author haftmann
Wed, 17 Jun 2009 11:00:14 +0200
changeset 31682 358cdcdf56d2
parent 31678 752f23a37240
child 33750 0a0d6d79d984
permissions -rw-r--r--
corrected some issues
     2 \section{Numbers}
     3 \label{sec:numbers}
     5 \index{numbers|(}%
     6 Until now, our numerical examples have used the type of \textbf{natural
     7 numbers},
     8 \isa{nat}.  This is a recursive datatype generated by the constructors
     9 zero  and successor, so it works well with inductive proofs and primitive
    10 recursive function definitions.  HOL also provides the type
    11 \isa{int} of \textbf{integers}, which lack induction but support true
    12 subtraction.  With subtraction, arithmetic reasoning is easier, which makes
    13 the integers preferable to the natural numbers for
    14 complicated arithmetic expressions, even if they are non-negative.  There are also the types
    15 \isa{rat}, \isa{real} and \isa{complex}: the rational, real and complex numbers.  Isabelle has no 
    16 subtyping,  so the numeric
    17 types are distinct and there are functions to convert between them.
    18 Most numeric operations are overloaded: the same symbol can be
    19 used at all numeric types. Table~\ref{tab:overloading} in the appendix
    20 shows the most important operations, together with the priorities of the
    21 infix symbols. Algebraic properties are organized using type classes
    22 around algebraic concepts such as rings and fields;
    23 a property such as the commutativity of addition is a single theorem 
    24 (\isa{add_commute}) that applies to all numeric types.
    26 \index{linear arithmetic}%
    27 Many theorems involving numeric types can be proved automatically by
    28 Isabelle's arithmetic decision procedure, the method
    29 \methdx{arith}.  Linear arithmetic comprises addition, subtraction
    30 and multiplication by constant factors; subterms involving other operators
    31 are regarded as variables.  The procedure can be slow, especially if the
    32 subgoal to be proved involves subtraction over type \isa{nat}, which 
    33 causes case splits.  On types \isa{nat} and \isa{int}, \methdx{arith}
    34 can deal with quantifiers---this is known as Presburger arithmetic---whereas on type \isa{real} it cannot.
    36 The simplifier reduces arithmetic expressions in other
    37 ways, such as dividing through by common factors.  For problems that lie
    38 outside the scope of automation, HOL provides hundreds of
    39 theorems about multiplication, division, etc., that can be brought to
    40 bear.  You can locate them using Proof General's Find
    41 button.  A few lemmas are given below to show what
    42 is available.
    44 \subsection{Numeric Literals}
    45 \label{sec:numerals}
    47 \index{numeric literals|(}%
    48 The constants \cdx{0} and \cdx{1} are overloaded.  They denote zero and one,
    49 respectively, for all numeric types.  Other values are expressed by numeric
    50 literals, which consist of one or more decimal digits optionally preceeded by a minus sign (\isa{-}).  Examples are \isa{2}, \isa{-3} and
    51 \isa{441223334678}.  Literals are available for the types of natural
    52 numbers, integers, rationals, reals, etc.; they denote integer values of
    53 arbitrary size.
    55 Literals look like constants, but they abbreviate 
    56 terms representing the number in a two's complement binary notation. 
    57 Isabelle performs arithmetic on literals by rewriting rather 
    58 than using the hardware arithmetic. In most cases arithmetic 
    59 is fast enough, even for numbers in the millions. The arithmetic operations 
    60 provided for literals include addition, subtraction, multiplication, 
    61 integer division and remainder.  Fractions of literals (expressed using
    62 division) are reduced to lowest terms.
    64 \begin{warn}\index{overloading!and arithmetic}
    65 The arithmetic operators are 
    66 overloaded, so you must be careful to ensure that each numeric 
    67 expression refers to a specific type, if necessary by inserting 
    68 type constraints.  Here is an example of what can go wrong:
    69 \par
    70 \begin{isabelle}
    71 \isacommand{lemma}\ "2\ *\ m\ =\ m\ +\ m"
    72 \end{isabelle}
    73 %
    74 Carefully observe how Isabelle displays the subgoal:
    75 \begin{isabelle}
    76 \ 1.\ (2::'a)\ *\ m\ =\ m\ +\ m
    77 \end{isabelle}
    78 The type \isa{'a} given for the literal \isa{2} warns us that no numeric
    79 type has been specified.  The problem is underspecified.  Given a type
    80 constraint such as \isa{nat}, \isa{int} or \isa{real}, it becomes trivial.
