author nipkow
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 18:25:54 +0200
changeset 16412 50eab0183aea
parent 16410 d1a436d92d31
child 16523 f8a734dc0fbc
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     1 % $Id$
     2 \chapter{The Rules of the Game}
     3 \label{chap:rules}
     5 This chapter outlines the concepts and techniques that underlie reasoning
     6 in Isabelle.  Until now, we have proved everything using only induction and
     7 simplification, but any serious verification project requires more elaborate
     8 forms of inference.  The chapter also introduces the fundamentals of
     9 predicate logic.  The first examples in this chapter will consist of
    10 detailed, low-level proof steps.  Later, we shall see how to automate such
    11 reasoning using the methods
    12 \isa{blast},
    13 \isa{auto} and others.  Backward or goal-directed proof is our usual style,
    14 but the chapter also introduces forward reasoning, where one theorem is
    15 transformed to yield another.
    17 \section{Natural Deduction}
    19 \index{natural deduction|(}%
    20 In Isabelle, proofs are constructed using inference rules. The 
    21 most familiar inference rule is probably \emph{modus ponens}:%
    22 \index{modus ponens@\emph{modus ponens}} 
    23 \[ \infer{Q}{P\imp Q & P} \]
    24 This rule says that from $P\imp Q$ and $P$ we may infer~$Q$.  
    26 \textbf{Natural deduction} is an attempt to formalize logic in a way 
    27 that mirrors human reasoning patterns. 
    28 For each logical symbol (say, $\conj$), there 
    29 are two kinds of rules: \textbf{introduction} and \textbf{elimination} rules. 
    30 The introduction rules allow us to infer this symbol (say, to 
    31 infer conjunctions). The elimination rules allow us to deduce 
    32 consequences from this symbol. Ideally each rule should mention 
    33 one symbol only.  For predicate logic this can be 
    34 done, but when users define their own concepts they typically 
    35 have to refer to other symbols as well.  It is best not to be dogmatic.
    37 Natural deduction generally deserves its name.  It is easy to use.  Each
    38 proof step consists of identifying the outermost symbol of a formula and
    39 applying the corresponding rule.  It creates new subgoals in
    40 an obvious way from parts of the chosen formula.  Expanding the
    41 definitions of constants can blow up the goal enormously.  Deriving natural
    42 deduction rules for such constants lets us reason in terms of their key
    43 properties, which might otherwise be obscured by the technicalities of its
    44 definition.  Natural deduction rules also lend themselves to automation.
    45 Isabelle's
    46 \textbf{classical reasoner} accepts any suitable  collection of natural deduction
    47 rules and uses them to search for proofs automatically.  Isabelle is designed around
    48 natural deduction and many of its tools use the terminology of introduction
    49 and elimination rules.%
    50 \index{natural deduction|)}
    53 \section{Introduction Rules}
    55 \index{introduction rules|(}%
    56 An introduction rule tells us when we can infer a formula 
    57 containing a specific logical symbol. For example, the conjunction 
    58 introduction rule says that if we have $P$ and if we have $Q$ then 
    59 we have $P\conj Q$. In a mathematics text, it is typically shown 
    60 like this:
    61 \[  \infer{P\conj Q}{P & Q} \]
    62 The rule introduces the conjunction
    63 symbol~($\conj$) in its conclusion.  In Isabelle proofs we
    64 mainly  reason backwards.  When we apply this rule, the subgoal already has
    65 the form of a conjunction; the proof step makes this conjunction symbol
    66 disappear. 
    68 In Isabelle notation, the rule looks like this:
    69 \begin{isabelle}
    70 \isasymlbrakk?P;\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P\ \isasymand\ ?Q\rulenamedx{conjI}
    71 \end{isabelle}
    72 Carefully examine the syntax.  The premises appear to the
    73 left of the arrow and the conclusion to the right.  The premises (if 
    74 more than one) are grouped using the fat brackets.  The question marks
    75 indicate \textbf{schematic variables} (also called
    76 \textbf{unknowns}):\index{unknowns|bold} they may
    77 be replaced by arbitrary formulas.  If we use the rule backwards, Isabelle
    78 tries to unify the current subgoal with the conclusion of the rule, which
    79 has the form \isa{?P\ \isasymand\ ?Q}.  (Unification is discussed below,
    80 {\S}\ref{sec:unification}.)  If successful,
    81 it yields new subgoals given by the formulas assigned to 
    82 \isa{?P} and \isa{?Q}.
    84 The following trivial proof illustrates how rules work.  It also introduces a
    85 style of indentation.  If a command adds a new subgoal, then the next
    86 command's indentation is increased by one space; if it proves a subgoal, then
    87 the indentation is reduced.  This provides the reader with hints about the
    88 subgoal structure.
    89 \begin{isabelle}
    90 \isacommand{lemma}\ conj_rule:\ "\isasymlbrakk P;\
    91 Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ \isasymand\
    92 (Q\ \isasymand\ P)"\isanewline
    93 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ conjI)\isanewline
    94 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
    95 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ conjI)\isanewline
    96 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
    97 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption
    98 \end{isabelle}
    99 At the start, Isabelle presents 
   100 us with the assumptions (\isa{P} and~\isa{Q}) and with the goal to be proved,
   101 \isa{P\ \isasymand\
   102 (Q\ \isasymand\ P)}.  We are working backwards, so when we
   103 apply conjunction introduction, the rule removes the outermost occurrence
   104 of the \isa{\isasymand} symbol.  To apply a  rule to a subgoal, we apply
   105 the proof method \isa{rule} --- here with \isa{conjI}, the  conjunction
   106 introduction rule. 
   107 \begin{isabelle}
   108 %\isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ \isasymand\ Q\
   109 %\isasymand\ P\isanewline
   110 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\isanewline
   111 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymand\ P
   112 \end{isabelle}
   113 Isabelle leaves two new subgoals: the two halves of the original conjunction. 
   114 The first is simply \isa{P}, which is trivial, since \isa{P} is among 
   115 the assumptions.  We can apply the \methdx{assumption} 
   116 method, which proves a subgoal by finding a matching assumption.
   117 \begin{isabelle}
   118 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ 
   119 Q\ \isasymand\ P
   120 \end{isabelle}
   121 We are left with the subgoal of proving  
   122 \isa{Q\ \isasymand\ P} from the assumptions \isa{P} and~\isa{Q}.  We apply
   123 \isa{rule conjI} again. 
   124 \begin{isabelle}
   125 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\isanewline
   126 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P
   127 \end{isabelle}
   128 We are left with two new subgoals, \isa{Q} and~\isa{P}, each of which can be proved
   129 using the \isa{assumption} method.%
   130 \index{introduction rules|)}
   133 \section{Elimination Rules}
   135 \index{elimination rules|(}%
   136 Elimination rules work in the opposite direction from introduction 
   137 rules. In the case of conjunction, there are two such rules. 
   138 From $P\conj Q$ we infer $P$. also, from $P\conj Q$  
   139 we infer $Q$:
   140 \[ \infer{P}{P\conj Q} \qquad \infer{Q}{P\conj Q}  \]
   142 Now consider disjunction. There are two introduction rules, which resemble inverted forms of the
   143 conjunction elimination rules:
   144 \[ \infer{P\disj Q}{P} \qquad \infer{P\disj Q}{Q}  \]
   146 What is the disjunction elimination rule?  The situation is rather different from 
   147 conjunction.  From $P\disj Q$ we cannot conclude  that $P$ is true and we
   148 cannot conclude that $Q$ is true; there are no direct
   149 elimination rules of the sort that we have seen for conjunction.  Instead,
   150 there is an elimination  rule that works indirectly.  If we are trying  to prove
   151 something else, say $R$, and we know that $P\disj Q$ holds,  then we have to consider
   152 two cases.  We can assume that $P$ is true  and prove $R$ and then assume that $Q$ is
   153 true and prove $R$ a second  time.  Here we see a fundamental concept used in natural
   154 deduction:  that of the \textbf{assumptions}. We have to prove $R$ twice, under
   155 different assumptions.  The assumptions are local to these subproofs and are visible 
   156 nowhere else. 
   158 In a logic text, the disjunction elimination rule might be shown 
   159 like this:
   160 \[ \infer{R}{P\disj Q & \infer*{R}{[P]} & \infer*{R}{[Q]}} \]
   161 The assumptions $[P]$ and $[Q]$ are bracketed 
   162 to emphasize that they are local to their subproofs.  In Isabelle 
   163 notation, the already-familiar \isa{\isasymLongrightarrow} syntax serves the
   164 same  purpose:
   165 \begin{isabelle}
   166 \isasymlbrakk?P\ \isasymor\ ?Q;\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R;\ ?Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R\rulenamedx{disjE}
   167 \end{isabelle}
   168 When we use this sort of elimination rule backwards, it produces 
   169 a case split.  (We have seen this before, in proofs by induction.)  The following  proof
   170 illustrates the use of disjunction elimination.  
   171 \begin{isabelle}
   172 \isacommand{lemma}\ disj_swap:\ "P\ \isasymor\ Q\ 
   173 \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P"\isanewline
   174 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ disjE)\isanewline
   175 \ \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ disjI2)\isanewline
   176 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   177 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ disjI1)\isanewline
   178 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption
   179 \end{isabelle}
   180 We assume \isa{P\ \isasymor\ Q} and
   181 must prove \isa{Q\ \isasymor\ P}\@.  Our first step uses the disjunction
   182 elimination rule, \isa{disjE}\@.  We invoke it using \methdx{erule}, a
   183 method designed to work with elimination rules.  It looks for an assumption that
   184 matches the rule's first premise.  It deletes the matching assumption,
   185 regards the first premise as proved and returns subgoals corresponding to
   186 the remaining premises.  When we apply \isa{erule} to \isa{disjE}, only two
   187 subgoals result.  This is better than applying it using \isa{rule}
   188 to get three subgoals, then proving the first by assumption: the other
   189 subgoals would have the redundant assumption 
   190 \hbox{\isa{P\ \isasymor\ Q}}.
   191 Most of the time, \isa{erule} is  the best way to use elimination rules, since it
   192 replaces an assumption by its subformulas; only rarely does the original
   193 assumption remain useful.
   195 \begin{isabelle}
   196 %P\ \isasymor\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P\isanewline
   197 \ 1.\ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P\isanewline
   198 \ 2.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P
   199 \end{isabelle}
   200 These are the two subgoals returned by \isa{erule}.  The first assumes
   201 \isa{P} and the  second assumes \isa{Q}.  Tackling the first subgoal, we
   202 need to  show \isa{Q\ \isasymor\ P}\@.  The second introduction rule
   203 (\isa{disjI2}) can reduce this  to \isa{P}, which matches the assumption.
   204 So, we apply the
   205 \isa{rule}  method with \isa{disjI2} \ldots
   206 \begin{isabelle}
   207 \ 1.\ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\isanewline
   208 \ 2.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P
   209 \end{isabelle}
   210 \ldots and finish off with the \isa{assumption} 
   211 method.  We are left with the other subgoal, which 
   212 assumes \isa{Q}.  
   213 \begin{isabelle}
   214 \ 1.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymor\ P
   215 \end{isabelle}
   216 Its proof is similar, using the introduction 
   217 rule \isa{disjI1}. 
   219 The result of this proof is a new inference rule \isa{disj_swap}, which is neither 
   220 an introduction nor an elimination rule, but which might 
   221 be useful.  We can use it to replace any goal of the form $Q\disj P$
   222 by a one of the form $P\disj Q$.%
   223 \index{elimination rules|)}
   226 \section{Destruction Rules: Some Examples}
   228 \index{destruction rules|(}%
   229 Now let us examine the analogous proof for conjunction. 
   230 \begin{isabelle}
   231 \isacommand{lemma}\ conj_swap:\ "P\ \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymand\ P"\isanewline
   232 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ conjI)\isanewline
   233 \ \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ conjunct2)\isanewline
   234 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   235 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ conjunct1)\isanewline
   236 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption
   237 \end{isabelle}
   238 Recall that the conjunction elimination rules --- whose Isabelle names are 
   239 \isa{conjunct1} and \isa{conjunct2} --- simply return the first or second half
   240 of a conjunction.  Rules of this sort (where the conclusion is a subformula of a
   241 premise) are called \textbf{destruction} rules because they take apart and destroy
   242 a premise.%
   243 \footnote{This Isabelle terminology has no counterpart in standard logic texts, 
   244 although the distinction between the two forms of elimination rule is well known. 
   245 Girard \cite[page 74]{girard89},\index{Girard, Jean-Yves|fnote}
   246 for example, writes ``The elimination rules 
   247 [for $\disj$ and $\exists$] are very
   248 bad.  What is catastrophic about them is the parasitic presence of a formula [$R$]
   249 which has no structural link with the formula which is eliminated.''}
   251 The first proof step applies conjunction introduction, leaving 
   252 two subgoals: 
   253 \begin{isabelle}
   254 %P\ \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymand\ P\isanewline
   255 \ 1.\ P\ \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\isanewline
   256 \ 2.\ P\ \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P
   257 \end{isabelle}
   259 To invoke the elimination rule, we apply a new method, \isa{drule}. 
   260 Think of the \isa{d} as standing for \textbf{destruction} (or \textbf{direct}, if
   261 you prefer).   Applying the 
   262 second conjunction rule using \isa{drule} replaces the assumption 
   263 \isa{P\ \isasymand\ Q} by \isa{Q}. 
   264 \begin{isabelle}
   265 \ 1.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\isanewline
   266 \ 2.\ P\ \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P
   267 \end{isabelle}
   268 The resulting subgoal can be proved by applying \isa{assumption}.
   269 The other subgoal is similarly proved, using the \isa{conjunct1} rule and the 
   270 \isa{assumption} method.
   272 Choosing among the methods \isa{rule}, \isa{erule} and \isa{drule} is up to 
   273 you.  Isabelle does not attempt to work out whether a rule 
   274 is an introduction rule or an elimination rule.  The 
   275 method determines how the rule will be interpreted. Many rules 
   276 can be used in more than one way.  For example, \isa{disj_swap} can 
   277 be applied to assumptions as well as to goals; it replaces any
   278 assumption of the form
   279 $P\disj Q$ by a one of the form $Q\disj P$.
   281 Destruction rules are simpler in form than indirect rules such as \isa{disjE},
   282 but they can be inconvenient.  Each of the conjunction rules discards half 
   283 of the formula, when usually we want to take both parts of the conjunction as new
   284 assumptions.  The easiest way to do so is by using an 
   285 alternative conjunction elimination rule that resembles \isa{disjE}\@.  It is
   286 seldom, if ever, seen in logic books.  In Isabelle syntax it looks like this: 
   287 \begin{isabelle}
   288 \isasymlbrakk?P\ \isasymand\ ?Q;\ \isasymlbrakk?P;\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R\rulenamedx{conjE}
   289 \end{isabelle}
   290 \index{destruction rules|)}
   292 \begin{exercise}
   293 Use the rule \isa{conjE} to shorten the proof above. 
   294 \end{exercise}
   297 \section{Implication}
   299 \index{implication|(}%
   300 At the start of this chapter, we saw the rule \emph{modus ponens}.  It is, in fact,
   301 a destruction rule. The matching introduction rule looks like this 
   302 in Isabelle: 
   303 \begin{isabelle}
   304 (?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P\
   305 \isasymlongrightarrow\ ?Q\rulenamedx{impI}
   306 \end{isabelle}
   307 And this is \emph{modus ponens}\index{modus ponens@\emph{modus ponens}}:
   308 \begin{isabelle}
   309 \isasymlbrakk?P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ ?Q;\ ?P\isasymrbrakk\
   310 \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q
   311 \rulenamedx{mp}
   312 \end{isabelle}
   314 Here is a proof using the implication rules.  This 
   315 lemma performs a sort of uncurrying, replacing the two antecedents 
   316 of a nested implication by a conjunction.  The proof illustrates
   317 how assumptions work.  At each proof step, the subgoals inherit the previous
   318 assumptions, perhaps with additions or deletions.  Rules such as
   319 \isa{impI} and \isa{disjE} add assumptions, while applying \isa{erule} or
   320 \isa{drule} deletes the matching assumption.
   321 \begin{isabelle}
   322 \isacommand{lemma}\ imp_uncurry:\
   323 "P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ (Q\
   324 \isasymlongrightarrow\ R)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\
   325 \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
   326 R"\isanewline
   327 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   328 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ conjE)\isanewline
   329 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp)\isanewline
   330 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   331 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp)\isanewline
   332 \ \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   333 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption
   334 \end{isabelle}
   335 First, we state the lemma and apply implication introduction (\isa{rule impI}), 
   336 which moves the conjunction to the assumptions. 
   337 \begin{isabelle}
   338 %P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\
   339 %\isasymand\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R\isanewline
   340 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R;\ P\ \isasymand\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R
   341 \end{isabelle}
   342 Next, we apply conjunction elimination (\isa{erule conjE}), which splits this
   343 conjunction into two  parts. 
