author wenzelm
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 22:51:12 +0200
changeset 24671 35075a1e9599
parent 24483 0b1a8fd26da9
child 24733 59e0b49688fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
added has_abs (from envir.ML);
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/term.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     4     Copyright   Cambridge University 1992
     6 Simply typed lambda-calculus: types, terms, and basic operations.
     7 *)
     9 infix 9  $;
    10 infixr 5 -->;
    11 infixr --->;
    12 infix aconv;
    14 signature BASIC_TERM =
    15 sig
    16   eqtype indexname
    17   eqtype class
    18   eqtype sort
    19   eqtype arity
    20   datatype typ =
    21     Type  of string * typ list |
    22     TFree of string * sort |
    23     TVar  of indexname * sort
    24   datatype term =
    25     Const of string * typ |
    26     Free of string * typ |
    27     Var of indexname * typ |
    28     Bound of int |
    29     Abs of string * typ * term |
    30     $ of term * term
    31   exception TYPE of string * typ list * term list
    32   exception TERM of string * term list
    33   val dummyS: sort
    34   val dummyT: typ
    35   val no_dummyT: typ -> typ
    36   val --> : typ * typ -> typ
    37   val ---> : typ list * typ -> typ
    38   val dest_Type: typ -> string * typ list
    39   val dest_TVar: typ -> indexname * sort
    40   val dest_TFree: typ -> string * sort
    41   val is_Bound: term -> bool
    42   val is_Const: term -> bool
    43   val is_Free: term -> bool
    44   val is_Var: term -> bool
    45   val is_TVar: typ -> bool
    46   val dest_Const: term -> string * typ
    47   val dest_Free: term -> string * typ
    48   val dest_Var: term -> indexname * typ
    49   val domain_type: typ -> typ
    50   val range_type: typ -> typ
    51   val binder_types: typ -> typ list
    52   val body_type: typ -> typ
    53   val strip_type: typ -> typ list * typ
    54   val type_of1: typ list * term -> typ
    55   val type_of: term -> typ
    56   val fastype_of1: typ list * term -> typ
    57   val fastype_of: term -> typ
    58   val list_abs: (string * typ) list * term -> term
    59   val strip_abs: term -> (string * typ) list * term
    60   val strip_abs_body: term -> term
    61   val strip_abs_vars: term -> (string * typ) list
    62   val strip_qnt_body: string -> term -> term
    63   val strip_qnt_vars: string -> term -> (string * typ) list
    64   val list_comb: term * term list -> term
    65   val strip_comb: term -> term * term list
    66   val head_of: term -> term
    67   val size_of_term: term -> int
    68   val map_atyps: (typ -> typ) -> typ -> typ
    69   val map_aterms: (term -> term) -> term -> term
    70   val map_type_tvar: (indexname * sort -> typ) -> typ -> typ
    71   val map_type_tfree: (string * sort -> typ) -> typ -> typ
    72   val map_types: (typ -> typ) -> term -> term
    73   val fold_atyps: (typ -> 'a -> 'a) -> typ -> 'a -> 'a
    74   val fold_aterms: (term -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> 'a -> 'a
    75   val fold_term_types: (term -> typ -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> 'a -> 'a
    76   val fold_types: (typ -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> 'a -> 'a
    77   val burrow_types: (typ list -> typ list) -> term list -> term list
    78   val it_term_types: (typ * 'a -> 'a) -> term * 'a -> 'a
    79   val add_term_names: term * string list -> string list
    80   val aconv: term * term -> bool
    81   structure Vartab: TABLE
    82   structure Typtab: TABLE
    83   structure Termtab: TABLE
    84   val propT: typ
    85   val implies: term
    86   val all: typ -> term
    87   val equals: typ -> term
    88   val strip_all_body: term -> term
    89   val strip_all_vars: term -> (string * typ) list
    90   val incr_bv: int * int * term -> term
    91   val incr_boundvars: int -> term -> term
    92   val add_loose_bnos: term * int * int list -> int list
    93   val loose_bnos: term -> int list
    94   val loose_bvar: term * int -> bool
    95   val loose_bvar1: term * int -> bool
    96   val subst_bounds: term list * term -> term
    97   val subst_bound: term * term -> term
    98   val betapply: term * term -> term
    99   val betapplys: term * term list -> term
   100   val eq_ix: indexname * indexname -> bool
   101   val could_unify: term * term -> bool
   102   val subst_free: (term * term) list -> term -> term
   103   val abstract_over: term * term -> term
   104   val lambda: term -> term -> term
   105   val absfree: string * typ * term -> term
   106   val absdummy: typ * term -> term
   107   val list_abs_free: (string * typ) list * term -> term
   108   val list_all_free: (string * typ) list * term -> term
   109   val list_all: (string * typ) list * term -> term
   110   val subst_atomic: (term * term) list -> term -> term
   111   val typ_subst_atomic: (typ * typ) list -> typ -> typ
   112   val subst_atomic_types: (typ * typ) list -> term -> term
   113   val typ_subst_TVars: (indexname * typ) list -> typ -> typ
   114   val subst_TVars: (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term
   115   val subst_Vars: (indexname * term) list -> term -> term
   116   val subst_vars: (indexname * typ) list * (indexname * term) list -> term -> term
   117   val is_first_order: string list -> term -> bool
   118   val maxidx_of_typ: typ -> int
   119   val maxidx_of_typs: typ list -> int
   120   val maxidx_of_term: term -> int
   121   val add_term_consts: term * string list -> string list
   122   val term_consts: term -> string list
   123   val exists_subtype: (typ -> bool) -> typ -> bool
   124   val exists_type: (typ -> bool) -> term -> bool
   125   val exists_subterm: (term -> bool) -> term -> bool
   126   val exists_Const: (string * typ -> bool) -> term -> bool
   127   val add_term_free_names: term * string list -> string list
   128   val add_typ_tvars: typ * (indexname * sort) list -> (indexname * sort) list
   129   val add_typ_tfree_names: typ * string list -> string list
   130   val add_typ_tfrees: typ * (string * sort) list -> (string * sort) list
   131   val add_typ_varnames: typ * string list -> string list
   132   val add_term_tvars: term * (indexname * sort) list -> (indexname * sort) list
   133   val add_term_tfrees: term * (string * sort) list -> (string * sort) list
   134   val add_term_tfree_names: term * string list -> string list
   135   val typ_tfrees: typ -> (string * sort) list
   136   val typ_tvars: typ -> (indexname * sort) list
   137   val term_tfrees: term -> (string * sort) list
   138   val term_tvars: term -> (indexname * sort) list
   139   val add_typ_ixns: indexname list * typ -> indexname list
   140   val add_term_tvar_ixns: term * indexname list -> indexname list
   141   val add_term_vars: term * term list -> term list
   142   val term_vars: term -> term list
