author paulson
Tue, 19 Aug 2003 18:45:48 +0200
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     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{First-Order Logic}
     3 \index{first-order logic|(}
     5 Isabelle implements Gentzen's natural deduction systems {\sc nj} and {\sc
     6   nk}.  Intuitionistic first-order logic is defined first, as theory
     7 \thydx{IFOL}.  Classical logic, theory \thydx{FOL}, is
     8 obtained by adding the double negation rule.  Basic proof procedures are
     9 provided.  The intuitionistic prover works with derived rules to simplify
    10 implications in the assumptions.  Classical~\texttt{FOL} employs Isabelle's
    11 classical reasoner, which simulates a sequent calculus.
    13 \section{Syntax and rules of inference}
    14 The logic is many-sorted, using Isabelle's type classes.  The class of
    15 first-order terms is called \cldx{term} and is a subclass of \isa{logic}.
    16 No types of individuals are provided, but extensions can define types such
    17 as \isa{nat::term} and type constructors such as \isa{list::(term)term}
    18 (see the examples directory, \texttt{FOL/ex}).  Below, the type variable
    19 $\alpha$ ranges over class \isa{term}; the equality symbol and quantifiers
    20 are polymorphic (many-sorted).  The type of formulae is~\tydx{o}, which
    21 belongs to class~\cldx{logic}.  Figure~\ref{fol-syntax} gives the syntax.
    22 Note that $a$\verb|~=|$b$ is translated to $\neg(a=b)$.
    24 Figure~\ref{fol-rules} shows the inference rules with their names.
    25 Negation is defined in the usual way for intuitionistic logic; $\neg P$
    26 abbreviates $P\imp\bot$.  The biconditional~($\bimp$) is defined through
    27 $\conj$ and~$\imp$; introduction and elimination rules are derived for it.
    29 The unique existence quantifier, $\exists!x.P(x)$, is defined in terms
    30 of~$\exists$ and~$\forall$.  An Isabelle binder, it admits nested
    31 quantifications.  For instance, $\exists!x\;y.P(x,y)$ abbreviates
    32 $\exists!x. \exists!y.P(x,y)$; note that this does not mean that there
    33 exists a unique pair $(x,y)$ satisfying~$P(x,y)$.
    35 Some intuitionistic derived rules are shown in
    36 Fig.\ts\ref{fol-int-derived}, again with their names.  These include
    37 rules for the defined symbols $\neg$, $\bimp$ and $\exists!$.  Natural
    38 deduction typically involves a combination of forward and backward
    39 reasoning, particularly with the destruction rules $(\conj E)$,
    40 $({\imp}E)$, and~$(\forall E)$.  Isabelle's backward style handles these
    41 rules badly, so sequent-style rules are derived to eliminate conjunctions,
    42 implications, and universal quantifiers.  Used with elim-resolution,
    43 \tdx{allE} eliminates a universal quantifier while \tdx{all_dupE}
    44 re-inserts the quantified formula for later use.  The rules
    45 \isa{conj\_impE}, etc., support the intuitionistic proof procedure
    46 (see~\S\ref{fol-int-prover}).
    48 See the on-line theory library for complete listings of the rules and
    49 derived rules.
    51 \begin{figure} 
    52 \begin{center}
    53 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
    54   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\ 
    55   \cdx{Trueprop}& $o\To prop$           & coercion to $prop$\\
    56   \cdx{Not}     & $o\To o$              & negation ($\neg$) \\
    57   \cdx{True}    & $o$                   & tautology ($\top$) \\
    58   \cdx{False}   & $o$                   & absurdity ($\bot$)
    59 \end{tabular}
    60 \end{center}
    61 \subcaption{Constants}
    63 \begin{center}
    64 \begin{tabular}{llrrr} 
    65   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
    66   \sdx{ALL}  & \cdx{All}  & $(\alpha\To o)\To o$ & 10 & 
    67         universal quantifier ($\forall$) \\
    68   \sdx{EX}   & \cdx{Ex}   & $(\alpha\To o)\To o$ & 10 & 
    69         existential quantifier ($\exists$) \\
    70   \isa{EX!}  & \cdx{Ex1}  & $(\alpha\To o)\To o$ & 10 & 
    71         unique existence ($\exists!$)
    72 \end{tabular}
    73 \index{*"E"X"! symbol}
    74 \end{center}
    75 \subcaption{Binders} 
    77 \begin{center}
    78 \index{*"= symbol}
    79 \index{&@{\tt\&} symbol}
    80 \index{*"| symbol}
    81 \index{*"-"-"> symbol}
    82 \index{*"<"-"> symbol}
    83 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} 
    84   \it symbol    & \it meta-type         & \it priority & \it description \\ 
    85   \tt =         & $[\alpha,\alpha]\To o$ & Left 50 & equality ($=$) \\
    86   \tt \&        & $[o,o]\To o$          & Right 35 & conjunction ($\conj$) \\
    87   \tt |         & $[o,o]\To o$          & Right 30 & disjunction ($\disj$) \\
    88   \tt -->       & $[o,o]\To o$          & Right 25 & implication ($\imp$) \\
    89   \tt <->       & $[o,o]\To o$          & Right 25 & biconditional ($\bimp$) 
    90 \end{tabular}
    91 \end{center}
    92 \subcaption{Infixes}
    94 \dquotes
    95 \[\begin{array}{rcl}
