author paulson
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:46:21 +0200
changeset 11428 332347b9b942
parent 11416 91886738773a
child 11480 0fba0357c04c
permissions -rw-r--r--
tidying the index
     1 % $Id$
     3 \section{Numbers}
     4 \label{sec:numbers}
     6 Until now, our numerical examples have used the type of \textbf{natural
     7 numbers},
     8 \isa{nat}.  This is a recursive datatype generated by the constructors
     9 zero  and successor, so it works well with inductive proofs and primitive
    10 recursive function definitions.  HOL also provides the type
    11 \isa{int} of \textbf{integers}, which lack induction but support true
    12 subtraction.  The integers are preferable to the natural numbers for reasoning about
    13 complicated arithmetic expressions, even for some expressions whose
    14 value is non-negative.  The logic HOL-Real also has the type
    15 \isa{real} of real numbers.  Isabelle has no subtyping,  so the numeric
    16 types are distinct and there are  functions to convert between them.
    17 Fortunately most numeric operations are overloaded: the same symbol can be
    18 used at all numeric types. Table~\ref{tab:overloading} in the appendix
    19 shows the most important operations, together with the priorities of the
    20 infix symbols.
    22 \index{linear arithmetic}%
    23 Many theorems involving numeric types can be proved automatically by
    24 Isabelle's arithmetic decision procedure, the method
    25 \methdx{arith}.  Linear arithmetic comprises addition, subtraction
    26 and multiplication by constant factors; subterms involving other operators
    27 are regarded as variables.  The procedure can be slow, especially if the
    28 subgoal to be proved involves subtraction over type \isa{nat}, which 
    29 causes case splits.  
    31 The simplifier reduces arithmetic expressions in other
    32 ways, such as dividing through by common factors.  For problems that lie
    33 outside the scope of automation, HOL provides hundreds of
    34 theorems about multiplication, division, etc., that can be brought to
    35 bear.  You can locate them using Proof General's Find
    36 button.  A few lemmas are given below to show what
    37 is available.
    39 \subsection{Numeric Literals}
    40 \label{sec:numerals}
    42 \index{numeric literals|(}%
    43 Literals are available for the types of natural numbers, integers 
    44 and reals and denote integer values of arbitrary size. 
    45 They begin 
    46 with a number sign (\isa{\#}), have an optional minus sign (\isa{-}) and 
    47 then one or more decimal digits. Examples are \isa{\#0}, \isa{\#-3} 
    48 and \isa{\#441223334678}.
    50 Literals look like constants, but they abbreviate 
    51 terms, representing the number in a two's complement binary notation. 
    52 Isabelle performs arithmetic on literals by rewriting rather 
    53 than using the hardware arithmetic. In most cases arithmetic 
    54 is fast enough, even for large numbers. The arithmetic operations 
    55 provided for literals include addition, subtraction, multiplication, 
    56 integer division and remainder.  Fractions of literals (expressed using
    57 division) are reduced to lowest terms.
    59 \begin{warn}\index{overloading!and arithmetic}
    60 The arithmetic operators are 
    61 overloaded, so you must be careful to ensure that each numeric 
    62 expression refers to a specific type, if necessary by inserting 
    63 type constraints.  Here is an example of what can go wrong:
    64 \par
    65 \begin{isabelle}
    66 \isacommand{lemma}\ "\#2\ *\ m\ =\ m\ +\ m"
    67 \end{isabelle}
    68 %
    69 Carefully observe how Isabelle displays the subgoal:
    70 \begin{isabelle}
    71 \ 1.\ (\#2::'a)\ *\ m\ =\ m\ +\ m
    72 \end{isabelle}
    73 The type \isa{'a} given for the literal \isa{\#2} warns us that no numeric
    74 type has been specified.  The problem is underspecified.  Given a type
    75 constraint such as \isa{nat}, \isa{int} or \isa{real}, it becomes trivial.
