author wneuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Fri, 16 Jul 2021 06:57:34 +0200
changeset 60327 464109593df0
child 60329 0c10aeff57d7
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate rational-1 /-2.sml
     1 (* Title: test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/rational-1.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    Use is subject to license terms.
     5 Test of basic functions and application to complex examples.
     6 *)
     8 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "-------- fun poly_of_term ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "-------- fun is_poly --------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "-------- fun term_of_poly ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "-------- complex examples: rls norm_Rational --------------------------------------------------";
    16 "-------- complex examples cancellation from: Mathematik 1 Schalk ------------------------------";
    17 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    21 "-------- fun poly_of_term ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    22 "-------- fun poly_of_term ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    23 "-------- fun poly_of_term ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    24 val thy = @{theory Partial_Fractions};
    25 val vs = TermC.vars_of (TermC.str2term "12 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6");
    27 val t = TermC.str2term "-3 + -2 * x ::real";
    28 if poly_of_term vs t = SOME [(~3, [0, 0, 0]), (~2, [1, 0, 0])]
    29 then () else error "poly_of_term uminus changed";
    31 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "12::real") = SOME [(12, [0, 0, 0])]
    32 then () else error "poly_of_term 1 changed";
    34 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "x::real") = SOME [(1, [1, 0, 0])]
    35 then () else error "poly_of_term 2 changed";
    37 if         poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "12 * x \<up> 3") = SOME [(12, [3, 0, 0])]
    38 then () else error "poly_of_term 3 changed";
    39 "~~~~~ fun poly_of_term , args:"; val (vs, t) =
    40   (vs, (TermC.str2term "12 * x \<up> 3"));
    42            monom_of_term vs (1, replicate (length vs) 0) t;(*poly malformed 1 with x \<up> 3*)
    43 "~~~~~ fun monom_of_term , args:"; val (vs, (c, es), (Const ("Groups.times_class.times", _) $ m1 $ m2)) =
    44   (vs, (1, replicate (length vs) 0), t);
    45     val (c', es') =
    47            monom_of_term vs (c, es) m1;
    48 "~~~~~ fun monom_of_term , args:"; val (vs, (c, es), (Const ("Transcendental.powr", _) $ (t as Free _) $ (Const ("Num.numeral_class.numeral", _) $ num)) ) =
    49   (vs, (c', es'), m2);
    50 (*+*)c = 12;
    51 (*+*)(num |> HOLogic.dest_numeral |> list_update es (find_index (curry op = t) vs)) = [3, 0, 0];
    53 if (c, num |> HOLogic.dest_numeral |> list_update es (find_index (curry op = t) vs)) = (12, [3, 0, 0])
    54 then () else error "monom_of_term (powr): return value CHANGED";
    56 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "12 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6") = SOME [(12, [3, 4, 6])]
    57 then () else error "poly_of_term 4 changed";
    59 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "1 + 2 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6 + y") =
    60   SOME [(1, [0, 0, 0]), (1, [0, 1, 0]), (2, [3, 4, 6])]
    61 then () else error "poly_of_term 5 changed";
    63 (*poly_of_term is quite liberal:*)
    64 (*the coefficient may be somewhere, the order of variables and the parentheses 
    65   within a monomial are arbitrary*)
    66 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "y \<up> 4 * (x \<up> 3 * 12 * z \<up> 6)") = SOME [(12, [3, 4, 6])]
    67 then () else error "poly_of_term 6 changed";
    69 (*there may even be more than 1 coefficient:*)
    70 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "2 * y \<up> 4 * (x \<up> 3 * 6 * z \<up> 6)") = SOME [(12, [3, 4, 6])]
    71 then () else error "poly_of_term 7 changed";
    73 (*the order and the parentheses within monomials are arbitrary:*)
    74 if poly_of_term vs (TermC.str2term "2 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6 + (7 * y \<up> 8 + 1)")
    75   = SOME [(1, [0, 0, 0]), (7, [0, 8, 0]), (2, [3, 4, 6])]
    76 then () else error "poly_of_term 8 changed";
    78 (*from --- rls norm_Rational downto fun gcd_poly ---*)
    79 val t = TermC.str2term (*copy from above: "::real" is not required due to " \<up> "*)
    80   ("(-12 + 4 * y + 3 * x \<up> 2 + -1 * (x \<up> 2 * y)) /" ^
    81   "(-18 + -9 * x + 2 * y \<up> 2 + x * y \<up> 2)");
