author nipkow
Wed, 07 Mar 2001 16:25:51 +0100
changeset 11197 4b365574c7c4
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*** empty log message ***
     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{Proof Management: The Subgoal Module}
     3 \index{proofs|(}
     4 \index{subgoal module|(}
     5 \index{reading!goals|see{proofs, starting}}
     7 The subgoal module stores the current proof state\index{proof state} and
     8 many previous states; commands can produce new states or return to previous
     9 ones.  The {\em state list\/} at level $n$ is a list of pairs
    10 \[ [(\psi@n,\Psi@n),\; (\psi@{n-1},\Psi@{n-1}),\; \ldots,\; (\psi@0,[])] \]
    11 where $\psi@n$ is the current proof state, $\psi@{n-1}$ is the previous
    12 one, \ldots, and $\psi@0$ is the initial proof state.  The $\Psi@i$ are
    13 sequences (lazy lists) of proof states, storing branch points where a
    14 tactic returned a list longer than one.  The state lists permit various
    15 forms of backtracking.
    17 Chopping elements from the state list reverts to previous proof states.
    18 Besides this, the \ttindex{undo} command keeps a list of state lists.  The
    19 module actually maintains a stack of state lists, to support several
    20 proofs at the same time.
    22 The subgoal module always contains some proof state.  At the start of the
    23 Isabelle session, this state consists of a dummy formula.
    26 \section{Basic commands}
    27 Most proofs begin with \texttt{Goal} or \texttt{Goalw} and require no other
    28 commands than \texttt{by}, \texttt{chop} and \texttt{undo}.  They typically end
    29 with a call to \texttt{qed}.
    30 \subsection{Starting a backward proof}
    31 \index{proofs!starting}
    32 \begin{ttbox}
    33 Goal        :                       string -> thm list
    34 Goalw       :           thm list -> string -> thm list
    35 goal        : theory ->             string -> thm list 
    36 goalw       : theory -> thm list -> string -> thm list 
    37 goalw_cterm :           thm list -> cterm  -> thm list 
    38 premises    : unit -> thm list
    39 \end{ttbox}
    41 The goal commands start a new proof by setting the goal.  They replace
    42 the current state list by a new one consisting of the initial proof
    43 state.  They also empty the \ttindex{undo} list; this command cannot
    44 be undone!
    46 They all return a list of meta-hypotheses taken from the main goal.  If
    47 this list is non-empty, bind its value to an \ML{} identifier by typing
    48 something like
    49 \begin{ttbox} 
    50 val prems = goal{\it theory\/ formula};
    51 \end{ttbox}\index{assumptions!of main goal}
    52 These assumptions typically serve as the premises when you are
    53 deriving a rule.  They are also stored internally and can be retrieved
    54 later by the function \texttt{premises}.  When the proof is finished,
    55 \texttt{qed} compares the stored assumptions with the actual
    56 assumptions in the proof state.
    58 The capital versions of \texttt{Goal} are the basic user level
    59 commands and should be preferred over the more primitive lowercase
    60 \texttt{goal} commands.  Apart from taking the current theory context
    61 as implicit argument, the former ones try to be smart in handling
    62 meta-hypotheses when deriving rules.  Thus \texttt{prems} have to be
    63 seldom bound explicitly, the effect is as if \texttt{cut_facts_tac}
    64 had been called automatically.
    66 \index{definitions!unfolding}
    67 Some of the commands unfold definitions using meta-rewrite rules.  This
    68 expansion affects both the initial subgoal and the premises, which would
    69 otherwise require use of \texttt{rewrite_goals_tac} and
    70 \texttt{rewrite_rule}.
    72 \begin{ttdescription}
    73 \item[\ttindexbold{Goal} {\it formula};] begins a new proof, where
    74   {\it formula\/} is written as an \ML\ string.
    76 \item[\ttindexbold{Goalw} {\it defs} {\it formula};] is like
    77   \texttt{Goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
    78   meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
    79   \index{meta-rewriting}
    81 \item[\ttindexbold{goal} {\it theory} {\it formula};] 
    82 begins a new proof, where {\it theory} is usually an \ML\ identifier
    83 and the {\it formula\/} is written as an \ML\ string.
