author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 15:03:34 +0200
changeset 37913 20e3616b2d9c
parent 36176 3fe7e97ccca8
child 40041 9e59b4c11039
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare reactivation of isac-update-Isa09-2
     1 (*<*)
     2 theory Nested imports ABexpr begin
     3 (*>*)
     5 text{*
     6 \index{datatypes!and nested recursion}%
     7 So far, all datatypes had the property that on the right-hand side of their
     8 definition they occurred only at the top-level: directly below a
     9 constructor. Now we consider \emph{nested recursion}, where the recursive
    10 datatype occurs nested in some other datatype (but not inside itself!).
    11 Consider the following model of terms
    12 where function symbols can be applied to a list of arguments:
    13 *}
    14 (*<*)hide_const Var(*>*)
    15 datatype ('v,'f)"term" = Var 'v | App 'f "('v,'f)term list";
    17 text{*\noindent
    18 Note that we need to quote @{text term} on the left to avoid confusion with
    19 the Isabelle command \isacommand{term}.
    20 Parameter @{typ"'v"} is the type of variables and @{typ"'f"} the type of
    21 function symbols.
    22 A mathematical term like $f(x,g(y))$ becomes @{term"App f [Var x, App g
    23   [Var y]]"}, where @{term f}, @{term g}, @{term x}, @{term y} are
    24 suitable values, e.g.\ numbers or strings.
    26 What complicates the definition of @{text term} is the nested occurrence of
    27 @{text term} inside @{text list} on the right-hand side. In principle,
    28 nested recursion can be eliminated in favour of mutual recursion by unfolding
    29 the offending datatypes, here @{text list}. The result for @{text term}
    30 would be something like
    31 \medskip
    33 \input{Datatype/document/unfoldnested.tex}
    34 \medskip
    36 \noindent
    37 Although we do not recommend this unfolding to the user, it shows how to
    38 simulate nested recursion by mutual recursion.
    39 Now we return to the initial definition of @{text term} using
    40 nested recursion.
    42 Let us define a substitution function on terms. Because terms involve term
    43 lists, we need to define two substitution functions simultaneously:
    44 *}
    46 primrec
    47 subst :: "('v\<Rightarrow>('v,'f)term) \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f)term      \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f)term" and
    48 substs:: "('v\<Rightarrow>('v,'f)term) \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f)term list \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f)term list"
    49 where
    50 "subst s (Var x) = s x" |
    51   subst_App:
    52 "subst s (App f ts) = App f (substs s ts)" |
    54 "substs s [] = []" |
    55 "substs s (t # ts) = subst s t # substs s ts"
    57 text{*\noindent
    58 Individual equations in a \commdx{primrec} definition may be
    59 named as shown for @{thm[source]subst_App}.
    60 The significance of this device will become apparent below.
    62 Similarly, when proving a statement about terms inductively, we need
    63 to prove a related statement about term lists simultaneously. For example,
    64 the fact that the identity substitution does not change a term needs to be
    65 strengthened and proved as follows:
    66 *}
    68 lemma subst_id(*<*)(*referred to from ABexpr*)(*>*): "subst  Var t  = (t ::('v,'f)term)  \<and>
    69                   substs Var ts = (ts::('v,'f)term list)";
    70 apply(induct_tac t and ts, simp_all);
    71 done
    73 text{*\noindent
    74 Note that @{term Var} is the identity substitution because by definition it
    75 leaves variables unchanged: @{prop"subst Var (Var x) = Var x"}. Note also
    76 that the type annotations are necessary because otherwise there is nothing in
    77 the goal to enforce that both halves of the goal talk about the same type
    78 parameters @{text"('v,'f)"}. As a result, induction would fail
    79 because the two halves of the goal would be unrelated.
    81 \begin{exercise}
    82 The fact that substitution distributes over composition can be expressed
    83 roughly as follows:
    84 @{text[display]"subst (f \<circ> g) t = subst f (subst g t)"}
    85 Correct this statement (you will find that it does not type-check),
    86 strengthen it, and prove it. (Note: @{text"\<circ>"} is function composition;
    87 its definition is found in theorem @{thm[source]o_def}).
    88 \end{exercise}
    89 \begin{exercise}\label{ex:trev-trev}
    90   Define a function @{term trev} of type @{typ"('v,'f)term => ('v,'f)term"}
    91 that recursively reverses the order of arguments of all function symbols in a
    92   term. Prove that @{prop"trev(trev t) = t"}.
    93 \end{exercise}
    95 The experienced functional programmer may feel that our definition of
    96 @{term subst} is too complicated in that @{const substs} is
    97 unnecessary. The @{term App}-case can be defined directly as
    98 @{term[display]"subst s (App f ts) = App f (map (subst s) ts)"}
    99 where @{term"map"} is the standard list function such that
   100 @{text"map f [x1,...,xn] = [f x1,...,f xn]"}. This is true, but Isabelle
   101 insists on the conjunctive format. Fortunately, we can easily \emph{prove}
   102 that the suggested equation holds:
   103 *}
   104 (*<*)
   105 (* Exercise 1: *)
   106 lemma "subst  ((subst f) \<circ> g) t  = subst  f (subst g t) \<and>
   107        substs ((subst f) \<circ> g) ts = substs f (substs g ts)"
   108 apply (induct_tac t and ts)
   109 apply (simp_all)
   110 done
   112 (* Exercise 2: *)
   114 consts trev :: "('v,'f) term \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f) term"
   115        trevs:: "('v,'f) term list \<Rightarrow> ('v,'f) term list"
   116 primrec
   117 "trev (Var v)    = Var v"
   118 "trev (App f ts) = App f (trevs ts)"
   120 "trevs [] = []"
   121 "trevs (t#ts) = (trevs ts) @ [(trev t)]" 
   123 lemma [simp]: "\<forall> ys. trevs (xs @ ys) = (trevs ys) @ (trevs xs)" 
   124 apply (induct_tac xs, auto)
   125 done
   127 lemma "trev (trev t) = (t::('v,'f)term) \<and> 
   128        trevs (trevs ts) = (ts::('v,'f)term list)"
   129 apply (induct_tac t and ts, simp_all)
   130 done
   131 (*>*)
   133 lemma [simp]: "subst s (App f ts) = App f (map (subst s) ts)"
   134 apply(induct_tac ts, simp_all)
   135 done
   137 text{*\noindent
   138 What is more, we can now disable the old defining equation as a
   139 simplification rule:
   140 *}
   142 declare subst_App [simp del]
   144 text{*\noindent The advantage is that now we have replaced @{const
   145 substs} by @{const map}, we can profit from the large number of
   146 pre-proved lemmas about @{const map}.  Unfortunately, inductive proofs
   147 about type @{text term} are still awkward because they expect a
   148 conjunction. One could derive a new induction principle as well (see
   149 \S\ref{sec:derive-ind}), but simpler is to stop using
   150 \isacommand{primrec} and to define functions with \isacommand{fun}
   151 instead.  Simple uses of \isacommand{fun} are described in
   152 \S\ref{sec:fun} below.  Advanced applications, including functions
   153 over nested datatypes like @{text term}, are discussed in a
   154 separate tutorial~\cite{isabelle-function}.
   156 Of course, you may also combine mutual and nested recursion of datatypes. For example,
   157 constructor @{text Sum} in \S\ref{sec:datatype-mut-rec} could take a list of
   158 expressions as its argument: @{text Sum}~@{typ[quotes]"'a aexp list"}.
   159 *}
   160 (*<*)end(*>*)