author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 07:28:39 +0200
changeset 59416 229e5c9cf78b
parent 59406 509d70b507e5
child 59585 0bb418c3855a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rule: structure pushed to code files
     1 (* use"test-coil-kernel.sml";
     2    W.N.22.11.99
     4 *)
     6 (* vvv--- geht nicht wegen fun-types
     7 parse thy "case maxmin of is_max => (m' <= m) | is_min => (m <= m')";
     8 parse thy "if maxmin = is_max then (m' <= m) else (m <= m')";
     9 parse thy "if a=b then a else b";
    10 parse thy "maxmin = is_max";
    11 parse thy "maxmin =!= is_max";
    12    ^^^--- geht nicht wegen fun-types *)
    14 "pbltyp --- maximum ---";
    15 val pbltyp = {given=["fixedValues (cs::bool list)"],
    16 	      where_=[(*"foldl (op &) True (map is_equality cs)",
    17 		      "foldl (op &) True (map (Not o ((op <=) #0) o Rhs) cs)"*)],
    18 	      find=["maximum m","values_for (ms::real list)"],
    19 	      with_=[(*"Ex_frees ((foldl (op &) True (r#rs)) &              \
    20                       \ (ALL m'. (subst (m,m') (foldl (op &) True (r#rs)) \
    21 		      \            --> m' <= m)))"*)],
    22 	      relate=["max_relation r","additionalRels rs"]}:string ppc;
    23 val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbltyp;
    24 "coil";
    25 val org = ["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]", 
    26 	   "boundVariable a","boundVariable b","boundVariable alpha",
    27 	   "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
    28 	   "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
    29 	   "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi}",
    30 	   "errorBound (eps = #1//#1000)",
    31 	   "maximum A",
    32 	 (*"max_relation A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2",*)
    33 	   "relations [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2, (a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2]",
    34 	   "relations [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2, (a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2]",
    35 	   "relations [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2, a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"];
    36 val chkorg = map (the o (parse thy)) org;
    37 val pbl = {given=["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]"],where_=[],
    38 	   find=["maximum A","values_for [a,b]"],
    39 	   with_=[(* incompat.w. parse, ok with parseold
    40 		   "EX alpha. A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2 &    \
    41 	    \ a=#2*R*sin alpha & b=#2*R*cos alpha & \
    42 	    \ (ALL A'. A'=#2*a*b - a^^^#2 & a=#2*R*sin alpha \
    43 	    \          & b=#2*R*cos alpha \
    44 	    \         --> A' <= A)"*)],
    45 	   relate=["relations [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2, a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"]
    46 	  }: string ppc;
    47 val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbl;
    49 "met --- maximum_by_differentiation ---";
    50 val met = {given=["fixedValues (cs::bool list)","boundVariable v",
    51 		  "domain {x::real. lower_bound <= x & x<=upper_bound}",
    52 		  "errorBound epsilon"],
    53 	   where_=[],
    54 	   find=["maximum m","valuesFor (ms::bool list)",
    55 		 "function_term t","max_argument mx"],
    56 	   with_=[(* incompat.w. parse, ok with parseold
    57 		   "Ex_frees ((foldl (op &) True (mr#ars)) &           \
    58                   \ (ALL m'. (subst (m,m') (foldl (op &) True (mr#ars))\
    59 		  \            --> m' <= m))) &                        \
    60 		  \m = (%v. t) mx &                                    \
    61                   \( ALL x. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound        \
    62 	          \       --> (%v. t) x <= m)"*)],
    63 	   relate=["max_relation mr",
    64 		   "additionalRels ars"]}: string ppc;
    65 val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) met;
    67 "data --- maximum_by_differentiation ---";
    68 val met = {given=["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]","boundVariable alpha",
    69 		  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}",
    70 		  "errorBound (eps = #1//#1000)"],
    71 	   where_=[],
    72 	   find=["maximum A","valuesFor [a=Undef]",
    73 		 "function_term t","max_argument mx"],
    74 	   with_=[(* incompat.w. parse, ok with parseold
    75 		   "EX b alpha. A = #2*a*b - a^^^#2 &     \
    76 	            \          a = #2*R*sin alpha  &     \
    77 		    \          b = #2*R*cos alpha  &     \
    78 		    \ (ALL A'. A'= #2*a*b - a^^^#2 &     \
    79 	            \          a = #2*R*sin alpha  &     \
    80 		    \          b = #2*R*cos alpha  --> A' <= A) & \
    81 		    \ A = (%alpha. t) mx &               \
    82 		    \ (ALL x. #0 <= x & x <= pi -->      \
    83                     \          (%alpha. t) x <= A)"*)],
    84 	   relate=["max_relation mr",
    85 		   "additionalRels ars"]}: string ppc;
    86 val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) met;
    88 val (SOME ct) = parseold thy "EX b. (EX alpha. A = #2*a*b - a^^^#2)";
    90 "pbltyp --- make_fun ---";
    91 (* subproblem [(hd #relate root, equality),