    96  formula & = & \hbox{expression of type~$o$} \\
    97          & | & term " = " term \quad| \quad term " \ttilde= " term \\
    98          & | & "\ttilde\ " formula \\
    99          & | & formula " \& " formula \\
   100          & | & formula " | " formula \\
   101          & | & formula " --> " formula \\
   102          & | & formula " <-> " formula \\
   103          & | & "ALL~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   104          & | & "EX~~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   105          & | & "EX!~" id~id^* " . " formula
   106   \end{array}
   107 \]
   108 \subcaption{Grammar}
   109 \caption{Syntax of \texttt{FOL}} \label{fol-syntax}
   110 \end{figure}
   113 \begin{figure} 
   114 \begin{ttbox}
   115 \tdx{refl}        a=a
   116 \tdx{subst}       [| a=b;  P(a) |] ==> P(b)
   117 \subcaption{Equality rules}
   119 \tdx{conjI}       [| P;  Q |] ==> P&Q
   120 \tdx{conjunct1}   P&Q ==> P
   121 \tdx{conjunct2}   P&Q ==> Q
   123 \tdx{disjI1}      P ==> P|Q
   124 \tdx{disjI2}      Q ==> P|Q
   125 \tdx{disjE}       [| P|Q;  P ==> R;  Q ==> R |] ==> R
   127 \tdx{impI}        (P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q
   128 \tdx{mp}          [| P-->Q;  P |] ==> Q
   130 \tdx{FalseE}      False ==> P
   131 \subcaption{Propositional rules}
   133 \tdx{allI}        (!!x. P(x))  ==> (ALL x.P(x))
   134 \tdx{spec}        (ALL x.P(x)) ==> P(x)
   136 \tdx{exI}         P(x) ==> (EX x.P(x))
   137 \tdx{exE}         [| EX x.P(x);  !!x. P(x) ==> R |] ==> R
   138 \subcaption{Quantifier rules}
   140 \tdx{True_def}    True        == False-->False
   141 \tdx{not_def}     ~P          == P-->False
   142 \tdx{iff_def}     P<->Q       == (P-->Q) & (Q-->P)
   143 \tdx{ex1_def}     EX! x. P(x) == EX x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> y=x)
   144 \subcaption{Definitions}
   145 \end{ttbox}
   147 \caption{Rules of intuitionistic logic} \label{fol-rules}
   148 \end{figure}
   151 \begin{figure} 
   152 \begin{ttbox}
   153 \tdx{sym}       a=b ==> b=a
   154 \tdx{trans}     [| a=b;  b=c |] ==> a=c
   155 \tdx{ssubst}    [| b=a;  P(a) |] ==> P(b)
   156 \subcaption{Derived equality rules}
   158 \tdx{TrueI}     True
   160 \tdx{notI}      (P ==> False) ==> ~P
   161 \tdx{notE}      [| ~P;  P |] ==> R
   163 \tdx{iffI}      [| P ==> Q;  Q ==> P |] ==> P<->Q
   164 \tdx{iffE}      [| P <-> Q;  [| P-->Q; Q-->P |] ==> R |] ==> R
   165 \tdx{iffD1}     [| P <-> Q;  P |] ==> Q            
   166 \tdx{iffD2}     [| P <-> Q;  Q |] ==> P
   168 \tdx{ex1I}      [| P(a);  !!x. P(x) ==> x=a |]  ==>  EX! x. P(x)
   169 \tdx{ex1E}      [| EX! x.P(x);  !!x.[| P(x);  ALL y. P(y) --> y=x |] ==> R 
   170           |] ==> R
   171 \subcaption{Derived rules for \(\top\), \(\neg\), \(\bimp\) and \(\exists!\)}
   173 \tdx{conjE}     [| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   174 \tdx{impE}      [| P-->Q;  P;  Q ==> R |] ==> R
   175 \tdx{allE}      [| ALL x.P(x);  P(x) ==> R |] ==> R
   176 \tdx{all_dupE}  [| ALL x.P(x);  [| P(x); ALL x.P(x) |] ==> R |] ==> R
   177 \subcaption{Sequent-style elimination rules}
   179 \tdx{conj_impE} [| (P&Q)-->S;  P-->(Q-->S) ==> R |] ==> R
   180 \tdx{disj_impE} [| (P|Q)-->S;  [| P-->S; Q-->S |] ==> R |] ==> R
   181 \tdx{imp_impE}  [| (P-->Q)-->S;  [| P; Q-->S |] ==> Q;  S ==> R |] ==> R
   182 \tdx{not_impE}  [| ~P --> S;  P ==> False;  S ==> R |] ==> R
   183 \tdx{iff_impE}  [| (P<->Q)-->S; [| P; Q-->S |] ==> Q; [| Q; P-->S |] ==> P;
   184              S ==> R |] ==> R
   185 \tdx{all_impE}  [| (ALL x.P(x))-->S;  !!x.P(x);  S ==> R |] ==> R
   186 \tdx{ex_impE}   [| (EX x.P(x))-->S;  P(a)-->S ==> R |] ==> R
   187 \end{ttbox}
   188 \subcaption{Intuitionistic simplification of implication}
   189 \caption{Derived rules for intuitionistic logic} \label{fol-int-derived}
   190 \end{figure}
   193 \section{Generic packages}
   194 FOL instantiates most of Isabelle's generic packages.
   195 \begin{itemize}
   196 \item 
   197 It instantiates the simplifier, which is invoked through the method 
   198 \isa{simp}.  Both equality ($=$) and the biconditional
   199 ($\bimp$) may be used for rewriting.  
   201 \item 
   202 It instantiates the classical reasoner, which is invoked mainly through the 
   203 methods \isa{blast} and \isa{auto}.  See~\S\ref{fol-cla-prover}
   204 for details. 
   205 %
   206 %\item FOL provides the tactic \ttindex{hyp_subst_tac}, which substitutes for
   207 %  an equality throughout a subgoal and its hypotheses.  This tactic uses FOL's
   208 %  general substitution rule.
   209 \end{itemize}
   211 \begin{warn}\index{simplification!of conjunctions}%
   212   Simplifying $a=b\conj P(a)$ to $a=b\conj P(b)$ is often advantageous.  The
   213   left part of a conjunction helps in simplifying the right part.  This effect
   214   is not available by default: it can be slow.  It can be obtained by
   215   including the theorem \isa{conj_cong}\index{*conj_cong (rule)}%
   216   as a congruence rule in
   217   simplification, \isa{simp cong:\ conj\_cong}.