    85 \item[\ttindexbold{goalw} {\it theory} {\it defs} {\it formula};] 
    86 is like \texttt{goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
    87 meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
    88 \index{meta-rewriting}
    90 \item[\ttindexbold{goalw_cterm} {\it defs} {\it ct};] is
    91   a version of \texttt{goalw} intended for programming.  The main
    92   goal is supplied as a cterm, not as a string.  See also
    93   \texttt{prove_goalw_cterm}, \S\ref{sec:executing-batch}. 
    95 \item[\ttindexbold{premises}()] 
    96 returns the list of meta-hypotheses associated with the current proof (in
    97 case you forgot to bind them to an \ML{} identifier).
    98 \end{ttdescription}
   101 \subsection{Applying a tactic}
   102 \index{tactics!commands for applying}
   103 \begin{ttbox} 
   104 by   : tactic -> unit
   105 byev : tactic list -> unit
   106 \end{ttbox}
   107 These commands extend the state list.  They apply a tactic to the current
   108 proof state.  If the tactic succeeds, it returns a non-empty sequence of
   109 next states.  The head of the sequence becomes the next state, while the
   110 tail is retained for backtracking (see~\texttt{back}).
   111 \begin{ttdescription} \item[\ttindexbold{by} {\it tactic};] 
   112 applies the {\it tactic\/} to the proof state.
   114 \item[\ttindexbold{byev} {\it tactics};] 
   115 applies the list of {\it tactics}, one at a time.  It is useful for testing
   116 calls to \texttt{prove_goal}, and abbreviates \texttt{by (EVERY {\it
   117 tactics})}.
   118 \end{ttdescription}
   120 \noindent{\it Error indications:}\nobreak
   121 \begin{itemize}
   122 \item {\footnotesize\tt "by:\ tactic failed"} means that the tactic
   123   returned an empty sequence when applied to the current proof state.
   124 \item {\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ same as previous level"} means that the
   125   new proof state is identical to the previous state.
   126 \item{\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ signature of proof state has changed"}
   127   means that some rule was applied whose theory is outside the theory of
   128   the initial proof state.  This could signify a mistake such as expressing
   129   the goal in intuitionistic logic and proving it using classical logic.
   130 \end{itemize}
   132 \subsection{Extracting and storing the proved theorem}
   133 \label{ExtractingAndStoringTheProvedTheorem}
   134 \index{theorems!extracting proved}
   135 \begin{ttbox} 
   136 qed        : string -> unit
   137 no_qed     : unit -> unit
   138 result     : unit -> thm
   139 uresult    : unit -> thm
   140 bind_thm   : string * thm -> unit
   141 bind_thms  : string * thm list -> unit
   142 store_thm  : string * thm -> thm
   143 store_thms : string * thm list -> thm list
   144 \end{ttbox}
   145 \begin{ttdescription}
   146 \item[\ttindexbold{qed} $name$;] is the usual way of ending a proof.
   147   It combines \texttt{result} and \texttt{bind_thm}: it gets the theorem
   148   using \texttt{result()} and stores it the theorem database associated
   149   with its theory.  See below for details.
   151 \item[\ttindexbold{no_qed}();] indicates that the proof is not concluded by a
   152   proper \texttt{qed} command.  This is a do-nothing operation, it merely
   153   helps user interfaces such as Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral} to figure
   154   out the structure of the {\ML} text.
   156 \item[\ttindexbold{result}()]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
   157   returns the final theorem, after converting the free variables to
   158   schematics.  It discharges the assumptions supplied to the matching 
   159   \texttt{goal} command.  
   161   It raises an exception unless the proof state passes certain checks.  There
   162   must be no assumptions other than those supplied to \texttt{goal}.  There
   163   must be no subgoals.  The theorem proved must be a (first-order) instance
   164   of the original goal, as stated in the \texttt{goal} command.  This allows
   165   {\bf answer extraction} --- instantiation of variables --- but no other
   166   changes to the main goal.  The theorem proved must have the same signature
   167   as the initial proof state.