   143   val add_term_frees: term * term list -> term list
   144   val term_frees: term -> term list
   145   val rename_wrt_term: term -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
   146   val show_question_marks: bool ref
   147 end;
   149 signature TERM =
   150 sig
   151   include BASIC_TERM
   152   val aT: sort -> typ
   153   val itselfT: typ -> typ
   154   val a_itselfT: typ
   155   val argument_type_of: term -> int -> typ
   156   val head_name_of: term -> string
   157   val add_tvarsT: typ -> (indexname * sort) list -> (indexname * sort) list
   158   val add_tvars: term -> (indexname * sort) list -> (indexname * sort) list
   159   val add_vars: term -> (indexname * typ) list -> (indexname * typ) list
   160   val add_varnames: term -> indexname list -> indexname list
   161   val add_tfreesT: typ -> (string * sort) list -> (string * sort) list
   162   val add_tfrees: term -> (string * sort) list -> (string * sort) list
   163   val add_frees: term -> (string * typ) list -> (string * typ) list
   164   val hidden_polymorphism: term -> typ -> (indexname * sort) list
   165   val equiv_types: term * term -> bool
   166   val strip_abs_eta: int -> term -> (string * typ) list * term
   167   val fast_indexname_ord: indexname * indexname -> order
   168   val indexname_ord: indexname * indexname -> order
   169   val sort_ord: sort * sort -> order
   170   val typ_ord: typ * typ -> order
   171   val fast_term_ord: term * term -> order
   172   val term_ord: term * term -> order
   173   val hd_ord: term * term -> order
   174   val termless: term * term -> bool
   175   val term_lpo: (term -> int) -> term * term -> order
   176   val match_bvars: (term * term) * (string * string) list -> (string * string) list
   177   val map_abs_vars: (string -> string) -> term -> term
   178   val rename_abs: term -> term -> term -> term option
   179   val eq_tvar: (indexname * sort) * (indexname * sort) -> bool
   180   val eq_var: (indexname * typ) * (indexname * typ) -> bool
   181   val tvar_ord: (indexname * sort) * (indexname * sort) -> order
   182   val var_ord: (indexname * typ) * (indexname * typ) -> order
   183   val maxidx_typ: typ -> int -> int
   184   val maxidx_typs: typ list -> int -> int
   185   val maxidx_term: term -> int -> int
   186   val has_abs: term -> bool
   187   val dest_abs: string * typ * term -> string * term
   188   val declare_term_names: term -> Name.context -> Name.context
   189   val variant_frees: term -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
   190   val dummy_patternN: string
   191   val dummy_pattern: typ -> term
   192   val is_dummy_pattern: term -> bool
   193   val no_dummy_patterns: term -> term
   194   val replace_dummy_patterns: int * term -> int * term
   195   val is_replaced_dummy_pattern: indexname -> bool
   196   val show_dummy_patterns: term -> term
   197   val string_of_vname: indexname -> string
   198   val string_of_vname': indexname -> string
   199 end;
   201 structure Term: TERM =
   202 struct
   204 (*Indexnames can be quickly renamed by adding an offset to the integer part,
   205   for resolution.*)
   206 type indexname = string * int;
   208 (* Types are classified by sorts. *)
   209 type class = string;
   210 type sort  = class list;
   211 type arity = string * sort list * sort;
   213 (* The sorts attached to TFrees and TVars specify the sort of that variable *)
   214 datatype typ = Type  of string * typ list
   215              | TFree of string * sort
   216              | TVar  of indexname * sort;
   218 (*Terms.  Bound variables are indicated by depth number.
   219   Free variables, (scheme) variables and constants have names.
   220   An term is "closed" if every bound variable of level "lev"
   221   is enclosed by at least "lev" abstractions.
   223   It is possible to create meaningless terms containing loose bound vars
   224   or type mismatches.  But such terms are not allowed in rules. *)
   226 datatype term =
   227     Const of string * typ
   228   | Free  of string * typ
   229   | Var   of indexname * typ
   230   | Bound of int
   231   | Abs   of string*typ*term
   232   | op $  of term*term;
   234 (*Errors involving type mismatches*)
   235 exception TYPE of string * typ list * term list;
   237 (*Errors errors involving terms*)
   238 exception TERM of string * term list;
   240 (*Note variable naming conventions!
   241     a,b,c: string
   242     f,g,h: functions (including terms of function type)
   243     i,j,m,n: int
   244     t,u: term
   245     v,w: indexnames
   246     x,y: any
   247     A,B,C: term (denoting formulae)
   248     T,U: typ
   249 *)
   252 (** Types **)
   254 (*dummies for type-inference etc.*)
   255 val dummyS = [""];
   256 val dummyT = Type ("dummy", []);
   258 fun no_dummyT typ =
   259   let
   260     fun check (T as Type ("dummy", _)) =
   261           raise TYPE ("Illegal occurrence of '_' dummy type", [T], [])
   262       | check (Type (_, Ts)) = check Ts
   263       | check _ = ();
   264   in check typ; typ end;
   266 fun S --> T = Type("fun",[S,T]);
   268 (*handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T  gives  T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)*)
   269 val op ---> = Library.foldr (op -->);
   271 fun dest_Type (Type x) = x
   272   | dest_Type T = raise TYPE ("dest_Type", [T], []);
   273 fun dest_TVar (TVar x) = x
   274   | dest_TVar T = raise TYPE ("dest_TVar", [T], []);
   275 fun dest_TFree (TFree x) = x
   276   | dest_TFree T = raise TYPE ("dest_TFree", [T], []);
   279 (** Discriminators **)
   281 fun is_Bound (Bound _) = true
   282   | is_Bound _         = false;
   284 fun is_Const (Const _) = true
   285   | is_Const _ = false;
   287 fun is_Free (Free _) = true
   288   | is_Free _ = false;
   290 fun is_Var (Var _) = true
   291   | is_Var _ = false;
   293 fun is_TVar (TVar _) = true
   294   | is_TVar _ = false;
   297 (** Destructors **)
   299 fun dest_Const (Const x) =  x
   300   | dest_Const t = raise TERM("dest_Const", [t]);
   302 fun dest_Free (Free x) =  x
   303   | dest_Free t = raise TERM("dest_Free", [t]);
   305 fun dest_Var (Var x) =  x
   306   | dest_Var t = raise TERM("dest_Var", [t]);
   309 fun domain_type (Type("fun", [T,_])) = T
   310 and range_type  (Type("fun", [_,T])) = T;
   312 (* maps  [T1,...,Tn]--->T  to the list  [T1,T2,...,Tn]*)
   313 fun binder_types (Type("fun",[S,T])) = S :: binder_types T
   314   | binder_types _   =  [];
   316 (* maps  [T1,...,Tn]--->T  to T*)
   317 fun body_type (Type("fun",[S,T])) = body_type T
   318   | body_type T   =  T;
   320 (* maps  [T1,...,Tn]--->T  to   ([T1,T2,...,Tn], T)  *)
   321 fun strip_type T : typ list * typ =
   322   (binder_types T, body_type T);
   325 (*Compute the type of the term, checking that combinations are well-typed
   326   Ts = [T0,T1,...] holds types of bound variables 0, 1, ...*)