    81 \end{warn}
    83 \begin{warn}
    84 \index{function@\isacommand {function} (command)!and numeric literals}  
    85 Numeric literals are not constructors and therefore
    86 must not be used in patterns.  For example, this declaration is
    87 rejected:
    88 \begin{isabelle}
    89 \isacommand{function}\ h\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
    90 "h\ 3\ =\ 2"\isanewline
    91 \isacharbar "h\ i\ \ =\ i"
    92 \end{isabelle}
    94 You should use a conditional expression instead:
    95 \begin{isabelle}
    96 "h\ i\ =\ (if\ i\ =\ 3\ then\ 2\ else\ i)"
    97 \end{isabelle}
    98 \index{numeric literals|)}
    99 \end{warn}
   102 \subsection{The Type of Natural Numbers, {\tt\slshape nat}}
   104 \index{natural numbers|(}\index{*nat (type)|(}%
   105 This type requires no introduction: we have been using it from the
   106 beginning.  Hundreds of theorems about the natural numbers are
   107 proved in the theories \isa{Nat} and \isa{Divides}.  
   108 Basic properties of addition and multiplication are available through the
   109 axiomatic type class for semirings (\S\ref{sec:numeric-classes}).
   111 \subsubsection{Literals}
   112 \index{numeric literals!for type \protect\isa{nat}}%
   113 The notational options for the natural  numbers are confusing.  Recall that an
   114 overloaded constant can be defined independently for each type; the definition
   115 of \cdx{1} for type \isa{nat} is
   116 \begin{isabelle}
   117 1\ \isasymequiv\ Suc\ 0
   118 \rulename{One_nat_def}
   119 \end{isabelle}
   120 This is installed as a simplification rule, so the simplifier will replace
   121 every occurrence of \isa{1::nat} by \isa{Suc\ 0}.  Literals are obviously
   122 better than nested \isa{Suc}s at expressing large values.  But many theorems,
   123 including the rewrite rules for primitive recursive functions, can only be
   124 applied to terms of the form \isa{Suc\ $n$}.
   126 The following default  simplification rules replace
   127 small literals by zero and successor: 
   128 \begin{isabelle}
   129 2\ +\ n\ =\ Suc\ (Suc\ n)
   130 \rulename{add_2_eq_Suc}\isanewline
   131 n\ +\ 2\ =\ Suc\ (Suc\ n)
   132 \rulename{add_2_eq_Suc'}
   133 \end{isabelle}
   134 It is less easy to transform \isa{100} into \isa{Suc\ 99} (for example), and
   135 the simplifier will normally reverse this transformation.  Novices should
   136 express natural numbers using \isa{0} and \isa{Suc} only.
   138 \subsubsection{Division}
   139 \index{division!for type \protect\isa{nat}}%
   140 The infix operators \isa{div} and \isa{mod} are overloaded.
   141 Isabelle/HOL provides the basic facts about quotient and remainder
   142 on the natural numbers:
   143 \begin{isabelle}
   144 m\ mod\ n\ =\ (if\ m\ <\ n\ then\ m\ else\ (m\ -\ n)\ mod\ n)
   145 \rulename{mod_if}\isanewline
   146 m\ div\ n\ *\ n\ +\ m\ mod\ n\ =\ m%
   147 \rulenamedx{mod_div_equality}
   148 \end{isabelle}
   150 Many less obvious facts about quotient and remainder are also provided. 
   151 Here is a selection:
   152 \begin{isabelle}
   153 a\ *\ b\ div\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ div\ c)\ +\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   154 \rulename{div_mult1_eq}\isanewline
   155 a\ *\ b\ mod\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   156 \rulename{mod_mult_right_eq}\isanewline
   157 a\ div\ (b*c)\ =\ a\ div\ b\ div\ c%
   158 \rulename{div_mult2_eq}\isanewline
   159 a\ mod\ (b*c)\ =\ b * (a\ div\ b\ mod\ c)\ +\ a\ mod\ b%
   160 \rulename{mod_mult2_eq}\isanewline
   161 0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ (c\ *\ a)\ div\ (c\ *\ b)\ =\ a\ div\ b%
   162 \rulename{div_mult_mult1}\isanewline
   163 (m\ mod\ n)\ *\ k\ =\ (m\ *\ k)\ mod\ (n\ *\ k)
   164 \rulenamedx{mod_mult_distrib}\isanewline
   165 m\ \isasymle \ n\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ m\ div\ k\ \isasymle \ n\ div\ k%
   166 \rulename{div_le_mono}
   167 \end{isabelle}
   169 Surprisingly few of these results depend upon the
   170 divisors' being nonzero.
