author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:43:33 +0200
changeset 59844 373d13915f8c
parent 59812 9ef6e9e88178
child 59846 7184a26ac7d5
permissions -rw-r--r--
renaming, cleanup
     1 (* Title:  Tactics; tac_ for interaction with frontend, input for internal use.
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 170121
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 regular expression for search:
     7 Add_Find|Add_Given|Add_Relation|Apply_Assumption|Apply_Method|Begin_Sequ|Begin_Trans|Split_And|Split_Or|Split_Intersect|Conclude_And|Conclude_Or|Collect_Trues|End_Sequ|End_Trans|End_Ruleset|End_Subproblem|End_Intersect|End_Proof|CAScmd|Calculate|Check_Postcond|Check_elementwise|Del_Find|Del_Given|Del_Relation|Derive|Detail_Set|Detail_Set_Inst|End_Detail|Empty_Tac|Free_Solve|Init_Proof|Model_Problem Or_to_List|Refine_Problem|Refine_Tacitly| Rewrite|Rewrite_Inst|Rewrite_Set|Rewrite_Set_Inst|Specify_Method|Specify_Problem|Specify_Theory|Subproblem|Substitute|Tac|Take|Take_Inst
     9 *)
    10 signature TACTIC =
    11 sig
    12   datatype T = datatype Tactic_Def.T
    13   val string_of: T -> string
    15   datatype input = datatype Tactic_Def.input
    16   val tac2str : input -> string
    17   val tac2IDstr : input -> string
    18   val is_empty : input -> bool
    20 (*//-------------------------------------------------------------- only AFTER ctree.sml required *)
    21   val eq_tac : input * input -> bool
    22   val is_rewtac : input -> bool
    23   val is_rewset : input -> bool
    24   val rls_of : input -> Rule.rls'
    25   val rule2tac : theory -> (term * term) list ->  Rule.rule -> input
    26   val input_from_T : T -> input
    27   val result : T -> term
    28   val creates_assms: T -> term list
    29   val insert_assumptions: T -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
    30   val for_specify: input -> bool
    31   val for_specify': T -> bool
    33 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    34   (* NONE *)
    35 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    36   (* NONE *)
    37 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    39 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    40   (* NONE *)
    41 end
    43 (**)
    44 structure Tactic(**): TACTIC(**) =
    45 struct
    46 (**)
    48 datatype input = datatype Tactic_Def.input
    50 val tac2str = Tactic_Def.tac2str
    51 val tac2IDstr = Tactic_Def.tac2IDstr
    52 val is_empty = Tactic_Def.is_empty
    54 fun eq_tac (Rewrite (id1, _), Rewrite (id2, _)) = id1 = id2
    55   | eq_tac (Rewrite_Inst (_, (id1, _)), Rewrite_Inst (_, (id2, _))) = id1 = id2
    56   | eq_tac (Rewrite_Set id1, Rewrite_Set id2) = id1 = id2
    57   | eq_tac (Rewrite_Set_Inst (_, id1), Rewrite_Set_Inst (_, id2)) = id1 = id2
    58   | eq_tac (Calculate id1, Calculate id2) = id1 = id2
    59   | eq_tac _ = false
    61 fun is_rewset (Rewrite_Set_Inst _) = true
    62   | is_rewset (Rewrite_Set _) = true 
    63   | is_rewset _ = false;
    64 fun is_rewtac (Rewrite _) = true
    65   | is_rewtac (Rewrite_Inst _) = true
    66   | is_rewtac input = is_rewset input;
    69 fun rls_of (Rewrite_Set_Inst (_, rls)) = rls
    70   | rls_of (Rewrite_Set rls) = rls
    71   | rls_of input = error ("rls_of: called with input \"" ^ Tactic_Def.tac2IDstr input ^ "\"");
    73 fun rule2tac thy _ (Rule.Num_Calc (opID, _)) = Calculate (assoc_calc thy opID)
    74   | rule2tac _ [] (Rule.Thm thm'') = Rewrite thm''
    75   | rule2tac _ subst (Rule.Thm thm'') = 
    76     Rewrite_Inst (Selem.subst2subs subst, thm'')
    77   | rule2tac _ [] (Rule.Rls_ rls) = Rewrite_Set (Rule.id_rls rls)
    78   | rule2tac _ subst (Rule.Rls_ rls) = 
    79     Rewrite_Set_Inst (Selem.subst2subs subst, (Rule.id_rls rls))
    80   | rule2tac _ _ rule = 
    81     error ("rule2tac: called with \"" ^ Rule.rule2str rule ^ "\"");
    83   datatype T = datatype Tactic_Def.T
    85 val string_of = Tactic_Def.string_of
    87 fun input_from_T (Refine_Tacitly' (pI, _, _, _, _)) = Refine_Tacitly pI