   327 fun type_of1 (Ts, Const (_,T)) = T
   328   | type_of1 (Ts, Free  (_,T)) = T
   329   | type_of1 (Ts, Bound i) = (List.nth (Ts,i)
   330         handle Subscript => raise TYPE("type_of: bound variable", [], [Bound i]))
   331   | type_of1 (Ts, Var (_,T)) = T
   332   | type_of1 (Ts, Abs (_,T,body)) = T --> type_of1(T::Ts, body)
   333   | type_of1 (Ts, f$u) =
   334       let val U = type_of1(Ts,u)
   335           and T = type_of1(Ts,f)
   336       in case T of
   337             Type("fun",[T1,T2]) =>
   338               if T1=U then T2  else raise TYPE
   339                     ("type_of: type mismatch in application", [T1,U], [f$u])
   340           | _ => raise TYPE
   341                     ("type_of: function type is expected in application",
   342                      [T,U], [f$u])
   343       end;
   345 fun type_of t : typ = type_of1 ([],t);
   347 (*Determines the type of a term, with minimal checking*)
   348 fun fastype_of1 (Ts, f$u) =
   349     (case fastype_of1 (Ts,f) of
   350         Type("fun",[_,T]) => T
   351         | _ => raise TERM("fastype_of: expected function type", [f$u]))
   352   | fastype_of1 (_, Const (_,T)) = T
   353   | fastype_of1 (_, Free (_,T)) = T
   354   | fastype_of1 (Ts, Bound i) = (List.nth(Ts,i)
   355          handle Subscript => raise TERM("fastype_of: Bound", [Bound i]))
   356   | fastype_of1 (_, Var (_,T)) = T
   357   | fastype_of1 (Ts, Abs (_,T,u)) = T --> fastype_of1 (T::Ts, u);
   359 fun fastype_of t : typ = fastype_of1 ([],t);
   361 (*Determine the argument type of a function*)
   362 fun argument_type_of tm k =
   363   let
   364     fun argT i (Type ("fun", [T, U])) = if i = 0 then T else argT (i - 1) U
   365       | argT _ T = raise TYPE ("argument_type_of", [T], []);
   367     fun arg 0 _ (Abs (_, T, _)) = T
   368       | arg i Ts (Abs (_, T, t)) = arg (i - 1) (T :: Ts) t
   369       | arg i Ts (t $ _) = arg (i + 1) Ts t
   370       | arg i Ts a = argT i (fastype_of1 (Ts, a));
   371   in arg k [] tm end;
   374 val list_abs = uncurry (fold_rev (fn (x, T) => fn t => Abs (x, T, t)));
   376 fun strip_abs (Abs (a, T, t)) =
   377       let val (a', t') = strip_abs t
   378       in ((a, T) :: a', t') end
   379   | strip_abs t = ([], t);
   381 (* maps  (x1,...,xn)t   to   t  *)
   382 fun strip_abs_body (Abs(_,_,t))  =  strip_abs_body t
   383   | strip_abs_body u  =  u;
   385 (* maps  (x1,...,xn)t   to   [x1, ..., xn]  *)
   386 fun strip_abs_vars (Abs(a,T,t))  =  (a,T) :: strip_abs_vars t
   387   | strip_abs_vars u  =  [] : (string*typ) list;
   390 fun strip_qnt_body qnt =
   391 let fun strip(tm as Const(c,_)$Abs(_,_,t)) = if c=qnt then strip t else tm
   392       | strip t = t
   393 in strip end;
   395 fun strip_qnt_vars qnt =
   396 let fun strip(Const(c,_)$Abs(a,T,t)) = if c=qnt then (a,T)::strip t else []
   397       | strip t  =  [] : (string*typ) list
   398 in strip end;
   401 (* maps   (f, [t1,...,tn])  to  f(t1,...,tn) *)
   402 val list_comb : term * term list -> term = Library.foldl (op $);
   405 (* maps   f(t1,...,tn)  to  (f, [t1,...,tn]) ; naturally tail-recursive*)
   406 fun strip_comb u : term * term list =
   407     let fun stripc (f$t, ts) = stripc (f, t::ts)
   408         |   stripc  x =  x
   409     in  stripc(u,[])  end;
   412 (* maps   f(t1,...,tn)  to  f , which is never a combination *)
   413 fun head_of (f$t) = head_of f
   414   | head_of u = u;
   416 fun head_name_of tm =
   417   (case head_of tm of
   418     t as Const (c, _) =>
   419       if NameSpace.is_qualified c then c
   420       else raise TERM ("Malformed constant name", [t])
   421   | t as Free (x, _) =>
   422       if not (NameSpace.is_qualified x) then x
   423       else raise TERM ("Malformed fixed variable name", [t])
   424   | t => raise TERM ("No fixed head of term", [t]));
   426 (*number of atoms and abstractions in a term*)
   427 fun size_of_term tm =
   428   let
   429     fun add_size (t $ u, n) = add_size (t, add_size (u, n))
   430       | add_size (Abs (_ ,_, t), n) = add_size (t, n + 1)
   431       | add_size (_, n) = n + 1;
   432   in add_size (tm, 0) end;
   434 fun map_atyps f (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map (map_atyps f) Ts)
   435   | map_atyps f T = f T;
   437 fun map_aterms f (t $ u) = map_aterms f t $ map_aterms f u
   438   | map_aterms f (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, T, map_aterms f t)
   439   | map_aterms f t = f t;
   441 fun map_type_tvar f = map_atyps (fn TVar x => f x | T => T);
   442 fun map_type_tfree f = map_atyps (fn TFree x => f x | T => T);
   444 fun map_types f =
   445   let
   446     fun map_aux (Const (a, T)) = Const (a, f T)
   447       | map_aux (Free (a, T)) = Free (a, f T)
   448       | map_aux (Var (v, T)) = Var (v, f T)
   449       | map_aux (t as Bound _)  = t
   450       | map_aux (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, f T, map_aux t)
   451       | map_aux (t $ u) = map_aux t $ map_aux u;
   452   in map_aux end;
   454 (* iterate a function over all types in a term *)
   455 fun it_term_types f =
   456 let fun iter(Const(_,T), a) = f(T,a)
   457       | iter(Free(_,T), a) = f(T,a)
   458       | iter(Var(_,T), a) = f(T,a)
   459       | iter(Abs(_,T,t), a) = iter(t,f(T,a))
   460       | iter(f$u, a) = iter(f, iter(u, a))
   461       | iter(Bound _, a) = a
   462 in iter end
   465 (* fold types and terms *)
   467 (*fold atoms of type*)
   468 fun fold_atyps f (Type (_, Ts)) = fold (fold_atyps f) Ts
   469   | fold_atyps f T = f T;
   471 (*fold atoms of term*)
   472 fun fold_aterms f (t $ u) = fold_aterms f t #> fold_aterms f u
   473   | fold_aterms f (Abs (_, _, t)) = fold_aterms f t
   474   | fold_aterms f a = f a;
   476 (*fold types of term*)
   477 fun fold_term_types f (t as Const (_, T)) = f t T
   478   | fold_term_types f (t as Free (_, T)) = f t T
   479   | fold_term_types f (t as Var (_, T)) = f t T
   480   | fold_term_types f (Bound _) = I
   481   | fold_term_types f (t as Abs (_, T, b)) = f t T #> fold_term_types f b
   482   | fold_term_types f (t $ u) = fold_term_types f t #> fold_term_types f u;
   484 fun fold_types f = fold_term_types (K f);
   486 fun replace_types (Const (c, _)) (T :: Ts) = (Const (c, T), Ts)
   487   | replace_types (Free (x, _)) (T :: Ts) = (Free (x, T), Ts)
   488   | replace_types (Var (xi, _)) (T :: Ts) = (Var (xi, T), Ts)
   489   | replace_types (Bound i) Ts = (Bound i, Ts)
   490   | replace_types (Abs (x, _, b)) (T :: Ts) =
   491       let val (b', Ts') = replace_types b Ts
   492       in (Abs (x, T, b'), Ts') end
   493   | replace_types (t $ u) Ts =
   494       let
   495         val (t', Ts') = replace_types t Ts;
   496         val (u', Ts'') = replace_types u Ts';
   497       in (t' $ u', Ts'') end;
   499 fun burrow_types f ts =
   500   let
   501     val Ts = rev (fold (fold_types cons) ts []);
   502     val Ts' = f Ts;