   171 \index{division!by zero}%
   172 That is because division by
   173 zero yields zero:
   174 \begin{isabelle}
   175 a\ div\ 0\ =\ 0
   176 \rulename{DIVISION_BY_ZERO_DIV}\isanewline
   177 a\ mod\ 0\ =\ a%
   178 \rulename{DIVISION_BY_ZERO_MOD}
   179 \end{isabelle}
   180 In \isa{div_mult_mult1} above, one of
   181 the two divisors (namely~\isa{c}) must still be nonzero.
   183 The \textbf{divides} relation\index{divides relation}
   184 has the standard definition, which
   185 is overloaded over all numeric types: 
   186 \begin{isabelle}
   187 m\ dvd\ n\ \isasymequiv\ {\isasymexists}k.\ n\ =\ m\ *\ k
   188 \rulenamedx{dvd_def}
   189 \end{isabelle}
   190 %
   191 Section~\ref{sec:proving-euclid} discusses proofs involving this
   192 relation.  Here are some of the facts proved about it:
   193 \begin{isabelle}
   194 \isasymlbrakk m\ dvd\ n;\ n\ dvd\ m\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ m\ =\ n%
   195 \rulenamedx{dvd_anti_sym}\isanewline
   196 \isasymlbrakk k\ dvd\ m;\ k\ dvd\ n\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ (m\ +\ n)
   197 \rulenamedx{dvd_add}
   198 \end{isabelle}
   200 \subsubsection{Subtraction}
   202 There are no negative natural numbers, so \isa{m\ -\ n} equals zero unless 
   203 \isa{m} exceeds~\isa{n}. The following is one of the few facts
   204 about \isa{m\ -\ n} that is not subject to
   205 the condition \isa{n\ \isasymle \  m}. 
   206 \begin{isabelle}
   207 (m\ -\ n)\ *\ k\ =\ m\ *\ k\ -\ n\ *\ k%
   208 \rulenamedx{diff_mult_distrib}
   209 \end{isabelle}
   210 Natural number subtraction has few
   211 nice properties; often you should remove it by simplifying with this split
   212 rule.
   213 \begin{isabelle}
   214 P(a-b)\ =\ ((a<b\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\
   215 0)\ \isasymand \ (\isasymforall d.\ a\ =\ b+d\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\
   216 d))
   217 \rulename{nat_diff_split}
   218 \end{isabelle}
   219 For example, splitting helps to prove the following fact.
   220 \begin{isabelle}
   221 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(n\ -\ 2)\ *\ (n\ +\ 2)\ =\ n\ *\ n\ -\ (4::nat)"\isanewline
   222 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ split:\ nat_diff_split,\ clarify)\isanewline
   223 \ 1.\ \isasymAnd d.\ \isasymlbrakk n\ <\ 2;\ n\ *\ n\ =\ 4\ +\ d\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ d\ =\ 0
   224 \end{isabelle}
   225 The result lies outside the scope of linear arithmetic, but
   226  it is easily found
   227 if we explicitly split \isa{n<2} as \isa{n=0} or \isa{n=1}:
   228 \begin{isabelle}
   229 \isacommand{apply}\ (subgoal_tac\ "n=0\ |\ n=1",\ force,\ arith)\isanewline
   230 \isacommand{done}
   231 \end{isabelle}%%%%%%
   232 \index{natural numbers|)}\index{*nat (type)|)}
   235 \subsection{The Type of Integers, {\tt\slshape int}}
   237 \index{integers|(}\index{*int (type)|(}%
   238 Reasoning methods for the integers resemble those for the natural numbers, 
   239 but induction and
   240 the constant \isa{Suc} are not available.  HOL provides many lemmas for
   241 proving inequalities involving integer multiplication and division, similar
   242 to those shown above for type~\isa{nat}. The laws of addition, subtraction
   243 and multiplication are available through the axiomatic type class for rings
   244 (\S\ref{sec:numeric-classes}).
