author wneuper <>
Thu, 10 Nov 2022 14:25:38 +0100
changeset 60590 35846e25713e
parent 60588 9a116f94c5a6
child 60653 fff1c0f0a9e7
permissions -rw-r--r--
make Minisubplb/200-start-method independent from Thy_Info #1
     1 (* Title:  Specify/refine.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 110226
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Refine a problem by a search for a \<open>ML_structure Model_Pattern\<close> 
     6 better fitting the respective where_-condition.
     8 The search on the tree got by @{term Know_Store.get_pbls} is costly such that 
     9 \<open>ML_structure Know_Store\<close> holds terms in \<open>ML_structure Model_Pattern\<close>, where_-condition (and cas).
    10 The terms are where_-compiled with the most general \<open>ML_type "'a"\<close> and the type is adapted
    11 according to the type suggested by the current \<open>ML_structure Context\<close>.
    13 Note: From the children of eb89f586b0b2 onwards the old functions (\<open>term TermC.typ_a2real\<close> etc)
    14 are adapted for "adapt_to_type on the fly" until further clarification.
    16 timing (from evaluating imports to use-cases.sml) for Test_Isac_Short
    17   before adapt_to_type: 01:05 sec:sec
    18   after  adapt_to_type: 
    19 timing for test/../refine.sml --- equation with CalcTree [ = 6 / 5] for timing: ...
    20   before adapt_to_type: 1.5 sec
    21   after  adapt_to_type: 
    22 timing for test/../refine.sml --- refine ad-hoc equation for timing: ...
    23   before adapt_to_type: 0.05 sec
    24   after  adapt_to_type: 
    25 *)                          
    27 signature REFINE_PROBLEM =
    28 sig
    29 (**)
    30   val problem: theory -> -> I_Model.T -> ( * (I_Model.T * Pre_Conds.T)) option
    32 (**)
    33   val refine_ori : Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> -> option
    34 (**)
    35   val refine_ori' : Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> ->
    37 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    38 (*val test : Formalise.model -> -> M_Match.T list*)
    39 (*val refine : Formalise.model -> -> M_Match.T list*)
    40   val xxxxx: Proof.context -> Formalise.model -> -> M_Match.T list
    41 (**)
    42   datatype match_ = Match_ of * (( I_Model.T) * (Pre_Conds.T)) | NoMatch_;
    43 (**)
    44   val refined_: match_ list -> match_ option
    45 (**)
    46   val refin'': theory -> -> I_Model.T -> match_ list -> Problem.T Store.node -> match_ list
    47 (**)
    48   val refins'': theory -> -> I_Model.T -> match_ list -> Problem.T Store.node list -> match_ list
    49 (**)
    50 (*val refin: -> O_Model.T -> Problem.T Store.node -> option*)
    51   val refin: Proof.context -> -> O_Model.T -> Problem.T Store.node -> option
    52 \<close>
    53 end
    55 (**)
    56 structure Refine(**) : REFINE_PROBLEM(**) =
    57 struct
    58 (**)
    60 datatype match_ = 
    61   Match_ of * (( I_Model.T) * (Pre_Conds.T))
    62 | NoMatch_;
    64 fun is_matches_ (Match_ _) = true
    65   | is_matches_ _ = false;
    67 fun refined_ ms = ((find_first is_matches_) o rev) ms;
    69 fun eq1 d (_, (d', _)) = (d = d');
    71 (*  chk_: theory -> ('a * (term * term)) list -> I_Model.single -> I_Model.single*)
    72 fun chk_ (_: theory) pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), _)) =
    73       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    74         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), (id, [Input_Descript.join'''' (d, vs)])))
    75       | NONE =>  (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    76   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Inc ((d, vs), _)) =
    77       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    78         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), (id, [Input_Descript.join'''' (d, vs)])))
    79       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    80   | chk_ _ _ (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Syn _)) = itm
