author Walther Neuper <>
Fri, 24 May 2013 12:40:15 +0200
changeset 48868 1676be88dbcb
parent 48867 4d4254cc6e34
child 48869 90847afab532
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 (* rationals, i.e. fractions of multivariate polynomials over the real field
     2    author: Diana Meindl
     3    (c) Diana Meindl
     4    Use is subject to license terms. 
     5 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
     6         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80         90      100
     7 *)
     9 theory GCD_Poly imports Complex_Main begin 
    11 text {*
    12   Below we reference 
    13   F. Winkler, Polynomial algorithyms in computer algebra. Springer 1996.
    14   by page 93 and 95. This is the final version of the Isabelle theory,
    15   which conforms with Isabelle's coding standards and with requirements
    16   in terms of logics appropriate for a theorem prover.
    17 *}
    19 section {* Predicates for the specifications *}
    20 text {*
    21   This thesis provides program code to be integrated into the Isabelle 
    22   distribution.  Thus the code will be verified against specifications, and 
    23   consequently the code, as \emph{explicit} specification of how to calculate 
    24   results, is accompanied by \emph{implicit} specifications describing the 
    25   properties of the program code.
    27   For describing the properties of code the format of Haskell will be used.
    28   Haskell \cite{TODO} is front-of-the-wave in research on functional 
    29   programming and as such advances beyond SML. The advancement relevant for 
    30   this thesis is the concise combination of explicit and implicit specification
    31   of a function. The final result of the code developed within this thesis is 
    32   described as follows in Haskell format:
    34   \begin{verbatim} % TODO: find respective Isabelle/LaTeX features
    35     gcd_poly :: int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly \<Rightarrow> int poly
    36     gcd_poly p1 p2 = d
    37     assumes and p1 \<noteq> [:0:] and p2 \<noteq> [:0:]
    38     yields d dvd p1 \<and> d dvd p2 \<and> \<forall>d'. (d' dvd p1 \<and> d' dvd p2) \<longrightarrow> d' \<le> d
    39   \end{verbatim
    41   The above specification combines Haskell format with the term language of
    42   Isabelle\HOL. The latter provides a large and ever growing library of 
    43   mechanised mathematics knowledge, which this thesis re-uses in order to 
    44   prepare for integration of the code.
    46   In the sequel there is a brief account of the notions required for the 
    47   specification of the functions implemented within this thesis. *}
    49 subsection {* The Isabelle types required *}
    50 text {*
    51   bool, nat, int, option, THE, list, 'a poly
    52 *}
    54 subsection {* The connectives required *}
    55 text {*
    56   logic ~~/doc/tutorial.pdf p.203
    57   arithmetic < \<le> + - * ^ div \<bar>_\<bar>
    58 *}
    60 subsection {* The Isabelle functions required *}
    61 text {*
    62   number theory
    63     dvd, mod, gcd
    65     Primes.next_prime_bound
    67   lists
    68     List.hd,
    69     List.length, List.member
    70     List.fold,
    71     List.nth, List.take, List.drop
    72     List.replicate
    74   others
    75     Fact.fact
    76 *}
    78 section {* gcd for univariate polynomials *}
    79 ML {*
    80 type unipoly = int list;
    81 val a = [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2];
    82 val b = [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2];
    83 *}
    85 subsection {* auxiliary functions *}
    86 ML {* 
    87   (* a variant for div: 
    88     5 div 2 = 2; ~5 div 2 = ~3; BUT WEE NEED ~5 div2 2 = ~2; *)
    89   infix div2
    90   fun a div2 b = 
    91     if a div b < 0 then (abs a) div (abs b) * ~1 else a div b
    93   (* why has "last" been removed since 2002, although "last" is in List.thy ? *)
    94   fun last ls = (hd o rev) ls
    96   (* drop tail elements equal 0 *)
    97   fun drop_hd_zeros (0 :: ps) = drop_hd_zeros ps
    98     | drop_hd_zeros p = p
    99   fun drop_tl_zeros p = (rev o drop_hd_zeros o rev) p;
   100 *}
   102 subsection {* modulo calculations for integers *}
   103 ML {*
   104   (* mod_inv :: int \<Rightarrow> nat 
   105      mod_inv r m = s
   106      assumes True
   107      yields r * s mod m = 1 *)
   108   fun mod_inv r m =
   109     let
   110       fun modi (r, rold, m, rinv) = 