   344 \begin{isabelle}
   345 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R;\ P;\
   346 Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R
   347 \end{isabelle}
   348 Now, we work on the assumption \isa{P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ (Q\
   349 \isasymlongrightarrow\ R)}, where the parentheses have been inserted for
   350 clarity.  The nested implication requires two applications of
   351 \textit{modus ponens}: \isa{drule mp}.  The first use  yields the
   352 implication \isa{Q\
   353 \isasymlongrightarrow\ R}, but first we must prove the extra subgoal 
   354 \isa{P}, which we do by assumption. 
   355 \begin{isabelle}
   356 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\isanewline
   357 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R
   358 \end{isabelle}
   359 Repeating these steps for \isa{Q\
   360 \isasymlongrightarrow\ R} yields the conclusion we seek, namely~\isa{R}.
   361 \begin{isabelle}
   362 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ R\isasymrbrakk\
   363 \isasymLongrightarrow\ R
   364 \end{isabelle}
   366 The symbols \isa{\isasymLongrightarrow} and \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow}
   367 both stand for implication, but they differ in many respects.  Isabelle
   368 uses \isa{\isasymLongrightarrow} to express inference rules; the symbol is
   369 built-in and Isabelle's inference mechanisms treat it specially.  On the
   370 other hand, \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow} is just one of the many connectives
   371 available in higher-order logic.  We reason about it using inference rules
   372 such as \isa{impI} and \isa{mp}, just as we reason about the other
   373 connectives.  You will have to use \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow} in any
   374 context that requires a formula of higher-order logic.  Use
   375 \isa{\isasymLongrightarrow} to separate a theorem's preconditions from its
   376 conclusion.%
   377 \index{implication|)}
   379 \medskip
   380 \index{by@\isacommand{by} (command)|(}%
   381 The \isacommand{by} command is useful for proofs like these that use
   382 \isa{assumption} heavily.  It executes an
   383 \isacommand{apply} command, then tries to prove all remaining subgoals using
   384 \isa{assumption}.  Since (if successful) it ends the proof, it also replaces the 
   385 \isacommand{done} symbol.  For example, the proof above can be shortened:
   386 \begin{isabelle}
   387 \isacommand{lemma}\ imp_uncurry:\
   388 "P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ (Q\
   389 \isasymlongrightarrow\ R)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\
   390 \isasymand\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
   391 R"\isanewline
   392 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   393 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ conjE)\isanewline
   394 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp)\isanewline
   395 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   396 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp)
   397 \end{isabelle}
   398 We could use \isacommand{by} to replace the final \isacommand{apply} and
   399 \isacommand{done} in any proof, but typically we use it
   400 to eliminate calls to \isa{assumption}.  It is also a nice way of expressing a
   401 one-line proof.%
   402 \index{by@\isacommand{by} (command)|)}
   406 \section{Negation}
   408 \index{negation|(}%
   409 Negation causes surprising complexity in proofs.  Its natural 
   410 deduction rules are straightforward, but additional rules seem 
   411 necessary in order to handle negated assumptions gracefully.  This section
   412 also illustrates the \isa{intro} method: a convenient way of
   413 applying introduction rules.
   415 Negation introduction deduces $\lnot P$ if assuming $P$ leads to a 
   416 contradiction. Negation elimination deduces any formula in the 
   417 presence of $\lnot P$ together with~$P$: 
   418 \begin{isabelle}
   419 (?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ False)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ \isasymnot\ ?P%
   420 \rulenamedx{notI}\isanewline
   421 \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ ?P;\ ?P\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?R%
   422 \rulenamedx{notE}
   423 \end{isabelle}
   424 %
   425 Classical logic allows us to assume $\lnot P$ 
   426 when attempting to prove~$P$: 
   427 \begin{isabelle}
   428 (\isasymnot\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P%
   429 \rulenamedx{classical}
   430 \end{isabelle}
   432 \index{contrapositives|(}%
   433 The implications $P\imp Q$ and $\lnot Q\imp\lnot P$ are logically
   434 equivalent, and each is called the
   435 \textbf{contrapositive} of the other.  Four further rules support
   436 reasoning about contrapositives.  They differ in the placement of the
   437 negation symbols: 
   438 \begin{isabelle}
   439 \isasymlbrakk?Q;\ \isasymnot\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ \isasymnot\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P%
   440 \rulename{contrapos_pp}\isanewline
   441 \isasymlbrakk?Q;\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ \isasymnot\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\
   442 \isasymnot\ ?P%
   443 \rulename{contrapos_pn}\isanewline
   444 \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ ?Q;\ \isasymnot\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P%
   445 \rulename{contrapos_np}\isanewline
   446 \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ ?Q;\ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ \isasymnot\ ?P%
   447 \rulename{contrapos_nn}
   448 \end{isabelle}
   449 %
   450 These rules are typically applied using the \isa{erule} method, where 
   451 their effect is to form a contrapositive from an 
   452 assumption and the goal's conclusion.%
   453 \index{contrapositives|)}
   455 The most important of these is \isa{contrapos_np}.  It is useful
   456 for applying introduction rules to negated assumptions.  For instance, 
   457 the assumption $\lnot(P\imp Q)$ is equivalent to the conclusion $P\imp Q$ and we 
   458 might want to use conjunction introduction on it. 
   459 Before we can do so, we must move that assumption so that it 
   460 becomes the conclusion. The following proof demonstrates this 
   461 technique: 
   462 \begin{isabelle}
   463 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}(P{\isasymlongrightarrow}Q);\
   464 \isasymnot(R{\isasymlongrightarrow}Q)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\
   465 R"\isanewline
   466 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule_tac\ Q = "R{\isasymlongrightarrow}Q"\ \isakeyword{in}\
   467 contrapos_np)\isanewline
   468 \isacommand{apply}\ (intro\ impI)\isanewline
   469 \isacommand{by}\ (erule\ notE)
   470 \end{isabelle}
   471 %
   472 There are two negated assumptions and we need to exchange the conclusion with the
   473 second one.  The method \isa{erule contrapos_np} would select the first assumption,
   474 which we do not want.  So we specify the desired assumption explicitly
   475 using a new method, \isa{erule_tac}.  This is the resulting subgoal: 
   476 \begin{isabelle}
   477 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ (P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q);\ \isasymnot\
   478 R\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q%
   479 \end{isabelle}
   480 The former conclusion, namely \isa{R}, now appears negated among the assumptions,
   481 while the negated formula \isa{R\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q} becomes the new
   482 conclusion.
   484 We can now apply introduction rules.  We use the \methdx{intro} method, which
   485 repeatedly applies the given introduction rules.  Here its effect is equivalent
   486 to \isa{rule impI}.
   487 \begin{isabelle}
   488 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ (P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q);\ \isasymnot\ R;\
   489 R\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q%
   490 \end{isabelle}
   491 We can see a contradiction in the form of assumptions \isa{\isasymnot\ R}
   492 and~\isa{R}, which suggests using negation elimination.  If applied on its own,
   493 \isa{notE} will select the first negated assumption, which is useless.  
   494 Instead, we invoke the rule using the
   495 \isa{by} command.
   496 Now when Isabelle selects the first assumption, it tries to prove \isa{P\
   497 \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q} and fails; it then backtracks, finds the 
   498 assumption \isa{\isasymnot~R} and finally proves \isa{R} by assumption.  That
   499 concludes the proof.
   501 \medskip
   503 The following example may be skipped on a first reading.  It involves a
   504 peculiar but important rule, a form of disjunction introduction:
   505 \begin{isabelle}
   506 (\isasymnot \ ?Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?P)\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?P\ \isasymor \ ?Q%
   507 \rulenamedx{disjCI}
   508 \end{isabelle}
   509 This rule combines the effects of \isa{disjI1} and \isa{disjI2}.  Its great
   510 advantage is that we can remove the disjunction symbol without deciding
   511 which disjunction to prove.  This treatment of disjunction is standard in sequent
   512 and tableau calculi.
   514 \begin{isabelle}
   515 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(P\ \isasymor\ Q)\ \isasymand\ R\
   516 \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ \isasymor\ (Q\ \isasymand\ R)"\isanewline
   517 \isacommand{apply}\ (intro\ disjCI\ conjI)\isanewline
   518 \isacommand{apply}\ (elim\ conjE\ disjE)\isanewline
   519 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption
   520 \isanewline
   521 \isacommand{by}\ (erule\ contrapos_np,\ rule\ conjI)
   522 \end{isabelle}
   523 %
   524 The first proof step uses \isa{intro} to apply
   525 the introduction rules \isa{disjCI} and \isa{conjI}.  The resulting
   526 subgoal has the negative assumption 
   527 \hbox{\isa{\isasymnot(Q\ \isasymand\ R)}}.  
   529 \begin{isabelle}
   530 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk(P\ \isasymor\ Q)\ \isasymand\ R;\ \isasymnot\ (Q\ \isasymand\
   531 R)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P%
   532 \end{isabelle}
   533 Next we apply the \isa{elim} method, which repeatedly applies 
   534 elimination rules; here, the elimination rules given 
   535 in the command.  One of the subgoals is trivial (\isa{\isacommand{apply} assumption}),
   536 leaving us with one other:
   537 \begin{isabelle}
   538 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymnot}\ (Q\ \isasymand\ R);\ R;\ Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P%
   539 \end{isabelle}
   540 %
   541 Now we must move the formula \isa{Q\ \isasymand\ R} to be the conclusion.  The
   542 combination 
   543 \begin{isabelle}
   544 \ \ \ \ \ (erule\ contrapos_np,\ rule\ conjI)
   545 \end{isabelle}
   546 is robust: the \isa{conjI} forces the \isa{erule} to select a
   547 conjunction.  The two subgoals are the ones we would expect from applying
   548 conjunction introduction to
   549 \isa{Q~\isasymand~R}:  
   550 \begin{isabelle}
   551 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk R;\ Q;\ \isasymnot\ P\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\
   552 Q\isanewline
   553 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk R;\ Q;\ \isasymnot\ P\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R%
   554 \end{isabelle}
   555 They are proved by assumption, which is implicit in the \isacommand{by}
   556 command.%
   557 \index{negation|)}
   560 \section{Interlude: the Basic Methods for Rules}
   562 We have seen examples of many tactics that operate on individual rules.  It
   563 may be helpful to review how they work given an arbitrary rule such as this:
   564 \[ \infer{Q}{P@1 & \ldots & P@n} \]
   565 Below, we refer to $P@1$ as the \bfindex{major premise}.  This concept
   566 applies only to elimination and destruction rules.  These rules act upon an
   567 instance of their major premise, typically to replace it by subformulas of itself.
   569 Suppose that the rule above is called~\isa{R}\@.  Here are the basic rule
   570 methods, most of which we have already seen:
   571 \begin{itemize}
   572 \item 
   573 Method \isa{rule\ R} unifies~$Q$ with the current subgoal, replacing it
   574 by $n$ new subgoals: instances of $P@1$, \ldots,~$P@n$. 
   575 This is backward reasoning and is appropriate for introduction rules.
   576 \item 
   577 Method \isa{erule\ R} unifies~$Q$ with the current subgoal and
   578 simultaneously unifies $P@1$ with some assumption.  The subgoal is 
   579 replaced by the $n-1$ new subgoals of proving
   580 instances of $P@2$,
   581 \ldots,~$P@n$, with the matching assumption deleted.  It is appropriate for
   582 elimination rules.  The method
   583 \isa{(rule\ R,\ assumption)} is similar, but it does not delete an
   584 assumption.
   585 \item 
   586 Method \isa{drule\ R} unifies $P@1$ with some assumption, which it
   587 then deletes.  The subgoal is 
   588 replaced by the $n-1$ new subgoals of proving $P@2$, \ldots,~$P@n$; an
   589 $n$th subgoal is like the original one but has an additional assumption: an
   590 instance of~$Q$.  It is appropriate for destruction rules. 
   591 \item 
   592 Method \isa{frule\ R} is like \isa{drule\ R} except that the matching
   593 assumption is not deleted.  (See {\S}\ref{sec:frule} below.)
   594 \end{itemize}
   596 Other methods apply a rule while constraining some of its
   597 variables.  The typical form is
   598 \begin{isabelle}
   599 \ \ \ \ \ \methdx{rule_tac}\ $v@1$ = $t@1$ \isakeyword{and} \ldots \isakeyword{and}
   600 $v@k$ =
   601 $t@k$ \isakeyword{in} R
   602 \end{isabelle}
   603 This method behaves like \isa{rule R}, while instantiating the variables
   604 $v@1$, \ldots,
   605 $v@k$ as specified.  We similarly have \methdx{erule_tac}, \methdx{drule_tac} and
   606 \methdx{frule_tac}.  These methods also let us specify which subgoal to
   607 operate on.  By default it is the first subgoal, as with nearly all
   608 methods, but we can specify that rule \isa{R} should be applied to subgoal
   609 number~$i$:
   610 \begin{isabelle}
   611 \ \ \ \ \ rule_tac\ [$i$] R
   612 \end{isabelle}
   616 \section{Unification and Substitution}\label{sec:unification}
   618 \index{unification|(}%
   619 As we have seen, Isabelle rules involve schematic variables, which begin with
   620 a question mark and act as
   621 placeholders for terms.  \textbf{Unification} --- well known to Prolog programmers --- is the act of
   622 making two terms identical, possibly replacing their schematic variables by
   623 terms.  The simplest case is when the two terms are already the same. Next
   624 simplest is \textbf{pattern-matching}, which replaces variables in only one of the
   625 terms.  The
   626 \isa{rule} method typically  matches the rule's conclusion
   627 against the current subgoal.  The
   628 \isa{assumption} method matches the current subgoal's conclusion
   629 against each of its assumptions.   Unification can instantiate variables in both terms; the \isa{rule} method can do this if the goal
   630 itself contains schematic variables.  Other occurrences of the variables in
   631 the rule or proof state are updated at the same time.
   633 Schematic variables in goals represent unknown terms.  Given a goal such
   634 as $\exists x.\,P$, they let us proceed with a proof.  They can be 
   635 filled in later, sometimes in stages and often automatically. 
   637 \begin{pgnote}
   638 If unification fails when you think it should succeed, try setting the Proof General flag \textsf{Isabelle} $>$ \textsf{Settings} $>$
   639 \textsf{Trace Unification},
   640 which makes Isabelle show the cause of unification failures (in Proof
   641 General's \textsf{Trace} buffer).
   642 \end{pgnote}
   643 \noindent
   644 For example, suppose we are trying to prove this subgoal by assumption:
   645 \begin{isabelle}
   646 \ 1.\ P\ (a,\ f\ (b,\ g\ (e,\ a),\ b),\ a)\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ (a,\ f\ (b,\ g\ (c,\ a),\ b),\ a)
   647 \end{isabelle}
   648 The \isa{assumption} method having failed, we try again with the flag set:
   649 \begin{isabelle}
   650 \isacommand{apply} assumption
   651 \end{isabelle}
   652 In this trivial case, the output clearly shows that \isa{e} clashes with \isa{c}:
   653 \begin{isabelle}
   654 Clash: e =/= c
   655 \end{isabelle}
   657 Isabelle uses
   658 \textbf{higher-order} unification, which works in the
   659 typed $\lambda$-calculus.  The procedure requires search and is potentially
   660 undecidable.  For our purposes, however, the differences from ordinary
   661 unification are straightforward.  It handles bound variables
   662 correctly, avoiding capture.  The two terms
   663 \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.\ f(x,z)} and \isa{{\isasymlambda}y.\ f(y,z)} are
   664 trivially unifiable because they differ only by a bound variable renaming.  The two terms \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.\ ?P} and
   665 \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.\ t x}  are not unifiable; replacing \isa{?P} by
   666 \isa{t x} is forbidden because the free occurrence of~\isa{x} would become
   667 bound.  Unfortunately, even if \isa{trace_unify_fail} is set, Isabelle displays no information about this type of failure.
   669 \begin{warn}
   670 Higher-order unification sometimes must invent
   671 $\lambda$-terms to replace function  variables,
   672 which can lead to a combinatorial explosion. However,  Isabelle proofs tend
   673 to involve easy cases where there are few possibilities for the
   674 $\lambda$-term being constructed. In the easiest case, the
   675 function variable is applied only to bound variables, 
   676 as when we try to unify \isa{{\isasymlambda}x\ y.\ f(?h x y)} and
   677 \isa{{\isasymlambda}x\ y.\ f(x+y+a)}.  The only solution is to replace
   678 \isa{?h} by \isa{{\isasymlambda}x\ y.\ x+y+a}.  Such cases admit at most
   679 one unifier, like ordinary unification.  A harder case is
   680 unifying \isa{?h a} with~\isa{a+b}; it admits two solutions for \isa{?h},
   681 namely \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.~a+b} and \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.~x+b}. 
   682 Unifying \isa{?h a} with~\isa{a+a+b} admits four solutions; their number is
   683 exponential in the number of occurrences of~\isa{a} in the second term.
   684 \end{warn}
   688 \subsection{Substitution and the {\tt\slshape subst} Method}
   689 \label{sec:subst}
   691 \index{substitution|(}%
   692 Isabelle also uses function variables to express \textbf{substitution}. 
   693 A typical substitution rule allows us to replace one term by 
   694 another if we know that two terms are equal. 