   503     val (ts', []) = fold_map replace_types ts Ts';
   504   in ts' end;
   506 (*collect variables*)
   507 val add_tvarsT = fold_atyps (fn TVar v => insert (op =) v | _ => I);
   508 val add_tvars = fold_types add_tvarsT;
   509 val add_vars = fold_aterms (fn Var v => insert (op =) v | _ => I);
   510 val add_varnames = fold_aterms (fn Var (xi, _) => insert (op =) xi | _ => I);
   511 val add_tfreesT = fold_atyps (fn TFree v => insert (op =) v | _ => I);
   512 val add_tfrees = fold_types add_tfreesT;
   513 val add_frees = fold_aterms (fn Free v => insert (op =) v | _ => I);
   515 (*extra type variables in a term, not covered by the type*)
   516 fun hidden_polymorphism t T =
   517   let
   518     val tvarsT = add_tvarsT T [];
   519     val extra_tvars = fold_types (fold_atyps
   520       (fn TVar v => if member (op =) tvarsT v then I else insert (op =) v | _ => I)) t [];
   521   in extra_tvars end;
   524 (** Comparing terms, types, sorts etc. **)
   526 (* alpha equivalence -- tuned for equalities *)
   528 fun tm1 aconv tm2 =
   529   pointer_eq (tm1, tm2) orelse
   530     (case (tm1, tm2) of
   531       (t1 $ u1, t2 $ u2) => t1 aconv t2 andalso u1 aconv u2
   532     | (Abs (_, T1, t1), Abs (_, T2, t2)) => t1 aconv t2 andalso T1 = T2
   533     | (a1, a2) => a1 = a2);
   536 (* equivalence up to renaming of types variables *)
   538 local
   540 val invent_names = Name.invents Name.context "'a";
   542 fun standard_types t =
   543   let
   544     val tfrees = add_tfrees t [];
   545     val tvars = add_tvars t [];
   546     val env1 = map2 (fn (a, S) => fn a' => (TFree (a, S), TFree (a', [])))
   547       tfrees (invent_names (length tfrees));
   548     val env2 = map2 (fn ((a, i), S) => fn a' => (TVar ((a, i), S), TVar ((a', 0), [])))
   549       tvars (invent_names (length tvars));
   550   in map_types (map_atyps (perhaps (AList.lookup (op =) (env1 @ env2)))) t end;
   552 in
   554 val equiv_types = op aconv o pairself standard_types;
   556 end;
   559 (* fast syntactic ordering -- tuned for inequalities *)
   561 fun fast_indexname_ord ((x, i), (y, j)) =
   562   (case int_ord (i, j) of EQUAL => fast_string_ord (x, y) | ord => ord);
   564 fun sort_ord SS =
   565   if pointer_eq SS then EQUAL
   566   else dict_ord fast_string_ord SS;
   568 local
   570 fun cons_nr (TVar _) = 0
   571   | cons_nr (TFree _) = 1
   572   | cons_nr (Type _) = 2;
   574 in
   576 fun typ_ord TU =
   577   if pointer_eq TU then EQUAL
   578   else
   579     (case TU of
   580       (Type (a, Ts), Type (b, Us)) =>
   581         (case fast_string_ord (a, b) of EQUAL => dict_ord typ_ord (Ts, Us) | ord => ord)
   582     | (TFree (a, S), TFree (b, S')) =>
   583         (case fast_string_ord (a, b) of EQUAL => sort_ord (S, S') | ord => ord)
   584     | (TVar (xi, S), TVar (yj, S')) =>
   585         (case fast_indexname_ord (xi, yj) of EQUAL => sort_ord (S, S') | ord => ord)
   586     | (T, U) => int_ord (cons_nr T, cons_nr U));
   588 end;
   590 local
   592 fun cons_nr (Const _) = 0
   593   | cons_nr (Free _) = 1
   594   | cons_nr (Var _) = 2
   595   | cons_nr (Bound _) = 3
   596   | cons_nr (Abs _) = 4
   597   | cons_nr (_ $ _) = 5;
   599 fun struct_ord (Abs (_, _, t), Abs (_, _, u)) = struct_ord (t, u)
   600   | struct_ord (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) =
   601       (case struct_ord (t1, u1) of EQUAL => struct_ord (t2, u2) | ord => ord)
   602   | struct_ord (t, u) = int_ord (cons_nr t, cons_nr u);
   604 fun atoms_ord (Abs (_, _, t), Abs (_, _, u)) = atoms_ord (t, u)
   605   | atoms_ord (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) =
   606       (case atoms_ord (t1, u1) of EQUAL => atoms_ord (t2, u2) | ord => ord)
   607   | atoms_ord (Const (a, _), Const (b, _)) = fast_string_ord (a, b)
   608   | atoms_ord (Free (x, _), Free (y, _)) = fast_string_ord (x, y)
   609   | atoms_ord (Var (xi, _), Var (yj, _)) = fast_indexname_ord (xi, yj)
   610   | atoms_ord (Bound i, Bound j) = int_ord (i, j)
   611   | atoms_ord _ = sys_error "atoms_ord";
   613 fun types_ord (Abs (_, T, t), Abs (_, U, u)) =
   614       (case typ_ord (T, U) of EQUAL => types_ord (t, u) | ord => ord)
   615   | types_ord (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) =
   616       (case types_ord (t1, u1) of EQUAL => types_ord (t2, u2) | ord => ord)
   617   | types_ord (Const (_, T), Const (_, U)) = typ_ord (T, U)
   618   | types_ord (Free (_, T), Free (_, U)) = typ_ord (T, U)
   619   | types_ord (Var (_, T), Var (_, U)) = typ_ord (T, U)
   620   | types_ord (Bound _, Bound _) = EQUAL
   621   | types_ord _ = sys_error "types_ord";
   623 in
   625 fun fast_term_ord tu =
   626   if pointer_eq tu then EQUAL
   627   else
   628     (case struct_ord tu of
   629       EQUAL => (case atoms_ord tu of EQUAL => types_ord tu | ord => ord)
   630     | ord => ord);
   632 structure Vartab = TableFun(type key = indexname val ord = fast_indexname_ord);
   633 structure Typtab = TableFun(type key = typ val ord = typ_ord);
   634 structure Termtab = TableFun(type key = term val ord = fast_term_ord);
   636 end;
   639 (* term_ord *)
   641 (*a linear well-founded AC-compatible ordering for terms:
   642   s < t <=> 1. size(s) < size(t) or
   643             2. size(s) = size(t) and s=f(...) and t=g(...) and f<g or
   644             3. size(s) = size(t) and s=f( and t=f( and
   645                ( < ( (lexicographically)*)
   647 fun indexname_ord ((x, i), (y, j)) =
   648   (case int_ord (i, j) of EQUAL => string_ord (x, y) | ord => ord);
   650 local
   652 fun hd_depth (t $ _, n) = hd_depth (t, n + 1)
   653   | hd_depth p = p;
   655 fun dest_hd (Const (a, T)) = (((a, 0), T), 0)
   656   | dest_hd (Free (a, T)) = (((a, 0), T), 1)
   657   | dest_hd (Var v) = (v, 2)
   658   | dest_hd (Bound i) = ((("", i), dummyT), 3)
   659   | dest_hd (Abs (_, T, _)) = ((("", 0), T), 4);
   661 in
   663 fun term_ord tu =
   664   if pointer_eq tu then EQUAL
   665   else
   666     (case tu of
   667       (Abs (_, T, t), Abs(_, U, u)) =>
   668         (case term_ord (t, u) of EQUAL => typ_ord (T, U) | ord => ord)
   669     | (t, u) =>
   670         (case int_ord (size_of_term t, size_of_term u) of
   671           EQUAL =>
   672             (case prod_ord hd_ord int_ord (hd_depth (t, 0), hd_depth (u, 0)) of
   673               EQUAL => args_ord (t, u) | ord => ord)
   674         | ord => ord))
   675 and hd_ord (f, g) =
   676   prod_ord (prod_ord indexname_ord typ_ord) int_ord (dest_hd f, dest_hd g)
   677 and args_ord (f $ t, g $ u) =
   678       (case args_ord (f, g) of EQUAL => term_ord (t, u) | ord => ord)
   679   | args_ord _ = EQUAL;
   681 fun termless tu = (term_ord tu = LESS);
   683 end;
   686 (** Lexicographic path order on terms **)
   688 (*
   689   See Baader & Nipkow, Term rewriting, CUP 1998.
   690   Without variables.  Const, Var, Bound, Free and Abs are treated all as
   691   constants.