   169   These checks are needed because an Isabelle tactic can return any proof
   170   state at all.
   172 \item[\ttindexbold{uresult}()] is like \texttt{result()} but omits the checks.
   173   It is needed when the initial goal contains function unknowns, when
   174   definitions are unfolded in the main goal (by calling
   175   \ttindex{rewrite_tac}),\index{definitions!unfolding} or when
   176   \ttindex{assume_ax} has been used.
   178 \item[\ttindexbold{bind_thm} ($name$, $thm$);]\index{theorems!storing}
   179   stores \texttt{standard $thm$} (see \S\ref{MiscellaneousForwardRules})
   180   in the theorem database associated with its theory and in the {\ML}
   181   variable $name$.  The theorem can be retrieved from the database
   182   using \texttt{get_thm} (see \S\ref{BasicOperationsOnTheories}).
   184 \item[\ttindexbold{store_thm} ($name$, $thm$)]\index{theorems!storing}
   185   stores $thm$ in the theorem database associated with its theory and
   186   returns that theorem.
   188 \item[\ttindexbold{bind_thms} \textrm{and} \ttindexbold{store_thms}] are similar to
   189   \texttt{bind_thm} and \texttt{store_thm}, but store lists of theorems.
   191 \end{ttdescription}
   193 The name argument of \texttt{qed}, \texttt{bind_thm} etc.\ may be the empty
   194 string as well; in that case the result is \emph{not} stored, but proper
   195 checks and presentation of the result still apply.
   198 \subsection{Extracting axioms and stored theorems}
   199 \index{theories!axioms of}\index{axioms!extracting}
   200 \index{theories!theorems of}\index{theorems!extracting}
   201 \begin{ttbox}
   202 thm       : xstring -> thm
   203 thms      : xstring -> thm list
   204 get_axiom : theory -> xstring -> thm
   205 get_thm   : theory -> xstring -> thm
   206 get_thms  : theory -> xstring -> thm list
   207 axioms_of : theory -> (string * thm) list
   208 thms_of   : theory -> (string * thm) list
   209 assume_ax : theory -> string -> thm
   210 \end{ttbox}
   211 \begin{ttdescription}
   213 \item[\ttindexbold{thm} $name$] is the basic user function for
   214   extracting stored theorems from the current theory context.
   216 \item[\ttindexbold{thms} $name$] is like \texttt{thm}, but returns a
   217   whole list associated with $name$ rather than a single theorem.
   218   Typically this will be collections stored by packages, e.g.\ 
   219   \verb|list.simps|.
   221 \item[\ttindexbold{get_axiom} $thy$ $name$] returns an axiom with the
   222   given $name$ from $thy$ or any of its ancestors, raising exception
   223   \xdx{THEORY} if none exists.  Merging theories can cause several
   224   axioms to have the same name; {\tt get_axiom} returns an arbitrary
   225   one.  Usually, axioms are also stored as theorems and may be
   226   retrieved via \texttt{get_thm} as well.
   228 \item[\ttindexbold{get_thm} $thy$ $name$] is analogous to {\tt
   229     get_axiom}, but looks for a theorem stored in the theory's
   230   database.  Like {\tt get_axiom} it searches all parents of a theory
   231   if the theorem is not found directly in $thy$.
   233 \item[\ttindexbold{get_thms} $thy$ $name$] is like \texttt{get_thm}
   234   for retrieving theorem lists stored within the theory.  It returns a
   235   singleton list if $name$ actually refers to a theorem rather than a
   236   theorem list.
   238 \item[\ttindexbold{axioms_of} $thy$] returns the axioms of this theory
   239   node, not including the ones of its ancestors.
   241 \item[\ttindexbold{thms_of} $thy$] returns all theorems stored within
   242   the database of this theory node, not including the ones of its
   243   ancestors.
