author haftmann
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:56:18 +0200
changeset 36507 3971cd55c869
parent 36466 ed9be131a4ec
child 36534 0090b04432f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
take into account tupled constructors
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/code/code_eval.ML_
     2     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     4 Runtime services building on code generation into implementation language SML.
     5 *)
     7 signature CODE_EVAL =
     8 sig
     9   val target: string
    10   val eval: string option -> string * (unit -> 'a) option Unsynchronized.ref
    11     -> ((term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a) -> theory -> term -> string list -> 'a
    12   val evaluation_code: theory -> string -> string list -> string list
    13     -> string * ((string * string) list * (string * string) list)
    14   val setup: theory -> theory
    15 end;
    17 structure Code_Eval : CODE_EVAL =
    18 struct
    20 (** generic **)
    22 val target = "Eval";
    24 val eval_struct_name = "Code";
    26 fun evaluation_code thy struct_name_hint tycos consts =
    27   let
    28     val (consts', (naming, program)) = Code_Thingol.consts_program thy false consts;
    29     val tycos' = map (the o Code_Thingol.lookup_tyco naming) tycos;
    30     val struct_name = if struct_name_hint = "" then eval_struct_name
    31       else struct_name_hint;
    32     val (ml_code, target_names) = Code_ML.evaluation_code_of thy target
    33       struct_name naming program (consts' @ tycos');
    34     val (consts'', tycos'') = chop (length consts') target_names;
    35     val consts_map = map2 (fn const => fn NONE =>
    36         error ("Constant " ^ (quote o Code.string_of_const thy) const
    37           ^ "\nhas a user-defined serialization")
    38       | SOME const'' => (const, const'')) consts consts''
    39     val tycos_map = map2 (fn tyco => fn NONE =>
    40         error ("Type " ^ (quote o Sign.extern_type thy) tyco
    41           ^ "\nhas a user-defined serialization")
    42       | SOME tyco'' => (tyco, tyco'')) tycos tycos'';
    43   in (ml_code, (tycos_map, consts_map)) end;
    46 (** evaluation **)
    48 fun eval some_target reff postproc thy t args =
    49   let
    50     val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    51     fun evaluator naming program ((_, (_, ty)), t) deps =
    52       let
    53         val _ = if Code_Thingol.contains_dictvar t then
    54           error "Term to be evaluated contains free dictionaries" else ();
    55         val value_name = "Value.VALUE.value"
    56         val program' = program
    57           |> Graph.new_node (value_name,
    58               Code_Thingol.Fun (Term.dummy_patternN, (([], ty), [(([], t), (NONE, true))])))
    59           |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge value_name) deps;
    60         val (value_code, [SOME value_name']) = Code_ML.evaluation_code_of thy
    61           (the_default target some_target) "" naming program' [value_name];
    62         val sml_code = "let\n" ^ value_code ^ "\nin " ^ value_name'
    63           ^ space_implode " " (map (enclose "(" ")") args) ^ " end";
    64       in ML_Context.evaluate ctxt false reff sml_code end;
    65   in Code_Thingol.eval thy postproc evaluator t end;
    68 (** instrumentalization by antiquotation **)
    70 local
    72 structure CodeAntiqData = Proof_Data
    73 (
    74   type T = (string list * string list) * (bool * (string
    75     * (string * ((string * string) list * (string * string) list)) lazy));
    76   fun init _ = (([], []), (true, ("", Lazy.value ("", ([], [])))));
    77 );
    79 val is_first_occ = fst o snd o CodeAntiqData.get;
    81 fun register_code new_tycos new_consts ctxt =
    82   let
    83     val ((tycos, consts), (_, (struct_name, _))) = CodeAntiqData.get ctxt;
    84     val tycos' = fold (insert (op =)) new_tycos tycos;
    85     val consts' = fold (insert (op =)) new_consts consts;
