author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 22 Dec 2016 11:36:20 +0100
changeset 59279 255c853ea2f0
parent 59276 56dc790071cb
child 59405 49d7d410b83c
permissions -rw-r--r--
renamed Ctree.ptree --> Ctree.ctree
     1 (* states for calculation in global refs
     2    use"../states.sml";
     3    use"states.sml";
     4    *)
     6 (*
     7 type hide = (pblID * 
     8 	     string list * (*hide: tacs + 
     9 					  "ALL",       .. result immediately
    10 					  "MODELPBL",  .. modeling hidden
    11 					  "SPEC",      .. specifying hidden
    12 		                          "MODELMET",  .. (additional itms !)
    13 					  "APPLY",     .. solving hidden
    14 		                    detail: rls
    15 				   "Rewrite_*" (as strings) must _not_ be ..
    16 				   .. contained in this list, rls _only_ !*)
    17 		    bool)         (*inherit to children in pbl-herarchy*)
    18 	       list;
    20 (*. points a pbl/metID to a sub-hierarchy of key ?.*)
    21 fun is_child_of child key =
    22     let fun is_ch [] [] = true     (*is child of itself*)
    23 	  | is_ch (c::_) [] = true
    24 	  | is_ch [] (k::_) = false
    25 	  | is_ch (c::cs) (k::ks) = 
    26 	    if c = k then is_ch cs ks else false
    27     in is_ch (rev child) (rev key) end;
    28 (*
    29 is_child_of ["root'","univar","equation"] ["univar","equation"];
    30 val it = true : bool
    31 is_child_of ["root'","univar","equation"] ["system","equation"];
    32 val it = false : bool
    33 is_child_of ["equation"] ["system","equation"];
    34 val it = false : bool
    35 is_child_of ["root'","univar","equation"] ["linear","univar","equation"];
    36 val it = false : bool
    37 *)
    39 (*.what tactics have to be hidden (in model/specify these may be several).*)
    40 datatype hid = 
    41 	 Show      (**)
    42        | Hundef	   (**)
    43        | Htac	   (*a tactic has to be hidden*)
    44        | Hmodel	   (*the model of the (sub)problem has to be hidden*)
    45        | Hspecify  (*the specification of the (sub)problem has to be hidden*)
    46        | Happly;   (*solving the (sub)problem has to be hidden*)
    48 (*. search all pbls if there is some tactic or model/spec/calc to hide .*)
    49 fun is_hid pblID arg [] = Show
    50   | is_hid pblID arg ((pblID', strs, inherit)::pts) = 
    51     let fun is_mem arg = 
    52 	    if arg mem strs then Htac
    53 	    else if arg mem ["Add_Given","Add_Find","Add_Relation"] 
    54 		    andalso "MODEL" mem strs then Hmodel
    55 	    else if arg mem ["Specify_Theory","Specify_Problem",
    56 			     "Specify_Method"] 
    57 		    andalso "SPEC" mem strs then Hspecify
    58 	    else if "APPLY" mem strs then Htac 
    59 	    else Hundef
    60     in if inherit then
    61 	   if is_child_of (pblID:pblID) pblID' 
    62 	   then case is_mem arg of Hundef => is_hid pblID arg (pts:hide)
    63 				 | hid => hid
    64 	   else is_hid pblID arg pts
    65        else if pblID = pblID' 
    66        then case is_mem arg of Hundef => is_hid pblID arg (pts:hide)
    67 			     | hid => hid
    68        else is_hid pblID arg pts
    69     end;
    70 (*val hide = [([],["Refine_Tacitly"],true),
    71 	    (["univar","equation"],["Apply_Method","Model_Problem","SPEC"],
    72 	     false)]
    73 	   :hide;
    74 is_hid [] "Rewrite" hide;
    75 val it = Show