   218 \end{warn}
   221 \section{Intuitionistic proof procedures} \label{fol-int-prover}
   222 Implication elimination (the rules~\isa{mp} and~\isa{impE}) pose
   223 difficulties for automated proof.  In intuitionistic logic, the assumption
   224 $P\imp Q$ cannot be treated like $\neg P\disj Q$.  Given $P\imp Q$, we may
   225 use~$Q$ provided we can prove~$P$; the proof of~$P$ may require repeated
   226 use of $P\imp Q$.  If the proof of~$P$ fails then the whole branch of the
   227 proof must be abandoned.  Thus intuitionistic propositional logic requires
   228 backtracking.  
   230 For an elementary example, consider the intuitionistic proof of $Q$ from
   231 $P\imp Q$ and $(P\imp Q)\imp P$.  The implication $P\imp Q$ is needed
   232 twice:
   233 \[ \infer[({\imp}E)]{Q}{P\imp Q &
   234        \infer[({\imp}E)]{P}{(P\imp Q)\imp P & P\imp Q}} 
   235 \]
   236 The theorem prover for intuitionistic logic does not use~\isa{impE}.\@
   237 Instead, it simplifies implications using derived rules
   238 (Fig.\ts\ref{fol-int-derived}).  It reduces the antecedents of implications
   239 to atoms and then uses Modus Ponens: from $P\imp Q$ and~$P$ deduce~$Q$.
   240 The rules \tdx{conj_impE} and \tdx{disj_impE} are 
   241 straightforward: $(P\conj Q)\imp S$ is equivalent to $P\imp (Q\imp S)$, and
   242 $(P\disj Q)\imp S$ is equivalent to the conjunction of $P\imp S$ and $Q\imp
   243 S$.  The other \ldots\isa{\_impE} rules are unsafe; the method requires
   244 backtracking.  All the rules are derived in the same simple manner.
   246 Dyckhoff has independently discovered similar rules, and (more importantly)
   247 has demonstrated their completeness for propositional
   248 logic~\cite{dyckhoff}.  However, the tactics given below are not complete
   249 for first-order logic because they discard universally quantified
   250 assumptions after a single use. These are \ML{} functions, and are listed
   251 below with their \ML{} type:
   252 \begin{ttbox} 
   253 mp_tac              : int -> tactic
   254 eq_mp_tac           : int -> tactic
   255 IntPr.safe_step_tac : int -> tactic
   256 IntPr.safe_tac      :        tactic
   257 IntPr.inst_step_tac : int -> tactic
   258 IntPr.step_tac      : int -> tactic
   259 IntPr.fast_tac      : int -> tactic
   260 IntPr.best_tac      : int -> tactic
   261 \end{ttbox}
   262 Most of these belong to the structure \ML{} \texttt{IntPr} and resemble the
   263 tactics of Isabelle's classical reasoner.  Note that you can use the 
   264 \isa{tactic} method to call \ML{} tactics in an Isar script:
   265 \begin{isabelle}
   266 \isacommand{apply}\ (tactic\ {*\_tac 1*})
   267 \end{isabelle}
   268 Here is a description of each tactic:
   270 \begin{ttdescription}
   271 \item[\ttindexbold{mp_tac} {\it i}] 
   272 attempts to use \tdx{notE} or \tdx{impE} within the assumptions in
   273 subgoal $i$.  For each assumption of the form $\neg P$ or $P\imp Q$, it
   274 searches for another assumption unifiable with~$P$.  By
   275 contradiction with $\neg P$ it can solve the subgoal completely; by Modus
   276 Ponens it can replace the assumption $P\imp Q$ by $Q$.  The tactic can
   277 produce multiple outcomes, enumerating all suitable pairs of assumptions.
   279 \item[\ttindexbold{eq_mp_tac} {\it i}] 
   280 is like \texttt{mp_tac} {\it i}, but may not instantiate unknowns --- thus, it
   281 is safe.
   283 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.safe_step_tac} $i$] performs a safe step on
   284 subgoal~$i$.  This may include proof by assumption or Modus Ponens (taking
   285 care not to instantiate unknowns), or \texttt{hyp_subst_tac}. 
   287 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.safe_tac}] repeatedly performs safe steps on all 
   288 subgoals.  It is deterministic, with at most one outcome.
   290 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.inst_step_tac} $i$] is like \texttt{safe_step_tac},
   291 but allows unknowns to be instantiated.
   293 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.step_tac} $i$] tries \texttt{safe_tac} or {\tt
   294     inst_step_tac}, or applies an unsafe rule.  This is the basic step of
   295   the intuitionistic proof procedure.
   297 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.fast_tac} $i$] applies \texttt{step_tac}, using
   298 depth-first search, to solve subgoal~$i$.
   300 \item[\ttindexbold{IntPr.best_tac} $i$] applies \texttt{step_tac}, using
   301 best-first search (guided by the size of the proof state) to solve subgoal~$i$.
   302 \end{ttdescription}
   303 Here are some of the theorems that \texttt{IntPr.fast_tac} proves
   304 automatically.  The latter three date from {\it Principia Mathematica}
   305 (*11.53, *11.55, *11.61)~\cite{principia}.
