author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:06:56 +0200
changeset 38031 460c24a6a6ba
parent 38014 3e11e3c2dc42
child 38050 4c52ad406c20
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned error and writeln

# raise error --> error
# writeln in atomtyp, atomty, atomt and xmlsrc
     1 (* test for sml/ME/rewtools.sml
     2    authors: Walther Neuper 2000, 2006
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 use"../smltest/ME/rewtools.sml";
     6 use"rewtools.sml";
     7 *)
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "----------- fun collect_isab_thys -------------------------------";
    13 "----------- fun thy_containing_thm ------------------------------";
    14 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ------------------------------";
    16 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo -------------------";
    17 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ------------------";
    18 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ------------------";
    19 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy -----------------";
    20 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls -----------------";
    21 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ------------------"; 
    22 "----------- fun guh2theID ---------------------------------------";
    23 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl ----------";
    24 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    25 "----------- fun string_of_thmI for_[.]_) ------------------------";
    26 "----------- (sym_real_minus_eq_cancel, (?b1 = ?a1) ..._[.]_)-----";
    27 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    28 "----------- fun filter_appl_rews --------------------------------";
    29 "----------- fun is_contained_in ---------------------------------";
    30 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    31 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    35 "----------- fun collect_isab_thys -------------------------------";
    36 "----------- fun collect_isab_thys -------------------------------";
    37 "----------- fun collect_isab_thys -------------------------------";
    38 val thy = first_isac_thy (*def. in Script/ListG.ML*); 
    39 val {ancestors,...} = rep_theory thy;
    40 print_depth 99; map string_of_thy ancestors; print_depth 3;
    41 length ancestors;
    42 val ancestors = (#ancestors o rep_theory) first_isac_thy;
    43 length ancestors;
    44 print_depth 99; map theory2theory' ancestors; print_depth 3;
    45 val isabthms = (flat o (map PureThy.all_thms_of)) ancestors;
    46 length isabthms;
    48 val isacrules = (flat o (map (thms_of_rls o #2 o #2))) (!ruleset');
    49 (*thms from rulesets*)
    50 val isacrlsthms = ((map rep_thm_G') o flat o 
    51 		(map (PureThy.all_thms_of_rls o #2 o #2))) (!ruleset');
    52 length isacrlsthms;
    53 (*takes a few seconds...
    54 val isacrlsthms = gen_distinct eq_thmI isacrlsthms;
    55 length isacrlsthms;
    56 "----- theorems used in isac's rulesets -----vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv";
    57 print_depth 99; map #1 isacrlsthms; print_depth 3;
    58 "----- theorems used in isac's rulesets -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
    59 ...*)
    61 (!theory');
    62 map #2 (!theory');
    63 map (PureThy.all_thms_of o #2) (!theory');
    64 val isacthms = (flat o (map (PureThy.all_thms_of o #2))) (!theory');
    65 (*takes a few seconds...
    66 val rlsthmsNOTisac = gen_diff eq_thmI (isacrlsthms, isacthms);
    67 length rlsthmsNOTisac;
    68 "----- theorems from rulesets NOT def. in isac -----vvvvvvvvvvvvvv";
    69 print_depth 99; map #1 rlsthmsNOTisac; print_depth 3;
    70 "----- theorems from rulesets NOT def. in isac -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
    71 ...*)
    73 "----- for 'fun make_isab_thm_thy'";
    74 inter eq_thmI isacrlsthms (PureThy.all_thms_of (nth 1 ancestors));
    75 inter eq_thmI;
    76 (inter eq_thmI);
    77 (inter eq_thmI) isacrlsthms;
    78 (*takes a few seconds...
    79 curry (inter eq_thmI) isacrlsthms (PureThy.all_thms_of (nth 9 ancestors));
    81 val thy = (nth 52 ancestors);
    82 val sec = ((inter eq_thmI) isacrlsthms o PureThy.all_thms_of) (nth 52 ancestors);
    83 length (PureThy.all_thms_of (nth 9 ancestors));
    84 length sec;
    85 ...*)
    87 (*takes 1 minute...
    88 print_depth 99; 
    89 map ((inter eq_thmI) rlsthmsNOTisac o PureThy.all_thms_of) ancestors;
    90 print_depth 3;
    91 *)
    93 (*takes some seconds...
