author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:03:01 +0200
changeset 59919 3a7fb975af9d
parent 59902 e7910a62eaf2
child 59962 6a59d252345d
permissions -rw-r--r--
comments on relation between files.

note: higher order functions might allow for re-union.
     1 (* calculate values for function constants
     2    (c) Walther Neuper 000106
     4 Some formula transformations cannot be done by rewriting;
     5 these are done by structure Eval, which works tightly intertwined with structure Rewrite.
     6 *)
     8 signature EVALUATE =
     9 sig
    10   type float
    11   val calc_equ: string -> int * int -> bool
    12   val power: int -> int -> int
    13   val sign_mult: int -> int -> int
    14   val squfact: int -> int
    15   val gcd: int -> int -> int
    16   val sqrt: int -> int
    17   val adhoc_thm: theory -> string * Eval_Def.eval_fn -> term -> (string * thm) option
    18   val adhoc_thm1_: theory -> -> term -> (string * thm) option
    19   val norm: term -> term
    20   val popt2str: ('a * term) option -> string
    21   val numeral: term -> ((int * int) * (int * int)) option
    22   val calcul: string -> float -> float -> float
    23   val term_of_float: typ -> float -> term
    24   val var_op_float: term -> string -> typ -> typ ->float -> term
    25   val float_op_var: term -> string -> typ -> typ -> float -> term
    26   val trace_on: bool Unsynchronized.ref
    28 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    29   (* NONE *)
    30 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    31   val get_pair: theory -> string -> Eval_Def.eval_fn -> term -> (string * term) option
    32   val mk_rule: term list * term * term -> term
    33   val divisors: int -> int list
    34   val doubles: int list -> int list
    35 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    36 end
    38 (**)
    39 structure Eval(**): EVALUATE(**) =
    40 struct
    41 (**)
    43 type float =
    44   (int * int)   (* value:     significand * exponent *)
    45   * (int * int); (* precision: significand * exponent *)
    47 (* trace internal steps of isac's numeral calculations *)
    48 val trace_on = Unsynchronized.ref false;
    50 (** calculate integers **)
    52 fun calc_equ "less"  (n1, n2) = n1 < n2
    53   | calc_equ "less_eq" (n1, n2) = n1 <= n2
    54   | calc_equ op_ _ = error ("calc_equ: operator = " ^ op_ ^ " not defined");
    55 fun sqrt (n:int) = if n < 0 then 0 else (trunc o Math.sqrt o Real.fromInt (*FIXME*)) n;
    56 fun power _ 0 = 1
    57   | power b n = 
    58     if n > 0 then b* (power b (n - 1))
    59     else error ("power " ^ TermC.str_of_int b ^ " " ^ TermC.str_of_int n);
    60 fun gcd 0 b = b
    61   | gcd a b = if a < b then gcd (b mod a) a else gcd (a mod b) b;
    62 fun sign n =
    63   if n < 0 then ~1
    64 	else if n = 0 then 0 else 1;
    65 fun sign_mult n1 n2 = (sign n1) * (sign n2);
    67 infix dvd;
    68 fun d dvd n = n mod d = 0;
    69 fun divisors n =
    70   let fun pdiv ds d n = 
    71     if d = n then d :: ds
    72     else if d dvd n then pdiv (d :: ds) d (n div d)
    73 	 else pdiv ds (d + 1) n
    74   in pdiv [] 2 n end;
    76 fun doubles ds = (* ds is ordered *)
    77   let fun dbls ds [] = ds
    78 	| dbls ds [ _ ] = ds
    79 	| dbls ds (i :: i' :: is) = if i = i' then dbls (i :: ds) is
    80 				else dbls ds (i'::is)
    81   in dbls [] ds end;
    82 fun squfact 0 = 0
    83   | squfact 1 = 1
    84   | squfact n = foldl op* (1, (doubles o divisors) n);
    87 (** calculate numerals **)
    89 fun popt2str (SOME (_, term)) = "SOME " ^ UnparseC.term term (*TODO \<longrightarrow> str_of_termopt*)
    90   | popt2str NONE = "NONE";
    92 (* scan a term for applying eval_fn ef 
    93 args
    94   thy:
    95   op_: operator (as string) selecting the root of the pair
    96   ef : fn : (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option)
    97              ^^^^^^... for creating the string for the resulting theorem
    98   t  : term to be scanned
    99 result:
   100   (string * term) option: found by the eval_* -function of type
   101        fn : string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
   102             ^^^^^^... the selecting operator op_ (variable for eval_binop)
