author wneuper <>
Thu, 26 Jan 2023 18:58:17 +0100
changeset 60656 25a5391b77b1
parent 60655 f73460617c3d
child 60673 ef24b1eed505
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 (* Title:  Specify/o-model.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 110226
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 An \<open>O_Model\<close> holds \<open>O\<close>riginal data, \<open>descriptor\<close> and \<open>values\<close> parsed from \<open>Formalise.model\<close>
     6 selected with respect to a \<open>Model_Pattern\<close> and combined with respective \<open>m_field\<close>s.
     7 \<open>complete_for\<close> a \<open>Model_Pattern\<close> is done by \<open>Tactic.Model_Problem\<close>
     8 (with defaults from \<open>Formalise\<close>refs), by \<open>Tactic.Specify_Problem\<close> and \<open>Tactic.Specify_Method\<close>
    10 \<open>O_Model\<close> serves efficiency of student's interactive modelling via \<open>I_Model\<close>.
    12 \<open>O_Model\<close> marks elements with  \<open>m_field\<close> \<open>#undef\<close>, which are not required by the \<open>Model_Pattern\<close>
    13 of the \<open>Problem\<close> or the \<open>MethodC\<close> .. TODO redes: \<open>m_field\<close> probably different in root..Subproblem
    15 TODO: revise with an example with more than 1 variant.
    16     + consider: drop m_field ?
    17 *)
    19 signature ORIGINAL_MODEL =
    20 sig
    21   type T
    22   val empty: T
    23   type single
    24   type variant
    25   type variants
    26   type m_field
    27   type descriptor
    28   type values
    29   type message
    30   val to_string: Proof.context -> T -> string
    31   val single_to_string: Proof.context -> single -> string
    32   val single_empty: single
    34   val init: theory -> Formalise.model -> Model_Pattern.T -> T * Proof.context
    35   val values : T -> term list
    36   val values': Proof.context -> T -> Formalise.model * term list
    37   val complete_for: Model_Pattern.T -> T -> T * Proof.context -> T * Proof.context
    38   val associate_input: Proof.context -> m_field(*del?*) -> descriptor * values -> T -> message * single * values
    39   val associate_input': Proof.context -> m_field -> values -> T -> message * single * values
    40   val contains: Proof.context -> m_field -> T -> term -> message * single * values
    41   val make_typeless: term -> term
    42   val test_types: Proof.context -> descriptor * values -> string
    44   val add_enumerate: 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
    45   type preori
    46   val copy_name: Model_Pattern.T -> preori list -> Model_Pattern.single -> preori
    47   val is_copy_named: Model_Pattern.single -> bool
    48   val is_copy_named': string -> bool
    49   val is_copy_named_generating: Model_Pattern.single -> bool
    51   val get_field_term: theory -> single -> m_field * UnparseC.term_as_string
    53 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    54   val is_copy_named_generating_idstr: string -> bool
    55   val string_of_preoris : preori list -> string
    56   val add_field: theory -> Model_Pattern.T -> descriptor * values -> m_field * descriptor * values
    58   val add_variants: ('a * ''b * 'c) list -> (int * ('a * ''b * 'c)) list
    59   val max_variant: variants -> int
    60   val partition_variants: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
    61   val collect_variants: ('a * ''b) list -> ('a list * ''b) list
    63   val replace_0: int -> int list -> int list
    64   val flattup: 'a * ('b * ('c * 'd * 'e)) -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e
    65 \<close>
    66 end
    68 (**)
    69 structure O_Model(**) : ORIGINAL_MODEL(**) =
    70 struct
    71 (**)
    73 (** types **)
    75 type variant =  Model_Def.variant;
    76 type variants =  Model_Def.variants;
    77 type m_field = Model_Def.m_field;
    78 type descriptor = Model_Def.descriptor;
    79 type values = Model_Def.values;
    80 type message = string;
    82 type T = Model_Def.o_model;
    83 val empty = [] : Model_Def.o_model;