    94 val isab_thm_thy = (flat o (map (make_isab_thm_thy rlsthmsNOTisac)))
    95 		       ((#ancestors o rep_theory) first_isac_thy);
    96 print_depth 99; isab_thm_thy; print_depth 3;
    97 *)
   100 "----------- fun thy_containing_thm ------------------------------";
   101 "----------- fun thy_containing_thm ------------------------------";
   102 "----------- fun thy_containing_thm ------------------------------";
   103 val (str, (thy', thy)) = ("real_diff_minus",("Root.thy", Root.thy));
   104 if thy_contains_thm str ("XXX",thy) then ()
   105 else error "rewtools.sml: NOT thy_contains_thm \
   106 		 \(real_diff_minus,(Root.thy,.";
   107 (rev (!theory'));
   108 dropuntil (curry op= thy');
   109 dropuntil ((curry op= thy') o (#1:theory' * theory -> theory'));
   110 val startsearch = dropuntil ((curry op= thy') o 
   111 			     (#1:theory' * theory -> theory')) 
   112 			    (rev (!theory'));
   113 if thy_containing_thm thy' str = ("IsacKnowledge", "Root.thy") then ()
   114 else error "rewtools.sml: NOT thy_containin_thm \
   115 		 \(real_diff_minus,(Root.thy,.";
   117 "----- search the same theorem somewhere further below in the list";
   118 if thy_contains_thm str ("XXX",Poly.thy) then ()
   119 else error "rewtools.sml: NOT thy_contains_thm \
   120 		 \(real_diff_minus,(Poly.thy,.";
   121 if thy_containing_thm "LinEq.thy" str = ("IsacKnowledge", "Poly.thy") then ()
   122 else error "rewtools.sml: NOT thy_containing_thm \
   123 		 \(real_diff_minus,(Poly.thy,.";
   125 "----- second test -------------------------------";
   126 show_thes();
   127 (*args vor thy_containing_thm...*)
   128 val (thy',str) = ("Test.thy", "radd_commute");
   129 val startsearch = dropuntil ((curry op= thy') o 
   130 				     (#1:theory' * theory -> theory')) 
   131 				    (rev (!theory'));
   132 length (!theory');
   133 length startsearch;
   134 if thy_containing_thm thy' str = ("IsacKnowledge", "Test.thy") then ()
   135 else error "rewtools.sml: diff.behav. in \
   136 		 \thy_containing_thm Test radd_commute";
   139 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ------------------------------";
   140 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ------------------------------";
   141 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ------------------------------";
   142 val thy' = "Biegelinie.thy";
   143 val dropthys = takewhile [] (not o (curry op= thy') o 
   144 			     (#1:theory' * theory -> theory')) 
   145 			 (rev (!theory'));
   146 if length (!theory') <> length dropthys then ()
   147 else error "rewtools.sml: diff.behav. in thy_containing_rls 1";
   148 val dropthy's = map (get_thy o (#1 : (theory' * theory) -> theory'))
   149 		    dropthys;
   150 print_depth 99; dropthy's; print_depth 3;
   152 (*WN100819========================================================
   153 "Isac" mem dropthy's;
   154 op mem ("Isac", dropthy's);
   155 (op mem) o swap;
   156 ((op mem) o swap) (dropthy's, "Isac");
   157 curry ((op mem) o swap);
   158 curry ((op mem) o swap) dropthy's "Isac";
   159 val startsearch = filter_out ((curry ((op mem) o swap) dropthy's) o	 
   160 			      ((#1 o #2) : rls' * (theory' * rls) -> theory'))
   161 			     (rev (!ruleset'));
   162 print_depth 99; map (#1 o #2) startsearch; print_depth 3;
   163 if length (!ruleset') <> length startsearch then ()
   164 else error "rewtools.sml: diff.behav. in thy_containing_rls 2";
   166 val rls' = "norm_Poly";
   167 case assoc (startsearch, rls') of
   168     SOME (thy', _) => thyID2theory' thy'
   169   | _ => error ("thy_containing_rls : rls '"^str^
   170 			  "' not in !rulset' und thy '"^thy'^"'");
   172 if thy_containing_rls thy' rls' = ("IsacKnowledge", "Poly.thy") then ()
   173 else error "rewtools.sml: diff.behav. in thy_containing_rls 3";
   176 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ------------------------------";
   177 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ------------------------------";
   178 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ------------------------------";
   179 val thy' = "Atools.thy";
   180 val dropthys = takewhile [] (not o (curry op= thy') o 
   181 			     (#1:theory' * theory -> theory')) 
   182 			 (rev (!theory'));
   183 length dropthys <> length (!theory');
   184 val dropthy's = map (get_thy o (#1 : (theory' * theory) -> theory'))
   185 		    dropthys;
   187 (rev (!calclist'));
   188 map #1 (rev (!calclist'));
   189 map (#1 : calc -> string) (rev (!calclist'));
   190 val startsearch = filter_out ((curry ((op mem) o swap) dropthy's) o
   191 			      (#1 : calc -> string)) (rev (!calclist'));
   192 ========================================================WN100819*)
   194 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo -------------------";
   195 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo -------------------";
   196 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo -------------------";
   197 states:=[];
   198 CalcTree
   199 [(["functionTerm (2 * x)","integrateBy x","antiDerivative FF"], 
   200   ("Integrate.thy",["integrate","function"],
   201   ["diff","integration"]))];
   202 Iterator 1;
   203 moveActiveRoot 1;
   204 (*TODO.new_c: cvs before 071227, 11:50------------------
   205 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   206 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   207 interSteps 1 ([1,1],Res);
   208 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   209 if existpt' ([1,1,1], Frm) pt then ()
