author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:01:45 +0200
changeset 60732 18b933a12ab8
parent 60717 4c8c9ef90da9
child 60771 1b072aab8f4e
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare 15: delete old code 1, repair Pre_Conds.check_envs_TEST and check_pos
     1 (* Title:  BridgeJEdit/calculation.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3 *)
     5 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     6 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 1: parse errors shown at the spot -----------------";
     9 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 2: handle empty input -----------------------------";
    10 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 3: Pre_Conds.check_TEST I_Model.is_complete_OLD ---";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 1: parse errors shown at the spot -----------------";
    17 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 1: parse errors shown at the spot -----------------";
    18 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 1: parse errors shown at the spot -----------------";
    19 (*/-------------------- state of src/../preliminary.sml at that time --------------------------\*)
    20 fun re_eval_all ((*dummyarg*)) = ("re_eval_all if new_thy"; ((*dummyarg*)))
    21 fun re_eval_pbl ((*dummyarg*)) = ("re_eval_pbl"; ((*dummyarg*)))
    22 fun re_eval_met ((*dummyarg*)) = ("re_eval_met"; ((*dummyarg*)))
    23 ;
    24 re_eval_all: unit -> unit;
    25 (*
    26   switch_pbl_met IS MISSING! Greater changes are to expect with respective introduction.
    27   In the meanwhile we just \<open>re_eval\<close> the \<open>I_Model\<close> of \<open>Problem\<close>;
    28   in case this is complete, we automatically complete the \<open>I_Model\<close> of \<open>MethodC\<close>
    29   without displaying the respective \<open>P_Model\<close> and immediately start solve-phase by \<open>Apply_Method\<close>;
    30 *)
    31 fun re_eval (input_thy, input_pbl, input_met) (spec_thy, spec_pbl, spec_met) =
    32   if spec_thy <> input_thy
    33     then re_eval_all ()
    34     else if spec_pbl <> input_pbl
    35       then re_eval_pbl ()
    36       else if spec_met <> input_met
    37         then re_eval_met ()
    38         else ("nothing to re-evaluate"; ((*dummyarg*)))
    39 ;
    40 re_eval: References.T -> References.T -> unit;
    41 (*\-------------------- state of src/../preliminary.sml at that time --------------------------/*)
    42 (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*)   
    43 (* Example_TEST "Diff_App-No.123a" (*complete Model, empty References*) *)
    44 val in_refs as (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id) = ("__", "__/__", "__/__")
    45 val thy = @{theory Calculation}
    46 val model_input = (*type Position.T is hidden, thus redefinition*)
    47  [("#Given", [("Constants [r = 7]", Position.none)]),
    48   ("#Where", [("0 < r", Position.none)]),
    49   ("#Find",
    50    [("Maximum A", Position.none), ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", Position.none)]),
    51   ("#Relate",
    52    [("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", Position.none),
    53     ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", Position.none)])]
    54 : (Model_Pattern.m_field * (string * Position.T) list) list
    55 val example_id = "Diff_App-No.123a";
    56 (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*)
    57 (*/---------------------------------------- adapt to Test_Isac/_Short.thy ---------------------\*)   
    58 (**)val ctree = Preliminary.init_ctree thy example_id;
    59 (** ) --- why does this not work? ( **)
    60 set_data ctree thy;
    61 the_data thy;
    62 (** )-- why does this not work? Note (**)ctree(** )(the_data thy)( **) below.*)
    63 (*\---------------------------------------- adapt to Test_Isac/_Short.thy ---------------------/*)
    64             val state =
    65               case the_data thy of
    66                   CTbasic_TEST.EmptyPtree => Preliminary.init_ctree thy example_id
    67                 | _ => the_data thy
    68                 (*let*)
    69                     val {origin = (_, o_ref, _), spec = spec_ref, ctxt, ...} =
    70                       CTbasic_TEST.get_obj I (**)ctree(** )(the_data thy)( **) [] |> CTbasic_TEST.rep_specify_data
    71                     val thy_id' = References.for_parse thy_id (#1 spec_ref) (#1 o_ref)
    72                     val (model, where_) = Model_Pattern.parse_pos ctxt model_input
    73 (**)
    74                     val _ = re_eval References.empty References.empty;
    75 (**)
