author Walther Neuper <wneuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Tue, 22 Jan 2019 12:08:32 +0100
changeset 59499 19add1fb3225
parent 59497 8952c43fdce3
child 59585 0bb418c3855a
permissions -rw-r--r--
funpack: Test_Isac ok with string constants in programs and tactics
     1 (* tests on integration over the reals
     2    author: Walther Neuper 2005
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     5 trace_rewrite := false;
     6 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "table of contents --------------------------------------";
     8 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "----------- parsing ------------------------------------";
    10 "----------- integrate by rewriting ---------------------";
    11 "----------- test add_new_c, is_f_x ---------------------";
    12 "----------- simplify by ruleset reducing make_ratpoly_in";
    13 "----------- integrate by ruleset -----------------------";
    14 "----------- rewrite 3rd integration in 7.27 ------------";
    15 "----------- check probem type --------------------------";
    16 "----------- check Scripts ------------------------------";
    17 "----------- me method [diff,integration] ---------------";
    18 "----------- autoCalculate [diff,integration] -----------";
    19 "----------- me method [diff,integration,named] ---------";
    20 "----------- me met [diff,integration,named] Biegelinie.Q";
    21 "----------- interSteps [diff,integration] --------------";
    22 "----------- method analog to rls 'integration' ---------";
    23 "----------- Ambiguous input: Integral ?u + ?v D ?bdv = .";
    24 "----------- CAS input ----------------------------------";
    25 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    26 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    27 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    29 (*these val/fun provide for exact parsing in Integrate.thy, not Isac.thy;
    30 they are used several times below; TODO remove duplicates*)
    31 val thy = @{theory "Integrate"};
    32 val ctxt = thy2ctxt thy;
    34 fun str2t str = parseNEW ctxt str |> the;
    35 fun term2s t = term_to_string' ctxt t;
    37 val conditions_in_integration_rules =
    38   Rls {id="conditions_in_integration_rules", 
    39     preconds = [], 
    40     rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI), 
    41     erls = Erls, 
    42     srls = Erls, calc = [], errpatts = [],
    43     rules = [(*for rewriting conditions in Thm's*)
    44 	    Calc ("Atools.occurs'_in", 
    45 		  eval_occurs_in "#occurs_in_"),
    46 	    Thm ("not_true",num_str @{thm not_true}),
    47 	    Thm ("not_false",num_str @{thm not_false})],
    48     scr = EmptyScr};
    49 val subs = [(str2t "bdv::real", str2t "x::real")];
    50 fun rewrit thm str = 
    51     fst (the (rewrite_inst_ thy tless_true 
    52 			   conditions_in_integration_rules 
    53 			   true subs thm str));
    56 "----------- parsing ------------------------------------";
    57 "----------- parsing ------------------------------------";
    58 "----------- parsing ------------------------------------";
    59 val t = str2t "Integral x D x";
    60 val t = str2t "Integral x^^^2 D x";
    61 case t of 
    62     Const ("Integrate.Integral", _) $
    63      (Const ("Atools.pow", _) $ Free _ $ Free _) $ Free ("x", _) => ()
    64   | _ => error "integrate.sml: parsing: Integral x^^^2 D x";
    66 val t = str2t "ff x is_f_x";
    67 case t of Const ("Integrate.is'_f'_x", _) $ _ => ()
    68 	| _ => error "integrate.sml: parsing: ff x is_f_x";
    71 "----------- integrate by rewriting ---------------------";
    72 "----------- integrate by rewriting ---------------------";
    73 "----------- integrate by rewriting ---------------------";
    74 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_const"} (str2t "Integral 1 D x");
    75 if term2s str = "1 * x" then () else error "integrate.sml Integral 1 D x";
    77 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_const"} (str2t  "Integral M'/EJ D x");
    78 if term2s str = "M' / EJ * x" then ()
    79 else error "Integral M'/EJ D x   BY integral_const";
    81 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_var"} (str2t "Integral x D x");
    82 if term2s str = "x ^^^ 2 / 2" then ()
    83 else error "Integral x D x   BY integral_var";
    85 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_add"} (str2t "Integral x + 1 D x");
    86 if term2s str = "Integral x D x + Integral 1 D x" then ()
    87 else error "Integral x + 1 D x   BY integral_add";
