author lcp
Tue, 03 May 1994 10:40:24 +0200
changeset 348 1f5a94209c97
parent 331 13660d5f6a77
child 459 03b445551763
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     1 %% $Id$
     2 \part{Advanced Methods}
     3 Before continuing, it might be wise to try some of your own examples in
     4 Isabelle, reinforcing your knowledge of the basic functions.
     6 Look through {\em Isabelle's Object-Logics\/} and try proving some simple
     7 theorems.  You probably should begin with first-order logic ({\tt FOL}
     8 or~{\tt LK}).  Try working some of the examples provided, and others from
     9 the literature.  Set theory~({\tt ZF}) and Constructive Type Theory~({\tt
    10   CTT}) form a richer world for mathematical reasoning and, again, many
    11 examples are in the literature.  Higher-order logic~({\tt HOL}) is
    12 Isabelle's most sophisticated logic because its types and functions are
    13 identified with those of the meta-logic.
    15 Choose a logic that you already understand.  Isabelle is a proof
    16 tool, not a teaching tool; if you do not know how to do a particular proof
    17 on paper, then you certainly will not be able to do it on the machine.
    18 Even experienced users plan large proofs on paper.
    20 We have covered only the bare essentials of Isabelle, but enough to perform
    21 substantial proofs.  By occasionally dipping into the {\em Reference
    22 Manual}, you can learn additional tactics, subgoal commands and tacticals.
    25 \section{Deriving rules in Isabelle}
    26 \index{rules!derived}
    27 A mathematical development goes through a progression of stages.  Each
    28 stage defines some concepts and derives rules about them.  We shall see how
    29 to derive rules, perhaps involving definitions, using Isabelle.  The
    30 following section will explain how to declare types, constants, rules and
    31 definitions.
    34 \subsection{Deriving a rule using tactics and meta-level assumptions} 
    35 \label{deriving-example}
    36 \index{examples!of deriving rules}\index{assumptions!of main goal}
    38 The subgoal module supports the derivation of rules, as discussed in
    39 \S\ref{deriving}.  The \ttindex{goal} command, when supplied a goal of the
    40 form $\List{\theta@1; \ldots; \theta@k} \Imp \phi$, creates $\phi\Imp\phi$
    41 as the initial proof state and returns a list consisting of the theorems
    42 ${\theta@i\;[\theta@i]}$, for $i=1$, \ldots,~$k$.  These meta-assumptions
    43 are also recorded internally, allowing {\tt result} to discharge them
    44 in the original order.
    46 Let us derive $\conj$ elimination using Isabelle.
    47 Until now, calling {\tt goal} has returned an empty list, which we have
    48 thrown away.  In this example, the list contains the two premises of the
    49 rule.  We bind them to the \ML\ identifiers {\tt major} and {\tt
    50 minor}:\footnote{Some ML compilers will print a message such as {\em
    51 binding not exhaustive}.  This warns that {\tt goal} must return a
    52 2-element list.  Otherwise, the pattern-match will fail; ML will
    53 raise exception \xdx{Match}.}
    54 \begin{ttbox}
    55 val [major,minor] = goal FOL.thy
    56     "[| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R";
    57 {\out Level 0}
    58 {\out R}
    59 {\out  1. R}
    60 {\out val major = "P & Q  [P & Q]" : thm}
    61 {\out val minor = "[| P; Q |] ==> R  [[| P; Q |] ==> R]" : thm}
    62 \end{ttbox}
    63 Look at the minor premise, recalling that meta-level assumptions are
    64 shown in brackets.  Using {\tt minor}, we reduce $R$ to the subgoals
    65 $P$ and~$Q$:
    66 \begin{ttbox}
    67 by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
    68 {\out Level 1}
    69 {\out R}
    70 {\out  1. P}
    71 {\out  2. Q}
    72 \end{ttbox}
    73 Deviating from~\S\ref{deriving}, we apply $({\conj}E1)$ forwards from the
    74 assumption $P\conj Q$ to obtain the theorem~$P\;[P\conj Q]$.
    75 \begin{ttbox}
    76 major RS conjunct1;
    77 {\out val it = "P  [P & Q]" : thm}
    78 \ttbreak
    79 by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct1] 1);
    80 {\out Level 2}
    81 {\out R}
    82 {\out  1. Q}
    83 \end{ttbox}
    84 Similarly, we solve the subgoal involving~$Q$.
    85 \begin{ttbox}
    86 major RS conjunct2;
    87 {\out val it = "Q  [P & Q]" : thm}
    88 by (resolve_tac [major RS conjunct2] 1);
    89 {\out Level 3}
    90 {\out R}
    91 {\out No subgoals!}
    92 \end{ttbox}
    93 Calling \ttindex{topthm} returns the current proof state as a theorem.
    94 Note that it contains assumptions.  Calling \ttindex{result} discharges the
    95 assumptions --- both occurrences of $P\conj Q$ are discharged as one ---
    96 and makes the variables schematic.
    97 \begin{ttbox}
    98 topthm();
    99 {\out val it = "R  [P & Q, P & Q, [| P; Q |] ==> R]" : thm}
   100 val conjE = result();
   101 {\out val conjE = "[| ?P & ?Q; [| ?P; ?Q |] ==> ?R |] ==> ?R" : thm}
   102 \end{ttbox}
   105 \subsection{Definitions and derived rules} \label{definitions}
   106 \index{rules!derived}\index{definitions!and derived rules|(}
   108 Definitions are expressed as meta-level equalities.  Let us define negation
   109 and the if-and-only-if connective:
   110 \begin{eqnarray*}
   111   \neg \Var{P}          & \equiv & \Var{P}\imp\bot \\
   112   \Var{P}\bimp \Var{Q}  & \equiv & 
   113                 (\Var{P}\imp \Var{Q}) \conj (\Var{Q}\imp \Var{P})
   114 \end{eqnarray*}
   115 \index{meta-rewriting}%
   116 Isabelle permits {\bf meta-level rewriting} using definitions such as
   117 these.  {\bf Unfolding} replaces every instance
   118 of $\neg \Var{P}$ by the corresponding instance of ${\Var{P}\imp\bot}$.  For
   119 example, $\forall x.\neg (P(x)\conj \neg R(x,0))$ unfolds to
   120 \[ \forall x.(P(x)\conj R(x,0)\imp\bot)\imp\bot.  \]
   121 {\bf Folding} a definition replaces occurrences of the right-hand side by
   122 the left.  The occurrences need not be free in the entire formula.
   124 When you define new concepts, you should derive rules asserting their
   125 abstract properties, and then forget their definitions.  This supports
   126 modularity: if you later change the definitions without affecting their
   127 abstract properties, then most of your proofs will carry through without
   128 change.  Indiscriminate unfolding makes a subgoal grow exponentially,
   129 becoming unreadable.
   131 Taking this point of view, Isabelle does not unfold definitions
   132 automatically during proofs.  Rewriting must be explicit and selective.
   133 Isabelle provides tactics and meta-rules for rewriting, and a version of
   134 the {\tt goal} command that unfolds the conclusion and premises of the rule
   135 being derived.
   137 For example, the intuitionistic definition of negation given above may seem
   138 peculiar.  Using Isabelle, we shall derive pleasanter negation rules:
   139 \[  \infer[({\neg}I)]{\neg P}{\infer*{\bot}{[P]}}   \qquad
   140     \infer[({\neg}E)]{Q}{\neg P & P}  \]
   141 This requires proving the following meta-formulae:
   142 $$ (P\Imp\bot)    \Imp \neg P   \eqno(\neg I)$$
   143 $$ \List{\neg P; P} \Imp Q.       \eqno(\neg E)$$
   146 \subsection{Deriving the $\neg$ introduction rule}
   147 To derive $(\neg I)$, we may call {\tt goal} with the appropriate
   148 formula.  Again, {\tt goal} returns a list consisting of the rule's
   149 premises.  We bind this one-element list to the \ML\ identifier {\tt
   150   prems}.