   306 \begin{ttbox}
   307 ~~P & ~~(P --> Q) --> ~~Q
   308 (ALL x y. P(x) --> Q(y)) <-> ((EX x. P(x)) --> (ALL y. Q(y)))
   309 (EX x y. P(x) & Q(x,y)) <-> (EX x. P(x) & (EX y. Q(x,y)))
   310 (EX y. ALL x. P(x) --> Q(x,y)) --> (ALL x. P(x) --> (EX y. Q(x,y)))
   311 \end{ttbox}
   315 \begin{figure} 
   316 \begin{ttbox}
   317 \tdx{excluded_middle}    ~P | P
   319 \tdx{disjCI}    (~Q ==> P) ==> P|Q
   320 \tdx{exCI}      (ALL x. ~P(x) ==> P(a)) ==> EX x.P(x)
   321 \tdx{impCE}     [| P-->Q; ~P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R
   322 \tdx{iffCE}     [| P<->Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R;  [| ~P; ~Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   323 \tdx{notnotD}   ~~P ==> P
   324 \tdx{swap}      ~P ==> (~Q ==> P) ==> Q
   325 \end{ttbox}
   326 \caption{Derived rules for classical logic} \label{fol-cla-derived}
   327 \end{figure}
   330 \section{Classical proof procedures} \label{fol-cla-prover}
   331 The classical theory, \thydx{FOL}, consists of intuitionistic logic plus
   332 the rule
   333 $$ \vcenter{\infer{P}{\infer*{P}{[\neg P]}}} \eqno(classical) $$
   334 \noindent
   335 Natural deduction in classical logic is not really all that natural.  FOL
   336 derives classical introduction rules for $\disj$ and~$\exists$, as well as
   337 classical elimination rules for~$\imp$ and~$\bimp$, and the swap rule (see
   338 Fig.\ts\ref{fol-cla-derived}).
   340 The classical reasoner is installed.  The most useful methods are
   341 \isa{blast} (pure classical reasoning) and \isa{auto} (classical reasoning
   342 combined with simplification), but the full range of
   343 methods is available, including \isa{clarify},
   344 \isa{fast}, \isa{best} and \isa{force}. 
   345  See the 
   346 \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
   347         {Chap.\ts\ref{chap:classical}} 
   348 and the \emph{Tutorial}~\cite{isa-tutorial}
   349 for more discussion of classical proof methods.
   352 \section{An intuitionistic example}
   353 Here is a session similar to one in {\em Logic and Computation}
   354 \cite[pages~222--3]{paulson87}.  Isabelle treats quantifiers differently
   355 from {\sc lcf}-based theorem provers such as {\sc hol}.  
   357 The theory header must specify that we are working in intuitionistic
   358 logic:
   359 \begin{isabelle}
   360 \isacommand{theory}\ IFOL\_examples\ =\ IFOL:
   361 \end{isabelle}
   362 The proof begins by entering the goal, then applying the rule $({\imp}I)$.
   363 \begin{isabelle}
   364 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(EX\ y.\ ALL\ x.\ Q(x,y))\ -->\ \ (ALL\ x.\ EX\ y.\ Q(x,y))"\isanewline
   365 \ 1.\ (\isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y))\
   366 \isasymlongrightarrow \ (\isasymforall x.\ \isasymexists y.\ Q(x,\ y))
   367 \isanewline
   368 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   369 \ 1.\ \isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\
   370 \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymforall x.\ \isasymexists y.\ Q(x,\ y)
   371 \end{isabelle}
   372 Isabelle's output is shown as it would appear using Proof General.
   373 In this example, we shall never have more than one subgoal.  Applying
   374 $({\imp}I)$ replaces~\isa{\isasymlongrightarrow}
   375 by~\isa{\isasymLongrightarrow}, so that
   376 \(\ex{y}\all{x}Q(x,y)\) becomes an assumption.  We have the choice of
   377 $({\exists}E)$ and $({\forall}I)$; let us try the latter.
   378 \begin{isabelle}
   379 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ allI)\isanewline
   380 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\
   381 \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists y.\ Q(x,\ y)\hfill\((*)\)
   382 \end{isabelle}
   383 Applying $({\forall}I)$ replaces the \isa{\isasymforall
   384 x} (in ASCII, \isa{ALL~x}) by \isa{\isasymAnd x}
   385 (or \isa{!!x}), replacing FOL's universal quantifier by Isabelle's 
   386 meta universal quantifier.  The bound variable is a {\bf parameter} of
   387 the subgoal.  We now must choose between $({\exists}I)$ and
   388 $({\exists}E)$.  What happens if the wrong rule is chosen?
   389 \begin{isabelle}
   390 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exI)\isanewline
   391 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\
   392 \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q(x,\ ?y2(x))
   393 \end{isabelle}
   394 The new subgoal~1 contains the function variable \isa{?y2}.  Instantiating
   395 \isa{?y2} can replace~\isa{?y2(x)} by a term containing~\isa{x}, even
   396 though~\isa{x} is a bound variable.  Now we analyse the assumption
   397 \(\exists y.\forall x. Q(x,y)\) using elimination rules:
   398 \begin{isabelle}
   399 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)\isanewline
   400 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q(x,\ ?y2(x))
   401 \end{isabelle}
   402 Applying $(\exists E)$ has produced the parameter \isa{y} and stripped the
   403 existential quantifier from the assumption.  But the subgoal is unprovable:
   404 there is no way to unify \isa{?y2(x)} with the bound variable~\isa{y}.
   405 Using Proof General, we can return to the critical point, marked
   406 $(*)$ above.  This time we apply $({\exists}E)$:
   407 \begin{isabelle}
   408 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ exE)\isanewline
   409 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\
   410 \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists y.\ Q(x,\ y)
   411 \end{isabelle}
   412 We now have two parameters and no scheme variables.  Applying
   413 $({\exists}I)$ and $({\forall}E)$ produces two scheme variables, which are
   414 applied to those parameters.  Parameters should be produced early, as this
   415 example demonstrates.
   416 \begin{isabelle}
   417 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exI)\isanewline
   418 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y)\
   419 \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q(x,\ ?y3(x,\ y))
   420 \isanewline
   421 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ allE)\isanewline
   422 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ y.\ Q(?x4(x,\ y),\ y)\ \isasymLongrightarrow \
   423 Q(x,\ ?y3(x,\ y))
   424 \end{isabelle}
   425 The subgoal has variables \isa{?y3} and \isa{?x4} applied to both
   426 parameters.  The obvious projection functions unify \isa{?x4(x,y)} with~\isa{
   427 x} and \isa{?y3(x,y)} with~\isa{y}.