    89 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_mult"} (str2t "Integral M'/EJ * x^^^3 D x");
    90 if term2s str = "M' / EJ * Integral x ^^^ 3 D x" then ()
    91 else error "Integral M'/EJ * x^^^3 D x   BY integral_mult";
    93 val str = rewrit @{thm "integral_pow"} (str2t "Integral x^^^3 D x");
    94 if term2s str = "x ^^^ (3 + 1) / (3 + 1)" then ()
    95 else error "integrate.sml Integral x^^^3 D x";
    98 "----------- test add_new_c, is_f_x ---------------------";
    99 "----------- test add_new_c, is_f_x ---------------------";
   100 "----------- test add_new_c, is_f_x ---------------------";
   101 val term = str2t "x^^^2 * c + c_2";
   102 val cc = new_c term;
   103 if term2str cc = "c_3" then () else error "integrate.sml: new_c ???";
   105 val SOME (id,t') = eval_add_new_c "" "Integrate.add'_new'_c" term thy;
   106 if term2str t' = "x ^^^ 2 * c + c_2 = x ^^^ 2 * c + c_2 + c_3" then ()
   107 else error "intergrate.sml: diff. eval_add_new_c";
   109 val cc = ("Integrate.add'_new'_c", eval_add_new_c "add_new_c_");
   110 val SOME (thmstr, thm) = adhoc_thm1_ thy cc term;
   112 val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy true add_new_c term;
   113 if term2str t' = "x ^^^ 2 * c + c_2 + c_3" then ()
   114 else error "intergrate.sml: diff. rewrite_set add_new_c 1";
   116 val term = str2t "ff x = x^^^2*c + c_2";
   117 val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy true add_new_c term;
   118 if term2str t' = "ff x = x ^^^ 2 * c + c_2 + c_3" then ()
   119 else error "intergrate.sml: diff. rewrite_set add_new_c 2";
   122 (*WN080222 replace call_new_c with add_new_c----------------------
   123 val term = str2t "new_c (c * x^^^2 + c_2)";
   124 val SOME (_,t') = eval_new_c 0 0 term 0;
   125 if term2s t' = "new_c c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 = c_3" then ()
   126 else error "integrate.sml: eval_new_c ???";
   128 val t = str2t "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2)";
   129 val SOME (_,t') = eval_matches "" "Tools.matches" t thy; term2s t';
   130 if term2s t' = "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2) = False" then ()
   131 else error "integrate.sml: matches new_c = False";
   133 val t = str2t "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2 + new_c x ^^^ 2 / 2)";
   134 val SOME (_,t') = eval_matches "" "Tools.matches" t thy; term2s t';
   135 if term2s t'="matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2 + new_c x ^^^ 2 / 2) = True"
   136 then () else error "integrate.sml: matches new_c = True";
   138 val t = str2t "ff x is_f_x";
   139 val SOME (_,t') = eval_is_f_x "" "" t thy; term2s t';
   140 if term2s t' = "(ff x is_f_x) = True" then ()
   141 else error "integrate.sml: eval_is_f_x --> true";
   143 val t = str2t "q_0/2 * L * x is_f_x";
   144 val SOME (_,t') = eval_is_f_x "" "" t thy; term2s t';
   145 if term2s t' = "(q_0 / 2 * L * x is_f_x) = False" then ()
   146 else error "integrate.sml: eval_is_f_x --> false";
   148 val conditions_in_integration =
   149 Rls {id="conditions_in_integration", 
   150      preconds = [], 
   151      rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI), 
   152      erls = Erls, 
   153      srls = Erls, calc = [], errpatts = [],
   154      rules = [Calc ("Tools.matches",eval_matches ""),
   155       	Calc ("Integrate.is'_f'_x", 
   156       	      eval_is_f_x "is_f_x_"),
   157       	Thm ("not_true",num_str @{thm not_true}),
   158       	Thm ("not_false",num_str @{thm not_false})
   159       	],
   160      scr = EmptyScr};
   161 fun rewrit thm t = 
   162     fst (the (rewrite_inst_ thy tless_true 
   163 			    conditions_in_integration true subs thm t));
   164 val t = rewrit call_for_new_c (str2t "x ^^^ 2 / 2"); term2s t;
   165 val t = (rewrit call_for_new_c t)
   166     handle OPTION =>  str2t "no_rewrite";
   168 val t = rewrit call_for_new_c 
   169 	       (str2t "ff x = q_0/2 *L*x"); term2s t;
   170 val t = (rewrit call_for_new_c 
   171 	       (str2t "ff x = q_0 / 2 * L * x + new_c q_0 / 2 * L * x"))
   172     handle OPTION => (*NOT:  + new_c ..=..!!*)str2t "no_rewrite";
   173 --------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   176 "----------- simplify by ruleset reducing make_ratpoly_in";
   177 "----------- simplify by ruleset reducing make_ratpoly_in";
   178 "----------- simplify by ruleset reducing make_ratpoly_in";
   179 val thy = @{theory "Isac"};
   180 "===== test 1";
   181 val t = str2term "1/EI * (L * q_0 * x / 2 + -1 * q_0 * x^^^2 / 2)";
   183 "----- stepwise from the rulesets in simplify_Integral and below-----";