   151 \begin{ttbox}
   152 val prems = goal FOL.thy "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
   153 {\out Level 0}
   154 {\out ~P}
   155 {\out  1. ~P}
   156 {\out val prems = ["P ==> False  [P ==> False]"] : thm list}
   157 \end{ttbox}
   158 Calling \ttindex{rewrite_goals_tac} with \tdx{not_def}, which is the
   159 definition of negation, unfolds that definition in the subgoals.  It leaves
   160 the main goal alone.
   161 \begin{ttbox}
   162 not_def;
   163 {\out val it = "~?P == ?P --> False" : thm}
   164 by (rewrite_goals_tac [not_def]);
   165 {\out Level 1}
   166 {\out ~P}
   167 {\out  1. P --> False}
   168 \end{ttbox}
   169 Using \tdx{impI} and the premise, we reduce subgoal~1 to a triviality:
   170 \begin{ttbox}
   171 by (resolve_tac [impI] 1);
   172 {\out Level 2}
   173 {\out ~P}
   174 {\out  1. P ==> False}
   175 \ttbreak
   176 by (resolve_tac prems 1);
   177 {\out Level 3}
   178 {\out ~P}
   179 {\out  1. P ==> P}
   180 \end{ttbox}
   181 The rest of the proof is routine.  Note the form of the final result.
   182 \begin{ttbox}
   183 by (assume_tac 1);
   184 {\out Level 4}
   185 {\out ~P}
   186 {\out No subgoals!}
   187 \ttbreak
   188 val notI = result();
   189 {\out val notI = "(?P ==> False) ==> ~?P" : thm}
   190 \end{ttbox}
   191 \indexbold{*notI theorem}
   193 There is a simpler way of conducting this proof.  The \ttindex{goalw}
   194 command starts a backward proof, as does {\tt goal}, but it also
   195 unfolds definitions.  Thus there is no need to call
   196 \ttindex{rewrite_goals_tac}:
   197 \begin{ttbox}
   198 val prems = goalw FOL.thy [not_def]
   199     "(P ==> False) ==> ~P";
   200 {\out Level 0}
   201 {\out ~P}
   202 {\out  1. P --> False}
   203 {\out val prems = ["P ==> False  [P ==> False]"] : thm list}
   204 \end{ttbox}
   207 \subsection{Deriving the $\neg$ elimination rule}
   208 Let us derive the rule $(\neg E)$.  The proof follows that of~{\tt conjE}
   209 above, with an additional step to unfold negation in the major premise.
   210 Although the {\tt goalw} command is best for this, let us
   211 try~{\tt goal} to see another way of unfolding definitions.  After
   212 binding the premises to \ML\ identifiers, we apply \tdx{FalseE}:
   213 \begin{ttbox}
   214 val [major,minor] = goal FOL.thy "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
   215 {\out Level 0}
   216 {\out R}
   217 {\out  1. R}
   218 {\out val major = "~ P  [~ P]" : thm}
   219 {\out val minor = "P  [P]" : thm}
   220 \ttbreak
   221 by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
   222 {\out Level 1}
   223 {\out R}
   224 {\out  1. False}
   225 \end{ttbox}
   226 Everything follows from falsity.  And we can prove falsity using the
   227 premises and Modus Ponens:
   228 \begin{ttbox}
   229 by (resolve_tac [mp] 1);
   230 {\out Level 2}
   231 {\out R}
   232 {\out  1. ?P1 --> False}
   233 {\out  2. ?P1}
   234 \end{ttbox}
   235 For subgoal~1, we transform the major premise from~$\neg P$
   236 to~${P\imp\bot}$.  The function \ttindex{rewrite_rule}, given a list of
   237 definitions, unfolds them in a theorem.  Rewriting does not
   238 affect the theorem's hypothesis, which remains~$\neg P$:
   239 \begin{ttbox}
   240 rewrite_rule [not_def] major;
   241 {\out val it = "P --> False  [~P]" : thm}
   242 by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
   243 {\out Level 3}
   244 {\out R}
   245 {\out  1. P}
   246 \end{ttbox}
   247 The subgoal {\tt?P1} has been instantiated to~{\tt P}, which we can prove
   248 using the minor premise:
   249 \begin{ttbox}
   250 by (resolve_tac [minor] 1);
   251 {\out Level 4}
   252 {\out R}
   253 {\out No subgoals!}
   254 val notE = result();
   255 {\out val notE = "[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R" : thm}
   256 \end{ttbox}
   257 \indexbold{*notE theorem}
   259 \medskip
   260 Again, there is a simpler way of conducting this proof.  Recall that
   261 the \ttindex{goalw} command unfolds definitions the conclusion; it also
   262 unfolds definitions in the premises:
   263 \begin{ttbox}
   264 val [major,minor] = goalw FOL.thy [not_def]
   265     "[| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
   266 {\out val major = "P --> False  [~ P]" : thm}
   267 {\out val minor = "P  [P]" : thm}
   268 \end{ttbox}
   269 Observe the difference in {\tt major}; the premises are unfolded without
   270 calling~\ttindex{rewrite_rule}.  Incidentally, the four calls to
   271 \ttindex{resolve_tac} above can be collapsed to one, with the help
   272 of~\ttindex{RS}; this is a typical example of forward reasoning from a
   273 complex premise.
   274 \begin{ttbox}
   275 minor RS (major RS mp RS FalseE);
   276 {\out val it = "?P  [P, ~P]" : thm}
   277 by (resolve_tac [it] 1);
   278 {\out Level 1}
   279 {\out R}
   280 {\out No subgoals!}
   281 \end{ttbox}
   282 \index{definitions!and derived rules|)}
   284 \goodbreak\medskip\index{*"!"! symbol!in main goal}
   285 Finally, here is a trick that is sometimes useful.  If the goal
   286 has an outermost meta-quantifier, then \ttindex{goal} and \ttindex{goalw}
   287 do not return the rule's premises in the list of theorems;  instead, the
   288 premises become assumptions in subgoal~1.  
   289 %%%It does not matter which variables are quantified over.
   290 \begin{ttbox}
   291 goalw FOL.thy [not_def] "!!P R. [| ~P;  P |] ==> R";
   292 {\out Level 0}
   293 {\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
   294 {\out  1. !!P R. [| P --> False; P |] ==> R}
   295 val it = [] : thm list
   296 \end{ttbox}
   297 The proof continues as before.  But instead of referring to \ML\
   298 identifiers, we refer to assumptions using {\tt eresolve_tac} or
   299 {\tt assume_tac}: 
   300 \begin{ttbox}
   301 by (resolve_tac [FalseE] 1);
   302 {\out Level 1}
   303 {\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
   304 {\out  1. !!P R. [| P --> False; P |] ==> False}
   305 \ttbreak
   306 by (eresolve_tac [mp] 1);
   307 {\out Level 2}
   308 {\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
   309 {\out  1. !!P R. P ==> P}
   310 \ttbreak
   311 by (assume_tac 1);
   312 {\out Level 3}
   313 {\out !!P R. [| ~ P; P |] ==> R}
   314 {\out No subgoals!}
   315 \end{ttbox}
   316 Calling \ttindex{result} strips the meta-quantifiers, so the resulting
   317 theorem is the same as before.