   695 \[ \infer{P[t/x]}{s=t & P[s/x]} \]
   696 The rule uses a notation for substitution: $P[t/x]$ is the result of
   697 replacing $x$ by~$t$ in~$P$.  The rule only substitutes in the positions
   698 designated by~$x$.  For example, it can
   699 derive symmetry of equality from reflexivity.  Using $x=s$ for~$P$
   700 replaces just the first $s$ in $s=s$ by~$t$:
   701 \[ \infer{t=s}{s=t & \infer{s=s}{}} \]
   703 The Isabelle version of the substitution rule looks like this: 
   704 \begin{isabelle}
   705 \isasymlbrakk?t\ =\ ?s;\ ?P\ ?s\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P\
   706 ?t
   707 \rulenamedx{ssubst}
   708 \end{isabelle}
   709 Crucially, \isa{?P} is a function 
   710 variable.  It can be replaced by a $\lambda$-term 
   711 with one bound variable, whose occurrences identify the places 
   712 in which $s$ will be replaced by~$t$.  The proof above requires \isa{?P}
   713 to be replaced by \isa{{\isasymlambda}x.~x=s}; the second premise will then
   714 be \isa{s=s} and the conclusion will be \isa{t=s}.
   716 The \isa{simp} method also replaces equals by equals, but the substitution
   717 rule gives us more control.  Consider this proof: 
   718 \begin{isabelle}
   719 \isacommand{lemma}\
   720 "\isasymlbrakk x\ =\ f\ x;\ odd(f\ x)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\
   721 odd\ x"\isanewline
   722 \isacommand{by}\ (erule\ ssubst)
   723 \end{isabelle}
   724 %
   725 The assumption \isa{x\ =\ f\ x}, if used for rewriting, would loop, 
   726 replacing \isa{x} by \isa{f x} and then by
   727 \isa{f(f x)} and so forth. (Here \isa{simp} 
   728 would see the danger and would re-orient the equality, but in more complicated
   729 cases it can be fooled.) When we apply the substitution rule,  
   730 Isabelle replaces every
   731 \isa{x} in the subgoal by \isa{f x} just once. It cannot loop.  The
   732 resulting subgoal is trivial by assumption, so the \isacommand{by} command
   733 proves it implicitly. 
   735 We are using the \isa{erule} method in a novel way. Hitherto, 
   736 the conclusion of the rule was just a variable such as~\isa{?R}, but it may
   737 be any term. The conclusion is unified with the subgoal just as 
   738 it would be with the \isa{rule} method. At the same time \isa{erule} looks 
   739 for an assumption that matches the rule's first premise, as usual.  With
   740 \isa{ssubst} the effect is to find, use and delete an equality 
   741 assumption.
   743 The \methdx{subst} method performs individual substitutions. In simple cases,
   744 it closely resembles a use of the substitution rule.  Suppose a
   745 proof has reached this point:
   746 \begin{isabelle}
   747 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x\ y\ z;\ Suc\ x\ <\ y\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ f\ z\ =\ x\ *\ y%
   748 \end{isabelle}
   749 Now we wish to apply a commutative law:
   750 \begin{isabelle}
   751 ?m\ *\ ?n\ =\ ?n\ *\ ?m%
   752 \rulename{mult_commute}
   753 \end{isabelle}
   754 Isabelle rejects our first attempt:
   755 \begin{isabelle}
   756 apply (simp add: mult_commute)
   757 \end{isabelle}
   758 The simplifier notices the danger of looping and refuses to apply the
   759 rule.%
   760 \footnote{More precisely, it only applies such a rule if the new term is
   761 smaller under a specified ordering; here, \isa{x\ *\ y}
   762 is already smaller than
   763 \isa{y\ *\ x}.}
   764 %
   765 The \isa{subst} method applies \isa{mult_commute} exactly once.  
   766 \begin{isabelle}
   767 \isacommand{apply}\ (subst\ mult_commute)\isanewline
   768 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x\ y\ z;\ Suc\ x\ <\ y\isasymrbrakk \
   769 \isasymLongrightarrow \ f\ z\ =\ y\ *\ x%
   770 \end{isabelle}
   771 As we wanted, \isa{x\ *\ y} has become \isa{y\ *\ x}.
   773 \medskip
   774 This use of the \methdx{subst} method has the same effect as the command
   775 \begin{isabelle}
   776 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ mult_commute [THEN ssubst])
   777 \end{isabelle}
   778 The attribute \isa{THEN}, which combines two rules, is described in 
   779 {\S}\ref{sec:THEN} below. The \methdx{subst} method is more powerful than
   780 applying the substitution rule. It can perform substitutions in a subgoal's
   781 assumptions. Moreover, if the subgoal contains more than one occurrence of
   782 the left-hand side of the equality, the \methdx{subst} method lets us specify which occurrence should be replaced.
   785 \subsection{Unification and Its Pitfalls}
   787 Higher-order unification can be tricky.  Here is an example, which you may
   788 want to skip on your first reading:
   789 \begin{isabelle}
   790 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk x\ =\
   791 f\ x;\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\isasymrbrakk\
   792 \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ x\ x"\isanewline
   793 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ ssubst)\isanewline
   794 \isacommand{back}\isanewline
   795 \isacommand{back}\isanewline
   796 \isacommand{back}\isanewline
   797 \isacommand{back}\isanewline
   798 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   799 \isacommand{done}
   800 \end{isabelle}
   801 %
   802 By default, Isabelle tries to substitute for all the 
   803 occurrences.  Applying \isa{erule\ ssubst} yields this subgoal:
   804 \begin{isabelle}
   805 \ 1.\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)
   806 \end{isabelle}
   807 The substitution should have been done in the first two occurrences 
   808 of~\isa{x} only. Isabelle has gone too far. The \commdx{back}
   809 command allows us to reject this possibility and demand a new one: 
   810 \begin{isabelle}
   811 \ 1.\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)
   812 \end{isabelle}
   813 %
   814 Now Isabelle has left the first occurrence of~\isa{x} alone. That is 
   815 promising but it is not the desired combination. So we use \isacommand{back} 
   816 again:
   817 \begin{isabelle}
   818 \ 1.\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ (f\ x)\ x\ (f\ x)
   819 \end{isabelle}
   820 %
   821 This also is wrong, so we use \isacommand{back} again: 
   822 \begin{isabelle}
   823 \ 1.\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ x\ (f\ x)
   824 \end{isabelle}
   825 %
   826 And this one is wrong too. Looking carefully at the series 
   827 of alternatives, we see a binary countdown with reversed bits: 111,
   828 011, 101, 001.  Invoke \isacommand{back} again: 
   829 \begin{isabelle}
   830 \ 1.\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x%
   831 \end{isabelle}
   832 At last, we have the right combination!  This goal follows by assumption.%
   833 \index{unification|)}
   835 \medskip
   836 This example shows that unification can do strange things with
   837 function variables.  We were forced to select the right unifier using the
   838 \isacommand{back} command.  That is all right during exploration, but \isacommand{back}
   839 should never appear in the final version of a proof.  You can eliminate the
   840 need for \isacommand{back} by giving Isabelle less freedom when you apply a rule.
   842 One way to constrain the inference is by joining two methods in a 
   843 \isacommand{apply} command. Isabelle  applies the first method and then the
   844 second. If the second method  fails then Isabelle automatically backtracks.
   845 This process continues until  the first method produces an output that the
   846 second method can  use. We get a one-line proof of our example: 
   847 \begin{isabelle}
   848 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk x\ =\ f\ x;\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\isasymrbrakk\
   849 \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ x\ x"\isanewline
   850 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ ssubst,\ assumption)\isanewline
   851 \isacommand{done}
   852 \end{isabelle}
   854 \noindent
   855 The \isacommand{by} command works too, since it backtracks when
   856 proving subgoals by assumption:
   857 \begin{isabelle}
   858 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk x\ =\ f\ x;\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\isasymrbrakk\
   859 \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ x\ x"\isanewline
   860 \isacommand{by}\ (erule\ ssubst)
   861 \end{isabelle}
   864 The most general way to constrain unification is 
   865 by instantiating variables in the rule.  The method \isa{rule_tac} is
   866 similar to \isa{rule}, but it
   867 makes some of the rule's variables  denote specified terms.  
   868 Also available are {\isa{drule_tac}}  and \isa{erule_tac}.  Here we need
   869 \isa{erule_tac} since above we used \isa{erule}.
   870 \begin{isabelle}
   871 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk x\ =\ f\ x;\ triple\ (f\ x)\ (f\ x)\ x\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ triple\ x\ x\ x"\isanewline
   872 \isacommand{by}\ (erule_tac\ P = "\isasymlambda u.\ triple\ u\ u\ x"\ 
   873 \isakeyword{in}\ ssubst)
   874 \end{isabelle}
   875 %
   876 To specify a desired substitution 
   877 requires instantiating the variable \isa{?P} with a $\lambda$-expression. 
   878 The bound variable occurrences in \isa{{\isasymlambda}u.\ P\ u\
   879 u\ x} indicate that the first two arguments have to be substituted, leaving
   880 the third unchanged.  With this instantiation, backtracking is neither necessary
   881 nor possible.
   883 An alternative to \isa{rule_tac} is to use \isa{rule} with a theorem
   884 modified using~\isa{of}, described in
   885 {\S}\ref{sec:forward} below.   But \isa{rule_tac}, unlike \isa{of}, can 
   886 express instantiations that refer to 
   887 \isasymAnd-bound variables in the current subgoal.%
   888 \index{substitution|)}
   891 \section{Quantifiers}
   893 \index{quantifiers!universal|(}%
   894 Quantifiers require formalizing syntactic substitution and the notion of 
   895 arbitrary value.  Consider the universal quantifier.  In a logic
   896 book, its introduction  rule looks like this: 
   897 \[ \infer{\forall x.\,P}{P} \]
   898 Typically, a proviso written in English says that $x$ must not
   899 occur in the assumptions.  This proviso guarantees that $x$ can be regarded as
   900 arbitrary, since it has not been assumed to satisfy any special conditions. 
   901 Isabelle's  underlying formalism, called the
   902 \bfindex{meta-logic}, eliminates the  need for English.  It provides its own
   903 universal quantifier (\isasymAnd) to express the notion of an arbitrary value.  We
   904 have already seen  another symbol of the meta-logic, namely
   905 \isa\isasymLongrightarrow, which expresses  inference rules and the treatment of
   906 assumptions. The only other  symbol in the meta-logic is \isa\isasymequiv, which
   907 can be used to define constants.
   909 \subsection{The Universal Introduction Rule}
   911 Returning to the universal quantifier, we find that having a similar quantifier
   912 as part of the meta-logic makes the introduction rule trivial to express:
   913 \begin{isabelle}
   914 (\isasymAnd x.\ ?P\ x)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ {\isasymforall}x.\ ?P\ x\rulenamedx{allI}
   915 \end{isabelle}
   918 The following trivial proof demonstrates how the universal introduction 
   919 rule works. 
   920 \begin{isabelle}
   921 \isacommand{lemma}\ "{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ x"\isanewline
   922 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ allI)\isanewline
   923 \isacommand{by}\ (rule\ impI)
   924 \end{isabelle}
   925 The first step invokes the rule by applying the method \isa{rule allI}. 
   926 \begin{isabelle}
   927 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ x
   928 \end{isabelle}
   929 Note  that the resulting proof state has a bound variable,
   930 namely~\isa{x}.  The rule has replaced the universal quantifier of
   931 higher-order  logic by Isabelle's meta-level quantifier.  Our goal is to
   932 prove
   933 \isa{P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ x} for arbitrary~\isa{x}; it is 
   934 an implication, so we apply the corresponding introduction rule (\isa{impI}). 
   935 \begin{isabelle}
   936 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ x
   937 \end{isabelle}
   938 This last subgoal is implicitly proved by assumption. 
   940 \subsection{The Universal Elimination Rule}
   942 Now consider universal elimination. In a logic text, 
   943 the rule looks like this: 
   944 \[ \infer{P[t/x]}{\forall x.\,P} \]
   945 The conclusion is $P$ with $t$ substituted for the variable~$x$.  
   946 Isabelle expresses substitution using a function variable: 
   947 \begin{isabelle}
   948 {\isasymforall}x.\ ?P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P\ ?x\rulenamedx{spec}
   949 \end{isabelle}
   950 This destruction rule takes a 
   951 universally quantified formula and removes the quantifier, replacing 
   952 the bound variable \isa{x} by the schematic variable \isa{?x}.  Recall that a
   953 schematic variable starts with a question mark and acts as a
   954 placeholder: it can be replaced by any term.  
   956 The universal elimination rule is also
   957 available in the standard elimination format.  Like \isa{conjE}, it never
   958 appears in logic books:
   959 \begin{isabelle}
   960 \isasymlbrakk \isasymforall x.\ ?P\ x;\ ?P\ ?x\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?R%
   961 \rulenamedx{allE}
   962 \end{isabelle}
   963 The methods \isa{drule~spec} and \isa{erule~allE} do precisely the
   964 same inference.
   966 To see how $\forall$-elimination works, let us derive a rule about reducing 
   967 the scope of a universal quantifier.  In mathematical notation we write
   968 \[ \infer{P\imp\forall x.\,Q}{\forall x.\,P\imp Q} \]
   969 with the proviso ``$x$ not free in~$P$.''  Isabelle's treatment of
   970 substitution makes the proviso unnecessary.  The conclusion is expressed as
   971 \isa{P\
   972 \isasymlongrightarrow\ ({\isasymforall}x.\ Q\ x)}. No substitution for the
   973 variable \isa{P} can introduce a dependence upon~\isa{x}: that would be a
   974 bound variable capture.  Let us walk through the proof.
   975 \begin{isabelle}
   976 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(\isasymforall x.\ P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ Q\ x)\
   977 \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ (\isasymforall x.\ Q\
   978 x)"
   979 \end{isabelle}
   980 First we apply implies introduction (\isa{impI}), 
   981 which moves the \isa{P} from the conclusion to the assumptions. Then 
   982 we apply universal introduction (\isa{allI}).  
   983 \begin{isabelle}
   984 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI,\ rule\ allI)\isanewline
   985 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\
   986 x;\ P\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ x
   987 \end{isabelle}
   988 As before, it replaces the HOL 
   989 quantifier by a meta-level quantifier, producing a subgoal that 
   990 binds the variable~\isa{x}.  The leading bound variables
   991 (here \isa{x}) and the assumptions (here \isa{{\isasymforall}x.\ P\
   992 \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\ x} and \isa{P}) form the \textbf{context} for the
   993 conclusion, here \isa{Q\ x}.  Subgoals inherit the context,
   994 although assumptions can be added or deleted (as we saw
   995 earlier), while rules such as \isa{allI} add bound variables.
   997 Now, to reason from the universally quantified 
   998 assumption, we apply the elimination rule using the \isa{drule} 
   999 method.  This rule is called \isa{spec} because it specializes a universal formula
  1000 to a particular term.
  1001 \begin{isabelle}
  1002 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ spec)\isanewline
  1003 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ P\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ Q\ (?x2\
  1004 x)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ x
  1005 \end{isabelle}
  1006 Observe how the context has changed.  The quantified formula is gone,
  1007 replaced by a new assumption derived from its body.  We have
  1008 removed the quantifier and replaced the bound variable
  1009 by the curious term 
  1010 \isa{?x2~x}.  This term is a placeholder: it may become any term that can be
  1011 built from~\isa{x}.  (Formally, \isa{?x2} is an unknown of function type, applied
  1012 to the argument~\isa{x}.)  This new assumption is an implication, so we can  use
  1013 \emph{modus ponens} on it, which concludes the proof. 
  1014 \begin{isabelle}
  1015 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp)
  1016 \end{isabelle}
  1017 Let us take a closer look at this last step.  \emph{Modus ponens} yields
  1018 two subgoals: one where we prove the antecedent (in this case \isa{P}) and
  1019 one where we may assume the consequent.  Both of these subgoals are proved
  1020 by the
  1021 \isa{assumption} method, which is implicit in the
  1022 \isacommand{by} command.  Replacing the \isacommand{by} command by 
  1023 \isa{\isacommand{apply} (drule\ mp, assumption)} would have left one last
  1024 subgoal:
  1025 \begin{isabelle}
  1026 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\ (?x2\ x)\isasymrbrakk\
  1027 \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ x
  1028 \end{isabelle}
  1029 The consequent is \isa{Q} applied to that placeholder.  It may be replaced by any
  1030 term built from~\isa{x}, and here 
  1031 it should simply be~\isa{x}.  The assumption need not
  1032 be identical to the conclusion, provided the two formulas are unifiable.%
  1033 \index{quantifiers!universal|)}  
  1036 \subsection{The Existential Quantifier}
  1038 \index{quantifiers!existential|(}%
  1039 The concepts just presented also apply
  1040 to the existential quantifier, whose introduction rule looks like this in
  1041 Isabelle: 
  1042 \begin{isabelle}
  1043 ?P\ ?x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ {\isasymexists}x.\ ?P\ x\rulenamedx{exI}
  1044 \end{isabelle}
  1045 If we can exhibit some $x$ such that $P(x)$ is true, then $\exists x.
  1046 P(x)$ is also true.  It is a dual of the universal elimination rule, and
  1047 logic texts present it using the same notation for substitution.