    76 is_hid ["any","problem"] "Refine_Tacitly" hide;
    77 val it = Htac
    78 is_hid ["root'","univar","equation"] "Apply_Method" hide;
    79 val it = Show
    80 is_hid ["univar","equation"] "Apply_Method" hide;
    81 val it = Htac
    82 is_hid ["univar","equation"] "Specify_Problem" hide;
    83 val it = Hspecify
    84 *)
    86 fun is_hide pblID (tac as (Subproblem (_,pI))) (det:detail) = 
    87     is_hid pblID "SELF" det
    88   | is_hide pblID (tac as (Rewrite (thmID,_))) det = 
    89     is_hid pblID thmID det
    90   | is_hide pblID (tac as (Rewrite_Inst (_,(thmID,_)))) det = 
    91     is_hid pblID thmID det
    92   | is_hide pblID (tac as (Rewrite_Set rls)) det = 
    93     is_hid pblID rls det
    94   | is_hide pblID (tac as (Rewrite_Set_Inst (_,rls))) det = 
    95     is_hid pblID rls det
    96   | is_hide pblID tac det = is_hid pblID (tac2IDstr tac) det;
    97 (*val hide = [([],["Refine_Tacitly"],true),
    98 	    (["univar","equation"],["Apply_Method","Model_Problem",
    99 				    "SPEC","SELF"],
   100 	     false)]
   101 	   :hide;
   102 is_hide [] (Rewrite ("","")) hide;
   103 val it = Show
   104 is_hide ["any","problem"] (Refine_Tacitly []) hide;
   105 val it = Htac
   106 is_hide ["root'","univar","equation"] (Apply_Method []) hide;
   107 val it = Show
   108 is_hide ["univar","equation"] (Apply_Method []) hide;
   109 val it = Htac
   110 is_hide ["univar","equation"] (Specify_Problem []) hide;
   111 val it = Hspecify
   112 is_hide ["univar","equation"] (Subproblem (e_domID,["univar","equation"]))hide;
   113 val it = Htac
   114 is_hide ["equation"] (Subproblem (e_domID,["univar","equation"]))hide;
   115 val it = Show
   116 *)
   119 (*. search all pbls in detail if there is some rls' to be detailed .*)
   120 fun is_det pblID arg [] = false
   121   | is_det pblID arg ((pblID', rlss, inherit)::pts) = 
   122     if inherit then
   123 	   if is_child_of (pblID:pblID) pblID' 
   124 	   then if arg mem rlss then true
   125 		else is_det pblID arg (pts:detail)
   126 	   else is_det pblID arg pts
   127        else if pblID = pblID' 
   128 	   then if arg mem rlss then true
   129 		else is_det pblID arg (pts:detail)
   130        else is_det pblID arg pts;
   132 (*fun is_detail pblID (tac as (Subproblem (_,pI))) (det:detail) = 
   133     is_det pblID "SELF" det*)
   134 fun is_detail pblID (tac as (Rewrite_Set rls)) det = 
   135     is_det pblID rls det
   136   | is_detail pblID (tac as (Rewrite_Set_Inst (_,rls))) det = 
   137     is_det pblID rls det
   138   | is_detail _ _ _ = false;
   139 ----------------------------------------*)
   141 (* holds calculations; these are read/updated from the java-frontend at each interaction*)
   142 val states = Synchronized.var "isac_states" ([] :
   143   (calcID *            (* the id unique for a calculation                               *)
   144     (Chead.calcstate * (* the interpreter state                                         *) 
   145       (iterID *        (* 1 sets the 'active formula': a calc. can have several visitors*)
   146         Ctree.pos'     (* for iterator of a user                                        *)
   147       (* TODO iterID * pos' should go to java-frontend                                  *)
   148   ) list)) list);
   150 fun reset_states () = Synchronized.change states (fn _ => []);