   318 \begin{ttbox}
   319 val notE = result();
   320 {\out val notE = "[| ~?P; ?P |] ==> ?R" : thm}
   321 \end{ttbox}
   322 Do not use the {\tt!!}\ trick if the premises contain meta-level
   323 connectives, because \ttindex{eresolve_tac} and \ttindex{assume_tac} would
   324 not be able to handle the resulting assumptions.  The trick is not suitable
   325 for deriving the introduction rule~$(\neg I)$.
   328 \section{Defining theories}\label{sec:defining-theories}
   329 \index{theories!defining|(}
   331 Isabelle makes no distinction between simple extensions of a logic --- like
   332 defining a type~$bool$ with constants~$true$ and~$false$ --- and defining
   333 an entire logic.  A theory definition has the form
   334 \begin{ttbox}
   335 \(T\) = \(S@1\) + \(\cdots\) + \(S@n\) +
   336 classes      {\it class declarations}
   337 default      {\it sort}
   338 types        {\it type declarations and synonyms}
   339 arities      {\it arity declarations}
   340 consts       {\it constant declarations}
   341 rules        {\it rule declarations}
   342 translations {\it translation declarations}
   343 end
   344 ML           {\it ML code}
   345 \end{ttbox}
   346 This declares the theory $T$ to extend the existing theories
   347 $S@1$,~\ldots,~$S@n$.  It may declare new classes, types, arities
   348 (overloadings of existing types), constants and rules; it can specify the
   349 default sort for type variables.  A constant declaration can specify an
   350 associated concrete syntax.  The translations section specifies rewrite
   351 rules on abstract syntax trees, for defining notations and abbreviations.
   352 \index{*ML section}
   353 The {\tt ML} section contains code to perform arbitrary syntactic
   354 transformations.  The main declaration forms are discussed below.
   355 The full syntax can be found in \iflabelundefined{app:TheorySyntax}{the
   356   appendix of the {\it Reference Manual}}{App.\ts\ref{app:TheorySyntax}}.
   358 All the declaration parts can be omitted.  In the simplest case, $T$ is
   359 just the union of $S@1$,~\ldots,~$S@n$.  New theories always extend one
   360 or more other theories, inheriting their types, constants, syntax, etc.
   361 The theory \thydx{Pure} contains nothing but Isabelle's meta-logic.
   363 Each theory definition must reside in a separate file, whose name is the
   364 theory's with {\tt.thy} appended.  For example, theory {\tt ListFn} resides
   365 on a file named {\tt ListFn.thy}.  Isabelle uses this convention to locate the
   366 file containing a given theory; \ttindexbold{use_thy} automatically loads a
   367 theory's parents before loading the theory itself.
   369 Calling \ttindexbold{use_thy}~{\tt"{\it T\/}"} reads a theory from the
   370 file {\it T}{\tt.thy}, writes the corresponding {\ML} code to the file
   371 {\tt.{\it T}.thy.ML}, reads the latter file, and deletes it if no errors
   372 occurred.  This declares the {\ML} structure~$T$, which contains a component
   373 {\tt thy} denoting the new theory, a component for each rule, and everything
   374 declared in {\it ML code}.
   376 Errors may arise during the translation to {\ML} (say, a misspelled keyword)
   377 or during creation of the new theory (say, a type error in a rule).  But if
   378 all goes well, {\tt use_thy} will finally read the file {\it T}{\tt.ML}, if
   379 it exists.  This file typically begins with the {\ML} declaration {\tt
   380 open}~$T$ and contains proofs that refer to the components of~$T$.
   382 When a theory file is modified, many theories may have to be reloaded.
   383 Isabelle records the modification times and dependencies of theory files.
   384 See 
   385 \iflabelundefined{sec:reloading-theories}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
   386                  {\S\ref{sec:reloading-theories}}
   387 for more details.
   390 \subsection{Declaring constants and rules}
   391 \indexbold{constants!declaring}\index{rules!declaring}
   393 Most theories simply declare constants and rules.  The {\bf constant
   394 declaration part} has the form
   395 \begin{ttbox}
   396 consts  \(c@1\) :: "\(\tau@1\)"
   397         \vdots
   398         \(c@n\) :: "\(\tau@n\)"
   399 \end{ttbox}
   400 where $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ are constants and $\tau@1$, \ldots, $\tau@n$ are
   401 types.  Each type {\em must\/} be enclosed in quotation marks.  Each
   402 constant must be enclosed in quotation marks unless it is a valid
   403 identifier.  To declare $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ as constants of type $\tau$,
   404 the $n$ declarations may be abbreviated to a single line:
   405 \begin{ttbox}
   406         \(c@1\), \ldots, \(c@n\) :: "\(\tau\)"
   407 \end{ttbox}
   408 The {\bf rule declaration part} has the form
   409 \begin{ttbox}
   410 rules   \(id@1\) "\(rule@1\)"
   411         \vdots
   412         \(id@n\) "\(rule@n\)"
   413 \end{ttbox}
   414 where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are \ML{} identifiers and $rule@1$, \ldots,
   415 $rule@n$ are expressions of type~$prop$.  Each rule {\em must\/} be
   416 enclosed in quotation marks.
   418 \indexbold{definitions}
   419 {\bf Definitions} are rules of the form $t\equiv u$.  Normally definitions
   420 should be conservative, serving only as abbreviations.  As of this writing,
   421 Isabelle does not provide a separate declaration part for definitions; it
   422 is your responsibility to ensure that your definitions are conservative.
   423 However, Isabelle's rewriting primitives will reject $t\equiv u$ unless all
   424 variables free in~$u$ are also free in~$t$.
   426 \index{examples!of theories}
   427 This theory extends first-order logic with two constants {\em nand} and
   428 {\em xor}, and declares rules to define them:
   429 \begin{ttbox}
   430 Gate = FOL +
   431 consts  nand,xor :: "[o,o] => o"
   432 rules   nand_def "nand(P,Q) == ~(P & Q)"
   433         xor_def  "xor(P,Q)  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
   434 end
   435 \end{ttbox}
   438 \subsection{Declaring type constructors}
   439 \indexbold{types!declaring}\indexbold{arities!declaring}
   440 %
   441 Types are composed of type variables and {\bf type constructors}.  Each
   442 type constructor takes a fixed number of arguments.  They are declared
   443 with an \ML-like syntax.  If $list$ takes one type argument, $tree$ takes
   444 two arguments and $nat$ takes no arguments, then these type constructors
   445 can be declared by
   446 \begin{ttbox}
   447 types 'a list
   448       ('a,'b) tree
   449       nat
   450 \end{ttbox}
   452 The {\bf type declaration part} has the general form
   453 \begin{ttbox}
   454 types   \(tids@1\) \(id@1\)
   455         \vdots
   456         \(tids@1\) \(id@n\)
   457 \end{ttbox}
   458 where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are identifiers and $tids@1$, \ldots, $tids@n$
   459 are type argument lists as shown in the example above.  It declares each
   460 $id@i$ as a type constructor with the specified number of argument places.
   462 The {\bf arity declaration part} has the form
   463 \begin{ttbox}
   464 arities \(tycon@1\) :: \(arity@1\)
   465         \vdots
   466         \(tycon@n\) :: \(arity@n\)
   467 \end{ttbox}
   468 where $tycon@1$, \ldots, $tycon@n$ are identifiers and $arity@1$, \ldots,
   469 $arity@n$ are arities.  Arity declarations add arities to existing
   470 types; they do not declare the types themselves.