   428 \begin{isabelle}
   429 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   430 No\ subgoals!\isanewline
   431 \isacommand{done}
   432 \end{isabelle}
   433 The theorem was proved in six method invocations, not counting the
   434 abandoned ones.  But proof checking is tedious, and the \ML{} tactic
   435 \ttindex{IntPr.fast_tac} can prove the theorem in one step.
   436 \begin{isabelle}
   437 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(EX\ y.\ ALL\ x.\ Q(x,y))\ -->\ \ (ALL\ x.\ EX\ y.\ Q(x,y))"\isanewline
   438 \ 1.\ (\isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ Q(x,\ y))\
   439 \isasymlongrightarrow \ (\isasymforall x.\ \isasymexists y.\ Q(x,\ y))
   440 \isanewline
   441 \isacommand{by} (tactic {*IntPr.fast_tac 1*})\isanewline
   442 No\ subgoals!
   443 \end{isabelle}
   446 \section{An example of intuitionistic negation}
   447 The following example demonstrates the specialized forms of implication
   448 elimination.  Even propositional formulae can be difficult to prove from
   449 the basic rules; the specialized rules help considerably.  
   451 Propositional examples are easy to invent.  As Dummett notes~\cite[page
   452 28]{dummett}, $\neg P$ is classically provable if and only if it is
   453 intuitionistically provable;  therefore, $P$ is classically provable if and
   454 only if $\neg\neg P$ is intuitionistically provable.%
   455 \footnote{This remark holds only for propositional logic, not if $P$ is
   456   allowed to contain quantifiers.}
   457 %
   458 Proving $\neg\neg P$ intuitionistically is
   459 much harder than proving~$P$ classically.
   461 Our example is the double negation of the classical tautology $(P\imp
   462 Q)\disj (Q\imp P)$.  The first step is apply the
   463 \isa{unfold} method, which expands
   464 negations to implications using the definition $\neg P\equiv P\imp\bot$
   465 and allows use of the special implication rules.
   466 \begin{isabelle}
   467 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\isachartilde \ \isachartilde \ ((P-->Q)\ |\ (Q-->P))"\isanewline
   468 \ 1.\ \isasymnot \ \isasymnot \ ((P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ Q)\ \isasymor \ (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P))
   469 \isanewline
   470 \isacommand{apply}\ (unfold\ not\_def)\isanewline
   471 \ 1.\ ((P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ Q)\ \isasymor \ (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False%
   472 \end{isabelle}
   473 The next step is a trivial use of $(\imp I)$.
   474 \begin{isabelle}
   475 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   476 \ 1.\ (P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ Q)\ \isasymor \ (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False%
   477 \end{isabelle}
   478 By $(\imp E)$ it would suffice to prove $(P\imp Q)\disj (Q\imp P)$, but
   479 that formula is not a theorem of intuitionistic logic.  Instead, we
   480 apply the specialized implication rule \tdx{disj_impE}.  It splits the
   481 assumption into two assumptions, one for each disjunct.
   482 \begin{isabelle}
   483 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ disj\_impE)\isanewline
   484 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk (P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ Q)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \
   485 False
   486 \end{isabelle}
   487 We cannot hope to prove $P\imp Q$ or $Q\imp P$ separately, but
   488 their negations are inconsistent.  Applying \tdx{imp_impE} breaks down
   489 the assumption $\neg(P\imp Q)$, asking to show~$Q$ while providing new
   490 assumptions~$P$ and~$\neg Q$.
   491 \begin{isabelle}
   492 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ imp\_impE)\isanewline
   493 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ P;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\isanewline
   494 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \
   495 False
   496 \end{isabelle}
   497 Subgoal~2 holds trivially; let us ignore it and continue working on
   498 subgoal~1.  Thanks to the assumption~$P$, we could prove $Q\imp P$;
   499 applying \tdx{imp_impE} is simpler.
   500 \begin{isabelle}
   501 \ \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ imp\_impE)\isanewline
   502 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ Q;\ P\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\isanewline
   503 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\isanewline
   504 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False%
   505 \end{isabelle}
   506 The three subgoals are all trivial.
   507 \begin{isabelle}
   508 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\ \isanewline
   509 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\
   510 False\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\isanewline
   511 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk (Q\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P)\
   512 \isasymlongrightarrow \ False;\ False\isasymrbrakk \
   513 \isasymLongrightarrow \ False%
   514 \isanewline
   515 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ FalseE)+\isanewline
   516 No\ subgoals!\isanewline
   517 \isacommand{done}
   518 \end{isabelle}
   519 This proof is also trivial for the \ML{} tactic \isa{IntPr.fast_tac}.
   522 \section{A classical example} \label{fol-cla-example}
   523 To illustrate classical logic, we shall prove the theorem
   524 $\ex{y}\all{x}P(y)\imp P(x)$.  Informally, the theorem can be proved as
   525 follows.  Choose~$y$ such that~$\neg P(y)$, if such exists; otherwise
   526 $\all{x}P(x)$ is true.  Either way the theorem holds.  First, we must
   527 work in a theory based on classical logic:
   528 \begin{isabelle}
   529 \isacommand{theory}\ FOL\_examples\ =\ FOL:
   530 \end{isabelle}
   532 The formal proof does not conform in any obvious way to the sketch given
   533 above.  Its key step is its first rule, \tdx{exCI}, a classical
   534 version of~$(\exists I)$ that allows multiple instantiation of the
   535 quantifier.
   536 \begin{isabelle}
   537 \isacommand{lemma}\ "EX\ y.\ ALL\ x.\ P(y)-->P(x)"\isanewline
   538 \ 1.\ \isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ P(y)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x)
   539 \isanewline
   540 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ exCI)\isanewline
   541 \ 1.\ \isasymforall y.\ \isasymnot \ (\isasymforall x.\ P(y)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymforall x.\ P(?a)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x)
   542 \end{isabelle}
   543 We can either exhibit a term \isa{?a} to satisfy the conclusion of
   544 subgoal~1, or produce a contradiction from the assumption.  The next
   545 steps are routine.