   246 The \rmindex{absolute value} function \cdx{abs} is overloaded, and is 
   247 defined for all types that involve negative numbers, including the integers.
   248 The \isa{arith} method can prove facts about \isa{abs} automatically, 
   249 though as it does so by case analysis, the cost can be exponential.
   250 \begin{isabelle}
   251 \isacommand{lemma}\ "abs\ (x+y)\ \isasymle \ abs\ x\ +\ abs\ (y\ ::\ int)"\isanewline
   252 \isacommand{by}\ arith
   253 \end{isabelle}
   255 For division and remainder,\index{division!by negative numbers}
   256 the treatment of negative divisors follows
   257 mathematical practice: the sign of the remainder follows that
   258 of the divisor:
   259 \begin{isabelle}
   260 0\ <\ b\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ 0\ \isasymle \ a\ mod\ b%
   261 \rulename{pos_mod_sign}\isanewline
   262 0\ <\ b\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ b\ <\ b%
   263 \rulename{pos_mod_bound}\isanewline
   264 b\ <\ 0\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ b\ \isasymle \ 0
   265 \rulename{neg_mod_sign}\isanewline
   266 b\ <\ 0\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ b\ <\ a\ mod\ b%
   267 \rulename{neg_mod_bound}
   268 \end{isabelle}
   269 ML treats negative divisors in the same way, but most computer hardware
   270 treats signed operands using the same rules as for multiplication.
   271 Many facts about quotients and remainders are provided:
   272 \begin{isabelle}
   273 (a\ +\ b)\ div\ c\ =\isanewline
   274 a\ div\ c\ +\ b\ div\ c\ +\ (a\ mod\ c\ +\ b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   275 \rulename{zdiv_zadd1_eq}
   276 \par\smallskip
   277 (a\ +\ b)\ mod\ c\ =\ (a\ mod\ c\ +\ b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   278 \rulename{mod_add_eq}
   279 \end{isabelle}
   281 \begin{isabelle}
   282 (a\ *\ b)\ div\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ div\ c)\ +\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   283 \rulename{zdiv_zmult1_eq}\isanewline
   284 (a\ *\ b)\ mod\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   285 \rulename{zmod_zmult1_eq}
   286 \end{isabelle}
   288 \begin{isabelle}
   289 0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ div\ (b*c)\ =\ a\ div\ b\ div\ c%
   290 \rulename{zdiv_zmult2_eq}\isanewline
   291 0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ (b*c)\ =\ b*(a\ div\ b\ mod\
   292 c)\ +\ a\ mod\ b%
   293 \rulename{zmod_zmult2_eq}
   294 \end{isabelle}
   295 The last two differ from their natural number analogues by requiring
   296 \isa{c} to be positive.  Since division by zero yields zero, we could allow
   297 \isa{c} to be zero.  However, \isa{c} cannot be negative: a counterexample
   298 is
   299 $\isa{a} = 7$, $\isa{b} = 2$ and $\isa{c} = -3$, when the left-hand side of
   300 \isa{zdiv_zmult2_eq} is $-2$ while the right-hand side is~$-1$.
   301 The prefix~\isa{z} in many theorem names recalls the use of $\mathbb{Z}$ to
   302 denote the set of integers.%
   303 \index{integers|)}\index{*int (type)|)}
   305 Induction is less important for integers than it is for the natural numbers, but it can be valuable if the range of integers has a lower or upper bound.  There are four rules for integer induction, corresponding to the possible relations of the bound ($\geq$, $>$, $\leq$ and $<$):
   306 \begin{isabelle}
   307 \isasymlbrakk k\ \isasymle \ i;\ P\ k;\ \isasymAnd i.\ \isasymlbrakk k\ \isasymle \ i;\ P\ i\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(i+1)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ i%
   308 \rulename{int_ge_induct}\isanewline
   309 \isasymlbrakk k\ <\ i;\ P(k+1);\ \isasymAnd i.\ \isasymlbrakk k\ <\ i;\ P\ i\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(i+1)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ i%
   310 \rulename{int_gr_induct}\isanewline
   311 \isasymlbrakk i\ \isasymle \ k;\ P\ k;\ \isasymAnd i.\ \isasymlbrakk i\ \isasymle \ k;\ P\ i\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(i-1)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ i%
   312 \rulename{int_le_induct}\isanewline
   313 \isasymlbrakk i\ <\ k;\ P(k-1);\ \isasymAnd i.\ \isasymlbrakk i\ <\ k;\ P\ i\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P(i-1)\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ P\ i%
   314 \rulename{int_less_induct}
   315 \end{isabelle}
   318 \subsection{The Types of Rational, Real and Complex Numbers}
   319 \label{sec:real}
   321 \index{rational numbers|(}\index{*rat (type)|(}%
   322 \index{real numbers|(}\index{*real (type)|(}%
   323 \index{complex numbers|(}\index{*complex (type)|(}%
   324 These types provide true division, the overloaded operator \isa{/}, 
   325 which differs from the operator \isa{div} of the 
   326 natural numbers and integers. The rationals and reals are 
   327 \textbf{dense}: between every two distinct numbers lies another.