   471 In the simplest case, for an 0-place type constructor, an arity is simply
   472 the type's class.  Let us declare a type~$bool$ of class $term$, with
   473 constants $tt$ and~$ff$.  (In first-order logic, booleans are
   474 distinct from formulae, which have type $o::logic$.)
   475 \index{examples!of theories}
   476 \begin{ttbox}
   477 Bool = FOL +
   478 types   bool
   479 arities bool    :: term
   480 consts  tt,ff   :: "bool"
   481 end
   482 \end{ttbox}
   483 A $k$-place type constructor may have arities of the form
   484 $(s@1,\ldots,s@k)c$, where $s@1,\ldots,s@n$ are sorts and $c$ is a class.
   485 Each sort specifies a type argument; it has the form $\{c@1,\ldots,c@m\}$,
   486 where $c@1$, \dots,~$c@m$ are classes.  Mostly we deal with singleton
   487 sorts, and may abbreviate them by dropping the braces.  The arity
   488 $(term)term$ is short for $(\{term\})term$.  Recall the discussion in
   489 \S\ref{polymorphic}.
   491 A type constructor may be overloaded (subject to certain conditions) by
   492 appearing in several arity declarations.  For instance, the function type
   493 constructor~$fun$ has the arity $(logic,logic)logic$; in higher-order
   494 logic, it is declared also to have arity $(term,term)term$.
   496 Theory {\tt List} declares the 1-place type constructor $list$, gives
   497 it arity $(term)term$, and declares constants $Nil$ and $Cons$ with
   498 polymorphic types:%
   499 \footnote{In the {\tt consts} part, type variable {\tt'a} has the default
   500   sort, which is {\tt term}.  See the {\em Reference Manual\/}
   501 \iflabelundefined{sec:ref-defining-theories}{}%
   502 {(\S\ref{sec:ref-defining-theories})} for more information.}
   503 \index{examples!of theories}
   504 \begin{ttbox}
   505 List = FOL +
   506 types   'a list
   507 arities list    :: (term)term
   508 consts  Nil     :: "'a list"
   509         Cons    :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" 
   510 end
   511 \end{ttbox}
   512 Multiple arity declarations may be abbreviated to a single line:
   513 \begin{ttbox}
   514 arities \(tycon@1\), \ldots, \(tycon@n\) :: \(arity\)
   515 \end{ttbox}
   517 \begin{warn}
   518 Arity declarations resemble constant declarations, but there are {\it no\/}
   519 quotation marks!  Types and rules must be quoted because the theory
   520 translator passes them verbatim to the {\ML} output file.
   521 \end{warn}
   523 \subsection{Type synonyms}\indexbold{type synonyms}
   524 Isabelle supports {\bf type synonyms} ({\bf abbreviations}) which are similar
   525 to those found in \ML.  Such synonyms are defined in the type declaration part
   526 and are fairly self explanatory:
   527 \begin{ttbox}
   528 types gate       = "[o,o] => o"
   529       'a pred    = "'a => o"
   530       ('a,'b)nuf = "'b => 'a"
   531 \end{ttbox}
   532 Type declarations and synonyms can be mixed arbitrarily:
   533 \begin{ttbox}
   534 types nat
   535       'a stream = "nat => 'a"
   536       signal    = "nat stream"
   537       'a list
   538 \end{ttbox}
   539 A synonym is merely an abbreviation for some existing type expression.  Hence
   540 synonyms may not be recursive!  Internally all synonyms are fully expanded.  As
   541 a consequence Isabelle output never contains synonyms.  Their main purpose is
   542 to improve the readability of theories.  Synonyms can be used just like any
   543 other type:
   544 \begin{ttbox}
   545 consts and,or :: "gate"
   546        negate :: "signal => signal"
   547 \end{ttbox}
   549 \subsection{Infix and mixfix operators}
   550 \index{infixes}\index{examples!of theories}
   552 Infix or mixfix syntax may be attached to constants.  Consider the
   553 following theory:
   554 \begin{ttbox}
   555 Gate2 = FOL +
   556 consts  "~&"     :: "[o,o] => o"         (infixl 35)
   557         "#"      :: "[o,o] => o"         (infixl 30)
   558 rules   nand_def "P ~& Q == ~(P & Q)"    
   559         xor_def  "P # Q  == P & ~Q | ~P & Q"
   560 end
   561 \end{ttbox}
   562 The constant declaration part declares two left-associating infix operators
   563 with their priorities, or precedences; they are $\nand$ of priority~35 and
   564 $\xor$ of priority~30.  Hence $P \xor Q \xor R$ is parsed as $(P\xor Q)
   565 \xor R$ and $P \xor Q \nand R$ as $P \xor (Q \nand R)$.  Note the quotation
   566 marks in \verb|"~&"| and \verb|"#"|.
   568 The constants \hbox{\verb|op ~&|} and \hbox{\verb|op #|} are declared
   569 automatically, just as in \ML.  Hence you may write propositions like
   570 \verb|op #(True) == op ~&(True)|, which asserts that the functions $\lambda
   571 Q.True \xor Q$ and $\lambda Q.True \nand Q$ are identical.
   573 \bigskip\index{mixfix declarations}
   574 {\bf Mixfix} operators may have arbitrary context-free syntaxes.  Let us
   575 add a line to the constant declaration part:
   576 \begin{ttbox}
   577         If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _")
   578 \end{ttbox}
   579 This declares a constant $If$ of type $[o,o,o] \To o$ with concrete syntax {\tt
   580   if~$P$ then~$Q$ else~$R$} as well as {\tt If($P$,$Q$,$R$)}.  Underscores
   581 denote argument positions.  
   583 The declaration above does not allow the {\tt if}-{\tt then}-{\tt else}
   584 construct to be split across several lines, even if it is too long to fit
   585 on one line.  Pretty-printing information can be added to specify the
   586 layout of mixfix operators.  For details, see
   587 \iflabelundefined{Defining-Logics}%
   588     {the {\it Reference Manual}, chapter `Defining Logics'}%
   589     {Chap.\ts\ref{Defining-Logics}}.
   591 Mixfix declarations can be annotated with priorities, just like
   592 infixes.  The example above is just a shorthand for
   593 \begin{ttbox}
   594         If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _" [0,0,0] 1000)
   595 \end{ttbox}
   596 The numeric components determine priorities.  The list of integers
   597 defines, for each argument position, the minimal priority an expression
   598 at that position must have.  The final integer is the priority of the
   599 construct itself.  In the example above, any argument expression is
   600 acceptable because priorities are non-negative, and conditionals may
   601 appear everywhere because 1000 is the highest priority.  On the other
   602 hand, the declaration
   603 \begin{ttbox}
   604         If :: "[o,o,o] => o"       ("if _ then _ else _" [100,0,0] 99)
   605 \end{ttbox}
   606 defines concrete syntax for a conditional whose first argument cannot have
   607 the form {\tt if~$P$ then~$Q$ else~$R$} because it must have a priority
   608 of at least~100.  We may of course write
   609 \begin{quote}\tt
   610 if (if $P$ then $Q$ else $R$) then $S$ else $T$
   611 \end{quote}
   612 because expressions in parentheses have maximal priority.  
   614 Binary type constructors, like products and sums, may also be declared as
   615 infixes.  The type declaration below introduces a type constructor~$*$ with
   616 infix notation $\alpha*\beta$, together with the mixfix notation
   617 ${<}\_,\_{>}$ for pairs.  