   151 (*
   152 states:= [(3,(e_calcstate, [(1,e_pos'),
   153 			    (3,e_pos')])),
   154 	  (4,(e_calcstate, [(1,e_pos'),
   155 			    (2,e_pos')]))];
   156 *)
   158 (** create new instances of users and ptrees
   159    new keys are the lowest possible in the association list **)
   161 (* add users *)
   162 fun new_key u n = case assoc (u, n) of 
   163   NONE => n 
   164 | SOME _ => new_key u (n+1);
   165 (*///10.10
   166 fun get_calcID (u:(calcID * (calcstate * (iterID * pos') list)) list) = 
   167     (new_key u 1):calcID;*)
   168 (*
   169 val new_iterID = get_calcID (!states);
   170 val it = 1 : int
   171 states:= (!states) @ [(new_iterID, [])];
   172 !states;
   173 val it = [(3,[(#,#),(#,#)]),(4,[(#,#),(#,#)]),(1,[])]
   174 *)
   176 (*///7.10.03/// add states to a users active states
   177 fun get_calcID (uI:iterID) (p:(iterID * (calcID * state) list) list) = 
   178   case assoc (p, uI) of 
   179     NONE => error ("get_calcID: no iterID " ^ 
   180 			  (string_of_int uI))
   181   | SOME ps => (new_key ps 1):calcID;
   182 > get_calcID 1 (!states);  
   183 val it = 1 : calcID
   184 *)
   185 (* add users to a calcstate *)
   186 fun get_iterID (cI:calcID) 
   187 	       (p:(calcID * (Chead.calcstate * (iterID * Ctree.pos') list)) list) = 
   188   case assoc (p, cI) of
   189     NONE => error ("get_iterID: no iterID " ^ (string_of_int cI))
   190   | SOME (_, us) => (new_key us 1):iterID;
   191 (* get_iterID 3 (!states);
   192 val it = 2 : iterID*)
   195 (** retrieve, update, delete a state by iterID, calcID **)
   197 (*//////7.10.
   198 fun get_cal (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) (p:(iterID * (calcID * state) list) list) =
   199   (the (assoc2 (p,(uI, pI)))) 
   200   handle _ => error ("get_state " ^ (string_of_int uI) ^
   201 			     " " ^ (string_of_int pI) ^ " not existent");
   202 > get_cal 3 1 (!states);
   203 val it = (((EmptyPtree,(#,#)),[]),([],[])) : state
   204 *)
   206 (*///7.10.
   207 fun get_state (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) = get_cal uI pI (!states);
   208 fun get_calc  (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) = (snd o (get_cal uI pI)) (!states);
   209 *)
   210 fun get_calc  (cI:calcID) = 
   211     case assoc (Synchronized.value states, cI) of 
   212 	NONE => error ("get_calc "^(string_of_int cI)^" not existent")
   213       | SOME (c, _) => c;
   214 fun get_pos (cI:calcID) (uI:iterID) = 
   215     case assoc (Synchronized.value states, cI) of 
   216 	NONE => error ("get_pos: calc " ^ (string_of_int cI) 
   217 			     ^ " not existent")
   218       | SOME (_, us) => 
   219 	(case assoc (us, uI) of 
   220 	    NONE => error ("get_pos: user " ^ (string_of_int uI) 
   221 				 ^ " not existent")
   222 	  | SOME p => p);
   225 fun del_assoc ([],_) = []
   226   | del_assoc a =
   227   let fun del ([], key) ps = ps
   228 	| del ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) ps =
   229     if key = keyi then ps @ pairs
   230     else del (pairs, key) (ps @ [(keyi, xi)])
   231   in del a [] end;
   232 (*
   233 > val ps =  [(1,"1"),(2,"2"),(3,"3"),(4,"4")];     
   234 > del_assoc (ps,3);
   235 val it = [(1,"1"),(2,"2"),(4,"4")] : (int * string) list
   236 *)
   238 (* delete doesn't report non existing elements *)
   239 (*/////7.10.