   184 val rls = norm_Rational_noadd_fractions;
   185 case rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t of
   186     SOME _ => error "integrate.sml simplify by ruleset norm_Rational_.#2"
   187   | NONE => ();
   189 "===== test 2";
   190 val rls = order_add_mult_in;
   191 val SOME (t,[]) = rewrite_set_ thy true rls t;
   192 if term2str t = "1 / EI * (L * (q_0 * x) / 2 + -1 * (q_0 * x ^^^ 2) / 2)" then()
   193 else error "integrate.sml simplify by ruleset order_add_mult_in #2";
   195 "===== test 3";
   196 val rls = discard_parentheses;
   197 val SOME (t,[]) = rewrite_set_ thy true rls t;
   198 if term2str t = "1 / EI * (L * q_0 * x / 2 + -1 * q_0 * x ^^^ 2 / 2)" then ()
   199 else error "integrate.sml simplify by ruleset discard_parenth.. #3";
   201 "===== test 4";
   202 val subs = [(str2t "bdv::real", str2t "x::real")];
   203 val rls = 
   204   (append_rls "separate_bdv" collect_bdv
   205  	  [Thm ("separate_bdv", num_str @{thm separate_bdv}),
   206  		  (*"?a * ?bdv / ?b = ?a / ?b * ?bdv"*)
   207  		 Thm ("separate_bdv_n", num_str @{thm separate_bdv_n}),
   208       (*"?a * ?bdv ^^^ ?n / ?b = ?a / ?b * ?bdv ^^^ ?n"*)
   209  		Thm ("separate_1_bdv", num_str @{thm separate_1_bdv}),
   210  		  (*"?bdv / ?b = (1 / ?b) * ?bdv"*)
   211  		Thm ("separate_1_bdv_n", num_str @{thm separate_1_bdv_n})
   212        (*"?bdv ^^^ ?n / ?b = 1 / ?b * ?bdv ^^^ ?n"*)
   213     ]);
   214 (*show_types := true;  --- do we need type-constraint in thms? *)
   215 @{thm separate_bdv};     (*::?'a does NOT rewrite here WITHOUT type constraint*)
   216 @{thm separate_bdv_n};   (*::real ..because of ^^^, rewrites*)
   217 @{thm separate_1_bdv};   (*::?'a*)
   218 val xxx = num_str @{thm separate_1_bdv}; (*::?'a*)
   219 @{thm separate_1_bdv_n}; (*::real ..because of ^^^*)
   220 (*show_types := false; --- do we need type-constraint in thms? YES ?!?!?!*)
   222 val SOME (t, []) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   223 if term2str t = "1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2)" then ()
   224 else error "integrate.sml simplify by ruleset separate_bdv.. #4";
   226 "===== test 5";
   227 val t = str2t "1/EI * (L * q_0 * x / 2 + -1 * q_0 * x^^^2 / 2)";
   228 val rls = simplify_Integral;
   229 val SOME (t,[]) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   230 (* given was:   "1 / EI * (L * q_0 * x / 2 + -1 * q_0 * x^^^2 / 2)" *)
   231 if term2str t = "1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2)" then ()
   232 else error "integrate.sml, simplify_Integral #99";
   234 "........... 2nd integral ........................................";
   235 "........... 2nd integral ........................................";
   236 "........... 2nd integral ........................................";
   237 val t = str2t 
   238 "Integral 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * (x ^^^ 2 / 2) + -1 * q_0 / 2 * (x ^^^ 3 / 3)) D x";
   239 val rls = simplify_Integral;
   240 val SOME (t,[]) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   241 if term2str t =
   242    "Integral 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 4 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * q_0 / 6 * x ^^^ 3) D x"
   243 then () else raise error "integrate.sml, simplify_Integral #198";
   245 val rls = integration_rules;
   246 val SOME (t,[]) = rewrite_set_ thy true rls t;
   247 term2str t;
   248 if term2str t = 
   249    "1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 4 * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + -1 * q_0 / 6 * (x ^^^ 4 / 4))"
   250 then () else error "integrate.sml, simplify_Integral #199";
   253 "----------- integrate by ruleset -----------------------";
   254 "----------- integrate by ruleset -----------------------";
   255 "----------- integrate by ruleset -----------------------";
   256 val thy = @{theory "Integrate"};
   257 val rls = integration_rules;
   258 val subs = [(@{term "bdv::real"}, @{term "x::real"})];
   259 (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
   261 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Integral x D x";
   262 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   263 if term2str res = "x ^^^ 2 / 2" then () else error "Integral x D x changed";
   265 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Integral c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 D x";
   266 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   267 if term2str res = "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x" then () else error "Integral c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 D x";