  1049 The existential
  1050 elimination rule looks like this
  1051 in a logic text: 
  1052 \[ \infer{Q}{\exists x.\,P & \infer*{Q}{[P]}} \]
  1053 %
  1054 It looks like this in Isabelle: 
  1055 \begin{isabelle}
  1056 \isasymlbrakk{\isasymexists}x.\ ?P\ x;\ \isasymAnd x.\ ?P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?Q\rulenamedx{exE}
  1057 \end{isabelle}
  1058 %
  1059 Given an existentially quantified theorem and some
  1060 formula $Q$ to prove, it creates a new assumption by removing the quantifier.  As with
  1061 the universal introduction  rule, the textbook version imposes a proviso on the
  1062 quantified variable, which Isabelle expresses using its meta-logic.  It is
  1063 enough to have a universal quantifier in the meta-logic; we do not need an existential
  1064 quantifier to be built in as well.
  1067 \begin{exercise}
  1068 Prove the lemma
  1069 \[ \exists x.\, P\conj Q(x)\Imp P\conj(\exists x.\, Q(x)). \]
  1070 \emph{Hint}: the proof is similar 
  1071 to the one just above for the universal quantifier. 
  1072 \end{exercise}
  1073 \index{quantifiers!existential|)}
  1076 \subsection{Renaming an Assumption: {\tt\slshape rename_tac}}
  1078 \index{assumptions!renaming|(}\index{*rename_tac (method)|(}%
  1079 When you apply a rule such as \isa{allI}, the quantified variable
  1080 becomes a new bound variable of the new subgoal.  Isabelle tries to avoid
  1081 changing its name, but sometimes it has to choose a new name in order to
  1082 avoid a clash.  The result may not be ideal:
  1083 \begin{isabelle}
  1084 \isacommand{lemma}\ "x\ <\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymforall x\ y.\ P\ x\
  1085 (f\ y)"\isanewline
  1086 \isacommand{apply}\ (intro allI)\isanewline
  1087 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd xa\ ya.\ x\ <\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ xa\ (f\ ya)
  1088 \end{isabelle}
  1089 %
  1090 The names \isa{x} and \isa{y} were already in use, so the new bound variables are
  1091 called \isa{xa} and~\isa{ya}.  You can rename them by invoking \isa{rename_tac}:
  1093 \begin{isabelle}
  1094 \isacommand{apply}\ (rename_tac\ v\ w)\isanewline
  1095 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd v\ w.\ x\ <\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ v\ (f\ w)
  1096 \end{isabelle}
  1097 Recall that \isa{rule_tac}\index{*rule_tac (method)!and renaming} 
  1098 instantiates a
  1099 theorem with specified terms.  These terms may involve the goal's bound
  1100 variables, but beware of referring to  variables
  1101 like~\isa{xa}.  A future change to your theories could change the set of names
  1102 produced at top level, so that \isa{xa} changes to~\isa{xb} or reverts to~\isa{x}.
  1103 It is safer to rename automatically-generated variables before mentioning them.
  1105 If the subgoal has more bound variables than there are names given to
  1106 \isa{rename_tac}, the rightmost ones are renamed.%
  1107 \index{assumptions!renaming|)}\index{*rename_tac (method)|)}
  1110 \subsection{Reusing an Assumption: {\tt\slshape frule}}
  1111 \label{sec:frule}
  1113 \index{assumptions!reusing|(}\index{*frule (method)|(}%
  1114 Note that \isa{drule spec} removes the universal quantifier and --- as
  1115 usual with elimination rules --- discards the original formula.  Sometimes, a
  1116 universal formula has to be kept so that it can be used again.  Then we use a new
  1117 method: \isa{frule}.  It acts like \isa{drule} but copies rather than replaces
  1118 the selected assumption.  The \isa{f} is for \emph{forward}.
  1120 In this example, going from \isa{P\ a} to \isa{P(h(h~a))}
  1121 requires two uses of the quantified assumption, one for each~\isa{h}
  1122 in~\isa{h(h~a)}.
  1123 \begin{isabelle}
  1124 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ x);
  1125 \ P\ a\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P(h\ (h\ a))"
  1126 \end{isabelle}
  1127 %
  1128 Examine the subgoal left by \isa{frule}:
  1129 \begin{isabelle}
  1130 \isacommand{apply}\ (frule\ spec)\isanewline
  1131 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ x);\ P\ a;\ P\ ?x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ ?x)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ (h\ a))
  1132 \end{isabelle}
  1133 It is what \isa{drule} would have left except that the quantified
  1134 assumption is still present.  Next we apply \isa{mp} to the
  1135 implication and the assumption~\isa{P\ a}:
  1136 \begin{isabelle}
  1137 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)\isanewline
  1138 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ x);\ P\ a;\ P\ (h\ a)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ (h\ a))
  1139 \end{isabelle}
  1140 %
  1141 We have created the assumption \isa{P(h\ a)}, which is progress.  To
  1142 continue the proof, we apply \isa{spec} again.  We shall not need it
  1143 again, so we can use
  1144 \isa{drule}.
  1145 \begin{isabelle}
  1146 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ spec)\isanewline
  1147 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ a;\ P\ (h\ a);\ P\ ?x2\ 
  1148 \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\ (h\ ?x2)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \
  1149 P\ (h\ (h\ a))
  1150 \end{isabelle}
  1151 %
  1152 The new assumption bridges the gap between \isa{P(h\ a)} and \isa{P(h(h\ a))}.
  1153 \begin{isabelle}
  1154 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp)
  1155 \end{isabelle}
  1157 \medskip
  1158 \emph{A final remark}.  Replacing this \isacommand{by} command with
  1159 \begin{isabelle}
  1160 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)
  1161 \end{isabelle}
  1162 would not work: it would add a second copy of \isa{P(h~a)} instead
  1163 of the desired assumption, \isa{P(h(h~a))}.  The \isacommand{by}
  1164 command forces Isabelle to backtrack until it finds the correct one.
  1165 Alternatively, we could have used the \isacommand{apply} command and bundled the
  1166 \isa{drule mp} with \emph{two} calls of \isa{assumption}.  Or, of course,
  1167 we could have given the entire proof to \isa{auto}.%
  1168 \index{assumptions!reusing|)}\index{*frule (method)|)}
  1172 \subsection{Instantiating a Quantifier Explicitly}
  1173 \index{quantifiers!instantiating}
  1175 We can prove a theorem of the form $\exists x.\,P\, x$ by exhibiting a
  1176 suitable term~$t$ such that $P\,t$ is true.  Dually, we can use an
  1177 assumption of the form $\forall x.\,P\, x$ to generate a new assumption $P\,t$ for
  1178 a suitable term~$t$.  In many cases, 
  1179 Isabelle makes the correct choice automatically, constructing the term by
  1180 unification.  In other cases, the required term is not obvious and we must
  1181 specify it ourselves.  Suitable methods are \isa{rule_tac}, \isa{drule_tac}
  1182 and \isa{erule_tac}.
  1184 We have seen (just above, {\S}\ref{sec:frule}) a proof of this lemma:
  1185 \begin{isabelle}
  1186 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\
  1187 \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\ (h\ x);\ P\ a\isasymrbrakk \
  1188 \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(h\ (h\ a))"
  1189 \end{isabelle}
  1190 We had reached this subgoal:
  1191 \begin{isabelle}
  1192 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ P\ (h\
  1193 x);\ P\ a;\ P\ (h\ a)\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ (h\ (h\ a))
  1194 \end{isabelle}
  1195 %
  1196 The proof requires instantiating the quantified assumption with the
  1197 term~\isa{h~a}.
  1198 \begin{isabelle}
  1199 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule_tac\ x\ =\ "h\ a"\ \isakeyword{in}\
  1200 spec)\isanewline
  1201 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ a;\ P\ (h\ a);\ P\ (h\ a)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \
  1202 P\ (h\ (h\ a))\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ (h\ (h\ a))
  1203 \end{isabelle}
  1204 We have forced the desired instantiation.
  1206 \medskip
  1207 Existential formulas can be instantiated too.  The next example uses the 
  1208 \textbf{divides} relation\index{divides relation}
  1209 of number theory: 
  1210 \begin{isabelle}
  1211 ?m\ dvd\ ?n\ \isasymequiv\ {\isasymexists}k.\ ?n\ =\ ?m\ *\ k
  1212 \rulename{dvd_def}
  1213 \end{isabelle}
  1215 Let us prove that multiplication of natural numbers is monotone with
  1216 respect to the divides relation:
  1217 \begin{isabelle}
  1218 \isacommand{lemma}\ mult_dvd_mono:\ "{\isasymlbrakk}i\ dvd\ m;\ j\ dvd\
  1219 n\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ i*j\ dvd\ (m*n\ ::\ nat)"\isanewline
  1220 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ dvd_def)
  1221 \end{isabelle}
  1222 %
  1223 Unfolding the definition of divides has left this subgoal:
  1224 \begin{isabelle}
  1225 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymexists k.\ m\ =\ i\ *\ k;\ \isasymexists k.\ n\
  1226 =\ j\ *\ k\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists k.\ m\ *\
  1227 n\ =\ i\ *\ j\ *\ k
  1228 \end{isabelle}
  1229 %
  1230 Next, we eliminate the two existential quantifiers in the assumptions:
  1231 \begin{isabelle}
  1232 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)\isanewline
  1233 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd k.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymexists k.\ n\ =\ j\ *\ k;\ m\ =\
  1234 i\ *\ k\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists k.\ m\ *\ n\
  1235 =\ i\ *\ j\ *\ k%
  1236 \isanewline
  1237 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)
  1238 \isanewline
  1239 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd k\ ka.\ \isasymlbrakk m\ =\ i\ *\ k;\ n\ =\ j\ *\
  1240 ka\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists k.\ m\ *\ n\ =\ i\
  1241 *\ j\ *\ k
  1242 \end{isabelle}
  1243 %
  1244 The term needed to instantiate the remaining quantifier is~\isa{k*ka}.  But
  1245 \isa{ka} is an automatically-generated name.  As noted above, references to
  1246 such variable names makes a proof less resilient to future changes.  So,
  1247 first we rename the most recent variable to~\isa{l}:
  1248 \begin{isabelle}
  1249 \isacommand{apply}\ (rename_tac\ l)\isanewline
  1250 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd k\ l.\ \isasymlbrakk m\ =\ i\ *\ k;\ n\ =\ j\ *\ l\isasymrbrakk \
  1251 \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists k.\ m\ *\ n\ =\ i\ *\ j\ *\ k%
  1252 \end{isabelle}
  1254 We instantiate the quantifier with~\isa{k*l}:
  1255 \begin{isabelle}
  1256 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule_tac\ x="k*l"\ \isakeyword{in}\ exI)\ \isanewline
  1257 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd k\ ka.\ \isasymlbrakk m\ =\ i\ *\ k;\ n\ =\ j\ *\
  1258 ka\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ m\ *\ n\ =\ i\
  1259 *\ j\ *\ (k\ *\ ka)
  1260 \end{isabelle}
  1261 %
  1262 The rest is automatic, by arithmetic.
  1263 \begin{isabelle}
  1264 \isacommand{apply}\ simp\isanewline
  1265 \isacommand{done}\isanewline
  1266 \end{isabelle}
  1270 \section{Description Operators}
  1271 \label{sec:SOME}
  1273 \index{description operators|(}%
  1274 HOL provides two description operators.
  1275 A \textbf{definite description} formalizes the word ``the,'' as in
  1276 ``the greatest divisior of~$n$.''
  1277 It returns an arbitrary value unless the formula has a unique solution.
  1278 An \textbf{indefinite description} formalizes the word ``some,'' as in
  1279 ``some member of~$S$.''  It differs from a definite description in not
  1280 requiring the solution to be unique: it uses the axiom of choice to pick any
  1281 solution. 
  1283 \begin{warn}
  1284 Description operators can be hard to reason about.  Novices
  1285 should try to avoid them.  Fortunately, descriptions are seldom required.
  1286 \end{warn}
  1288 \subsection{Definite Descriptions}
  1290 \index{descriptions!definite}%
  1291 A definite description is traditionally written $\iota x.  P(x)$.  It denotes
  1292 the $x$ such that $P(x)$ is true, provided there exists a unique such~$x$;
  1293 otherwise, it returns an arbitrary value of the expected type.
  1294 Isabelle uses \sdx{THE} for the Greek letter~$\iota$.  
  1296 %(The traditional notation could be provided, but it is not legible on screen.)
  1298 We reason using this rule, where \isa{a} is the unique solution:
  1299 \begin{isabelle}
  1300 \isasymlbrakk P\ a;\ \isasymAnd x.\ P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ x\ =\ a\isasymrbrakk \ 
  1301 \isasymLongrightarrow \ (THE\ x.\ P\ x)\ =\ a%
  1302 \rulenamedx{the_equality}
  1303 \end{isabelle}
  1304 For instance, we can define the
  1305 cardinality of a finite set~$A$ to be that
  1306 $n$ such that $A$ is in one-to-one correspondence with $\{1,\ldots,n\}$.  We can then
  1307 prove that the cardinality of the empty set is zero (since $n=0$ satisfies the
  1308 description) and proceed to prove other facts.
  1310 A more challenging example illustrates how Isabelle/HOL defines the least number
  1311 operator, which denotes the least \isa{x} satisfying~\isa{P}:%
  1312 \index{least number operator|see{\protect\isa{LEAST}}}
  1313 \begin{isabelle}
  1314 (LEAST\ x.\ P\ x)\ = (THE\ x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand \ (\isasymforall y.\
  1315 P\ y\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ x\ \isasymle \ y))
  1316 \end{isabelle}
  1317 %
  1318 Let us prove the analogue of \isa{the_equality} for \sdx{LEAST}\@.
  1319 \begin{isabelle}
  1320 \isacommand{theorem}\ Least_equality:\isanewline
  1321 \ \ \ \ \ "\isasymlbrakk P\ (k::nat);\ \ \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ \isasymle \ x\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ (LEAST\ x.\ P\ x)\ =\ k"\isanewline
  1322 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ Least_def)\isanewline
  1323 \isanewline
  1324 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ k;\ \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ \isasymle \ x\isasymrbrakk \isanewline
  1325 \isaindent{\ 1.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ (THE\ x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand \ (\isasymforall y.\ P\ y\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ x\ \isasymle \ y))\ =\ k%
  1326 \end{isabelle}
  1327 The first step has merely unfolded the definition.
  1328 \begin{isabelle}
  1329 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ the_equality)\isanewline
  1330 \isanewline
  1331 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ k;\ \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\
  1332 \isasymle \ x\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ k\ \isasymand \
  1333 (\isasymforall y.\ P\ y\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ \isasymle \ y)\isanewline
  1334 \ 2.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ k;\ \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ \isasymle \ x;\ P\ x\ \isasymand \ (\isasymforall y.\ P\ y\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ x\ \isasymle \ y)\isasymrbrakk \isanewline
  1335 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ x\ =\ k%
  1336 \end{isabelle}
  1337 As always with \isa{the_equality}, we must show existence and
  1338 uniqueness of the claimed solution,~\isa{k}.  Existence, the first
  1339 subgoal, is trivial.  Uniqueness, the second subgoal, follows by antisymmetry:
  1340 \begin{isabelle}
  1341 \isasymlbrakk x\ \isasymle \ y;\ y\ \isasymle \ x\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ x\ =\ y%
  1342 \rulename{order_antisym}
  1343 \end{isabelle}
  1344 The assumptions imply both \isa{k~\isasymle~x} and \isa{x~\isasymle~k}.  One
  1345 call to \isa{auto} does it all: 
  1346 \begin{isabelle}
  1347 \isacommand{by}\ (auto\ intro:\ order_antisym)
  1348 \end{isabelle}
  1351 \subsection{Indefinite Descriptions}
  1353 \index{Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator}%
  1354 \index{descriptions!indefinite}%
  1355 An indefinite description is traditionally written $\varepsilon x. P(x)$ and is
  1356 known as Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator.  It denotes
  1357 some $x$ such that $P(x)$ is true, provided one exists.
  1358 Isabelle uses \sdx{SOME} for the Greek letter~$\varepsilon$.
  1360 Here is the definition of~\cdx{inv}, which expresses inverses of
  1361 functions:
  1362 \begin{isabelle}
  1363 inv\ f\ \isasymequiv \ \isasymlambda y.\ SOME\ x.\ f\ x\ =\ y%
  1364 \rulename{inv_def}
  1365 \end{isabelle}
  1366 Using \isa{SOME} rather than \isa{THE} makes \isa{inv~f} behave well
  1367 even if \isa{f} is not injective.  As it happens, most useful theorems about
  1368 \isa{inv} do assume the function to be injective.