   210 else error "integrate.sml: interSteps on Rewrite_Set_Inst 1";
   212 initContext  1 Thy_ ([1,1,1], Frm);
   213 --------------------TODO.new_c: cvs before 071227, 11:50*)
   215 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ------------------";
   216 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ------------------";
   217 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ------------------";
   218 states:=[];
   219 CalcTree      (*start of calculation, return No.1*)
   220 [(["equality (x+1=2)", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   221   ("Test.thy", 
   222    ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   223    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   224 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   225 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   227 "----- no thy-context at result -----";
   228 val p = ([], Res);
   229 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   232 interSteps 1 ([2], Res);
   233 interSteps 1 ([3,1], Res);
   234 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   236 val p = ([2,4], Res);
   237 val tac = Rewrite ("radd_left_commute","");
   238 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   239 (*Res->Res, Rewrite "radd_left_commute 1 + (-2 + x) = 0 -> -2 + (1 + x) = 0
   240   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   241 val ContThm {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   242 if thm = "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute" 
   243    andalso term2str result = "-2 + (1 + x) = 0" then ()
   244 else error"rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   246 val p = ([3,1,1], Frm);
   247 val tac = Rewrite_Inst (["(bdv, x)"],("risolate_bdv_add",""));
   248 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   249 (*Frm->Res, Rewrite_Inst "risolate_bdv_add"  -1 + x = 0 -> x = 0 + -1 * -1
   250   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   251 val ContThmInst {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   252 if thm =  "thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add"
   253    andalso term2str result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   254 else error "rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   256 initContext 1 Thy_ ([2,5], Res);
   257 (*Res->Res, Calculate "plus"  -2 + (1 + x) = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   258   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   261 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ------------------";
   262 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ------------------";
   263 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ------------------";
   264 (*using pt from above*)
   265 val p = ([1], Res);
   266 val tac = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify";
   267 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   268 (*Res->Res, Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   269   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   270 val ContRls {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   271 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify" 
   272    andalso term2str result = "-1 + x = 0" then ()
   273 else error "rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   275 val p = ([3,1], Frm);
   276 val tac = Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(bdv, x)"],"isolate_bdv");
   277 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   278 (*Frm->Res, Rewrite_Set_Inst "isolate_bdv" -1 + x = 0 ->  x = 0 + -1 * -1
   279   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   280 val ContRlsInst {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   281 if rls =  "thy_isac_Test-rls-isolate_bdv"
   282    andalso term2str result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   283 else error "rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   287 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy -----------------";
   288 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy -----------------";
   289 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy -----------------";
   290 (*using pt from above*)
   292 val p = ([2,4], Res);
   293 val tac = Rewrite ("radd_left_commute","");
   294 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   295 (* radd_left_commute: 1 + (-2 + x) = 0 -> -2 + (1 + x) = 0
   296   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   297 val ContThm {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   298 if thm =  "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute"
   299    andalso term2str result = "-2 + (1 + x) = 0" then ()
   300 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext.._ thy_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   302 val p = ([3,1,1], Frm);
   303 val tac = Rewrite_Inst (["(bdv,x)"],("risolate_bdv_add",""));
   304 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   305 (* risolate_bdv_add:  -1 + x = 0 -> x = 0 + -1 * -1
   306   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   307 val ContThmInst {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   308 if thm =  "thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add"
   309    andalso term2str result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   310 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..T_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   312 val p = ([2,5], Res);