   269 val rls = add_new_c;
   270 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x";
   271 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   272 if term2str res = "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x + c_3" then () 
   273 else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in add_new_c simpl.";
   275 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "F x = x ^^^ 3 / 3 + x";
   276 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   277 if term2str res = "F x = x ^^^ 3 / 3 + x + c"(*not "F x + c =..."*) then () 
   278 else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in add_new_c equation";
   280 val rls = simplify_Integral;
   281 (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
   282 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "ff x = c * x + -1 * q_0 * (x ^^^ 2 / 2) + c_2";
   283 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   284 if term2str res = "ff x = c_2 + c * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2"
   285 then () else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in simplify_I #1";
   287 val rls = integration;
   288 (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*)
   289 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Integral c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 D x";
   290 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   291 if term2str res = "c_3 + c_2 * x + c / 3 * x ^^^ 3"
   292 then () else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration #1";
   294 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Integral 3*x^^^2 + 2*x + 1 D x";
   295 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   296 if term2str res = "c + x + x ^^^ 2 + x ^^^ 3" then () 
   297 else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration #2";
   299 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy))
   300   "Integral 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2) D x";
   301 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   302 "Integral 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2) D x";
   303 if term2str res = "c + 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 4 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * q_0 / 6 * x ^^^ 3)"
   304 then () else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration #3";
   306 val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) ("Integral " ^ term2str res ^ " D x");
   307 val SOME (res, _) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs rls t;
   308 if term2str res = "c_2 + c * x + 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 12 * x ^^^ 3 + -1 * q_0 / 24 * x ^^^ 4)"
   309 then () else error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration #4";
   311 "----------- rewrite 3rd integration in 7.27 ------------";
   312 "----------- rewrite 3rd integration in 7.27 ------------";
   313 "----------- rewrite 3rd integration in 7.27 ------------";
   314 val thy = @{theory "Isac"} (*because of Undeclared constant "Biegelinie.EI*);
   315 val t = str2t "Integral 1 / EI * ((L * q_0 * x + -1 * q_0 * x ^^^ 2) / 2) D x";
   316 val SOME(t,_)= rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs simplify_Integral t;
   317 if term2str t = 
   318   "Integral 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 2 * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^^^ 2) D x"
   319 then () else error "integrate.sml 3rd integration in 7.27, simplify_Integral";
   321 val SOME(t,_)= rewrite_set_inst_ thy true subs integration t;
   322 term2str t;
   323 if term2str t = 
   324   "c + 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 4 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * q_0 / 6 * x ^^^ 3)"
   325 then () else error "integrate.sml 3rd integration in 7.27, integration";
   328 "----------- check probem type --------------------------";
   329 "----------- check probem type --------------------------";
   330 "----------- check probem type --------------------------";
   331 val model = {Given =["functionTerm f_f", "integrateBy v_v"],
   332 	     Where =[],
   333 	     Find  =["antiDerivative F_F"],
   334 	     With  =[],
   335 	     Relate=[]}:string ppc;
   336 val chkmodel = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) model;
   337 val t1 = (Thm.term_of o hd) chkmodel;
   338 val t2 = (Thm.term_of o hd o tl) chkmodel;
   339 val t3 = (Thm.term_of o hd o tl o tl) chkmodel;
   340 case t3 of Const ("Integrate.antiDerivative", _) $ _ => ()
   341 	 | _ => error "integrate.sml: Integrate.antiDerivative ???";