   693   f_ord maps terms to integers and serves two purposes:
   694   - Predicate on constant symbols.  Those that are not recognised by f_ord
   695     must be mapped to ~1.
   696   - Order on the recognised symbols.  These must be mapped to distinct
   697     integers >= 0.
   698   The argument of f_ord is never an application.
   699 *)
   701 local
   703 fun unrecognized (Const (a, T)) = ((1, ((a, 0), T)), 0)
   704   | unrecognized (Free (a, T)) = ((1, ((a, 0), T)), 0)
   705   | unrecognized (Var v) = ((1, v), 1)
   706   | unrecognized (Bound i) = ((1, (("", i), dummyT)), 2)
   707   | unrecognized (Abs (_, T, _)) = ((1, (("", 0), T)), 3);
   709 fun dest_hd f_ord t =
   710       let val ord = f_ord t in
   711         if ord = ~1 then unrecognized t else ((0, (("", ord), fastype_of t)), 0)
   712       end
   714 fun term_lpo f_ord (s, t) =
   715   let val (f, ss) = strip_comb s and (g, ts) = strip_comb t in
   716     if forall (fn si => term_lpo f_ord (si, t) = LESS) ss
   717     then case hd_ord f_ord (f, g) of
   718         GREATER =>
   719           if forall (fn ti => term_lpo f_ord (s, ti) = GREATER) ts
   720           then GREATER else LESS
   721       | EQUAL =>
   722           if forall (fn ti => term_lpo f_ord (s, ti) = GREATER) ts
   723           then list_ord (term_lpo f_ord) (ss, ts)
   724           else LESS
   725       | LESS => LESS
   726     else GREATER
   727   end
   728 and hd_ord f_ord (f, g) = case (f, g) of
   729     (Abs (_, T, t), Abs (_, U, u)) =>
   730       (case term_lpo f_ord (t, u) of EQUAL => typ_ord (T, U) | ord => ord)
   731   | (_, _) => prod_ord (prod_ord int_ord
   732                   (prod_ord indexname_ord typ_ord)) int_ord
   733                 (dest_hd f_ord f, dest_hd f_ord g)
   734 in
   735 val term_lpo = term_lpo
   736 end;
   739 (** Connectives of higher order logic **)
   741 fun aT S = TFree ("'a", S);
   743 fun itselfT ty = Type ("itself", [ty]);
   744 val a_itselfT = itselfT (TFree ("'a", []));
   746 val propT : typ = Type("prop",[]);
   748 val implies = Const("==>", propT-->propT-->propT);
   750 fun all T = Const("all", (T-->propT)-->propT);
   752 fun equals T = Const("==", T-->T-->propT);
   754 (* maps  !!x1...xn. t   to   t  *)
   755 fun strip_all_body (Const("all",_)$Abs(_,_,t))  =  strip_all_body t
   756   | strip_all_body t  =  t;
   758 (* maps  !!x1...xn. t   to   [x1, ..., xn]  *)
   759 fun strip_all_vars (Const("all",_)$Abs(a,T,t))  =
   760                 (a,T) :: strip_all_vars t
   761   | strip_all_vars t  =  [] : (string*typ) list;
   763 (*increments a term's non-local bound variables
   764   required when moving a term within abstractions
   765      inc is  increment for bound variables
   766      lev is  level at which a bound variable is considered 'loose'*)
   767 fun incr_bv (inc, lev, u as Bound i) = if i>=lev then Bound(i+inc) else u
   768   | incr_bv (inc, lev, Abs(a,T,body)) =
   769         Abs(a, T, incr_bv(inc,lev+1,body))
   770   | incr_bv (inc, lev, f$t) =
   771       incr_bv(inc,lev,f) $ incr_bv(inc,lev,t)
   772   | incr_bv (inc, lev, u) = u;
   774 fun incr_boundvars  0  t = t
   775   | incr_boundvars inc t = incr_bv(inc,0,t);
   777 (*Scan a pair of terms; while they are similar,
   778   accumulate corresponding bound vars in "al"*)
   779 fun match_bvs(Abs(x,_,s),Abs(y,_,t), al) =
   780       match_bvs(s, t, if x="" orelse y="" then al
   781                                           else (x,y)::al)
   782   | match_bvs(f$s, g$t, al) = match_bvs(f,g,match_bvs(s,t,al))
   783   | match_bvs(_,_,al) = al;
   785 (* strip abstractions created by parameters *)
   786 fun match_bvars((s,t),al) = match_bvs(strip_abs_body s, strip_abs_body t, al);
   788 fun map_abs_vars f (t $ u) = map_abs_vars f t $ map_abs_vars f u
   789   | map_abs_vars f (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (f a, T, map_abs_vars f t)
   790   | map_abs_vars f t = t;
   792 fun rename_abs pat obj t =
   793   let
   794     val ren = match_bvs (pat, obj, []);
   795     fun ren_abs (Abs (x, T, b)) =
   796           Abs (the_default x (AList.lookup (op =) ren x), T, ren_abs b)
   797       | ren_abs (f $ t) = ren_abs f $ ren_abs t
   798       | ren_abs t = t
   799   in if null ren then NONE else SOME (ren_abs t) end;
   801 (*Accumulate all 'loose' bound vars referring to level 'lev' or beyond.
   802    (Bound 0) is loose at level 0 *)
   803 fun add_loose_bnos (Bound i, lev, js) =
   804         if i<lev then js else insert (op =) (i - lev) js
   805   | add_loose_bnos (Abs (_,_,t), lev, js) = add_loose_bnos (t, lev+1, js)
   806   | add_loose_bnos (f$t, lev, js) =
   807         add_loose_bnos (f, lev, add_loose_bnos (t, lev, js))
   808   | add_loose_bnos (_, _, js) = js;
   810 fun loose_bnos t = add_loose_bnos (t, 0, []);
   812 (* loose_bvar(t,k) iff t contains a 'loose' bound variable referring to
   813    level k or beyond. *)
   814 fun loose_bvar(Bound i,k) = i >= k
   815   | loose_bvar(f$t, k) = loose_bvar(f,k) orelse loose_bvar(t,k)
   816   | loose_bvar(Abs(_,_,t),k) = loose_bvar(t,k+1)
   817   | loose_bvar _ = false;
   819 fun loose_bvar1(Bound i,k) = i = k
   820   | loose_bvar1(f$t, k) = loose_bvar1(f,k) orelse loose_bvar1(t,k)
   821   | loose_bvar1(Abs(_,_,t),k) = loose_bvar1(t,k+1)
   822   | loose_bvar1 _ = false;
   824 (*Substitute arguments for loose bound variables.
   825   Beta-reduction of arg(n-1)...arg0 into t replacing (Bound i) with (argi).
   826   Note that for ((%x y. c) a b), the bound vars in c are x=1 and y=0
   827         and the appropriate call is  subst_bounds([b,a], c) .
   828   Loose bound variables >=n are reduced by "n" to
   829      compensate for the disappearance of lambdas.