   111         if m <= rinv then 0 else
   112           if r mod m = 1
   113           then rinv
   114           else modi (rold * (rinv + 1), rold, m, rinv + 1)
   115      in modi (r, r, m, 1) end
   117   (* mod_div :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> natO
   118      mod_div a b m = c
   119      assumes True
   120      yields a * b ^(-1) mod m = c   <\<Longrightarrow>  a mod m = (b * c) mod m*)
   121   fun mod_div a b m = a * (mod_inv b m) mod m
   123   (* required just for one approximation:
   124      approx_root :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat
   125      approx_root a = r
   126      assumes True
   127      yields r * r \<ge> a *)
   128   fun approx_root a =
   129     let
   130       fun root1 a n = if n * n < a then root1 a (n + 1) else n
   131     in root1 a 1 end
   133   (* chinese_remainder :: int * nat \<Rightarrow> int * nat \<Rightarrow> nat
   134      chinese_remainder (r1, m1) (r2, m2) = r
   135      assumes True
   136      yields r = r1 mod m1 \<and> r = r2 mod m2 *)
   137   fun chinese_remainder (r1, m1) (r2, m2) =
   138     (r1 mod m1) + 
   139      (((r2 - (r1 mod m1)) * (mod_inv m1 m2)) mod m2) * m1;
   140 *}
   142 subsection {* creation of lists of primes for efficiency *}
   143 ML{*
   144   (* is_prime :: int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool
   145      is_prime ps n = b
   146      assumes max ps < n  \<and>  n \<le> (max ps)^2  \<and>  
   147        (*     FIXME: really ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^? *)
   148        (\<forall>p. List.member ps p \<longrightarrow> p) \<and> (\<forall>p. p < n \<and> p \<longrightarrow> List.member ps p)
   149      yields n *)
   150   fun is_prime [] _ = true
   151     | is_prime prs n = 
   152         if n mod (List.hd prs) <> 0 then is_prime ( prs) n else false
   154   (* make_primes is just local to primes_upto only:
   155      make_primes :: int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int list
   156      make_primes ps last_p n = pps
   157      assumes last_p = maxs ps  \<and>  (\<forall>p. List.member ps p \<longrightarrow> p)  \<and>
   158        (\<forall>p. p < last_p \<and> p \<longrightarrow> List.member ps p)
   159      yields n \<le> maxs pps  \<and>  (\<forall>p. List.member pps p \<longrightarrow> p)  \<and>
   160        (\<forall>p. (p < maxs pps \<and> p) \<longrightarrow> List.member pps p)*)
   161     fun make_primes ps last_p n =
   162         if n <= last ps then ps else
   163           if is_prime ps (last_p + 2) 
   164           then make_primes (ps @ [(last_p + 2)]) (last_p + 2) n
   165           else make_primes  ps                   (last_p + 2) n
   167   (* primes_upto :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat list
   168      primes_upto n = ps
   169        assumes True
   170        yields (\<forall>p. List.member ps p \<longrightarrow> p) \<and>
   171          n \<le> maxs ps \<and> maxs ps \<le> Fact.fact n + 1 \<and>
   172          (\<forall>p. p \<le> maxs ps \<and> p \<longrightarrow> List.member ps p) *)
   173   fun primes_upto n = if n < 3 then [2] else make_primes [2, 3] 3 n
   175   (* find the next prime greater p not dividing the number n:
   176     next_prime_not_dvd :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int (infix)
   177     n1 next_prime_not_dvd n2 = p
   178       assumes True
   179       yields p is_prime  \<and>  n1 < p  \<and>  \<not> p dvd n2  \<and> (* smallest with these properties... *)
   180         (\<forall> p'. (p' is_prime  \<and>  n1 < p'  \<and>  \<not> p' dvd n2)  \<longrightarrow>  p \<le> p') *)
   181   infix next_prime_not_dvd;
   182   fun n1 next_prime_not_dvd n2 = 
   183     let
   184       val ps = primes_upto (n1 + 1)
   185       val nxt = nth ps (List.length ps - 1);
   186     in
   187       if n2 mod nxt <> 0 then nxt else nxt next_prime_not_dvd n2
   188   end
   189 *}
   191 subsection {* basic notions for univariate polynomials *}
   192 ML {*
   193   (* leading coefficient, includes drop_lc0_up ?FIXME130507 *)
   194   fun lcoeff_up (p: unipoly) = (last o drop_tl_zeros) p
   196   (* drop leading coefficients equal 0 *)
   197   fun drop_lc0_up (p: unipoly) = drop_tl_zeros p : unipoly;
   199   (* degree, includes drop_lc0_up ?FIXME130507 *)
   200   fun deg_up (p: unipoly) = ((Integer.add ~1) o length o drop_lc0_up) p;
   202   (* normalise a unipoly such that lcoeff_up mod m = 1.