   343 val model = {Given =["functionTerm f_f", "integrateBy v_v"],
   344 	     Where =[],
   345 	     Find  =["antiDerivativeName F_F"],
   346 	     With  =[],
   347 	     Relate=[]}:string ppc;
   348 val chkmodel = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o ppc2list) model;
   349 val t1 = (Thm.term_of o hd) chkmodel;
   350 val t2 = (Thm.term_of o hd o tl) chkmodel;
   351 val t3 = (Thm.term_of o hd o tl o tl) chkmodel;
   352 case t3 of Const ("Integrate.antiDerivativeName", _) $ _ => ()
   353 	 | _ => error "integrate.sml: Integrate.antiDerivativeName";
   355 "----- compare 'Find's from problem, script, formalization -------";
   356 val {ppc,...} = get_pbt ["named","integrate","function"];
   357 val ("#Find", (Const ("Integrate.antiDerivativeName", _),
   358 	       F1_ as Free ("F_F", F1_type))) = last_elem ppc;
   359 val {scr = Prog sc,... } = get_met ["diff","integration","named"];
   360 val [_,_, F2_] = formal_args sc;
   361 if F1_ = F2_ then () else error "integrate.sml: unequal find's";
   363 val ((dsc as Const ("Integrate.antiDerivativeName", _)) 
   364 	 $ Free ("ff", F3_type)) = str2t "antiDerivativeName ff";
   365 if is_dsc dsc then () else error "integrate.sml: no description";
   366 if F1_type = F3_type then () 
   367 else error "integrate.sml: unequal types in find's";
   369 show_ptyps();
   370 val pbl = get_pbt ["integrate","function"];
   371 case #cas pbl of SOME (Const ("Integrate.Integrate",_) $ _) => ()
   372 	 | _ => error "integrate.sml: Integrate.Integrate ???";
   375 "----------- check Scripts ------------------------------";
   376 "----------- check Scripts ------------------------------";
   377 "----------- check Scripts ------------------------------";
   378 val str = 
   379 "Script IntegrationScript (f_f::real) (v_v::real) =               \
   380 \  (let t_t = Take (Integral f_f D v_v)                                 \
   381 \   in (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(''bdv'',v_v)] integration False) (t_t::real))";
   382 val sc = (inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) str;
   383 atomty sc;
   385 val str = 
   386 "Script NamedIntegrationScript (f_f::real) (v_v::real) (F_F::real=>real) = \
   387 \  (let t_t = Take (F_F v_v = Integral f_f D v_v)                         \
   388 \   in (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(''bdv'',v_v)] integration False) t_t)";
   389 val sc = (inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) str;
   390 atomty sc;
   391 show_mets();
   394 "----------- me method [diff,integration] ---------------";
   395 "----------- me method [diff,integration] ---------------";
   396 "----------- me method [diff,integration] ---------------";
   397 (*exp_CalcInt_No-1.xml*)
   398 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   399 "----- step 0: returns nxt = Model_Problem ---";
   400 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
   401     CalcTreeTEST 
   402         [(["functionTerm (x^^^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"],
   403           ("Integrate", ["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration"]))];
   404 "----- step 1: returns nxt = Add_Given \"functionTerm (x ^^^ 2 + 1)\" ---";
   405 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = ("Tac ", ...) --> Add_Given...*)
   406 "----- step 2: returns nxt = Add_Given \"integrateBy x\" ---";
   407 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   408 "----- step 3: returns nxt = Add_Find \"Integrate.antiDerivative FF\" ---";
   409 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   410 "----- step 4: returns nxt = Specify_Theory \"Integrate\" ---";
   411 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   412 "----- step 5: returns nxt = Specify_Problem [\"integrate\", \"function\"] ---";
   413 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   414 "----- step 6: returns nxt = Specify_Method [\"diff\", \"integration\"] ---";
   415 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   416 "----- step 7: returns nxt = Apply_Method [\"diff\", \"integration\"] ---";
   417 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   418 case nxt of (_, Apply_Method ["diff", "integration"]) => ()
   419           | _ => error "integrate.sml -- me method [diff,integration] -- spec";
   420 "----- step 8: returns nxt = Rewrite_Set_Inst ([\"(''bdv'', x)\"],\"integration\")";
   421 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   422 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   423 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   424 if f2str f = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" then ()