    76             (*in*) Preliminary.update_state thy
    77                       (example_id, (model_input, (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id))) (the_data thy)
    78             (*end*);
    81 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 2: handle empty input -----------------------------";
    82 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 2: handle empty input -----------------------------";
    83 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 2: handle empty input -----------------------------";
    84 (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*)
    85 (* Example_TEST "Diff_App-No.123a" (*complete Model, empty References*) *)
    86 val thy = @{theory}
    87 val model_input = (*type Position.T is hidden, thus redefinition*)
    88  [("#Given", [("Constants [r = 7]", Position.none)]),
    89   ("#Where", [("0 < r", Position.none)]),
    90   ("#Find",
    91    [("Maximum A", Position.none), ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", Position.none)]),
    92   ("#Relate",
    93    [("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", Position.none),
    94     ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", Position.none)])]
    95 : (Model_Pattern.m_field * (string * Position.T) list) list
    96 (**)
    97 val ((thy_id, thy_id_pos), (probl_id, probl_id_pos), (meth_id, meth_id_pos)) =
    98   (("__", Position.none), ( "__/__", Position.none), ("__/__", Position.none))
    99 (**)
   100 val example_id = "Diff_App-No.123a";
   101 (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*)
   102 open Model_Pattern
   104             val state =
   105               case the_data thy of
   106                   CTbasic_TEST.EmptyPtree => Preliminary.init_ctree thy example_id
   107                 | _ => the_data thy
   108                   (*let*)
   109                     val {origin = (_, o_ref, _), spec = spec_ref, ctxt, ...} =
   110                       CTbasic_TEST.get_obj I state [(*Pos will become variable*)] |> CTbasic_TEST.rep_specify_data
   112 (*knows variables from origin + notation (input) undefined ^^^^^ from BaseDefinitions.thy*)
   113 (*test*)val Const ("Input_Descript.Constants", _) $
   114      (Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Const ("HOL.undefined", _) $ Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) $
   115        (Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Const ("HOL.undefined", _) $ Const ("HOL.undefined", _)) $
   116          Const ("List.list.Nil", _))) = Syntax.read_term ctxt "Constants [__=__, __=__]"
   118                     val thy_id' = References.for_parse thy_id (#1 spec_ref) (#1 o_ref)
   119 (* here we assume:
   120   (1) thy_id did not provide an update
   121   (2) \<Otimes>\<Odot> is set to Problem_Ref
   122   (3) the probl : I_Model is complete with descriptors from Preliminary.init_ctree
   123 *)
   124                     val (model, where_) =
   125 Model_Pattern.parse_pos_empty ctxt model_input;
   126 "~~~~~ fun parse_pos_empty , args:"; val (ctxt, model_input) = (ctxt, model_input);
   127     val items = model_input |> map (fn (m_field, items) => map (pair m_field) items) |> flat;
   128     val model = items 
   129       |> filter_out ((fn f => (fn (f', _) => f = f')) "#Where")
   130 (*    |> map (parse_term ctxt) *)
   131 (*val model =
   132    [("#Given", ("Constants [r = 7]", {})), ("#Find", ("Maximum A", {})), ("#Find", ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", {})), ("#Relate", ("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", {})),
   133     ("#Relate", ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", {}))]:
   134    (string * (string * Position.T)) list*);
   136 "~~~~~ fun parse_empty_input , args:"; val (ctxt, (m_field, (str, pos))) = (ctxt, hd model);
   137     val (m_field, term, pos) = parse_term ctxt (m_field, (str, pos));
   139 (*+*)if is_undefined @{term "Constants [__=__, __=__]"}
   140 (*+*)  then () else error "is_undefined 1 CHANGED";
   141 (*+*)if is_undefined @{term "Maximum __"}
   142 (*+*)  then () else error "is_undefined 2 CHANGED";
   143 (*+*)if is_undefined @{term "AdditionalValues [__, __]"}
   144 (*+*)  then () else error "is_undefined 3 CHANGED";
   145 (*+*)if is_undefined @{term "Constants [r = 7]"}
   146 (*+*)  then error "is_undefined 4 CHANGED" else ();
   148 (*+*)val (m_field, (descr, arg), pos) = split_descriptor ctxt (m_field, term, pos);
   149 (*+*)if is_undefined arg
   150 (*+*)then Empty (m_field, (descr, descr |> empty_for), pos)
   151 (*+*)else Proper (m_field, (descr, arg), pos);