   240 fun del_assoc2 (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) ps =
   241   let val new_ps = del_assoc (the (assoc (ps, uI)), pI)
   242   in overwrite (ps, (uI, new_ps)) end;*)
   243 (*
   244 > states:= del_assoc2 4 41 (!states);
   245 > !states;
   246 val it = [(3,[(#,#),(#,#),(#,#)]),(4,[(#,#)]),(1,[(#,#)])] : states
   248 > del_user 3;
   249 > !states;
   250 val it = [(4,[(#,#)]),(1,[(#,#)])] : states
   251 *)
   252 fun del_assoc2 (cI:calcID) (uI:iterID) ps =
   253     case assoc (ps, cI) of
   254 	NONE => ps
   255       | SOME (cs, us) => 
   256 	overwrite (ps, (cI, (cs, del_assoc (us, uI))));
   257 (*
   258 > del_assoc2 4 1 (!states);
   259 val it =
   260    [(3, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(1, ([], Und)), (3, ([], Und))])),
   261     (4, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(2, ([], Und))]))]*)
   263 (*///7.10.
   264 fun overwrite2 (ps, (((uI:iterID), (pI:calcID)), p)) = 
   265   let val new_ps = overwrite (the (assoc (ps, uI)), (pI, p))
   266   in (overwrite (ps, (uI, new_ps)))
   267     handle _ => error ("overwrite2 " ^ (string_of_int uI) ^
   268 			      " " ^ (string_of_int pI) ^ " not existent")
   269   end;*)
   270 fun overwrite2 (ps, (((cI:calcID), (uI:iterID)), p)) =
   271     case assoc (ps, cI) of
   272 	NONE => 
   273 	error ("overwrite2: calc " ^ (string_of_int uI) ^" not existent")
   274       | SOME (cs, us) =>
   275 	overwrite (ps, (cI ,(cs, overwrite (us, (uI, p)))));
   277 (* here is _no_ critical section on states; sufficient would be
   278   fun upd_calc cI cs =
   279     case assoc (Synchronized.value states, cI) of
   280       NONE => error ...
   281     | SOME (_, us) => 
   282       Synchronized.change states (fn s => overwrite ...)
   283 *)
   284 fun upd_calc (cI:calcID) cs = Synchronized.change states
   285         (fn s => case assoc (s, cI) of 
   286 	          NONE => error ("upd_calc " ^ (string_of_int cI) ^ " not existent")
   287           | SOME (_, us) => overwrite (s, (cI, (cs, us))));
   288 (*WN051210 testing before initac: only 1 taci in calcstate so far:
   289 fun upd_calc (cI:calcID) (cs as (_, tacis):calcstate) =
   290     (if length tacis > 1 
   291      then error ("upd_calc, |tacis|>1: "^tacis2str tacis) 
   292      else ();
   293     case assoc (!states, cI) of 
   294 	NONE => error ("upd_calc "^(string_of_int cI)^" not existent")
   295       | SOME (_, us) => states:= overwrite (!states, (cI, (cs, us)))
   296 			);*)
   299 (*///7.10.
   300 fun upd_tacis (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) tacis =
   301    let val (p, (ptp,_)) = get_state uI pI 
   302    in states:= 
   303       overwrite2 ((!states), ((uI, pI), (p, (ptp, tacis)))) end;*)
   304 fun upd_tacis (cI:calcID) tacis = Synchronized.change states
   305         (fn s => case assoc (s, cI) of 
   306 	          NONE => 
   307 	            error ("upd_tacis: calctree " ^ (string_of_int cI) ^ " not existent")
   308           | SOME ((ptp, _), us) => overwrite (s, (cI, ((ptp, tacis), us))));
   309 (*///7.10.