   618 \index{examples!of theories}\index{mixfix declarations}
   619 \begin{ttbox}
   620 Prod = FOL +
   621 types   ('a,'b) "*"                           (infixl 20)
   622 arities "*"     :: (term,term)term
   623 consts  fst     :: "'a * 'b => 'a"
   624         snd     :: "'a * 'b => 'b"
   625         Pair    :: "['a,'b] => 'a * 'b"       ("(1<_,/_>)")
   626 rules   fst     "fst(<a,b>) = a"
   627         snd     "snd(<a,b>) = b"
   628 end
   629 \end{ttbox}
   631 \begin{warn}
   632 The name of the type constructor is~{\tt *} and not {\tt op~*}, as it would
   633 be in the case of an infix constant.  Only infix type constructors can have
   634 symbolic names like~{\tt *}.  There is no general mixfix syntax for types.
   635 \end{warn}
   638 \subsection{Overloading}
   639 \index{overloading}\index{examples!of theories}
   640 The {\bf class declaration part} has the form
   641 \begin{ttbox}
   642 classes \(id@1\) < \(c@1\)
   643         \vdots
   644         \(id@n\) < \(c@n\)
   645 \end{ttbox}
   646 where $id@1$, \ldots, $id@n$ are identifiers and $c@1$, \ldots, $c@n$ are
   647 existing classes.  It declares each $id@i$ as a new class, a subclass
   648 of~$c@i$.  In the general case, an identifier may be declared to be a
   649 subclass of $k$ existing classes:
   650 \begin{ttbox}
   651         \(id\) < \(c@1\), \ldots, \(c@k\)
   652 \end{ttbox}
   653 Type classes allow constants to be overloaded.  As suggested in
   654 \S\ref{polymorphic}, let us define the class $arith$ of arithmetic
   655 types with the constants ${+} :: [\alpha,\alpha]\To \alpha$ and $0,1 {::}
   656 \alpha$, for $\alpha{::}arith$.  We introduce $arith$ as a subclass of
   657 $term$ and add the three polymorphic constants of this class.
   658 \index{examples!of theories}\index{constants!overloaded}
   659 \begin{ttbox}
   660 Arith = FOL +
   661 classes arith < term
   662 consts  "0"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("0")
   663         "1"     :: "'a::arith"                  ("1")
   664         "+"     :: "['a::arith,'a] => 'a"       (infixl 60)
   665 end
   666 \end{ttbox}
   667 No rules are declared for these constants: we merely introduce their
   668 names without specifying properties.  On the other hand, classes
   669 with rules make it possible to prove {\bf generic} theorems.  Such
   670 theorems hold for all instances, all types in that class.
   672 We can now obtain distinct versions of the constants of $arith$ by
   673 declaring certain types to be of class $arith$.  For example, let us
   674 declare the 0-place type constructors $bool$ and $nat$:
   675 \index{examples!of theories}
   676 \begin{ttbox}
   677 BoolNat = Arith +
   678 types   bool  nat
   679 arities bool, nat   :: arith
   680 consts  Suc         :: "nat=>nat"
   681 \ttbreak
   682 rules   add0        "0 + n = n::nat"
   683         addS        "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)"
   684         nat1        "1 = Suc(0)"
   685         or0l        "0 + x = x::bool"
   686         or0r        "x + 0 = x::bool"
   687         or1l        "1 + x = 1::bool"
   688         or1r        "x + 1 = 1::bool"
   689 end
   690 \end{ttbox}
   691 Because $nat$ and $bool$ have class $arith$, we can use $0$, $1$ and $+$ at
   692 either type.  The type constraints in the axioms are vital.  Without
   693 constraints, the $x$ in $1+x = x$ would have type $\alpha{::}arith$
   694 and the axiom would hold for any type of class $arith$.  This would
   695 collapse $nat$ to a trivial type:
   696 \[ Suc(1) = Suc(0+1) = Suc(0)+1 = 1+1 = 1! \]
   699 \section{Theory example: the natural numbers}
   701 We shall now work through a small example of formalized mathematics
   702 demonstrating many of the theory extension features.
   705 \subsection{Extending first-order logic with the natural numbers}
   706 \index{examples!of theories}
   708 Section\ts\ref{sec:logical-syntax} has formalized a first-order logic,
   709 including a type~$nat$ and the constants $0::nat$ and $Suc::nat\To nat$.
   710 Let us introduce the Peano axioms for mathematical induction and the
   711 freeness of $0$ and~$Suc$:\index{axioms!Peano}
   712 \[ \vcenter{\infer[(induct)]{P[n/x]}{P[0/x] & \infer*{P[Suc(x)/x]}{[P]}}}
   713  \qquad \parbox{4.5cm}{provided $x$ is not free in any assumption except~$P$}
   714 \]
   715 \[ \infer[(Suc\_inject)]{m=n}{Suc(m)=Suc(n)} \qquad
   716    \infer[(Suc\_neq\_0)]{R}{Suc(m)=0}
   717 \]
   718 Mathematical induction asserts that $P(n)$ is true, for any $n::nat$,
   719 provided $P(0)$ holds and that $P(x)$ implies $P(Suc(x))$ for all~$x$.
   720 Some authors express the induction step as $\forall x. P(x)\imp P(Suc(x))$.
   721 To avoid making induction require the presence of other connectives, we
   722 formalize mathematical induction as
   723 $$ \List{P(0); \Forall x. P(x)\Imp P(Suc(x))} \Imp P(n). \eqno(induct) $$
   725 \noindent
   726 Similarly, to avoid expressing the other rules using~$\forall$, $\imp$
   727 and~$\neg$, we take advantage of the meta-logic;\footnote
   728 {On the other hand, the axioms $Suc(m)=Suc(n) \bimp m=n$
   729 and $\neg(Suc(m)=0)$ are logically equivalent to those given, and work
   730 better with Isabelle's simplifier.} 
   731 $(Suc\_neq\_0)$ is
   732 an elimination rule for $Suc(m)=0$:
   733 $$ Suc(m)=Suc(n) \Imp m=n  \eqno(Suc\_inject) $$
   734 $$ Suc(m)=0      \Imp R    \eqno(Suc\_neq\_0) $$
   736 \noindent
   737 We shall also define a primitive recursion operator, $rec$.  Traditionally,
   738 primitive recursion takes a natural number~$a$ and a 2-place function~$f$,
   739 and obeys the equations
   740 \begin{eqnarray*}
   741   rec(0,a,f)            & = & a \\
   742   rec(Suc(m),a,f)       & = & f(m, rec(m,a,f))
   743 \end{eqnarray*}
   744 Addition, defined by $m+n \equiv rec(m,n,\lambda x\,y.Suc(y))$,
   745 should satisfy
   746 \begin{eqnarray*}
   747   0+n      & = & n \\
   748   Suc(m)+n & = & Suc(m+n)
   749 \end{eqnarray*}
   750 Primitive recursion appears to pose difficulties: first-order logic has no
   751 function-valued expressions.  We again take advantage of the meta-logic,
   752 which does have functions.  We also generalise primitive recursion to be
   753 polymorphic over any type of class~$term$, and declare the addition
   754 function:
   755 \begin{eqnarray*}
   756   rec   & :: & [nat, \alpha{::}term, [nat,\alpha]\To\alpha] \To\alpha \\
   757   +     & :: & [nat,nat]\To nat 
   758 \end{eqnarray*}
   761 \subsection{Declaring the theory to Isabelle}
   762 \index{examples!of theories}
   763 Let us create the theory \thydx{Nat} starting from theory~\verb$FOL$,
   764 which contains only classical logic with no natural numbers.  We declare
   765 the 0-place type constructor $nat$ and the associated constants.  Note that
   766 the constant~0 requires a mixfix annotation because~0 is not a legal
   767 identifier, and could not otherwise be written in terms:
   768 \begin{ttbox}\index{mixfix declarations}
   769 Nat = FOL +
   770 types   nat
   771 arities nat         :: term
   772 consts  "0"         :: "nat"                              ("0")
   773         Suc         :: "nat=>nat"
   774         rec         :: "[nat, 'a, [nat,'a]=>'a] => 'a"
   775         "+"         :: "[nat, nat] => nat"                (infixl 60)
   776 rules   Suc_inject  "Suc(m)=Suc(n) ==> m=n"
   777         Suc_neq_0   "Suc(m)=0      ==> R"
   778         induct      "[| P(0);  !!x. P(x) ==> P(Suc(x)) |]  ==> P(n)"
   779         rec_0       "rec(0,a,f) = a"
   780         rec_Suc     "rec(Suc(m), a, f) = f(m, rec(m,a,f))"
   781         add_def     "m+n == rec(m, n, \%x y. Suc(y))"