   328 This property follows from the division laws, since if $x\not=y$ then $(x+y)/2$ lies between them:
   329 \begin{isabelle}
   330 a\ <\ b\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists r.\ a\ <\ r\ \isasymand \ r\ <\ b%
   331 \rulename{dense}
   332 \end{isabelle}
   334 The real numbers are, moreover, \textbf{complete}: every set of reals that
   335 is bounded above has a least upper bound.  Completeness distinguishes the
   336 reals from the rationals, for which the set $\{x\mid x^2<2\}$ has no least
   337 upper bound.  (It could only be $\surd2$, which is irrational.) The
   338 formalization of completeness, which is complicated, 
   339 can be found in theory \texttt{RComplete}.
   341 Numeric literals\index{numeric literals!for type \protect\isa{real}}
   342 for type \isa{real} have the same syntax as those for type
   343 \isa{int} and only express integral values.  Fractions expressed
   344 using the division operator are automatically simplified to lowest terms:
   345 \begin{isabelle}
   346 \ 1.\ P\ ((3\ /\ 4)\ *\ (8\ /\ 15))\isanewline
   347 \isacommand{apply} simp\isanewline
   348 \ 1.\ P\ (2\ /\ 5)
   349 \end{isabelle}
   350 Exponentiation can express floating-point values such as
   351 \isa{2 * 10\isacharcircum6}, but at present no special simplification
   352 is performed.
   354 \begin{warn}
   355 Types \isa{rat}, \isa{real} and \isa{complex} are provided by theory HOL-Complex, which is
   356 Main extended with a definitional development of the rational, real and complex
   357 numbers.  Base your theory upon theory \thydx{Complex_Main}, not the
   358 usual \isa{Main}.%
   359 \end{warn}
   361 Available in the logic HOL-NSA is the
   362 theory \isa{Hyperreal}, which define the type \tydx{hypreal} of 
   363 \rmindex{non-standard reals}.  These
   364 \textbf{hyperreals} include infinitesimals, which represent infinitely
   365 small and infinitely large quantities; they facilitate proofs
   366 about limits, differentiation and integration~\cite{fleuriot-jcm}.  The
   367 development defines an infinitely large number, \isa{omega} and an
   368 infinitely small positive number, \isa{epsilon}.  The 
   369 relation $x\approx y$ means ``$x$ is infinitely close to~$y$.''
   370 Theory \isa{Hyperreal} also defines transcendental functions such as sine,
   371 cosine, exponential and logarithm --- even the versions for type
   372 \isa{real}, because they are defined using nonstandard limits.%
   373 \index{rational numbers|)}\index{*rat (type)|)}%
   374 \index{real numbers|)}\index{*real (type)|)}%
   375 \index{complex numbers|)}\index{*complex (type)|)}
   378 \subsection{The Numeric Type Classes}\label{sec:numeric-classes}
   380 Isabelle/HOL organises its numeric theories using axiomatic type classes.
   381 Hundreds of basic properties are proved in the theory \isa{Ring_and_Field}.
   382 These lemmas are available (as simprules if they were declared as such)
   383 for all numeric types satisfying the necessary axioms. The theory defines
   384 dozens of type classes, such as the following:
   385 \begin{itemize}
   386 \item 
   387 \tcdx{semiring} and \tcdx{ordered_semiring}: a \emph{semiring}
   388 provides the associative operators \isa{+} and~\isa{*}, with \isa{0} and~\isa{1}
   389 as their respective identities. The operators enjoy the usual distributive law,
   390 and addition (\isa{+}) is also commutative.
