author blanchet
Fri, 12 Feb 2010 21:27:06 +0100
changeset 35178 29a0e3be0be1
parent 35072 888802be2019
child 35179 4b198af5beb5
permissions -rw-r--r--
minor fixes to Nitpick
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML
     2     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     3     Copyright   2008, 2009, 2010
     5 Scope enumerator for Nitpick.
     6 *)
     8 signature NITPICK_SCOPE =
     9 sig
    10   type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
    11   type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
    13   type constr_spec = {
    14     const: styp,
    15     delta: int,
    16     epsilon: int,
    17     exclusive: bool,
    18     explicit_max: int,
    19     total: bool}
    21   type dtype_spec = {
    22     typ: typ,
    23     card: int,
    24     co: bool,
    25     complete: bool,
    26     concrete: bool,
    27     deep: bool,
    28     constrs: constr_spec list}
    30   type scope = {
    31     hol_ctxt: hol_context,
    32     card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
    33     bits: int,
    34     bisim_depth: int,
    35     datatypes: dtype_spec list,
    36     ofs: int Typtab.table}
    38   val datatype_spec : dtype_spec list -> typ -> dtype_spec option
    39   val constr_spec : dtype_spec list -> styp -> constr_spec
    40   val is_complete_type : dtype_spec list -> typ -> bool
    41   val is_concrete_type : dtype_spec list -> typ -> bool
    42   val is_exact_type : dtype_spec list -> typ -> bool
    43   val offset_of_type : int Typtab.table -> typ -> int
    44   val spec_of_type : scope -> typ -> int * int
    45   val pretties_for_scope : scope -> bool -> Pretty.T list
    46   val multiline_string_for_scope : scope -> string
    47   val scopes_equivalent : scope -> scope -> bool
    48   val scope_less_eq : scope -> scope -> bool
    49   val all_scopes :
    50     hol_context -> int -> (typ option * int list) list
    51     -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list
    52     -> int list -> int list -> typ list -> typ list -> typ list
    53     -> int * scope list
    54 end;
    56 structure Nitpick_Scope : NITPICK_SCOPE =
    57 struct
    59 open Nitpick_Util
    60 open Nitpick_HOL
    62 type constr_spec = {
    63   const: styp,
    64   delta: int,
    65   epsilon: int,
    66   exclusive: bool,
    67   explicit_max: int,
    68   total: bool}
    70 type dtype_spec = {
    71   typ: typ,
    72   card: int,
    73   co: bool,
    74   complete: bool,
    75   concrete: bool,
    76   deep: bool,
    77   constrs: constr_spec list}
    79 type scope = {
    80   hol_ctxt: hol_context,
    81   card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
    82   bits: int,
    83   bisim_depth: int,
    84   datatypes: dtype_spec list,
    85   ofs: int Typtab.table}
    87 datatype row_kind = Card of typ | Max of styp
    89 type row = row_kind * int list
    90 type block = row list
    92 (* dtype_spec list -> typ -> dtype_spec option *)
    93 fun datatype_spec (dtypes : dtype_spec list) T =
    94   List.find (curry (op =) T o #typ) dtypes
    96 (* dtype_spec list -> styp -> constr_spec *)
    97 fun constr_spec [] x = raise TERM ("Nitpick_Scope.constr_spec", [Const x])
    98   | constr_spec ({constrs, ...} :: dtypes : dtype_spec list) (x as (s, T)) =
    99     case List.find (curry (op =) (s, body_type T) o (apsnd body_type o #const))
   100                    constrs of
   101       SOME c => c
   102     | NONE => constr_spec dtypes x
   104 (* dtype_spec list -> typ -> bool *)
   105 fun is_complete_type dtypes (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
   106     is_concrete_type dtypes T1 andalso is_complete_type dtypes T2
   107   | is_complete_type dtypes (Type ("*", Ts)) =
   108     forall (is_complete_type dtypes) Ts
   109   | is_complete_type dtypes T =
   110     not (is_integer_type T) andalso not (is_bit_type T) andalso
   111     #complete (the (datatype_spec dtypes T))
   112     handle Option.Option => true
   113 and is_concrete_type dtypes (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
   114     is_complete_type dtypes T1 andalso is_concrete_type dtypes T2
   115   | is_concrete_type dtypes (Type ("*", Ts)) =
   116     forall (is_concrete_type dtypes) Ts
   117   | is_concrete_type dtypes T =
   118     #concrete (the (datatype_spec dtypes T)) handle Option.Option => true
