author wneuper <>
Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:23:38 +0200
changeset 60502 474a00f8b91e
parent 60495 54642eaf7bba
child 60505 137227934d2e
permissions -rw-r--r--
eliminate global flag Check_Unique.on
     1 (*  Title:      src/Tools/isac/Know_Store.thy
     2     Author:     Mathias Lehnfeld
     4 Calc work on Problem employing MethodC; both are collected in a respective Store;
     5 The collections' structure is independent from the dependency graph of Isabelle's theories
     6 in Knowledge.
     7 Store is also used by Thy_Write, required for Isac's Java front end, irrelevant for PIDE.
     9 The files (in "xxxxx-def.sml") contain definitions required for Know_Store;
    10 they also include minimal code required for other "xxxxx-def.sml" files.
    11 These files have companion files "xxxxx.sml" with all further code,
    12 located at appropriate positions in the file structure.
    14 The separation of "xxxxx-def.sml" from "xxxxx.sml" should be overcome by
    15 appropriate use of polymorphic high order functions.
    16 *)
    18 theory Know_Store
    19   imports Complex_Main
    20   keywords "rule_set_knowledge" "calculation" :: thy_decl
    21 begin
    23 setup \<open>
    24   ML_Antiquotation.conditional \<^binding>\<open>isac_test\<close>
    25     (fn _ => Options.default_bool \<^system_option>\<open>isac_test\<close>)
    26 \<close>
    28 ML_file libraryC.sml
    29 ML_file theoryC.sml
    30 ML_file unparseC.sml
    31 ML_file "rule-def.sml"
    32 ML_file "thmC-def.sml"
    33 ML_file "eval-def.sml"       (*rename identifiers by use of*)
    34 ML_file "rewrite-order.sml"  (*rename identifiers by use of*)
    35 ML_file rule.sml
    36 ML_file "error-pattern-def.sml"
    37 ML_file "rule-set.sml"
    39 ML_file "store.sml"
    40 ML_file "check-unique.sml"
    41 ML_file "references-def.sml"
    42 ML_file "model-pattern.sml"
    43 ML_file "problem-def.sml"
    44 ML_file "method-def.sml"
    45 ML_file "cas-def.sml"
    46 ML_file "thy-write.sml"
    48 ML \<open>
    49 \<close> ML \<open>
    50 \<close> ML \<open>
    51 \<close>
    52 section \<open>Knowledge elements for problems and methods\<close>
    53 ML \<open>
    54 (* Knowledge (and Exercises) are held by "Know_Store" in Isac's Java front-end.
    55   In the front-end Knowledge comprises theories, problems and methods.
    56   Elements of problems and methods are defined in theories alongside
    57   the development of respective language elements. 
    58   However, the structure of methods and problems is independent from theories' 
    59   deductive structure. Thus respective structures are built in Build_Thydata.thy.
    61   Most elements of problems and methods are implemented in "Knowledge/", but some
    62   of them are implemented in "ProgLang/" already; thus "Know_Store.thy" got this
    63   location in the directory structure.
    65   get_* retrieves all * of the respective theory PLUS of all ancestor theories.