   391 An \emph{ordered semiring} is also linearly
   392 ordered, with addition and multiplication respecting the ordering. Type \isa{nat} is an ordered semiring.
   393 \item 
   394 \tcdx{ring} and \tcdx{ordered_ring}: a \emph{ring} extends a semiring
   395 with unary minus (the additive inverse) and subtraction (both
   396 denoted~\isa{-}). An \emph{ordered ring} includes the absolute value
   397 function, \cdx{abs}. Type \isa{int} is an ordered ring.
   398 \item 
   399 \tcdx{field} and \tcdx{ordered_field}: a field extends a ring with the
   400 multiplicative inverse (called simply \cdx{inverse} and division~(\isa{/})).
   401 An ordered field is based on an ordered ring. Type \isa{complex} is a field, while type \isa{real} is an ordered field.
   402 \item 
   403 \tcdx{division_by_zero} includes all types where \isa{inverse 0 = 0}
   404 and \isa{a / 0 = 0}. These include all of Isabelle's standard numeric types.
   405 However, the basic properties of fields are derived without assuming
   406 division by zero.
   407 \end{itemize}
   409 Hundreds of basic lemmas are proved, each of which
   410 holds for all types in the corresponding type class. In most
   411 cases, it is obvious whether a property is valid for a particular type. No
   412 abstract properties involving subtraction hold for type \isa{nat};
   413 instead, theorems such as
   414 \isa{diff_mult_distrib} are proved specifically about subtraction on
   415 type~\isa{nat}. All abstract properties involving division require a field.
   416 Obviously, all properties involving orderings required an ordered
   417 structure.
   419 The class \tcdx{ring_no_zero_divisors} of rings without zero divisors satisfies a number of natural cancellation laws, the first of which characterizes this class:
   420 \begin{isabelle}
   421 (a\ *\ b\ =\ (0::'a))\ =\ (a\ =\ (0::'a)\ \isasymor \ b\ =\ (0::'a))
   422 \rulename{mult_eq_0_iff}\isanewline
   423 (a\ *\ c\ =\ b\ *\ c)\ =\ (c\ =\ (0::'a)\ \isasymor \ a\ =\ b)
   424 \rulename{mult_cancel_right}
   425 \end{isabelle}
   426 \begin{pgnote}
   427 Setting the flag \pgmenu{Isabelle} $>$ \pgmenu{Settings} $>$
   428 \pgmenu{Show Sorts} will display the type classes of all type variables.
   429 \end{pgnote}
   430 \noindent
   431 Here is how the theorem \isa{mult_cancel_left} appears with the flag set.
   432 \begin{isabelle}
   433 ((c::'a::ring_no_zero_divisors)\ *\ (a::'a::ring_no_zero_divisors) =\isanewline
   434 \ c\ *\ (b::'a::ring_no_zero_divisors))\ =\isanewline
   435 (c\ =\ (0::'a::ring_no_zero_divisors)\ \isasymor\ a\ =\ b)
   436 \end{isabelle}
   439 \subsubsection{Simplifying with the AC-Laws}
   440 Suppose that two expressions are equal, differing only in 
   441 associativity and commutativity of addition.  Simplifying with the
   442 following equations sorts the terms and groups them to the right, making
   443 the two expressions identical.
   444 \begin{isabelle}
   445 a\ +\ b\ +\ c\ =\ a\ +\ (b\ +\ c)
   446 \rulenamedx{add_assoc}\isanewline
   447 a\ +\ b\ =\ b\ +\ a%
   448 \rulenamedx{add_commute}\isanewline
   449 a\ +\ (b\ +\ c)\ =\ b\ +\ (a\ +\ c)
   450 \rulename{add_left_commute}
   451 \end{isabelle}
   452 The name \isa{add_ac}\index{*add_ac (theorems)} 
   453 refers to the list of all three theorems; similarly
   454 there is \isa{mult_ac}.\index{*mult_ac (theorems)} 
   455 They are all proved for semirings and therefore hold for all numeric types.
   457 Here is an example of the sorting effect.  Start
   458 with this goal, which involves type \isa{nat}.