   119 fun is_exact_type dtypes = is_complete_type dtypes andf is_concrete_type dtypes
   121 (* int Typtab.table -> typ -> int *)
   122 fun offset_of_type ofs T =
   123   case Typtab.lookup ofs T of
   124     SOME j0 => j0
   125   | NONE => Typtab.lookup ofs dummyT |> the_default 0
   127 (* scope -> typ -> int * int *)
   128 fun spec_of_type ({card_assigns, ofs, ...} : scope) T =
   129   (card_of_type card_assigns T
   130    handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => ~1, offset_of_type ofs T)
   132 (* (string -> string) -> scope
   133    -> string list * string list * string list * string list * string list *)
   134 fun quintuple_for_scope quote ({hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, ...}, card_assigns,
   135                                 bits, bisim_depth, datatypes, ...} : scope) =
   136   let
   137     val boring_Ts = [@{typ unsigned_bit}, @{typ signed_bit},
   138                      @{typ bisim_iterator}]
   139     val (iter_assigns, card_assigns) =
   140       card_assigns |> filter_out (member (op =) boring_Ts o fst)
   141                    |> List.partition (is_fp_iterator_type o fst)
   142     val (secondary_card_assigns, primary_card_assigns) =
   143       card_assigns |> List.partition ((is_integer_type orf is_datatype thy)
   144                                       o fst)
   145     val cards =
   146       map (fn (T, k) => quote (string_for_type ctxt T) ^ " = " ^
   147                         string_of_int k)
   148     fun maxes () =
   149       maps (map_filter
   150                 (fn {const, explicit_max, ...} =>
   151                     if explicit_max < 0 then
   152                       NONE
   153                     else
   154                       SOME (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Const const) ^ " = " ^
   155                             string_of_int explicit_max))
   156                  o #constrs) datatypes
   157     fun iters () =
   158       map (fn (T, k) =>
   159               quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt
   160                          (Const (const_for_iterator_type T))) ^ " = " ^
   161               string_of_int (k - 1)) iter_assigns
   162     fun miscs () =
   163       (if bits = 0 then [] else ["bits = " ^ string_of_int bits]) @
   164       (if bisim_depth < 0 andalso forall (not o #co) datatypes then []
   165        else ["bisim_depth = " ^ signed_string_of_int bisim_depth])
   166   in
   167     setmp_show_all_types
   168         (fn () => (cards primary_card_assigns, cards secondary_card_assigns,
   169                    maxes (), iters (), miscs ())) ()
   170   end
   172 (* scope -> bool -> Pretty.T list *)
   173 fun pretties_for_scope scope verbose =
   174   let
   175     val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
   176       quintuple_for_scope maybe_quote scope
   177     val ss = map (prefix "card ") primary_cards @
   178              (if verbose then
   179                 map (prefix "card ") secondary_cards @
   180                 map (prefix "max ") maxes @
   181                 map (prefix "iter ") iters @
   182                 bisim_depths
   183               else
   184                 [])
   185   in
   186     if null ss then []
   187     else serial_commas "and" ss |> map Pretty.str |> Pretty.breaks
   188   end
   190 (* scope -> string *)
   191 fun multiline_string_for_scope scope =
   192   let
   193     val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
   194       quintuple_for_scope I scope
   195     val cards = primary_cards @ secondary_cards
   196   in
   197     case (if null cards then [] else ["card: " ^ commas cards]) @
   198          (if null maxes then [] else ["max: " ^ commas maxes]) @
   199          (if null iters then [] else ["iter: " ^ commas iters]) @
   200          bisim_depths of
   201       [] => "empty"
   202     | lines => space_implode "\n" lines
   203   end
   205 (* scope -> scope -> bool *)
   206 fun scopes_equivalent (s1 : scope) (s2 : scope) =
   207   #datatypes s1 = #datatypes s2 andalso #card_assigns s1 = #card_assigns s2
   208 fun scope_less_eq (s1 : scope) (s2 : scope) =
   209   (s1, s2) |> pairself (map snd o #card_assigns) |> op ~~ |> forall (op <=)
   211 (* row -> int *)
   212 fun rank_of_row (_, ks) = length ks
   213 (* block -> int *)
   214 fun rank_of_block block = fold Integer.max (map rank_of_row block) 1