    84 type single = Model_Def.o_model_single
    85 val single_empty = Model_Def.o_model_empty;
    87 val single_to_string = Model_Def.o_model_single_to_string;
    88 val to_string = Model_Def.o_model_to_string;
    90 (* O_Model.single without leading integer *)
    91 type preori = (variants * m_field * term * term list);
    92 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    93 fun preori2str (vs, fi, t, ts) = 
    94   "(" ^ (strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs ^ ", " ^ fi ^ ", " ^
    95   UnparseC.term t ^ ", " ^ (strs2str o (map UnparseC.term)) ts ^ ")";
    96 val string_of_preoris = (strs2str' o (map (linefeed o preori2str)));
    97 \<close>
    99 (* get the first term in ts from ori *)
   100 fun get_field_term thy (_, _, fd, d, ts) =
   101   (fd, ((UnparseC.term_in_thy thy) o Input_Descript.join) (d,[hd ts]))
   104 (** initialise O_Model **)
   106 (* compare d and dsc in pbt and transfer field to where_-ori *)
   107 fun add_field (_: theory) pbt (d,ts) = 
   108   let fun eq d pt = (d = (fst o snd) pt);
   109   in case filter (eq d) pbt of
   110        [(fi, (_, _))] => (fi, d, ts)
   111      | [] => ("#undef", d, ts)   (*may come with met.model*)
   112      | _ => raise ERROR ("add_field: " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " more than once in pbt")
   113   end;
   115 (*
   116   mark an element with the position within a plateau;
   117   a plateau with length 1 is marked with 0
   118 *)
   119 fun partition_variants _ [] = raise ERROR "partition_variants []"
   120   | partition_variants eq xs =
   121     let
   122       fun mar xx _ [x] n = xx @ [(if n = 1 then 0 else n, x)]
   123         | mar _ _ [] _ = raise ERROR "partition_variants []"
   124         | mar xx eq (x :: x' :: xs) n = 
   125         if eq (x, x') then mar (xx @ [(n, x)]) eq (x' :: xs) (n + 1)
   126         else mar (xx @ [(if n = 1 then 0 else n, x)]) eq (x' :: xs) 1;
   127     in mar [] eq xs 1 end;
   129 (*
   130   assumes equal descriptions to be in adjacent 'plateaus',
   131   items at a certain position within the plateaus form a variant;
   132   length = 1 ... marked with 0: covers all variants
   133 *)
   134 fun add_variants fdts = 
   135   let 
   136     fun eq (a, b) = curry op= (snd3 a) (snd3 b);
   137   in partition_variants eq fdts end;
   139 fun max_variant [] = raise ERROR "max_variant of []"
   140   | max_variant (y :: ys) =
   141   let fun mx x [] = x
   142 	| mx x (y :: ys) = if x < y then mx y ys else mx x ys;
   143 in mx y ys end;
   145 fun collect_variants (((v,x) :: vxs)) =
   146     let
   147       fun col xs (vs, x) [] = xs @ [(vs, x)]
   148         | col xs (vs, x) ((v', x') :: vxs') = 
   149         if x = x' then col xs (vs @ [v'], x') vxs'
   150         else col (xs @ [(vs, x)]) ([v'], x') vxs';
   151     in col [] ([v], x) vxs end
   152   | collect_variants _ = raise ERROR "collect_variants: called with []";
   154 fun replace_0 vm [0] = intsto vm
   155   | replace_0 _ vs = vs;
   157 fun add_enumerate [] = raise ERROR "O_Model.add_enumerate []"
   158   | add_enumerate xs =
   159     let
   160       fun add _ [] = []
   161         | add n (x :: xs) = (n, x) :: add (n + 1) xs;
   162     in add 1 xs end;
   164 fun flattup (a, (b, (c, d, e))) = (a, b, c, d, e);
   166 fun init _ []  _ = ([], ContextC.empty)
   167   | init thy fmz pbt =
   168     let
   169       val (ts, ctxt) = ContextC.init_while_parsing fmz thy
   170       val model =
   171         (map (fn t => t
   172           |> Input_Descript.split
   173           |> add_field thy pbt) ts)
   174         |> add_variants;
   175       val maxv = model |> map fst |> max_variant;
   176       val maxv = if maxv = 0 then 1 else maxv;
   177       val model' = model
   178         |> collect_variants
   179         |> map (replace_0 maxv |> apfst)
   180         |> add_enumerate
   181         |> map flattup
   182     in (model', ctxt) end
   184 (** get the values **)
   186 fun mkval _(*dsc*) [] = raise ERROR "mkval called with []"
   187   | mkval _ [t] = t