   425 else error "integrate.sml -- me method [diff,integration] -- end";
   428 "----------- autoCalculate [diff,integration] -----------";
   429 "----------- autoCalculate [diff,integration] -----------";
   430 "----------- autoCalculate [diff,integration] -----------";
   431 reset_states ();
   432 CalcTree
   433     [(["functionTerm (x^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"], 
   434       ("Integrate", ["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration"]))];
   435 Iterator 1;
   436 moveActiveRoot 1;
   437 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   438 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; @{make_string} p; show_pt pt;
   439 val (Form t,_,_) = pt_extract (pt, p); 
   440 if term2str t = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" then ()
   441 else error "integrate.sml -- interSteps [diff,integration] -- result";
   444 "----------- me method [diff,integration,named] ---------";
   445 "----------- me method [diff,integration,named] ---------";
   446 "----------- me method [diff,integration,named] ---------";
   447 (*exp_CalcInt_No-2.xml*)
   448 val fmz = ["functionTerm (x^^^2 + (1::real))", 
   449 	   "integrateBy x","antiDerivativeName F"];
   450 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   451   ("Integrate",["named","integrate","function"],
   452    ["diff","integration","named"]);
   453 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   454 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   455 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   456 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   457 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt(*nxt <- Add_Find *);
   458 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   459 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   460 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   461 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt(*nxt <- Apply_Method*);
   462 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   463 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   464 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   465 if f2str f = "F x = c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" then() 
   466 else error "integrate.sml: method [diff,integration,named]";
   469 "----------- me met [diff,integration,named] Biegelinie.Q";
   470 "----------- me met [diff,integration,named] Biegelinie.Q";
   471 "----------- me met [diff,integration,named] Biegelinie.Q";
   472 (*exp_CalcInt_No-3.xml*)
   473 val fmz = ["functionTerm (- q_0)", 
   474 	   "integrateBy x","antiDerivativeName Q"];
   475 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   476   ("Biegelinie",["named","integrate","function"],
   477    ["diff","integration","named"]);
   478 val p = e_pos'; val c = [];
   479 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   480 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   481 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   482 (*Error Tac Q not in ...*)
   483 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt(*nxt <- Add_Find *);
   484 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   485 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   486 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   487 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt(*nxt <- Apply_Method*);
   488 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   489 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   490 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   492 if f2str f = "Q x = c + -1 * q_0 * x" then() 
   493 else error "integrate.sml: method [diff,integration,named] .Q";
   496 "----------- interSteps [diff,integration] --------------";
   497 "----------- interSteps [diff,integration] --------------";
   498 "----------- interSteps [diff,integration] --------------";
   499 reset_states ();
   500 CalcTree
   501     [(["functionTerm (x^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"], 
   502       ("Integrate", ["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration"]))];
   503 Iterator 1;
   504 moveActiveRoot 1;
   505 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   506 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   507 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   508 if existpt' ([1,3], Res) pt then ()
   509 else error "integrate.sml: interSteps on Rewrite_Set_Inst";
   512 reset_states ();
   513 CalcTree