   203      normalise :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   204      normalise [p_0, .., p_k] m = [q_0, .., q_k]
   205        assumes True
   206        yields \<exists> t. 0 \<le> i \<le> k \<Rightarrow> (p_i * t) mod m = q_i  \<and>  (p_k * t) mod m = 1 *)
   207   fun normalise (p: unipoly) (m: int) =
   208     let
   209       val p = drop_lc0_up p
   210       val lcp = lcoeff_up p;
   211       fun norm nrm i =
   212         if i = 0
   213         then [mod_div (nth p i) lcp m] @ nrm
   214         else norm ([mod_div (nth p i) lcp m] @  nrm) (i - 1) ;
   215     in 
   216       if List.length p = 0 then p else norm [] (List.length p - 1)
   217   end;
   218 *}
   220 subsection {* addition, multiplication, division *}
   221 ML {*
   222   (* scalar multiplication *)
   223   infix %*
   224   fun (p: unipoly) %* n =  map (Integer.mult n) p : unipoly
   226   (* scalar divison *)
   227   infix %/ 
   228   fun (p: unipoly) %/ n =
   229     let fun swapf f a b = f b a (* swaps the arguments of a function *)
   230     in map (swapf (curry op div2) n) p : unipoly end;
   232   (* minus of polys *)
   233   infix %-%
   234   fun (p1: unipoly) %-% (p2: unipoly) = 
   235     map2 (curry op -) p1 (p2 @ replicate (List.length p1 - List.length p2) 0) : unipoly
   237   (* dvd for univariate polynomials *)
   238   infix %|%
   239 (**)
   240   fun [d] %|% [p] = (p mod d = 0)
   241     | (ds: unipoly) %|% (ps: unipoly) = 
   242       let 
   243         val ds = drop_lc0_up ds;
   244         val ps = drop_lc0_up ps;
   245         val d000 = (replicate (List.length ps - List.length ds) 0) @ ds ;
   246         val quot = (lcoeff_up ps) div2 (lcoeff_up d000);
   247         val rest = drop_lc0_up (ps %-% (d000 %* quot));
   248       in
   249         if rest = [] then true else
   250           if rest <> [] andalso quot <> 0 andalso List.length ds <= List.length rest
   251           then ds %|% rest
   252           else false
   253       end
   254 *}
   256 subsection {* normalisation and Landau-Mignotte bound *}
   257 ML {* 
   258   (* normalise :: centr_up \<Rightarrow> unipoly => int \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   259      normalise [p_0, .., p_k] m = [q_0, .., q_k]
   260        assumes 
   261        yields 0 \<le> i \<le> k \<Rightarrow> |^ ~m/2 ^| <= q_i <=|^ m/2 ^| 
   262         (where |^ x ^| means round x up to the next greater integer) *)
   263   fun centr_up (p: unipoly) (m: int) =
   264     let
   265       val mi = m div2 2;
   266       val mid = if m mod mi = 0 then mi else mi + 1;
   267       fun centr m mid p_i = if mid < p_i then p_i - m else p_i;
   268     in map (centr m mid) p : unipoly end;
   270   (*** landau mignotte bound (Winkler p91)
   271     every coefficient of the gcd of a  and b in Z[x] is bounded in absolute value by
   272     2^{min(m,n)} * gcd(a_m,b_n) * min(1/|a_m| 
   273     * root(sum_{i=0}^{m}a_i^2) ,1/|b_n| * root( sum_{i=0}^{n}b_i^2 ) ***)
   275    (*  sum_lmb :: centr_up \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int
   276      sum_lmb [p_0, .., p_k] e = s
   277        assumes exp >= 0
   278        yields. p_0^e + p_1^e + ... + p_k^e *)
   279   fun sum_lmb (p: unipoly) exp = fold ((curry op +) o (Integer.pow exp)) p 0;
   281    (* LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound :: centr_up \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int
   282       LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound [a_0, ..., a_m] [b_0, .., b_n] = lmb
   283         assumes True
   284         yields lmb = 2^min(m,n) * gcd(a_m,b_n) * 
   285           min( 1/|a_m| * root(sum_lmb [a_0,...a_m] 2 , 1/|b_n| * root(sum_lmb [b_0,...b_n] 2)*)
   286   fun LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound (p1: unipoly) (p2: unipoly) = 
   287     (Integer.pow (Integer.min (deg_up p1) (deg_up p2)) 2) * (abs (Integer.gcd (lcoeff_up p1) (lcoeff_up p2))) * 
   288     (Int.min (abs((approx_root (sum_lmb p1 2)) div2 ~(lcoeff_up p1)), 
   289               abs((approx_root (sum_lmb p2 2)) div2 ~(lcoeff_up p2))));
   290 *}
   292 subsection {* modulo calculations on polynomials *}
   293 ML{*
   294   (* chinese_remainder_up :: int * int \<Rightarrow> unipoly * unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   295      chinese_remainder_up (m1, m2) (p1, p2) = p
   296      assume m1, m2 relatively prime
   297      yields p1 = p mod m1 \<and> p2 = p mod m2 *)
   298   fun chinese_remainder_up (m1, m2) (p1: unipoly, p2: unipoly) = 
   299   let 
   300     fun chinese_rem (m1, m2) (p_1i, p_2i) = chinese_remainder (p_1i, m1) (p_2i, m2)
   301   in map (chinese_rem (m1, m2)) (p1 ~~ p2): unipoly end
   303   (* mod_up :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   304      mod_up [p1, p2, ..., pk] m = up 
   305      assume m > 0
   306      yields up = [p1 mod m, p2 mod m, ..., pk mod m]*)
   307   infix mod_up 
   308   fun (p : unipoly) mod_up m = 
   309   let 
   310     fun mod' m p = (curry op mod) p m 
   311   in map (mod' m) p : unipoly end
   313   (* euclidean algoritm in Z_p[x].
