author wenzelm
Sun, 20 Jun 2004 09:26:29 +0200
changeset 14972 51f95648abad
parent 14832 6589a58f57cb
child 14981 e73f8140af78
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/General/pretty.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     4     Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Munich
     5     License:    GPL (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)
     7 Generic pretty printing module.
     9 Loosely based on
    10   D. C. Oppen, "Pretty Printing",
    11   ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (1980), 465-483.
    13 The object to be printed is given as a tree with indentation and line
    14 breaking information.  A "break" inserts a newline if the text until
    15 the next break is too long to fit on the current line.  After the newline,
    16 text is indented to the level of the enclosing block.  Normally, if a block
    17 is broken then all enclosing blocks will also be broken.  Only "inconsistent
    18 breaks" are provided.
    20 The stored length of a block is used in breakdist (to treat each inner block as
    21 a unit for breaking).
    22 *)
    24 type pprint_args = (string -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) *
    25   (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit);
    27 signature PRETTY =
    28 sig
    29   type T
    30   val raw_str: string * real -> T
    31   val str: string -> T
    32   val brk: int -> T
    33   val fbrk: T
    34   val blk: int * T list -> T
    35   val unbreakable: T -> T
    36   val quote: T -> T
    37   val commas: T list -> T list
    38   val breaks: T list -> T list
    39   val fbreaks: T list -> T list
    40   val block: T list -> T
    41   val strs: string list -> T
    42   val enclose: string -> string -> T list -> T
    43   val list: string -> string -> T list -> T
    44   val str_list: string -> string -> string list -> T
    45   val big_list: string -> T list -> T
    46   val chunks: T list -> T
    47   val indent: int -> T -> T
    48   val string_of: T -> string
    49   val writeln: T -> unit
    50   val writelns: T list -> unit
    51   val str_of: T -> string
    52   val pprint: T -> pprint_args -> unit
    53   val setdepth: int -> unit
    54   val setmargin: int -> unit
    55   val setmp_margin: int -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
    56   type pp
    57   val pp: (term -> T) * (typ -> T) * (sort -> T) * (class list -> T) * (arity -> T) -> pp
    58   val pp_undef: pp
    59   val term: pp -> term -> T
    60   val typ: pp -> typ -> T
    61   val sort: pp -> sort -> T
    62   val classrel: pp -> class list -> T
    63   val arity: pp -> arity -> T
    64   val string_of_term: pp -> term -> string
    65   val string_of_typ: pp -> typ -> string
    66   val string_of_sort: pp -> sort -> string
    67   val string_of_classrel: pp -> class list -> string
    68   val string_of_arity: pp -> arity -> string
    69 end;
    71 structure Pretty : PRETTY =
    72 struct
    75 (** printing items: compound phrases, strings, and breaks **)
    77 datatype T =
    78   Block of T list * int * int |         (*body, indentation, length*)
    79   String of string * int |              (*text, length*)
    80   Break of bool * int;                  (*mandatory flag, width if not taken*);
    84 (** output text **)
    86 val output_spaces = Output.output o Symbol.spaces;
    87 val add_indent = Buffer.add o output_spaces;
    88 fun set_indent wd = Buffer.empty |> add_indent wd;
    90 val empty =
    91  {tx = Buffer.empty,
    92   ind = Buffer.empty,
    93   pos = 0,
    94   nl = 0};
    96 fun newline {tx, ind, pos, nl} =
    97  {tx = Buffer.add (Output.output "\n") tx,
    98   ind = Buffer.empty,
    99   pos = 0,
   100   nl = nl + 1};
   102 fun string (s, len) {tx, ind, pos: int, nl} =
   103  {tx = Buffer.add s tx,
   104   ind = Buffer.add s ind,
   105   pos = pos + len,
   106   nl = nl};
   108 fun blanks wd = string (output_spaces wd, wd);
   110 fun indentation (buf, len) {tx, ind, pos, nl} =
   111   let val s = Buffer.content buf in
   112    {tx = Buffer.add (Output.indent (s, len)) tx,
   113     ind = Buffer.add s ind,
   114     pos = pos + len,
   115     nl = nl}
   116   end;
   120 (** formatting **)
   122 (* margin *)
   124 fun make_margin_info m =
   125  {margin = m,                   (*right margin, or page width*)
   126   breakgain = m div 20,         (*minimum added space required of a break*)
   127   emergencypos = m div 2};      (*position too far to right*)
   129 val margin_info = ref (make_margin_info 76);
   130 fun setmargin m = margin_info := make_margin_info m;
   131 fun setmp_margin m f = setmp margin_info (make_margin_info m) f;
   134 (* format *)
   136 (*Add the lengths of the expressions until the next Break; if no Break then
   137   include "after", to account for text following this block.*)
   138 fun breakdist (Block (_, _, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
   139   | breakdist (String (s, len) :: es, after) = len + breakdist (es, after)
   140   | breakdist (Break _ :: es, after) = 0
   141   | breakdist ([], after) = after;
   143 (*Search for the next break (at this or higher levels) and force it to occur.*)
   144 fun forcenext [] = []
   145   | forcenext (Break (_, wd) :: es) = Break (true, 0) :: es
   146   | forcenext (e :: es) = e :: forcenext es;
   148 (*es is list of expressions to print;
   149   blockin is the indentation of the current block;
   150   after is the width of the following context until next break.*)
