author haftmann
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 15:05:26 +0100
changeset 29812 4a1510b5f886
parent 29272 fb3ccf499df5
child 30351 76fd85bbf139
permissions -rw-r--r--
liberal inst_meet
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/typecopy_package.ML
     2     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     4 Introducing copies of types using trivial typedefs; datatype-like abstraction.
     5 *)
     7 signature TYPECOPY_PACKAGE =
     8 sig
     9   type info = {
    10     vs: (string * sort) list,
    11     constr: string,
    12     typ: typ,
    13     inject: thm,
    14     proj: string * typ,
    15     proj_def: thm
    16   }
    17   val add_typecopy: bstring * string list -> typ -> (bstring * bstring) option
    18     -> theory -> (string * info) * theory
    19   val get_typecopies: theory -> string list
    20   val get_info: theory -> string -> info option
    21   val interpretation: (string -> theory -> theory) -> theory -> theory
    22   val add_typecopy_default_code: string -> theory -> theory
    23   val print_typecopies: theory -> unit
    24   val setup: theory -> theory
    25 end;
    27 structure TypecopyPackage: TYPECOPY_PACKAGE =
    28 struct
    30 (* theory data *)
    32 type info = {
    33   vs: (string * sort) list,
    34   constr: string,
    35   typ: typ,
    36   inject: thm,
    37   proj: string * typ,
    38   proj_def: thm
    39 };
    41 structure TypecopyData = TheoryDataFun
    42 (
    43   type T = info Symtab.table;
    44   val empty = Symtab.empty;
    45   val copy = I;
    46   val extend = I;
    47   fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true);
    48 );
    50 fun print_typecopies thy =
    51   let
    52     val tab = TypecopyData.get thy;
    53     fun mk (tyco, { vs, constr, typ, proj = (proj, _), ... } : info) =
    54       (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
    55         Syntax.pretty_typ_global thy (Type (tyco, map TFree vs)),
    56         Pretty.str "=",
    57         (Pretty.str o Sign.extern_const thy) constr,
    58         Syntax.pretty_typ_global thy typ,
    59         Pretty.block [Pretty.str "(", (Pretty.str o Sign.extern_const thy) proj, Pretty.str  ")"]];
    60     in
    61       (Pretty.writeln o Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks)
    62         (Pretty.str "type copies:" :: map mk (Symtab.dest tab))
    63     end;
    65 val get_typecopies = Symtab.keys o TypecopyData.get;
    66 val get_info = Symtab.lookup o TypecopyData.get;
    69 (* interpretation of type copies *)
    71 structure TypecopyInterpretation = InterpretationFun(type T = string val eq = op =);
    72 val interpretation = TypecopyInterpretation.interpretation;
    74 fun add_typecopy (raw_tyco, raw_vs) raw_ty constr_proj thy =
    75   let
    76     val ty = Sign.certify_typ thy raw_ty;
    77     val vs =
    78       AList.make (the_default HOLogic.typeS o AList.lookup (op =) (Term.add_tfreesT ty [])) raw_vs;
    79     val tac = Tactic.rtac UNIV_witness 1;
    80     fun add_info tyco ( { abs_type = ty_abs, rep_type = ty_rep, Abs_name = c_abs,
    81       Rep_name = c_rep, Abs_inject = inject,
    82       Abs_inverse = inverse, ... } : ) thy =
    83         let
    84           val exists_thm =
    85             UNIV_I
    86             |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy (Logic.varifyT ty_rep))] [];
    87           val inject' = inject OF [exists_thm, exists_thm];
    88           val proj_def = inverse OF [exists_thm];
    89           val info = {
    90             vs = vs,
    91             constr = c_abs,
    92             typ = ty_rep,
    93             inject = inject',
    94             proj = (c_rep, ty_abs --> ty_rep),
    95             proj_def = proj_def
    96           };
    97         in
    98           thy
    99           |> ( o Symtab.update_new) (tyco, info)
   100           |> tyco
   101           |> pair (tyco, info)
   102         end
   103   in
   104     thy
   105     |> TypedefPackage.add_typedef false (SOME raw_tyco) (raw_tyco, map fst vs, NoSyn)
   106       (HOLogic.mk_UNIV ty) ( swap constr_proj) tac
   107     |-> (fn (tyco, info) => add_info tyco info)
   108   end;
   111 (* code generator setup *)
   113 fun add_typecopy_default_code tyco thy =
   114   let
   115     val SOME { constr = constr_name, proj = (proj, _), proj_def = proj_eq, vs = raw_vs,
   116       typ = raw_ty_rep, ... } =  get_info thy tyco;
   117     val inst_meet = Sorts.meet_sort_typ (Sign.classes_of thy)
   118       (Logic.varifyT raw_ty_rep, [HOLogic.class_eq]) handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => I;
   119     val ty_inst = Logic.unvarifyT o inst_meet o Logic.varifyT;
   120     val vs = (map dest_TFree o snd o dest_Type o ty_inst)
   121       (Type (tyco, map TFree raw_vs));
   122     val ty_rep = ty_inst raw_ty_rep;
   123     val SOME { Rep_inject = proj_inject, ... } = TypedefPackage.get_info thy tyco;
   124     val ty_constr = Logic.unvarifyT (Sign.the_const_type thy constr_name);
   125     val constr = (constr_name, ty_constr)
   126     val ty = Type (tyco, map TFree vs);
   127     fun mk_eq ty t_x t_y = Const (@{const_name eq_class.eq}, ty --> ty --> HOLogic.boolT)
   128       $ t_x $ t_y;
   129     fun mk_proj t = Const (proj, ty --> ty_rep) $ t;
   130     val (t_x, t_y) = (Free ("x", ty), Free ("y", ty));
   131     val def_eq = (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq)
   132       (mk_eq ty t_x t_y, HOLogic.mk_eq (mk_proj t_x, mk_proj t_y));
   133     fun mk_eq_refl thy = @{thm HOL.eq_refl}
   134       |> Thm.instantiate
   135          ([pairself (Thm.ctyp_of thy) (TVar (("'a", 0), @{sort eq}), Logic.varifyT ty)], [])
   136       |> AxClass.unoverload thy;
   137   in
   138     thy
   139     |> Code.add_datatype [constr]
   140     |> Code.add_eqn proj_eq
   141     |> TheoryTarget.instantiation ([tyco], vs, [HOLogic.class_eq])
   142     |> `(fn lthy => Syntax.check_term lthy def_eq)
   143     |-> (fn def_eq => Specification.definition
   144          (NONE, (Attrib.empty_binding, def_eq)))
   145     |-> (fn (_, (_, def_thm)) =>
   146        Class.prove_instantiation_exit_result Morphism.thm
   147          (fn _ => fn def_thm => Class.intro_classes_tac []
   148             THEN (Simplifier.rewrite_goals_tac
   149               (map Simpdata.mk_eq [def_thm, @{thm eq}, proj_inject]))
   150                 THEN ALLGOALS (rtac @{thm refl})) def_thm)
   151     |-> (fn def_thm => Code.add_eqn def_thm)
   152     |> `(fn thy => mk_eq_refl thy)
   153     |-> (fn refl_thm => Code.add_nonlinear_eqn refl_thm)
   154   end;
   156 val setup =
   157   TypecopyInterpretation.init
   158   #> interpretation add_typecopy_default_code
   160 end;