   314      mod_up_gcd :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   315      mod_up_gcd p1 p2 m = g
   316        assumes True
   317        yields gcd ((p1 mod m), (p2 mod m)) = g *)
   318   fun mod_up_gcd (p1: unipoly) (p2: unipoly) (m: int) =
   319     let 
   320       val p1m = p1 mod_up m;
   321       val p2m = drop_lc0_up (p2 mod_up m);
   322       val p2n = (replicate (List.length p1 - List.length p2m) 0) @ p2m;
   323       val quot =  mod_div (lcoeff_up p1m) (lcoeff_up p2n) m;
   324       val rest = drop_lc0_up ((p1m %-% (p2n %* quot)) mod_up m)
   325     in
   326       if rest = [] then p2 else
   327         if length rest < List.length p2
   328         then mod_up_gcd p2 rest m 
   329         else mod_up_gcd rest p2 m
   330     end;
   332   (* primitive_up :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   333      primitive_up p = pp
   334      assumes True
   335      yields \<forall>p1, p2. (List.member pp p1 \<and> List.member pp p2 \<and> p1 \<noteq> p2) \<longrightarrow> gcd p1 p2 = 1 *)
   336   fun primitive_up ([c] : unipoly) = 
   337       if c = 0 then ([0] : unipoly) else ([1] : unipoly)
   338     | primitive_up p =
   339         let
   340           val d = abs (Integer.gcds p)
   341         in
   342           if d = 1 then p else p %/ d
   343         end
   344 *}
   346 subsection {* gcd_up, code from [1] p.93 *}
   347 ML {*
   348   (* try_new_prime_up :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int  \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   349      try_new_prime_up p1 p2 d M P g p = new_g
   350        assumes d = gcd (lcoeff_up p1, lcoeff_up p2)  \<and> 
   351                M = LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound  \<and>  p = prime \<and>  p ~| d  \<and>  P \<ge> p  \<and>
   352                p1 is primitive  \<and>  p2 is primitive
   353        yields  new_g = [1] \<or> (new_g \<ge> g \<and> P > M)
   355     argumentns "a b d M P g p" named according to [1] p.93 *)
   356   fun try_new_prime_up a b d M P g p =
   357     if P > M then g else
   358       let
   359         val p = p next_prime_not_dvd d
   360         val g_p = centr_up (         (    (normalise (mod_up_gcd a b p) p) 
   361                                        %* (d mod p))                  
   362                               mod_up p) 
   363                             p
   364       in
   365         if deg_up g_p < deg_up g
   366         then
   367           if (deg_up g_p) = 0 then [1]: unipoly else try_new_prime_up a b d M p g_p p
   368         else
   369           if deg_up g_p <> deg_up g then try_new_prime_up a b d M P g p else
   370             let 
   371               val P = P * p
   372               val g = centr_up ((chinese_remainder_up (P, p) (g, g_p)) mod_up P) P
   373             in try_new_prime_up a b d M P g p end
   374       end
   376   (* HENSEL_lifting_up :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   377      HENSEL_lifting_up p1 p2 d M p = gcd
   378        assumes d = gcd (lcoeff_up p1, lcoeff_up p2) \<and> 
   379                M = LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound \<and> p = prime  \<and>  p ~| d  \<and>
   380                p1 is primitive  \<and>  p2 is primitive
   381        yields  gcd | p1  \<and>  gcd | p2  \<and>  gcd is primitive
   383     argumentns "a b d M p" named according to [1] p.93 *)
   384   fun HENSEL_lifting_up a b d M p = 
   385     let
   386 val _ = writeln ("HENSEL-univ d = " ^ PolyML.makestring d ^ 
   387 ", M = " ^ PolyML.makestring (2 * d * LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound a b) ^ 
   388 ", p = " ^ PolyML.makestring p)
   389       val p = p next_prime_not_dvd d 
   390       val g_p = centr_up (((normalise (mod_up_gcd a b p) p) %* (d mod p)) mod_up p) p (*see above*)
   391     in
   392       if deg_up g_p = 0 then [1] else
   393         let 
   394           val g = primitive_up (try_new_prime_up a b d M p g_p p)
   395         in
   396           if (g %|% a) andalso (g %|% b) then 
   397 (writeln ("HENSEL-univ -------------------> " ^ PolyML.makestring g);
   398                                               g:unipoly 
   399 )
   400                                                         else HENSEL_lifting_up a b d M p
   401         end
   402     end
   404   (* gcd_up :: unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly
   405      gcd_up a b = c
   406      assumes not (a = [] \<or> a = [0]) \<and> not (b = []\<or> b = [0]) \<and> 