    92                (boundVariable formalization, boundVariable),
    93 	       (tl #relate root, equalities)] *) 
    94 val pbltyp = {given=["equality e","boundVariable v", "equalities es"],
    95 	      where_=[],
    96 	      find=["functionTerm t"],with_=[(*???*)],
    97 	      relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc;
    98 val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbltyp;
    99 "coil";
   100 val pbl = {given=["equality (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)","boundVariable alpha",
   101 		  "equalities [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"],
   102 	   where_=[],
   103 	   find=["functionTerm t"],
   104 	   with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc;
   105 val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbl;
   107 "met --- make_explicit_and_substitute ---";
   108 val met = {given=["equality e","boundVariable v", "equalities es"],
   109 	   where_=[],
   110 	   find=["functionTerm t"],with_=[(*???*)],
   111 	   relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc;
   112 val chkmet = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) met;
   113 "met --- introduce_a_new_variable ---";
   114 val met = {given=["equality e","boundVariable v", "substitutions es"],
   115 	   where_=[],
   116 	   find=["functionTerm t"],with_=[(*???*)],
   117 	   relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc;
   118 val chkmet = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) met;
   121 "pbltyp --- max_of_fun_on_interval ---";
   122 val pbltyp = {given=["functionTerm t","boundVariable v",
   123 		     "domain {x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound}"],
   124 	      where_=[],
   125 	      find=["maximums ms"],
   126 	      with_=[(* incompat.w. parse, ok with parseold
   127 		   "ALL m. m : ms --> \
   128 	          \  (ALL x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound \
   129 	          \        --> (%v. t) x <= m)"*)],
   130 	      relate=[]}: string ppc;
   131 val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbltyp;
   132 "coil";
   133 val pbl = {given=["functionTerm (f = #2*(#2*R*sin alpha)*(#2*R*cos alpha) - \
   134                    \ (#2*R*sin alpha)^^^#2)","boundVariable alpha",
   135 		  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi}"],where_=[],
   136 	   find=["maximums [#1234]"],with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc;
   137 val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) pbl;
   140 (* pbltyp --- max_of_fun --- *)
   141 (*
   142 {given=[],where_=[],find=[],with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc;
   143 val (SOME ct) = parse thy ;
   144 atomty (Thm.term_of ct);
   145 *)
   148 (* --- 14.1.00 ev. nicht ganz up to date bzg. oberem --- *)
   149 "p.114";
   150 val org = {given=["[u=(#12::real)]"],where_=[],
   151 	   find=["[a,(b::real)]"],with_=[],
   152 	   relate=["[is_max A=a*(b::real), #2*a+#2*b=(u::real)]"]}: string ppc;
   153 val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) org;
   154 "p.116";
   155 val org = {given=["[c=#10, h=(#4::real)]"],where_=[],
   156 	   find=["[x,(y::real)]"],with_=[],
   157 	   relate=["[A=x*(y::real), c//h=x//(h-(y::real))]"]}: string ppc;
   158 val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) org;
   159 "p.117";
   160 val org = {given=["[r=#5]"],where_=[],
   161 	   find=["[x,(y::real)]"],with_=[],
   162 	   relate=["[is_max #0=pi*x^^^#2 + pi*x*(r::real)]"]}: string ppc;
   163 val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) org;
   164 "#241";
   165 val org = {given=["[s=(#10::real)]"],where_=[],
   166 	   find=["[p::real]"],with_=[],
   167 	   relate=["[is_max p=n*m, s=n+(m::real)]"]}: string ppc;
   168 val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) org;
   172 (* -------------- coil-kernel -------------- vor 19.1.00 *)
   173 (* --- subproblem: make-function-by-subst    ~~~~~~~~~~~ *)
   174 (* --- subproblem: max-of-function *)
   175 (* --- subproblem: derivative *)
   176 (* --- subproblem: tan-quadrat-equation *)
   177 "-------------- coil-kernel --------------";
   178 val origin = ["A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2",
   179 	      "a::real","b::real","{x. #0<x & x<R//#2}",
   180 	      "{(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = (R//#2)^^^#2}",
   181 	      "alpha::real","{alpha::real. #0<alpha & alpha<pi//#2}",
   182 	      "{a//#2 = R*(sin alpha), b//#2 = R*(cos alpha)}",
   183 	      "{R::real}"];
   184 (* --- for a isa-users-mail --- FIXME
   185 Goal "{x. x < a} = ?z";
   186 {x::'a. x < a} = ?z
   187 Goal "{x. x < #3} = {a}";
   188 {x::'a. x < (#3::'a)} = {a}
   189 Goal "{x. #3 < x} = ?z";
   190 Collect (op < (#3::'a)) = ?z
   191 ---------------------------- *)
   193 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) origin;
   195 val given  = ["formula_for_max (lhs=rhs)","boundVariable bdv",
   196 	      "interval {x. low < x & x < high}",
   197 	      "additional_conds ac","constants cs"];
   198 val where_ = ["lhs is_const","bdv is_const","low is_const","high is_const",
   199 	      "||| Vars equ ||| = ||| VarsSet ac ||| - ||| ac ||| + #1"];
   200 val find   = ["f::real => real","maxs::real set"];
   201 val with_  = [(* incompat.w. parse, ok with parseold