   215 (* int -> typ * int list -> typ * int list *)
   216 fun project_row column (y, ks) = (y, [nth ks (Int.min (column, length ks - 1))])
   217 (* int -> block -> block *)
   218 fun project_block (column, block) = map (project_row column) block
   220 (* (''a * ''a -> bool) -> (''a option * int list) list -> ''a -> int list *)
   221 fun lookup_ints_assign eq assigns key =
   222   case triple_lookup eq assigns key of
   223     SOME ks => ks
   224   | NONE => raise ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", "")
   225 (* theory -> (typ option * int list) list -> typ -> int list *)
   226 fun lookup_type_ints_assign thy assigns T =
   227   map (curry Int.max 1) (lookup_ints_assign (type_match thy) assigns T)
   228   handle ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", _) =>
   229          raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_type_ints_assign", [T], [])
   230 (* theory -> (styp option * int list) list -> styp -> int list *)
   231 fun lookup_const_ints_assign thy assigns x =
   232   lookup_ints_assign (const_match thy) assigns x
   233   handle ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", _) =>
   234          raise TERM ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_const_ints_assign", [Const x])
   236 (* theory -> (styp option * int list) list -> styp -> row option *)
   237 fun row_for_constr thy maxes_assigns constr =
   238   SOME (Max constr, lookup_const_ints_assign thy maxes_assigns constr)
   239   handle TERM ("lookup_const_ints_assign", _) => NONE
   241 val max_bits = 31 (* Kodkod limit *)
   243 (* hol_context -> (typ option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list
   244    -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list -> int list -> typ -> block *)
   245 fun block_for_type (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) cards_assigns maxes_assigns
   246                    iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths T =
   247   if T = @{typ unsigned_bit} then
   248     [(Card T, map (Integer.min max_bits o Integer.max 1) bitss)]
   249   else if T = @{typ signed_bit} then
   250     [(Card T, map (Integer.add 1 o Integer.min max_bits o Integer.max 1) bitss)]
   251   else if T = @{typ "unsigned_bit word"} then
   252     [(Card T, lookup_type_ints_assign thy cards_assigns nat_T)]
   253   else if T = @{typ "signed_bit word"} then
   254     [(Card T, lookup_type_ints_assign thy cards_assigns int_T)]
   255   else if T = @{typ bisim_iterator} then
   256     [(Card T, map (Integer.add 1 o Integer.max 0) bisim_depths)]
   257   else if is_fp_iterator_type T then
   258     [(Card T, map (Integer.add 1 o Integer.max 0)
   259                   (lookup_const_ints_assign thy iters_assigns
   260                                             (const_for_iterator_type T)))]
   261   else
   262     (Card T, lookup_type_ints_assign thy cards_assigns T) ::
   263     (case datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T of
   264        [_] => []
   265      | constrs => map_filter (row_for_constr thy maxes_assigns) constrs)
   267 (* hol_context -> (typ option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list
   268    -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list -> int list -> typ list
   269    -> typ list -> block list *)
   270 fun blocks_for_types hol_ctxt cards_assigns maxes_assigns iters_assigns bitss
   271                      bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts =
   272   let
   273     (* typ -> block *)
   274     val block_for = block_for_type hol_ctxt cards_assigns maxes_assigns
   275                                    iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths
   276     val mono_block = maps block_for mono_Ts
   277     val nonmono_blocks = map block_for nonmono_Ts
   278   in mono_block :: nonmono_blocks end
   280 val sync_threshold = 5
   282 (* int list -> int list list *)
   283 fun all_combinations_ordered_smartly ks =
   284   let
   285     (* int list -> int *)
   286     fun cost_with_monos [] = 0
   287       | cost_with_monos (k :: ks) =
   288         if k < sync_threshold andalso forall (curry (op =) k) ks then
   289           k - sync_threshold
   290         else
   291           k * (k + 1) div 2 + Integer.sum ks
   292     fun cost_without_monos [] = 0
   293       | cost_without_monos [k] = k
   294       | cost_without_monos (_ :: k :: ks) =