    81   | chk_ _ _ (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Typ _)) = itm
    82   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)) =
    83       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    84         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d,vs), (id, [Input_Descript.join'''' (d, vs)])))
    85       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    86   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, _, f, I_Model.Mis (d, vs)) =
    87       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of
    88         SOME _ =>
    89           raise ERROR "chk_: ((i,vats,b,f,I_Model.Cor ((d,vs),(id, Input_Descript.join'''' d vs))):itm)"
    90       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, [vs])))
    91   | chk_ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "chk_: uncovered fun def.";
    93 fun eq2 (_, (d, _)) (_, _, _, _, itm_) = d = I_Model.descriptor itm_;
    94 fun eq0 (0, _, _, _, _) = true
    95   | eq0 _ = false;
    96 fun max_i i [] = i
    97   | max_i i ((id, _, _, _, _) :: is) = if i > id then max_i i is else max_i id is;
    98 fun max_id [] = 0
    99   | max_id ((id, _, _, _, _) :: is) = max_i id is;
   100 fun add_idvat itms _ _ [] = itms
   101   | add_idvat itms i mvat ((_, _, b, f, itm_) :: its) =
   102     add_idvat (itms @ [(i, [], b, f, itm_)]) (i + 1) mvat its;
   104 (* find elements of pbt not contained in itms;
   105    if such one is untouched, return this one, otherwise create new itm *)
   106 fun chk_m itms untouched (p as (f, (d, id))) = 
   107   case find_first (eq2 p) itms of
   108 	  SOME _ => []
   109   | NONE =>
   110       (case find_first (eq2 p) untouched of
   111         SOME itm => [itm]
   112       | NONE => [(0, [], false, f, I_Model.Mis (d, id))]);
   114 fun chk_mis mvat itms untouched pbt = 
   115     let val mis = (flat o (map (chk_m itms untouched))) pbt; 
   116         val mid = max_id itms;
   117     in add_idvat [] (mid + 1) mvat mis end;
   119 (* check a problem (ie. itm list) for matching a problemtype, 
   120    takes the I_Model.max_variant for concluding completeness (could be another!) *)
   121 fun match_itms thy itms (pbt, where_, where_rls) = 
   122   let
   123     fun okv mvat (_, vats, b, _, _) = member op = vats mvat andalso b;
   124     val itms' = map (chk_ thy pbt) itms; (* all found are #3 true *)
   125     val mvat = I_Model.max_variant itms';
   126 	  val itms'' = filter (okv mvat) itms';
   127 	  val untouched = filter eq0 itms; (* i.e. dsc only (from init)*)
   128 	  val mis = chk_mis mvat itms'' untouched pbt;
   129 	  val (pb, where_')  = Pre_Conds.check (Proof_Context.init_global thy) where_rls where_ itms'' mvat
   130   in (length mis = 0 andalso pb, (itms'@ mis, where_')) end;
   132 (* refine a problem; version for tactic Refine_Problem *)
   133 fun refin'' _ (pblRD: itms pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], [])) =
   134     let
   135 	    val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py
   136 	    (*TODO val where_ = map TermC.adapt_to_type where_ ...  adapt to current ctxt*)
   137 	    val (b, (itms', where_')) = match_itms thy itms (model, where_, where_rls);
   138     in
   139       if b
   140       then pbls @ [Match_ (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), (itms', where_'))]
   141       else pbls @ [NoMatch_] 
   142     end
   143   | refin'' _ pblRD itms pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   144     let
   145       val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py 
   146       val (b, (itms', where_')) = match_itms thy itms (model, where_, where_rls);
   147     in if b 
   148        then let val pbl = Match_ (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), (itms', where_'))
   149 	    in refins'' thy (pblRD @ [pI]) itms (pbls @ [pbl]) pys end
   150        else (pbls @ [NoMatch_])
   151     end              
   152   | refin'' _ _ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin'': uncovered fun def."