   153                     val (model, where_) = Model_Pattern.parse_pos_empty ctxt model_input (*+check syntax*)
   154 (*+*)val [Proper
   155 (*+*)  ("#Given", (Const ("Input_Descript.Constants", _),
   156 (*+*)    Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Free ("r", _) $
   157 (*+*)      (Const ("Num.numeral_class.numeral", _) $ _)) $ Const ("List.list.Nil", _)), _),
   158 (*+*) Proper _, Proper _, Proper _, Proper _] = model
   160 (**)
   161                     val _ = re_eval References.empty References.empty;
   162 (**)
   163             (*in*) Preliminary.update_state thy
   164                       (example_id, (model_input, (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id))) (the_data thy)
   165             (*end*);
   168 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 3: Pre_Conds.check_TEST I_Model.is_complete_OLD ---";
   169 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 3: Pre_Conds.check_TEST I_Model.is_complete_OLD ---";
   170 "----------- build Outer_Syntax Example_TEST 3: Pre_Conds.check_TEST I_Model.is_complete_OLD ---";
   171 (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*)
   172 (* Example_TEST "Diff_App-No.123a" (*complete Model, empty References*) *)
   173 val thy = @{theory Calculation}
   174 val model_input = (*type Position.T is hidden, thus redefinition*)
   175  [("#Given", [("Constants [r = 7]", Position.none)]),
   176   ("#Where", [("0 < r", Position.none)]),
   177   ("#Find",
   178    [("Maximum A", Position.none), ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", Position.none)]),
   179   ("#Relate",
   180    [("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", Position.none),
   181     ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", Position.none)])]
   182 : (Model_Pattern.m_field * (string * Position.T) list) list
   183 (**)
   184 val ((thy_id, thy_id_pos), (probl_id, probl_id_pos), (meth_id, meth_id_pos)) =
   185   (("__", Position.none), ( "__/__", Position.none), ("__/__", Position.none))
   186 (**)
   187 val example_id = "Diff_App-No.123a";
   188 (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*)
   189 open Model_Pattern
   190 open Pre_Conds
   191 open I_Model
   193             val state =
   194               case the_data thy of
   195                   CTbasic_TEST.EmptyPtree => Preliminary.init_ctree thy example_id
   196                 | _(*state (*FOR TEST*)*) => (**)the_data thy(**)
   197                   (*let*)
   198                     val {origin = (o_model, o_ref, _), spec = spec_ref, probl, meth, ctxt, ...} =
   199                       CTbasic_TEST.get_obj I state [(*Pos will become variable*)] |> CTbasic_TEST.rep_specify_data
   200                     val thy_id' = References.for_parse thy_id (#1 spec_ref) (#1 o_ref)
   201                     val (model, where_) = Model_Pattern.parse_pos_empty ctxt model_input (*+check syntax*);
   203 (*+*)(o_model |> O_Model.to_string ctxt) = "[\n" ^
   204   "(1, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Given, Constants, [\"[r = 7]\"]), \n" ^
   205   "(2, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, Maximum, [\"A\"]), \n" ^
   206   "(3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"]), \n" ^
   207   "(4, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Relate, Extremum, [\"A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2\"]), \n" ^
   208   "(5, [\"1\", \"2\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]\"]), \n" ^
   209   "(6, [\"3\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[u / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>]\", \"[2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]\"]), \n" ^
   210   "(7, [\"1\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"a\"]), \n" ^
   211   "(8, [\"2\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"b\"]), \n" ^
   212   "(9, [\"3\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"\<alpha>\"]), \n" ^
   213   "(10, [\"1\", \"2\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<r}\"]), \n" ^
   214   "(11, [\"3\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<\<pi> / 2}\"]), \n" ^
   215   "(12, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #undef, ErrorBound, [\"\<epsilon> = 0\"])]";
   217 (*//------------------ code under construction relate_to_input etc -------------------------\\*)
   218 (* \<longrightarrow> calculation.sml (? preliminary.sml ?) *)
   219 (* 
   220   each item of I_Model is related to input (NOT vice versa),
   221   where the input-items might be less in number than the I_Model-items
   222   due to error (msg ^ Position.here pos) in ParseC.term_position.