    86     val (struct_name', ctxt') = if struct_name = ""
    87       then ML_Antiquote.variant eval_struct_name ctxt
    88       else (struct_name, ctxt);
    89     val acc_code = Lazy.lazy
    90       (fn () => evaluation_code (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) eval_struct_name tycos' consts');
    91   in CodeAntiqData.put ((tycos', consts'), (false, (struct_name', acc_code))) ctxt' end;
    93 fun register_const const = register_code [] [const];
    95 fun register_datatype tyco constrs = register_code [tyco] constrs;
    97 fun print_const const all_struct_name tycos_map consts_map =
    98   (Long_Name.append all_struct_name o the o AList.lookup (op =) consts_map) const;
   100 fun print_datatype tyco constrs all_struct_name tycos_map consts_map =
   101   let
   102     val upperize = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper o explode;
   103     fun check_base name name'' =
   104       if upperize (Long_Name.base_name name) = upperize name''
   105       then () else error ("Name as printed " ^ quote name''
   106         ^ "\ndiffers from logical base name " ^ quote (Long_Name.base_name name) ^ "; sorry.");
   107     val tyco'' = (the o AList.lookup (op =) tycos_map) tyco;
   108     val constrs'' = map (the o AList.lookup (op =) consts_map) constrs;
   109     val _ = check_base tyco tyco'';
   110     val _ = map2 check_base constrs constrs'';
   111   in "datatype " ^ tyco'' ^ " = datatype " ^ Long_Name.append all_struct_name tyco'' end;
   113 fun print_code is_first print_it ctxt =
   114   let
   115     val (_, (_, (struct_code_name, acc_code))) = CodeAntiqData.get ctxt;
   116     val (ml_code, (tycos_map, consts_map)) = Lazy.force acc_code;
   117     val ml_code = if is_first then ml_code
   118       else "";
   119     val all_struct_name = "Isabelle." ^ struct_code_name;
   120   in (ml_code, print_it all_struct_name tycos_map consts_map) end;
   122 in
   124 fun ml_code_antiq raw_const background =
   125   let
   126     val const = Code.check_const (ProofContext.theory_of background) raw_const;
   127     val is_first = is_first_occ background;
   128     val background' = register_const const background;
   129   in (print_code is_first (print_const const), background') end;
   131 fun ml_code_datatype_antiq (raw_tyco, raw_constrs) background =
   132   let
   133     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of background;
   134     val tyco = Sign.intern_type thy raw_tyco;
   135     val constrs = map (Code.check_const thy) raw_constrs;
   136     val constrs' = (map fst o snd o Code.get_type thy) tyco;
   137     val _ = if eq_set (op =) (constrs, constrs') then ()
   138       else error ("Type " ^ quote tyco ^ ": given constructors diverge from real constructors")
   139     val is_first = is_first_occ background;
   140     val background' = register_datatype tyco constrs background;
   141   in (print_code is_first (print_datatype tyco constrs), background') end;
   143 end; (*local*)
   146 (** reflection support **)
   148 fun check_datatype thy tyco consts =
   149   let
   150     val constrs = (map fst o snd o Code.get_type thy) tyco;
   151     val missing_constrs = subtract (op =) consts constrs;
   152     val _ = if null missing_constrs then []
   153       else error ("Missing constructor(s) " ^ commas (map quote missing_constrs)
   154         ^ " for datatype " ^ quote tyco);
   155     val false_constrs = subtract (op =) constrs consts;
   156     val _ = if null false_constrs then []
   157       else error ("Non-constructor(s) " ^ commas (map quote false_constrs)
   158         ^ " for datatype " ^ quote tyco);
   159   in () end;
   161 fun add_eval_tyco (tyco, tyco') thy =
   162   let
   163     val k = Sign.arity_number thy tyco;
   164     fun pr pr' fxy [] = tyco'
   165       | pr pr' fxy [ty] =
   166           Code_Printer.concat [pr' Code_Printer.BR ty, tyco']
   167       | pr pr' fxy tys =
   168           Code_Printer.concat [Code_Printer.enum "," "(" ")" (map (pr' Code_Printer.BR) tys), tyco']