   153 and refins'' _ _ _ pbls [] = pbls
   154   | refins'' thy pblRD itms pbls ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   155     let
   156       val pbls' = refin'' thy pblRD itms pbls p
   157     in case last_elem pbls' of
   158       Match_ _ => pbls'
   159     | NoMatch_ => refins'' thy pblRD itms pbls' pts
   160   end;
   162 fun problem thy pblID itms =
   163   case refined_ ((Store.apply (get_pbls ())) (refin'' thy ((rev o tl) pblID) itms [])
   164       pblID (rev pblID)) of
   165 	  NONE => NONE
   166   | SOME (Match_ (rfd as (pI', _))) => if pblID = pI' then NONE else SOME rfd;
   168 (* 
   169   refine a problem; construct pblRD while scanning 
   170   val refin: -> O_Model.T -> Problem.T Store.node -> option
   171 *)
   172 (** )
   173 fun refin pblRD ori (Store.Node (pI, [py], [])) =
   174     if M_Match.match_oris (#thy py) (#where_rls py) ori (#model py, #where_ py) 
   175     then SOME (pblRD @ [pI])
   176     else NONE
   177   | refin pblRD ori (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   178     if M_Match.match_oris (#thy py) (#where_rls py) ori (#model py, #where_ py) 
   179     then (case refins (pblRD @ [pI]) ori pys of
   180 	      SOME pblRD' => SOME pblRD'
   181 	    | NONE => SOME (pblRD @ [pI]))
   182     else NONE
   183   | refin _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin: uncovered fun def."
   184 and refins _ _ [] = NONE
   185   | refins pblRD ori ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   186     (case refin pblRD ori p of
   187       SOME pblRD' => SOME pblRD'
   188     | NONE => refins pblRD ori pts);
   189 ( ** )TODO clean up after "...  "adapt to current ctxt"( **)
   191 (*val refin: -> O_Model.T -> Problem.T Store.node -> option*)
   192 (*val refin: Proof.context -> -> O_Model.T -> Problem.T Store.node -> option*)
   193 fun refin ctxt pblRD ori (Store.Node (pI, [py], [])) =
   194     let
   195       val {where_rls, model, where_, ...} = py: Problem.T
   196       val model = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_to_type ctxt) model
   197       val where_ = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_term_to_type ctxt) where_
   198     in
   199       if M_Match.match_oris ctxt where_rls ori (model, where_) 
   200       then SOME (pblRD @ [pI])
   201       else NONE
   202     end
   203   | refin ctxt pblRD ori (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   204     let
   205       val {where_rls, model, where_, ...} = py: Problem.T
   206       val model = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_to_type ctxt) model
   207       val where_ = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_term_to_type ctxt) where_
   208     in
   209       if M_Match.match_oris ctxt where_rls ori (model, where_) 
   210       then (case refins ctxt (pblRD @ [pI]) ori pys of
   211 	        SOME pblRD' => SOME pblRD'
   212 	      | NONE => SOME (pblRD @ [pI]))
   213       else NONE
   214     end
   215   | refin _ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin: uncovered fun def."
   216 and refins _ _ _ [] = NONE
   217   | refins ctxt pblRD ori ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   218     (case refin ctxt pblRD ori p of
   219       SOME pblRD' => SOME pblRD'
   220     | NONE => refins ctxt pblRD ori pts);
   222 \<^isac_test>\<open>
   223 (* refine a problem; version providing output for math-experts *)
   224 (*
   225 fun refin' pblRD fmz pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py: Probl_Def.T], [])) =
   226     let
   227       val _ = (tracing o (curry op ^ "*** pass ") o strs2str) (pblRD @ [pI])
   228       val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py 
   229       val oris = O_Model.init thy fmz model(* |> #1*);
   230       (* WN020803: itms!: oris might _not_ be complete here *)
   231       val (b, (itms, where_')) = M_Match.match_oris' thy oris (model, where_, where_rls)
   232     in
   233       if b
   234       then pbls @ [M_Match.Matches (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')]
   235       else pbls @ [M_Match.NoMatch (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')]
   236     end
   237   | refin' pblRD fmz pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   238     let
   239       val _ = (tracing o ((curry op ^)"*** pass ") o strs2str) (pblRD @ [pI])
   240       val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py 
   241       val oris = O_Model.init thy fmz model(* |> #1*);
   242       (* WN020803: itms!: oris might _not_ be complete here *)
   243       val(b, (itms, where_')) = M_Match.match_oris' thy oris (model,where_,where_rls);
   244     in
   245       if b 
   246       then
   247         let val pbl = M_Match.Matches (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')
   248 	      in refins' (pblRD @ [pI]) fmz (pbls @ [pbl]) pys end
   249       else (pbls @ [M_Match.NoMatch (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')])
   250     end
   251   | refin' _ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin': uncovered fun def."
