author wneuper <>
Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:23:38 +0200
changeset 60502 474a00f8b91e
parent 60495 54642eaf7bba
child 60554 210594dd8a5a
permissions -rw-r--r--
eliminate global flag Check_Unique.on
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/isac/Knowledge/Build_Thydata.thy
     2     Author:     Walther Neuper, JKU Linz
     3     (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Collect all knowledge defined for the isac mathengine
     6 *)
     8 theory Build_Thydata
     9 imports
    10   Isac_Knowledge
    11   Test_Build_Thydata (*for test/../build_thydata.sml, thy_hierarchy.sml*)
    12 begin
    14 subsection \<open>Build <Theory>-Data\<close>
    15 text \<open>
    16   <Theory>-Data represent Isac's "deductive knowledge" (whereas <Problems> and <Methods> 
    17   represent application-oriented and algorithmic knowledge respectively.) <Theory>-Data 
    18   comprise theories from ProgLang and from Knowledge.
    20   Note that under normal circumstances, theories are only available from the given formal
    21   context, not the global theory database (\<^ML_structure>\<open>Thy_Info\<close>). The following
    22   operations always work:
    24     \<^item> \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Pure}\<close>, \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Main}\<close>, \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Complex_Main}\<close>
    25     \<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Theory.ancestors_of\<close>, or better \<^ML>\<open>Theory.nodes_of\<close>
    26     \<^item> \<^ML>\<open>Context.get_theory\<close> for situations of explicit name-lookup (short or long)
    28   In contrast, old-style \<^ML>\<open>Thy_Info.get_theory\<close> requires a finished logic image, for
    29   example in \<^file>\<open>$ISABELLE_ISAC_TEST/Tools/isac/Test_Some.thy\<close> loaded from session Isac.
    31   Note on planned improvements (WN): 
    32   All theories below ML_structure\<open>MathEngine\<close> in the sessiongraph
    33   can be considered as Isac's version of Pure: the respective code handles items
    34   declared later between \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Base_Tools}\<close> and \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Isac_Knowledge}\<close>.
    35   These items are contained in the  ML_structure\<open>Context\<close> in current Isabelle,
    36   thus all ML_structure\<open>KEStore_Elems\<close> can be replaced by more native Isabelle mechanisms --
    37   with two exceptions
    38     \<^item> \<^ML>\<open>KEStore_Elems.add_pbls\<close> and \<^ML>\<open>KEStore_Elems.get_pbls\<close>, 
    39       handling a tree of \<^ML_type>\<open>Problem.T\<close>
    40     \<^item> \<^ML>\<open>KEStore_Elems.add_mets\<close> and \<^ML>\<open>KEStore_Elems.get_mets\<close>, 
    41       handling a tree of \<^ML_type>\<open>MethodC.T\<close>
    42   where both trees have a structure independent from the dependency graph 
    43   between \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Base_Tools}\<close> and \<^ML>\<open>@{theory Isac_Knowledge}\<close>.
    45 \<close>
    46 subsubsection \<open>Get and group the theories defined in Isac\<close>
    47 ML \<open>
    48   (* we don't use "fun isacthys ()" etc HERE, 
    49     because Thy_Info.get_theory only works with session Isac, not with Build_Isac.thy *)
    50   val knowledge_parent = @{theory}
    51   val proglang_parent = @{theory ProgLang}
    53   val allthys = Theory.ancestors_of @{theory};
    54   val allthys = filter_out (member Context.eq_thy (* thys for isac bootstrap *)
    55     [(*@{theory ProgLang}: required in isacthys' below*) @{theory Interpret}, @{theory MathEngine},
    56     @{theory BridgeLibisabelle}, knowledge_parent]) allthys         (*["Isac_Knowledge", ..., "Isac_Knowledge"]*)
    58   val isabthys' =                         (*["Complex_Main", "Taylor", .., "Isac_Knowledge"]*)
    59     drop ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy ThyC.last_isabelle_thy) allthys), allthys);
    60   val isacthys' =                         (*["Isac_Knowledge", "Inverse_Z_Transform",  .., "Know_Store"]*)
    61     take ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy ThyC.last_isabelle_thy) allthys), allthys)
    62     |> remove Context.eq_thy @{theory Test_Build_Thydata};
    64   val knowthys' =                         (*["Isac_Knowledge", .., "Input_Descript"]*)
    65     take ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy proglang_parent) isacthys'), isacthys');
    66   val progthys' =                         (*["Auto_Prog", .., "Know_Store"]*)
    67     drop ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy proglang_parent) isacthys') + 1(*ProgLang*), isacthys')
    68     |> remove Context.eq_thy @{theory BaseDefinitions};
    69 \<close> 
    70 declare[[ML_print_depth = 999]]
    71 ML \<open>
    72 \<close> ML \<open>
    73 \<close> ML \<open>
    74 \<close>
    76 subsubsection \<open>From rule-sets collect theorems, which have been taken from Isabelle\<close>
    77 ML \<open>
    78   val isacrlsthms =                      (*length = 460*)
    79     Thy_Hierarchy.thms_of_rlss @{theory} (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss knowledge_parent) : ThmC.T list
    81   val rlsthmsNOTisac = isacrlsthms       (*length =  36*)
    82     |> filter (fn (deriv, _) => 
    83       member op= (map Context.theory_name isabthys') (ThyC.cut_id deriv))
    84     : ThmC.T list
    85 \<close> 
    87 subsubsection \<open>Collect data in a (key, data) list and insert data into the tree\<close>
    88 text \<open>
    89   The sequence in the (key, data) list is arbitrary, because insertion using the key
    90   is random. The sequence of the root nodes "IsacKnowledge", "Isabelle"
    91   and "IsacScripts" is determined in Know_Store.thy.