   245 \item[\ttindexbold{assume_ax} $thy$ $formula$] reads the {\it formula}
   246   using the syntax of $thy$, following the same conventions as axioms
   247   in a theory definition.  You can thus pretend that {\it formula} is
   248   an axiom and use the resulting theorem like an axiom.  Actually {\tt
   249     assume_ax} returns an assumption; \ttindex{qed} and
   250   \ttindex{result} complain about additional assumptions, but
   251   \ttindex{uresult} does not.
   253 For example, if {\it formula} is
   254 \hbox{\tt a=b ==> b=a} then the resulting theorem has the form
   255 \hbox{\verb'?a=?b ==> ?b=?a  [!!a b. a=b ==> b=a]'}
   256 \end{ttdescription}
   259 \subsection{Retrieving theorems}
   260 \index{theorems!retrieving}
   262 The following functions retrieve theorems (together with their names)
   263 from the theorem database that is associated with the current proof
   264 state's theory.  They can only find theorems that have explicitly been
   265 stored in the database using \ttindex{qed}, \ttindex{bind_thm} or
   266 related functions.
   267 \begin{ttbox} 
   268 findI           :          int -> (string * thm) list
   269 findE           :   int -> int -> (string * thm) list
   270 findEs          :          int -> (string * thm) list
   271 thms_containing : xstring list -> (string * thm) list
   272 \end{ttbox}
   273 \begin{ttdescription}
   274 \item[\ttindexbold{findI} $i$]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
   275   returns all ``introduction rules'' applicable to subgoal $i$ --- all
   276   theorems whose conclusion matches (rather than unifies with) subgoal
   277   $i$.  Useful in connection with \texttt{resolve_tac}.
   279 \item[\ttindexbold{findE} $n$ $i$] returns all ``elimination rules''
   280   applicable to premise $n$ of subgoal $i$ --- all those theorems whose
   281   first premise matches premise $n$ of subgoal $i$.  Useful in connection with
   282   \texttt{eresolve_tac} and \texttt{dresolve_tac}.
   284 \item[\ttindexbold{findEs} $i$] returns all ``elimination rules'' applicable
   285   to subgoal $i$ --- all those theorems whose first premise matches some
   286   premise of subgoal $i$.  Useful in connection with \texttt{eresolve_tac} and
   287   \texttt{dresolve_tac}.
   289 \item[\ttindexbold{thms_containing} $consts$] returns all theorems that
   290   contain \emph{all} of the given constants.
   291 \end{ttdescription}
   294 \subsection{Undoing and backtracking}
   295 \begin{ttbox} 
   296 chop    : unit -> unit
   297 choplev : int -> unit
   298 back    : unit -> unit
   299 undo    : unit -> unit
   300 \end{ttbox}
   301 \begin{ttdescription}
   302 \item[\ttindexbold{chop}();] 
   303 deletes the top level of the state list, cancelling the last \ttindex{by}
   304 command.  It provides a limited undo facility, and the \texttt{undo} command
   305 can cancel it.
   307 \item[\ttindexbold{choplev} {\it n};] 
   308 truncates the state list to level~{\it n}, if $n\geq0$.  A negative value
   309 of~$n$ refers to the $n$th previous level: 
   310 \hbox{\verb|choplev ~1|} has the same effect as \texttt{chop}.
   312 \item[\ttindexbold{back}();]
   313 searches the state list for a non-empty branch point, starting from the top
   314 level.  The first one found becomes the current proof state --- the most
   315 recent alternative branch is taken.  This is a form of interactive
   316 backtracking.
   318 \item[\ttindexbold{undo}();] 
   319 cancels the most recent change to the proof state by the commands \ttindex{by},
   320 \texttt{chop}, \texttt{choplev}, and~\texttt{back}.  It {\bf cannot}
   321 cancel \texttt{goal} or \texttt{undo} itself.  It can be repeated to
   322 cancel a series of commands.