   188   | mkval _ ts = TermC.list2isalist ((type_of o hd) ts) ts;
   189 fun mkval' x = mkval TermC.empty x;
   190 (* from an O_Model create values for ctxt *)
   191 fun values oris =
   192   ((map (mkval' o (#5))) o (filter ((member_swap op= 1) o (#2)))) oris
   194 (* from an O_Model create (Formalise.model, values)
   195   e.g. Subproblem ["BOOL (1+x=2)", "REAL x"] 
   196                  --match_ags--> O_Model.T
   197        O_Model.T --values'--> (["equality (1+x=2)", "boundVariable x", "solutions L"], values)
   198 *)
   199 fun values' ctxt oris =
   200   let
   201     fun ori2fmz_vals (_, _, _, dsc, ts) = 
   202       case \<^try>\<open>(((UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt) o Input_Descript.join') (dsc, ts), last_elem ts)\<close> of
   203         SOME x => x
   204       | NONE => raise ERROR ("O_Model.values' called with " ^ UnparseC.terms_in_ctxt ctxt ts)
   205   in (split_list o (map ori2fmz_vals)) oris end
   208 (** complete wrt. Model_Pattern.T by use of root's O_Model.T **)
   210 fun complete_for m_patt root_model (o_model, ctxt) =
   211   let
   212     val  missing = m_patt |> filter_out
   213       (fn (_, (descriptor, _)) => (member op = (map #4 o_model) descriptor))
   214     val add = (root_model
   215       |> filter
   216         (fn (_, _, _, descriptor, _) => (member op = (map (fst o snd) missing)) descriptor))
   217   in
   218     ((o_model @ add)
   219       |> map (fn (a, b, _, descr, e) =>
   220                case Model_Pattern.get_field descr m_patt of
   221                  SOME m_field => (a, b, m_field, descr, e)
   222                | NONE => (a, b, "#undef", descr, e))
   223       |> map (fn (_, b, c, d, e) => (b, c, d, e))      (* for correct enumeration *)
   224       |> add_enumerate                                        (* for correct enumeration *)
   225       |> map (fn (a, (b, c, d, e)) => (a, b, c, d, e)), (* for correct enumeration *)
   226     ctxt |> ContextC.add_constraints (add |> values |> TermC.vars'))
   227   end
   230 (** ? ? ? **)
   232 (* make oris from args of the stac SubProblem and from pbt.
   233    can this formal argument (of a model-pattern) be omitted in the arg-list
   234    of a SubProblem ? see calcelems.sml 'type met '                        *)
   235 fun is_copy_named' str =
   236   case (rev o Symbol.explode) str of
   237 	  "'" :: _ :: "'" :: _ => true
   238   | _ => false
   239 fun is_copy_named (_, (_, t)) = (is_copy_named' o TermC.free2str) t
   241 (* should this formal argument (of a model-pattern) create a new identifier? *)
   242 fun is_copy_named_generating_idstr str =
   243   if is_copy_named' str
   244   then
   245     case (rev o Symbol.explode) str of
   246 	    "'" :: "'" :: "'" :: _ => false
   247     | _ => true
   248   else false
   249 fun is_copy_named_generating (_, (_, t)) = (is_copy_named_generating_idstr o TermC.free2str) t
   251 (* generate a new variable "x_i" name from a related given one "x"
   252    by use of oris relating "v_v'i'" (is_copy_named!) to "v_v"
   253    e.g. (v_v, x) & (v_v'i', ?) --> (v_v'i', x_i),
   254    but leave is_copy_named_generating as is, e.t. ss''' *)
   255 fun copy_name pbt oris (p as (field, (dsc, t))) =
   256   case \<^try>\<open>
   257     if is_copy_named_generating p
   258     then (*WN051014 kept strange old code ...*)
   259       let fun sel (_,_,d,ts) = Input_Descript.join'''' (d, ts) 
   260         val cy' = (implode o (drop_last_n 3) o Symbol.explode o TermC.free2str) t
   261         val ext = (last_elem o drop_last o Symbol.explode o TermC.free2str) t
   262         val vars' = map (Term.term_name o snd o snd) pbt (*cpy-nam filtered_out*)
   263         val vals = map sel oris
   264         val cy_ext = (Term.term_name o the) (assoc (vars' ~~ vals, cy')) ^ "_" ^ ext
   265       in ([1], field, dsc, [TermC.mk_free (type_of t) cy_ext]) end
   266     else ([1], field, dsc, [t])
   267 	\<close> of
   268     SOME x => x
   269   | NONE => raise ERROR ("copy_name: for "^ UnparseC.term t)
   272 (** tools for I_Model **)