   459 \begin{isabelle}
   460 \ 1.\ Suc\ (i\ +\ j\ *\ l\ *\ k\ +\ m\ *\ n)\ =\
   461 f\ (n\ *\ m\ +\ i\ +\ k\ *\ j\ *\ l)
   462 \end{isabelle}
   463 %
   464 Simplify using  \isa{add_ac} and \isa{mult_ac}.
   465 \begin{isabelle}
   466 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ add_ac\ mult_ac)
   467 \end{isabelle}
   468 %
   469 Here is the resulting subgoal.
   470 \begin{isabelle}
   471 \ 1.\ Suc\ (i\ +\ (m\ *\ n\ +\ j\ *\ (k\ *\ l)))\
   472 =\ f\ (i\ +\ (m\ *\ n\ +\ j\ *\ (k\ *\ l)))%
   473 \end{isabelle}
   476 \subsubsection{Division Laws for Fields}
   478 Here is a selection of rules about the division operator.  The following
   479 are installed as default simplification rules in order to express
   480 combinations of products and quotients as rational expressions:
   481 \begin{isabelle}
   482 a\ *\ (b\ /\ c)\ =\ a\ *\ b\ /\ c
   483 \rulename{times_divide_eq_right}\isanewline
   484 b\ /\ c\ *\ a\ =\ b\ *\ a\ /\ c
   485 \rulename{times_divide_eq_left}\isanewline
   486 a\ /\ (b\ /\ c)\ =\ a\ *\ c\ /\ b
   487 \rulename{divide_divide_eq_right}\isanewline
   488 a\ /\ b\ /\ c\ =\ a\ /\ (b\ *\ c)
   489 \rulename{divide_divide_eq_left}
   490 \end{isabelle}
   492 Signs are extracted from quotients in the hope that complementary terms can
   493 then be cancelled:
   494 \begin{isabelle}
   495 -\ (a\ /\ b)\ =\ -\ a\ /\ b
   496 \rulename{minus_divide_left}\isanewline
   497 -\ (a\ /\ b)\ =\ a\ /\ -\ b
   498 \rulename{minus_divide_right}
   499 \end{isabelle}
   501 The following distributive law is available, but it is not installed as a
   502 simplification rule.
   503 \begin{isabelle}
   504 (a\ +\ b)\ /\ c\ =\ a\ /\ c\ +\ b\ /\ c%
   505 \rulename{add_divide_distrib}
   506 \end{isabelle}
   509 \subsubsection{Absolute Value}
   511 The \rmindex{absolute value} function \cdx{abs} is available for all 
   512 ordered rings, including types \isa{int}, \isa{rat} and \isa{real}.
   513 It satisfies many properties,
   514 such as the following:
   515 \begin{isabelle}
   516 \isasymbar x\ *\ y\isasymbar \ =\ \isasymbar x\isasymbar \ *\ \isasymbar y\isasymbar 
   517 \rulename{abs_mult}\isanewline
   518 (\isasymbar a\isasymbar \ \isasymle \ b)\ =\ (a\ \isasymle \ b\ \isasymand \ -\ a\ \isasymle \ b)
   519 \rulename{abs_le_iff}\isanewline
   520 \isasymbar a\ +\ b\isasymbar \ \isasymle \ \isasymbar a\isasymbar \ +\ \isasymbar b\isasymbar 
   521 \rulename{abs_triangle_ineq}
   522 \end{isabelle}
   524 \begin{warn}
   525 The absolute value bars shown above cannot be typed on a keyboard.  They
   526 can be entered using the X-symbol package.  In \textsc{ascii}, type \isa{abs x} to
   527 get \isa{\isasymbar x\isasymbar}.
   528 \end{warn}
   531 \subsubsection{Raising to a Power}
   533 Another type class, \tcdx{ordered\_idom}, specifies rings that also have 
   534 exponentation to a natural number power, defined using the obvious primitive
   535 recursion. Theory \thydx{Power} proves various theorems, such as the 
   536 following.
   537 \begin{isabelle}
   538 a\ \isacharcircum \ (m\ +\ n)\ =\ a\ \isacharcircum \ m\ *\ a\ \isacharcircum \ n%
   539 \rulename{power_add}\isanewline
   540 a\ \isacharcircum \ (m\ *\ n)\ =\ (a\ \isacharcircum \ m)\ \isacharcircum \ n%
   541 \rulename{power_mult}\isanewline
   542 \isasymbar a\ \isacharcircum \ n\isasymbar \ =\ \isasymbar a\isasymbar \ \isacharcircum \ n%
   543 \rulename{power_abs}
   544 \end{isabelle}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   545 \index{numbers|)}