   546 \begin{isabelle}
   547 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ allI)\isanewline
   548 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymforall y.\ \isasymnot \ (\isasymforall x.\ P(y)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(?a)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x)
   549 \isanewline
   550 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   551 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymforall y.\ \isasymnot \ (\isasymforall x.\ P(y)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x));\ P(?a)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(x)
   552 \end{isabelle}
   553 By the duality between $\exists$ and~$\forall$, applying~$(\forall E)$
   554 is equivalent to applying~$(\exists I)$ again.
   555 \begin{isabelle}
   556 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ allE)\isanewline
   557 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymlbrakk P(?a);\ \isasymnot \ (\isasymforall xa.\ P(?y3(x))\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(xa))\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(x)
   558 \end{isabelle}
   559 In classical logic, a negated assumption is equivalent to a conclusion.  To
   560 get this effect, we create a swapped version of $(\forall I)$ and apply it
   561 using \ttindex{erule}.
   562 \begin{isabelle}
   563 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ allI\ [THEN\ [2]\ swap])\isanewline
   564 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P(?a);\ \isasymnot \ P(x)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(?y3(x))\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(xa)
   565 \end{isabelle}
   566 The operand of \isa{erule} above denotes the following theorem:
   567 \begin{isabelle}
   568 \ \ \ \ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ (\isasymforall x.\ ?P1(x));\
   569 \isasymAnd x.\ \isasymnot \ ?P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \
   570 ?P1(x)\isasymrbrakk \
   571 \isasymLongrightarrow \ ?P%
   572 \end{isabelle}
   573 The previous conclusion, \isa{P(x)}, has become a negated assumption.
   574 \begin{isabelle}
   575 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ impI)\isanewline
   576 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P(?a);\ \isasymnot \ P(x);\ P(?y3(x))\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(xa)
   577 \end{isabelle}
   578 The subgoal has three assumptions.  We produce a contradiction between the
   579 \index{assumptions!contradictory} assumptions~\isa{\isasymnot P(x)}
   580 and~\isa{P(?y3(x))}.   The proof never instantiates the
   581 unknown~\isa{?a}.
   582 \begin{isabelle}
   583 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ notE)\isanewline
   584 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd x\ xa.\ \isasymlbrakk P(?a);\ P(?y3(x))\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(x)
   585 \isanewline
   586 \isacommand{apply}\ assumption\isanewline
   587 No\ subgoals!\isanewline
   588 \isacommand{done}
   589 \end{isabelle}
   590 The civilised way to prove this theorem is using the
   591 \methdx{blast} method, which automatically uses the classical form
   592 of the rule~$(\exists I)$:
   593 \begin{isabelle}
   594 \isacommand{lemma}\ "EX\ y.\ ALL\ x.\ P(y)-->P(x)"\isanewline
   595 \ 1.\ \isasymexists y.\ \isasymforall x.\ P(y)\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P(x)
   596 \isanewline
   597 \isacommand{by}\ blast\isanewline
   598 No\ subgoals!
   599 \end{isabelle}
   600 If this theorem seems counterintuitive, then perhaps you are an
   601 intuitionist.  In constructive logic, proving $\ex{y}\all{x}P(y)\imp P(x)$
   602 requires exhibiting a particular term~$t$ such that $\all{x}P(t)\imp P(x)$,
   603 which we cannot do without further knowledge about~$P$.
   606 \section{Derived rules and the classical tactics}
   607 Classical first-order logic can be extended with the propositional
   608 connective $if(P,Q,R)$, where 
   609 $$ if(P,Q,R) \equiv P\conj Q \disj \neg P \conj R. \eqno(if) $$
   610 Theorems about $if$ can be proved by treating this as an abbreviation,
   611 replacing $if(P,Q,R)$ by $P\conj Q \disj \neg P \conj R$ in subgoals.  But
   612 this duplicates~$P$, causing an exponential blowup and an unreadable
   613 formula.  Introducing further abbreviations makes the problem worse.
   615 Natural deduction demands rules that introduce and eliminate $if(P,Q,R)$
   616 directly, without reference to its definition.  The simple identity
   617 \[ if(P,Q,R) \,\bimp\, (P\imp Q)\conj (\neg P\imp R) \]
   618 suggests that the
   619 $if$-introduction rule should be
   620 \[ \infer[({if}\,I)]{if(P,Q,R)}{\infer*{Q}{[P]}  &  \infer*{R}{[\neg P]}} \]
   621 The $if$-elimination rule reflects the definition of $if(P,Q,R)$ and the
   622 elimination rules for~$\disj$ and~$\conj$.
   623 \[ \infer[({if}\,E)]{S}{if(P,Q,R) & \infer*{S}{[P,Q]}
   624                                   & \infer*{S}{[\neg P,R]}} 
   625 \]
   626 Having made these plans, we get down to work with Isabelle.  The theory of
   627 classical logic, \texttt{FOL}, is extended with the constant
   628 $if::[o,o,o]\To o$.  The axiom \tdx{if_def} asserts the
   629 equation~$(if)$.
   630 \begin{isabelle}
   631 \isacommand{theory}\ If\ =\ FOL:\isanewline
   632 \isacommand{constdefs}\isanewline
   633 \ \ if\ ::\ "[o,o,o]=>o"\isanewline
   634 \ \ \ "if(P,Q,R)\ ==\ P\&Q\ |\ \isachartilde P\&R"
   635 \end{isabelle}
   636 We create the file \texttt{If.thy} containing these declarations.  (This file
   637 is on directory \texttt{FOL/ex} in the Isabelle distribution.)  Typing
   638 \begin{isabelle}
   639 use_thy "If";  
   640 \end{isabelle}
   641 loads that theory and sets it to be the current context.
   644 \subsection{Deriving the introduction rule}
   646 The derivations of the introduction and elimination rules demonstrate the
   647 methods for rewriting with definitions.  Classical reasoning is required,
   648 so we use \isa{blast}.