   274 (* to an input (_ $ values) find the according O_Model.single and insert the values *)
   275 fun associate_input ctxt m_field (descript, vals) [] =
   276     ("associate_input: input ('" ^
   277         (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt (Input_Descript.join (descript, vals))) ^
   278           "') not found in oris (typed)", (0, [], m_field, descript, vals), [])
   279   | associate_input ctxt sel (d, ts) ((id, vat, sel', d', ts') :: oris) =
   280     if sel = sel' andalso d = d' andalso (inter op = ts ts') <> []
   281     then ("", (id, vat, sel, d, inter op = ts ts'), ts')
   282     else associate_input ctxt sel (d, ts) oris
   284 (* to an input (_ $ values) find the according O_Model.single and insert the values *)
   285 fun associate_input' ctxt _ vals [] = 
   286     ("associate_input': input (_, '" ^ strs2str (map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt) vals) ^
   287       "') not found in oris (typed)", single_empty, [])
   288   | associate_input' ctxt m_field vals ((id, vat, m_field', descr, vals') :: oris) =
   289     if m_field = m_field' andalso (inter op = vals vals') <> [] 
   290     then
   291       if m_field = m_field' 
   292       then ("", (id, vat, m_field, descr, inter op = vals vals'), vals')
   293       else ((strs2str' o map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt)) vals ^
   294         " not for " ^ m_field, single_empty, [])
   295     else associate_input' ctxt m_field vals oris
   297 fun test_types ctxt (d,ts) =
   298   let 
   299     val opt = (try Input_Descript.join) (d, ts)
   300     val msg = case opt of 
   301       SOME _ => "" 
   302     | NONE => (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt d ^ " " ^
   303 	    (strs2str' o map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt)) ts ^ " is illtyped")
   304   in msg end
   306 (* make a term 'typeless' for comparing with another 'typeless' term;
   307    'type-less' usually is illtyped                                  *)
   308 fun make_typeless (Const (s, _)) = (Const (s, TermC.typ_empty)) 
   309   | make_typeless (Free (s, _)) = (Free (s, TermC.typ_empty))
   310   | make_typeless (Var (n, _)) = (Var (n, TermC.typ_empty))
   311   | make_typeless (Bound i) = (Bound i)
   312   | make_typeless (Abs (s, _,t)) = Abs(s, TermC.typ_empty, make_typeless t)
   313   | make_typeless (t1 $ t2) = (make_typeless t1) $ (make_typeless t2)
   315 (* is the term t input (or taken from fmz) known in O_Model ?
   316    give feedback on all(?) strange input;
   317    return _all_ terms already input to this item (e.g. valuesFor a,b) *)
   318 fun contains ctxt sel ori t =
   319   let
   320     val ots = ((distinct op =) o flat o (map #5)) ori
   321     val oids = ((map (fst o dest_Free)) o (distinct op =) o flat o (map TermC.vars)) ots
   322     val (d, ts) = Input_Descript.split t
   323     val ids = map (fst o dest_Free) (((distinct op =) o (flat o (map TermC.vars))) ts)
   324   in
   325     if (subtract op = oids ids) <> []
   326     then ("identifiers " ^ strs2str' (subtract op = oids ids) ^ " not in example", single_empty, [])
   327     else 
   328 	    if d = TermC.empty
   329 	    then 
   330 	      if not (subset op = (map make_typeless ts, map make_typeless ots))
   331 	      then ("terms '" ^ (strs2str' o (map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt))) ts ^
   332 		      "' not in example (make_typeless)", single_empty, [])
   333 	      else 
   334           (case associate_input' ctxt sel ts(*..values*) ori of
   335 		         ("", ori_ as (_, _, _, d, ts), all) =>
   336 		            (case test_types ctxt (d,ts) of
   337 		              "" => ("", ori_, all)
   338 		            | msg => (msg, single_empty, []))
   339 		       | (msg, _, _) => (msg, single_empty, []))
   340 	    else 
   341 	      if member op = (map #4 ori) d
   342 	      then associate_input ctxt sel (d, ts) ori
   343 	      else (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt d ^ " not in example", (0, [], sel, d, ts), [])
   344   end
   346 (**)end(**);