   323 \end{ttdescription}
   325 \goodbreak
   326 \noindent{\it Error indications for {\tt back}:}\par\nobreak
   327 \begin{itemize}
   328 \item{\footnotesize\tt"Warning:\ same as previous choice at this level"}
   329   means \texttt{back} found a non-empty branch point, but that it contained
   330   the same proof state as the current one.
   331 \item{\footnotesize\tt "Warning:\ signature of proof state has changed"}
   332   means the signature of the alternative proof state differs from that of
   333   the current state.
   334 \item {\footnotesize\tt "back:\ no alternatives"} means \texttt{back} could
   335   find no alternative proof state.
   336 \end{itemize}
   338 \subsection{Printing the proof state}\label{sec:goals-printing}
   339 \index{proof state!printing of}
   340 \begin{ttbox} 
   341 pr    : unit -> unit
   342 prlev : int -> unit
   343 prlim : int -> unit
   344 goals_limit: int ref \hfill{\bf initially 10}
   345 \end{ttbox}
   346 See also the printing control options described 
   347 in~\S\ref{sec:printing-control}. 
   348 \begin{ttdescription}
   349 \item[\ttindexbold{pr}();] 
   350 prints the current proof state.
   352 \item[\ttindexbold{prlev} {\it n};] 
   353 prints the proof state at level {\it n}, if $n\geq0$.  A negative value
   354 of~$n$ refers to the $n$th previous level.  This command allows
   355 you to review earlier stages of the proof.
   357 \item[\ttindexbold{prlim} {\it k};] 
   358 prints the current proof state, limiting the number of subgoals to~$k$.  It
   359 updates \texttt{goals_limit} (see below) and is helpful when there are many
   360 subgoals. 
   362 \item[\ttindexbold{goals_limit} := {\it k};] 
   363 specifies~$k$ as the maximum number of subgoals to print.
   364 \end{ttdescription}
   367 \subsection{Timing}
   368 \index{timing statistics}\index{proofs!timing}
   369 \begin{ttbox} 
   370 timing: bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   371 \end{ttbox}
   373 \begin{ttdescription}
   374 \item[set \ttindexbold{timing};] enables global timing in Isabelle.  In
   375   particular, this makes the \ttindex{by} and \ttindex{prove_goal} commands
   376   display how much processor time was spent.  This information is
   377   compiler-dependent.
   378 \end{ttdescription}
   381 \section{Shortcuts for applying tactics}
   382 \index{shortcuts!for \texttt{by} commands}
   383 These commands call \ttindex{by} with common tactics.  Their chief purpose
   384 is to minimise typing, although the scanning shortcuts are useful in their
   385 own right.  Chapter~\ref{tactics} explains the tactics themselves.
   387 \subsection{Refining a given subgoal}
   388 \begin{ttbox} 
   389 ba  :             int -> unit
   390 br  : thm      -> int -> unit
   391 be  : thm      -> int -> unit
   392 bd  : thm      -> int -> unit
   393 brs : thm list -> int -> unit
   394 bes : thm list -> int -> unit
   395 bds : thm list -> int -> unit
   396 \end{ttbox}
   398 \begin{ttdescription}
   399 \item[\ttindexbold{ba} {\it i};] 
   400 performs \texttt{by (assume_tac {\it i});}
   402 \item[\ttindexbold{br} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
   403 performs \texttt{by (resolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
   405 \item[\ttindexbold{be} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
   406 performs \texttt{by (eresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
   408 \item[\ttindexbold{bd} {\it thm} {\it i};] 
   409 performs \texttt{by (dresolve_tac [{\it thm}] {\it i});}
   411 \item[\ttindexbold{brs} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
   412 performs \texttt{by (resolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
   414 \item[\ttindexbold{bes} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
   415 performs \texttt{by (eresolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
   417 \item[\ttindexbold{bds} {\it thms} {\it i};] 
   418 performs \texttt{by (dresolve_tac {\it thms} {\it i});}
   419 \end{ttdescription}
   422 \subsection{Scanning shortcuts}
   423 These shortcuts scan for a suitable subgoal (starting from subgoal~1).
   424 They refine the first subgoal for which the tactic succeeds.  Thus, they
   425 require less typing than \texttt{br}, etc.  They display the selected
   426 subgoal's number; please watch this, for it may not be what you expect!