   103 *)
   104 fun trace_calc0 str =
   105   if ! trace_on then writeln ("### " ^ str) else ()
   106 fun trace_calc1 str1 str2 =
   107   if ! trace_on then writeln (str1 ^ str2) else ()
   108 fun trace_calc2 str term popt =
   109   if ! trace_on then writeln (str ^ UnparseC.term term ^ " , " ^ popt2str popt) else ()
   110 fun trace_calc3 str term =
   111   if ! trace_on then writeln ("### " ^ str ^ UnparseC.term term) else ()
   112 fun trace_calc4 str t1 t2 =
   113   if ! trace_on then writeln ("### " ^ str ^ UnparseC.term t1 ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term t2) else ()
   115 fun get_pair thy op_ (ef: Eval_Def.eval_fn) (t as (Const (op0, _) $ arg)) =                (* unary fns *)
   116     if op_ = op0 then 
   117       let val popt = ef op_ t thy 
   118       in case popt of SOME _ => popt | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef arg end
   119     else get_pair thy op_ ef arg
   120   | get_pair thy "Prog_Expr.ident" ef (t as (Const ("Prog_Expr.ident", _) $ _ $ _ )) =
   121     ef "Prog_Expr.ident" t thy                                                      (* not nested *)
   122   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t as (Const (op0,_) $ t1 $ t2)) =                      (* binary funs *)
   123     (trace_calc1 "1.. get_pair: binop = " op_;
   124     if op_ = op0 then 
   125       let
   126         val popt = ef op_ t thy
   127         val _ = trace_calc2 "2.. get_pair: " t popt
   128       in case popt of SOME _ => popt | NONE => 
   129         let
   130           val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
   131           val _ = trace_calc2 "3.. get_pair: " t1  popt
   132         in case popt of SOME _ => popt | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t2 end
   133       end
   134     else                                                                    (* search subterms *)
   135       let
   136         val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
   137         val _ = trace_calc2 "4.. get_pair: " t popt
   138       in case popt of SOME _ => popt | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t2 end)
   139   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t as (Const (op0, _) $ t1 $ t2 $ t3)) =               (* ternary funs *)
   140     (trace_calc3 "get_pair 4a: t= "t;
   141     trace_calc1 "get_pair 4a: op_= " op_;
   142     trace_calc1 "get_pair 4a: op0= " op0; 
   143     if op_ = op0 then 
   144       case ef op_ t thy of st as SOME _ => st | NONE => 
   145         (case get_pair thy op_ ef t2 of st as SOME _ => st | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t3)
   146     else 
   147       (case get_pair thy op_ ef t1 of st as SOME _ => st | NONE => 
   148         (case get_pair thy op_ ef t2 of st as SOME _ => st | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t3)))
   149   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Abs (_, _, body)) = get_pair thy op_ ef body
   150   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t1 $ t2) = 
   151     let
   152       val _ = trace_calc4 "5.. get_pair t1 $ t2: " t1 t2;
   153       val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
   154     in case popt of SOME _ => popt 
   155       | NONE => (trace_calc0 "### get_pair: t1 $ t2 -> NONE"; get_pair thy op_ ef t2) 
   156     end
   157   | get_pair _ _ _ _ = NONE
   159 (* get a thm from an op_ somewhere in the term;
   160    apply ONLY to (uminus_to_string term), uminus_to_string (- 4711) --> (-4711) *)
   161 fun adhoc_thm thy (op_, eval_fn) ct =
   162   case get_pair thy op_ eval_fn ct of
   163     NONE => NONE
   164   | SOME (thmid, t) => SOME (thmid, ThmC_Def.make_thm thy t);
   166 (* get a thm applying an op_ to a term;
   167    apply ONLY to (numbers_to_string term), numbers_to_string (- 4711) --> (-4711) *)
   168 fun adhoc_thm1_ thy (op_, eval_fn) ct =
   169   case eval_fn op_ ct thy of
   170 	  NONE => NONE
   171   | SOME (thmid,t) => SOME (thmid, ThmC_Def.make_thm thy t);
   173 (** for ordered and conditional rewriting **)
   175 fun mk_rule (prems, l, r) = 
   176     HOLogic.Trueprop $ (Logic.list_implies (prems, TermC.mk_equality (l, r)));
   178 (* 'norms' a rule, e.g.
