author Walther Neuper <>
Fri, 23 Mar 2018 10:14:39 +0100
changeset 59411 3e241a6938ce
parent 59409 b832f1f20bce
child 59416 229e5c9cf78b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Celem: Test_Isac partially

"xxxe_rew_ordxxx" has slipped in with last changeset.
     1 (* tools which depend on Script.thy and thus are not in termC.sml
     2    (c) Walther Neuper 2000
     3 *)
     5 signature LANGUAGE_TOOLS =
     6   sig
     7     datatype stacexpr = Expr of term | STac of term
     8     val rep_stacexpr: stacexpr -> term
     9     val subst_stacexpr: (term * term) list -> term option -> term -> term -> term option * stacexpr
    10     val contain_bdv: Celem.rule list -> bool
    11     val contains_bdv: thm -> bool
    12     type env = (term * term) list
    13     val upd_env: env -> term * term -> env
    14     val is_booll_dsc: term -> bool
    15     val is_calc: term -> bool
    16     val is_dsc: term -> bool
    17     val is_list_dsc: term -> bool
    18     val is_reall_dsc: term -> bool
    19     val is_unl: term -> bool
    20     val pblterm: Celem.domID -> Celem.pblID -> term
    21     val subpbl: string -> string list -> term
    22     val stacpbls: term -> term list
    23     val one_scr_arg: term -> term
    24     val two_scr_arg: term -> term * term
    25     val op_of_calc: term -> string
    26     val get_calcs: theory -> term -> (Celem.prog_calcID * (Celem.calID * Celem.eval_fn)) list
    27     val prep_rls: theory -> Celem.rls -> Celem.rls
    28 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    29   (* NONE *)
    30 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    31     val rule2stac: theory -> Celem.rule -> term
    32     val rule2stac_inst: theory -> Celem.rule -> term
    33     val @@ : term list -> term
    34 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    35   end
    37 (**)
    38 structure LTool(**): LANGUAGE_TOOLS(**) =
    39 struct
    40 (**)
    42 (* distinguish input to Model (deep embedding of terms as Isac's object language) *)
    43 fun is_reall_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type ("List.list", [Type ("Real.real", [])]), _]))) = true
    44   | is_reall_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type ("List.list", [Type ("Real.real", [])]),_])) $ _) = true
    45   | is_reall_dsc _ = false;
    46 fun is_booll_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type ("List.list", [Type ("HOL.bool", [])]), _]))) = true
    47   | is_booll_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type ("List.list", [Type ("HOL.bool", [])]),_])) $ _) = true
    48   | is_booll_dsc _ = false;
    49 fun is_list_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type("List.list", _), _]))) = true
    50   | is_list_dsc (Const (_, Type("fun", [Type("List.list", _), _])) $ _) = true
    51   (*WN:8.5.03: ???   TODO test/../scrtools.sml                ~~~~ ???*)
    52   | is_list_dsc _ = false;
    53 fun is_unl (Const (_, Type("fun", [_, Type("Tools.unl", _)]))) = true
    54   | is_unl _ = false;
    55 fun is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.nam",_)]))) = true
    56   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.una",_)]))) = true
    57   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.unl",_)]))) = true
    58   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.str",_)]))) = true
    59   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.toreal",_)]))) = true
    60   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.toreall",_)])))= true
    61   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.tobooll",_)])))= true
    62   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.unknow",_)])))= true
    63   | is_dsc (Const(_, Type("fun", [_, Type ("Tools.cpy",_)])))= true
    64   | is_dsc _ = false;
    67 (* make the term 'Subproblem (domID, pblID)' to a formula for frontend;
    68   needs to be here after def. Subproblem in Script.thy *)
    69 val subpbl_t $ (pair_t $ Free (_, _) $ _) = 
    70   (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory Script})) "Subproblem (Isac,[equation,univar])"
    71 val pbl_t $ _ = 
    72   (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory Script})) "Problem (Isac,[equation,univar])"
    73 val Free (_, ID_type) = (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory Script})) "xxx::ID"
    75 fun subpbl domID pblID =
    76   subpbl_t $ (pair_t $ Free (domID, ID_type) $ 
    77     (((TermC.list2isalist ID_type) o (map (TermC.mk_free ID_type))) pblID));
    78 fun pblterm domID pblID =
    79   pbl_t $ (pair_t $ Free (domID,ID_type) $ 
    80 	  (((TermC.list2isalist ID_type) o (map (TermC.mk_free ID_type))) pblID));
    82 (* construct scr-env from scr(created automatically) and Rewrite_Set *)
    83 fun one_scr_arg (Const _ $ arg $ _) = arg
    84   | one_scr_arg t = error ("one_scr_arg: called by " ^ Celem.term2str t);
    85 fun two_scr_arg (Const _ $ a1 $ a2 $ _) = (a1, a2)
    86   | two_scr_arg t = error ("two_scr_arg: called by " ^ Celem.term2str t);
    89 (** generate a "type calc" from a script **)
    91 (* instantiate a stactic or scriptexpr, and ev. attach (curried) argument
    92 args:
    93    E       environment
    94    v       current value, is attached to curried stactics
    95    stac     stactic to be instantiated
    96 precond:
    97    not (a = NONE) /\ (v = e_term) /\ (stac curried, i.e. without last arg.)