    92 \<close>
    93 text \<open>
    94   ATTENTION: ===================================================================================
    95   the code below does NOT terminate in x86_64_32 mode of Poly/ML 5.8.
    96   Nevertheless, Build_Isac.thy should (and can!) be used in this mode,
    97   while preferences ML_system_64 = "true" never reaches Build_Isac.thy.
    98   ==============================================================================================
    99   See "etc/preferences".
   100 \<close>
   101 ML \<open>
   102 val thydata_list = (* SEE NOTE ABOVE *)
   103   Thy_Hierarchy.collect_part       "IsacKnowledge" knowledge_parent knowthys' @
   104   (map (Thy_Hierarchy.collect_isab "Isabelle") rlsthmsNOTisac) @
   105   Thy_Hierarchy.collect_part       "IsacScripts" proglang_parent progthys'
   106 : (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
   107 \<close>
   108 ML \<open>
   109 map Context.theory_name knowthys'
   110 \<close> ML \<open>
   111 Context.theory_name knowledge_parent
   112 \<close> text \<open>
   113   collect_part       "IsacKnowledge" knowledge_parent knowthys'
   114 \<close> ML \<open>
   115 "~~~~~ fun collect_part , args:"; val (part, parent, thys) = ("IsacKnowledge", knowledge_parent, knowthys');
   116 \<close> ML \<open>
   117     val xxx = (flat (map (Thy_Hierarchy.collect_thms part) thys))
   118 \<close> ML \<open> (*isa*)
   119 length thys = 32;
   120 length xxx = 471
   121 \<close> text \<open>
   122      (collect_rlss part (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent) thys)
   123 \<close> text \<open>
   124 "~~~~~ fun collect_rlss , args:"; val (part, rlss, thys) = (part, (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent), thys);
   125 \<close> text \<open>
   126 (* Build_Thydata.thy in jedit leads to "Exception- Size raised" <<<=============================== 
   127    =============================== but batch process =============================================
   128      ~~$ ./bin/isabelle build -o browser_info -v -b Isac
   129    =============================== works =========================================================
   130 *)
   131 KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent
   132 \<close>
   134 setup \<open>KEStore_Elems.add_thes (map (fn (a, b) => (b, a)) thydata_list)\<close>
   136 section \<open>interface for dialog-authoring\<close>
   137 subsection \<open>Add error patterns\<close>
   138 subsubsection \<open>Error patterns for differentiation\<close>
   140 setup \<open>KEStore_Elems.add_mets @{context}
   141   [Pbl_Met_Hierarchy.update_metpair @{theory Diff} ["diff", "differentiate_on_R"]
   142       [("chain-rule-diff-both",
   143         [TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos (d_d ?bdv ?u)",
   144          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (cos ?u) = - sin (d_d ?bdv ?u)",
   145          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (?u \<up> ?n) = ?n * ?u \<up> (?n - 1)",
   146          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (LogExp.ln ?u) = 1 / ?u",
   147          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (LogExp.ln ?u) = 1 / d_d ?bdv ?u"],
   148         [@{thm diff_sin_chain}, @{thm diff_cos_chain}, @{thm diff_pow_chain}, @{thm diff_ln_chain},
   149           @{thm  diff_exp_chain}])]]
   150 \<close>
   152 setup \<open>
   153 KEStore_Elems.insert_fillpats
   154   [(["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Theorems", "diff_sin_chain"],
   155     ([("fill-d_d-arg",
   156       TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   157     ("fill-both-args",
   158       TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin _) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   159     ("fill-d_d",
   160       TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _ ?bdv ?u", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   161     ("fill-inner-deriv",
   162       TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   163     ("fill-all",
   164       TermC.parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = _", "chain-rule-diff-both")]: Error_Pattern_Def.fill_in list))
   165   ]
   166 \<close>
   168 subsubsection \<open>Error patterns for calculation with rationals\<close>
   170 setup \<open>KEStore_Elems.add_mets @{context}
   171   [Pbl_Met_Hierarchy.update_metpair @{theory Rational} ["simplification", "of_rationals"]
   172       [("addition-of-fractions",
   173         [TermC.parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?a + ?c)/(?b + ?d)",
   174          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?a + ?c)/(?b * ?d)",
   175          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?c * ?a)/(?d * ?b)",
   176          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Rational} "?a + (?b /?c)= (?a + ?b)/ ?c",