    82 "~~~~~ fun cancel_p_, args:"; val (t) = (t);
    83 val opt = check_fraction t;
    84 val SOME (numerator, denominator) = opt;
    85 (*+*)UnparseC.term numerator = "- 12 + 4 * y + 3 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * (x \<up> 2 * y)"; (*isa -- isa2*);
    86 (*+*)UnparseC.term denominator = "- 18 + - 9 * x + 2 * y \<up> 2 + x * y \<up> 2";     (*isa -- isa2*);
    87        val vs = TermC.vars_of t;
    88 (*+*)UnparseC.terms vs = "[\"x\", \"y\"]";
    89        val baseT = type_of numerator
    90        val expT = HOLogic.realT;
    91 val (SOME _, SOME _) = (poly_of_term vs numerator, poly_of_term vs denominator);  (*isa <> isa2*)
    93 "-------- fun is_poly --------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    94 "-------- fun is_poly --------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    95 "-------- fun is_poly --------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    96 if is_poly (TermC.str2term "2 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6 + 7 * y \<up> 8 + 1")
    97 then () else error "is_poly 1 changed";
    98 if not (is_poly (TermC.str2term "2 * (x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6 + 7) * y \<up> 8 + 1"))
    99 then () else error "is_poly 2 changed";
   101 "-------- fun term_of_poly ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   102 "-------- fun term_of_poly ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   103 "-------- fun term_of_poly ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   104 val expT = HOLogic.realT
   105 val Free (_, baseT) = (hd o vars o TermC.str2term) "12 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6";
   106 val p = [(1, [0, 0, 0]), (7, [0, 8, 0]), (2, [3, 4, 5])]
   107 val vs = TermC.vars_of (the (parseNEW ctxt "12 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 6"))
   108 (*precondition for [(c, es),...]: legth es = length vs*)
   109 ;
   110 if UnparseC.term (term_of_poly baseT expT vs p) = "1 + 7 * y \<up> 8 + 2 * x \<up> 3 * y \<up> 4 * z \<up> 5"
   111 then () else error "term_of_poly 1 changed";
   113 "-------- complex examples: rls norm_Rational --------------------------------------------------";
   114 "-------- complex examples: rls norm_Rational --------------------------------------------------";
   115 "-------- complex examples: rls norm_Rational --------------------------------------------------";
   116 val t = TermC.str2term "(3*x+5)/18 - x/2  - -(3*x - 2)/9 = 0";
   117 val SOME (t', _) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t; UnparseC.term t';
   118 if UnparseC.term t' = "1 / 18 = 0" then () else error "rational.sml 1";
   120 val t = TermC.str2term "(17*x - 51)/9 - (-(13*x - 3)/6) + 11 - (9*x - 7)/4 = 0";
   121 val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t; UnparseC.term t';
   122 if UnparseC.term t' = "(237 + 65 * x) / 36 = 0" then () 
   123 else error "rational.sml 2";
   125 val t = TermC.str2term "(1/2 + (5*x)/2) \<up> 2 - ((13*x)/2 - 5/2) \<up> 2 - (6*x) \<up> 2 + 29";
   126 val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t; UnparseC.term t';
   127 if UnparseC.term t' = "23 + 35 * x + - 72 * x \<up> 2" then ()
   128 else error "rational.sml 3";
   130 "-------- complex examples cancellation from: Mathematik 1 Schalk ------------------------------";
   131 "-------- complex examples cancellation from: Mathematik 1 Schalk ------------------------------";
   132 "-------- complex examples cancellation from: Mathematik 1 Schalk ------------------------------";
   133 (*Schalk I, p.60 Nr. 215c *)
   134 val t = TermC.str2term "(a + b) \<up> 4 * (x - y)  /  ((x - y) \<up> 3 * (a + b) \<up> 2)";
   135 val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   136 if UnparseC.term t = "(a \<up> 2 + 2 * a * b + b \<up> 2) / (x \<up> 2 + - 2 * x * y + y \<up> 2)"
   137 then () else error "rational.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 7";
   139 (*SRC Schalk I, p.66 Nr. 381b *)
   140 val t = TermC.str2term 
   141 "(4*x \<up> 2 - 20*x + 25)/(2*x - 5) \<up> 3";
   142 val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   143 if UnparseC.term t = "1 / (- 5 + 2 * x)"
   144 then () else error "rational.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 9";
   146 (*Schalk I, p.60 Nr. 215c *)
   147 val t = TermC.str2term "(a + b) \<up> 4 * (x - y)  /  ((x - y) \<up> 3 * (a + b) \<up> 2)";
   148 val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   149 if UnparseC.term t = "(a \<up> 2 + 2 * a * b + b \<up> 2) / (x \<up> 2 + - 2 * x * y + y \<up> 2)"
   150 then () else error "Schalk I, p.60 Nr. 215c: with Isabelle2002 cancellation incomplete, changed";