    98    this ........................ is the initialization for assy with l=[],
    99    but the 1st stac is
   100    (a) curried:     then (a = SOME _), or 
   101    (b) not curried: then the values of the initialization are not used
   102 *)
   103 datatype stacexpr = STac of term | Expr of term
   104 fun rep_stacexpr (STac t ) = t
   105   | rep_stacexpr (Expr t) = 
   106     error ("rep_stacexpr called with t= " ^ Celem.term2str t);
   108 type env = (term * term) list;
   110 (* update environment; t <> empty if coming from listexpr *)
   111 fun upd_env (env:env) (v,t) =
   112   let val env' = if t = Celem.e_term then env else overwrite (env,(v,t));
   113   in env' end;
   115 (* substitute the script's environment in a leaf of the script's parse-tree
   116    and attach the curried argument of a tactic, if any.
   117    a leaf is either a tactic or an 'exp' in 'let v = expr'
   118    where 'exp' does not contain a tactic.
   119 CAUTION: (1) currying with @@ requires 2 patterns for each tactic
   120          (2) the non-curried version must return NONE for a 
   121 	       (3) non-matching patterns become an Expr by fall-through.
   122 WN060906 quick and dirty fix: due to (2) a is returned, too *)
   123 fun subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite",_) $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   124     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   125   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite",_) $ _ $ _)) =
   126     (a, (*in these cases we hope, that a = SOME _*)
   127      STac (case a of SOME a' => (subst_atomic E (t $ a'))
   128 		   | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   129   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ 
   130 	      (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Inst", _) $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   131     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   132   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Inst", _) $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   133     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   134 	     | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   135   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   136     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   137   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ _ $ _)) =
   138     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   139 	     | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   140   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ 
   141 	      (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   142     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   143   | subst_stacexpr E a v 
   144 	      (t as (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ _ $ _ $ _)) =
   145     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   146 	     | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   147   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Calculate", _) $ _ $ _)) =
   148     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   149   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Calculate", _) $ _)) =
   150     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   151 	     | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   152   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ 
   153 	      (t as (Const ("Script.Check'_elementwise",_) $ _ $ _)) = 
   154     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   155   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Check'_elementwise", _) $ _)) = 
   156     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   157 		 | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   158   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Or'_to'_List", _) $ _)) = 
   159     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   160   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Or'_to'_List", _))) = (*t $ v*)
   161     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   162 		 | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   163   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.SubProblem", _) $ _ $ _)) =
   164     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   165   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Take",_) $ _)) =
   166     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   167   | subst_stacexpr E _ _ (t as (Const ("Script.Substitute", _) $ _ $ _)) =
   168     (NONE, STac (subst_atomic E t))
   169   | subst_stacexpr E a v (t as (Const ("Script.Substitute", _) $ _)) =