    76 \end{warn}
    78 \begin{warn}
    79 \index{recdef@\isacommand {recdef} (command)!and numeric literals}  
    80 Numeric literals are not constructors and therefore
    81 must not be used in patterns.  For example, this declaration is
    82 rejected:
    83 \begin{isabelle}
    84 \isacommand{recdef}\ h\ "\isacharbraceleft \isacharbraceright "\isanewline
    85 "h\ \#3\ =\ \#2"\isanewline
    86 "h\ i\ \ =\ i"
    87 \end{isabelle}
    89 You should use a conditional expression instead:
    90 \begin{isabelle}
    91 "h\ i\ =\ (if\ i\ =\ \#3\ then\ \#2\ else\ i)"
    92 \end{isabelle}
    93 \index{numeric literals|)}
    94 \end{warn}
    98 \subsection{The Type of Natural Numbers, {\tt\slshape nat}}
   100 \index{natural numbers|(}\index{*nat (type)|(}%
   101 This type requires no introduction: we have been using it from the
   102 beginning.  Hundreds of theorems about the natural numbers are
   103 proved in the theories \isa{Nat}, \isa{NatArith} and \isa{Divides}.  Only
   104 in exceptional circumstances should you resort to induction.
   106 \subsubsection{Literals}
   107 \index{numeric literals!for type \protect\isa{nat}}%
   108 The notational options for the natural numbers are confusing.  The 
   109 constant \cdx{0} is overloaded to serve as the neutral value 
   110 in a variety of additive types. The symbols \sdx{1} and \sdx{2} are 
   111 not constants but abbreviations for \isa{Suc 0} and \isa{Suc(Suc 0)},
   112 respectively. The literals \isa{\#0}, \isa{\#1} and \isa{\#2}  are
   113 syntactically different from \isa{0}, \isa{1} and \isa{2}. You  will
   114 sometimes prefer one notation to the other. Literals are  obviously
   115 necessary to express large values, while \isa{0} and \isa{Suc}  are needed
   116 in order to match many theorems, including the rewrite  rules for primitive
   117 recursive functions. The following default  simplification rules replace
   118 small literals by zero and successor: 
   119 \begin{isabelle}
   120 \#0\ =\ 0
   121 \rulename{numeral_0_eq_0}\isanewline
   122 \#1\ =\ 1
   123 \rulename{numeral_1_eq_1}\isanewline
   124 \#2\ +\ n\ =\ Suc\ (Suc\ n)
   125 \rulename{add_2_eq_Suc}\isanewline
   126 n\ +\ \#2\ =\ Suc\ (Suc\ n)
   127 \rulename{add_2_eq_Suc'}
   128 \end{isabelle}
   129 In special circumstances, you may wish to remove or reorient 
   130 these rules. 
   132 \subsubsection{Typical lemmas}
   133 Inequalities involving addition and subtraction alone can be proved
   134 automatically.  Lemmas such as these can be used to prove inequalities
   135 involving multiplication and division:
   136 \begin{isabelle}
   137 \isasymlbrakk i\ \isasymle \ j;\ k\ \isasymle \ l\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ i\ *\ k\ \isasymle \ j\ *\ l%
   138 \rulename{mult_le_mono}\isanewline
   139 \isasymlbrakk i\ <\ j;\ 0\ <\ k\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ i\
   140 *\ k\ <\ j\ *\ k%
   141 \rulename{mult_less_mono1}\isanewline
   142 m\ \isasymle \ n\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ m\ div\ k\ \isasymle \ n\ div\ k%
   143 \rulename{div_le_mono}
   144 \end{isabelle}
   145 %
   146 Various distributive laws concerning multiplication are available:
   147 \begin{isabelle}
   148 (m\ +\ n)\ *\ k\ =\ m\ *\ k\ +\ n\ *\ k%
   149 \rulenamedx{add_mult_distrib}\isanewline
   150 (m\ -\ n)\ *\ k\ =\ m\ *\ k\ -\ n\ *\ k%
   151 \rulenamedx{diff_mult_distrib}\isanewline
   152 (m\ mod\ n)\ *\ k\ =\ (m\ *\ k)\ mod\ (n\ *\ k)