   179 (*1*) from a = 1 ==> a*(b+c) = b+c 
   180       to   a = 1 ==> a*(b+c) = b+c                     no change
   181 (*2*) from t = t
   182       to  (t = t) = True                               !!
   183 (*3*) from [| k < l; m + l = k + n |] ==> m < n
   184       to   [| k < l; m + l = k + n |] ==> m < n = True !! *)
   185 fun norm rule =
   186   let
   187     val (prems, concl) = 
   188       (map TermC.strip_trueprop (Logic.strip_imp_prems rule),
   189         (TermC.strip_trueprop o  Logic.strip_imp_concl) rule)
   190   in
   191     if TermC.is_equality concl
   192     then 
   193       let val (l, r) = TermC.dest_equals concl
   194       in
   195         if l = r then (*2*) mk_rule (prems, concl, @{term True}) else (*1*) rule 
   196       end
   197     else (*3*) mk_rule (prems, concl, @{term True})
   198   end;
   200 (* convert int and float to internal floatingpoint prepresentation.*)
   201 fun numeral (Free (str, _)) = 
   202     (case ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string str of
   203 	 SOME i => SOME ((i, 0), (0, 0))
   204        | NONE => NONE)
   205   | numeral (Const ("Float.Float", _) $
   206 		   (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $
   207 			  (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ Free (v1, _) $ Free (v2,_)) $
   208 			  (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ Free (p1, _) $ Free (p2,_))))=
   209     (case (ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string v1, ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string v2, ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string p1, ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string p2) of
   210 	(SOME v1', SOME v2', SOME p1', SOME p2') =>
   211 	SOME ((v1', v2'), (p1', p2'))
   212       | _ => NONE)
   213   | numeral _ = NONE;
   215 (*** handle numerals in eval_binop ***)
   216 (* TODO rebuild fun calcul, fun term_of_float,fun var_op_float, fun float_op_var:
   217    Float ((a, b), _:int * int, (c, d), _:int * int) has been deleted already *)
   219 (* used for calculating built in binary operations in Isabelle2002.
   220    integer numerals n are ((n,0),(0,0)) i.e. precision is (0,0) *)
   221 fun calcul "" ((a, b), _:int * int) ((c, d), _:int * int)  = (*FIXME.WN1008 drop Float.calc, var_op_float, float_op_var, term_of_float*)
   222     if b < d 
   223     then ((a + c * power 10 (d - b), b), (0, 0))(*FIXXXME precision*)
   224     else ((a * power 10 (b - d) + c, d), (0, 0))(*FIXXXME precision*)
   225   | calcul "Groups.minus_class.minus" ((a, 0), _) ((c, 0), _) =       (*FIXXXME float + prec.*)
   226     ((a - c,0),(0,0))
   227   | calcul "Groups.times_class.times" ((a, b), _) ((c, d), _) =       (*FIXXXME precision*)
   228     ((a * c, b + d), (0, 0))
   229   | calcul "Rings.divide_class.divide" ((a, 0), _) ((c, 0), _) = (*FIXXXME float + prec.*)
   230     ((a div c, 0), (0, 0))
   231   | calcul "Prog_Expr.pow" ((a, _), _) ((c, _), _) = (*FIXXXME Float + prec.*)
   232     ((power a c, 0), (0, 0))
   233   | calcul op_ ((a, b), (p11, p12)) ((c, d), (p21, p22)) = 
   234     error ("calcul: not impl. for Float (("^
   235 		 (string_of_int a  )^","^(string_of_int b  )^"), ("^