   170     (a, STac (case a of SOME a' => subst_atomic E (t $ a')
   171 		 | NONE => ((subst_atomic E t) $ v)))
   172   (*now all tactics are matched out and this leaf must be without a tactic*)
   173   | subst_stacexpr E a v t = 
   174     (a, Expr (subst_atomic (case a of SOME a => upd_env E (a,v) 
   175 				| NONE => E) t));
   177 (* fetch tactics from a program omitting tacticals like While, Repeat,.. *)
   178 fun stacpbls (_ $ body) =
   179     let
   180       fun scan (Const ("HOL.Let", _) $ e $ (Abs (_, _, b))) = (scan e) @ (scan b)
   181         | scan (Const ("If", _) $ _ $ e1 $ e2) = (scan e1) @ (scan e2)
   182         | scan (Const ("Script.While", _) $ _ $ e $ _) = scan e
   183         | scan (Const ("Script.While", _) $ _ $ e) = scan e
   184         | scan (Const ("Script.Repeat", _) $ e $ _) = scan e
   185         | scan (Const ("Script.Repeat", _) $ e) = scan e
   186         | scan (Const ("Script.Try", _) $ e $ _) = scan e
   187         | scan (Const ("Script.Try", _) $ e) = scan e
   188         | scan (Const ("Script.Or", _) $ e1 $ e2 $ _) = (scan e1) @ (scan e2)
   189         | scan (Const ("Script.Or", _) $ e1 $ e2) = (scan e1) @ (scan e2)
   190         | scan (Const ("Script.Seq", _) $ e1 $ e2 $ _) = (scan e1) @ (scan e2)
   191         | scan (Const ("Script.Seq", _) $ e1 $ e2) = (scan e1) @ (scan e2)
   192         | scan t = case subst_stacexpr [] NONE Celem.e_term t of
   193   			  (_, STac _) => [t] | (_, Expr _) => []
   194     in (distinct o scan) body end
   195   | stacpbls t = raise ERROR ("fun stacpbls not applicable to '" ^ Celem.term2str t ^ "'")
   197 (* get operators out of a program *)
   198 fun is_calc (Const ("Script.Calculate",_) $ _) = true
   199   | is_calc (Const ("Script.Calculate",_) $ _ $ _) = true
   200   | is_calc _ = false;
   201 fun op_of_calc (Const ("Script.Calculate",_) $ Free (op_,_)) = op_
   202   | op_of_calc (Const ("Script.Calculate",_) $ Free (op_,_) $ _) = op_
   203   | op_of_calc t = error ("op_of_calc called with" ^ Celem.term2str t);
   204 fun get_calcs thy sc =
   205     sc
   206     |> stacpbls
   207     |> filter is_calc
   208     |> map op_of_calc
   209     |> (assoc_calc' thy |> map);
   211 (** build up a program from rules **)
   213 (* transform type rule to a term *)
   214 val ScrStep $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory}))
   215   (*'z not affected by parse: 'a --> real*)
   216 	"Script Stepwise (t_t::'z) =\
   217         \(Repeat\
   218 	\  ((Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_diff_minus False))) @@  \
   219 	\   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_commute False))) @@ \
   220 	\   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_commute False))))  \
   221 	\  t_t)";
   222 (*WN060605 script-arg (t_::'z) and "Free (t_, 'a)" at end of body are inconsistent !!!*)
   223 val ScrStep_inst $ Term $ Bdv $ _= (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory}))
   224   (*'z not affected by parse: 'a --> real*)
   225 	"Script Stepwise_inst (t_t::'z) (v::real) =\
   226         \(Repeat\
   227 	\  ((Try (Repeat (Rewrite_Inst [(bdv,v)] real_diff_minus False))) @@ \
   228 	\   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite_Inst [(bdv,v)] add_commute False))) @@\
   229 	\   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite_Inst [(bdv,v)] mult_commute False)))) \
   230 	\  t_t)"; 
   231 val Repeat $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   232 	"Repeat (Rewrite real_diff_minus False t)";
   233 val Try $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   234 	"Try (Rewrite real_diff_minus False t)";
   235 val Cal $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   236 	"Calculate PLUS";
   237 val Ca1 $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   238 	"Calculate1 PLUS";
   239 val Rew $ (Free (_, IDtype)) $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   240 	"Rewrite real_diff_minus False t";
   241 val Rew_Inst $ Subs $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   242 	"Rewrite_Inst [(bdv,v)] real_diff_minus False";
   243 val Rew_Set $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   244 	"Rewrite_Set real_diff_minus False";
   245 val Rew_Set_Inst $ _ $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   246 	"Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v)] real_diff_minus False";
   247 val SEq $ _ $ _ $ _ = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parseN @{theory})) 
   248 	"  ((Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_diff_minus False))) @@  \