    88   | input_from_T (Model_Problem' (_, _, _)) = Model_Problem
    89   | input_from_T (Add_Given' (t, _)) = Add_Given t
    90   | input_from_T (Add_Find' (t, _)) = Add_Find t
    91   | input_from_T (Add_Relation' (t, _)) = Add_Relation t
    93   | input_from_T (Specify_Theory' dI) = Specify_Theory dI
    94   | input_from_T (Specify_Problem' (dI, _)) = Specify_Problem dI
    95   | input_from_T (Specify_Method' (dI, _, _)) = Specify_Method dI
    97   | input_from_T (Rewrite' (_, _, _, _, thm, _, _)) = Rewrite thm
    98   | input_from_T (Rewrite_Inst' (_, _, _, _, sub, thm, _, _)) = Rewrite_Inst (Selem.subst2subs sub, thm)
   100   | input_from_T (Rewrite_Set' (_, _, rls, _, _)) = Rewrite_Set (Rule.id_rls rls)
   101   | input_from_T (Detail_Set' (_, _, rls, _, _)) = Detail_Set (Rule.id_rls rls)
   103   | input_from_T (Rewrite_Set_Inst' (_, _, sub, rls, _, _)) = 
   104     Rewrite_Set_Inst (Selem.subst2subs sub, Rule.id_rls rls)
   105   | input_from_T (Detail_Set_Inst' (_, _, sub, rls, _, _)) = 
   106     Detail_Set_Inst (Selem.subst2subs sub, Rule.id_rls rls)
   108   | input_from_T (Calculate' (_, op_, _, _)) = Calculate (op_)
   109   | input_from_T (Check_elementwise' (_, pred, _)) = Check_elementwise pred
   111   | input_from_T (Or_to_List' _) = Or_to_List
   112   | input_from_T (Take' term) = Take (Rule.term2str term)
   113   | input_from_T (Substitute' (_, _, subte, _, _)) = Substitute (Selem.subte2sube subte) 
   114   | input_from_T (Tac_ (_, _, id, _)) = Tac id
   116   | input_from_T (Subproblem' ((domID, pblID, _), _, _, _,_ ,_)) = Subproblem (domID, pblID)
   117   | input_from_T (Check_Postcond' (pblID, _)) = Check_Postcond pblID
   118   | input_from_T Empty_Tac_ = Empty_Tac
   119   | input_from_T m = raise ERROR (": not impl. for "^(Tactic_Def.string_of m));
   121 fun res (Rewrite_Inst' (_ , _, _, _, _, _, _, res)) = res
   122   | res (Rewrite' (_, _, _, _, _, _, res)) = res
   123   | res (Rewrite_Set_Inst' (_, _, _, _, _, res)) = res
   124   | res (Rewrite_Set' (_, _, _, _, res)) = res
   125   | res (Calculate' (_, _, _, (t, _))) = (t, [])
   126   | res (Check_elementwise' (_, _, res)) = res
   127   | res (Subproblem' (_, _, _, _, _, t)) = (t, [])
   128   | res (Take' t) = (t, [])
   129   | res (Substitute' (_, _, _, _, t)) = (t, [])
   130   | res (Or_to_List' (_,  t)) = (t, [])
   131   | res m = raise ERROR ("result: not impl.for " ^ Tactic_Def.string_of m)
   133 (*fun result m = (fst o res) m; TODO*)
   134 fun result tac = (fst o res) tac;
   135 fun creates_assms tac = (snd o res) tac;
   137 fun insert_assumptions tac ctxt  = ContextC.insert_assumptions (creates_assms tac) ctxt
   139 fun for_specify (Init_Proof _) = true
   140   | for_specify Model_Problem  = true
   141   | for_specify (Refine_Tacitly _) = true
   142   | for_specify (Refine_Problem _) = true
   143   | for_specify (Add_Given _) = true
   144   | for_specify (Del_Given _) = true
   145   | for_specify (Add_Find _) = true
   146   | for_specify (Del_Find _) = true
   147   | for_specify (Add_Relation _) = true
   148   | for_specify (Del_Relation _) = true
   149   | for_specify (Specify_Theory _) = true
   150   | for_specify (Specify_Problem _) = true
   151   | for_specify (Specify_Method _) = true
   152   | for_specify _ = false
   153 fun for_specify' (Init_Proof' _) = true
   154   | for_specify' (Model_Problem' _) = true
   155   | for_specify' (Refine_Tacitly' _) = true
   156   | for_specify' (Refine_Problem' _) = true
   157   | for_specify' (Add_Given' _) = true
   158   | for_specify' (Del_Given' _) = true
   159   | for_specify' (Add_Find' _) = true
   160   | for_specify' (Del_Find' _) = true
   161   | for_specify' (Add_Relation' _) = true
   162   | for_specify' (Del_Relation' _) = true
   163   | for_specify' (Specify_Theory' _) = true
   164   | for_specify' (Specify_Problem' _) = true
   165   | for_specify' (Specify_Method' _) = true
   166   | for_specify' _ = false
   168 (**)end(**)