   202 		   "maxs = {m. low < m & m < high & \
   203                         \ (m is_local_max_of (%bdv. f))}"*)];
   204 val chkpbl = map (the o (parse thy)) (given @ where_ @ find @ with_);
   205 val givens = map (the o (parse thy)) given;
   207 "------- 1.1 -------";
   208 (* 5.3.00
   209 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) ["A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2",
   210 	      "a::real","{x. #0<x & x<R//#2}",
   211 	      "{(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = (R//#2)^^^#2}",
   212 	      "{R::real}"];
   213 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   214 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   216 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) ["A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2",
   217 	      "alpha::real","{alpha. #0<alpha & alpha<pi//#2}",
   218 	      "{a//#2 = R*(sin alpha), b//#2 = R*(cos alpha)}",
   219 	      "{R::real}"];
   220 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   221 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   222 *)
   224 " --- subproblem: make-function-by-subst --- ";
   225 val origin = ["A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2",
   226 	      "{a//#2 = R*(sin alpha), b//#2 = R*(cos alpha)}",
   227 	      "{R::real}"];
   228 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) origin;
   230 val given  = ["equation (lhs=rhs)","substitutions ss",
   231 	      "constants cs"];
   232 val where_ = [];
   233 val find   = ["t::real"];
   234 val with_  = ["||| Vars t ||| = #1"];
   235 val chkpbl = map (the o (parse thy)) (given @ where_ @ find @ with_);
   236 val givens = map (the o (parse thy)) given;
   237 (* 5.3.00
   238 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   239 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   240 *)
   241 " --- subproblem: max-of-function --- ";
   242 val origin = ["A = #2*(#2*R*(sin alpha))*(#2*R*(sin alpha)) - \
   243                \ (#2*R*(sin alpha))^^^#2",
   244 	      "{alpha. #0<alpha & alpha<pi//#2}",
   245 	      "{R::real}"];
   246 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) origin;
   248 val given  = ["equation (lhs=rhs)",
   249 	      "interval {x. low < x & x < high}",
   250 	      "constants cs"];
   251 val where_ = ["lhs is_const","low is_const","high is_const"];
   252 val find   = ["t::real"];
   253 val with_  = ["||| Vars t ||| = #1"];
   254 val chkpbl = map (the o (parse thy)) (given @ where_ @ find @ with_);
   255 val givens = map (the o (parse thy)) given;
   256 (* 5.3.00
   257 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   258 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   259 *)
   260 " --- subproblem: derivative --- ";
   261 val origin = ["x^^^#3-y^^^#3+#-3*x+#12*y+#10","x::real"];
   262 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) origin;
   264 val given  = ["functionTerm t",
   265 	      "boundVariable bdv"];
   266 val where_ = ["bdv is_const"];
   267 val find   = ["t'::real"];
   268 val with_  = ["t' is_derivative_of (%bdv. t)"];
   269 val chkpbl = map (the o (parse thy)) (given @ where_ @ find @ with_);
   270 val givens = map (the o (parse thy)) given;
   271 (*
   272 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   273 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   274 *)
   275 " --- subproblem: tan-quadrat-equation --- ";
   276 val origin = ["#8*R^^^#2*(cos alpha)^^^#2 + #-8*R^^^#2* \
   277 	      \ (cos alpha)*(sin alpha) + #8*R^^^#2*(sin alpha)^^^#2 = #0",
   278 	      "alpha::real","#1//#1000"];
   279 val formals = map (the o (parse thy)) origin;
   281 val given  = ["equation (a*(cos bdv)^^^#2 + b*(cos bdv)*(sin bdv) + \
   282 	      \ c*(sin bdv) = #0)",
   283 	     "boundVariable bdv","errorBound epsilon"];
   284 val where_ = ["bdv is_const","epsilon is_const_expr"];
   285 val find   = ["L::real set"];
   286 val with_  = ["L = {x. || (%bdv. a*(cos bdv)^^^#2 + b*(cos bdv)*(sin bdv) + \
   287 	      \ c*(sin bdv)) x || < epsilon}"];
   288 (* 5.3.00
   289 val chkpbl = map (the o (parse thy)) (given @ where_ @ find @ with_);
   290 val givens = map (the o (parse thy)) given;
   291 val tag__forms = chktyps thy (formals, givens);
   292 map ((atomty) o Thm.term_of) tag__forms;
   293 *)
   294 (*  use"test-coil-kernel.sml";
   295   *)
   298 " #################################################### ";
   299 "                       test specify                   ";
   300 " #################################################### ";
   303 val cts = 
   304 ["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]", 
   305  "boundVariable a", "boundVariable b",
   306  "boundVariable alpha",
   307  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
   308  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
   309  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}",
   310  "errorBound (eps = #1//#1000)",
   311  "maximum A","valuesFor [a=Undef]",
   312  (*"functionTerm t","max_argument mx", 
   313   "max_relation (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)",      *)
   314  "additionalRels [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2,(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]", 