   782 end
   783 \end{ttbox}
   784 In axiom {\tt add_def}, recall that \verb|%| stands for~$\lambda$.
   785 Loading this theory file creates the \ML\ structure {\tt Nat}, which
   786 contains the theory and axioms.  Opening structure {\tt Nat} lets us write
   787 {\tt induct} instead of {\tt Nat.induct}, and so forth.
   788 \begin{ttbox}
   789 open Nat;
   790 \end{ttbox}
   792 \subsection{Proving some recursion equations}
   793 File {\tt FOL/ex/Nat.ML} contains proofs involving this theory of the
   794 natural numbers.  As a trivial example, let us derive recursion equations
   795 for \verb$+$.  Here is the zero case:
   796 \begin{ttbox}
   797 goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "0+n = n";
   798 {\out Level 0}
   799 {\out 0 + n = n}
   800 {\out  1. rec(0,n,\%x y. Suc(y)) = n}
   801 \ttbreak
   802 by (resolve_tac [rec_0] 1);
   803 {\out Level 1}
   804 {\out 0 + n = n}
   805 {\out No subgoals!}
   806 val add_0 = result();
   807 \end{ttbox}
   808 And here is the successor case:
   809 \begin{ttbox}
   810 goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)";
   811 {\out Level 0}
   812 {\out Suc(m) + n = Suc(m + n)}
   813 {\out  1. rec(Suc(m),n,\%x y. Suc(y)) = Suc(rec(m,n,\%x y. Suc(y)))}
   814 \ttbreak
   815 by (resolve_tac [rec_Suc] 1);
   816 {\out Level 1}
   817 {\out Suc(m) + n = Suc(m + n)}
   818 {\out No subgoals!}
   819 val add_Suc = result();
   820 \end{ttbox}
   821 The induction rule raises some complications, which are discussed next.
   822 \index{theories!defining|)}
   825 \section{Refinement with explicit instantiation}
   826 \index{resolution!with instantiation}
   827 \index{instantiation|(}
   829 In order to employ mathematical induction, we need to refine a subgoal by
   830 the rule~$(induct)$.  The conclusion of this rule is $\Var{P}(\Var{n})$,
   831 which is highly ambiguous in higher-order unification.  It matches every
   832 way that a formula can be regarded as depending on a subterm of type~$nat$.
   833 To get round this problem, we could make the induction rule conclude
   834 $\forall n.\Var{P}(n)$ --- but putting a subgoal into this form requires
   835 refinement by~$(\forall E)$, which is equally hard!
   837 The tactic {\tt res_inst_tac}, like {\tt resolve_tac}, refines a subgoal by
   838 a rule.  But it also accepts explicit instantiations for the rule's
   839 schematic variables.  
   840 \begin{description}
   841 \item[\ttindex{res_inst_tac} {\it insts} {\it thm} {\it i}]
   842 instantiates the rule {\it thm} with the instantiations {\it insts}, and
   843 then performs resolution on subgoal~$i$.
   845 \item[\ttindex{eres_inst_tac}] 
   846 and \ttindex{dres_inst_tac} are similar, but perform elim-resolution
   847 and destruct-resolution, respectively.
   848 \end{description}
   849 The list {\it insts} consists of pairs $[(v@1,e@1), \ldots, (v@n,e@n)]$,
   850 where $v@1$, \ldots, $v@n$ are names of schematic variables in the rule ---
   851 with no leading question marks! --- and $e@1$, \ldots, $e@n$ are
   852 expressions giving their instantiations.  The expressions are type-checked
   853 in the context of a particular subgoal: free variables receive the same
   854 types as they have in the subgoal, and parameters may appear.  Type
   855 variable instantiations may appear in~{\it insts}, but they are seldom
   856 required: {\tt res_inst_tac} instantiates type variables automatically
   857 whenever the type of~$e@i$ is an instance of the type of~$\Var{v@i}$.
   859 \subsection{A simple proof by induction}
   860 \index{examples!of induction}
   861 Let us prove that no natural number~$k$ equals its own successor.  To
   862 use~$(induct)$, we instantiate~$\Var{n}$ to~$k$; Isabelle finds a good
   863 instantiation for~$\Var{P}$.
   864 \begin{ttbox}
   865 goal Nat.thy "~ (Suc(k) = k)";
   866 {\out Level 0}
   867 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   868 {\out  1. ~Suc(k) = k}
   869 \ttbreak
   870 by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
   871 {\out Level 1}
   872 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   873 {\out  1. ~Suc(0) = 0}
   874 {\out  2. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
   875 \end{ttbox}
   876 We should check that Isabelle has correctly applied induction.  Subgoal~1
   877 is the base case, with $k$ replaced by~0.  Subgoal~2 is the inductive step,
   878 with $k$ replaced by~$Suc(x)$ and with an induction hypothesis for~$x$.
   879 The rest of the proof demonstrates~\tdx{notI}, \tdx{notE} and the
   880 other rules of theory {\tt Nat}.  The base case holds by~\ttindex{Suc_neq_0}:
   881 \begin{ttbox}
   882 by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
   883 {\out Level 2}
   884 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   885 {\out  1. Suc(0) = 0 ==> False}
   886 {\out  2. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
   887 \ttbreak
   888 by (eresolve_tac [Suc_neq_0] 1);
   889 {\out Level 3}
   890 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   891 {\out  1. !!x. ~Suc(x) = x ==> ~Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)}
   892 \end{ttbox}
   893 The inductive step holds by the contrapositive of~\ttindex{Suc_inject}.
   894 Negation rules transform the subgoal into that of proving $Suc(x)=x$ from
   895 $Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x)$:
   896 \begin{ttbox}
   897 by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
   898 {\out Level 4}
   899 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   900 {\out  1. !!x. [| ~Suc(x) = x; Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x) |] ==> False}
   901 \ttbreak
   902 by (eresolve_tac [notE] 1);
   903 {\out Level 5}
   904 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   905 {\out  1. !!x. Suc(Suc(x)) = Suc(x) ==> Suc(x) = x}
   906 \ttbreak
   907 by (eresolve_tac [Suc_inject] 1);
   908 {\out Level 6}
   909 {\out ~Suc(k) = k}
   910 {\out No subgoals!}
   911 \end{ttbox}
   914 \subsection{An example of ambiguity in {\tt resolve_tac}}
   915 \index{examples!of induction}\index{unification!higher-order}
   916 If you try the example above, you may observe that {\tt res_inst_tac} is
   917 not actually needed.  Almost by chance, \ttindex{resolve_tac} finds the right
   918 instantiation for~$(induct)$ to yield the desired next state.  With more
   919 complex formulae, our luck fails.  