   151 fun format ([], _, _) text = text
   152   | format (e :: es, block as (blockind, blockin), after) (text as {ind, pos, nl, ...}) =
   153       (case e of
   154         Block (bes, indent, wd) =>
   155           let
   156             val {emergencypos, ...} = ! margin_info;
   157             val pos' = pos + indent;
   158             val pos'' = pos' mod emergencypos;
   159             val block' =
   160               if pos' < emergencypos then (ind |> add_indent indent, pos')
   161               else (set_indent pos'', pos'');
   162             val btext = format (bes, block', breakdist (es, after)) text;
   163             (*if this block was broken then force the next break*)
   164             val es2 = if nl < #nl btext then forcenext es else es;
   165           in format (es2, block, after) btext end
   166       | String str => format (es, block, after) (string str text)
   167       | Break (force, wd) =>
   168           let val {margin, breakgain, ...} = ! margin_info in
   169             (*no break if text to next break fits on this line
   170               or if breaking would add only breakgain to space*)
   171             format (es, block, after)
   172               (if not force andalso
   173                   pos + wd <= Int.max (margin - breakdist (es, after), blockin + breakgain)
   174                 then text |> blanks wd  (*just insert wd blanks*)
   175                 else text |> newline |> indentation block)
   176           end);
   179 (** Exported functions to create formatting expressions **)
   181 fun length (Block (_, _, len)) = len
   182   | length (String (_, len)) = len
   183   | length (Break(_, wd)) = wd;
   185 fun raw_str (s, len) = String (s, Real.round len);
   186 val str = String o apsnd Real.round o Output.output_width;
   188 fun brk wd = Break (false, wd);
   189 val fbrk = Break (true, 2);
   191 fun blk (indent, es) =
   192   let
   193     fun sum([], k) = k
   194       | sum(e :: es, k) = sum (es, length e + k);
   195   in Block (es, indent, sum (es, 0)) end;
   197 fun unbreakable (Break (_, wd)) = String (output_spaces wd, wd)
   198   | unbreakable (Block (es, indent, wd)) = Block (map unbreakable es, indent, wd)
   199   | unbreakable (e as String _) = e;
   202 (* utils *)
   204 fun quote prt =
   205   blk (1, [str "\"", prt, str "\""]);
   207 fun commas prts =
   208   flat (separate [str ",", brk 1] (map (fn x => [x]) prts));
   210 fun breaks prts = separate (brk 1) prts;
   211 fun fbreaks prts = separate fbrk prts;
   213 fun block prts = blk (2, prts);
   215 val strs = block o breaks o map str;
   217 fun enclose lpar rpar prts =
   218   block (str lpar :: (prts @ [str rpar]));
   220 fun list lpar rpar prts = enclose lpar rpar (commas prts);
   221 fun str_list lpar rpar strs = list lpar rpar (map str strs);
   222 fun big_list name prts = block (fbreaks (str name :: prts));
   223 fun chunks prts = blk (0, fbreaks prts);
   225 fun indent 0 prt = prt
   226   | indent n prt = blk (0, [str (Symbol.spaces n), prt]);
   230 (** Pretty printing with depth limitation **)
   232 val depth       = ref 0;        (*maximum depth; 0 means no limit*)
   234 fun setdepth dp = (depth := dp);
   236 (*Recursively prune blocks, discarding all text exceeding depth dp*)
   237 fun pruning dp (Block(bes,indent,wd)) =
   238       if dp>0 then blk(indent, map (pruning(dp-1)) bes)
   239               else str "..."
   240   | pruning dp e = e;
   242 fun prune dp e = if dp > 0 then pruning dp e else e;
   244 fun string_of e =
   245   Buffer.content (#tx (format ([prune (! depth) e], (Buffer.empty, 0), 0) empty))
   246   |> Output.raw;
   248 val writeln = writeln o string_of;
   249 fun writelns [] = () | writelns es = writeln (chunks es);
   252 (*Create a single flat string: no line breaking*)
   253 fun str_of prt =
   254   let
   255     fun s_of (Block (prts, _, _)) = implode (map s_of prts)
   256       | s_of (String (s, _)) = s
   257       | s_of (Break (false, wd)) = output_spaces wd
   258       | s_of (Break (true, _)) = output_spaces 1;
   259   in Output.raw (s_of (prune (! depth) prt)) end;
   261 (*part of the interface to the ML toplevel pretty printers*)
   262 fun pprint prt (put_str, begin_blk, put_brk, put_fbrk, end_blk) =
   263   let
   264     fun pp (Block (prts, ind, _)) = (begin_blk ind; pp_lst prts; end_blk ())
   265       | pp (String (s, _)) = put_str s
   266       | pp (Break (false, wd)) = put_brk wd
   267       | pp (Break (true, _)) = put_fbrk ()
   268     and pp_lst [] = ()
   269       | pp_lst (prt :: prts) = (pp prt; pp_lst prts);
   270   in
   271     pp (prune (! depth) prt)
   272   end;
   276 (** abstract pretty printing context **)
   278 datatype pp =
   279   PP of (term -> T) * (typ -> T) * (sort -> T) * (class list -> T) * (arity -> T);
   281 val pp = PP;
   283 fun pp_fun f (PP x) = f x;
   285 val term     = pp_fun #1;
   286 val typ      = pp_fun #2;
   287 val sort     = pp_fun #3;
   288 val classrel = pp_fun #4;
   289 val arity    = pp_fun #5;
   291 val string_of_term     = string_of oo term;
   292 val string_of_typ      = string_of oo typ;
   293 val string_of_sort     = string_of oo sort;
   294 val string_of_classrel = string_of oo classrel;
   295 val string_of_arity    = string_of oo arity;
   297 fun undef kind _ = str ("*** UNABLE TO PRINT " ^ kind ^ " ***");
   298 val pp_undef =
   299   pp (undef "term", undef "typ", undef "sort", undef "classrel", undef "arity");
   301 end;