author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 15:03:34 +0200
changeset 37913 20e3616b2d9c
parent 27015 f8537d69f514
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare reactivation of isac-update-Isa09-2
     1 (*<*)
     2 theory Ifexpr imports Main begin;
     3 (*>*)
     5 subsection{*Case Study: Boolean Expressions*}
     7 text{*\label{sec:boolex}\index{boolean expressions example|(}
     8 The aim of this case study is twofold: it shows how to model boolean
     9 expressions and some algorithms for manipulating them, and it demonstrates
    10 the constructs introduced above.
    11 *}
    13 subsubsection{*Modelling Boolean Expressions*}
    15 text{*
    16 We want to represent boolean expressions built up from variables and
    17 constants by negation and conjunction. The following datatype serves exactly
    18 that purpose:
    19 *}
    21 datatype boolex = Const bool | Var nat | Neg boolex
    22                 | And boolex boolex;
    24 text{*\noindent
    25 The two constants are represented by @{term"Const True"} and
    26 @{term"Const False"}. Variables are represented by terms of the form
    27 @{term"Var n"}, where @{term"n"} is a natural number (type @{typ"nat"}).
    28 For example, the formula $P@0 \land \neg P@1$ is represented by the term
    29 @{term"And (Var 0) (Neg(Var 1))"}.
    31 \subsubsection{The Value of a Boolean Expression}
    33 The value of a boolean expression depends on the value of its variables.
    34 Hence the function @{text"value"} takes an additional parameter, an
    35 \emph{environment} of type @{typ"nat => bool"}, which maps variables to their
    36 values:
    37 *}
    39 primrec "value" :: "boolex \<Rightarrow> (nat \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    40 "value (Const b) env = b" |
    41 "value (Var x)   env = env x" |
    42 "value (Neg b)   env = (\<not> value b env)" |
    43 "value (And b c) env = (value b env \<and> value c env)"
    45 text{*\noindent
    46 \subsubsection{If-Expressions}
    48 An alternative and often more efficient (because in a certain sense
    49 canonical) representation are so-called \emph{If-expressions} built up
    50 from constants (@{term"CIF"}), variables (@{term"VIF"}) and conditionals
    51 (@{term"IF"}):
    52 *}
    54 datatype ifex = CIF bool | VIF nat | IF ifex ifex ifex;
    56 text{*\noindent
    57 The evaluation of If-expressions proceeds as for @{typ"boolex"}:
    58 *}
    60 primrec valif :: "ifex \<Rightarrow> (nat \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    61 "valif (CIF b)    env = b" |
    62 "valif (VIF x)    env = env x" |
    63 "valif (IF b t e) env = (if valif b env then valif t env
    64                                         else valif e env)"
    66 text{*
    67 \subsubsection{Converting Boolean and If-Expressions}
    69 The type @{typ"boolex"} is close to the customary representation of logical
    70 formulae, whereas @{typ"ifex"} is designed for efficiency. It is easy to
    71 translate from @{typ"boolex"} into @{typ"ifex"}:
    72 *}
    74 primrec bool2if :: "boolex \<Rightarrow> ifex" where
    75 "bool2if (Const b) = CIF b" |
    76 "bool2if (Var x)   = VIF x" |
    77 "bool2if (Neg b)   = IF (bool2if b) (CIF False) (CIF True)" |
    78 "bool2if (And b c) = IF (bool2if b) (bool2if c) (CIF False)"
    80 text{*\noindent
    81 At last, we have something we can verify: that @{term"bool2if"} preserves the
    82 value of its argument:
    83 *}
    85 lemma "valif (bool2if b) env = value b env";
    87 txt{*\noindent
    88 The proof is canonical:
    89 *}
    91 apply(induct_tac b);
    92 apply(auto);
    93 done
    95 text{*\noindent
    96 In fact, all proofs in this case study look exactly like this. Hence we do
    97 not show them below.