   830 *)
   831 fun subst_bounds (args: term list, t) : term =
   832   let
   833     exception SAME;
   834     val n = length args;
   835     fun subst (t as Bound i, lev) =
   836          (if i < lev then raise SAME   (*var is locally bound*)
   837           else incr_boundvars lev (List.nth (args, i - lev))
   838             handle Subscript => Bound (i - n))  (*loose: change it*)
   839       | subst (Abs (a, T, body), lev) = Abs (a, T, subst (body, lev + 1))
   840       | subst (f $ t, lev) =
   841           (subst (f, lev) $ (subst (t, lev) handle SAME => t) handle SAME => f $ subst (t, lev))
   842       | subst _ = raise SAME;
   843   in case args of [] => t | _ => (subst (t, 0) handle SAME => t) end;
   845 (*Special case: one argument*)
   846 fun subst_bound (arg, t) : term =
   847   let
   848     exception SAME;
   849     fun subst (Bound i, lev) =
   850           if i < lev then raise SAME   (*var is locally bound*)
   851           else if i = lev then incr_boundvars lev arg
   852           else Bound (i - 1)   (*loose: change it*)
   853       | subst (Abs (a, T, body), lev) = Abs (a, T, subst (body, lev + 1))
   854       | subst (f $ t, lev) =
   855           (subst (f, lev) $ (subst (t, lev) handle SAME => t) handle SAME => f $ subst (t, lev))
   856       | subst _ = raise SAME;
   857   in subst (t, 0) handle SAME => t end;
   859 (*beta-reduce if possible, else form application*)
   860 fun betapply (Abs(_,_,t), u) = subst_bound (u,t)
   861   | betapply (f,u) = f$u;
   863 val betapplys = Library.foldl betapply;
   866 (*unfolding abstractions with substitution
   867   of bound variables and implicit eta-expansion*)
   868 fun strip_abs_eta k t =
   869   let
   870     val used = fold_aterms (fn Free (v, _) => Name.declare v | _ => I) t Name.context;
   871     fun strip_abs t (0, used) = (([], t), (0, used))
   872       | strip_abs (Abs (v, T, t)) (k, used) =
   873           let
   874             val ([v'], used') = Name.variants [v] used;
   875             val t' = subst_bound (Free (v', T), t);
   876             val ((vs, t''), (k', used'')) = strip_abs t' (k - 1, used');
   877           in (((v', T) :: vs, t''), (k', used'')) end
   878       | strip_abs t (k, used) = (([], t), (k, used));
   879     fun expand_eta [] t _ = ([], t)
   880       | expand_eta (T::Ts) t used =
   881           let
   882             val ([v], used') = Name.variants [""] used;
   883             val (vs, t') = expand_eta Ts (t $ Free (v, T)) used';
   884           in ((v, T) :: vs, t') end;
   885     val ((vs1, t'), (k', used')) = strip_abs t (k, used);
   886     val Ts = (fst o chop k' o fst o strip_type o fastype_of) t';
   887     val (vs2, t'') = expand_eta Ts t' used';
   888   in (vs1 @ vs2, t'') end;
   891 (* comparing variables *)
   893 fun eq_ix ((x, i): indexname, (y, j)) = i = j andalso x = y;
   895 fun eq_tvar ((xi, S: sort), (xi', S')) = eq_ix (xi, xi') andalso S = S';
   896 fun eq_var ((xi, T: typ), (xi', T')) = eq_ix (xi, xi') andalso T = T';
   898 val tvar_ord = prod_ord indexname_ord sort_ord;
   899 val var_ord = prod_ord indexname_ord typ_ord;
   902 (*A fast unification filter: true unless the two terms cannot be unified.
   903   Terms must be NORMAL.  Treats all Vars as distinct. *)
   904 fun could_unify (t,u) =
   905   let fun matchrands (f$t, g$u) = could_unify(t,u) andalso  matchrands(f,g)
   906         | matchrands _ = true
   907   in case (head_of t , head_of u) of
   908         (_, Var _) => true
   909       | (Var _, _) => true
   910       | (Const(a,_), Const(b,_)) =>  a=b andalso matchrands(t,u)
   911       | (Free(a,_), Free(b,_)) =>  a=b andalso matchrands(t,u)
   912       | (Bound i, Bound j) =>  i=j andalso matchrands(t,u)
   913       | (Abs _, _) =>  true   (*because of possible eta equality*)
   914       | (_, Abs _) =>  true
   915       | _ => false
   916   end;
   918 (*Substitute new for free occurrences of old in a term*)
   919 fun subst_free [] = (fn t=>t)
   920   | subst_free pairs =
   921       let fun substf u =
   922             case AList.lookup (op aconv) pairs u of
   923                 SOME u' => u'
   924               | NONE => (case u of Abs(a,T,t) => Abs(a, T, substf t)
   925                                  | t$u' => substf t $ substf u'
   926                                  | _ => u)
   927       in  substf  end;
   929 (*Abstraction of the term "body" over its occurrences of v,
   930     which must contain no loose bound variables.
   931   The resulting term is ready to become the body of an Abs.*)
   932 fun abstract_over (v, body) =
   933   let
   934     exception SAME;
   935     fun abs lev tm =
   936       if v aconv tm then Bound lev
   937       else
   938         (case tm of
   939           Abs (a, T, t) => Abs (a, T, abs (lev + 1) t)
   940         | t $ u => (abs lev t $ (abs lev u handle SAME => u) handle SAME => t $ abs lev u)
   941         | _ => raise SAME);
   942   in abs 0 body handle SAME => body end;
   944 fun lambda v t =
   945   let val x =
   946     (case v of
   947       Const (x, _) => NameSpace.base x
   948     | Free (x, _) => x
   949     | Var ((x, _), _) => x
   950     | _ => "uu")
   951   in Abs (x, fastype_of v, abstract_over (v, t)) end;
   953 (*Form an abstraction over a free variable.*)
   954 fun absfree (a,T,body) = Abs (a, T, abstract_over (Free (a, T), body));
   955 fun absdummy (T, body) = Abs (Name.internal "uu", T, body);
   957 (*Abstraction over a list of free variables*)
   958 fun list_abs_free ([ ] ,     t) = t
   959   | list_abs_free ((a,T)::vars, t) =
   960       absfree(a, T, list_abs_free(vars,t));
   962 (*Quantification over a list of free variables*)
   963 fun list_all_free ([], t: term) = t
   964   | list_all_free ((a,T)::vars, t) =
   965         (all T) $ (absfree(a, T, list_all_free(vars,t)));
   967 (*Quantification over a list of variables (already bound in body) *)
   968 fun list_all ([], t) = t
   969   | list_all ((a,T)::vars, t) =
   970         (all T) $ (Abs(a, T, list_all(vars,t)));
   972 (*Replace the ATOMIC term ti by ui;    inst = [(t1,u1), ..., (tn,un)].