    66 *)
    67 signature KESTORE_ELEMS =
    68 sig
    69   val get_rlss: theory -> ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list
    70   val add_rlss: ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list -> theory -> theory
    71   val get_calcs: theory -> (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list
    72   val add_calcs: (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list -> theory -> theory
    73   val get_cas: theory -> CAS_Def.T list
    74   val add_cas: CAS_Def.T list -> theory -> theory
    75   val get_pbls: theory ->
    76   val add_pbls: Proof.context -> (Probl_Def.T * list -> theory -> theory
    77   val get_mets: theory ->
    78   val add_mets: Proof.context -> (Meth_Def.T * list -> theory -> theory
    79   val get_thes: theory -> (Thy_Write.thydata Store.node) list
    80   val add_thes: (Thy_Write.thydata * Thy_Write.theID) list -> theory -> theory (* thydata dropped at existing elems *)
    81   val insert_fillpats: (Thy_Write.theID * Error_Pattern_Def.fill_in list) list -> theory -> theory 
    82   val get_ref_thy: unit -> theory
    83   val set_ref_thy: theory -> unit
    84 end;                               
    86 structure KEStore_Elems: KESTORE_ELEMS =
    87 struct
    88   fun union_overwrite eq l1 l2 = fold (insert eq) l2 (*..swapped..*) l1;
    90   structure Data = Theory_Data (
    91     type T = ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list;
    92     val empty = [];
    93     val extend = I;
    94     val merge = Rule_Set.to_kestore;
    95     );  
    96   fun get_rlss thy = Data.get thy
    97   fun add_rlss rlss = (union_overwrite Rule_Set.equal rlss)
    99   structure Data = Theory_Data (
   100     type T = (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list;
   101     val empty = [];
   102     val extend = I;
   103     val merge = merge Eval_Def.calc_eq;
   104     );                                                              
   105   fun get_calcs thy = Data.get thy
   106   fun add_calcs calcs = (union_overwrite Eval_Def.calc_eq calcs)
   108   structure Data = Theory_Data (
   109     type T = (term * (References_Def.T * (term list -> (term * term list) list))) list;
   110     val empty = [];
   111     val extend = I;
   112     val merge = merge CAS_Def.equal;
   113     );                                                              
   114   fun get_cas thy = Data.get thy
   115   fun add_cas cas = (union_overwrite CAS_Def.equal cas)
   117   structure Data = Theory_Data (
   118     type T =;
   119     val empty = [Probl_Def.empty_store];
   120     val extend = I;
   121     val merge = Store.merge;
   122     );
   123   fun get_pbls thy = Data.get thy;
   124   fun add_pbls ctxt pbts thy =
   125     let
   126       fun add_pbt (pbt as {guh,...}, pblID) =
   127         (* the pblID has the leaf-element as first; better readability achieved *)
   128         (if (Config.get ctxt check_unique) then Probl_Def.check_unique guh (Data.get thy) else ();
   129           rev pblID |> Store.insert pblID pbt);
   130     in (fold add_pbt pbts) thy end;
   132   structure Data = Theory_Data (
   133     type T =;
   134     val empty = [Meth_Def.empty_store];
   135     val extend = I;
   136     val merge = Store.merge;
   137     );
   138   val get_mets = Data.get;
   139   fun add_mets ctxt mets thy =
   140     let
   141       fun add_met (met as {guh,...}, metID) =
   142         (if (Config.get ctxt check_unique) then Meth_Def.check_unique guh (Data.get thy) else ();
   143           Store.insert metID met metID);
   144     in (fold add_met mets) thy end;
   146   structure Data = Theory_Data (
   147     type T = (Thy_Write.thydata Store.node) list;
   148     val empty = [];
   149     val extend = I;
   150     val merge = Store.merge; (* relevant for store_thm, store_rls *)
   151     );                                                              
   152   fun get_thes thy = Data.get thy
   153   fun add_thes thes thy = let
   154     fun add_the (thydata, theID) = Thy_Write.add_thydata ([], theID) thydata
   155   in (fold add_the thes) thy end;
   156   fun insert_fillpats fis thy =
   157     let
   158       fun update_elem (theID, fillpats) =
   159         let
   160           val hthm = Store.get (Data.get thy) theID theID
   161           val hthm' = Thy_Write.update_hthm hthm fillpats
   162             handle ERROR _ =>
   163               raise ERROR ("insert_fillpats: " ^ strs2str theID ^ "must address a theorem")
   164         in Store.update theID theID hthm' end
   165     in (fold update_elem fis) thy end
   167   val cur_thy = Synchronized.var "finally_knowledge_complete" @{theory};
   168   fun set_ref_thy thy = Synchronized.change cur_thy (fn _ => thy); (* never RE-set ! *)
   169   fun get_ref_thy () = Synchronized.value cur_thy;
   170 end;
   171 \<close>
   174 subsection \<open>Isar command syntax\<close>
   176 ML \<open>
   177 local
   179 val parse_rule = -- Parse.!!! (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- Parse.ML_source);
   181 val ml =;
   183 fun ml_rule thy (name, source) =