   650 The introduction rule, given the premises $P\Imp Q$ and $\neg P\Imp R$,
   651 concludes $if(P,Q,R)$.  We propose this lemma and immediately simplify
   652 using \isa{if\_def} to expand the definition of \isa{if} in the
   653 subgoal.
   654 \begin{isabelle}
   655 \isacommand{lemma}\ ifI: "[|\ P\ ==>\ Q;\ \isachartilde P\ ==>\ R\
   656 |]\ ==>\ if(P,Q,R)"\isanewline
   657 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q;\ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(P,\ Q,\ R)
   658 \isanewline
   659 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ if\_def)\isanewline
   660 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q;\ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ \isasymand \ Q\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \
   661 R
   662 \end{isabelle}
   663 The rule's premises, although expressed using meta-level implication
   664 (\isa{\isasymLongrightarrow}) are passed as ordinary implications to
   665 \methdx{blast}.  
   666 \begin{isabelle}
   667 \isacommand{apply}\ blast\isanewline
   668 No\ subgoals!\isanewline
   669 \isacommand{done}
   670 \end{isabelle}
   673 \subsection{Deriving the elimination rule}
   674 The elimination rule has three premises, two of which are themselves rules.
   675 The conclusion is simply $S$.
   676 \begin{isabelle}
   677 \isacommand{lemma}\ ifE:\isanewline
   678 \ \ \ "[|\ if(P,Q,R);\ \ [|P;\ Q|]\ ==>\ S;\ [|\isachartilde P;\ R|]\ ==>\ S\ |]\ ==>\ S"\isanewline
   679 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk if(P,\ Q,\ R);\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S;\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S%
   680 \isanewline
   681 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ if\_def)\isanewline
   682 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P\ \isasymand \ Q\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \ R;\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S;\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ S%
   683 \end{isabelle}
   684 The proof script is the same as before: \isa{simp} followed by
   685 \isa{blast}:
   686 \begin{isabelle}
   687 \isacommand{apply}\ blast\isanewline
   688 No\ subgoals!\isanewline
   689 \isacommand{done}
   690 \end{isabelle}
   693 \subsection{Using the derived rules}
   694 Our new derived rules, \tdx{ifI} and~\tdx{ifE}, permit natural
   695 proofs of theorems such as the following:
   696 \begin{eqnarray*}
   697     if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(Q,C,D)) & \bimp & if(Q,if(P,A,C),if(P,B,D)) \\
   698     if(if(P,Q,R), A, B)         & \bimp & if(P,if(Q,A,B),if(R,A,B))
   699 \end{eqnarray*}
   700 Proofs also require the classical reasoning rules and the $\bimp$
   701 introduction rule (called~\tdx{iffI}: do not confuse with~\isa{ifI}). 
   703 To display the $if$-rules in action, let us analyse a proof step by step.
   704 \begin{isabelle}
   705 \isacommand{lemma}\ if\_commute:\isanewline
   706 \ \ \ \ \ "if(P,\ if(Q,A,B),\
   707 if(Q,C,D))\ <->\ if(Q,\ if(P,A,C),\ if(P,B,D))"\isanewline
   708 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ iffI)\isanewline
   709 \ 1.\ if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   710 \isaindent{\ 1.\ }if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   711 \ 2.\ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   712 \isaindent{\ 2.\ }if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))
   713 \end{isabelle}
   714 The $if$-elimination rule can be applied twice in succession.
   715 \begin{isabelle}
   716 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ ifE)\isanewline
   717 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ if(Q,\ A,\ B)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   718 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ if(Q,\ C,\ D)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   719 \ 3.\ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   720 \isaindent{\ 3.\ }if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))
   721 \isanewline
   722 \isacommand{apply}\ (erule\ ifE)\isanewline
   723 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   724 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ \isasymnot \ Q;\ B\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   725 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ if(Q,\ C,\ D)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   726 \ 4.\ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   727 \isaindent{\ 4.\ }if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))
   728 \end{isabelle}
   729 %
   730 In the first two subgoals, all assumptions have been reduced to atoms.  Now
   731 $if$-introduction can be applied.  Observe how the $if$-rules break down
   732 occurrences of $if$ when they become the outermost connective.
   733 \begin{isabelle}
   734 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ ifI)\isanewline
   735 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A;\ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(P,\ A,\ C)\isanewline
   736 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A;\ \isasymnot \ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(P,\ B,\ D)\isanewline
   737 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ \isasymnot \ Q;\ B\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   738 \ 4.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ if(Q,\ C,\ D)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   739 \ 5.\ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   740 \isaindent{\ 5.\ }if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))
   741 \isanewline
   742 \isacommand{apply}\ (rule\ ifI)\isanewline
   743 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A;\ Q;\ P\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ A\isanewline
   744 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A;\ Q;\ \isasymnot \ P\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ C\isanewline
   745 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ Q;\ A;\ \isasymnot \ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(P,\ B,\ D)\isanewline
   746 \ 4.\ \isasymlbrakk P;\ \isasymnot \ Q;\ B\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   747 \ 5.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ if(Q,\ C,\ D)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\isanewline
   748 \ 6.\ if(Q,\ if(P,\ A,\ C),\ if(P,\ B,\ D))\ \isasymLongrightarrow \isanewline
   749 \isaindent{\ 6.\ }if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(Q,\ C,\ D))
   750 \end{isabelle}
   751 Where do we stand?  The first subgoal holds by assumption; the second and
   752 third, by contradiction.  This is getting tedious.  We could use the classical
   753 reasoner, but first let us extend the default claset with the derived rules
   754 for~$if$.
   755 \begin{isabelle}
   756 \isacommand{declare}\ ifI\ [intro!]\isanewline
   757 \isacommand{declare}\ ifE\ [elim!]