   236 		 (string_of_int p11)^","^(string_of_int p12)^")) "^op_^" (("^
   237 		 (string_of_int c  )^","^(string_of_int d  )^"), ("^
   238 		 (string_of_int p21)^","^(string_of_int p22)^"))");
   239 (*> calcul "" ((~1,0),(0,0)) ((2,0),(0,0)); 
   240 val it = ((1,0),(0,0))*)
   242 (*.convert internal floatingpoint prepresentation to int and float.*)
   243 fun term_of_float T ((val1,    0), (         0,          0)) =
   244     TermC.term_of_num T val1
   245   | term_of_float T ((val1, val2), (precision1, precision2)) =
   246     let val pT = TermC.pairT T T
   247     in Const ("Float.Float", (TermC.pairT pT pT) --> T)
   248 	     $ (TermC.pairt (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int val1, T))
   249 			     (Free (TermC.str_of_int val2, T)))
   250 		      (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int precision1, T))
   251 			     (Free (TermC.str_of_int precision2, T))))
   252     end;
   253 (*> val t = str2term "Float ((1,2),(0,0))";
   254 > val Const ("Float.Float", fT) $ _ = t;
   255 > atomtyp fT;
   256 > val ffT = (pairT (pairT HOLogic.realT HOLogic.realT) 
   257 > 	     (pairT HOLogic.realT HOLogic.realT)) --> HOLogic.realT;
   258 > atomtyp ffT;
   259 > fT = ffT;
   260 val it = true : bool
   262 t = float_term_of_num HOLogic.realT ((1,2),(0,0));
   263 val it = true : bool*)
   265 (*.assoc. convert internal floatingpoint prepresentation to int and float.*)
   266 fun var_op_float v op_ optype ntyp ((v1, 0), (0, 0)) =
   267     TermC.mk_var_op_num v op_ optype ntyp v1
   268   | var_op_float v op_ optype T ((v1, v2), (p1, p2)) =
   269     let val pT = TermC.pairT T T
   270     in Const (op_, optype) $ v $ 
   271 	     (Const ("Float.Float", (TermC.pairT pT pT) --> T)
   272 		    $ (TermC.pairt (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int v1, T))
   273 				    (Free (TermC.str_of_int v2, T)))
   274 			     (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int p1, T))
   275 				    (Free (TermC.str_of_int p2, T)))))
   276     end;
   277 (*> val t = str2term "a + b";
   278 > val Const ("", optype) $ _ $ _ = t;
   279 > val t = str2term "v + Float ((11,-1),(0,0))";val v = str2term "v";
   280 > t = var_op_float v "" optype HOLogic.realT ((11,~1),(0,0));
   281 val it = true : bool*)
   283 (*.assoc. convert internal floatingpoint prepresentation to int and float.*)
   284 fun float_op_var v op_ optype ntyp ((v1, 0), (0, 0)) =
   285     TermC.mk_num_op_var v op_ optype ntyp v1
   286   | float_op_var v op_ optype T ((v1, v2), (p1, p2)) =
   287     let val pT = TermC.pairT T T
   288     in Const (op_, optype) $ 
   289 	     (Const ("Float.Float", (TermC.pairT pT pT) --> T)
   290 		    $ (TermC.pairt (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int v1, T))
   291 				    (Free (TermC.str_of_int v2, T)))
   292 			     (TermC.pairt (Free (TermC.str_of_int p1, T))
   293 				    (Free (TermC.str_of_int p2, T))))) $ v
   294     end;
   295 (*> val t = str2term "a + b";
   296 > val Const ("", optype) $ _ $ _ = t;
   297 > val t = str2term "Float ((11,-1),(0,0)) + v";val v = str2term "v";
   298 > t = float_op_var v "" optype HOLogic.realT ((11,~1),(0,0));
   299 val it = true : bool*)
   301 end