   407              a is primitive \<and> b is primitive
   408      yields c dvd a \<and> c dvd b \<and> (\<forall>c'. (c' dvd a \<and> c' dvd b) \<longrightarrow> c' \<le> c) *)
   409   fun gcd_up a b =
   410     let val d = abs (Integer.gcd (lcoeff_up a) (lcoeff_up b))
   411     in 
   412       if a = b then a else
   413 (writeln ("gcd_up calls HENSEL-univ");
   414         HENSEL_lifting_up a b d (2 * d * LANDAU_MIGNOTTE_bound a b) 1
   415 )
   416     end;
   417 *}
   419 section {* gcd for multivariate polynomials *}
   420 ML {*
   421 type monom = (int * int list);
   422 type poly = monom list;
   423 *}
   425 subsection {* auxiliary functions *}
   426 ML {*
   427   fun land a b = a andalso b
   428   fun all_geq a b = fold land (map2 (curry op >=) a b) true
   429   fun all_geq' i es = fold land (map ((curry op <=) i) es) true
   430   fun maxs is = fold Integer.max is (hd is);
   431   fun div2_swapped d i = i div2 d
   432   fun nth_swapped i ls = nth ls i;
   433   fun drop_last ls = (rev o tl o rev) ls
   434   fun nth_ins n i xs = (*analogous to nth_drop: why not in library.ML?*)
   435     List.take (xs, n) @ [i] @ List.drop (xs, n);
   436 *}
   438 subsection {* basic notions for multivariate polynomials *}
   439 ML {*
   440   fun lcoeff (p: poly) = (fst o hd o rev) p
   441   fun lexp (p: poly) = (snd o hd o rev) p
   442   fun lmonom (p: poly) = (hd o rev) p
   444   fun cero_poly (nro_vars: int) = [(0, replicate nro_vars 0)] : poly;
   446   (* drop leading coefficients equal 0 TODO: signature?*)
   447   fun drop_lc0 (p: poly as [(c, es)]) = if c = 0 then cero_poly (length es) else p
   448     | drop_lc0 p = if lcoeff p = 0 then drop_lc0 (drop_last p) else p
   450   (* gcd of coefficients WN find right location in file *)
   451   fun gcd_coeff (up: unipoly) = abs (Integer.gcds up)
   453  (* given p = 3x+4z = [(3,[1,0]),(4,[0,1])] with x<z
   454     add_variable p 2  =>  [(3,[1,0,0]),(4,[0,0,1])] with x<y<z *)
   455   fun add_variable (p: poly) var = map (apsnd (nth_ins var 0)) p : poly
   456 *}
   458 subsection {* ordering and other auxiliary funcions *}
   459 ML {*
   460   (* monomial order: lexicographic order on exponents *)
   461   fun  lex_ord ((_, a): monom) ((_, b): monom) =
   462     let val d = drop_tl_zeros (a %-% b)
   463     in
   464       if d = [] then false else last d > 0
   465     end
   466   fun  lex_ord' ((_, a): monom, (_, b): monom) =
   467     let val d = drop_tl_zeros (a %-% b)
   468     in
   469       if  d = [] then EQUAL 
   470       else if last d > 0 then GREATER else LESS
   471     end
   473   (* add monomials in ordered polynomal *)
   474   fun add_monoms (p: poly) = 
   475     let 
   476       fun add [(0, es)] [] = cero_poly (length es)
   477         | add [(0, _)] (new: poly) = new
   478         | add [m] (new: poly) = new @ [m]
   479         | add ((c1, es1) :: (c2, es2) :: ms) (new: poly) =
   480           if es1 = es2
   481           then add ([(c1 + c2, es1)] @ ms) new 
   482           else
   483             if c1 = 0 
   484             then add ((c2, es2) :: ms) new 
   485             else add ((c2, es2) :: ms) (new @ [(c1, es1)])
   486     in add p [] : poly end
   488   (* brings the polynom in correct order and adds monomials *)
   489   fun order (p: poly) = (add_monoms o (sort lex_ord')) p;
   491   (* largest exponent of variable at location var *)
   492   fun max_deg_var (p: poly) var = (maxs o (map ((nth_swapped var) o snd))) p;
   493 *}
   495 subsection {* evaluation, translation uni--multivariate, etc *}
   496 ML {*
   497   (* evaluate a polynomial in a certain variable and remove this var from the exp-list *)         
   498   fun eval (p: poly) var value = (* TODO use "map" instead*)
   499     let 
   500       fun eval [] _ _ new = order new 
   501         | eval ((c, es)::ps) var value new =
   502           eval ps var value (new @ [((Integer.pow  (nth es var) value) * c, nth_drop var es)]);
   503     in eval p var value [] end
   505   (* transform a multivariate to a univariate polynomial *)         
   506   fun multi_to_uni (p as (_, es)::_ : poly) = 
   507     if length es = 1 
   508     then 
   509       let fun transfer ([]: poly) (up: unipoly) = up 
   510             | transfer (mp as (c, es)::ps) up =
   511                 if length up = hd es
   512                 then transfer ps (up @ [c])
   513                 else transfer mp (up @ [0])    
   514          in transfer (order p) [] end