   252 and refins' _ _ pbls [] = pbls
   253   | refins' pblRD fmz pbls ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   254     let
   255       val pbls' = refin' pblRD fmz pbls p
   256     in
   257       case last_elem pbls' of
   258         M_Match.Matches _ => pbls'
   259       | M_Match.NoMatch _ => refins' pblRD fmz pbls' pts
   260     end;
   261 *)
   262 (*val refin': Proof.context -> -> Formalise.model -> M_Match.T list -> 
   263     Probl_Def.T Store.node -> M_Match.T list*)
   264 fun refin' ctxt pblRD fmz pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py: Probl_Def.T], [])) =
   265     let
   266       val _ = (tracing o (curry op ^ "*** pass ") o strs2str) (pblRD @ [pI])
   267       val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py 
   268       val model = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_to_type ctxt) model
   269       val where_ = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_term_to_type ctxt) where_
   270       val oris = O_Model.init thy fmz model; (*WN020803: oris might NOT be complete here*)
   271       val (b, (itms, where_')) =
   272         M_Match.match_oris' (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) oris (model, where_, where_rls)
   273     in
   274       if b
   275       then pbls @ [M_Match.Matches (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')]
   276       else pbls @ [M_Match.NoMatch (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')]
   277     end
   278   | refin' ctxt pblRD fmz pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   279     let
   280       val _ = (tracing o ((curry op ^)"*** pass ") o strs2str) (pblRD @ [pI])
   281       val {thy, model, where_, where_rls, ...} = py 
   282       val model = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_to_type ctxt) model
   283       val where_ = map (Model_Pattern.adapt_term_to_type ctxt) where_
   284       val oris = O_Model.init thy fmz model; (*WN020803: oris might NOT be complete here*)
   285       val (b, (itms, where_')) =
   286         M_Match.match_oris' (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) oris (model, where_, where_rls)
   287     in
   288       if b 
   289       then
   290         let val pbl = M_Match.Matches (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')
   291 	      in refins' ctxt (pblRD @ [pI]) fmz (pbls @ [pbl]) pys end
   292       else (pbls @ [M_Match.NoMatch (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), P_Model.from thy itms where_')])
   293     end
   294   | refin' _ _ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin': uncovered fun def."
   295 and refins' _ _ _ pbls [] = pbls
   296   | refins' ctxt pblRD fmz pbls ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   297     let
   298       val pbls' = refin' ctxt pblRD fmz pbls p
   299     in
   300       case last_elem pbls' of
   301         M_Match.Matches _ => pbls'
   302       | M_Match.NoMatch _ => refins' ctxt pblRD fmz pbls' pts
   303     end;
   304 \<close>
   306 (*
   307   TODO: rename \<rightarrow> apply_to_node
   308   apply a fun to a ptyps node.
   309   val app_ptyp: (Probl_Def.T Store.node -> 'a) -> Store.key -> Store.key -> 'a
   310 *)
   311 fun app_ptyp x = Store.apply (get_pbls ()) x;
   313 (* TODO rename \<rightarrow> by_oris
   314    for tactic Refine_Tacitly
   315    oris are already created wrt. some pbt; ctxt overrides thy in pbt  *)
   316 fun refine_ori ctxt oris pblID =
   317   let
   318     val opt = app_ptyp (refin ctxt ((rev o tl) pblID) oris) pblID (rev pblID);
   319   in case opt of 
   320       SOME pblRD =>
   321         let val pblID': = rev pblRD
   322 			  in if pblID' = pblID then NONE else SOME pblID' end
   323 	  | NONE => NONE
   324 	end;
   325 fun refine_ori' ctxt oris pI = perhaps (refine_ori ctxt oris) pI;
   327 \<^isac_test>\<open>
   328 fun xxxxx ctxt fmz pblID =
   329   app_ptyp (refin' ctxt ((rev o tl) pblID) fmz []) pblID (rev pblID);
   330 \<close>
   332 (**)end(**)