   973   A simultaneous substitution:  [ (a,b), (b,a) ] swaps a and b.  *)
   974 fun subst_atomic [] tm = tm
   975   | subst_atomic inst tm =
   976       let
   977         fun subst (Abs (a, T, body)) = Abs (a, T, subst body)
   978           | subst (t $ u) = subst t $ subst u
   979           | subst t = the_default t (AList.lookup (op aconv) inst t);
   980       in subst tm end;
   982 (*Replace the ATOMIC type Ti by Ui;    inst = [(T1,U1), ..., (Tn,Un)].*)
   983 fun typ_subst_atomic [] ty = ty
   984   | typ_subst_atomic inst ty =
   985       let
   986         fun subst (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map subst Ts)
   987           | subst T = the_default T (AList.lookup (op = : typ * typ -> bool) inst T);
   988       in subst ty end;
   990 fun subst_atomic_types [] tm = tm
   991   | subst_atomic_types inst tm = map_types (typ_subst_atomic inst) tm;
   993 fun typ_subst_TVars [] ty = ty
   994   | typ_subst_TVars inst ty =
   995       let
   996         fun subst (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map subst Ts)
   997           | subst (T as TVar (xi, _)) = the_default T (AList.lookup (op =) inst xi)
   998           | subst T = T;
   999       in subst ty end;
  1001 fun subst_TVars [] tm = tm
  1002   | subst_TVars inst tm = map_types (typ_subst_TVars inst) tm;
  1004 fun subst_Vars [] tm = tm
  1005   | subst_Vars inst tm =
  1006       let
  1007         fun subst (t as Var (xi, _)) = the_default t (AList.lookup (op =) inst xi)
  1008           | subst (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, T, subst t)
  1009           | subst (t $ u) = subst t $ subst u
  1010           | subst t = t;
  1011       in subst tm end;
  1013 fun subst_vars ([], []) tm = tm
  1014   | subst_vars ([], inst) tm = subst_Vars inst tm
  1015   | subst_vars (instT, inst) tm =
  1016       let
  1017         fun subst (Const (a, T)) = Const (a, typ_subst_TVars instT T)
  1018           | subst (Free (a, T)) = Free (a, typ_subst_TVars instT T)
  1019           | subst (t as Var (xi, T)) =
  1020               (case AList.lookup (op =) inst xi of
  1021                 NONE => Var (xi, typ_subst_TVars instT T)
  1022               | SOME t => t)
  1023           | subst (t as Bound _) = t
  1024           | subst (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, typ_subst_TVars instT T, subst t)
  1025           | subst (t $ u) = subst t $ subst u;
  1026       in subst tm end;
  1029 (** Identifying first-order terms **)
  1031 (*Differs from proofterm/is_fun in its treatment of TVar*)
  1032 fun is_funtype (Type("fun",[_,_])) = true
  1033   | is_funtype _ = false;
  1035 (*Argument Ts is a reverse list of binder types, needed if term t contains Bound vars*)
  1036 fun has_not_funtype Ts t = not (is_funtype (fastype_of1 (Ts,t)));
  1038 (*First order means in all terms of the form f(t1,...,tn) no argument has a
  1039   function type. The supplied quantifiers are excluded: their argument always
  1040   has a function type through a recursive call into its body.*)
  1041 fun is_first_order quants =
  1042   let fun first_order1 Ts (Abs (_,T,body)) = first_order1 (T::Ts) body
  1043         | first_order1 Ts (Const(q,_) $ Abs(a,T,body)) =
  1044             member (op =) quants q  andalso   (*it is a known quantifier*)
  1045             not (is_funtype T)   andalso first_order1 (T::Ts) body
  1046         | first_order1 Ts t =
  1047             case strip_comb t of
  1048                  (Var _, ts) => forall (first_order1 Ts andf has_not_funtype Ts) ts
  1049                | (Free _, ts) => forall (first_order1 Ts andf has_not_funtype Ts) ts
  1050                | (Const _, ts) => forall (first_order1 Ts andf has_not_funtype Ts) ts
  1051                | (Bound _, ts) => forall (first_order1 Ts andf has_not_funtype Ts) ts
  1052                | (Abs _, ts) => false (*not in beta-normal form*)
  1053                | _ => error "first_order: unexpected case"
  1054     in  first_order1 []  end;
  1057 (* maximum index of typs and terms *)
  1059 fun maxidx_typ (TVar ((_, j), _)) i = Int.max (i, j)
  1060   | maxidx_typ (Type (_, Ts)) i = maxidx_typs Ts i
  1061   | maxidx_typ (TFree _) i = i
  1062 and maxidx_typs [] i = i
  1063   | maxidx_typs (T :: Ts) i = maxidx_typs Ts (maxidx_typ T i);
  1065 fun maxidx_term (Var ((_, j), T)) i = maxidx_typ T (Int.max (i, j))
  1066   | maxidx_term (Const (_, T)) i = maxidx_typ T i
  1067   | maxidx_term (Free (_, T)) i = maxidx_typ T i
  1068   | maxidx_term (Bound _) i = i
  1069   | maxidx_term (Abs (_, T, t)) i = maxidx_term t (maxidx_typ T i)
  1070   | maxidx_term (t $ u) i = maxidx_term u (maxidx_term t i);
  1072 fun maxidx_of_typ T = maxidx_typ T ~1;
  1073 fun maxidx_of_typs Ts = maxidx_typs Ts ~1;
  1074 fun maxidx_of_term t = maxidx_term t ~1;
  1078 (**** Syntax-related declarations ****)
  1080 (* substructure *)
  1082 fun exists_subtype P =
  1083   let
  1084     fun ex ty = P ty orelse
  1085       (case ty of Type (_, Ts) => exists ex Ts | _ => false);
  1086   in ex end;
  1088 fun exists_type P =
  1089   let
  1090     fun ex (Const (_, T)) = P T
  1091       | ex (Free (_, T)) = P T
  1092       | ex (Var (_, T)) = P T
  1093       | ex (Bound _) = false
  1094       | ex (Abs (_, T, t)) = P T orelse ex t
  1095       | ex (t $ u) = ex t orelse ex u;
  1096   in ex end;
  1098 fun exists_subterm P =
  1099   let
  1100     fun ex tm = P tm orelse
  1101       (case tm of
  1102         t $ u => ex t orelse ex u
  1103       | Abs (_, _, t) => ex t
  1104       | _ => false);
  1105   in ex end;
  1107 fun has_abs (Abs _) = true
  1108   | has_abs (t $ u) = has_abs t orelse has_abs u
  1109   | has_abs _ = false;
  1113 (** Consts etc. **)
  1115 fun add_term_consts (Const (c, _), cs) = insert (op =) c cs
  1116   | add_term_consts (t $ u, cs) = add_term_consts (t, add_term_consts (u, cs))
  1117   | add_term_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_term_consts (t, cs)
  1118   | add_term_consts (_, cs) = cs;
  1120 fun term_consts t = add_term_consts(t,[]);
  1122 fun exists_Const P = exists_subterm (fn Const c => P c | _ => false);
  1125 (** TFrees and TVars **)
  1127 (*Accumulates the names of Frees in the term, suppressing duplicates.*)
  1128 fun add_term_free_names (Free(a,_), bs) = insert (op =) a bs
  1129   | add_term_free_names (f$u, bs) = add_term_free_names (f, add_term_free_names(u, bs))
  1130   | add_term_free_names (Abs(_,_,t), bs) = add_term_free_names(t,bs)
  1131   | add_term_free_names (_, bs) = bs;
  1133 (*Accumulates the names in the term, suppressing duplicates.