  1370 The inverse of \isa{f}, when applied to \isa{y}, returns some~\isa{x} such that
  1371 \isa{f~x~=~y}.  For example, we can prove \isa{inv~Suc} really is the inverse
  1372 of the \isa{Suc} function 
  1373 \begin{isabelle}
  1374 \isacommand{lemma}\ "inv\ Suc\ (Suc\ n)\ =\ n"\isanewline
  1375 \isacommand{by}\ (simp\ add:\ inv_def)
  1376 \end{isabelle}
  1378 \noindent
  1379 The proof is a one-liner: the subgoal simplifies to a degenerate application of
  1380 \isa{SOME}, which is then erased.  In detail, the left-hand side simplifies
  1381 to \isa{SOME\ x.\ Suc\ x\ =\ Suc\ n}, then to \isa{SOME\ x.\ x\ =\ n} and
  1382 finally to~\isa{n}.  
  1384 We know nothing about what
  1385 \isa{inv~Suc} returns when applied to zero.  The proof above still treats
  1386 \isa{SOME} as a definite description, since it only reasons about
  1387 situations in which the value is described uniquely.  Indeed, \isa{SOME}
  1388 satisfies this rule:
  1389 \begin{isabelle}
  1390 \isasymlbrakk P\ a;\ \isasymAnd x.\ P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ x\ =\ a\isasymrbrakk \ 
  1391 \isasymLongrightarrow \ (SOME\ x.\ P\ x)\ =\ a%
  1392 \rulenamedx{some_equality}
  1393 \end{isabelle}
  1394 To go further is
  1395 tricky and requires rules such as these:
  1396 \begin{isabelle}
  1397 P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ (SOME\ x.\ P\ x)
  1398 \rulenamedx{someI}\isanewline
  1399 \isasymlbrakk P\ a;\ \isasymAnd x.\ P\ x\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\
  1400 x\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\ (SOME\ x.\ P\ x)
  1401 \rulenamedx{someI2}
  1402 \end{isabelle}
  1403 Rule \isa{someI} is basic: if anything satisfies \isa{P} then so does
  1404 \hbox{\isa{SOME\ x.\ P\ x}}.  The repetition of~\isa{P} in the conclusion makes it
  1405 difficult to apply in a backward proof, so the derived rule \isa{someI2} is
  1406 also provided. 
  1408 \medskip
  1409 For example, let us prove the \rmindex{axiom of choice}:
  1410 \begin{isabelle}
  1411 \isacommand{theorem}\ axiom_of_choice:
  1412 \ "(\isasymforall x.\ \isasymexists y.\ P\ x\ y)\ \isasymLongrightarrow \
  1413 \isasymexists f.\ \isasymforall x.\ P\ x\ (f\ x)"\isanewline
  1414 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exI,\ rule\ allI)\isanewline
  1416 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymforall x.\ \isasymexists y.\ P\ x\ y\
  1417 \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ x\ (?f\ x)
  1418 \end{isabelle}
  1419 %
  1420 We have applied the introduction rules; now it is time to apply the elimination
  1421 rules.
  1423 \begin{isabelle}
  1424 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ spec,\ erule\ exE)\isanewline
  1426 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ y.\ P\ (?x2\ x)\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ x\ (?f\ x)
  1427 \end{isabelle}
  1429 \noindent
  1430 The rule \isa{someI} automatically instantiates
  1431 \isa{f} to \hbox{\isa{\isasymlambda x.\ SOME y.\ P\ x\ y}}, which is the choice
  1432 function.  It also instantiates \isa{?x2\ x} to \isa{x}.
  1433 \begin{isabelle}
  1434 \isacommand{by}\ (rule\ someI)\isanewline
  1435 \end{isabelle}
  1437 \subsubsection{Historical Note}
  1438 The original purpose of Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator was to express an
  1439 existential destruction rule:
  1440 \[ \infer{P[(\varepsilon x. P) / \, x]}{\exists x.\,P} \]
  1441 This rule is seldom used for that purpose --- it can cause exponential
  1442 blow-up --- but it is occasionally used as an introduction rule
  1443 for the~$\varepsilon$-operator.  Its name in HOL is \tdxbold{someI_ex}.%%
  1444 \index{description operators|)}
  1447 \section{Some Proofs That Fail}
  1449 \index{proofs!examples of failing|(}%
  1450 Most of the examples in this tutorial involve proving theorems.  But not every 
  1451 conjecture is true, and it can be instructive to see how  
  1452 proofs fail. Here we attempt to prove a distributive law involving 
  1453 the existential quantifier and conjunction. 
  1454 \begin{isabelle}
  1455 \isacommand{lemma}\ "({\isasymexists}x.\ P\ x)\ \isasymand\ 
  1456 ({\isasymexists}x.\ Q\ x)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ {\isasymexists}x.\ P\ x\
  1457 \isasymand\ Q\ x"
  1458 \end{isabelle}
  1459 The first steps are  routine.  We apply conjunction elimination to break
  1460 the assumption into two existentially quantified assumptions. 
  1461 Applying existential elimination removes one of the quantifiers. 
  1462 \begin{isabelle}
  1463 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ conjE)\isanewline
  1464 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)\isanewline
  1465 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymexists}x.\ Q\ x;\ P\ x\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ {\isasymexists}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand\ Q\ x
  1466 \end{isabelle}
  1467 %
  1468 When we remove the other quantifier, we get a different bound 
  1469 variable in the subgoal.  (The name \isa{xa} is generated automatically.)
  1470 \begin{isabelle}
  1471 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)\isanewline
  1472 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x;\ Q\ xa\isasymrbrakk\
  1473 \isasymLongrightarrow\ {\isasymexists}x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand\ Q\ x
  1474 \end{isabelle}
  1475 The proviso of the existential elimination rule has forced the variables to
  1476 differ: we can hardly expect two arbitrary values to be equal!  There is
  1477 no way to prove this subgoal.  Removing the
  1478 conclusion's existential quantifier yields two
  1479 identical placeholders, which can become  any term involving the variables \isa{x}
  1480 and~\isa{xa}.  We need one to become \isa{x}
  1481 and the other to become~\isa{xa}, but Isabelle requires all instances of a
  1482 placeholder to be identical. 
  1483 \begin{isabelle}
  1484 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exI)\isanewline
  1485 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ conjI)\isanewline
  1486 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x;\ Q\ xa\isasymrbrakk\
  1487 \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ (?x3\ x\ xa)\isanewline
  1488 \ 2.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x;\ Q\ xa\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ (?x3\ x\ xa)
  1489 \end{isabelle}
  1490 We can prove either subgoal 
  1491 using the \isa{assumption} method.  If we prove the first one, the placeholder
  1492 changes into~\isa{x}. 
  1493 \begin{isabelle}
  1494 \ \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
  1495 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ x;\ Q\ xa\isasymrbrakk\
  1496 \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ x
  1497 \end{isabelle}
  1498 We are left with a subgoal that cannot be proved.  Applying the \isa{assumption}
  1499 method results in an error message:
  1500 \begin{isabelle}
  1501 *** empty result sequence -- proof command failed
  1502 \end{isabelle}
  1503 When interacting with Isabelle via the shell interface,
  1504 you can abandon a proof using the \isacommand{oops} command.
  1506 \medskip 
  1508 Here is another abortive proof, illustrating the interaction between 
  1509 bound variables and unknowns.  
  1510 If $R$ is a reflexive relation, 
  1511 is there an $x$ such that $R\,x\,y$ holds for all $y$?  Let us see what happens when
  1512 we attempt to prove it. 
  1513 \begin{isabelle}
  1514 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymforall y.\ R\ y\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow 
  1515 \ \isasymexists x.\ \isasymforall y.\ R\ x\ y"
  1516 \end{isabelle}
  1517 First,  we remove the existential quantifier. The new proof state has  an
  1518 unknown, namely~\isa{?x}. 
  1519 \begin{isabelle}
  1520 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exI)\isanewline
  1521 \ 1.\ \isasymforall y.\ R\ y\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymforall y.\ R\ ?x\ y%
  1522 \end{isabelle}
  1523 It looks like we can just apply \isa{assumption}, but it fails.  Isabelle
  1524 refuses to substitute \isa{y}, a bound variable, for~\isa{?x}; that would be
  1525 a bound variable capture.  We can still try to finish the proof in some
  1526 other way. We remove the universal quantifier  from the conclusion, moving
  1527 the bound variable~\isa{y} into the subgoal.  But note that it is still
  1528 bound!
  1529 \begin{isabelle}
  1530 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ allI)\isanewline
  1531 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd y.\ \isasymforall y.\ R\ y\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ R\ ?x\ y%
  1532 \end{isabelle}
  1533 Finally, we try to apply our reflexivity assumption.  We obtain a 
  1534 new assumption whose identical placeholders may be replaced by 
  1535 any term involving~\isa{y}. 
  1536 \begin{isabelle}
  1537 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ spec)\isanewline
  1538 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd y.\ R\ (?z2\ y)\ (?z2\ y)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ R\ ?x\ y
  1539 \end{isabelle}
  1540 This subgoal can only be proved by putting \isa{y} for all the placeholders,
  1541 making the assumption and conclusion become \isa{R\ y\ y}.  Isabelle can
  1542 replace \isa{?z2~y} by \isa{y}; this involves instantiating
  1543 \isa{?z2} to the identity function.  But, just as two steps earlier,
  1544 Isabelle refuses to substitute~\isa{y} for~\isa{?x}.
  1545 This example is typical of how Isabelle enforces sound quantifier reasoning. 
  1546 \index{proofs!examples of failing|)}
  1548 \section{Proving Theorems Using the {\tt\slshape blast} Method}
  1550 \index{*blast (method)|(}%
  1551 It is hard to prove many theorems using the methods 
  1552 described above. A proof may be hundreds of steps long.  You 
  1553 may need to search among different ways of proving certain 
  1554 subgoals. Often a choice that proves one subgoal renders another 
  1555 impossible to prove.  There are further complications that we have not
  1556 discussed, concerning negation and disjunction.  Isabelle's
  1557 \textbf{classical reasoner} is a family of tools that perform such
  1558 proofs automatically.  The most important of these is the 
  1559 \isa{blast} method. 
  1561 In this section, we shall first see how to use the classical 
  1562 reasoner in its default mode and then how to insert additional 
  1563 rules, enabling it to work in new problem domains. 
  1565  We begin with examples from pure predicate logic. The following 
  1566 example is known as Andrew's challenge. Peter Andrews designed 
  1567 it to be hard to prove by automatic means.
  1568 It is particularly hard for a resolution prover, where 
  1569 converting the nested biconditionals to
  1570 clause form produces a combinatorial
  1571 explosion~\cite{pelletier86}. However, the
  1572 \isa{blast} method proves it in a fraction  of a second. 
  1573 \begin{isabelle}
  1574 \isacommand{lemma}\
  1575 "(({\isasymexists}x.\
  1576 {\isasymforall}y.\
  1577 p(x){=}p(y))\
  1578 =\
  1579 (({\isasymexists}x.\
  1580 q(x))=({\isasymforall}y.\
  1581 p(y))))\
  1582 \ \ =\ \ \ \ \isanewline
  1583 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  1584 (({\isasymexists}x.\
  1585 {\isasymforall}y.\
  1586 q(x){=}q(y))\ =\ (({\isasymexists}x.\ p(x))=({\isasymforall}y.\ q(y))))"\isanewline
  1587 \isacommand{by}\ blast
  1588 \end{isabelle}
  1589 The next example is a logic problem composed by Lewis Carroll. 
  1590 The \isa{blast} method finds it trivial. Moreover, it turns out 
  1591 that not all of the assumptions are necessary. We can  
  1592 experiment with variations of this formula and see which ones 
  1593 can be proved. 
  1594 \begin{isabelle}
  1595 \isacommand{lemma}\
  1596 "({\isasymforall}x.\
  1597 honest(x)\ \isasymand\
  1598 industrious(x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1599 healthy(x))\
  1600 \isasymand\ \ \isanewline
  1601 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \isasymnot\ ({\isasymexists}x.\
  1602 grocer(x)\ \isasymand\
  1603 healthy(x))\
  1604 \isasymand\ \isanewline
  1605 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ({\isasymforall}x.\
  1606 industrious(x)\ \isasymand\
  1607 grocer(x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1608 honest(x))\
  1609 \isasymand\ \isanewline
  1610 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ({\isasymforall}x.\
  1611 cyclist(x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1612 industrious(x))\
  1613 \isasymand\ \isanewline
  1614 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ({\isasymforall}x.\
  1615 {\isasymnot}healthy(x)\ \isasymand\
  1616 cyclist(x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1617 {\isasymnot}honest(x))\
  1618 \ \isanewline
  1619 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1620 ({\isasymforall}x.\
  1621 grocer(x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  1622 {\isasymnot}cyclist(x))"\isanewline
  1623 \isacommand{by}\ blast
  1624 \end{isabelle}
  1625 The \isa{blast} method is also effective for set theory, which is
  1626 described in the next chapter.  The formula below may look horrible, but
  1627 the \isa{blast} method proves it in milliseconds. 
  1628 \begin{isabelle}
  1629 \isacommand{lemma}\ "({\isasymUnion}i{\isasymin}I.\ A(i))\ \isasyminter\ ({\isasymUnion}j{\isasymin}J.\ B(j))\ =\isanewline
  1630 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ({\isasymUnion}i{\isasymin}I.\ {\isasymUnion}j{\isasymin}J.\ A(i)\ \isasyminter\ B(j))"\isanewline
  1631 \isacommand{by}\ blast
  1632 \end{isabelle}
  1634 Few subgoals are couched purely in predicate logic and set theory.
  1635 We can extend the scope of the classical reasoner by giving it new rules. 
  1636 Extending it effectively requires understanding the notions of
  1637 introduction, elimination and destruction rules.  Moreover, there is a
  1638 distinction between  safe and unsafe rules. A 
  1639 \textbf{safe}\indexbold{safe rules} rule is one that can be applied 
  1640 backwards without losing information; an
  1641 \textbf{unsafe}\indexbold{unsafe rules} rule loses  information, perhaps
  1642 transforming the subgoal into one that cannot be proved.  The safe/unsafe
  1643 distinction affects the proof search: if a proof attempt fails, the
  1644 classical reasoner backtracks to the most recent unsafe rule application
  1645 and makes another choice. 
  1647 An important special case avoids all these complications.  A logical 
  1648 equivalence, which in higher-order logic is an equality between 
  1649 formulas, can be given to the classical 
  1650 reasoner and simplifier by using the attribute \attrdx{iff}.  You 
  1651 should do so if the right hand side of the equivalence is  
  1652 simpler than the left-hand side.  
  1654 For example, here is a simple fact about list concatenation. 
  1655 The result of appending two lists is empty if and only if both 
  1656 of the lists are themselves empty. Obviously, applying this equivalence 
  1657 will result in a simpler goal. When stating this lemma, we include 
  1658 the \attrdx{iff} attribute. Once we have proved the lemma, Isabelle 
  1659 will make it known to the classical reasoner (and to the simplifier). 
  1660 \begin{isabelle}
  1661 \isacommand{lemma}\
  1662 [iff]:\ "(xs{\isacharat}ys\ =\ [])\ =\
  1663 (xs=[]\ \isasymand\ ys=[])"\isanewline
  1664 \isacommand{apply}\ (induct_tac\ xs)\isanewline
  1665 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp_all)\isanewline
  1666 \isacommand{done}
  1667 \end{isabelle}
  1668 %
  1669 This fact about multiplication is also appropriate for 
  1670 the \attrdx{iff} attribute:
  1671 \begin{isabelle}
  1672 (\mbox{?m}\ *\ \mbox{?n}\ =\ 0)\ =\ (\mbox{?m}\ =\ 0\ \isasymor\ \mbox{?n}\ =\ 0)
  1673 \end{isabelle}
  1674 A product is zero if and only if one of the factors is zero.  The
  1675 reasoning  involves a disjunction.  Proving new rules for
  1676 disjunctive reasoning  is hard, but translating to an actual disjunction
  1677 works:  the classical reasoner handles disjunction properly.
  1679 In more detail, this is how the \attrdx{iff} attribute works.  It converts
  1680 the equivalence $P=Q$ to a pair of rules: the introduction
  1681 rule $Q\Imp P$ and the destruction rule $P\Imp Q$.  It gives both to the
  1682 classical reasoner as safe rules, ensuring that all occurrences of $P$ in
  1683 a subgoal are replaced by~$Q$.  The simplifier performs the same
  1684 replacement, since \isa{iff} gives $P=Q$ to the
  1685 simplifier.  
  1687 Classical reasoning is different from
  1688 simplification.  Simplification is deterministic.  It applies rewrite rules
  1689 repeatedly, as long as possible, transforming a goal into another goal.  Classical
  1690 reasoning uses search and backtracking in order to prove a goal outright.%
  1691 \index{*blast (method)|)}%
  1694 \section{Other Classical Reasoning Methods}
  1696 The \isa{blast} method is our main workhorse for proving theorems 
  1697 automatically. Other components of the classical reasoner interact 
  1698 with the simplifier. Still others perform classical reasoning 
  1699 to a limited extent, giving the user fine control over the proof. 
  1701 Of the latter methods, the most useful is 
  1702 \methdx{clarify}.
  1703 It performs 
  1704 all obvious reasoning steps without splitting the goal into multiple 
  1705 parts. It does not apply unsafe rules that could render the 
  1706 goal unprovable. By performing the obvious 
  1707 steps, \isa{clarify} lays bare the difficult parts of the problem, 
  1708 where human intervention is necessary. 