   428 \begin{ttbox} 
   429 fa  : unit     -> unit
   430 fr  : thm      -> unit
   431 fe  : thm      -> unit
   432 fd  : thm      -> unit
   433 frs : thm list -> unit
   434 fes : thm list -> unit
   435 fds : thm list -> unit
   436 \end{ttbox}
   438 \begin{ttdescription}
   439 \item[\ttindexbold{fa}();] 
   440 solves some subgoal by assumption.
   442 \item[\ttindexbold{fr} {\it thm};] 
   443 refines some subgoal using \texttt{resolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
   445 \item[\ttindexbold{fe} {\it thm};] 
   446 refines some subgoal using \texttt{eresolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
   448 \item[\ttindexbold{fd} {\it thm};] 
   449 refines some subgoal using \texttt{dresolve_tac [{\it thm}]}
   451 \item[\ttindexbold{frs} {\it thms};] 
   452 refines some subgoal using \texttt{resolve_tac {\it thms}}
   454 \item[\ttindexbold{fes} {\it thms};] 
   455 refines some subgoal using \texttt{eresolve_tac {\it thms}} 
   457 \item[\ttindexbold{fds} {\it thms};] 
   458 refines some subgoal using \texttt{dresolve_tac {\it thms}} 
   459 \end{ttdescription}
   461 \subsection{Other shortcuts}
   462 \begin{ttbox} 
   463 bw  : thm -> unit
   464 bws : thm list -> unit
   465 ren : string -> int -> unit
   466 \end{ttbox}
   467 \begin{ttdescription}
   468 \item[\ttindexbold{bw} {\it def};] performs \texttt{by
   469     (rewrite_goals_tac [{\it def}]);} It unfolds definitions in the
   470   subgoals (but not the main goal), by meta-rewriting with the given
   471   definition (see also \S\ref{sec:rewrite_goals}).
   472   \index{meta-rewriting}
   474 \item[\ttindexbold{bws}] 
   475 is like \texttt{bw} but takes a list of definitions.
   477 \item[\ttindexbold{ren} {\it names} {\it i};] 
   478 performs \texttt{by (rename_tac {\it names} {\it i});} it renames
   479 parameters in subgoal~$i$.  (Ignore the message {\footnotesize\tt Warning:\
   480   same as previous level}.)
   481 \index{parameters!renaming}
   482 \end{ttdescription}
   485 \section{Executing batch proofs}\label{sec:executing-batch}
   486 \index{batch execution}%
   487 To save space below, let type \texttt{tacfn} abbreviate \texttt{thm list ->
   488   tactic list}, which is the type of a tactical proof.
   489 \begin{ttbox}
   490 prove_goal :           theory ->             string -> tacfn -> thm
   491 qed_goal   : string -> theory ->             string -> tacfn -> unit
   492 prove_goalw:           theory -> thm list -> string -> tacfn -> thm
   493 qed_goalw  : string -> theory -> thm list -> string -> tacfn -> unit
   494 prove_goalw_cterm:               thm list -> cterm  -> tacfn -> thm
   495 \end{ttbox}
   496 These batch functions create an initial proof state, then apply a tactic to
   497 it, yielding a sequence of final proof states.  The head of the sequence is
   498 returned, provided it is an instance of the theorem originally proposed.
   499 The forms \texttt{prove_goal}, \texttt{prove_goalw} and
   500 \texttt{prove_goalw_cterm} are analogous to \texttt{goal}, \texttt{goalw} and
   501 \texttt{goalw_cterm}.  