   920 \begin{ttbox}
   921 goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
   922 {\out Level 0}
   923 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   924 {\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   925 \ttbreak
   926 by (resolve_tac [induct] 1);
   927 {\out Level 1}
   928 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   929 {\out  1. k + m + n = 0}
   930 {\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = x ==> k + m + n = Suc(x)}
   931 \end{ttbox}
   932 This proof requires induction on~$k$.  The occurrence of~0 in subgoal~1
   933 indicates that induction has been applied to the term~$k+(m+n)$; this
   934 application is sound but will not lead to a proof here.  Fortunately,
   935 Isabelle can (lazily!) generate all the valid applications of induction.
   936 The \ttindex{back} command causes backtracking to an alternative outcome of
   937 the tactic.
   938 \begin{ttbox}
   939 back();
   940 {\out Level 1}
   941 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   942 {\out  1. k + m + n = k + 0}
   943 {\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = k + x ==> k + m + n = k + Suc(x)}
   944 \end{ttbox}
   945 Now induction has been applied to~$m+n$.  This is equally useless.  Let us
   946 call \ttindex{back} again.
   947 \begin{ttbox}
   948 back();
   949 {\out Level 1}
   950 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   951 {\out  1. k + m + 0 = k + (m + 0)}
   952 {\out  2. !!x. k + m + x = k + (m + x) ==>}
   953 {\out          k + m + Suc(x) = k + (m + Suc(x))}
   954 \end{ttbox}
   955 Now induction has been applied to~$n$.  What is the next alternative?
   956 \begin{ttbox}
   957 back();
   958 {\out Level 1}
   959 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   960 {\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + 0)}
   961 {\out  2. !!x. k + m + n = k + (m + x) ==> k + m + n = k + (m + Suc(x))}
   962 \end{ttbox}
   963 Inspecting subgoal~1 reveals that induction has been applied to just the
   964 second occurrence of~$n$.  This perfectly legitimate induction is useless
   965 here.  
   967 The main goal admits fourteen different applications of induction.  The
   968 number is exponential in the size of the formula.
   970 \subsection{Proving that addition is associative}
   971 Let us invoke the induction rule properly, using~{\tt
   972   res_inst_tac}.  At the same time, we shall have a glimpse at Isabelle's
   973 simplification tactics, which are described in 
   974 \iflabelundefined{simp-chap}%
   975     {the {\em Reference Manual}}{Chap.\ts\ref{simp-chap}}.
   977 \index{simplification}\index{examples!of simplification} 
   979 Isabelle's simplification tactics repeatedly apply equations to a subgoal,
   980 perhaps proving it.  For efficiency, the rewrite rules must be
   981 packaged into a {\bf simplification set},\index{simplification sets} 
   982 or {\bf simpset}.  We take the standard simpset for first-order logic and
   983 insert the equations proved in the previous section, namely
   984 $0+n=n$ and ${\tt Suc}(m)+n={\tt Suc}(m+n)$:
   985 \begin{ttbox}
   986 val add_ss = FOL_ss addrews [add_0, add_Suc];
   987 \end{ttbox}
   988 We state the goal for associativity of addition, and
   989 use \ttindex{res_inst_tac} to invoke induction on~$k$:
   990 \begin{ttbox}
   991 goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
   992 {\out Level 0}
   993 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   994 {\out  1. k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   995 \ttbreak
   996 by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
   997 {\out Level 1}
   998 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
   999 {\out  1. 0 + m + n = 0 + (m + n)}
  1000 {\out  2. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==>}
  1001 {\out          Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)}
  1002 \end{ttbox}
  1003 The base case holds easily; both sides reduce to $m+n$.  The
  1004 tactic~\ttindex{simp_tac} rewrites with respect to the given simplification
  1005 set, applying the rewrite rules for addition:
  1006 \begin{ttbox}
  1007 by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
  1008 {\out Level 2}
  1009 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
  1010 {\out  1. !!x. x + m + n = x + (m + n) ==>}
  1011 {\out          Suc(x) + m + n = Suc(x) + (m + n)}
  1012 \end{ttbox}
  1013 The inductive step requires rewriting by the equations for addition
  1014 together the induction hypothesis, which is also an equation.  The
  1015 tactic~\ttindex{asm_simp_tac} rewrites using a simplification set and any
  1016 useful assumptions:
  1017 \begin{ttbox}
  1018 by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
  1019 {\out Level 3}
  1020 {\out k + m + n = k + (m + n)}
  1021 {\out No subgoals!}
  1022 \end{ttbox}
  1023 \index{instantiation|)}
  1026 \section{A Prolog interpreter}
  1027 \index{Prolog interpreter|bold}
  1028 To demonstrate the power of tacticals, let us construct a Prolog
  1029 interpreter and execute programs involving lists.\footnote{To run these
  1030 examples, see the file {\tt FOL/ex/Prolog.ML}.} The Prolog program
  1031 consists of a theory.  We declare a type constructor for lists, with an
  1032 arity declaration to say that $(\tau)list$ is of class~$term$
  1033 provided~$\tau$ is:
  1034 \begin{eqnarray*}
  1035   list  & :: & (term)term
  1036 \end{eqnarray*}
  1037 We declare four constants: the empty list~$Nil$; the infix list
  1038 constructor~{:}; the list concatenation predicate~$app$; the list reverse
  1039 predicate~$rev$.  (In Prolog, functions on lists are expressed as
  1040 predicates.)
  1041 \begin{eqnarray*}
  1042     Nil         & :: & \alpha list \\
  1043     {:}         & :: & [\alpha,\alpha list] \To \alpha list \\
  1044     app & :: & [\alpha list,\alpha list,\alpha list] \To o \\
  1045     rev & :: & [\alpha list,\alpha list] \To o 
  1046 \end{eqnarray*}
  1047 The predicate $app$ should satisfy the Prolog-style rules
  1048 \[ {app(Nil,ys,ys)} \qquad
  1049    {app(xs,ys,zs) \over app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)} \]
  1050 We define the naive version of $rev$, which calls~$app$:
  1051 \[ {rev(Nil,Nil)} \qquad
  1052    {rev(xs,ys)\quad  app(ys, x:Nil, zs) \over
  1053     rev(x:xs, zs)} 
  1054 \]
  1056 \index{examples!of theories}
  1057 Theory \thydx{Prolog} extends first-order logic in order to make use
  1058 of the class~$term$ and the type~$o$.  The interpreter does not use the
  1059 rules of~{\tt FOL}.
  1060 \begin{ttbox}
  1061 Prolog = FOL +
  1062 types   'a list
  1063 arities list    :: (term)term
  1064 consts  Nil     :: "'a list"
  1065         ":"     :: "['a, 'a list]=> 'a list"            (infixr 60)
  1066         app     :: "['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => o"
  1067         rev     :: "['a list, 'a list] => o"
  1068 rules   appNil  "app(Nil,ys,ys)"
  1069         appCons "app(xs,ys,zs) ==> app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)"
  1070         revNil  "rev(Nil,Nil)"
  1071         revCons "[| rev(xs,ys); app(ys,x:Nil,zs) |] ==> rev(x:xs,zs)"
  1072 end
  1073 \end{ttbox}
  1074 \subsection{Simple executions}
  1075 Repeated application of the rules solves Prolog goals.  Let us
  1076 append the lists $[a,b,c]$ and~$[d,e]$.  As the rules are applied, the
  1077 answer builds up in~{\tt ?x}.