   249         \   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_commute False))) @@ \
   250         \   (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_commute False)))) t";
   252 fun rule2stac _ (Celem.Thm (thmID, _)) = Try $ (Repeat $ (Rew $ Free (thmID, IDtype) $ @{term False}))
   253   | rule2stac thy (Celem.Calc (c, _)) = Try $ (Repeat $ (Cal $ Free (assoc_calc thy c, IDtype)))
   254   | rule2stac thy (Celem.Cal1 (c, _)) = Try $ (Repeat $ (Ca1 $ Free (assoc_calc thy c, IDtype)))
   255   | rule2stac _ (Celem.Rls_ rls) = Try $ (Rew_Set $ Free (Celem.id_rls rls, IDtype) $ @{term False})
   256   | rule2stac _ r = raise ERROR ("rule2stac: not applicable to \"" ^ Celem.rule2str r ^ "\"");
   257 fun rule2stac_inst _ (Celem.Thm (thmID, _)) = 
   258     Try $ (Repeat $ (Rew_Inst $ Subs $ Free (thmID, IDtype) $ 
   259 			      @{term False}))
   260   | rule2stac_inst thy (Celem.Calc (c, _)) = 
   261     Try $ (Repeat $ (Cal $ Free (assoc_calc thy c, IDtype)))
   262   | rule2stac_inst thy (Celem.Cal1 (c, _)) = 
   263     Try $ (Repeat $ (Cal $ Free (assoc_calc thy c, IDtype)))
   264   | rule2stac_inst _ (Celem.Rls_ rls) = 
   265     Try $ (Rew_Set_Inst $ Subs $ Free (Celem.id_rls rls, IDtype) $ 
   266 			@{term False})
   267   | rule2stac_inst _ r = raise ERROR ("rule2stac_inst: not applicable to \"" ^ Celem.rule2str r ^ "\"");
   269 (*for appropriate nesting take stacs in _reverse_ order*)
   270 fun op @@@ sts [s] = SEq $ s $ sts
   271   | op @@@ sts (s::ss) = op @@@ (SEq $ s $ sts) ss
   272   | op @@@ t ts =
   273     raise ERROR ("fun @@@ not applicable to \"" ^ Celem.term2str t ^ "\" \"" ^ Celem.terms2str ts  ^ "\"");
   274 fun @@ [stac] = stac
   275   | @@ [s1, s2] = SEq $ s1 $ s2
   276   | @@ stacs = case rev stacs of
   277       s3 :: s2 :: ss => op @@@ (SEq $ s2 $ s3) ss
   278     | ts => raise ERROR ("fun @@ not applicable to \"" ^ Celem.terms2str ts ^ "\"")
   280 val contains_bdv = (not o null o (filter TermC.is_bdv) o TermC.ids2str o #prop o Thm.rep_thm);
   282 (* does a rule contain a 'bdv'; descend recursively into Rls_ *)
   283 fun contain_bdv [] = false
   284   | contain_bdv (Celem.Thm (_, thm) :: rs) = 
   285     if (not o contains_bdv) thm
   286     then contain_bdv rs
   287     else true
   288   | contain_bdv (Celem.Calc _ :: rs) = contain_bdv rs
   289   | contain_bdv (Celem.Cal1 _ :: rs) = contain_bdv rs
   290   | contain_bdv (Celem.Rls_ rls :: rs) = 
   291     contain_bdv (Celem.get_rules rls) orelse contain_bdv rs
   292   | contain_bdv (r :: _) = 
   293     error ("contain_bdv called with [" ^ Celem.id_rule r ^ ",...]");
   295 fun rules2scr_Rls thy rules = (*WN100816 t_ -> t_t like "Script Stepwise..*)
   296     if contain_bdv rules
   297     then ScrStep_inst $ Term $ Bdv $ (Repeat $ (((@@ o (map (rule2stac_inst thy))) rules) $ Celem.e_term))
   298     else ScrStep $ Term $ (Repeat $ (((@@ o (map (rule2stac thy))) rules) $ Celem.e_term));
   299 fun rules2scr_Seq thy rules = (*WN100816 t_ -> t_t like "Script Stepwise..*)
   300     if contain_bdv rules
   301     then ScrStep_inst $ Term $ Bdv $ 
   302 	 (((@@ o (map (rule2stac_inst thy))) rules) $ Celem.e_term)
   303     else ScrStep $ Term $
   304 	 (((@@ o (map (rule2stac thy))) rules) $ Celem.e_term);
   306 (* prepare the input for an rls for use:
   307    # generate a script for stepwise execution of the rls
   308    # filter the operators for Calc out of the script ?WN111014?
   309    !!!use this function while storing (TODO integrate..) into KEStore_Elems.add_rlss *)
   310 fun prep_rls _ Celem.Erls = error "prep_rls: not required for Erls"
   311   | prep_rls thy (Celem.Rls {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, rules, errpatts, ...}) = 
   312       let val sc = (rules2scr_Rls thy rules)
   313       in Celem.Rls {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls,
   314 	      srls = srls,
   315 	      calc = get_calcs thy sc,
   316 	      rules = rules,
   317 	      errpatts = errpatts,
   318 	      scr = Celem.Prog sc} end
   319   | prep_rls thy (Celem.Seq {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, rules, errpatts, ...}) = 
   320       let val sc = (rules2scr_Seq thy rules)
   321       in Celem.Seq {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls,
   322 	      srls = srls,
   323 	      calc = get_calcs thy sc,
   324 	      rules = rules,
   325 	      errpatts = errpatts,
   326 	      scr = Celem.Prog sc} end
   327   | prep_rls _ (Celem.Rrls {id, ...}) = 
   328       error ("prep_rls: not required for Rrls \"" ^ id ^ "\"");
   330 end