   169   in
   170     thy
   171     |> Code_Target.add_syntax_tyco target tyco (SOME (k, pr))
   172   end;
   174 fun add_eval_constr (const, const') thy =
   175   let
   176     val k = Code.args_number thy const;
   177     fun pr pr' fxy ts = Code_Printer.brackify fxy
   178       (const' :: the_list (Code_ML.print_tuple pr' Code_Printer.BR (map fst ts)));
   179   in
   180     thy
   181     |> Code_Target.add_syntax_const target const (SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (k, pr)))
   182   end;
   184 fun add_eval_const (const, const') = Code_Target.add_syntax_const target
   185   const (SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (0, (K o K o K) const')));
   187 fun process (code_body, (tyco_map, (constr_map, const_map))) module_name NONE thy =
   188       let
   189         val pr = Code_Printer.str o Long_Name.append module_name;
   190       in
   191         thy
   192         |> Code_Target.add_reserved target module_name
   193         |> Context.theory_map (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval true Position.none code_body))
   194         |> fold (add_eval_tyco o apsnd pr) tyco_map
   195         |> fold (add_eval_constr o apsnd pr) constr_map
   196         |> fold (add_eval_const o apsnd pr) const_map
   197       end
   198   | process (code_body, _) _ (SOME file_name) thy =
   199       let
   200         val preamble = "(* Generated from " ^ Path.implode (ThyLoad.thy_path (Context.theory_name thy))
   201           ^ "; DO NOT EDIT! *)";
   202         val _ = File.write (Path.explode file_name) (preamble ^ "\n\n" ^ code_body);
   203       in
   204         thy
   205       end;
   207 fun gen_code_reflect prep_type prep_const raw_datatypes raw_functions module_name some_file thy  =
   208   let
   209     val datatypes = map (fn (raw_tyco, raw_cos) =>
   210       (prep_type thy raw_tyco, map (prep_const thy) raw_cos)) raw_datatypes;
   211     val _ = map (uncurry (check_datatype thy)) datatypes;
   212     val tycos = map fst datatypes;
   213     val constrs = maps snd datatypes;
   214     val functions = map (prep_const thy) raw_functions;
   215     val result = evaluation_code thy module_name tycos (constrs @ functions)
   216       |> (apsnd o apsnd) (chop (length constrs));
   217   in
   218     thy
   219     |> process result module_name some_file
   220   end;
   222 val code_reflect = gen_code_reflect Code_Target.cert_tyco Code.check_const;
   223 val code_reflect_cmd = gen_code_reflect Code_Target.read_tyco Code.read_const;
   226 (** Isar setup **)
   228 val _ = ML_Context.add_antiq "code" (fn _ => Args.term >> ml_code_antiq);
   229 val _ = ML_Context.add_antiq "code_datatype" (fn _ =>
   230   (Args.type_name true --| Scan.lift (Args.$$$ "=")
   231     -- (Args.term ::: Scan.repeat (Scan.lift (Args.$$$ "|") |-- Args.term)))
   232       >> ml_code_datatype_antiq);
   234 local
   236 structure P = OuterParse
   237 and K = OuterKeyword
   239 val datatypesK = "datatypes";
   240 val functionsK = "functions";
   241 val module_nameK = "module_name";
   242 val fileK = "file";
   243 val andK = "and"
   245 val _ = K.keyword [datatypesK, functionsK];
   247 val parse_datatype = ( --| P.$$$ "=" -- (P.term ::: (Scan.repeat (P.$$$ "|" |-- P.term))));
   249 in
   251 val _ =
   252   OuterSyntax.command "code_reflect" "enrich runtime environment with generated code"
   253     K.thy_decl (Scan.optional (P.$$$ datatypesK |-- (parse_datatype
   254       ::: Scan.repeat (P.$$$ andK |-- parse_datatype))) []
   255     -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ functionsK |-- Scan.repeat1 []
   256     --| P.$$$ module_nameK --
   257     -- Scan.option (P.$$$ fileK |--
   258   >> (fn (((raw_datatypes, raw_functions), module_name), some_file) => Toplevel.theory
   259     (code_reflect_cmd raw_datatypes raw_functions module_name some_file)));
   261 end; (*local*)
   263 val setup = Code_Target.extend_target (target, (Code_ML.target_SML, K I));
   265 end; (*struct*)