2013team,
  1659   title={The Team},
  1660   url={},
  1661   urldate={2014-06-05},
  1662   year={2013}
  1663 }
  1665 @online{tum2014isainst,
  1666   title={Installation},
  1667   url={},
  1668   urldate={2014-06-05},
  1669   year={2013}
  1670 }
  1672 @online{andriusvelykis2013isaclipse,
  1673   title={Isabelle/Eclipse},
  1674   url={},
  1675   urldate={2014-06-05},
  1676   year={2013}
  1677 }
  1679 @online{emath2013emath,
  1680   title={E-Math},
  1681   url={},
  1682   urldate={2014-06-05},
  1683   year={2013}
  1684 }
  1686 @online{tum2013isadoc,
  1687   title={Documentation},
  1688   url={},
  1689   urldate={2014-06-13},
  1690   year={2013},
  1691   OPTnote={Theory libraries for Isabelle2013-2}
  1692 }
  1694 @online{wiki2014proofass,
  1695   title={Proof assistant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia},
  1696   url={},
  1697   urldate={2014-06-13},
  1698   year={2014}
  1699 }
  1701 @online{wiki2014atp,
  1702   title={Automated theorem proving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia},
  1703   url={},
  1704   urldate={2014-06-13},
  1705   year={2014}
  1706 }
  1708 @online{tum2013isahol,
  1709   title={Isabelle/HOL sessions},
  1710   url={},
  1711   urldate={2014-06-13}
  1712 }
  1714 @online{isac2014pblequuniv,
  1715   title={\_equ\_univ.html},
  1716   url={},
  1717   urldate={2014-06-13}
  1718 }
  1720 @mastersthesis{haller2006object,
  1721   title={An Object-Oriented Programming Model for Event-Based Actors},
  1722   author={Haller, Philipp},
  1723   year={2006},
  1724   school={University of Karlsruhe}
  1725 }
  1727 @online{wenzel2014actors,
  1728   title={Re: [isabelle-dev] scala-2.11.0},
  1729   url={},
  1730   author={Wenzel, Makarius},
  1731   year={2014},
  1732   urldate={2014-06-16}
  1733 }
  1735 @inproceedings{blanchette2011automatic,
  1736  author = {Blanchette, Jasmin Christian and Bulwahn, Lukas and Nipkow, Tobias},
  1737  title = {Automatic Proof and Disproof in Isabelle/HOL},
  1738  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Combining Systems},
  1739  series = {FroCoS'11},
  1740  year = {2011},
  1741  isbn = {978-3-642-24363-9},
  1742  venue = {Saarbrücken, Germany},
  1743  pages = {12--27},
  1744  numpages = {16},
  1745  url = {},
  1746  acmid = {2050787},
  1747  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  1748  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  1749 }
  1751 %@inproceedings{wenzel2007sml,
  1752 %  title={SML with antiquotations embedded into Isabelle/Isar},
  1753 %  author={Wenzel, Makarius and Chaieb, Amine},
  1754 %  booktitle={Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics (satellite of CALCULEMUS 2007). %Hagenberg, Austria},
  1755 %  year={2007}
  1756 %}
  1758 @online{tum2014repo,
  1759   title={isabelle: Summary},
  1760   url={},
  1761   year={2014},
  1762   urldate={2014-06-21}
  1763 }