   503 The tactic is specified by a function from theorem lists to tactic lists.
   504 The function is applied to the list of meta-assumptions taken from
   505 the main goal.  The resulting tactics are applied in sequence (using {\tt
   506   EVERY}).  For example, a proof consisting of the commands
   507 \begin{ttbox} 
   508 val prems = goal {\it theory} {\it formula};
   509 by \(tac@1\);  \ldots  by \(tac@n\);
   510 qed "my_thm";
   511 \end{ttbox}
   512 can be transformed to an expression as follows:
   513 \begin{ttbox} 
   514 qed_goal "my_thm" {\it theory} {\it formula}
   515  (fn prems=> [ \(tac@1\), \ldots, \(tac@n\) ]);
   516 \end{ttbox}
   517 The methods perform identical processing of the initial {\it formula} and
   518 the final proof state.  But \texttt{prove_goal} executes the tactic as a
   519 atomic operation, bypassing the subgoal module; the current interactive
   520 proof is unaffected.
   521 %
   522 \begin{ttdescription}
   523 \item[\ttindexbold{prove_goal} {\it theory} {\it formula} {\it tacsf};] 
   524 executes a proof of the {\it formula\/} in the given {\it theory}, using
   525 the given tactic function.
   527 \item[\ttindexbold{qed_goal} $name$ $theory$ $formula$ $tacsf$;] acts
   528   like \texttt{prove_goal} but it also stores the resulting theorem in the
   529   theorem database associated with its theory and in the {\ML}
   530   variable $name$ (see \S\ref{ExtractingAndStoringTheProvedTheorem}).
   532 \item[\ttindexbold{prove_goalw} {\it theory} {\it defs} {\it formula} 
   533       {\it tacsf};]\index{meta-rewriting}
   534 is like \texttt{prove_goal} but also applies the list of {\it defs\/} as
   535 meta-rewrite rules to the first subgoal and the premises.
   537 \item[\ttindexbold{qed_goalw} $name$ $theory$ $defs$ $formula$ $tacsf$;]
   538 is analogous to \texttt{qed_goal}.
   540 \item[\ttindexbold{prove_goalw_cterm} {\it defs} {\it ct}
   541       {\it tacsf};] 
   542 is a version of \texttt{prove_goalw} intended for programming.  The main
   543 goal is supplied as a cterm, not as a string.  A cterm carries a theory with
   544       it, and can be created from a term~$t$ by
   545 \begin{ttbox}
   546 cterm_of (sign_of thy) \(t\)        
   547 \end{ttbox}
   548   \index{*cterm_of}\index{*sign_of}
   549 \end{ttdescription}
   552 \section{Managing multiple proofs}
   553 \index{proofs!managing multiple}
   554 You may save the current state of the subgoal module and resume work on it
   555 later.  This serves two purposes.  
   556 \begin{enumerate}
   557 \item At some point, you may be uncertain of the next step, and
   558 wish to experiment.
   560 \item During a proof, you may see that a lemma should be proved first.
   561 \end{enumerate}
   562 Each saved proof state consists of a list of levels; \ttindex{chop} behaves
   563 independently for each of the saved proofs.  In addition, each saved state
   564 carries a separate \ttindex{undo} list.
   566 \subsection{The stack of proof states}
   567 \index{proofs!stacking}
   568 \begin{ttbox} 
   569 push_proof   : unit -> unit
   570 pop_proof    : unit -> thm list
   571 rotate_proof : unit -> thm list
   572 \end{ttbox}
   573 The subgoal module maintains a stack of proof states.  Most subgoal
   574 commands affect only the top of the stack.  The \ttindex{Goal} command {\em
   575 replaces\/} the top of the stack; the only command that pushes a proof on the
   576 stack is \texttt{push_proof}.
   578 To save some point of the proof, call \texttt{push_proof}.  You may now
   579 state a lemma using \texttt{goal}, or simply continue to apply tactics.
   580 Later, you can return to the saved point by calling \texttt{pop_proof} or 
   581 \texttt{rotate_proof}. 
   583 To view the entire stack, call \texttt{rotate_proof} repeatedly; as it rotates
   584 the stack, it prints the new top element.
   586 \begin{ttdescription}
   587 \item[\ttindexbold{push_proof}();]  
   588 duplicates the top element of the stack, pushing a copy of the current
   589 proof state on to the stack.