  1710 For example, the following conjecture is false:
  1711 \begin{isabelle}
  1712 \isacommand{lemma}\ "({\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x)\ \isasymand\
  1713 ({\isasymexists}x.\ Q\ x)\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ ({\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x\
  1714 \isasymand\ Q\ x)"\isanewline
  1715 \isacommand{apply}\ clarify
  1716 \end{isabelle}
  1717 The \isa{blast} method would simply fail, but \isa{clarify} presents 
  1718 a subgoal that helps us see why we cannot continue the proof. 
  1719 \begin{isabelle}
  1720 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk{\isasymforall}x.\ P\ x;\ Q\
  1721 xa\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ x\ \isasymand\ Q\ x
  1722 \end{isabelle}
  1723 The proof must fail because the assumption \isa{Q\ xa} and conclusion \isa{Q\ x}
  1724 refer to distinct bound variables.  To reach this state, \isa{clarify} applied
  1725 the introduction rules for \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow} and \isa{\isasymforall}
  1726 and the elimination rule for \isa{\isasymand}.  It did not apply the introduction
  1727 rule for  \isa{\isasymand} because of its policy never to split goals.
  1729 Also available is \methdx{clarsimp}, a method
  1730 that interleaves \isa{clarify} and \isa{simp}.  Also there is  \methdx{safe},
  1731 which like \isa{clarify} performs obvious steps but even applies those that
  1732 split goals.
  1734 The \methdx{force} method applies the classical
  1735 reasoner and simplifier  to one goal. 
  1736 Unless it can prove the goal, it fails. Contrast 
  1737 that with the \isa{auto} method, which also combines classical reasoning 
  1738 with simplification. The latter's purpose is to prove all the 
  1739 easy subgoals and parts of subgoals. Unfortunately, it can produce 
  1740 large numbers of new subgoals; also, since it proves some subgoals 
  1741 and splits others, it obscures the structure of the proof tree. 
  1742 The \isa{force} method does not have these drawbacks. Another 
  1743 difference: \isa{force} tries harder than {\isa{auto}} to prove 
  1744 its goal, so it can take much longer to terminate.
  1746 Older components of the classical reasoner have largely been 
  1747 superseded by \isa{blast}, but they still have niche applications. 
  1748 Most important among these are \isa{fast} and \isa{best}. While \isa{blast} 
  1749 searches for proofs using a built-in first-order reasoner, these 
  1750 earlier methods search for proofs using standard Isabelle inference. 
  1751 That makes them slower but enables them to work in the 
  1752 presence of the more unusual features of Isabelle rules, such 
  1753 as type classes and function unknowns. For example, recall the introduction rule
  1754 for Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator: 
  1755 \begin{isabelle}
  1756 ?P\ ?x\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P\ (SOME\ x.\ ?P x)
  1757 \rulename{someI}
  1758 \end{isabelle}
  1759 %
  1760 The repeated occurrence of the variable \isa{?P} makes this rule tricky 
  1761 to apply. Consider this contrived example: 
  1762 \begin{isabelle}
  1763 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk Q\ a;\ P\ a\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  1764 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,\isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ (SOME\ x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand\ Q\ x)\
  1765 \isasymand\ Q\ (SOME\ x.\ P\ x\ \isasymand\ Q\ x)"\isanewline
  1766 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ someI)
  1767 \end{isabelle}
  1768 %
  1769 We can apply rule \isa{someI} explicitly.  It yields the 
  1770 following subgoal: 
  1771 \begin{isabelle}
  1772 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk Q\ a;\ P\ a\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ P\ ?x\
  1773 \isasymand\ Q\ ?x%
  1774 \end{isabelle}
  1775 The proof from this point is trivial.  Could we have
  1776 proved the theorem with a single command? Not using \isa{blast}: it
  1777 cannot perform  the higher-order unification needed here.  The
  1778 \methdx{fast} method succeeds: 
  1779 \begin{isabelle}
  1780 \isacommand{apply}\ (fast\ intro!:\ someI)
  1781 \end{isabelle}
  1783 The \methdx{best} method is similar to
  1784 \isa{fast} but it uses a  best-first search instead of depth-first search.
  1785 Accordingly,  it is slower but is less susceptible to divergence.
  1786 Transitivity  rules usually cause \isa{fast} to loop where \isa{best} 
  1787 can often manage.
  1789 Here is a summary of the classical reasoning methods:
  1790 \begin{itemize}
  1791 \item \methdx{blast} works automatically and is the fastest
  1793 \item \methdx{clarify} and \methdx{clarsimp} perform obvious steps without
  1794 splitting the goal;  \methdx{safe} even splits goals
  1796 \item \methdx{force} uses classical reasoning and simplification to prove a goal;
  1797  \methdx{auto} is similar but leaves what it cannot prove
  1799 \item \methdx{fast} and \methdx{best} are legacy methods that work well with rules
  1800 involving unusual features
  1801 \end{itemize}
  1802 A table illustrates the relationships among four of these methods. 
  1803 \begin{center}
  1804 \begin{tabular}{r|l|l|}
  1805            & no split   & split \\ \hline
  1806   no simp  & \methdx{clarify}    & \methdx{safe} \\ \hline
  1807      simp  & \methdx{clarsimp}   & \methdx{auto} \\ \hline
  1808 \end{tabular}
  1809 \end{center}
  1812 \section{Forward Proof: Transforming Theorems}\label{sec:forward}
  1814 \index{forward proof|(}%
  1815 Forward proof means deriving new facts from old ones.  It is  the
  1816 most fundamental type of proof.  Backward proof, by working  from goals to
  1817 subgoals, can help us find a difficult proof.  But it is
  1818 not always the best way of presenting the proof thus found.  Forward
  1819 proof is particularly good for reasoning from the general
  1820 to the specific.  For example, consider this distributive law for
  1821 the greatest common divisor:
  1822 \[ k\times\gcd(m,n) = \gcd(k\times m,k\times n)\]
  1824 Putting $m=1$ we get (since $\gcd(1,n)=1$ and $k\times1=k$) 
  1825 \[ k = \gcd(k,k\times n)\]
  1826 We have derived a new fact; if re-oriented, it might be
  1827 useful for simplification.  After re-orienting it and putting $n=1$, we
  1828 derive another useful law: 
  1829 \[ \gcd(k,k)=k \]
  1830 Substituting values for variables --- instantiation --- is a forward step. 
  1831 Re-orientation works by applying the symmetry of equality to 
  1832 an equation, so it too is a forward step.  
  1834 \subsection{Modifying a Theorem using {\tt\slshape of},  {\tt\slshape where}
  1835  and {\tt\slshape THEN}}
  1837 \label{sec:THEN}
  1839 Let us reproduce our examples in Isabelle.  Recall that in
  1840 {\S}\ref{sec:recdef-simplification} we declared the recursive function
  1841 \isa{gcd}:\index{*gcd (constant)|(}
  1842 \begin{isabelle}
  1843 \isacommand{consts}\ gcd\ ::\ "nat*nat\ \isasymRightarrow\ nat"\isanewline
  1844 \isacommand{recdef}\ gcd\ "measure\ ((\isasymlambda(m,n).n))"\isanewline
  1845 \ \ \ \ "gcd\ (m,n)\ =\ (if\ n=0\ then\ m\ else\ gcd(n,\ m\ mod\ n))"
  1846 \end{isabelle}
  1847 %
  1848 From this definition, it is possible to prove the distributive law.  
  1849 That takes us to the starting point for our example.
  1850 \begin{isabelle}
  1851 ?k\ *\ gcd\ (?m,\ ?n)\ =\ gcd\ (?k\ *\ ?m,\ ?k\ *\ ?n)
  1852 \rulename{gcd_mult_distrib2}
  1853 \end{isabelle}
  1854 %
  1855 The first step in our derivation is to replace \isa{?m} by~1.  We instantiate the
  1856 theorem using~\attrdx{of}, which identifies variables in order of their
  1857 appearance from left to right.  In this case, the variables  are \isa{?k}, \isa{?m}
  1858 and~\isa{?n}. So, the expression
  1859 \hbox{\texttt{[of k 1]}} replaces \isa{?k} by~\isa{k} and \isa{?m}
  1860 by~\isa{1}.
  1861 \begin{isabelle}
  1862 \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_mult_0\ =\ gcd_mult_distrib2\ [of\ k\ 1]
  1863 \end{isabelle}
  1864 %
  1865 The keyword \commdx{lemmas} declares a new theorem, which can be derived
  1866 from an existing one using attributes such as \isa{[of~k~1]}.
  1867 The command 
  1868 \isa{thm gcd_mult_0}
  1869 displays the result:
  1870 \begin{isabelle}
  1871 \ \ \ \ \ k\ *\ gcd\ (1,\ ?n)\ =\ gcd\ (k\ *\ 1,\ k\ *\ ?n)
  1872 \end{isabelle}
  1873 Something is odd: \isa{k} is an ordinary variable, while \isa{?n} 
  1874 is schematic.  We did not specify an instantiation 
  1875 for \isa{?n}.  In its present form, the theorem does not allow 
  1876 substitution for \isa{k}.  One solution is to avoid giving an instantiation for
  1877 \isa{?k}: instead of a term we can put an underscore~(\isa{_}).  For example,
  1878 \begin{isabelle}
  1879 \ \ \ \ \ gcd_mult_distrib2\ [of\ _\ 1]
  1880 \end{isabelle}
  1881 replaces \isa{?m} by~\isa{1} but leaves \isa{?k} unchanged.  
  1883 An equivalent solution is to use the attribute \isa{where}. 
  1884 \begin{isabelle}
  1885 \ \ \ \ \ gcd\_mult\_distrib2\ [where\ m=1]
  1886 \end{isabelle}
  1887 While \isa{of} refers to
  1888 variables by their position, \isa{where} refers to variables by name. Multiple
  1889 instantiations are separated by~\isa{and}, as in this example:
  1890 \begin{isabelle}
  1891 \ \ \ \ \ gcd\_mult\_distrib2\ [where\ m=1\ and\ k=1]
  1892 \end{isabelle}
  1894 We now continue the present example with the version of \isa{gcd_mult_0}
  1895 shown above, which has \isa{k} instead of \isa{?k}.
  1896 Once we have replaced \isa{?m} by~1, we must next simplify
  1897 the theorem \isa{gcd_mult_0}, performing the steps 
  1898 $\gcd(1,n)=1$ and $k\times1=k$.  The \attrdx{simplified}
  1899 attribute takes a theorem
  1900 and returns the result of simplifying it, with respect to the default
  1901 simplification rules:
  1902 \begin{isabelle}
  1903 \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_mult_1\ =\ gcd_mult_0\
  1904 [simplified]%
  1905 \end{isabelle}
  1906 %
  1907 Again, we display the resulting theorem:
  1908 \begin{isabelle}
  1909 \ \ \ \ \ k\ =\ gcd\ (k,\ k\ *\ ?n)
  1910 \end{isabelle}
  1911 %
  1912 To re-orient the equation requires the symmetry rule:
  1913 \begin{isabelle}
  1914 ?s\ =\ ?t\
  1915 \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?t\ =\
  1916 ?s%
  1917 \rulenamedx{sym}
  1918 \end{isabelle}
  1919 The following declaration gives our equation to \isa{sym}:
  1920 \begin{isabelle}
  1921 \ \ \ \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_mult\ =\ gcd_mult_1\ [THEN\ sym]
  1922 \end{isabelle}
  1923 %
  1924 Here is the result:
  1925 \begin{isabelle}
  1926 \ \ \ \ \ gcd\ (k,\ k\ *\ ?n)\ =\ k%
  1927 \end{isabelle}
  1928 \isa{THEN~sym}\indexbold{*THEN (attribute)} gives the current theorem to the
  1929 rule \isa{sym} and returns the resulting conclusion.  The effect is to
  1930 exchange the two operands of the equality. Typically \isa{THEN} is used
  1931 with destruction rules.  Also useful is \isa{THEN~spec}, which removes the
  1932 quantifier from a theorem of the form $\forall x.\,P$, and \isa{THEN~mp},
  1933 which converts the implication $P\imp Q$ into the rule
  1934 $\vcenter{\infer{Q}{P}}$. Similar to \isa{mp} are the following two rules,
  1935 which extract  the two directions of reasoning about a boolean equivalence:
  1936 \begin{isabelle}
  1937 \isasymlbrakk?Q\ =\ ?P;\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P%
  1938 \rulenamedx{iffD1}%
  1939 \isanewline
  1940 \isasymlbrakk?P\ =\ ?Q;\ ?Q\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?P%
  1941 \rulenamedx{iffD2}
  1942 \end{isabelle}
  1943 %
  1944 Normally we would never name the intermediate theorems
  1945 such as \isa{gcd_mult_0} and \isa{gcd_mult_1} but would combine
  1946 the three forward steps: 
  1947 \begin{isabelle}
  1948 \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_mult\ =\ gcd_mult_distrib2\ [of\ k\ 1,\ simplified,\ THEN\ sym]%
  1949 \end{isabelle}
  1950 The directives, or attributes, are processed from left to right.  This
  1951 declaration of \isa{gcd_mult} is equivalent to the
  1952 previous one.
  1954 Such declarations can make the proof script hard to read.  Better   
  1955 is to state the new lemma explicitly and to prove it using a single
  1956 \isa{rule} method whose operand is expressed using forward reasoning:
  1957 \begin{isabelle}
  1958 \isacommand{lemma}\ gcd_mult\
  1959 [simp]:\
  1960 "gcd(k,\ k*n)\ =\ k"\isanewline
  1961 \isacommand{by}\ (rule\ gcd_mult_distrib2\ [of\ k\ 1,\ simplified,\ THEN\ sym])
  1962 \end{isabelle}
  1963 Compared with the previous proof of \isa{gcd_mult}, this
  1964 version shows the reader what has been proved.  Also, the result will be processed
  1965 in the normal way.  In particular, Isabelle generalizes over all variables: the
  1966 resulting theorem will have {\isa{?k}} instead of {\isa{k}}.
  1968 At the start  of this section, we also saw a proof of $\gcd(k,k)=k$.  Here
  1969 is the Isabelle version:\index{*gcd (constant)|)}
  1970 \begin{isabelle}
  1971 \isacommand{lemma}\ gcd_self\ [simp]:\ "gcd(k,k)\ =\ k"\isanewline
  1972 \isacommand{by}\ (rule\ gcd_mult\ [of\ k\ 1,\ simplified])
  1973 \end{isabelle}
  1975 \begin{warn}
  1976 To give~\isa{of} a nonatomic term, enclose it in quotation marks, as in
  1977 \isa{[of "k*m"]}.  The term must not contain unknowns: an
  1978 attribute such as 
  1979 \isa{[of "?k*m"]} will be rejected.
  1980 \end{warn}
  1982 %Answer is now included in that section! Is a modified version of this
  1983 %  exercise worth including? E.g. find a difference between the two ways
  1984 %  of substituting.
  1985 %\begin{exercise}
  1986 %In {\S}\ref{sec:subst} the method \isa{subst\ mult_commute} was applied.  How
  1987 %can we achieve the same effect using \isa{THEN} with the rule \isa{ssubst}?
  1988 %% answer  rule (mult_commute [THEN ssubst])
  1989 %\end{exercise}
  1991 \subsection{Modifying a Theorem using {\tt\slshape OF}}
  1993 \index{*OF (attribute)|(}%
  1994 Recall that \isa{of} generates an instance of a
  1995 rule by specifying values for its variables.  Analogous is \isa{OF}, which
  1996 generates an instance of a rule by specifying facts for its premises.  
  1998 We again need the divides relation\index{divides relation} of number theory, which
  1999 as we recall is defined by 
  2000 \begin{isabelle}
  2001 ?m\ dvd\ ?n\ \isasymequiv\ {\isasymexists}k.\ ?n\ =\ ?m\ *\ k
  2002 \rulename{dvd_def}
  2003 \end{isabelle}
  2004 %
  2005 Suppose, for example, that we have proved the following rule.  
  2006 It states that if $k$ and $n$ are relatively prime
  2007 and if $k$ divides $m\times n$ then $k$ divides $m$.