  1134   Includes Frees and Consts.  For choosing unambiguous bound var names.*)
  1135 fun add_term_names (Const(a,_), bs) = insert (op =) (NameSpace.base a) bs
  1136   | add_term_names (Free(a,_), bs) = insert (op =) a bs
  1137   | add_term_names (f$u, bs) = add_term_names (f, add_term_names(u, bs))
  1138   | add_term_names (Abs(_,_,t), bs) = add_term_names(t,bs)
  1139   | add_term_names (_, bs) = bs;
  1141 (*Accumulates the TVars in a type, suppressing duplicates. *)
  1142 fun add_typ_tvars(Type(_,Ts),vs) = List.foldr add_typ_tvars vs Ts
  1143   | add_typ_tvars(TFree(_),vs) = vs
  1144   | add_typ_tvars(TVar(v),vs) = insert (op =) v vs;
  1146 (*Accumulates the TFrees in a type, suppressing duplicates. *)
  1147 fun add_typ_tfree_names(Type(_,Ts),fs) = List.foldr add_typ_tfree_names fs Ts
  1148   | add_typ_tfree_names(TFree(f,_),fs) = insert (op =) f fs
  1149   | add_typ_tfree_names(TVar(_),fs) = fs;
  1151 fun add_typ_tfrees(Type(_,Ts),fs) = List.foldr add_typ_tfrees fs Ts
  1152   | add_typ_tfrees(TFree(f),fs) = insert (op =) f fs
  1153   | add_typ_tfrees(TVar(_),fs) = fs;
  1155 fun add_typ_varnames(Type(_,Ts),nms) = List.foldr add_typ_varnames nms Ts
  1156   | add_typ_varnames(TFree(nm,_),nms) = insert (op =) nm nms
  1157   | add_typ_varnames(TVar((nm,_),_),nms) = insert (op =) nm nms;
  1159 (*Accumulates the TVars in a term, suppressing duplicates. *)
  1160 val add_term_tvars = it_term_types add_typ_tvars;
  1162 (*Accumulates the TFrees in a term, suppressing duplicates. *)
  1163 val add_term_tfrees = it_term_types add_typ_tfrees;
  1164 val add_term_tfree_names = it_term_types add_typ_tfree_names;
  1166 (*Non-list versions*)
  1167 fun typ_tfrees T = add_typ_tfrees(T,[]);
  1168 fun typ_tvars T = add_typ_tvars(T,[]);
  1169 fun term_tfrees t = add_term_tfrees(t,[]);
  1170 fun term_tvars t = add_term_tvars(t,[]);
  1172 (*special code to enforce left-to-right collection of TVar-indexnames*)
  1174 fun add_typ_ixns(ixns,Type(_,Ts)) = Library.foldl add_typ_ixns (ixns,Ts)
  1175   | add_typ_ixns(ixns,TVar(ixn,_)) = if member (op =) ixns ixn then ixns
  1176                                      else ixns@[ixn]
  1177   | add_typ_ixns(ixns,TFree(_)) = ixns;
  1179 fun add_term_tvar_ixns(Const(_,T),ixns) = add_typ_ixns(ixns,T)
  1180   | add_term_tvar_ixns(Free(_,T),ixns) = add_typ_ixns(ixns,T)
  1181   | add_term_tvar_ixns(Var(_,T),ixns) = add_typ_ixns(ixns,T)
  1182   | add_term_tvar_ixns(Bound _,ixns) = ixns
  1183   | add_term_tvar_ixns(Abs(_,T,t),ixns) =
  1184       add_term_tvar_ixns(t,add_typ_ixns(ixns,T))
  1185   | add_term_tvar_ixns(f$t,ixns) =
  1186       add_term_tvar_ixns(t,add_term_tvar_ixns(f,ixns));
  1189 (** Frees and Vars **)
  1191 (*Accumulates the Vars in the term, suppressing duplicates*)
  1192 fun add_term_vars (t, vars: term list) = case t of
  1193     Var   _ => OrdList.insert term_ord t vars
  1194   | Abs (_,_,body) => add_term_vars(body,vars)
  1195   | f$t =>  add_term_vars (f, add_term_vars(t, vars))
  1196   | _ => vars;
  1198 fun term_vars t = add_term_vars(t,[]);
  1200 (*Accumulates the Frees in the term, suppressing duplicates*)
  1201 fun add_term_frees (t, frees: term list) = case t of
  1202     Free   _ => OrdList.insert term_ord t frees
  1203   | Abs (_,_,body) => add_term_frees(body,frees)
  1204   | f$t =>  add_term_frees (f, add_term_frees(t, frees))
  1205   | _ => frees;
  1207 fun term_frees t = add_term_frees(t,[]);
  1210 (* dest abstraction *)
  1212 fun dest_abs (x, T, body) =
  1213   let
  1214     fun name_clash (Free (y, _)) = (x = y)
  1215       | name_clash (t $ u) = name_clash t orelse name_clash u
  1216       | name_clash (Abs (_, _, t)) = name_clash t
  1217       | name_clash _ = false;
  1218   in
  1219     if name_clash body then
  1220       dest_abs (Name.variant [x] x, T, body)    (*potentially slow, but rarely happens*)
  1221     else (x, subst_bound (Free (x, T), body))
  1222   end;
  1225 (* renaming variables *)
  1227 fun declare_term_names tm =
  1228   fold_aterms
  1229     (fn Const (a, _) => Name.declare (NameSpace.base a)
  1230       | Free (a, _) => Name.declare a
  1231       | _ => I) tm #>
  1232   fold_types (fold_atyps (fn TFree (a, _) => Name.declare a | _ => I)) tm;
  1234 fun variant_frees t frees =
  1235   fst (Name.variants (map fst frees) (declare_term_names t Name.context)) ~~ map snd frees;
  1237 fun rename_wrt_term t frees = rev (variant_frees t frees);  (*reversed result!*)
  1240 (* dummy patterns *)
  1242 val dummy_patternN = "dummy_pattern";
  1244 fun dummy_pattern T = Const (dummy_patternN, T);
  1246 fun is_dummy_pattern (Const ("dummy_pattern", _)) = true
  1247   | is_dummy_pattern _ = false;
  1249 fun no_dummy_patterns tm =
  1250   if not (fold_aterms (fn t => fn b => b orelse is_dummy_pattern t) tm false) then tm
  1251   else raise TERM ("Illegal occurrence of '_' dummy pattern", [tm]);
  1253 fun replace_dummy Ts (i, Const ("dummy_pattern", T)) =
  1254       (i + 1, list_comb (Var (("_dummy_", i), Ts ---> T), map Bound (0 upto length Ts - 1)))
  1255   | replace_dummy Ts (i, Abs (x, T, t)) =
  1256       let val (i', t') = replace_dummy (T :: Ts) (i, t)
  1257       in (i', Abs (x, T, t')) end
  1258   | replace_dummy Ts (i, t $ u) =
  1259       let val (i', t') = replace_dummy Ts (i, t); val (i'', u') = replace_dummy Ts (i', u)
  1260       in (i'', t' $ u') end
  1261   | replace_dummy _ (i, a) = (i, a);
  1263 val replace_dummy_patterns = replace_dummy [];
  1265 fun is_replaced_dummy_pattern ("_dummy_", _) = true
  1266   | is_replaced_dummy_pattern _ = false;
  1268 fun show_dummy_patterns (Var (("_dummy_", _), T)) = Const ("dummy_pattern", T)
  1269   | show_dummy_patterns (t $ u) = show_dummy_patterns t $ show_dummy_patterns u
  1270   | show_dummy_patterns (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, show_dummy_patterns t)
  1271   | show_dummy_patterns a = a;
  1274 (* display variables *)
  1276 val show_question_marks = ref true;
  1278 fun string_of_vname (x, i) =
  1279   let
  1280     val question_mark = if ! show_question_marks then "?" else "";
  1281     val idx = string_of_int i;
  1282     val dot =
  1283       (case rev (Symbol.explode x) of
  1284         _ :: "\\<^isub>" :: _ => false
  1285       | _ :: "\\<^isup>" :: _ => false
  1286       | c :: _ => Symbol.is_digit c
  1287       | _ => true);
  1288   in
  1289     if dot then question_mark ^ x ^ "." ^ idx
  1290     else if i <> 0 then question_mark ^ x ^ idx
  1291     else question_mark ^ x
  1292   end;
  1294 fun string_of_vname' (x, ~1) = x
  1295   | string_of_vname' xi = string_of_vname xi;
  1297 end;
  1299 structure BasicTerm: BASIC_TERM = Term;
  1300 open BasicTerm;