    99 More interesting is the transformation of If-expressions into a normal form
   100 where the first argument of @{term"IF"} cannot be another @{term"IF"} but
   101 must be a constant or variable. Such a normal form can be computed by
   102 repeatedly replacing a subterm of the form @{term"IF (IF b x y) z u"} by
   103 @{term"IF b (IF x z u) (IF y z u)"}, which has the same value. The following
   104 primitive recursive functions perform this task:
   105 *}
   107 primrec normif :: "ifex \<Rightarrow> ifex \<Rightarrow> ifex \<Rightarrow> ifex" where
   108 "normif (CIF b)    t e = IF (CIF b) t e" |
   109 "normif (VIF x)    t e = IF (VIF x) t e" |
   110 "normif (IF b t e) u f = normif b (normif t u f) (normif e u f)"
   112 primrec norm :: "ifex \<Rightarrow> ifex" where
   113 "norm (CIF b)    = CIF b" |
   114 "norm (VIF x)    = VIF x" |
   115 "norm (IF b t e) = normif b (norm t) (norm e)"
   117 text{*\noindent
   118 Their interplay is tricky; we leave it to you to develop an
   119 intuitive understanding. Fortunately, Isabelle can help us to verify that the
   120 transformation preserves the value of the expression:
   121 *}
   123 theorem "valif (norm b) env = valif b env";(*<*)oops;(*>*)
   125 text{*\noindent
   126 The proof is canonical, provided we first show the following simplification
   127 lemma, which also helps to understand what @{term"normif"} does:
   128 *}
   130 lemma [simp]:
   131   "\<forall>t e. valif (normif b t e) env = valif (IF b t e) env";
   132 (*<*)
   133 apply(induct_tac b);
   134 by(auto);
   136 theorem "valif (norm b) env = valif b env";
   137 apply(induct_tac b);
   138 by(auto);
   139 (*>*)
   140 text{*\noindent
   141 Note that the lemma does not have a name, but is implicitly used in the proof
   142 of the theorem shown above because of the @{text"[simp]"} attribute.
   144 But how can we be sure that @{term"norm"} really produces a normal form in
   145 the above sense? We define a function that tests If-expressions for normality:
   146 *}
   148 primrec normal :: "ifex \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   149 "normal(CIF b) = True" |
   150 "normal(VIF x) = True" |
   151 "normal(IF b t e) = (normal t \<and> normal e \<and>
   152      (case b of CIF b \<Rightarrow> True | VIF x \<Rightarrow> True | IF x y z \<Rightarrow> False))"
   154 text{*\noindent
   155 Now we prove @{term"normal(norm b)"}. Of course, this requires a lemma about
   156 normality of @{term"normif"}:
   157 *}
   159 lemma [simp]: "\<forall>t e. normal(normif b t e) = (normal t \<and> normal e)";
   160 (*<*)
   161 apply(induct_tac b);
   162 by(auto);
   164 theorem "normal(norm b)";
   165 apply(induct_tac b);
   166 by(auto);
   167 (*>*)
   169 text{*\medskip
   170 How do we come up with the required lemmas? Try to prove the main theorems
   171 without them and study carefully what @{text auto} leaves unproved. This 
   172 can provide the clue.  The necessity of universal quantification
   173 (@{text"\<forall>t e"}) in the two lemmas is explained in
   174 \S\ref{sec:InductionHeuristics}
   176 \begin{exercise}
   177   We strengthen the definition of a @{const normal} If-expression as follows:
   178   the first argument of all @{term IF}s must be a variable. Adapt the above
   179   development to this changed requirement. (Hint: you may need to formulate
   180   some of the goals as implications (@{text"\<longrightarrow>"}) rather than
   181   equalities (@{text"="}).)
   182 \end{exercise}
   183 \index{boolean expressions example|)}
   184 *}
   185 (*<*)
   187 primrec normif2 :: "ifex => ifex => ifex => ifex" where
   188 "normif2 (CIF b)    t e = (if b then t else e)" |
   189 "normif2 (VIF x)    t e = IF (VIF x) t e" |
   190 "normif2 (IF b t e) u f = normif2 b (normif2 t u f) (normif2 e u f)"
   192 primrec norm2 :: "ifex => ifex" where
   193 "norm2 (CIF b)    = CIF b" |
   194 "norm2 (VIF x)    = VIF x" |
   195 "norm2 (IF b t e) = normif2 b (norm2 t) (norm2 e)"
   197 primrec normal2 :: "ifex => bool" where
   198 "normal2(CIF b) = True" |
   199 "normal2(VIF x) = True" |
   200 "normal2(IF b t e) = (normal2 t & normal2 e &
   201      (case b of CIF b => False | VIF x => True | IF x y z => False))"
   203 lemma [simp]:
   204   "ALL t e. valif (normif2 b t e) env = valif (IF b t e) env"
   205 apply(induct b)
   206 by(auto)
   208 theorem "valif (norm2 b) env = valif b env"
   209 apply(induct b)
   210 by(auto)
   212 lemma [simp]: "ALL t e. normal2 t & normal2 e --> normal2(normif2 b t e)"
   213 apply(induct b)
   214 by(auto)
   216 theorem "normal2(norm2 b)"
   217 apply(induct b)
   218 by(auto)
   220 end
   221 (*>*)