   591 \item[\ttindexbold{pop_proof}();]  
   592 discards the top element of the stack.  It returns the list of
   593 assumptions associated with the new proof;  you should bind these to an
   594 \ML\ identifier.  They can also be obtained by calling \ttindex{premises}.
   596 \item[\ttindexbold{rotate_proof}();]
   597 \index{assumptions!of main goal}
   598 rotates the stack, moving the top element to the bottom.  It returns the
   599 list of assumptions associated with the new proof.
   600 \end{ttdescription}
   603 \subsection{Saving and restoring proof states}
   604 \index{proofs!saving and restoring}
   605 \begin{ttbox} 
   606 save_proof    : unit -> proof
   607 restore_proof : proof -> thm list
   608 \end{ttbox}
   609 States of the subgoal module may be saved as \ML\ values of
   610 type~\mltydx{proof}, and later restored.
   612 \begin{ttdescription}
   613 \item[\ttindexbold{save_proof}();]  
   614 returns the current state, which is on top of the stack.
   616 \item[\ttindexbold{restore_proof} {\it prf};]\index{assumptions!of main goal}
   617   replaces the top of the stack by~{\it prf}.  It returns the list of
   618   assumptions associated with the new proof.
   619 \end{ttdescription}
   622 \section{*Debugging and inspecting}
   623 \index{tactics!debugging}
   624 These functions can be useful when you are debugging a tactic.  They refer
   625 to the current proof state stored in the subgoal module.  A tactic
   626 should never call them; it should operate on the proof state supplied as its
   627 argument.
   629 \subsection{Reading and printing terms}
   630 \index{terms!reading of}\index{terms!printing of}\index{types!printing of}
   631 \begin{ttbox} 
   632 read    : string -> term
   633 prin    : term -> unit
   634 printyp : typ -> unit
   635 \end{ttbox}
   636 These read and print terms (or types) using the syntax associated with the
   637 proof state.
   639 \begin{ttdescription}
   640 \item[\ttindexbold{read} {\it string}]  
   641 reads the {\it string} as a term, without type-checking.
   643 \item[\ttindexbold{prin} {\it t};]  
   644 prints the term~$t$ at the terminal.
   646 \item[\ttindexbold{printyp} {\it T};]  
   647 prints the type~$T$ at the terminal.
   648 \end{ttdescription}
   650 \subsection{Inspecting the proof state}
   651 \index{proofs!inspecting the state}
   652 \begin{ttbox} 
   653 topthm  : unit -> thm
   654 getgoal : int -> term
   655 gethyps : int -> thm list
   656 \end{ttbox}
   658 \begin{ttdescription}
   659 \item[\ttindexbold{topthm}()]  
   660 returns the proof state as an Isabelle theorem.  This is what \ttindex{by}
   661 would supply to a tactic at this point.  It omits the post-processing of
   662 \ttindex{result} and \ttindex{uresult}.
   664 \item[\ttindexbold{getgoal} {\it i}]  
   665 returns subgoal~$i$ of the proof state, as a term.  You may print
   666 this using \texttt{prin}, though you may have to examine the internal
   667 data structure in order to locate the problem!
   669 \item[\ttindexbold{gethyps} {\it i}]
   670   returns the hypotheses of subgoal~$i$ as meta-level assumptions.  In
   671   these theorems, the subgoal's parameters become free variables.  This
   672   command is supplied for debugging uses of \ttindex{METAHYPS}.
   673 \end{ttdescription}
   676 \subsection{Filtering lists of rules}
   677 \begin{ttbox} 
   678 filter_goal: (term*term->bool) -> thm list -> int -> thm list
   679 \end{ttbox}
   681 \begin{ttdescription}
   682 \item[\ttindexbold{filter_goal} {\it could} {\it ths} {\it i}] 
   683 applies \texttt{filter_thms {\it could}} to subgoal~$i$ of the proof
   684 state and returns the list of theorems that survive the filtering. 
   685 \end{ttdescription}
   687 \index{subgoal module|)}
   688 \index{proofs|)}
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