   177          TermC.parse_patt @{theory Rational} "?a + (?b /?c)= (?a * ?b)/ ?c"],
   178         [@{thm rat_add}, @{thm rat_add_assoc}, @{thm rat_add1}, @{thm rat_add1_assoc},
   179           @{thm rat_add2}, @{thm rat_add2_assoc}, @{thm rat_add3}, @{thm rat_add3_assoc}])]]
   180 \<close>
   182 ML \<open>
   183 (*TODO insert_fillpats ["IsacKnowledge", "Rational", "Theorems", "???"]*)
   185 (* TODO insert_errpats overwrites instead of appending
   186 insert_errpats ["simplification", "of_rationals"]
   187  (("cancel", (*see master thesis gdarocy*)
   188     [(*a*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/?a = ?b",
   189      (*b*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/?b = ?a",
   190      (*c*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?c",
   191      (*d*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?c)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?b",
   192      (*e*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?c)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?c",
   193      (*f*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/(?c + ?a) = ?b / ?c",
   194      (*g*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a*?b + ?c)/?a = ?b + ?c",
   195      (*h*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a*?b + ?c)/?b = ?a + ?c",
   196      (*i*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?c)/?b = ?a + ?c",
   197      (*j*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?c)/?b = ?a + ?b",
   198      (*k*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?e)/(?c + ?d*?e) = (?a + ?b)/(?c + ?d)"],
   199     [@{thm real_times_divide_1_eq}, (*TODO*) @{thm real_times_divide_1_eq}]));
   201 val fillpats = [
   202   ("fill-cancel-left-num",
   203     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = _ / ?c", "cancel"),
   204   ("fill-cancel-left-den",
   205     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = ?b / _", "cancel"),
   206   ("fill-cancel-none",
   207     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = ?b / ?c", "cancel"),
   209   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num1",
   210     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + ?c) / ?d", "cancel"),
   211   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num2",
   212     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + _) / ?d", "cancel"),
   213   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num3",
   214     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + _) / ?d", "cancel"),
   215   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num4",
   216     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + ?c) / _", "cancel"),
   217   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num5",
   218     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + ?c) / _", "cancel"),
   219   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num6",
   220     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + _) / _", "cancel"),
   221   ("fill-cancel-left-add-none",
   222     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + ?c) / ?d", "cancel"),
   224   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den1",
   225     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   226   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den2",
   227     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   228   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den3",
   229     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   230   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den4",
   231     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   232   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den5",
   233     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   234   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den6",
   235     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   236   ("fill-cancel-left-add-none",
   237     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel")
   238  ]: fillpat list;
   239 *)
   241 (* still ununsed; planned for stepToErrorpattern: this is just a reminder... 
   243 insert_errpatIDs @{theory} ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Rulesets", "norm_diff"]
   244   (["chain-rule-diff-both", "cancel"]: errpatID list);
   245 [[[ERROR *** app_py: not found: ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Rulesets", "norm_diff"]
   246   since KEStore_Elems.set_ref_thy has been shifted below;
   247   this ERROR will vanish during re-engineering towards KEStore_Elems.]]]
   249    ...and all other related rls by hand;
   250    TODO: lift errpattIDs from theorems to respective rls AUTOMATICALLY *)
   251 \<close>
   253 section \<open>Link KEStore_Elems to completed IsacKnowledge\<close>
   254 ML \<open>KEStore_Elems.set_ref_thy @{theory}\<close>
   256 end