   310 fun upd_ipos (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) (ip:pos') =
   311    let val (_, calc) = get_state uI pI 
   312    in states:= overwrite2 ((!states), ((uI, pI), (ip, calc))) end;*)
   313 fun upd_ipos (cI:calcID) (uI:iterID) (ip: Ctree.pos') = Synchronized.change states
   314         (fn s => case assoc (s, cI) of 
   315 	          NONE =>
   316 	            error ("upd_ipos: calctree " ^ (string_of_int cI) ^ " not existent")
   317           | SOME (cs, us) => overwrite2 (s, ((cI, uI), ip)));
   320 (** add and delete calcs **)
   322 (*///7.10
   323 fun add_pID (uI:iterID) (s:state) (p:(iterID * (calcID * state) list) list) = 
   324   let val new_ID = get_calcID uI p;
   325     val new_states = (the (assoc (p, uI))) @ [(new_ID, s)];
   326   in (new_ID, (overwrite (p, (uI, new_states)))) end;*)
   327 (*
   328 > val (new_calcID, new_states) = add_pID 1 (!states);
   329 > states:= new_states;
   330 > !states;
   331 val it = [(3,[(#,#),(#,#)]),(4,[(#,#),(#,#)]),(1,[(#,#)])] : states
   332 > val (new_calcID, new_states) = add_pID 3 (!states);
   333 > states:= new_states;
   334 > !states;
   335 val it = [(3,[(#,#),(#,#),(#,#)]),(4,[(#,#),(#,#)]),(1,[(#,#)])] : states
   336 > assoc2 (!states, (3, 1));
   337 val it = SOME EmptyPtree : ctree option
   338 > assoc2 (!states, (3, 2));
   339 val it = NONE : ctree option
   340 *)
   341 (*///7.10
   342 fun add_calc (uI:iterID) (s:state) = 
   343     let val (new_calcID, new_calcs) = add_pID uI s (!states)
   344     in states:= new_calcs; 
   345     new_calcID end; *)
   346 fun add_user (cI:calcID) = Synchronized.change_result states
   347         (fn s => case assoc (s, cI) of 
   348 	          NONE =>
   349 	            error ("add_user: calctree " ^ (string_of_int cI) ^ " not existent")
   350           | SOME (cs, us) =>
   351 	            let
   352                 val new_uI = new_key us 1
   353 	            in (new_uI:iterID, overwrite2 (s, ((cI, new_uI), Ctree.e_pos'))) end);
   355 (*///10.10.
   356 fun del_calc (uI:iterID) (pI:calcID) = 
   357     (states:= del_assoc2 uI pI (!states); pI);*)
   358 fun del_user (cI:calcID) (uI:iterID) =
   359       Synchronized.change_result states (fn s => (uI, del_assoc2 cI uI s));
   362 (** add and delete calculations **)
   364 (* here is the _only_ critical section on states,
   365   because a single calculation (with _one_ cI) is sequential *)
   366 fun add_calc (cs: Chead.calcstate) = Synchronized.change_result states
   367         (fn s =>
   368             let val new_cI = new_key s 1
   369             in (new_cI:calcID, s @ [(new_cI, (cs, []))]) end);
   371 (* delete doesn't report non existing elements *)
   372 (*///7.10
   373 fun del_user (uI:userID) = 
   374     (states:= del_assoc (!states, uI); uI);*)
   375 fun del_calc (cI:calcID) = Synchronized.change_result states
   376         (fn s => (cI:calcID, del_assoc (s, cI)));
   378 (* -------------- test all exported funs -------------- 
   379 ///7.10
   380 Compiler.Control.Print.printDepth:=8;
   381 states:=[];
   382 add_user (); add_user (); !states;
   383 ML> val it = 1 : userID
   384 ML> val it = 2 : userID
   385 ML> val it = [(1,[]),(2,[])]
   387 val (hide,detail) = ([(["pI"],["tac"],true)]:hide,
   388 		       [(["pI"],["tac"],true)]:detail);
   389 add_calc 1 e_state; 
   390 add_calc 1 (e_calcstate,(hide,detail)); !states;
   391 ML> val it = 1 : calcID
   392 ML> val it = 2 : calcID
   393 ML> val it =
   394   [(1,
   395     [(1,(((EmptyPtree,(#,#)),[]),([],[]))),