   313 val tac = Calculate "plus";
   314 (*checkContext..Thy_ 1 ([2,5], Res);*)
   315 (*FIXXXME #######################vvvvv kestoreID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*)
   316 checkContext 1 p ;
   317 (* Calculate "plus"  -2 + (1 + x) = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   318   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   321 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls -----------------";
   322 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls -----------------";
   323 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls -----------------";
   324 (*using pt from above*)
   325 show_pt pt;
   327 val p = ([1], Res);
   328 val tac = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify";
   329 checkContext 1 p "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   330 (*Res->Res, Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   331   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   332 val ContRls {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   333 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify" 
   334    andalso term2str result = "-1 + x = 0" then ()
   335 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..Thy_ thy_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   337 val p = ([3,1], Frm);
   338 val tac = Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(bdv, x)"],"isolate_bdv");
   339 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-rls-isolate_bdv";
   340 val ContRlsInst {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   341 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-isolate_bdv" 
   342    andalso term2str result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   343 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..Thy_ thy_Test-thm-isolate_bdv";
   346 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ------------------"; 
   347 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ------------------"; 
   348 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ------------------"; 
   349 states:=[];
   350 CalcTree      (*start of calculation, return No.1*)
   351 [(["equality (x+1=2)", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   352   ("Test.thy", 
   353    ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   354    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   355 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   357 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   358 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   359 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   360 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1], Frm);
   361 checkContext 1 ([1], Frm) "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   363 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   364 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   365 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1], Res);
   366 checkContext 1 ([1], Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   370 "----------- fun guh2theID ---------------------------------------";
   371 "----------- fun guh2theID ---------------------------------------";
   372 "----------- fun guh2theID ---------------------------------------";
   373 val guh = "thy_scri_ListG-thm-zip_Nil";
   375 take_fromto 1 4 (explode guh);
   376 take_fromto 5 9 (explode guh);
   377 val rest = takerest (9,(explode guh)); 
   379 separate "-" rest;
   380 space_implode "-" rest;
   381 commas rest;
   383 val delim = "-";
   384 val thyID = takewhile [] (not o (curry op= delim)) rest;
   385 val rest' = dropuntil (curry op= delim) rest;
   386 val setc = take_fromto 1 5 rest';
   387 val xstr = takerest (5, rest');
   389 if guh2theID guh = ["IsacScripts", "ListG", "Theorems", "zip_Nil"] then ()
   390 else error "rewtools.sml: guh2theID thy_scri_ListG-thm-zip_Nil changed";
   393 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl ----------";
   394 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl ----------";
   395 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl ----------";
   396 "----- initContext -----";
   397 states:=[];
   398 CalcTree 
   399     [(["equality (1+-1*2+x=0)", "solveFor x", "solutions L"],
   400       ("Test.thy",
   401        ["linear","univariate","equation","test"],
   402        ["Test","solve_linear"]))];
   403 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   404 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   406 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   407 if is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Frm) then ()
   408 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Frm)";
   410 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   411 if not (is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Frm)) then ()
   412 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Frm) not";
   413 if is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Res) then ()
   414 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Res)";
   416 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1],Res);
   418 "----- checkContext -----";
   419 states:=[];
   420 CalcTree 
   421     [(["equality (1+-1*2+x=0)", "solveFor x", "solutions L"],
   422       ("Test.thy",
   423        ["linear","univariate","equation","test"],
   424        ["Test","solve_linear"]))];