   153 \rulenamedx{mod_mult_distrib}
   154 \end{isabelle}
   156 \subsubsection{Division}
   157 \index{division!for type \protect\isa{nat}}%
   158 The infix operators \isa{div} and \isa{mod} are overloaded.
   159 Isabelle/HOL provides the basic facts about quotient and remainder
   160 on the natural numbers:
   161 \begin{isabelle}
   162 m\ mod\ n\ =\ (if\ m\ <\ n\ then\ m\ else\ (m\ -\ n)\ mod\ n)
   163 \rulename{mod_if}\isanewline
   164 m\ div\ n\ *\ n\ +\ m\ mod\ n\ =\ m%
   165 \rulenamedx{mod_div_equality}
   166 \end{isabelle}
   168 Many less obvious facts about quotient and remainder are also provided. 
   169 Here is a selection:
   170 \begin{isabelle}
   171 a\ *\ b\ div\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ div\ c)\ +\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   172 \rulename{div_mult1_eq}\isanewline
   173 a\ *\ b\ mod\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   174 \rulename{mod_mult1_eq}\isanewline
   175 a\ div\ (b*c)\ =\ a\ div\ b\ div\ c%
   176 \rulename{div_mult2_eq}\isanewline
   177 a\ mod\ (b*c)\ =\ b * (a\ div\ b\ mod\ c)\ +\ a\ mod\ b%
   178 \rulename{mod_mult2_eq}\isanewline
   179 0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ (c\ *\ a)\ div\ (c\ *\ b)\ =\ a\ div\ b%
   180 \rulename{div_mult_mult1}
   181 \end{isabelle}
   183 Surprisingly few of these results depend upon the
   184 divisors' being nonzero.
   185 \index{division!by zero}%
   186 That is because division by
   187 zero yields zero:
   188 \begin{isabelle}
   189 a\ div\ 0\ =\ 0
   190 \rulename{DIVISION_BY_ZERO_DIV}\isanewline
   191 a\ mod\ 0\ =\ a%
   192 \rulename{DIVISION_BY_ZERO_MOD}
   193 \end{isabelle}
   194 As a concession to convention, these equations are not installed as default
   195 simplification rules.  In \isa{div_mult_mult1} above, one of
   196 the two divisors (namely~\isa{c}) must still be nonzero.
   198 The \textbf{divides} relation\index{divides relation}
   199 has the standard definition, which
   200 is overloaded over all numeric types: 
   201 \begin{isabelle}
   202 m\ dvd\ n\ \isasymequiv\ {\isasymexists}k.\ n\ =\ m\ *\ k
   203 \rulenamedx{dvd_def}
   204 \end{isabelle}
   205 %
   206 Section~\ref{sec:proving-euclid} discusses proofs involving this
   207 relation.  Here are some of the facts proved about it:
   208 \begin{isabelle}
   209 \isasymlbrakk m\ dvd\ n;\ n\ dvd\ m\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ m\ =\ n%
   210 \rulenamedx{dvd_anti_sym}\isanewline
   211 \isasymlbrakk k\ dvd\ m;\ k\ dvd\ n\isasymrbrakk \ \isasymLongrightarrow \ k\ dvd\ (m\ +\ n)
   212 \rulenamedx{dvd_add}
   213 \end{isabelle}
   215 \subsubsection{Simplifier Tricks}
   216 The rule \isa{diff_mult_distrib} shown above is one of the few facts
   217 about \isa{m\ -\ n} that is not subject to
   218 the condition \isa{n\ \isasymle \  m}.  Natural number subtraction has few
   219 nice properties; often you should remove it by simplifying with this split
   220 rule:
   221 \begin{isabelle}
   222 P(a-b)\ =\ ((a<b\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\
   223 0)\ \isasymand \ (\isasymforall d.\ a\ =\ b+d\ \isasymlongrightarrow \ P\
   224 d))
   225 \rulename{nat_diff_split}
   226 \end{isabelle}
   227 For example, it proves the following fact, which lies outside the scope of
   228 linear arithmetic:
   229 \begin{isabelle}
   230 \isacommand{lemma}\ "(n-1)*(n+1)\ =\ n*n\ -\ 1"\isanewline
   231 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ split:\ nat_diff_split)\isanewline
   232 \isacommand{done}
   233 \end{isabelle}
   235 Suppose that two expressions are equal, differing only in 
   236 associativity and commutativity of addition.  Simplifying with the
   237 following equations sorts the terms and groups them to the right, making
   238 the two expressions identical:
   239 \begin{isabelle}
   240 m\ +\ n\ +\ k\ =\ m\ +\ (n\ +\ k)
   241 \rulenamedx{add_assoc}\isanewline
   242 m\ +\ n\ =\ n\ +\ m%
   243 \rulenamedx{add_commute}\isanewline
   244 x\ +\ (y\ +\ z)\ =\ y\ +\ (x\
   245 +\ z)
   246 \rulename{add_left_commute}
   247 \end{isabelle}
   248 The name \isa{add_ac} refers to the list of all three theorems, similarly
   249 there is \isa{mult_ac}.  Here is an example of the sorting effect.  Start
   250 with this goal:
   251 \begin{isabelle}
   252 \ 1.\ Suc\ (i\ +\ j\ *\ l\ *\ k\ +\ m\ *\ n)\ =\
   253 f\ (n\ *\ m\ +\ i\ +\ k\ *\ j\ *\ l)
   254 \end{isabelle}
   255 %
   256 Simplify using  \isa{add_ac} and \isa{mult_ac}:
   257 \begin{isabelle}
   258 \isacommand{apply}\ (simp\ add:\ add_ac\ mult_ac)
   259 \end{isabelle}
   260 %
   261 Here is the resulting subgoal:
   262 \begin{isabelle}
   263 \ 1.\ Suc\ (i\ +\ (m\ *\ n\ +\ j\ *\ (k\ *\ l)))\
   264 =\ f\ (i\ +\ (m\ *\ n\ +\ j\ *\ (k\ *\ l)))%
   265 \end{isabelle}%
   266 \index{natural numbers|)}\index{*nat (type)|)}
   270 \subsection{The Type of Integers, {\tt\slshape int}}
   272 \index{integers|(}\index{*int (type)|(}%
   273 Reasoning methods resemble those for the natural numbers, but induction and
   274 the constant \isa{Suc} are not available.  HOL provides many lemmas
   275 for proving inequalities involving integer multiplication and division,
   276 similar to those shown above for type~\isa{nat}.  
   278 The \rmindex{absolute value} function \cdx{abs} is overloaded for the numeric types.
   279 It is defined for the integers; we have for example the obvious law
   280 \begin{isabelle}
   281 \isasymbar x\ *\ y\isasymbar \ =\ \isasymbar x\isasymbar \ *\ \isasymbar y\isasymbar 
   282 \rulename{abs_mult}
   283 \end{isabelle}
   285 \begin{warn}
   286 The absolute value bars shown above cannot be typed on a keyboard.  They
   287 can be entered using the X-symbol package.  In \textsc{ascii}, type \isa{abs x} to
   288 get \isa{\isasymbar x\isasymbar}.
   289 \end{warn}
   291 The \isa{arith} method can prove facts about \isa{abs} automatically, 
   292 though as it does so by case analysis, the cost can be exponential.
   293 \begin{isabelle}
   294 \isacommand{lemma}\ "abs\ (x+y)\ \isasymle \ abs\ x\ +\ abs\ (y\ ::\ int)"\isanewline
   295 \isacommand{by}\ arith
   296 \end{isabelle}
   298 Concerning simplifier tricks, we have no need to eliminate subtraction: it
   299 is well-behaved.  As with the natural numbers, the simplifier can sort the
   300 operands of sums and products.  The name \isa{zadd_ac} refers to the
   301 associativity and commutativity theorems for integer addition, while
   302 \isa{zmult_ac} has the analogous theorems for multiplication.  The
   303 prefix~\isa{z} in many theorem names recalls the use of $\mathbb{Z}$ to
   304 denote the set of integers.