  2008 \begin{isabelle}
  2009 \isasymlbrakk gcd(?k,?n){=}1;\ ?k\ dvd\ ?m * ?n\isasymrbrakk\
  2010 \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?k\ dvd\ ?m
  2011 \rulename{relprime_dvd_mult}
  2012 \end{isabelle}
  2013 We can use \isa{OF} to create an instance of this rule.
  2014 First, we
  2015 prove an instance of its first premise:
  2016 \begin{isabelle}
  2017 \isacommand{lemma}\ relprime_20_81:\ "gcd(20,81)\ =\ 1"\isanewline
  2018 \isacommand{by}\ (simp\ add:\ gcd.simps)
  2019 \end{isabelle}
  2020 We have evaluated an application of the \isa{gcd} function by
  2021 simplification.  Expression evaluation involving recursive functions is not
  2022 guaranteed to terminate, and it can be slow; Isabelle
  2023 performs arithmetic by  rewriting symbolic bit strings.  Here,
  2024 however, the simplification takes less than one second.  We can
  2025 give this new lemma to \isa{OF}.  The expression
  2026 \begin{isabelle}
  2027 \ \ \ \ \ relprime_dvd_mult [OF relprime_20_81]
  2028 \end{isabelle}
  2029 yields the theorem
  2030 \begin{isabelle}
  2031 \ \ \ \ \ 20\ dvd\ (?m\ *\ 81)\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ 20\ dvd\ ?m%
  2032 \end{isabelle}
  2033 %
  2034 \isa{OF} takes any number of operands.  Consider 
  2035 the following facts about the divides relation: 
  2036 \begin{isabelle}
  2037 \isasymlbrakk?k\ dvd\ ?m;\
  2038 ?k\ dvd\ ?n\isasymrbrakk\
  2039 \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?k\ dvd\
  2040 ?m\ +\ ?n
  2041 \rulename{dvd_add}\isanewline
  2042 ?m\ dvd\ ?m%
  2043 \rulename{dvd_refl}
  2044 \end{isabelle}
  2045 Let us supply \isa{dvd_refl} for each of the premises of \isa{dvd_add}:
  2046 \begin{isabelle}
  2047 \ \ \ \ \ dvd_add [OF dvd_refl dvd_refl]
  2048 \end{isabelle}
  2049 Here is the theorem that we have expressed: 
  2050 \begin{isabelle}
  2051 \ \ \ \ \ ?k\ dvd\ (?k\ +\ ?k)
  2052 \end{isabelle}
  2053 As with \isa{of}, we can use the \isa{_} symbol to leave some positions
  2054 unspecified:
  2055 \begin{isabelle}
  2056 \ \ \ \ \ dvd_add [OF _ dvd_refl]
  2057 \end{isabelle}
  2058 The result is 
  2059 \begin{isabelle}
  2060 \ \ \ \ \ ?k\ dvd\ ?m\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?k\ dvd\ ?m\ +\ ?k
  2061 \end{isabelle}
  2063 You may have noticed that \isa{THEN} and \isa{OF} are based on 
  2064 the same idea, namely to combine two rules.  They differ in the
  2065 order of the combination and thus in their effect.  We use \isa{THEN}
  2066 typically with a destruction rule to extract a subformula of the current
  2067 theorem.  We use \isa{OF} with a list of facts to generate an instance of
  2068 the current theorem.%
  2069 \index{*OF (attribute)|)}
  2071 Here is a summary of some primitives for forward reasoning:
  2072 \begin{itemize}
  2073 \item \attrdx{of} instantiates the variables of a rule to a list of terms
  2074 \item \attrdx{OF} applies a rule to a list of theorems
  2075 \item \attrdx{THEN} gives a theorem to a named rule and returns the
  2076 conclusion 
  2077 %\item \attrdx{rule_format} puts a theorem into standard form
  2078 %  by removing \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow} and~\isa{\isasymforall}
  2079 \item \attrdx{simplified} applies the simplifier to a theorem
  2080 \item \isacommand{lemmas} assigns a name to the theorem produced by the
  2081 attributes above
  2082 \end{itemize}
  2085 \section{Forward Reasoning in a Backward Proof}
  2087 We have seen that the forward proof directives work well within a backward 
  2088 proof.  There are many ways to achieve a forward style using our existing
  2089 proof methods.  We shall also meet some new methods that perform forward
  2090 reasoning.  
  2092 The methods \isa{drule}, \isa{frule}, \isa{drule_tac}, etc.,
  2093 reason forward from a subgoal.  We have seen them already, using rules such as
  2094 \isa{mp} and
  2095 \isa{spec} to operate on formulae.  They can also operate on terms, using rules
  2096 such as these:
  2097 \begin{isabelle}
  2098 x\ =\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ f\ x\ =\ f\ y%
  2099 \rulenamedx{arg_cong}\isanewline
  2100 i\ \isasymle \ j\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ i\ *\ k\ \isasymle \ j\ *\ k%
  2101 \rulename{mult_le_mono1}
  2102 \end{isabelle}
  2104 For example, let us prove a fact about divisibility in the natural numbers:
  2105 \begin{isabelle}
  2106 \isacommand{lemma}\ "2\ \isasymle \ u\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ u*m\ \isasymnoteq
  2107 \ Suc(u*n)"\isanewline
  2108 \isacommand{apply}\ (intro\ notI)\isanewline
  2109 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk 2\ \isasymle \ u;\ u\ *\ m\ =\ Suc\ (u\ *\ n)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False%
  2110 \end{isabelle}
  2111 %
  2112 The key step is to apply the function \ldots\isa{mod\ u} to both sides of the
  2113 equation
  2114 \isa{u*m\ =\ Suc(u*n)}:\index{*drule_tac (method)}
  2115 \begin{isabelle}
  2116 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule_tac\ f="\isasymlambda x.\ x\ mod\ u"\ \isakeyword{in}\
  2117 arg_cong)\isanewline
  2118 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk 2\ \isasymle \ u;\ u\ *\ m\ mod\ u\ =\ Suc\ (u\ *\ n)\ mod\
  2119 u\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False
  2120 \end{isabelle}
  2121 %
  2122 Simplification reduces the left side to 0 and the right side to~1, yielding the
  2123 required contradiction.
  2124 \begin{isabelle}
  2125 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ mod_Suc)\isanewline
  2126 \isacommand{done}
  2127 \end{isabelle}
  2129 Our proof has used a fact about remainder:
  2130 \begin{isabelle}
  2131 Suc\ m\ mod\ n\ =\isanewline
  2132 (if\ Suc\ (m\ mod\ n)\ =\ n\ then\ 0\ else\ Suc\ (m\ mod\ n))
  2133 \rulename{mod_Suc}
  2134 \end{isabelle}
  2136 \subsection{The Method {\tt\slshape insert}}
  2138 \index{*insert (method)|(}%
  2139 The \isa{insert} method
  2140 inserts a given theorem as a new assumption of the current subgoal.  This
  2141 already is a forward step; moreover, we may (as always when using a
  2142 theorem) apply
  2143 \isa{of}, \isa{THEN} and other directives.  The new assumption can then
  2144 be used to help prove the subgoal.
  2146 For example, consider this theorem about the divides relation.  The first
  2147 proof step inserts the distributive law for
  2148 \isa{gcd}.  We specify its variables as shown. 
  2149 \begin{isabelle}
  2150 \isacommand{lemma}\
  2151 relprime_dvd_mult:\isanewline
  2152 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "\isasymlbrakk gcd(k,n){=}1;\ k\ dvd\ m*n\isasymrbrakk\
  2153 \isasymLongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\
  2154 m"\isanewline
  2155 \isacommand{apply}\ (insert\ gcd_mult_distrib2\ [of\ m\ k\
  2156 n])
  2157 \end{isabelle}
  2158 In the resulting subgoal, note how the equation has been 
  2159 inserted: 
  2160 \begin{isabelle}
  2161 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk gcd\ (k,\ n)\ =\ 1;\ k\ dvd\ m\ *\ n{;}\ m\ *\ gcd\
  2162 (k,\ n)\
  2163 =\ gcd\ (m\ *\ k,\ m\ *\ n)\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2164 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\ m
  2165 \end{isabelle}
  2166 The next proof step utilizes the assumption \isa{gcd(k,n)\ =\ 1}: 
  2167 \begin{isabelle}
  2168 \isacommand{apply}(simp)\isanewline
  2169 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk gcd\ (k,\ n)\ =\ 1;\ k\ dvd\
  2170 (m\ *\ n){;}
  2171 \ m\ =\ gcd\ (m\ *\ k,\ m\ *\ n)\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2172 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\ m
  2173 \end{isabelle}
  2174 Simplification has yielded an equation for~\isa{m}.  The rest of the proof
  2175 is omitted.
  2177 \medskip
  2178 Here is another demonstration of \isa{insert}.  Division and
  2179 remainder obey a well-known law: 
  2180 \begin{isabelle}
  2181 (?m\ div\ ?n)\ *\ ?n\ +\ ?m\ mod\ ?n\ =\ ?m
  2182 \rulename{mod_div_equality}
  2183 \end{isabelle}
  2185 We refer to this law explicitly in the following proof: 
  2186 \begin{isabelle}
  2187 \isacommand{lemma}\ div_mult_self_is_m:\ \isanewline
  2188 \ \ \ \ \ \ "0{\isacharless}n\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ (m*n)\ div\ n\ =\
  2189 (m::nat)"\isanewline
  2190 \isacommand{apply}\ (insert\ mod_div_equality\ [of\ "m*n"\ n])\isanewline
  2191 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp)\isanewline
  2192 \isacommand{done}
  2193 \end{isabelle}
  2194 The first step inserts the law, specifying \isa{m*n} and
  2195 \isa{n} for its variables.  Notice that non-trivial expressions must be
  2196 enclosed in quotation marks.  Here is the resulting 
  2197 subgoal, with its new assumption: 
  2198 \begin{isabelle}
  2199 %0\ \isacharless\ n\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ (m\
  2200 %*\ n)\ div\ n\ =\ m\isanewline
  2201 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk0\ \isacharless\
  2202 n;\ \ (m\ *\ n)\ div\ n\ *\ n\ +\ (m\ *\ n)\ mod\ n\
  2203 =\ m\ *\ n\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2204 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ (m\ *\ n)\ div\ n\
  2205 =\ m
  2206 \end{isabelle}
  2207 Simplification reduces \isa{(m\ *\ n)\ mod\ n} to zero.
  2208 Then it cancels the factor~\isa{n} on both
  2209 sides of the equation \isa{(m\ *\ n)\ div\ n\ *\ n\ =\ m\ *\ n}, proving the
  2210 theorem.
  2212 \begin{warn}
  2213 Any unknowns in the theorem given to \methdx{insert} will be universally
  2214 quantified in the new assumption.
  2215 \end{warn}%
  2216 \index{*insert (method)|)}
  2218 \subsection{The Method {\tt\slshape subgoal_tac}}
  2220 \index{*subgoal_tac (method)}%
  2221 A related method is \isa{subgoal_tac}, but instead
  2222 of inserting  a theorem as an assumption, it inserts an arbitrary formula. 
  2223 This formula must be proved later as a separate subgoal. The 
  2224 idea is to claim that the formula holds on the basis of the current 
  2225 assumptions, to use this claim to complete the proof, and finally 
  2226 to justify the claim. It gives the proof 
  2227 some structure.  If you find yourself generating a complex assumption by a
  2228 long series of forward steps, consider using \isa{subgoal_tac} instead: you can
  2229 state the formula you are aiming for, and perhaps prove it automatically.
  2231 Look at the following example. 
  2232 \begin{isabelle}
  2233 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk(z::int)\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2*z;\ z*z\
  2234 \isasymnoteq\ 1225;\ Q(34);\ Q(36)\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2235 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,\isasymLongrightarrow\ Q(z)"\isanewline
  2236 \isacommand{apply}\ (subgoal_tac\ "z\ =\ 34\ \isasymor\ z\ =\
  2237 36")\isanewline
  2238 \isacommand{apply}\ blast\isanewline
  2239 \isacommand{apply}\ (subgoal_tac\ "z\ \isasymnoteq\ 35")\isanewline
  2240 \isacommand{apply}\ arith\isanewline
  2241 \isacommand{apply}\ force\isanewline
  2242 \isacommand{done}
  2243 \end{isabelle}
  2244 The first assumption tells us 
  2245 that \isa{z} is no greater than~36. The second tells us that \isa{z} 
  2246 is at least~34. The third assumption tells us that \isa{z} cannot be 35, since
  2247 $35\times35=1225$.  So \isa{z} is either 34 or~36, and since \isa{Q} holds for
  2248 both of those  values, we have the conclusion. 
  2250 The Isabelle proof closely follows this reasoning. The first 
  2251 step is to claim that \isa{z} is either 34 or 36. The resulting proof 
  2252 state gives us two subgoals: 
  2253 \begin{isabelle}
  2254 %\isasymlbrakk z\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2\ *\ z;\ z\ *\ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 1225;\
  2255 %Q\ 34;\ Q\ 36\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ z\isanewline
  2256 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk z\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2\ *\ z;\ z\ *\ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 1225;\ Q\ 34;\ Q\ 36;\isanewline
  2257 \ \ \ \ \ z\ =\ 34\ \isasymor\ z\ =\ 36\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2258 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ Q\ z\isanewline
  2259 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk z\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2\ *\ z;\ z\ *\ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 1225;\ Q\ 34;\ Q\ 36\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2260 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ z\ =\ 34\ \isasymor\ z\ =\ 36
  2261 \end{isabelle}
  2262 The first subgoal is trivial (\isa{blast}), but for the second Isabelle needs help to eliminate
  2263 the case
  2264 \isa{z}=35.  The second invocation  of {\isa{subgoal_tac}} leaves two
  2265 subgoals: 
  2266 \begin{isabelle}
  2267 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk z\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2\ *\ z;\ z\ *\ z\ \isasymnoteq\
  2268 1225;\ Q\ 34;\ Q\ 36;\isanewline
  2269 \ \ \ \ \ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 35\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2270 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ z\ =\ 34\ \isasymor\ z\ =\ 36\isanewline
  2271 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk z\ <\ 37;\ 66\ <\ 2\ *\ z;\ z\ *\ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 1225;\ Q\ 34;\ Q\ 36\isasymrbrakk\isanewline
  2272 \ \ \ \ \isasymLongrightarrow\ z\ \isasymnoteq\ 35
  2273 \end{isabelle}
  2275 Assuming that \isa{z} is not 35, the first subgoal follows by linear arithmetic
  2276 (\isa{arith}). For the second subgoal we apply the method \isa{force}, 
  2277 which proceeds by assuming that \isa{z}=35 and arriving at a contradiction.
  2280 \medskip
  2281 Summary of these methods:
  2282 \begin{itemize}
  2283 \item \methdx{insert} adds a theorem as a new assumption
  2284 \item \methdx{subgoal_tac} adds a formula as a new assumption and leaves the
  2285 subgoal of proving that formula
  2286 \end{itemize}
  2287 \index{forward proof|)}
  2290 \section{Managing Large Proofs}
  2292 Naturally you should try to divide proofs into manageable parts.  Look for lemmas
  2293 that can be proved separately.  Sometimes you will observe that they are
  2294 instances of much simpler facts.  On other occasions, no lemmas suggest themselves
  2295 and you are forced to cope with a long proof involving many subgoals.  
  2297 \subsection{Tacticals, or Control Structures}
  2299 \index{tacticals|(}%
  2300 If the proof is long, perhaps it at least has some regularity.  Then you can
  2301 express it more concisely using \textbf{tacticals}, which provide control
  2302 structures.  Here is a proof (it would be a one-liner using
  2303 \isa{blast}, but forget that) that contains a series of repeated
  2304 commands:
  2305 %
  2306 \begin{isabelle}
  2307 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk P\isasymlongrightarrow Q;\
  2308 Q\isasymlongrightarrow R;\ R\isasymlongrightarrow S;\ P\isasymrbrakk \
  2309 \isasymLongrightarrow \ S"\isanewline
  2310 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)\isanewline
  2311 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)\isanewline
  2312 \isacommand{apply}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)\isanewline
  2313 \isacommand{apply}\ (assumption)\isanewline
  2314 \isacommand{done}
  2315 \end{isabelle}
  2316 %
  2317 Each of the three identical commands finds an implication and proves its
  2318 antecedent by assumption.  The first one finds \isa{P\isasymlongrightarrow Q} and
  2319 \isa{P}, concluding~\isa{Q}; the second one concludes~\isa{R} and the third one
  2320 concludes~\isa{S}.  The final step matches the assumption \isa{S} with the goal to
  2321 be proved.
  2323 Suffixing a method with a plus sign~(\isa+)\index{*"+ (tactical)}
  2324 expresses one or more repetitions:
  2325 \begin{isabelle}
  2326 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk P\isasymlongrightarrow Q;\ Q\isasymlongrightarrow R;\ R\isasymlongrightarrow S;\ P\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S"\isanewline
  2327 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp,\ assumption)+
  2328 \end{isabelle}
  2329 %
  2330 Using \isacommand{by} takes care of the final use of \isa{assumption}.  The new
  2331 proof is more concise.  It is also more general: the repetitive method works
  2332 for a chain of implications having any length, not just three.
  2334 Choice is another control structure.  Separating two methods by a vertical
  2335 % we must use ?? rather than "| as the sorting item because somehow the presence
  2336 % of | (even quoted) stops hyperref from putting |hyperpage at the end of the index
  2337 % entry.
  2338 bar~(\isa|)\index{??@\texttt{"|} (tactical)}  gives the effect of applying the
  2339 first method, and if that fails, trying the second.  It can be combined with
  2340 repetition, when the choice must be made over and over again.  Here is a chain of
  2341 implications in which most of the antecedents are proved by assumption, but one is
  2342 proved by arithmetic:
  2343 \begin{isabelle}
  2344 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk Q\isasymlongrightarrow R;\ P\isasymlongrightarrow Q;\ x<5\isasymlongrightarrow P;\
  2345 Suc\ x\ <\ 5\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ R"\ \isanewline
  2346 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp,\ (assumption|arith))+
  2347 \end{isabelle}
  2348 The \isa{arith}
  2349 method can prove $x<5$ from $x+1<5$, but it cannot duplicate the effect of
  2350 \isa{assumption}.  Therefore, we combine these methods using the choice
  2351 operator.