   425 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   426 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   427 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   428 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   430 checkContext 1 ([1],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   432 interSteps 1 ([2],Res);
   433 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   435 checkContext 1 ([2,1],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   436 checkContext 1 ([2,2],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   439 "----------- fun string_of_thmI for_[.]_) ------------------------";
   440 "----------- fun string_of_thmI for_[.]_) ------------------------";
   441 "----------- fun string_of_thmI for_[.]_) ------------------------";
   442 "----- these work ?!?";
   443 val th = sym_thm real_minus_eq_cancel;
   444 val Th = sym_Thm (Thm ("real_minus_eq_cancel", real_minus_eq_cancel));
   445 val th'= mk_thm Isac.thy ((de_quote o string_of_thm) real_minus_eq_cancel);
   446 val th'= mk_thm Biegelinie.thy((de_quote o string_of_thm)real_minus_eq_cancel);
   448 "----- DIFFERENCE TO ABOVE ?!?: this is still ok, when called in next_tac...";
   449 val ((pt,(p,p_)), _) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   450 val Appl (Rewrite' (_,_,_,_,thm',_,_)) =
   451     applicable_in (p,p_) pt (Rewrite ("sym_real_minus_eq_cancel",""));
   452 "- compose stac as done in | appy (*leaf*) by handle_leaf";
   453 val (th, sr, E, a, v, t) = 
   454     ("Biegelinie.thy", 
   455      (#srls o get_met) ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen"],
   456      [(str2term "q__::bool", str2term "q x = q_0")], 
   457      SOME (str2term "q x = q_0"),
   458      str2term "q__::bool", 
   459      str2term "(Rewrite sym_real_minus_eq_cancel False) (q__::bool)");
   460 val (a', STac stac) = handle_leaf "next  " th sr E a v t;
   461 term2str stac;
   462 "--- but this \"m\" is already corrupted";
   463 val (m,_) = stac2tac_ EmptyPtree (assoc_thy th) stac;
   464 "- because in assoc_thm'...";
   465 val (thy, (thmid, ct')) = (Biegelinie.thy, ("sym_real_minus_eq_cancel",""));
   466 val "s"::"y"::"m"::"_"::id = explode thmid;
   467 ((num_str o (get_thm thy)) (implode id)) RS sym;
   468 ((get_thm thy) (implode id)) RS sym;
   469 "... this creates [.]";
   470 ((get_thm thy) (implode id));
   471 "... while this has _NO_ [.]";
   473 "----- thus we repair the [.] in string_of_thmI...";
   474 val thm = ((num_str o (get_thm thy)) (implode id)) RS sym;
   475 if string_of_thmI thm = "(?b1 = ?a1) = (- ?b1 = - ?a1)" then ()
   476 else error ("rewtools.sml: string_of_thmI " ^ string_of_thm thm ^
   477 		  " = " ^ string_of_thmI thm);
   480 "----------- (sym_real_minus_eq_cancel, (?b1 = ?a1) ..._[.]_)-----";
   481 "----------- (sym_real_minus_eq_cancel, (?b1 = ?a1) ..._[.]_)-----";
   482 "----------- (sym_real_minus_eq_cancel, (?b1 = ?a1) ..._[.]_)-----";
   483 states:=[];
   484 CalcTree [(["Traegerlaenge L","Streckenlast q_0","Biegelinie y",
   485 	     "RandbedingungenBiegung [y 0 = 0, y L = 0]",
   486 	     "RandbedingungenMoment [M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]",
   487 	     "FunktionsVariable x"],
   488 	    ("Biegelinie.thy",
   489 	     ["MomentBestimmte","Biegelinien"],
   490 	     ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen"]))];
   491 moveActiveRoot 1;
   492 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   493 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1) (*Apply_Method*);
   494 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1) (*->GENERATED ([1], Frm)*);
   495 "--- this was corrupted before 'fun string_of_thmI'";
   496 val ((pt,(p,p_)), _) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   497 if get_obj g_tac pt p = Rewrite ("sym_real_minus_eq_cancel", 
   498 				 "(?b1 = ?a1) = (- ?b1 = - ?a1)") then ()
   499 else error "rewtools.sml: string_of_thmI ?!?";
   501 getTactic 1 ([1],Frm);
   503 "----------- fun filter_appl_rews --------------------------------";
   504 "----------- fun filter_appl_rews --------------------------------";
   505 "----------- fun filter_appl_rews --------------------------------";
   506 val f = str2term "a + z + 2*a + 3*z + 5 + 6";
   507 val thy = assoc_thy "Isac.thy";
   508 val subst = [(*TODO.WN071231 test Rewrite_Inst*)];
   509 val rls = Test_simplify;
   510 (* val rls = rls_p_33;      filter_appl_rews  ---> length 2
   511    val rls = norm_Poly;     filter_appl_rews  ---> length 1
   512    *)
   513 if filter_appl_rews thy subst f rls =
   514    [Rewrite ("radd_commute", "?m + ?n = ?n + ?m"),
   515     Rewrite ("radd_assoc", "?m + ?n + ?k = ?m + (?n + ?k)"),
   516     Calculate "plus"] then () 
   517 else error "rewtools.sml filter_appl_rews a + z + 2*a + 3*z + 5 + 6";
   520 "----------- fun is_contained_in ---------------------------------";
   521 "----------- fun is_contained_in ---------------------------------";
   522 "----------- fun is_contained_in ---------------------------------";
   523 val r1 = Thm ("real_diff_minus",num_str @{thm real_diff_minus});
   524 if contains_rule r1 Test_simplify then ()
   525 else error "rewtools.sml contains_rule Thm";
   527 val r1 = Calc ("Groups.plus_class.plus", eval_binop "#add_");
   528 if contains_rule r1 Test_simplify then ()
   529 else error "rewtools.sml contains_rule Calc";
   531 val r1 = Calc ("Groups.minus_class.minus", eval_binop "#add_");
   532 if not (contains_rule r1 Test_simplify) then ()
   533 else error "rewtools.sml contains_rule Calc";