   515     else error "Polynom has more than one variable!";
   517   (* transform a univariate to a multivariate polynomial *)         
   518   fun uni_to_multi (up: unipoly) =
   519     let fun transfer ([]: unipoly) (mp: poly) (_: int) = add_monoms mp
   520           | transfer up mp var = 
   521             transfer (tl up) (mp @ [(hd up, [var])]) (var + 1)
   522     in  transfer up [] 0 end
   524   (* multiply a poly with a variable represented by a unipoly (at position var) 
   525     e.g new z: (3x + 2y)*(z - 4)  TODO fold / map ? *)
   526   fun mult_with_new_var ([]: poly) (_: unipoly) (_: int) = []
   527     | mult_with_new_var mp up var = 
   528     let 
   529       fun mult ([]: poly) (_: unipoly) (_: int) (new: poly) (_: int) = add_monoms new
   530         | mult mp up var new _ =
   531           let
   532             (* the inner loop *)
   533             fun mult' (_: poly) ([]: unipoly) (_) (new': poly) (_: int) = order new'
   534               | mult' (mp' as (c, es)::ps) up' var new' c2' =
   535                 let val (first, last) = chop var es
   536                 in mult' mp' (tl up') var
   537                   (new' @ [(c * hd up', first @ [c2'] @ last)]) (c2' + 1)
   538                 end
   539           in mult (tl mp) up var (new @ (mult' mp up var [] 0)) (0) end
   540     in mult mp up var [] 0 : poly end
   542   fun greater_deg (es1: int list) (es2: int list) =
   543     if es1 = [] andalso es2 =[] then 0
   544     else if (nth es1 (length es1 -1)) = (nth es2 (length es1 -1) ) 
   545          then greater_deg (nth_drop (length es1 -1) es1) (nth_drop (length es1 -1) es2)
   546          else if (nth es1 (length es1 -1)) > (nth es2 (length es1 -1)) 
   547               then 1 else 2
   549   (* Winkler p.95 *) 
   550   fun find_new_r (p1 as (_, es1)::_ : poly) (p2 as (_, es2)::_ : poly) old =
   551     let val p1' as (_, es1')::_ = eval p1 (length es1 - 2) (old + 1)
   552         val p2' as (_, es2')::_ = eval p2 (length es2 - 2) (old + 1);
   553     in
   554       if max_deg_var p1' (length es1' - 1) = max_deg_var p1 (length es1 - 1) orelse
   555          max_deg_var p2' (length es2' - 1) = max_deg_var p2 (length es1 - 1) 
   556       then old + 1
   557       else find_new_r p1 p2 (old + 1)
   558     end
   559 *}
   561 subsection {* addition, multiplication, division *}
   562 ML {*
   563   (* resulting 0 coefficients are removed by add_monoms *)
   564   infix %%/
   565   fun (p: poly) %%/ d = (add_monoms o (map (apfst (div2_swapped d)))) p;
   567   infix %%*
   568   fun (p: poly) %%* i = (add_monoms o (map (apfst (Integer.mult i)))) p;
   570   infix %%+%%
   571   (* the same algorithms as done by hand
   572   fun ([]: poly) %%+%% (mvp2: poly) = mvp2
   573     | p1 %%+%% [] = p1
   574     | p1 %%+%% p2 =
   575       let 
   576         fun plus [] p2 new = order (new @ p2)
   577           | plus p1 [] new = order (new @ p1)
   578           | plus (p1 as (c1, es1)::ps1) (p2 as (c2, es2)::ps2) new = 
   579             if greater_deg es1 es2 = 0
   580             then plus ps1 ps2 (new @ [((c1 + c2), es1)])
   581             else 
   582               if greater_deg es1 es2 = 1
   583               then plus p1 ps2 (new @ [(c2, es2)])
   584               else plus ps1 p2 (new @ [(c1, es1)])
   585       in plus p1 p2 [] end
   586   *)
   587   fun (p1 : poly) %%+%% (p2 : poly) = order (p1 @ p2)
   589   infix %%-%%
   590   fun p1 %%-%% (p2: poly) = p1 %%+%% (map (apfst (Integer.mult ~1)) p2)
   592   infix %%*%%
   593   (* the same algorithms as done by hand
   594   fun (p1: poly) %%*%% (p2: poly) =
   595     let 
   596       fun mult ([]: poly) (_: poly) (_: poly) (new: poly) = order new
   597         | mult p1 [] regular_p2 new = mult (tl p1) regular_p2 regular_p2 new
   598         | mult (p1 as (c1, es1)::_) ((c2, es2)::ps2) regular_p2 (new: poly) = 
   599             mult p1 ps2 regular_p2 (new @ [(c1 * c2, map2 Integer.add es1 es2)])
   600     in 
   601       if length p1 > length p2 
   602       then mult p1 p2 p2 [] 
   603       else mult p2 p1 p1 [] 
   604     end
   605   *)
   606   fun mult_monom ((c1, es1): monom) ((c2, es2): monom) =
   607     (c1 * c2, map2 Integer.add es1 es2): monom;
   608   fun mult_monoms (ms: poly) m = map (mult_monom m) ms : poly
   609   fun p1 %%*%% (p2 : poly) = order (fold (curry op @) (map (mult_monoms p1) p2) [])
   611   infix %%|%% 
   612   (* the same algorithms as done by hand; TODO fold / map ? *)