   306 For division and remainder,\index{division!by negative numbers}
   307 the treatment of negative divisors follows
   308 mathematical practice: the sign of the remainder follows that
   309 of the divisor:
   310 \begin{isabelle}
   311 \#0\ <\ b\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \#0\ \isasymle \ a\ mod\ b%
   312 \rulename{pos_mod_sign}\isanewline
   313 \#0\ <\ b\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ b\ <\ b%
   314 \rulename{pos_mod_bound}\isanewline
   315 b\ <\ \#0\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ b\ \isasymle \ \#0
   316 \rulename{neg_mod_sign}\isanewline
   317 b\ <\ \#0\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ b\ <\ a\ mod\ b%
   318 \rulename{neg_mod_bound}
   319 \end{isabelle}
   320 ML treats negative divisors in the same way, but most computer hardware
   321 treats signed operands using the same rules as for multiplication.
   322 Many facts about quotients and remainders are provided:
   323 \begin{isabelle}
   324 (a\ +\ b)\ div\ c\ =\isanewline
   325 a\ div\ c\ +\ b\ div\ c\ +\ (a\ mod\ c\ +\ b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   326 \rulename{zdiv_zadd1_eq}
   327 \par\smallskip
   328 (a\ +\ b)\ mod\ c\ =\ (a\ mod\ c\ +\ b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   329 \rulename{zmod_zadd1_eq}
   330 \end{isabelle}
   332 \begin{isabelle}
   333 (a\ *\ b)\ div\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ div\ c)\ +\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ div\ c%
   334 \rulename{zdiv_zmult1_eq}\isanewline
   335 (a\ *\ b)\ mod\ c\ =\ a\ *\ (b\ mod\ c)\ mod\ c%
   336 \rulename{zmod_zmult1_eq}
   337 \end{isabelle}
   339 \begin{isabelle}
   340 \#0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ div\ (b*c)\ =\ a\ div\ b\ div\ c%
   341 \rulename{zdiv_zmult2_eq}\isanewline
   342 \#0\ <\ c\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ a\ mod\ (b*c)\ =\ b*(a\ div\ b\ mod\
   343 c)\ +\ a\ mod\ b%
   344 \rulename{zmod_zmult2_eq}
   345 \end{isabelle}
   346 The last two differ from their natural number analogues by requiring
   347 \isa{c} to be positive.  Since division by zero yields zero, we could allow
   348 \isa{c} to be zero.  However, \isa{c} cannot be negative: a counterexample
   349 is
   350 $\isa{a} = 7$, $\isa{b} = 2$ and $\isa{c} = -3$, when the left-hand side of
   351 \isa{zdiv_zmult2_eq} is $-2$ while the right-hand side is~$-1$.%
   352 \index{integers|)}\index{*int (type)|)}
   355 \subsection{The Type of Real Numbers, {\tt\slshape real}}
   357 \index{real numbers|(}\index{*real (type)|(}%
   358 The real numbers enjoy two significant properties that the integers lack. 
   359 They are
   360 \textbf{dense}: between every two distinct real numbers there lies another.
   361 This property follows from the division laws, since if $x<y$ then between
   362 them lies $(x+y)/2$.  The second property is that they are
   363 \textbf{complete}: every set of reals that is bounded above has a least
   364 upper bound.  Completeness distinguishes the reals from the rationals, for
   365 which the set $\{x\mid x^2<2\}$ has no least upper bound.  (It could only be
   366 $\surd2$, which is irrational.)
   367 The formalization of completeness is complicated; rather than
   368 reproducing it here, we refer you to the theory \texttt{RComplete} in
   369 directory \texttt{Real}.