   295         if k < sync_threshold andalso forall (curry (op =) k) ks then
   296           k - sync_threshold
   297         else
   298           Integer.sum (k :: ks)
   299   in
   300     ks |> all_combinations
   301        |> map (`(if fst (hd ks) > 1 then cost_with_monos
   302                  else cost_without_monos))
   303        |> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) |> map snd
   304   end
   306 (* typ -> bool *)
   307 fun is_self_recursive_constr_type T =
   308   exists (exists_subtype (curry (op =) (body_type T))) (binder_types T)
   310 (* (styp * int) list -> styp -> int *)
   311 fun constr_max maxes x = the_default ~1 (AList.lookup (op =) maxes x)
   313 type scope_desc = (typ * int) list * (styp * int) list
   315 (* hol_context -> scope_desc -> typ * int -> bool *)
   316 fun is_surely_inconsistent_card_assign hol_ctxt (card_assigns, max_assigns)
   317                                        (T, k) =
   318   case datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T of
   319     [] => false
   320   | xs =>
   321     let
   322       val dom_cards =
   323         map ( o map (bounded_card_of_type k ~1 card_assigns)
   324              o binder_types o snd) xs
   325       val maxes = map (constr_max max_assigns) xs
   326       (* int -> int -> int *)
   327       fun effective_max card ~1 = card
   328         | effective_max card max = Int.min (card, max)
   329       val max = map2 effective_max dom_cards maxes |> Integer.sum
   330     in max < k end
   331 (* hol_context -> (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list -> (styp * int) list
   332    -> bool *)
   333 fun is_surely_inconsistent_scope_description hol_ctxt seen rest max_assigns =
   334   exists (is_surely_inconsistent_card_assign hol_ctxt
   335                                              (seen @ rest, max_assigns)) seen
   337 (* hol_context -> scope_desc -> (typ * int) list option *)
   338 fun repair_card_assigns hol_ctxt (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
   339   let
   340     (* (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list option *)
   341     fun aux seen [] = SOME seen
   342       | aux seen ((T, 0) :: _) = NONE
   343       | aux seen ((T, k) :: rest) =
   344         (if is_surely_inconsistent_scope_description hol_ctxt ((T, k) :: seen)
   345                                                      rest max_assigns then
   346            raise SAME ()
   347          else
   348            case aux ((T, k) :: seen) rest of
   349              SOME assigns => SOME assigns
   350            | NONE => raise SAME ())
   351         handle SAME () => aux seen ((T, k - 1) :: rest)
   352   in aux [] (rev card_assigns) end
   354 (* theory -> (typ * int) list -> typ * int -> typ * int *)
   355 fun repair_iterator_assign thy assigns (T as Type (s, Ts), k) =
   356     (T, if T = @{typ bisim_iterator} then
   357           let
   358             val co_cards = map snd (filter (is_codatatype thy o fst) assigns)
   359           in Int.min (k, Integer.sum co_cards) end
   360         else if is_fp_iterator_type T then
   361           case Ts of
   362             [] => 1
   363           | _ => bounded_card_of_type k ~1 assigns (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT Ts)
   364         else
   365           k)
   366   | repair_iterator_assign _ _ assign = assign
   368 (* row -> scope_desc -> scope_desc *)
   369 fun add_row_to_scope_descriptor (kind, ks) (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
   370   case kind of
   371     Card T => ((T, the_single ks) :: card_assigns, max_assigns)
   372   | Max x => (card_assigns, (x, the_single ks) :: max_assigns)
   373 (* block -> scope_desc *)
   374 fun scope_descriptor_from_block block =
   375   fold_rev add_row_to_scope_descriptor block ([], [])
   376 (* hol_context -> block list -> int list -> scope_desc option *)
   377 fun scope_descriptor_from_combination (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) blocks columns =
   378   let
   379     val (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
   380       maps project_block (columns ~~ blocks) |> scope_descriptor_from_block
   381     val card_assigns = repair_card_assigns hol_ctxt (card_assigns, max_assigns)
   382                        |> the
   383   in
   384     SOME (map (repair_iterator_assign thy card_assigns) card_assigns,
   385           max_assigns)