   613   fun ([(c1, es1)]: poly) %%|%%  ([(c2, es2)]: poly) = all_geq es2 es1 andalso c2 mod c1 = 0
   614     | _  %%|%% [(0,_)] = true
   615     | p1 %%|%% p2 =
   616       if [lmonom p1] %%|%% [lmonom p2]
   617       then 
   618         p1 %%|%% 
   619           (p2 %%-%%
   620             ([((lcoeff p2) div2 (lcoeff p1), (lexp p2) %-% (lexp p1))]
   621               %%*%% p1)) 
   622       else false
   624   (* %%/%% :: poly \<Rightarrow> poly \<Rightarrow> (poly \<times> poly)
   625      a %%/%% b = (c, r)
   626      assumes b \<noteq> [] \<and> 
   627      yields THE c r. c *\<^isub>p b  +\<^isub>p  r = a *)
   628   infix %%/%% 
   629   fun (p1: poly) %%/%% (p2: poly) =
   630     let 
   631       fun div_up p1 p2 quot_old = 
   632       let 
   633         val p1 as (c, es)::_ = drop_lc0 (order p1);
   634         val p2 = drop_lc0 (order p2);
   635         val [c] = cero_poly (length es);
   636         val d = (replicate (List.length p1 - List.length p2) c) @ p2 ;
   637         val quot = [(lcoeff p1 div2 lcoeff d, lexp p1 %-% lexp p2)];
   638         val rest = drop_lc0 (p1 %%-%% (d %%*%% quot));
   639       in 
   640         if rest <> [c] andalso all_geq' 0 (lexp rest %-% lexp p2)
   641         then div_up rest p2 (quot @ quot_old)
   642         else (quot @ quot_old : poly, rest)
   643       end
   644     in div_up p1 p2 [] end 
   645 *}
   647 subsection {* Newton interpolation *}
   648 ML{* (* first step *)
   649   fun newton_first (x: int list) (f: poly list) (ord: int) =
   650     let 
   651       val new_vals = [(hd x) * ~1, 1];
   652       val p = (add_variable (hd f) ord) %%+%% 
   653         ((mult_with_new_var 
   654           (((nth f 1) %%-%% (hd f)) %%/ (nth x 1) - (hd x)))   new_vals ord);
   655       val steps = [((nth f 1) %%-%% (hd f)) %%/ ((nth x 1) - (hd x))]
   656     in (p, new_vals, steps) end
   658    fun next_step ([]: poly list) (new_steps: poly list) (_: int list) = new_steps
   659      | next_step steps new_steps x =  
   660        next_step (tl steps)
   661          (new_steps @ 
   662            [((last new_steps) %%-%% (hd steps)) %%/ ((last x) - (nth x (length x - 3)))])
   663          (nth_drop (length x -2) x)
   665   fun NEWTON x f (steps: poly list) (up: unipoly) (p: poly) ord = 
   666     if length x = 2
   667     then 
   668       let val (p', new_vals, steps) = newton_first x [(hd f), (nth f 1)] ord
   669       in (p', new_vals, steps) end
   670     else 
   671       let 
   672         val new_vals = 
   673           multi_to_uni ((uni_to_multi up) %%*%% (uni_to_multi [(nth x (length x -2) ) * ~1, 1]));
   674         val new_steps = [((nth f (length f - 1)) %%-%% (nth f (length f - 2))) %%/ 
   675           ((last x) - (nth x (length x - 2)))];
   676         val steps = next_step steps new_steps x;
   677         val p' = p %%+%% (mult_with_new_var (last steps) new_vals ord);
   678       in (order p', new_vals, steps) end 
   679 *}
   681 subsection {* gcd_poly algorithm, code for [1] p.95 *}
   682 ML {*
   683   (* naming of n, M, m, r, ...  follows Winkler p. 95 
   684     n: amount of variables 
   685     r: *)
   686   fun gcd_poly' (a as (_, es1)::_ : poly) (b as (_, es2)::_ : poly) n r =
   687     if lex_ord (lmonom b) (lmonom a) then gcd_poly' b a n r else
   688       if n > 1
   689       then
   690         let val M = 1 + Int.min (max_deg_var a (length es1 - 2), max_deg_var b (length es2 - 2)); 
   691         in try_new_r a b n M r [] [] end
   692       else 
   693         let val (a', b') = (multi_to_uni a, multi_to_uni b)
   694         in
   695           (* a b are made primitive and this is compensated by multiplying with gcd of divisors *)
   696           uni_to_multi ((gcd_up (primitive_up a') (primitive_up b')) %* 
   697                         (abs (Integer.gcd (gcd_coeff a') (gcd_coeff b'))))
   698         end
   700   (* fn: poly -> poly -> int -> 
   701                       int -> int -> int list -> poly list -> poly*)
   702   and try_new_r a b n M r r_list steps = 
   703      let 
   704         val r = find_new_r a b r;
   705         val r_list = r_list @ [r];
   706         val g_r = gcd_poly' (order (eval a (n - 2) r)) 
   707                             (order (eval b (n - 2) r)) (n - 1) 0
   708         val steps = steps @ [g_r];
   709       in
   710 (writeln ("try_new_r calls HENSEL-poly");
   711          HENSEL_lifting a b n M 1 r r_list steps g_r ( cero_poly n ) [1]
   712 ) 
   713                                                                          end