   315  "additionalRels [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2,(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]",
   316  "additionalRels [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2,a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"];
   317 val (dI',pI',mI')=
   318   ("DiffAppl",["Script","maximum_of","function"],Celem.e_metID);
   319 val c = []:cid;
   321 (*
   322 val pbl = {given=["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]","boundVariable alpha",
   323 		  "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}",
   324 		  "errorBound (eps = #1//#1000)"],
   325 	   where_=[],
   326 	   find=["maximum A","valuesFor [a=Undef]"(*,
   327 		 "functionTerm t","max_argument mx"*)],
   328 	   with_=[],
   329 	   relate=["max_relation (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)",
   330 	   "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]", 
   331 	   "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]",
   332 	   "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"]
   333 	   }: string ppc;
   334 *)
   335 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = 
   336   specify (Init_Proof (cts,(dI',pI',mI'))) e_pos' [] EmptyPtree;
   338 val ct = "fixedValues [R=(R::real)]";
   339 (*l(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify(Add_Given ct) p c pt*)
   340 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   342 val ct = "boundVariable a";
   343 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   344 val ct = "boundVariable alpha";
   345 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   347 val ct = "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}";
   348 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   350 val ct = "errorBound (eps = (#1::real) // #1000)";
   351 val ct = "maximum A";
   352 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   354 val ct = "valuesFor [a=Undef]";
   355 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   357 val ct = "max_relation ()";
   358 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   360 val ct = "relations [A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2,(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]";
   361 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   363 (* ... nxt = Specify_Domain ...
   364 val ct = "additionalRels [b=#2*R*cos alpha]";
   365 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) =
   366    specify(Add_Relation ct) p c pt;
   367 (*
   368 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   369 *)
   370 val ct = "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha]";
   371 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) =
   372    specify(Add_Relation ct) p c pt;
   373 (*
   374 val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   375 *)
   376 *)
   377 (* --- tricky case (termlist interleaving variants):
   378 > val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = 
   379   specify (Init_Proof (cts,(dI,pI,mI))) [] [] EmptyPtree;
   381 > val ct = "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2, b=#2*R*cos alpha]";
   382 > val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   383 *)
   385 (* --- incomplete input ---
   386 > val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = 
   387   specify (Init_Proof (cts,(dI,pI,mI))) [] [] EmptyPtree;
   389 > val ct = "[R=(R::real)]";
   390 > val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   392 > val ct = "R=(R::real)";
   393 > val(p,_,Form'(PpcKF(_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,pt) = specify nxt p c pt;
   395 > val ct = "(R::real)";
   396 > specify nxt p c pt;
   397 *)
   400 " #################################################### ";
   401 "                   test  do_ specify                  ";
   402 " #################################################### ";
   405 val cts = ["fixedValues [R=(R::real)]", 
   406            "boundVariable a", "boundVariable b",
   407            "boundVariable alpha",
   408            "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
   409 	   "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}",
   410 	   "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}",
   411 	   "errorBound (eps=#1//#1000)",
   412 	   "maximum A","valuesFor [a=Undef]",
   413 	 (*"functionTerm t","max_argument mx",      *)
   414 	   "max_relation (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)",
   415 	   "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]", 
   416 	   "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]",
   417 	   "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"];
   418 val (dI',pI',mI')=
   419   ("DiffAppl",["DiffAppl","test_maximum"],Celem.e_metID);
   420 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   422 val (mI,m) = ("Init_Proof",Init_Proof (cts, (dI',pI',mI')));
   423 val (pst as (sc,pt,cl):pstate) = (Rule.EmptyScr, e_ctree, []);
   424 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,(_,pt,_)) = do_ (mI,m) p c pst;
   425 (*val nxt = ("Add_Given",Add_Given "fixedValues [R = R]")*)
   427 val (p,_,Form' (PpcKF (_,_,ppc)),nxt,_,(_,pt,_)) = 
   428   do_ nxt p c (Rule.EmptyScr,pt,[]);
   429 (*val nxt = ("Add_Given",Add_Given "boundVariable a") *)