   396      (2,(((EmptyPtree,(#,#)),[]),([(#,#,#)],[(#,#,#)])))]),(2,[])]
   398 val (pt,(p,p_)) = (EmptyPtree,e_pos');
   399 val (pt,_) = cappend_problem pt p Uistate ([],e_spec);
   400 upd_calc 1 2 ((pt,(p,p_)),[]); !states;
   401 ML> val it =
   402   [(1,
   403     [(1,(((EmptyPtree,(#,#)),[]),([],[]))),
   404      (2,(((Nd #,(#,#)),[]),([(#,#,#)],[(#,#,#)])))]),(2,[])]
   405 (*                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unchanged !!!*)
   407 get_state 1 1; get_state 1 2;
   408 ML> val it = (((EmptyPtree,([],Und)),[]),([],[])) : state
   409 ML> val it =
   410   (((Nd
   411        (PblObj
   412           {branch=NoBranch,cell=[],env=(#,#,#,#),loc=(#,#),meth=[],
   413            model={Find=#,Given=#,Relate=#,Where=#,With=#},origin=(#,#),
   414            ostate=Incomplete,probl=[],result=(#,#),spec=(#,#,#)},[]),([],Und)),
   415     []),([(["pI"],["tac"],true)],[(["pI"],["tac"],true)])) : state
   417 del_calc 2 1 (*non existent - NO msg!*); del_calc 1 2; !states;
   418 ML> val it = [(1,[(1,(((EmptyPtree,(#,#)),[]),([],[])))]),(2,[])]
   420 del_user 1; !states;
   421 ML> val it = [(2,[])]
   423 add_user (); add_user (); !states;
   424 ML> val it = 1 : userID
   425 ML> val it = 3 : userID
   426 ML> val it = [(2,[]),(1,[]),(3,[])]
   427 *)
   430 (* -------------- test all exported funs -------------- 
   431 print_depth 9;
   432 states:=[];
   433 add_calc e_calcstate; add_calc e_calcstate; !states;
   434 |val it = 1 : calcID
   435 |val it = 2 : calcID
   436 |val it =
   437 |   [(1, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [])),
   438 |      (2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), []))]
   440 add_user 2; add_user 2; !states; 
   441 |val it = 1 : userID
   442 |val it = 2 : userID
   443 |val it =
   444 |   [(1, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [])),
   445 |      (2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(1, ([], Und)), (2, ([], Und))]))]
   448 val cs = ((EmptyPtree, ([111], Und)), []) : calcstate;
   449 upd_calc 1 cs; !states;
   450 |val it =
   451 |   [(1, (((EmptyPtree, ([111], Und)), []), [])),
   452 |      (2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(1, ([], Und)), (2, ([], Und))]))]   
   454 get_calc 1; get_calc 2;
   455 |val it = ((EmptyPtree, ([111], Und)), []) : calcstate
   456 |val it = ((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []) : calcstate
   458 del_user 2 3 (*non existent - NO msg!*); del_user 2 1; !states;
   459 |val it = 3 : userID
   460 |val it = 1 : userID
   461 |val it =
   462 |   [(1, (((EmptyPtree, ([111], Und)), []), [])),
   463 |      (2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(2, ([], Und))]))]
   465 del_calc 1; !states;
   466 |val it = 1 : calcID
   467 |val it = [(2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(2, ([], Und))]))]
   469 add_calc e_calcstate; add_calc e_calcstate; !states;
   470 |val it = 1 : calcID
   471 |val it = 3 : calcID
   472 |val it =
   473 |   [(2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(2, ([], Und))])),
   474 |      (1, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [])),
   475 |      (3, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), []))]
   477 add_user 2; !states;
   478 |val it =
   479 |   [(2, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [(2, ([], Und)), (1, ([], Und))])),
   480 |      (1, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), [])),
   481 |      (3, (((EmptyPtree, ([], Und)), []), []))]
   482 *)