   514 [(["functionTerm (Integral x^2 + 1 D x)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"],
   515   ("Integrate", ["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration","test"]))];
   516 Iterator 1;
   517 moveActiveRoot 1;
   518 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   520 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*..Apply_Method*);
   521 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   522 getTactic 1 ([1], Frm)  (*still empty*);
   524 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*Rewrite_Set_Inst ''integration_rules''*);
   525 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   527 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*Rewrite_Set_Inst ''add_new_c''*);
   528 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   530 fetchProposedTactic 1  (*Rewrite_Set_Inst ''simplify_Integral''*);
   531 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   533 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   534 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   535 val (Form t,_,_) = pt_extract (pt, p); term2str t;
   536 if existpt' ([3], Res) pt andalso term2str t = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" then ()
   537 else error  "integrate.sml: test-script doesnt work";
   540 "----------- Ambiguous input: Integral ?u + ?v D ?bdv = .";
   541 "----------- Ambiguous input: Integral ?u + ?v D ?bdv = .";
   542 "----------- Ambiguous input: Integral ?u + ?v D ?bdv = .";
   543 reset_states ();
   544 CalcTree
   545 [(["functionTerm (x^2 + 1)","integrateBy x","antiDerivative FF"], 
   546   ("Integrate",["integrate","function"],
   547   ["diff","integration"]))];
   548 Iterator 1;
   549 moveActiveRoot 1;
   550 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   551 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   552 if p = ([], Res) andalso term2str (get_obj g_res pt (fst p)) = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3"
   553 then () else error "Ambiguous input: Integral ?u + ?v D ?bdv ="
   555 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   556 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   557 interSteps 1 ([1,1],Res);
   558 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   559 (*getTactic 1 ([1,1,1],Frm); TODO.WN111207 kind of error unclear:
   560 @@@@@begin@@@@@
   561  1 
   562 <SYSERROR>
   563   <CALCID> 1 </CALCID>
   564   <ERROR> syserror in getTactic </ERROR>
   565 </SYSERROR>
   566 @@@@@end@@@@@ *)
   568 val str = (unenclose o Thm.get_name_hint) @{thm integral_add};
   569 str = "ntegrate.integral_ad"; (*WN111207 begin+end cut off*)
   570 writeln str;
   571 (*WN111207 was outcommented already:
   572 read_cterm (sign_of thy) (str,(TVar(("DUMMY",0),[])));
   574 *** More than one term is type correct:
   575 *** ((Integral (?u + ?v) D ?bdv) =
   576 ***  (Integral ?u D (?bdv + (Integral ?v D ?bdv))))
   577                 ###^^^###
   578 *** ((Integral (?u + ?v) D ?bdv) =
   579 ***  ((Integral ?u D ?bdv) + (Integral ?v D ?bdv)))
   580 *)
   582 (*============ inhibit exn WN120314 ==============================================
   583 (*??? WN111205: this check succeeds erratically : asyncronous Isar/jEdit ???*)
   584 if existpt' ([1,1,5], Res) pt then ()
   585 else error "integrate.sml: interSteps on Rewrite_Set_Inst 2 ERRATICAL???";
   586 ============ inhibit exn WN120314 ==============================================*)
   589 "----------- CAS input ----------------------------------";
   590 "----------- CAS input ----------------------------------";
   591 "----------- CAS input ----------------------------------";
   592 val t = str2t "Integrate (x^^^2 + x + 1, x)";
   593 case t of Const ("Integrate.Integrate", _) $ _ => ()
   594 	| _ => error "diff.sml behav.changed for Integrate (..., x)";
   595 atomty t;
   597 reset_states ();
   598 CalcTree [([], ("e_domID", ["e_pblID"], ["e_metID"]))];
   599 Iterator 1;
   600 moveActiveRoot 1;
   601 replaceFormula 1 "Integrate (x^2 + x + 1, x)";
   602 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   603 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1;
   604 val Form res = (#1 o pt_extract) (pt, ([],Res));
   605 show_pt pt;
   606 (* 
   607 WN101010 this test produced <SYSERROR>.."error in kernel" already in CVS-version
   608 from 2007; not touched since then.
   610 WN070703 does not work like Diff due to error in next-pos
   611 if p = ([], Res) andalso term2str res = "5 * a" then ()
   612 else raise error "diff.sml behav.changed for Integrate (x^2 + x + 1, x)";
   614 *)