   223 *)
   224 fun relate_to_input o_model i_model input = 123
   225 (*is known, which input -----------------------------(str, pos) is new ???*)
   226 fun check_single ctxt m_field o_model i_model m_patt (str, pos) = 123;
   227 (*\\------------------ code under construction relate_to_input etc -------------------------//*)
   229 (*//------------------ test under construction relate_to_input etc -------------------------\\*)
   230 "~~~~~ fun relate_to_input , args:"; val (o_model, i_model, input) = (o_model, probl, model);
   233 "~~~~~ fun check_single , args:"; val (ctxt, m_field, o_model, i_model, (str, pos)) =
   234   (ctxt, "#Given", o_model, i_model, (str, Position.none));
   237 (*\\------------------ test under construction relate_to_input etc -------------------------//*)
   239 (*reminder for Template.show ----------------------------------------------------------------\*)
   240                     val ((_, true, _), (_, pbl_id as ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"], _)) =
   241                       References.for_eval_model (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id) spec_ref o_ref
   242                     val {model = model_patt, where_ = where_ctree, where_rls, ...} =
   243                       Problem.from_store ctxt pbl_id;
   245 (*/----- ERROR: mk_env not reasonable for "Inc_TEST Constants [] [__=__, __=__]"-------------\
   246   ------------------------------------------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-----------------------* )
   247                     val (_, env_eval) = Pre_Conds.sep_variants_envs_OLD model_patt probl
   248                     (*------------------- must be completed first ---^^^^^*)
   249                     val _ =
   250                       case I_Model.is_complete_OLD ctxt model_patt where_rls where_ctree probl of
   251                         NONE => writeln "I_Model.is_complete_OLD --> NONE"
   252                       | SOME variants =>
   253                         writeln ("I_Model.is_complete_OLD --> SOME " ^ LibraryC.ints2str' variants)
   254 ( *\----- ERROR: mk_env not reasonable for "Inc_TEST Constants [] [__=__, __=__]"-------------/*)
   255 (*reminder for Template.show ----------------------------------------------------------------/*)
   257 (*reminder for Pre_Conds.check_TEST ---------------------------------------------------------\* )
   258 val (true, [(true, (Const ("Orderings.ord_class.less", _) $ Const ("Groups.zero_class.zero", _) $
   259   Free ("r", _), _))]) = Pre_Conds.check_TEST ctxt where_rls where_ env_eval;
   260 ( *reminder for Pre_Conds.check_TEST ---------------------------------------------------------/*)
   261 (**)
   262                     val ((_, true, _), (_, pbl_id as ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"], _)) =
   263                         References.for_eval_model (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id) spec_ref o_ref
   264                     val _ = re_eval References.empty References.empty;
   265 (**)
   266             (*in*)
   267                     Preliminary.update_state thy
   268                       (example_id, (model_input, (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id))) (the_data thy)
   269             (*end*)