   386   end
   387   handle Option.Option => NONE
   389 (* theory -> (typ * int) list -> dtype_spec list -> int Typtab.table *)
   390 fun offset_table_for_card_assigns thy assigns dtypes =
   391   let
   392     (* int -> (int * int) list -> (typ * int) list -> int Typtab.table
   393        -> int Typtab.table *)
   394     fun aux next _ [] = Typtab.update_new (dummyT, next)
   395       | aux next reusable ((T, k) :: assigns) =
   396         if k = 1 orelse is_integer_type T orelse is_bit_type T then
   397           aux next reusable assigns
   398         else if length (these ( #constrs (datatype_spec dtypes T)))
   399                 > 1 then
   400           Typtab.update_new (T, next) #> aux (next + k) reusable assigns
   401         else
   402           case AList.lookup (op =) reusable k of
   403             SOME j0 => Typtab.update_new (T, j0) #> aux next reusable assigns
   404           | NONE => Typtab.update_new (T, next)
   405                     #> aux (next + k) ((k, next) :: reusable) assigns
   406   in aux 0 [] assigns Typtab.empty end
   408 (* int -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> int *)
   409 fun domain_card max card_assigns =
   410 o map (bounded_card_of_type max max card_assigns) o binder_types
   412 (* scope_desc -> bool -> int -> (int -> int) -> int -> int -> bool * styp
   413    -> constr_spec list -> constr_spec list *)
   414 fun add_constr_spec (card_assigns, max_assigns) co card sum_dom_cards
   415                     num_self_recs num_non_self_recs (self_rec, x as (s, T))
   416                     constrs =
   417   let
   418     val max = constr_max max_assigns x
   419     (* int -> int *)
   420     fun bound k = Int.min (card, (max >= 0 ? curry Int.min max) k)
   421     (* unit -> int *)
   422     fun next_delta () = if null constrs then 0 else #epsilon (hd constrs)
   423     val {delta, epsilon, exclusive, total} =
   424       if max = 0 then
   425         let val delta = next_delta () in
   426           {delta = delta, epsilon = delta, exclusive = true, total = false}
   427         end
   428       else if not co andalso num_self_recs > 0 then
   429         (if num_self_recs = 1 andalso num_non_self_recs = 1 then
   430            if self_rec then
   431              case constrs of
   432                [{delta = 0, epsilon = 1, exclusive = true, ...}] =>
   433                {delta = 1, epsilon = card, exclusive = true, total = false}
   434              | _ => raise SAME ()
   435            else
   436              if domain_card 2 card_assigns T = 1 then
   437                {delta = 0, epsilon = 1, exclusive = true, total = true}
   438              else
   439                raise SAME ()
   440          else
   441            raise SAME ())
   442         handle SAME () =>
   443                {delta = 0, epsilon = card, exclusive = false, total = false}
   444       else if card = sum_dom_cards (card + 1) then
   445         let val delta = next_delta () in
   446           {delta = delta, epsilon = delta + domain_card card card_assigns T,
   447            exclusive = true, total = true}
   448         end
   449       else
   450         {delta = 0, epsilon = card,
   451          exclusive = (num_self_recs + num_non_self_recs = 1), total = false}
   452   in
   453     {const = x, delta = delta, epsilon = epsilon, exclusive = exclusive,
   454      explicit_max = max, total = total} :: constrs
   455   end
   457 (* hol_context -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> bool *)
   458 fun has_exact_card hol_ctxt card_assigns T =
   459   let val card = card_of_type card_assigns T in
   460     card = bounded_exact_card_of_type hol_ctxt (card + 1) 0 card_assigns T
   461   end
   463 (* hol_context -> typ list -> scope_desc -> typ * int -> dtype_spec *)
   464 fun datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) deep_dataTs
   465                                         (desc as (card_assigns, _)) (T, card) =
   466   let
   467     val deep = member (op =) deep_dataTs T
   468     val co = is_codatatype thy T
   469     val xs = boxed_datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T
   470     val self_recs = map (is_self_recursive_constr_type o snd) xs
   471     val (num_self_recs, num_non_self_recs) =
   472       List.partition I self_recs |> pairself length
   473     val complete = has_exact_card hol_ctxt card_assigns T