   714   (* fn: poly -> poly -> int -> 
   715                            int -> int -> int -> int list -> poly list -> 
   716                            |                  poly -> poly -> int list -> poly*)
   717   and HENSEL_lifting a b n M m r r_list steps g g_n mult =
   718 ((*begin function body*)
   719 writeln ("HENSEL-poly n = " ^ PolyML.makestring n ^ 
   720 ", M = " ^ PolyML.makestring M ^ ", m = " ^ PolyML.makestring m ^ 
   721 ", r = " ^ PolyML.makestring r ^ ", r_list = " ^ PolyML.makestring r_list^ 
   722 ", steps = " ^ PolyML.makestring steps ^ ", g = " ^ PolyML.makestring g ^ 
   723 ", g_n = " ^ PolyML.makestring g_n ^ ", mult = " ^ PolyML.makestring mult);
   724     if m > M then if g_n %%|%% a andalso g_n %%|%% b then
   725 (writeln ("HENSEL-poly ------------------------------> " ^ PolyML.makestring g_n);
   726                                                           g_n
   727 ) 
   728                                                               else
   729       try_new_r a b n M r r_list steps 
   730     else
   731       let 
   732         val r = find_new_r a b r; 
   733         val r_list = r_list @ [r];
   734         val g_r = gcd_poly' (order (eval a (n - 2) r)) 
   735                             (order (eval b (n - 2) r)) (n - 1) 0
   736       in  
   737         if lex_ord (lmonom g) (lmonom g_r)
   738         then
   739 (writeln (" 1 HENSEL-poly"); 
   740              HENSEL_lifting a b n M 1 r r_list steps g g_n mult
   741 )
   742         else if (lexp g) = (lexp g_r) 
   743           then
   744             let val (g_n, new, steps) = NEWTON r_list [g, g_r] steps mult g_n (n - 2)
   745             in 
   746               if (nth steps (length steps - 1)) = (cero_poly (n - 1))
   747               then 
   748 (writeln (" 2 HENSEL-poly"); 
   749                    HENSEL_lifting a b n M (M + 1) r r_list steps g_r g_n new
   750 )
   751               else 
   752 (writeln (" 3 HENSEL-poly"); 
   753                    HENSEL_lifting a b n M (m + 1) r r_list steps g_r g_n new
   754 )
   755             end
   756           else (* \<not> lex_ord (lmonom g) (lmonom g_r) *)
   757 (writeln (" 4 HENSEL-poly"); 
   758                HENSEL_lifting a b n M (m + 1) r r_list steps g  g_n mult
   759 )
   760       end
   761 )(*end function body*)     
   763   (* gcd_poly :: poly \<Rightarrow> poly \<Rightarrow> poly
   764      gcd_poly a b = ((a', b'), c)
   765      assumes a \<noteq> [] \<and> b \<noteq> [] \<and> 
   766      yields a = a' *\<^isub>p c  \<and>  b = b' *\<^isub>p c \<and> 
   767        (\<forall>c'. (c' dvd\<^isub>p  a \<and> c' dvd\<^isub>p b) \<longrightarrow> c' \<le>\<^isub>p c) *)
   768   fun gcd_poly (a as (_, es)::_ : poly) b = 
   769     let val c = gcd_poly' a b (length es) 0
   770         val (a': poly, _) = a %%/%% c
   771         val (b': poly, _) = b %%/%% c
   772     in ((a', b'), c) end
   773 *}
   775 section {* example from the last mail *}
   776 ML {* (* test, see text below *)
   777   val a = [(1,[2, 0]), (~1,[0, 2])];
   778   val b = [(1,[2, 0]), (~1,[1, 1])] ;
   779   val ((a', b'), c) = gcd_poly a b;
   781   a' = [(~1, [1, 0]), (~1, [0, 1])];
   782   b' = [(~1, [1, 0])];
   783   c = [(~1, [1, 0]), (1, [0, 1])];
   784   (* checking the postcondition: *)
   785   a = (a' %%*%% c) andalso b = (b' %%*%% c); (* where "%%*%%" is "*\<^isub>p" *)
   786   (* \<forall>c'. (c' dvd\<^isub>p  a \<and> c' dvd\<^isub>p b) \<longrightarrow> c' \<le>\<^isub>p c) can NOT be checked this way, of course *)
   787 *}
   789 text {* last mail to Tobias Nipkow:
   790 Eine erste Idee, wie die Integration der Diplomarbeit für einen Benutzer 
   791 von Isabelle aussehen könnte, wäre zum Beispiel im
   793    lemma cancel:
   794      assumes asm3: "x^2 - x*y \<noteq> 0" and asm4: "x \<noteq> 0"
   795      shows "(x^2 - y^2) / (x^2 - x*y) = (x + y) / (x::real)"
   796      apply (insert asm3 asm4)
   797      apply simp
   798    sorry
   800 die Assumptions
   802    asm1: "(x^2 - y^2) = (x + y) * (x - y)" and asm2: "x^2 - x*y = x * (x - y)"
   804 im Hintergrund automatisch zu erzeugen (mit der Garantie, dass "(x - y)" der GCD ist) 
   805 und sie dem Simplifier (für die Rule nonzero_mult_divide_mult_cancel_right) zur 
   806 Verfügung zu stellen, sodass anstelle von "sorry" einfach "done" stehen kann.
   807 Und weiters wäre eventuell asm3 zu "x - y \<noteq> 0" zu vereinfachen, eine 
   808 Rewriteorder zum Herstellen einer Normalform festzulegen, etc.
   809 *}
   810 end