  1078 \begin{ttbox}
  1079 goal Prolog.thy "app(a:b:c:Nil, d:e:Nil, ?x)";
  1080 {\out Level 0}
  1081 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?x)}
  1082 {\out  1. app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?x)}
  1083 \ttbreak
  1084 by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
  1085 {\out Level 1}
  1086 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : ?zs1)}
  1087 {\out  1. app(b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs1)}
  1088 \ttbreak
  1089 by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
  1090 {\out Level 2}
  1091 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : ?zs2)}
  1092 {\out  1. app(c : Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs2)}
  1093 \end{ttbox}
  1094 At this point, the first two elements of the result are~$a$ and~$b$.
  1095 \begin{ttbox}
  1096 by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
  1097 {\out Level 3}
  1098 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : c : ?zs3)}
  1099 {\out  1. app(Nil, d : e : Nil, ?zs3)}
  1100 \ttbreak
  1101 by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
  1102 {\out Level 4}
  1103 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : e : Nil, a : b : c : d : e : Nil)}
  1104 {\out No subgoals!}
  1105 \end{ttbox}
  1107 Prolog can run functions backwards.  Which list can be appended
  1108 with $[c,d]$ to produce $[a,b,c,d]$?
  1109 Using \ttindex{REPEAT}, we find the answer at once, $[a,b]$:
  1110 \begin{ttbox}
  1111 goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, c:d:Nil, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
  1112 {\out Level 0}
  1113 {\out app(?x, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1114 {\out  1. app(?x, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1115 \ttbreak
  1116 by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
  1117 {\out Level 1}
  1118 {\out app(a : b : Nil, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1119 {\out No subgoals!}
  1120 \end{ttbox}
  1123 \subsection{Backtracking}\index{backtracking!Prolog style}
  1124 Prolog backtracking can answer questions that have multiple solutions.
  1125 Which lists $x$ and $y$ can be appended to form the list $[a,b,c,d]$?  This
  1126 question has five solutions.  Using \ttindex{REPEAT} to apply the rules, we
  1127 quickly find the first solution, namely $x=[]$ and $y=[a,b,c,d]$:
  1128 \begin{ttbox}
  1129 goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, ?y, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
  1130 {\out Level 0}
  1131 {\out app(?x, ?y, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1132 {\out  1. app(?x, ?y, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1133 \ttbreak
  1134 by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
  1135 {\out Level 1}
  1136 {\out app(Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1137 {\out No subgoals!}
  1138 \end{ttbox}
  1139 Isabelle can lazily generate all the possibilities.  The \ttindex{back}
  1140 command returns the tactic's next outcome, namely $x=[a]$ and $y=[b,c,d]$:
  1141 \begin{ttbox}
  1142 back();
  1143 {\out Level 1}
  1144 {\out app(a : Nil, b : c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1145 {\out No subgoals!}
  1146 \end{ttbox}
  1147 The other solutions are generated similarly.
  1148 \begin{ttbox}
  1149 back();
  1150 {\out Level 1}
  1151 {\out app(a : b : Nil, c : d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1152 {\out No subgoals!}
  1153 \ttbreak
  1154 back();
  1155 {\out Level 1}
  1156 {\out app(a : b : c : Nil, d : Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1157 {\out No subgoals!}
  1158 \ttbreak
  1159 back();
  1160 {\out Level 1}
  1161 {\out app(a : b : c : d : Nil, Nil, a : b : c : d : Nil)}
  1162 {\out No subgoals!}
  1163 \end{ttbox}
  1166 \subsection{Depth-first search}
  1167 \index{search!depth-first}
  1168 Now let us try $rev$, reversing a list.
  1169 Bundle the rules together as the \ML{} identifier {\tt rules}.  Naive
  1170 reverse requires 120 inferences for this 14-element list, but the tactic
  1171 terminates in a few seconds.
  1172 \begin{ttbox}
  1173 goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:Nil, ?w)";
  1174 {\out Level 0}
  1175 {\out rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil, ?w)}
  1176 {\out  1. rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil,}
  1177 {\out         ?w)}
  1178 \ttbreak
  1179 val rules = [appNil,appCons,revNil,revCons];
  1180 \ttbreak
  1181 by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
  1182 {\out Level 1}
  1183 {\out rev(a : b : c : d : e : f : g : h : i : j : k : l : m : n : Nil,}
  1184 {\out     n : m : l : k : j : i : h : g : f : e : d : c : b : a : Nil)}
  1185 {\out No subgoals!}
  1186 \end{ttbox}
  1187 We may execute $rev$ backwards.  This, too, should reverse a list.  What
  1188 is the reverse of $[a,b,c]$?
  1189 \begin{ttbox}
  1190 goal Prolog.thy "rev(?x, a:b:c:Nil)";
  1191 {\out Level 0}
  1192 {\out rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1193 {\out  1. rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1194 \ttbreak
  1195 by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
  1196 {\out Level 1}
  1197 {\out rev(?x1 : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1198 {\out  1. app(Nil, ?x1 : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1199 \end{ttbox}
  1200 The tactic has failed to find a solution!  It reached a dead end at
  1201 subgoal~1: there is no~$\Var{x@1}$ such that [] appended with~$[\Var{x@1}]$
  1202 equals~$[a,b,c]$.  Backtracking explores other outcomes.
  1203 \begin{ttbox}
  1204 back();
  1205 {\out Level 1}
  1206 {\out rev(?x1 : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1207 {\out  1. app(Nil, ?x1 : Nil, b : c : Nil)}
  1208 \end{ttbox}
  1209 This too is a dead end, but the next outcome is successful.
  1210 \begin{ttbox}
  1211 back();
  1212 {\out Level 1}
  1213 {\out rev(c : b : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1214 {\out No subgoals!}
  1215 \end{ttbox}
  1216 \ttindex{REPEAT} goes wrong because it is only a repetition tactical, not a
  1217 search tactical.  {\tt REPEAT} stops when it cannot continue, regardless of
  1218 which state is reached.  The tactical \ttindex{DEPTH_FIRST} searches for a
  1219 satisfactory state, as specified by an \ML{} predicate.  Below,
  1220 \ttindex{has_fewer_prems} specifies that the proof state should have no
  1221 subgoals.
  1222 \begin{ttbox}
  1223 val prolog_tac = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) 
  1224                              (resolve_tac rules 1);
  1225 \end{ttbox}
  1226 Since Prolog uses depth-first search, this tactic is a (slow!) 
  1227 Prolog interpreter.  We return to the start of the proof using
  1228 \ttindex{choplev}, and apply {\tt prolog_tac}:
  1229 \begin{ttbox}
  1230 choplev 0;
  1231 {\out Level 0}
  1232 {\out rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1233 {\out  1. rev(?x, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1234 \ttbreak
  1235 by (DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) (resolve_tac rules 1));
  1236 {\out Level 1}
  1237 {\out rev(c : b : a : Nil, a : b : c : Nil)}
  1238 {\out No subgoals!}
  1239 \end{ttbox}
  1240 Let us try {\tt prolog_tac} on one more example, containing four unknowns:
  1241 \begin{ttbox}
  1242 goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:?x:c:?y:Nil, d:?z:b:?u)";
  1243 {\out Level 0}
  1244 {\out rev(a : ?x : c : ?y : Nil, d : ?z : b : ?u)}
  1245 {\out  1. rev(a : ?x : c : ?y : Nil, d : ?z : b : ?u)}
  1246 \ttbreak
  1247 by prolog_tac;
  1248 {\out Level 1}
  1249 {\out rev(a : b : c : d : Nil, d : c : b : a : Nil)}
  1250 {\out No subgoals!}
  1251 \end{ttbox}
  1252 Although Isabelle is much slower than a Prolog system, Isabelle
  1253 tactics can exploit logic programming techniques.  