   184   ml "(" @ ml (ML_Syntax.print_string name) @ ml ", " @
   185   ml "(" @ ml (ML_Syntax.print_string (Context.theory_name thy)) @ ml ", " @
   186   ML_Lex.read_source source @ ml "))";
   188 fun ml_rules thy args =
   189   ml "Theory.setup (KEStore_Elems.add_rlss [" @
   190     flat (separate (ml ",") (map (ml_rule thy) args)) @ ml "])";
   192 val _ =
   193   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>rule_set_knowledge\<close> "register ISAC rule set to Knowledge Store"
   194     (Parse.and_list1 parse_rule >> (fn args => Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
   195       thy |> Context.theory_map
   196         (ML_Context.expression (Position.thread_data ()) (ml_rules thy args)))));
   198 val calc_name =
   199 -- (\<^keyword>\<open>(\<close> |-- Parse.const --| \<^keyword>\<open>)\<close>) ||
   200   Scan.ahead -- Parse.const;
   202 val _ =
   203   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>calculation\<close>
   204     "prepare ISAC calculation and register it to Knowledge Store"
   205     (calc_name -- (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- Parse.!!! Parse.ML_source) >> (fn ((calcID, const), source) =>
   206       Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
   207         let
   208           val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
   209           val Const (c, _) = Proof_Context.read_const {proper = true, strict = true} ctxt const;
   210           val set_data =
   211             ML_Context.expression (Input.pos_of source)
   212               (ml "Theory.setup (Eval_Def.set_data (" @ ML_Lex.read_source source @ ml "))")
   213             |> Context.theory_map;
   214           val eval = Eval_Def.the_data (set_data thy);
   215         in KEStore_Elems.add_calcs [(calcID, (c, eval))] thy end)))
   217 in end;
   218 \<close>
   221 section \<open>Re-use existing access functions for knowledge elements\<close>
   222 text \<open>
   223   The independence of problems' and methods' structure enforces the accesse
   224   functions to use "Isac_Knowledge", the final theory which comprises all knowledge defined.
   225 \<close>
   226 ML \<open>
   227 val get_ref_thy = KEStore_Elems.get_ref_thy;
   229 fun assoc_rls (rls' : =
   230   case AList.lookup (op =) (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss (ThyC.get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")) rls' of
   231     SOME (_, rls) => rls
   232   | NONE => raise ERROR ("rls \""^ rls' ^ "\" missing in Know_Store.\n" ^
   233     "TODO exception hierarchy needs to be established.")
   235 fun assoc_rls' thy (rls' : =
   236   case AList.lookup (op =) (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss thy) rls' of
   237     SOME (_, rls) => rls
   238   | NONE => raise ERROR ("rls \""^ rls' ^ "\" missing in Know_Store.\n" ^
   239     "TODO exception hierarchy needs to be established.")
   241 fun assoc_calc thy calID = let
   242     fun ass ([], key) =
   243           raise ERROR ("assoc_calc: '" ^ key ^ "' not found in theory " ^ (Context.theory_name thy))
   244       | ass ((calc, (keyi, _)) :: pairs, key) =
   245           if key = keyi then calc else ass (pairs, key);
   246   in ass (thy |> KEStore_Elems.get_calcs, calID) end;
   248 fun assoc_calc' thy key = let
   249     fun ass ([], key') =
   250           raise ERROR ("assoc_calc': '" ^ key' ^ "' not found in theory " ^ (Context.theory_name thy))
   251       | ass ((all as (keyi, _)) :: pairs, key') =
   252           if key' = keyi then all else ass (pairs, key');
   253   in ass (KEStore_Elems.get_calcs thy, key) end;
   255 fun assoc_cas thy key = assoc (KEStore_Elems.get_cas thy, key);
   257 fun get_pbls () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_pbls;
   258 fun get_mets () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_mets;
   259 fun get_thes () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_thes;
   260 \<close>
   262 rule_set_knowledge
   263   empty = \<open>Rule_Set.empty\<close> and
   264   e_rrls = \<open>Rule_Set.e_rrls\<close>
   266 section \<open>determine sequence of main parts in thehier\<close>
   267 setup \<open>
   268 KEStore_Elems.add_thes
   269   [(Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["IsacKnowledge"], html = "",
   270     mathauthors = ["Isac team"], coursedesign = []}, ["IsacKnowledge"]),
   271   (Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["Isabelle"], html = "",
   272     mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], coursedesign = []}, ["Isabelle"]),
   273   (Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["IsacScripts"], html = "",
   274     mathauthors = ["Isac team"], coursedesign = []}, ["IsacScripts"])]
   275 \<close>
   277 section \<open>Functions for checking KEStore_Elems\<close>
   278 ML \<open>
   279 fun short_string_of_rls Rule_Set.Empty = "Erls"
   280   | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Def.Repeat {calc, rules, ...}) =
   281     "Rls {#calc = " ^ string_of_int (length calc) ^
   282     ", #rules = " ^ string_of_int (length rules) ^ ", ..."