  2353 A postfixed question mark~(\isa?)\index{*"? (tactical)} expresses zero or one
  2354 repetitions of a method.  It can also be viewed as the choice between executing a
  2355 method and doing nothing.  It is useless at top level but can be valuable
  2356 within other control structures; for example, 
  2357 \isa{($m$+)?} performs zero or more repetitions of method~$m$.%
  2358 \index{tacticals|)}
  2361 \subsection{Subgoal Numbering}
  2363 Another problem in large proofs is contending with huge
  2364 subgoals or many subgoals.  Induction can produce a proof state that looks
  2365 like this:
  2366 \begin{isabelle}
  2367 \ 1.\ bigsubgoal1\isanewline
  2368 \ 2.\ bigsubgoal2\isanewline
  2369 \ 3.\ bigsubgoal3\isanewline
  2370 \ 4.\ bigsubgoal4\isanewline
  2371 \ 5.\ bigsubgoal5\isanewline
  2372 \ 6.\ bigsubgoal6
  2373 \end{isabelle}
  2374 If each \isa{bigsubgoal} is 15 lines or so, the proof state will be too big to
  2375 scroll through.  By default, Isabelle displays at most 10 subgoals.  The 
  2376 \commdx{pr} command lets you change this limit:
  2377 \begin{isabelle}
  2378 \isacommand{pr}\ 2\isanewline
  2379 \ 1.\ bigsubgoal1\isanewline
  2380 \ 2.\ bigsubgoal2\isanewline
  2381 A total of 6 subgoals...
  2382 \end{isabelle}
  2384 \medskip
  2385 All methods apply to the first subgoal.
  2386 Sometimes, not only in a large proof, you may want to focus on some other
  2387 subgoal.  Then you should try the commands \isacommand{defer} or \isacommand{prefer}.
  2389 In the following example, the first subgoal looks hard, while the others
  2390 look as if \isa{blast} alone could prove them:
  2391 \begin{isabelle}
  2392 \ 1.\ hard\isanewline
  2393 \ 2.\ \isasymnot \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\isanewline
  2394 \ 3.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q%
  2395 \end{isabelle}
  2396 %
  2397 The \commdx{defer} command moves the first subgoal into the last position.
  2398 \begin{isabelle}
  2399 \isacommand{defer}\ 1\isanewline
  2400 \ 1.\ \isasymnot \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\isanewline
  2401 \ 2.\ Q\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\isanewline
  2402 \ 3.\ hard%
  2403 \end{isabelle}
  2404 %
  2405 Now we apply \isa{blast} repeatedly to the easy subgoals:
  2406 \begin{isabelle}
  2407 \isacommand{apply}\ blast+\isanewline
  2408 \ 1.\ hard%
  2409 \end{isabelle}
  2410 Using \isacommand{defer}, we have cleared away the trivial parts of the proof so
  2411 that we can devote attention to the difficult part.
  2413 \medskip
  2414 The \commdx{prefer} command moves the specified subgoal into the
  2415 first position.  For example, if you suspect that one of your subgoals is
  2416 invalid (not a theorem), then you should investigate that subgoal first.  If it
  2417 cannot be proved, then there is no point in proving the other subgoals.
  2418 \begin{isabelle}
  2419 \ 1.\ ok1\isanewline
  2420 \ 2.\ ok2\isanewline
  2421 \ 3.\ doubtful%
  2422 \end{isabelle}
  2423 %
  2424 We decide to work on the third subgoal.
  2425 \begin{isabelle}
  2426 \isacommand{prefer}\ 3\isanewline
  2427 \ 1.\ doubtful\isanewline
  2428 \ 2.\ ok1\isanewline
  2429 \ 3.\ ok2
  2430 \end{isabelle}
  2431 If we manage to prove \isa{doubtful}, then we can work on the other
  2432 subgoals, confident that we are not wasting our time.  Finally we revise the
  2433 proof script to remove the \isacommand{prefer} command, since we needed it only to
  2434 focus our exploration.  The previous example is different: its use of
  2435 \isacommand{defer} stops trivial subgoals from cluttering the rest of the
  2436 proof.  Even there, we should consider proving \isa{hard} as a preliminary
  2437 lemma.  Always seek ways to streamline your proofs.
  2440 \medskip
  2441 Summary:
  2442 \begin{itemize}
  2443 \item the control structures \isa+, \isa? and \isa| help express complicated proofs
  2444 \item the \isacommand{pr} command can limit the number of subgoals to display
  2445 \item the \isacommand{defer} and \isacommand{prefer} commands move a 
  2446 subgoal to the last or first position
  2447 \end{itemize}
  2449 \begin{exercise}
  2450 Explain the use of \isa? and \isa+ in this proof.
  2451 \begin{isabelle}
  2452 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isasymlbrakk P\isasymand Q\isasymlongrightarrow R;\ P\isasymlongrightarrow Q;\ P\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ R"\isanewline
  2453 \isacommand{by}\ (drule\ mp,\ (intro conjI)?,\ assumption+)+
  2454 \end{isabelle}
  2455 \end{exercise}
  2459 \section{Proving the Correctness of Euclid's Algorithm}
  2460 \label{sec:proving-euclid}
  2462 \index{Euclid's algorithm|(}\index{*gcd (constant)|(}\index{divides relation|(}%
  2463 A brief development will demonstrate the techniques of this chapter,
  2464 including \isa{blast} applied with additional rules.  We shall also see
  2465 \isa{case_tac} used to perform a Boolean case split.
  2467 Let us prove that \isa{gcd} computes the greatest common
  2468 divisor of its two arguments.  
  2469 %
  2470 We use induction: \isa{gcd.induct} is the
  2471 induction rule returned by \isa{recdef}.  We simplify using
  2472 rules proved in {\S}\ref{sec:recdef-simplification}, since rewriting by the
  2473 definition of \isa{gcd} can loop.
  2474 \begin{isabelle}
  2475 \isacommand{lemma}\ gcd_dvd_both:\ "(gcd(m,n)\ dvd\ m)\ \isasymand\ (gcd(m,n)\ dvd\
  2476 n)"
  2477 \end{isabelle}
  2478 The induction formula must be a conjunction.  In the
  2479 inductive step, each conjunct establishes the other. 
  2480 \begin{isabelle}
  2481 \isacommand{apply}\ (induct_tac\ m\ n\ rule:\ gcd.induct)\isanewline
  2482 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\ \isasymlongrightarrow \isanewline
  2483 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ n\ \isasymand
  2484 \ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ m\ mod\ n\isanewline
  2485 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow\ gcd\ (m,\ n)\
  2486 dvd\ m\ \isasymand \ gcd\ (m,\ n)\ dvd\ n%
  2487 \end{isabelle}
  2489 The conditional induction hypothesis suggests doing a case
  2490 analysis on \isa{n=0}.  We apply \methdx{case_tac} with type
  2491 \isa{bool} --- and not with a datatype, as we have done until now.  Since
  2492 \isa{nat} is a datatype, we could have written
  2493 \isa{case_tac~n} instead of \isa{case_tac~"n=0"}.  However, the definition
  2494 of \isa{gcd} makes a Boolean decision:
  2495 \begin{isabelle}
  2496 \ \ \ \ "gcd\ (m,n)\ =\ (if\ n=0\ then\ m\ else\ gcd(n,\ m\ mod\ n))"
  2497 \end{isabelle}
  2498 Proofs about a function frequently follow the function's definition, so we perform
  2499 case analysis over the same formula.
  2500 \begin{isabelle}
  2501 \isacommand{apply}\ (case_tac\ "n=0")\isanewline
  2502 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\ \isasymlongrightarrow \isanewline
  2503 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk }gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ n\ \isasymand \ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ m\ mod\ n;\isanewline
  2504 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \ }n\ =\ 0\isasymrbrakk \isanewline
  2505 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ gcd\ (m,\ n)\ dvd\ m\ \isasymand \ gcd\ (m,\ n)\ dvd\ n\isanewline
  2506 \ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\ \isasymlongrightarrow \isanewline
  2507 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk }gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ n\ \isasymand \ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ m\ mod\ n;\isanewline
  2508 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \ }n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\isasymrbrakk
  2509 \isanewline
  2510 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ gcd\ (m,\ n)\ dvd\ m\ \isasymand \ gcd\ (m,\ n)\ dvd\ n%
  2511 \end{isabelle}
  2512 %
  2513 Simplification leaves one subgoal: 
  2514 \begin{isabelle}
  2515 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp_all)\isanewline
  2516 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk 0\ <\ n;\isanewline
  2517 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \ }gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ n\
  2518 \isasymand \ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ m\ mod\
  2519 n\isasymrbrakk \isanewline
  2520 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n)\ dvd\ m%
  2521 \end{isabelle}
  2522 %
  2523 Here, we can use \isa{blast}.  
  2524 One of the assumptions, the induction hypothesis, is a conjunction. 
  2525 The two divides relationships it asserts are enough to prove 
  2526 the conclusion, for we have the following theorem at our disposal: 
  2527 \begin{isabelle}
  2528 \isasymlbrakk?k\ dvd\ (?m\ mod\ ?n){;}\ ?k\ dvd\ ?n\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?k\ dvd\ ?m%
  2529 \rulename{dvd_mod_imp_dvd}
  2530 \end{isabelle}
  2531 %
  2532 This theorem can be applied in various ways.  As an introduction rule, it
  2533 would cause backward chaining from  the conclusion (namely
  2534 \isa{?k~dvd~?m}) to the two premises, which 
  2535 also involve the divides relation. This process does not look promising
  2536 and could easily loop.  More sensible is  to apply the rule in the forward
  2537 direction; each step would eliminate an occurrence of the \isa{mod} symbol, so the
  2538 process must terminate.  
  2539 \begin{isabelle}
  2540 \isacommand{apply}\ (blast\ dest:\ dvd_mod_imp_dvd)\isanewline
  2541 \isacommand{done}
  2542 \end{isabelle}
  2543 Attaching the \attrdx{dest} attribute to \isa{dvd_mod_imp_dvd} tells
  2544 \isa{blast} to use it as destruction rule; that is, in the forward direction.
  2546 \medskip
  2547 We have proved a conjunction.  Now, let us give names to each of the
  2548 two halves:
  2549 \begin{isabelle}
  2550 \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_dvd1\ [iff]\ =\ gcd_dvd_both\ [THEN\ conjunct1]\isanewline
  2551 \isacommand{lemmas}\ gcd_dvd2\ [iff]\ =\ gcd_dvd_both\ [THEN\ conjunct2]%
  2552 \end{isabelle}
  2553 Here we see \commdx{lemmas}
  2554 used with the \attrdx{iff} attribute, which supplies the new theorems to the
  2555 classical reasoner and the simplifier.  Recall that \attrdx{THEN} is
  2556 frequently used with destruction rules; \isa{THEN conjunct1} extracts the
  2557 first half of a conjunctive theorem.  Given \isa{gcd_dvd_both} it yields
  2558 \begin{isabelle}
  2559 \ \ \ \ \ gcd\ (?m1,\ ?n1)\ dvd\ ?m1
  2560 \end{isabelle}
  2561 The variable names \isa{?m1} and \isa{?n1} arise because
  2562 Isabelle renames schematic variables to prevent 
  2563 clashes.  The second \isacommand{lemmas} declaration yields
  2564 \begin{isabelle}
  2565 \ \ \ \ \ gcd\ (?m1,\ ?n1)\ dvd\ ?n1
  2566 \end{isabelle}
  2568 \medskip
  2569 To complete the verification of the \isa{gcd} function, we must 
  2570 prove that it returns the greatest of all the common divisors 
  2571 of its arguments.  The proof is by induction, case analysis and simplification.
  2572 \begin{isabelle}
  2573 \isacommand{lemma}\ gcd_greatest\
  2574 [rule_format]:\isanewline
  2575 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "k\ dvd\ m\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow\
  2576 k\ dvd\ gcd(m,n)"
  2577 \end{isabelle}
  2578 %
  2579 The goal is expressed using HOL implication,
  2580 \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow}, because the induction affects the two
  2581 preconditions.  The directive \isa{rule_format} tells Isabelle to replace
  2582 each \isa{\isasymlongrightarrow} by \isa{\isasymLongrightarrow} before
  2583 storing the eventual theorem.  This directive can also remove outer
  2584 universal quantifiers, converting the theorem into the usual format for
  2585 inference rules.  It can replace any series of applications of
  2586 \isa{THEN} to the rules \isa{mp} and \isa{spec}.  We did not have to
  2587 write this:
  2588 \begin{isabelle}
  2589 \ \ \ \ \ \isacommand{lemma}\ gcd_greatest\
  2590 [THEN mp, THEN mp]:\isanewline
  2591 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "k\ dvd\ m\ \isasymlongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\ n\
  2592 \isasymlongrightarrow\ k\ dvd\ gcd(m,n)"
  2593 \end{isabelle}
  2595 Because we are again reasoning about \isa{gcd}, we perform the same
  2596 induction and case analysis as in the previous proof:
  2597 \begingroup\samepage
  2598 \begin{isabelle}
  2599 \isacommand{apply}\ (induct_tac\ m\ n\ rule:\ gcd.induct)\isanewline
  2600 \isacommand{apply}\ (case_tac\ "n=0")\isanewline
  2601 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\
  2602 \isasymlongrightarrow \isanewline
  2603 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk }k\ dvd\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ m\ mod\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n);\isanewline
  2604 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \ }n\ =\ 0\isasymrbrakk \isanewline
  2605 \isaindent{\ 1.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ m\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ gcd\ (m,\ n)\isanewline
  2606 \ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\ \isasymlongrightarrow \isanewline
  2607 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \isasymlbrakk }k\ dvd\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ m\ mod\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ gcd\ (n,\ m\ mod\ n);\isanewline
  2608 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ \ }n\ \isasymnoteq \ 0\isasymrbrakk
  2609 \isanewline
  2610 \isaindent{\ 2.\ \isasymAnd m\ n.\ }\isasymLongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ m\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ n\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ gcd\ (m,\ n)
  2611 \end{isabelle}
  2612 \endgroup
  2614 \noindent Simplification proves both subgoals. 
  2615 \begin{isabelle}
  2616 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp_all\ add:\ dvd_mod)\isanewline
  2617 \isacommand{done}
  2618 \end{isabelle}
  2619 In the first, where \isa{n=0}, the implication becomes trivial: \isa{k\ dvd\
  2620 gcd\ (m,\ n)} goes to~\isa{k\ dvd\ m}.  The second subgoal is proved by
  2621 an unfolding of \isa{gcd}, using this rule about divides:
  2622 \begin{isabelle}
  2623 \isasymlbrakk ?f\ dvd\ ?m;\ ?f\ dvd\ ?n\isasymrbrakk \
  2624 \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?f\ dvd\ ?m\ mod\ ?n%
  2625 \rulename{dvd_mod}
  2626 \end{isabelle}
  2629 \medskip
  2630 The facts proved above can be summarized as a single logical 
  2631 equivalence.  This step gives us a chance to see another application
  2632 of \isa{blast}.
  2633 \begin{isabelle}
  2634 \isacommand{theorem}\ gcd_greatest_iff\ [iff]:\isanewline
  2635 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "(k\ dvd\ gcd(m,n))\ =\ (k\ dvd\ m\ \isasymand\ k\ dvd\
  2636 n)"\isanewline
  2637 \isacommand{by}\ (blast\ intro!:\ gcd_greatest\ intro:\ dvd_trans)
  2638 \end{isabelle}
  2639 This theorem concisely expresses the correctness of the \isa{gcd} 
  2640 function. 
  2641 We state it with the \isa{iff} attribute so that 
  2642 Isabelle can use it to remove some occurrences of \isa{gcd}. 
  2643 The theorem has a one-line 
  2644 proof using \isa{blast} supplied with two additional introduction 
  2645 rules. The exclamation mark 
  2646 ({\isa{intro}}{\isa{!}})\ signifies safe rules, which are 
  2647 applied aggressively.  Rules given without the exclamation mark 
  2648 are applied reluctantly and their uses can be undone if 
  2649 the search backtracks.  Here the unsafe rule expresses transitivity  
  2650 of the divides relation:
  2651 \begin{isabelle}
  2652 \isasymlbrakk?m\ dvd\ ?n;\ ?n\ dvd\ ?p\isasymrbrakk\ \isasymLongrightarrow\ ?m\ dvd\ ?p%
  2653 \rulename{dvd_trans}
  2654 \end{isabelle}
  2655 Applying \isa{dvd_trans} as 
  2656 an introduction rule entails a risk of looping, for it multiplies 
  2657 occurrences of the divides symbol. However, this proof relies 
  2658 on transitivity reasoning.  The rule {\isa{gcd\_greatest}} is safe to apply 
  2659 aggressively because it yields simpler subgoals.  The proof implicitly
  2660 uses \isa{gcd_dvd1} and \isa{gcd_dvd2} as safe rules, because they were
  2661 declared using \isa{iff}.%
  2662 \index{Euclid's algorithm|)}\index{*gcd (constant)|)}\index{divides relation|)}