   758 \end{isabelle}
   759 With these declarations, we could have proved this theorem with a single
   760 call to \isa{blast}.  Here is another example:
   761 \begin{isabelle}
   762 \isacommand{lemma}\ "if(if(P,Q,R),\ A,\ B)\ <->\ if(P,\ if(Q,A,B),\ if(R,A,B))"\isanewline
   763 \ 1.\ if(if(P,\ Q,\ R),\ A,\ B)\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \ if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(R,\ A,\ B))
   764 \isanewline
   765 \isacommand{by}\ blast
   766 \end{isabelle}
   769 \subsection{Derived rules versus definitions}
   770 Dispensing with the derived rules, we can treat $if$ as an
   771 abbreviation, and let \ttindex{blast_tac} prove the expanded formula.  Let
   772 us redo the previous proof:
   773 \begin{isabelle}
   774 \isacommand{lemma}\ "if(if(P,Q,R),\ A,\ B)\ <->\ if(P,\ if(Q,A,B),\ if(R,A,B))"\isanewline
   775 \ 1.\ if(if(P,\ Q,\ R),\ A,\ B)\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \ if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(R,\ A,\ B))
   776 \end{isabelle}
   777 This time, we simply unfold using the definition of $if$:
   778 \begin{isabelle}
   779 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ if\_def)\isanewline
   780 \ 1.\ (P\ \isasymand \ Q\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \ R)\ \isasymand \ A\ \isasymor \ (\isasymnot \ P\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ Q)\ \isasymand \ (P\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ R)\ \isasymand \ B\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \isanewline
   781 \isaindent{\ 1.\ }P\ \isasymand \ (Q\ \isasymand \ A\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ Q\ \isasymand \ B)\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \ (R\ \isasymand \ A\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ R\ \isasymand \ B)
   782 \end{isabelle}
   783 We are left with a subgoal in pure first-order logic, and it falls to
   784 \isa{blast}:
   785 \begin{isabelle}
   786 \isacommand{apply}\ blast\isanewline
   787 No\ subgoals!
   788 \end{isabelle}
   789 Expanding definitions reduces the extended logic to the base logic.  This
   790 approach has its merits, but it can be slow.  In these examples, proofs
   791 using the derived rules for~\isa{if} run about six
   792 times faster  than proofs using just the rules of first-order logic.
   794 Expanding definitions can also make it harder to diagnose errors. 
   795 Suppose we are having difficulties in proving some goal.  If by expanding
   796 definitions we have made it unreadable, then we have little hope of
   797 diagnosing the problem.
   799 Attempts at program verification often yield invalid assertions.
   800 Let us try to prove one:
   801 \begin{isabelle}
   802 \isacommand{lemma}\ "if(if(P,Q,R),\ A,\ B)\ <->\ if(P,\ if(Q,A,B),\ if(R,B,A))"\isanewline
   803 \ 1.\ if(if(P,\ Q,\ R),\ A,\ B)\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \ if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(R,\ B,\
   804 A))
   805 \end{isabelle}
   806 Calling \isa{blast} yields an uninformative failure message. We can
   807 get a closer look at the situation by applying \methdx{auto}.
   808 \begin{isabelle}
   809 \isacommand{apply}\ auto\isanewline
   810 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk A;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ B\isanewline
   811 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ \isasymnot \ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ A\isanewline
   812 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ A\isanewline
   813 \ 4.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ R;\ A;\ \isasymnot \ B;\ \isasymnot \ P\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \
   814 False
   815 \end{isabelle}
   816 Subgoal~1 is unprovable and yields a countermodel: $P$ and~$B$ are false
   817 while~$R$ and~$A$ are true.  This truth assignment reduces the main goal to
   818 $true\bimp false$, which is of course invalid.
   820 We can repeat this analysis by expanding definitions, using just the rules of
   821 first-order logic:
   822 \begin{isabelle}
   823 \isacommand{lemma}\ "if(if(P,Q,R),\ A,\ B)\ <->\ if(P,\ if(Q,A,B),\ if(R,B,A))"\isanewline
   824 \ 1.\ if(if(P,\ Q,\ R),\ A,\ B)\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \ if(P,\ if(Q,\ A,\ B),\ if(R,\ B,\
   825 A))
   826 \isanewline
   827 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ if\_def)\isanewline
   828 \ 1.\ (P\ \isasymand \ Q\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \ R)\ \isasymand \ A\ \isasymor \ (\isasymnot \ P\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ Q)\ \isasymand \ (P\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ R)\ \isasymand \ B\ \isasymlongleftrightarrow \isanewline
   829 \isaindent{\ 1.\ }P\ \isasymand \ (Q\ \isasymand \ A\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ Q\ \isasymand \ B)\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ P\ \isasymand \ (R\ \isasymand \ B\ \isasymor \ \isasymnot \ R\ \isasymand \ A)
   830 \end{isabelle}
   831 Again \isa{blast} would fail, so we try \methdx{auto}:
   832 \begin{isabelle}
   833 \isacommand{apply}\ (auto)\ \isanewline
   834 \ 1.\ \isasymlbrakk A;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ B\isanewline
   835 \ 2.\ \isasymlbrakk A;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ R;\ \isasymnot \ B\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q\isanewline
   836 \ 3.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ R;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ \isasymnot \ A\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False\isanewline
   837 \ 4.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ \isasymnot \ A;\ \isasymnot \ R;\ Q\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False\isanewline
   838 \ 5.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ Q;\ \isasymnot \ R;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ \isasymnot \ A\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False\isanewline
   839 \ 6.\ \isasymlbrakk B;\ \isasymnot \ A;\ \isasymnot \ P;\ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False\isanewline
   840 \ 7.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ A;\ \isasymnot \ B;\ \isasymnot \ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ False\isanewline
   841 \ 8.\ \isasymlbrakk \isasymnot \ P;\ A;\ \isasymnot \ B;\ \isasymnot \ R\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ Q%
   842 \end{isabelle}
   843 Subgoal~1 yields the same countermodel as before.  But each proof step has
   844 taken six times as long, and the final result contains twice as many subgoals.
   846 Expanding your definitions usually makes proofs more difficult.  This is
   847 why the classical prover has been designed to accept derived rules.
   849 \index{first-order logic|)}