   283   | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Set.Sequence {calc, rules, ...}) =
   284     "Seq {#calc = " ^ string_of_int (length calc) ^
   285     ", #rules = " ^ string_of_int (length rules) ^ ", ..."
   286   | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Set.Rrls _) = "Rrls {...}";
   287 fun check_kestore_rls (rls', (thyID, rls)) =
   288   "(" ^ rls' ^ ", (" ^ thyID ^ ", " ^ short_string_of_rls rls ^ "))";
   290 fun check_kestore_calc ((id, (c, _)) : Rule_Def.calc)  = "(" ^ id ^ ", (" ^ c ^ ", fn))";
   292 (* we avoid term_to_string''' defined later *)
   293 fun check_kestore_cas ((t, (s, _)) : CAS_Def.T) =
   294   "(" ^ (Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (Config.put show_markup false
   295   (Proof_Context.init_global @{theory})))) t ^ ", " ^ References_Def.to_string s ^ ")";
   297 fun count_kestore_ptyps [] = 0
   298   | count_kestore_ptyps ((Store.Node (_, _, ps)) :: ps') =
   299       1 + count_kestore_ptyps ps  + count_kestore_ptyps ps';
   300 fun check_kestore_ptyp' strfun (Store.Node (key, pbts, pts)) = "Ptyp (" ^ (quote key) ^ ", " ^
   301       (strfun pbts) ^ ", " ^ (map (check_kestore_ptyp' strfun) pts |> list2str) ^ ")" |> linefeed;
   302 val check_kestore_ptyp = check_kestore_ptyp' Probl_Def.s_to_string;
   303 fun ptyp_ord ((Store.Node (s1, _, _)), (Store.Node (s2, _, _))) = string_ord (s1, s2);
   304 fun pbt_ord ({guh = guh'1, ...} : Probl_Def.T, {guh = guh'2, ...} : Probl_Def.T) = string_ord (guh'1, guh'2);
   305 fun sort_kestore_ptyp' _ [] = []
   306   | sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ((Store.Node (key, pbts, ps)) :: ps') =
   307      ((Store.Node (key, sort ordfun pbts, sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ps |> sort ptyp_ord))
   308        :: sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ps');
   309 val sort_kestore_ptyp = sort_kestore_ptyp' pbt_ord;
   311 fun metguh2str ({guh,...} : Meth_Def.T) = guh : string;
   312 fun check_kestore_met (mp: Meth_Def.T Store.node) =
   313       check_kestore_ptyp' (fn xs => map metguh2str xs |> strs2str) mp;
   314 fun met_ord ({guh = guh'1, ...} : Meth_Def.T, {guh = guh'2, ...} : Meth_Def.T) = string_ord (guh'1, guh'2);
   315 val sort_kestore_met = sort_kestore_ptyp' met_ord;
   317 fun check_kestore_thes thes = ((map writeln) o (map (check_kestore_ptyp' Thy_Write.thes2str))) thes
   318 fun write_thes thydata_list =
   319   thydata_list 
   320     |> map (fn (id, the) => (Thy_Write.theID2str id, Thy_Write.the2str the))
   321     |> map pair2str
   322     |> map writeln
   323 \<close>
   324 ML \<open>
   325 \<close> ML \<open>
   326 \<close> ML \<open>
   327 \<close>
   328 end