   370 Density, however, is trivial to express:
   371 \begin{isabelle}
   372 x\ <\ y\ \isasymLongrightarrow \ \isasymexists r.\ x\ <\ r\ \isasymand \ r\ <\ y%
   373 \rulename{real_dense}
   374 \end{isabelle}
   376 Here is a selection of rules about the division operator.  The following
   377 are installed as default simplification rules in order to express
   378 combinations of products and quotients as rational expressions:
   379 \begin{isabelle}
   380 x\ *\ (y\ /\ z)\ =\ x\ *\ y\ /\ z
   381 \rulename{real_times_divide1_eq}\isanewline
   382 y\ /\ z\ *\ x\ =\ y\ *\ x\ /\ z
   383 \rulename{real_times_divide2_eq}\isanewline
   384 x\ /\ (y\ /\ z)\ =\ x\ *\ z\ /\ y
   385 \rulename{real_divide_divide1_eq}\isanewline
   386 x\ /\ y\ /\ z\ =\ x\ /\ (y\ *\ z)
   387 \rulename{real_divide_divide2_eq}
   388 \end{isabelle}
   390 Signs are extracted from quotients in the hope that complementary terms can
   391 then be cancelled:
   392 \begin{isabelle}
   393 -\ x\ /\ y\ =\ -\ (x\ /\ y)
   394 \rulename{real_minus_divide_eq}\isanewline
   395 x\ /\ -\ y\ =\ -\ (x\ /\ y)
   396 \rulename{real_divide_minus_eq}
   397 \end{isabelle}
   399 The following distributive law is available, but it is not installed as a
   400 simplification rule.
   401 \begin{isabelle}
   402 (x\ +\ y)\ /\ z\ =\ x\ /\ z\ +\ y\ /\ z%
   403 \rulename{real_add_divide_distrib}
   404 \end{isabelle}
   406 As with the other numeric types, the simplifier can sort the operands of
   407 addition and multiplication.  The name \isa{real_add_ac} refers to the
   408 associativity and commutativity theorems for addition, while similarly
   409 \isa{real_mult_ac} contains those properties for multiplication. 
   411 The absolute value function \isa{abs} is
   412 defined for the reals, along with many theorems such as this one about
   413 exponentiation:
   414 \begin{isabelle}
   415 \isasymbar r\isasymbar \ \isacharcircum \ n\ =\ \isasymbar r\ \isacharcircum \ n\isasymbar 
   416 \rulename{realpow_abs}
   417 \end{isabelle}
   419 Numeric literals\index{numeric literals!for type \protect\isa{real}}
   420 for type \isa{real} have the same syntax as those for type
   421 \isa{int} and only express integral values.  Fractions expressed
   422 using the division operator are automatically simplified to lowest terms:
   423 \begin{isabelle}
   424 \ 1.\ P\ ((\#3\ /\ \#4)\ *\ (\#8\ /\ \#15))\isanewline
   425 \isacommand{apply} simp\isanewline
   426 \ 1.\ P\ (\#2\ /\ \#5)
   427 \end{isabelle}
   428 Exponentiation can express floating-point values such as
   429 \isa{\#2 * \#10\isacharcircum\#6}, but at present no special simplification
   430 is performed.
   433 \begin{warn}
   434 Type \isa{real} is only available in the logic HOL-Real, which
   435 is  HOL extended with the rather substantial development of the real
   436 numbers.  Base your theory upon theory
   437 \thydx{Real}, not the usual \isa{Main}.%
   438 \index{real numbers|)}\index{*real (type)|)}
   439 Launch Isabelle using the command 
   440 \begin{verbatim}
   441 Isabelle -l HOL-Real
   442 \end{verbatim}
   443 \end{warn}
   445 Also distributed with Isabelle is HOL-Hyperreal,
   446 whose theory \isa{Hyperreal} defines the type \tydx{hypreal} of 
   447 \rmindex{non-standard reals}.  These
   448 \textbf{hyperreals} include infinitesimals, which represent infinitely
   449 small and infinitely large quantities; they facilitate proofs
   450 about limits, differentiation and integration~\cite{fleuriot-jcm}.  The
   451 development defines an infinitely large number, \isa{omega} and an
   452 infinitely small positive number, \isa{epsilon}.  The 
   453 relation $x\approx y$ means ``$x$ is infinitely close to~$y$''.