   474     val concrete = xs |> maps (binder_types o snd) |> maps binder_types
   475                       |> forall (has_exact_card hol_ctxt card_assigns)
   476     (* int -> int *)
   477     fun sum_dom_cards max =
   478       map (domain_card max card_assigns o snd) xs |> Integer.sum
   479     val constrs =
   480       fold_rev (add_constr_spec desc co card sum_dom_cards num_self_recs
   481                                 num_non_self_recs)
   482                (sort (bool_ord o swap o pairself fst) (self_recs ~~ xs)) []
   483   in
   484     {typ = T, card = card, co = co, complete = complete, concrete = concrete,
   485      deep = deep, constrs = constrs}
   486   end
   488 (* int -> int *)
   489 fun min_bits_for_nat_value n = if n <= 0 then 0 else IntInf.log2 n + 1
   490 (* scope_desc -> int *)
   491 fun min_bits_for_max_assigns (_, []) = 0
   492   | min_bits_for_max_assigns (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
   493     min_bits_for_nat_value (fold Integer.max
   494         (map snd card_assigns @ map snd max_assigns) 0)
   496 (* hol_context -> int -> typ list -> scope_desc -> scope *)
   497 fun scope_from_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) sym_break deep_dataTs
   498                           (desc as (card_assigns, _)) =
   499   let
   500     val datatypes =
   501       map (datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor hol_ctxt deep_dataTs desc)
   502           (filter (is_datatype thy o fst) card_assigns)
   503     val bits = card_of_type card_assigns @{typ signed_bit} - 1
   504                handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) =>
   505                       card_of_type card_assigns @{typ unsigned_bit}
   506                       handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => 0
   507     val bisim_depth = card_of_type card_assigns @{typ bisim_iterator} - 1
   508   in
   509     {hol_ctxt = hol_ctxt, card_assigns = card_assigns, datatypes = datatypes,
   510      bits = bits, bisim_depth = bisim_depth,
   511      ofs = if sym_break <= 0 then Typtab.empty
   512            else offset_table_for_card_assigns thy card_assigns datatypes}
   513   end
   515 (* theory -> typ list -> (typ option * int list) list
   516    -> (typ option * int list) list *)
   517 fun repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing _ _ [] = []
   518   | repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing thy Ts ((SOME T, ks) :: cards_assigns) =
   519     (if is_fun_type T orelse is_pair_type T then
   520        Ts |> filter (curry (type_match thy o swap) T o unbit_and_unbox_type)
   521           |> map (rpair ks o SOME)
   522      else
   523        [(SOME T, ks)]) @ repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing thy Ts cards_assigns
   524   | repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing thy Ts ((NONE, ks) :: cards_assigns) =
   525     (NONE, ks) :: repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing thy Ts cards_assigns
   527 val max_scopes = 4096
   528 val distinct_threshold = 512
   530 (* hol_context -> int -> (typ option * int list) list
   531    -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list
   532    -> typ list -> typ list -> typ list -> int * scope list *)
   533 fun all_scopes (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) sym_break cards_assigns maxes_assigns
   534                iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts deep_dataTs =
   535   let
   536     val cards_assigns = repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing thy mono_Ts
   537                                                         cards_assigns
   538     val blocks = blocks_for_types hol_ctxt cards_assigns maxes_assigns
   539                                   iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts
   540                                   nonmono_Ts
   541     val ranks = map rank_of_block blocks
   542     val all = all_combinations_ordered_smartly (map (rpair 0) ranks)
   543     val head = take max_scopes all
   544     val descs = map_filter (scope_descriptor_from_combination hol_ctxt blocks)
   545                            head
   546   in
   547     (length all - length head,
   548      descs |> length descs <= distinct_threshold ? distinct (op =)
   549            |> map (scope_from_descriptor hol_ctxt sym_break deep_dataTs))
   550   end
   552 end;